Vliite House Grocery personal 1 We are ready to take yoar order for all good tilings to eat because we have'em. During the Holiday season everybody likes to have things a little better than usual. Let us tell yoi what we have. For the cook and the kitchen and the eako to bake our lino is comi'lete. Nice new seeded raisins 12Jc, also the small seedless Sultanas at 10c. English Currants in pound packages, full weight 12Jc. ' Clustor raisins for the table very nice at 18c. and 20c. Good .-ookin raisin at 10c. I!est of lemon nd orange peel, and candied citron. Mince Meat in packages 10c, Remember bur Spices and Extracts are pure. Miss Lillian Hogan in spending the holidays in Ashland. Walter do Varila returned oil Thurs day from a visit to Jacksonville Dick Hunan reurned on Tuesday from ft business trip to Roscburg. Chan. Ferris, of Central Point has I wenioved to Grants Pass. I r. Eutrikeu is iu town from ML Reuben to spend the holidays. Mrs. E. E. Redfleld of Gleudale was a visitor to Grants Pass on Satur day. A. F. Eddy of Ashland made s busi ness visit to Grants Pass during the week. Miss May ?uttou went to AshlandX fricndg jn Grnuts pass- to spend tn Holiday vacation at homo. S. Ilammill came in this week from the Eureka mine to spend tho holidays in town. Mrs. Eniersou of Medford visited here last week with her husband, Dr. Eniersou. Earl Mahan returned to Ashland Friday after spending several days in Grants Pass. T. II. B. Taylor has sold his farm near Woodv.'.lo to Henry Jones of Sis kivoa countT. came home Monday evening to spend the holiday vacation. Misses Delpha, Lola and Louis Hammond returned last week from a visit In Medford with Misses Gladys and Georgia Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meo returned to Grants Pass last week from Califor nia, visiting a few days at Central Point on flieir way. F. G. Catterlin of Portland, who has mining interests here, visited the Bone of Contention mine iu the Wil liams district last week. Mr. and Mrs Dennis H. Stovall left on Friday evening for Portland for a few days' visit at the metropolis. I They returned Wednesday. Prof. Geo. E. Morg:ui6eii, of the Creseeut City Grammar schools, has been spending the week visiting -i Roy Kremer returned on Monday evening from Sau Francisco for the Christmas vacation. Ho has been at tending medical college. C. C. Higgius, who holds the bond on the Baby quartz mine, left last Wednesday for Salt Lake City to spend tho holidays with his family. Mrs. G. W. Byers of Dundee Or chard Homo, near Portlaud, arrived hero Monday and is visiting with the familv nf ft. A. N. Rermers. "1 Will Fry returned on Friday eve- I nine from Corvallis where he is Miss Nora Sydow went to Central I Btullcllt of (i10 Orecon Agricultural Point Saturday to remain during the college t0 spt,mi ,is Christmas vaca tion. Of course our butter i good. Cockerlin's Clover Dale and our Clover Leaf nothing better to bo had, per square 70c. Always fresh, always, good. Eggs are another item that wo watch closely in order to give our customers only those that we feel confident are nice and fresh. Present price is 30c and 35c In Fish An occasional mackerel tastes good to soino people, especially for breakfast. Have just opened a new bairel of Atlantic Mackerel, this season's catch. Eastern Codfish middles and also in bricks 8 to 12Jc. Smoked salmon l"e; salmon bellies 10c. Pickled Herrinp; in bulk 13c per pt. All kinds of canned lish Lobsters and Crabs for salads. We have the finest Eastern "Bacon and the best sugar cured haul of the season. Deviled Chicken, Turkey and Ham 5C and ioc. Canned I'iys feet 13c. holiday acation. Attorney IT. L. McWilliams of Ash land returned on Friday after a busi ness visit to this citv. Miss Gertrude Johnson returned to Medford Thursday after a visit with friends in Grants Pass. Prof. J. P. McConnell, principal of tho Merlin school, was iu town Sat urday on a business visit. H. L. White, who has been here for medical treatment has returned to Ashluud greatly improved. Miss Lyle Watson, who has been spending a few wee!s iu Grants Puss, rvurued to Ashland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wilbur arrived on jriilay from Washington and will visit here during the