Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 25, 1902, Image 1

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No. 39
kLE Sukie Blui??kln
She full In love wM me.
Ole Sukie Bluiakin
6he fell in love wid me,
Ole Ann' Sickle lilumkin
She f?M In love i'i me.
An' she axed me down tiT her house
Ter drink er cup er tea."
So sang Mack Ca-sar. the wag of the
plantation, and then tie proceeded to
tell us about Aunt Sulile.
"I des' tell yo' wat I tell yo' fo' er
fac'. by Jo! Ef I didn't Rlt In de liim
nilnes" screpe rr Cri-imis time! lnt
was de time we an' dem w'lte boys
made up ter play er projlck on Unc'
Ike an' Aun' Snkle.
"I-ong time To' Crlsmus conic we
'don't honli nuttln' but 'Sandy C'luws,
Sandy Claws,' foin Ann" Sukle. She
go pudgtu' rrroun' de kitchen K.iyln':
Tiuui! Won'er Wat ole Marse Sandy
Claws givine tor fetch me Crlsmus.'
Den ef we n't ter cuuin' up de bases'
bit 'bout de bullae she 'low: Hettuu
lulu' w'ut yo' 'bout. Fuse ling yo'
know ole man Sandy Claws gnliie tor
pain ulon' by 'n' nev' so much es no
dice deiu ole socks cr yo'u. Wou't
eben put er gruiin' pen In 'cm.'
"So wc nil 'sidcred au' 'sidcrrxl. nn'
las' we made up ter tlx dnt ole ciittur
up '11 (food sbapc. We all know ole
Aim' Sukle ain' got no sense ter frow
'way uobow, so we 'title we kwIuo tor
sea' Aun' Snkle V Unc' Ike out 'n dey
seben senses.
"Two er free days fo' 'Crlsmus we
' wus cr scttlrV on de fence, 'n' ole lady
Sukie come by wld some truck tor
make de Hall wid. nn' den I slug dot
little song w'at a be'n siuglu', au' I
kop' on:
"An' It's w'at do yo' fink
- Ole Sukie hud fo' suppah.
An It's w'at do yo' fink
Ole Sukle had fo' euppah,
An' It's w'at do yo" fink
Ole Sukle hud fo' stippnh
Apple ansa nn' sparrcr grass
An' honilny an' buttah.
"Well. sail, dat ole soul mos' bad cr
spamim w'en slie hearn us er singin'
dat song, on' she rail out 'n' buse us
nu' 'buse us nn' call us nil kin' er'bnd
names nn' fronton us wld bn'nts an' I
dunlin w'nt nil.
"Unc" Ike, lie Ann' Suklo's ole man,
nn' be wur tie contraries' nn' de spite
fulcs' ole nigger on de whole planta
tion, lie nl'tis or poUin' orroun' an' er
gruuriln' 'bout siiiupin. He coiildu'
res' easy lens'n be siudyln' up some
kin rr meanness. I dnn" see w'at mek
ole ninrse koop dat ole nigger 'bout do
place fu' nohow, 'case he nln' fitten fo'
iinrtin' but tor prowl errotin' 11 n" hunt
lien ncsscs. nn' w'en bo tin' one lie nl'us
toll toll on I 11 it He 'cnslonod us ter
git er many er liimipln', wld 'e ole
grumplln' ways, 'ease innrsc b'llcve
ev'y wn'd L'no' Iko say. mek' no dif
funce how much do ole scjpu'l strotoli
de blankit. Hut we done made up our
mill's tor git eben wld ole Ann" .Sukle
nn' Unc' Ike. too. on' we ties tease dem
ole pussons twol doy mos' have or fit.
Teeter sing (lis way w'en we see
Unc' Ike er couiiu":
"Din Ik', little Ike yo' bittah go;
Sukie, tial: ! iifhcahe alow.
(iiit's so;
8ukle bake do nsh'-ake alow.
Too slow;
Big Ike. lit 1 In Ike. yo' bctt;lh gol
"Lo'U massy! Yo' dos artor dat
ole contrary niggah w'en wc sing dat
song. Ho look so vlgus dat yo' fink ole
Tomboy duoe got er bolt er Llm. in'
w'en we see de ole man grab up er
bresb n' lin k to'ds us we git f oin dar.