holidays. County Clerk Hoy Bartlett and Assessor-Elect W. H. Falliu spent a few days iu Portland last week. Rev. W. R. Winans of Salem will speak at the Presbyterian chureii Sunduy. Willis Moon, who has been absent for some time iu California, is visit ing relatives iu this county. Frank Colvig left on Wednesday even- iug fur Mt. Reuben where ho goes to engage in thn wood cutting business. John Jacobs of Ashland was in Grants Pass during the week, in the inti rests of the Southern On gin marble works. George J'acher who hus been attend ing a dental college iu Portland, Jas. Connelly who has been engaged for several years past iu mining near Waldo, left ou Monday for a visit with his mother who lives near Edge wood. John B. Crawford cainie iu on Thurs day from Diamond creek in tho Siski- yons, where ho is taking caro of some copper properties of great extent mid worth. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wiseman arrived on Saturday from Fostoria, Ohio, and are visiting at the home of Mrs Wiseman's mother, Mis. L. A. Kinney. Ed White and Art Lister returned ou Saturday from Portland where they have been attending the dental college1, to spend tho holidays at homo. Eph. L. Musiek, who has recently been teaching school at Smith River, Cal.,' arrived here rriday evening and lift on Saturday evening for Portland. Mrs. Davidson of Lewiston, Idaho, who has been visiting hero with her sisters, Mrs. F. O. Ihain and Mrs. ( W. Thomas, left ou Monday for San Francisco. A. J. Stevens of Josej nino comity, an operator in mines, was in town a few davs ago. IIu is engaged in an enterprise that promises well. Soutl eru Oregonian. W. A. Watts, of Agness, Curry Co., arrived iu Grants Pass Friday, having travelled ou foot the eutire distance which is for tho most part over the roughest of mountain trails. He is partner of J. G. Giddings, iu placer property of that locality. A. B. Cousin of Portlaud was here last week looking after his mining interests. Jas. Evans of Ceutral Point ,ia hero to spend Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Helms. Ray and Harriet Soovil arrived. on Tuesday evening from Colorado, aud expect to remain. Henry Colviu was iu town this eek from Mt. Reuben where ho has en mining. He will, engage in the wood busiuess iu that locality. Walter F. Smith and son, Win. F. Smith, were iu town Thursday from Kerby. liny aro engaged in saving platinum at tho Wilson-McredMli mine on Josephine creek. Miss Emnieliue Clark of Klamath Falls, who has beeu attending, school in Jacksonville, came down ou Tues iv to spend Christinas with her sister, Mrs. Low 111 Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rrockruan ar rived hero Sundav, evening to visit during the holidays. Mr. Brockmau has Ik en w orking iu Lane couuty for the lioolh-Kclley Lumber Co. tieo. E. Waggoner, who has lately resigned, his position as chief clerk the surveyor geuerals ollice, iu Portland, was hero List week looking over our imucK'.I poul witn A. 15. ousiu. Frank M. South of tho Greonluick mine jspout a tew nays iu towu last week. The bad roads seriously imper the moving of tho heavy mn- chinerv for their new quartz mill. The old mill is still running and will continue until tho new one is ready for business. J. B. Paul, recently of Nahcotta, rush. , . arrived here last week and ill locate permanently. Mr. Paul is been a resident of Nahcotta T !I years, but w ished to seek a climate hero rain was not so abundant and profuse. Ho visited southern Oregon about l."i vears ago, was much pleased illi our country and so has decided to locate here. Wi GAVE GIFTS TO OTHERS A Fine Pair- in 1 fa Of Carvers will Christmas piescnt. including some fine sterling silver mountings. niako a most suitable We have an elegant line, genuine stag sets with 1. : 1 .'i ' WWW , ,.- Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOW'S BLOCK. TRIMMED AND WALKING HATS All ina' at Half Price. Some of the few aro rare price. Also what Xnias Xocal Uappcninoa Dr. Flanagan, Resident Dentist. Go to Corun Tor Plumbing. M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist, Rubbers and Umbrellas. The Sugar I Pine Store. A splendid line ot Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron's. Stroblo's shoe repairing always pleases. Take your shoes to him. The famous lino of Gilford views of Northwest scenery at the Courier office. Tho Grants Pass school directors arc uow advertising for wood, both tlr and oak. See ad iu another column. Don't fail to look over the large new hue 01 Staple Shoos at lite Sugar Pine Store.. L. A. Stroblo has charge of tho shoe making and repairing detriment at the Lucus harness shop. Take your work to him. Watch night services will be held at tho Newman M. E. church on New Years evo. A splendid program has boon prepared. Cnrtis & Co., practical watch mak ers and Jewelers. Dealer in watches, clocks, jewelery and Diamond rings. All repairing first class. Odd Fellows' building. Dr. II. Levinson, tho San Francisco Oculist-Optician has returned to Grants Pass, aud is stopping at the Western Hotel where ho will remain nntil tho 2Stli of this month. Those wishing to see him will please call or leavo word for him to call at their residence. Eyes examined free, LARCENY OF A WATCH Bruce Dayie Held to Answer for tho Theft. j BASKET BALL SOCIAL Excellent Program and Delightful I Time at Woodman Hall. i Tho social given at Woodmen hall ou Saturday evening by the High school girls basket ball team was a very enjoyable one. There was a very good attendance and the occasion was greatly enjoyed by alL The fol lowing program was given : Song Ladles Glee Club Piano duet Anna McCarthy, Maud Williams Vocal solo Mabel White Vocal duet Prof, and Mrs. Young Piano solo Miss Lucus Vocal solo Mao Smith Every number was accorded the most enthusiastic applause, but en cores were not In order that evening nor could tho most persistent hand clapping bring back a vauished per former. The program was an excel lent one throughout and was greatly enjoyed. Home-mado ciuidy of very exquisite flavor was ou sale and disappeared rapidly beforo the approving taste of the ooiiitiny. Tho few boxes remain ing unsold were auctioned by Rev. J. W. MoDougall, who exhibited unsuspected ability in that Hue aud who secured first class figures. The proceeds of tho social are to be applied for the purchase of a ball for the use of tho team. ...High Art Clothing... Smartest Suit in town is the Hopkins Sack Suit Military Style, with narrow collar and blunt end front. The sleeves end with turnover cuffs. Trousers are rather wide and made peg-top way. 'Kong the materials is the new Red and Black Coronation Check. High Art Make and cettaia to wear well. A special insurance policy made out in your name guarantees the garment's wear. Innovation In Sunday School I Christmas Exercises, H 'J ho Presbyterian aud M. E. Sundav hool.s introduced 1111 innovation in hristmas exercise s this year by giv ing gifts instead of receiving them. tch scholar, instead of receiving a gift, makes a contribution and the accumulated gifts are distributend by committee to tho mure needy people if our town. Tho Presbyterian Sun- lav school held the exercises at the liurcli on Tuesday evening and a leasaut program was given by the school, ufler which the Christmas gilts were brought to tho platform The list includes tho following articles: 22 sacks of flour, 1 sack potatoes, 2 boxes apples, 1 turkey, 1 rooster, (live) 4 chickens, i dozen packages breakfast food, 1 box for Williams creek, 2:1 handkerchiefs, 2 waist patterns, 1 dress, 1 quilt, 1 glass lly, 20 jars fruit gallons, ) pounds cottolcnc, I pound tea package apples, I book, 10 pounds sugar, 1 pound raisins, . pounds salt, up aud saucer, vegetable dish plhttcrf ft pounds meat, 1 p il candy, 3 pairs mittens, 1 p lir su pi nders, pair stockings, 1 child's skirt, 1 child's dress pattern, .'! yards ribbon, 1 outfit 'or Id year old girl, 2 fleece lined adic.