"Wen rismus time 'gun ter git
Mose by. we all 'gun ter fix up fo' dem
ole pinions. Day nex' fo' Crlsmus
nmrw be mek er long bigUferlutlu'
siieecb na tell ns tint long's we all
b'bared ou'se'fs puny will an' wok
bard an' nick er good crop, be gtrine
fin us er whole day fo' ter frolic erroun'
au' 'Joy wese'fs. Me an' Jack an'
Tom dem wua de w'lte boys alip
out'n de tuck do an' dot lit out. Down
at de fu'nisa web dey t'o er killin'
hogs we sot an' rigged up er projick
V W ter wake up detn ole folks. Tom
'Jack, yo" muif be de ole Sandy
A. an' we watch so'a we don' git
wid.' Jack aay. "No. I hain't
yo' boys run so' trf me
- (fit out tb Ust' I kio.
To' boys can't fool me dat erway." Den
I say, 'Ne' min', I be de ole headman.
VVe'U git er fo'ked Ilia', an' put er
shirt 'n liriiolio8 an' er ole bat on de
head, an' we tak" some uog'a bristlea
an' mek mustaslies an' whiskers, an'
I'll git up on dc roof nu" let do ole
Sandy Claws down dos es sofly.' Den
w'llo we fixin' up de ole man we all
sin:; some mo' er dat song an' luff
'bo. it how we gwintor do 'em up.
."A" tor so long er time, we git every
fing all right, nn' we start down ter
de quatnhs. tUnc Ike so cu'lous an'
contrary dat he can't live In peace wld
de res' er dor niggers, an' ole ninrse
ha' tor bull' Mm er cabin 'way off fotn
de res' web de ole man could fuss 'u'
qua'l ties so much as be foel like. We
ha' tor be mighty kcorful gwlne trough
de "Weeds, 'case we see er light in Uuc'
Ike's cabin trough er hole In de chlm
bly. Any yudder time Aun' Sukle done
be'u settlu' by de flail cr noppln' au'
cr' smoklu' dnt ole pipe twol de dead
hours er de night; but now she doue
laid down, 'case klie 'spectin' ole Sandy
Claws, nu' slie hoah ole mis' say dat
he ain' gwlne come home 'long as an;
pussou 'wake 'bot:t do house. She luy
in' down, an' done hud 'or head kiv
ercd tip wld do quills, die' Ike, he
sot; in' up lu de Conor wld be shucks,
pin tin' au ole bons collar w'at be givlhe
tor soil nex' tiny fo' ter git dc Crlsmus
dram wid. An' he had free big olo
nlggorkiller 'taters roastin' In de ashes
fo' de brckftts.
"Aun' Sukie keep er sayln': 'Ike,
w'y don' yo' euuic ter bed? Don' yo'
know hit's cr glttin' late7'
"Uuc' Ike says: 'Sukle, yo' dos' shct
up yo' moiif. I know w'at yo' studyin'
'bout, yo' ole fool. Yo' leuiinc 'lone, nu'
cf yo' sleepy go tor sleep, 1 tell yo'.'
"Den I sorter hum low:
Tntprroller, paterroller. let Ike pnra,
Bukle cook alow, but she cat nilKhly fas';
Borry fo' lame nU'trcr gets dur las';
Do, Miatuh Patcrroller. let Ike para.
"Uiic" Ike. nitis' cr hearu me, 'case
he stop right still an' cock be yeah side
ways an' listen an' don nmmull out
tmmp'if 'bout 'Ne' mlu', I git yo' sasisy
rase'ls ylt. Soe 'f I don' toll ole marse.'
' "Ann' Sukie say: 'W'nt yo' er inut
terln' an' tuuin'lin' 'bout, Ike! I docs
wish yo'd come on tor bod 1111' quit Btir
rln' up doui coals.'
"Unc' Ike say: Ts er talklu' tor my
se'f, an' 'tain't none er yo' bus'ness.
Sukle, Jo' de bigges' guinp I evuh seed.
Yo' lay in' dar liiikiuVlioiit dat mess
'bout Sandy Claws. Hain't I done seed
yo' ole sloi -kin' hiui;:ln' dar? Yo' (ink
ole Sandy Claws gwiu tor pay any
'tehtioii tor dat olo wool stocUin'? No,
siroo, bob! Hie mis' dos' ruint yo', nil'
yo' lia'kin' up dc wrong stump dis
time. I'o' sliu' yo' is.'
'T.lmeliy ilo ole man git sortor ti'cd,
nu' In' klvor di in tutors up might)' good
nn' start tor bod. Hon, a'tor do ole man
done laid il.iirn, he keep or-talUlu' 'bout
crops an' l.out 'ligiou nu' 'bout uuyting
fo" tor worry Ann' Sukle. who ain'
sayiif iiolliu' 'tall. A'tor ,lotig time
Unc' Ike dr ips off tor sloop1 an' 'gin
tor sno', an' 1I011 Ann' Sukle rise up an'
look all ciroun' dos' as cunnlii'lnek
un' dou drap down lack she's er
"Dry wus er little chunk cr flail w'nt
kop' or winkln' an' cr blinklu' In de
b'ath, l.ut we done be'u or wnteuin'
fniuth dat liole twol we glttin' ti'cd,
an' las' 1 gnu" tor climb up on de house.
I dumb right easy up de co'ntr an'
outer do niil'o or do run, nn' foul dal
I eased criong twol I got tor do clilni
biy. I g'.t or ntradd!e or de ridgepole,
nn' 1I1 11 I lis' n.y olo Sandy Claws an'
'gun tor g't roady fo' de cirkis. De
rhlmlily w,.s about er foot too low
down, so'a I ha" Icr let one fi't res' on
do cldmbly an' w'ou I foteli de yudil'i
laig down I t;:y tor ui: sc'f:
"tile Rjkle niu-kln
Hlie f 11 In !v 1 1 m
An' (!- iix' mo (low n ter her house
Tir tlrii a er cp it leu.
"Dovn. t! u'o, down wont do Sami.v
Claws, lin sliin' de sut down, an' di s
ns 'e come la s.'lit Ann' S '.Lie squalkd
lack cr crlpiiVd conn. 'Iiwd cr massy,
Iko. he's ot.nio!'
"I),s don do clof totohod de little
bluzo or liah. en' Lit blazed way up. nu
hit stilloil Lie twol I Ion' my, nn'
wld or cltior li.iiloi, r!p an' kop tlim,
I lainlotl do ,vn in do liot nslios. riglit
on top rr do Sandy Claws an' nil mixed
up v, nl l'no' li.e s taters.
"Yo' D li-r brain fioh er row 'twlx'
dis an' ' lo'Mit Aun' Sal.le she
tquiill: 'Oh. t arse! Oh. mlstis! Hc'p!
Iii.-'p! I'o oil' boy's u'lor me nn'
Ike!" An' she wont er splniilu' out
trough de dead tea woods. L'no' Ike.
he done riz. nu' w'ilos I souillln' wid de
Sandy Claws be got or ax handle an
wus des er lambastlu' me.
"A'tor w'ilos I say: 'I'loaso. Uuc' Ike.
don' hit me no mo'! Hit's Cocio, Unc"
Ike! I'l' iise don' hit me no mo'!' Kut
de ole scamp, gittiu' madder dan evab
w'en he fln' out hit's me. kop' er poltin'
me an' er sayln': 'Yes, yo' rast'l, yo'
done ruint toy taters! Yo" b'en singin'
'iKiut me. I'll l.ig Ike yr,u! I gwlne
little Ike you! 1 gwine Sukie Illuosklr
"liout dat time ole marse be come
to ds de qiinuhs. an' he cotob Juok an'
Tom dos ns doy wus cr gittiu' ovah de
"'Wats de mnttab. PukleT"
" 'Oh. marst' debble's In de house,
ep ras'lin' w id Ike.'