-.' under vests, 2 knit hoods, 1 small shawl, ft jsinuds dried apples, 31 pair children's shoes, 1 pound shelled IH'unuts, ft!. Ill in coin. The M. II. Sunday school hold their xercisi s Weilncsday evening at Wood- man hall. the - l'.'i iseojuil Sunday school had a Christinas tri e oil Tuesday evening. No elaborate program was prepared, but there were songs by t lit) Sunduy -icliool, a lalk to the children by Col. Crawford mid the distribution 01 the gifts. Iiruoo Davie, by profession a tailor, was arrested tniB ween muter mo charge of abstracting a watch from the person of a Mr. KUiott, and had a hearing beforo Justice Muybco on Wednesday. Tho theft occurred at one of the saloons iu town. Davie does not deny taking tho watch but claims ho was too drunk to know what ho. was doing at tho time. He afterward tried to pawn tho watch for 2.ft0 at tho Josephine. Tho value of tho watch is placed at ft0, w hich makes tho caso a serious 0110 )for Davie. Ilo was held to await the action of tho circuit court. SANTA CLAUS AT COE'S Distributes on 500 Sacks of Candy Saturday. Santa Cbius called lit Coo's store on Saturday to distrlbuto 6)0 sacks of candy to tho hoys and girls of Grants Pass. Tho old gent Ionian niadu his appearance clad iu his traditional suit of furs, not withstanding tho mildness of tho southern Oregou climate. His sleigh, howover, ho was obliged to leavo behind, as it would not slide smoothly 011 Grants Pass streets and so ho traveled ill a buggy up and down the principal streets to an nounce his advent to tho youth of the aud. He gave the candy distribution at Con's store In tho afternoon to a largo gill boring of eager and delighted urchins. Woman's Club News. Tho woman's club met In the Wood men hall last Saturday afternoon with a larger number present at which time tho several departments outlined their work for tho remainder of the year. A pleasing program was given. Miss Nottingham beautifully rendered a piano solo, which was followed by vocal number by Miss Parker. Tho club was addressed by Mrs. Rohrabacher of Portland, on club work which was intensely interesting. Tho books will bo open for charter nitMiilicrship at tho next regular meet ingJanuary 11, at 2:110 p. m. iu the Workman hall. We coidially invito all women who aro interested in this movement to be present. Mrs. Halo desires to meet (ho ladies who wish to join the Art deiiartment, at her homo on Third street, next Saturday, December 27 at i p. 111. V. M. Not Fair to Kramer. The reports which aro being general-1 ly circulated by tho press of southern Oregou concerning tho arrest of I Oeergn Kia ner for tho Grants Pasv- Williams stage robbery are hardly fair to Kramer, iu I hut tho assertion Is I made that he proved he was iu Grants 1 Pass until noon oil Iho day of tho rob bery, which wonld still have given him ti,nie to do the robbery. Tho fact is that Kremer proved that ho was iu towu till after 1) o'clock, while tho time of the rohlicry was given by tho driver as about 2 :1ft. COSI6Ht I iiLlLTv designers! AND MAKERS OF FINE CLOTHING me: .- nr. W Ssskv" 4 FV?ikXll& UNION MADE. Th"DImond H " lri)-mr In red and the Union Label ar lound on avary pair o( HANSEN'S Gloves and Gauntlets 3 FOR. B.AKEMEN3 Theao slavaa nave ihtie points ol eeellencei ..,,. Seal malarial, perfect III, Ions wear, patented construction. Ihor. ough relnlorcement: no hurling. pinching, callouting team In Sript continued llexibilily in spile ot wind. wet and westher; highly-paid union worHmenthip. . No other glovag can oner tnia strong combination ol real merits. Harth (Si Son Wish You a Merry Christmas Holiday gifts comhinins artistic merit and rare utility are Scarce. : : "STANDARD" GRAND. Fills the bill. It is a beauty, and makes the chain qi lock stitch at the will of the operator. It is one of the best gifts possible to make. ' eV LOCAL MILITARY MATTERS Quarterly Inspection ivnd Mus ter t.t the Armory. Swindler in Medford. The inanagi uient of the Naidi hotel would like to know the whereabouts if an individual calling himself On ley llargravi . The mrty passed a cheek iurorli'd to be Mgueii liy 1.. f. .Mars deii and di.twn on the First National lank of Ashland. Wednesday the lo ok was n tune d as "no funds aud p;ir v not known." 