"Dos don I to' loose, nn' w'en I lit
out'n de do' le marse grab me.
"Dom ole critt'-rs di-ti 'gin tor tell nil
so ts er tales, nn' doy 'cuse mo er tryin'
tor b'un de h uso down nn' singin' bad
songs, an' d -y iK g ole uinrse fo' tor
but k me down 'cross er bg an' gimme
11' hundonl.
"Ole mar' lis'n'. nn' a'tor erwilos he
'gun tif stiioker an" don tT laff, aa'
don we all slip off. an' ole marse sin'
uevnb last nutlin' 'In)h lun kln' down
Tom day twel dis I'.ut Ann' Su
kle 0 m ui! Dnt ole pussou had or
spite 'gin me tvnb sM,oe. an' de e'y
oiiuit Unc Ike Ly eyes cu me he 'gin
ter hunt 'moa' fo' suinp'u' tv Bli.g at
mi. 'l'eaiis tor me doy ain' uevab goin'
Ut fii'g t' 'Imnt Ann' Sukle's Sandy
CUwa."-New York Liuulug I'ost.
h Poem
SONO for old Christmas,
Fur Jolly oM Christmas,
The tnonarch ut merriment, fun
and good cheer
Let all the bells chiming
lilun out with a rhymtnr
For ChrlBtmnB. good Chriatmaa, King
Chrismma la here!
Pile up the log fire
Sllll hlKher and higher;
He loves the bright btuxa of a wide open
No shadow of sadness
Must darken our gladness.
For Christmas, blithe Christmas, now
rules the broad earth.
The stars are all winking
As If they were drinking
Time out of ethereal champagne that he
The winds shout In chorus:
"Long muy he relttn o'er ua!
Good Christmas, King Christmas, the
greatest of kings!"
O'er snow piles, hljfh drifted.
His throne Is uplifted!
Ills rrruiile la pinned by the North Polar
Anil down the dim nKa
Faints, slnneru and saj,rrs
Cry, "Hull to King Christmas, who rules
near and f;irl"
His hrowa wreathed with holly,
Kut. rosy and J'illy,
He sways the proud seep ter no monarch
can boost
O'er realms that are boundless
Ami dt-pth that are soundless.
For he, mighty Chrlbtmaa, aluna'rulua the
Trnn plump be the purst-s
Of all whntn thise vi-rses
M;iy rt-uch. with their tidings of jolly
gofp'l cheer.
Their presents b many,
Their fun bent of any.
For Ohrlitimaa cornea once only once In
a yrar,
At nice Carey tn Philadelphia Ledger.
Hon tu I'rfimre nnd Cook m Gooar,
Old or Vuuna.
A go'iKc Is tlio tjiiical Chrlstmus
lilrd, nltli'iuli iiiiixt fniulilis dine on
turkey tlmt d.ny, unci suinc like a ut I r
of ducks and n line roust of biff. The
(Tixist' must In1 iuiik. r wbnt Is railed
a Kl'eell K'liisi'. Vullow lllld llexililo
ft-ot are n slcn of ynutli. A rikiho Is
dressed nnd trussed In the smile man
lier us a turkey, hut the skin should
be thoroughly washed.
S:iKe and iiuliuis Hie tlio tradltlounl
seasonings, nud n ery pssl wuy to
stuff n pilose is to lioll uud uiiisli some
M'hlle iIhI'ks und reiiMin li Ik It t y with
Ollloft Jllll'e. H!(,'e. I'Imi salt Olid iep)er.
iM'cdce the. nulside l.;:lilly with salt
and ieii.T and with Hour.
Iiy the K'Sise u:: u raei: In tlie baking
i:iu and put n few taiilesiKKinfuls of
Mater ill the pan; baste ofteu. Twenty
minutes to the p Miiid is the nv'-mKU
time to nlhiw for the bakltiK.
Willi Mood oihiil'is cut In siitlons oil
parsley, celery tlM or any other fcreeu
Make a sauce from the Ceiiteuts of
the pan. thlekpnliiK with flour, and
after siraliiliii; add the Klblets, which
li.ive been rooked until tinder lu wa
ter and Tuopiied coarwly.