1 lie amount was V. .',n and he claimed it hail been paid 10 him for labor poi formed. A can vuss ( f the majority 01 the litiHine-i hi s of lie- city failed to reveal any 01 her work of a similar character, but "Oluiy" has left the country and mini, .nils along tin- lailroad north of hern hooul'l In- on the lookout for him. He N lb scribed us six feet tall, dirk complexion, and inclined to stutter. Keeps himself neatly dressed and is a good talker. Christmas Candies and Nuts. Lots and lots of "cm. Good plain mixed candy, per lb. ioc. Boston mixed I2'jC. French mixed 15c to 20c. .All our nuts are fresh lyoi ctop. Fancv soft-shell walnuts, paper shell almonds, filberts, pecans, "nigger toes'' peanuts, mined nuts per pounA 15c. Black and white figs 7c and ioc. Oranges now. coming ui; btUer condihuii, riper and sweeter. Prices range according to size. Just arrived more cf those nice Jersey Cranberries. Get them now, they are long keepers. .White House Grocery New Only a few left, bargains at tlmt Goods 1 have left go at "Half 1'ricc, to eloso out. Come in before you arc too late "to se cure some of these bargains. Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf Idea 10c Paper Patterns mm. TRIMMED HATS Qhcapcr than ever. I am determined to elose -ut all my present stock of Trimmed Hats f If you want a Street Hats Feathers Ornaments and Trimmings. bargain come now. Miss Ida Weston. Swontl millinery store eat of Sixth street. Cousin System ' Of Investment Iowa (Capital Oregon Enterprise Minen, FarniH and Timber Lands IJouht and Sold. Wo h.ivo Treasury Stock of the beht. Mining Companies in Oregon for Sale Exceptional Facilities for Investigating Properties A. B. Cousin, Mgr McKay 151d. Portland, Ore. Send for Prospectus St. Helens Oalice Minin'' Co. Tim odicer ill roniniund of Coniiuiny II, O. N. O. at thin jilttcu luts received nrclern ti Jmrolo tlio eoiuiuuiy tor in niHction mid nniHter lit H o'cliiek, nemluy, Deeenilier HO, Geo. O. Yoriui colonel of tlio 4tli regiment, mid 'e.ut. O. V. KiiufTinnn, innieetir of rille lintctiee. will lie in ntteiidiiiien. All election to fill the ollU'e of en hun, now viieiiiit, will oe held durum tlie evening. - During tliu day tlieru will le rill liraetiee lit the rnnn" in tin; i-luree mMurn by u teiun, in oiiiMtilioii with other (omintiiioiiH fur 11 )iri.e cup 11111I hIho for individual IhkIkch. Col, Yoriui mid Ctipt. K;iu!lm;in are visit iiiK all the co!ii!anie of the regiment ind from hero they 'no I'.oHeliurn, Suicide at I'hoonU, John Weeks, of flie (i nil of Week I'.riH. of l'hoenix, eoininitleil biileiile hy drowiimi; 011 WediU Hdny nioriiiiitt of last week. His body wan found in about Vi feet of water in tho nst at the end of the flume by which the (lour mill of Weeks' llnm. is o rated. He had koiio to thn mill w ith his win, Alfred, who, beinu busy ubout tin mill, failed to note bis father' ah seiieu for some time. A hearcii wa I lull mad" mid tho body of the eld Mr. Weens win found in the water Mr. Week wan a nery estimabl man and lout many irienus. 11 leuvena wife and seven ehildreii. Woodmen Clebrrto. The iiiembem of Ho(,-u Kiver ( ami W. O. W. held a "smoker" at the Woodman ball on Kriday eveiiiiiK in honor if (Jeo. K. KoerK, head or HHhiu r for Oregon and Washington, lienides the members a large nnmls of invited friends were iresi lit. Mr Kogi-m Kive a very able uddrenH which n listined to with interest Thn eoinny found enjoyment in flu: various entertaining feature jirovidi and a very i.I.uniint evening was d. Cattle Shot. The militia bora while at engaged in tin get iiractiee at the rHurgoH m turn Tuemlav, accidentally shot two of ('. II. HamiiHon'i rattlo. One of the animals was killed and the othi wan shot in tho leg. The eattl were in tho wood Ixyond the target out of night, but not out of range. COUNTY TKKAriUtKK'ri NOTH'K There are fundii in tlm treasury to pay thn following county warrants, iirotesteil to January Uth, IHVKi: War rants No. 4'W 11IJ 411. J. T. Taylor. County trenstir Grants I'ass, Ore., Nov. I'J, V.M. Cannon Ball Kin. Captain John Iloltuni, tho "Cannon ball king," has Isieti in towu during iu past week and has beeu giving ox hibitiouH in 11 tent 011 tho railroad grounds. Tho captain la a man of considerable note and has traveled ox nsivulv. Ho has a book of news paper clippings, relative to bin ex hibitlons, aalhered from all over the world mid printed in many languages. Ho is now ttH yearn old and "still in lino condition." lie uses neither liquor nor tobacco mid never fails to improve un opportunity to linpreiu bin nmlienee, particularly the boys, that he could not bo tho man bo today if he bad smoked cigarette in bin youth. Ho given a very good xhibltioil of strength and nteadlue nerve, Juggles