An old goose ennnot be cooked sail
faetorily In this way. It will need to
be parboiled and then braised. Chica
go I liter Ocea n.
A tfappr CbHMnias Caalona A
Rnrdlab !.
Christians Is celebrated In Sweden to
an extent unknown In our country, and
the celebration Is not over until Jan.
13. or "twentieth day Yule." A rery
pretty feature of the festivities Is thus
described by a writer who has visited
that country: tine wintry afternoon,
at Jultlde (as the season Is called), 1
bad been skatlni; oil a pretty lake threw
tulles from UothenUric- On my way
home I notlevd that ut every farmer's
houae there was ereited. In the middle
of I lie yanL a pole, to the top of which
wa I sin nd a In rice, full sheaf of grain.
"Vi Itj Is this?' I asked my comrade.
"Oh. that's or the birds, the little
wild bird. They must hava a merry
Christmas, too. jou know." And so It
la; not a pennant In Mweden will sit
down to a Christmas dinner within
oVrs until he ha Unit raised aloft a
Uhriatnias dinner fur the birds In tb
cold and mow without- I'lttaburj- L) la
pa teh.
A Tropical Celekratloa With faata
t'laua Lett Out. j
The white people of Jamaica cele
brate Chrlstiuas la spirit rather than In
ai'tlve observance. Of course Santa
Clans Is unknown hero, fur what would
Kris K Tingle du In his fur rulment anil
with his reindeers In a land where few
Indeed of the people know what gnow
Is und fewer still ever saw It Outdoor
sport Is out of the question, and even
lawn tennis cannot be substituted for
the skalliiR and tubopgnulng of the
north. The while people alt or swing
In hninmocks ulider the cool shade of
the palm trees and look with curious
interest over the holiday numbers of
English nnd American ma Ra lines, with
their atrnnge pictures of snow scenes,
and rend the stories of Chrlstmnstldo
In tlio land of Kris Krlnglo and Jack
frost. After sundown there are social
gatherings, at which' the guests sit out
on the vera nilns. eat Ice cream, fan
themselves and while away the even
ing with conversation and In that
"sweet doing nothing" way thnt Is
such a feature of lite In the tropics.
Very many of the white people of Ja
maica were born In the Island nud so
know nothing of the Christmas cus
toms of the north. Hut there are also
quite a number of Americana and llrlt-
Isliers hen-, nnd these try various ways
to get una semblance of Christmas, but;
It is like the crew of a polar expedition
celebrating 1'oiirtli of July whllo Ico- go to work anil la ex otllcio aiiininis
bound In the Arctic circle, and their trntor of Justice. The war chief ill
Christmas Is mostly ono of remlnls- rects the pasturing of stock nnd pro
cenee. Ptlll wintering In the tropics Is vents depredations upon private prop
not without Its compensating advau-1 erty. He is the chief of police, con
tnges, and although Christmas here Is stable. Judge and Jury combined. Only
npt to be n pvetty lonesome time toi serious cases of crime nre referred to
Americans, they uro very npt to flnd ! the governor nnd council,
cause for congratulation after the fes-l After the election of oillcers a grand
tlvc season is over In the fact tluit they! tnkea place. The bruves aro
are safe from the cold, the snow, tlio dressed lu buckskin pantaloons, with
slush and the blizzards of the north.
C'antoms mid I.raends of th Nob
(eriniilt I'upulntlon.
Yuletlde as kept by tho non-German
population of Auslrin is very pictur
esque. On Christmas day the I'oles In
Galicla liiit attend muss and then sit
down to family supper. Tho chief dish
on tlie table contains consecrated eggs,
which the rather distributes. After eat
ing, all eyes are closed and nil heads
bowed "down to the table In tho belief
that Jacob's ladder la then descending
from heaven to earth and down tho
ladder angels arc coming to bless the
worshipers nnd to carry away their
earthly troubhs to henven. Among the
Czechs the legend runs that he who
most strictly fasts on Christmas eve
will see tlie holy Christ lu bis dreams
that night In tlie evening tlie real cel
ebration begin. All lights are then
extinguished In the hotisa; no fire, no
light la visible. Tlie chlldiVi crowd to
getlier In fear and remain perfectly si
lent, ns otherwise they know they will
receive none of the presents brought
by Die Christ Child nnd laid ut tlio en
trance of tlie house. The older fe
males mouse themselves by throwing
hinted lead Into water nud gathering
from the forms it assumes some hint
us to the appearance of their future
husbands.- l'ittsliurg IHspiiteh.