cannon balls and avy Indian clubs, thrown cannon balls into the air and catches them on tho back of bin neck, where they alight with a thwack that leaven no louht of the honesty of the exhlbi t urn. j he climax of Inn iHirlormaiico catching a solid irou 1H )ound shot lined from a cannon with gun Isiwiler. Ol course, the charge in not very heavy one, but tho nhot gocn lib a good deal of violence and the 11 rforinaniH requires both strength mil dexterity. The captain doen not show 011 Hun- lay, whether it in is rniilted by the iiithorities or not. Ou that day bin nt is 1 ii li t and ho renin. THY IT AND YOU WlUi 11UY The Medford flour. It in again the best flour on the market. Ask for it. Mi.n I'.crtlut I'.arrin and Minn hriMio' McLean arrived on Tnenday from Portland to nsnd I he holiday 4e:ioii in GrantH Pass. Indian oftlce. Photograph at the Courier For sale by Joseph Moss, the Real Estate Agent. Clothing at Popular Prices mmm AT - - Welch's Clothing vStore, Opera Mouse Block. Grants Pass, - Oregon. IIOKN. A I liKK Y At (irantn I'ass. Oregon, Tliesilny, Deeemls-r i 11KB, to Mr. and Mm. A. Auls ry a 5 -pound boy. G ii-'l' At Lelainl, Ore., to Mr. and .Mrs. Milton Golf, a son. MAKUIKI). KNuX-lil'NCII-In (irantn 1'ann, Oregon, Ii. ecmlier 21st l'.sij, at the residi'iieo of Mr. 11. A. hlaniiard A. I'. Knox and I'ereie Hunch Isith of Josephino comity, Oregon, Dr. KulxTt lenlie olllcliiting. HI.ACK-JOIINriDN In thin cily, Dec; 'i, Wi, by Jiisticn (!. K. May Is e, Samuel ililai k mid Mm. John- sou. You Can (iet Your Winter's Reading at little cost at Col. W. Johnson's, North Main Street op posite the S, P. D. & I. Co' factory. He has the largest stock paper or bound books in Southern Oregou, comprising both light find deep literature. Books To Suit All Adventure, ItioRraphical, Detective, Historical, Juvenile, -Love, Realistic, Sensational. I.earn how you can become a member of the Circulation Library and lead these books at small cost. Call or send fr Catalogue. Got. W. Johnson. JUKI). SI l.VKNSON At Aberdeen, Wash Dee. it, I'."''.', r'ulmer, infantum of Mr. and Mm. Goidon Stevenson, aged '-' mouths and H days. Thn little nun was a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kteveiinou of Grants l'ass. SAMS-Ncur Wihlerville, Wednesday, DecmlM-r 17, VMrl, Koscoe, Infant noil of Hi v. and Mrs. Joseph Ham, aged seven months. I.KnNAKD At his homo mar Waldo, Thursday, Dec. 18, !'., L A. Jx'O Hard, uged 7'1 years. Mr. Ion.ird wan olio of thu old seltlemof thin county and an Oregon j pioneer of "'i'I. lie was a member of tho Masonic fraternity and the funeral wjtn held under tho auspice of that order. M-'t)J,t'.M At her home on Chancy creek, Wednesday, Dec. X. Martha, w ife of Wesley MeColiim, aged about 4 i years. lleeeancd leaven a husbaud and lix children. New Vear'a Calico Ball. Tho ladie of Grants Pan bite, L. O. T. M. will give a Calico ball at I tho Ojs'ra hoano ou New Y'earn eve, Dociunlsir ill. Tho ladie aro arrang ing thn details and intend tho occanioo to be one of the most enjoyable. The bent of music will bo provided and a good time in annared to all who at tend. Stage Robbery. Tho four-borne lingo bound from Redding to Weavervillo, Trinity county, wan held up near Shasta Sau day by a masked man. Seven pas- j aciigcr were robbed and the exprean bnxci taken. The highwayman to- cured bat one watch and lea than flOO in coin. A pmnw ot officers I now couring the bill for the robber. Arm Broken. Jim Trefrou was the victim of au accident ou Monday while working at the factory. Hi coat sleeve caught in a pulley, drawing till arm between tlie pulley and belt and breaking 111 arm. Coming Cvente. Dec. a-fcloo'a! 5y High school girla banket ball Ui m, at Woodman hall. Dec. K Chxistuia Day. Dim:. iJ Oiaud Masquerade ' ball by A la lea Circlo at Opera bonne. Dee. 31 Calico ball at Opera liouno by U O. T. M. Dc.8I Watch night servici at New man M. E. chnn li. Advertised Letters. Following Is the lint of letter re niniiiing uncalled for in tho Grant Pans ftoNtoftico, Saturday, December 40, Wi: Gentlemen W. Dale. .. "' J. O. Mantres, ' Hohart Kon?li, W. It. Powres, John Mcktriek, . Ira V. Miller, F. H. Koads. Ladies- , Mrs. a Noil, Mint A. Peterson, C. . Harmon, P. M.