Till", housewife will find no better
suggestions for tlie Christmas
spriad than nre contained lu the!
following. The menus have a
Christina liavor and tire cosmopolitan j
In He ir uiiil.eiip. 'I hey ure planned for
ten or iiiore people, but for u small
family tiie course uud home of the
vegetables and sweets could be omit
i!:nu no. 1.
Oyj'i-r Cocktails.
Julw-niie Hoop.
Olives. Ok-ry. Alltel Almonila.
Jlrollcil Hue Km, Tnrtur Huucu.
I'm lo tin rotators.
Itoaat Turk-y. Hiurfr.l wlin Trultli-a.
( lysl.T llris-lietlea. h. Macaroni I'ruiiuettt-S.
1 .UU e Hlllml.
I'lutn Poil'licK- lilio-f). Mine Turta,
bliiill Ciikis I'.iinhona, Nuta,
Corii. ni. 2
Oyster on the Half Fht-IL
t l..r 'I'oooilo i'.o'ji.
Ctl -r i 'live;, tiuhi'i I'ecaaa
I ! Ilo. K. Ki; rjura
Ilo I UK'S
Itoast Tinkey. PCi,!!,'! will, t'liestnuta.
Craul, iry J.-l I y i lil.i. l tla jca.
Ilr ,h r i.uta.
Htv.-. t I.. I. ilo i riu'lUl
lir:ie l-'r.ill H.ilH-1.
I 'r.o K -r s I h. , ee.
KarllHii l i.irn ri.'lulng.
1'Mi.t n 1 roll Cup
r?oi.t'i,a t'Mkia Nuta
Co??, .
Mi:::i' NO. 3.
o nr. tho Half Fhcll.
I O'lf li e.
Jlallhllt Cutle'i
ItOHet f,o.
;ii,- Cr
i H.HI..I Klll.ern.
fi '1 ok 1 1 . I virion flaur-a
ee. rt,iv.,ry filufflioc.
ivy JiMinl Apliea.
li.,Mt:el l.f .Wilt. I rtHto.-S.
bene h (.In ; r
Vl. ry H i
C'ril'll'IH Cli-e.
rium I'l.'i net;. It. .m Hnin.
fruit .'.iis liuritina
All of these ibiiner re easily pre-
pared. 1'he are light and kiln-
pie, but iinisl petfeetly n.-asiii'ieil
and perfeeiiy free fr .in grease. Nearly ;
eery one riev pri fei the f. hristiuit
turkey HufTnl u it.i trullle or
IJ VI t Si II!: Iltl U fMllite ri'l-ilHf toT tllU
cIi liiH-r. it is iii.nw. nry tu say
ani tliiui; un t!i: u! Ji-i t. If tliia imlile
tlrii Is to :i jijm n r on tiie tnlili-. nut a
(luiille row nf nut neniH dnwu lilt
hreunt. to Lultoii iii Uln liroM'n f-nat In
true iiiilllur) fm-liiim. ui.A let lilm nut1
ou a U1 nl n li ry ami .ai!i y leavea.!
Hie ( hristu.iis v: rel. l.rnt.-a In
a-jiitaml story, la not very well known
on tills Me ,l the weter The lurkejr
tired i.i.iate will ! e the at.iicaM
ane of ILe eiMMi Li 1 li tlila r.-e-
lije. on the bum d.- C'iueliiiiatl Inuutrer. i
n Tribal C
niJ medio Indiana of New Mex
ico celebrate Christmas lu their
primitive way, and, although
they profesa Christianity, they
also observe their religious as
well as their tribal customs.
lays the New York Evening l'ost. On
Christmas eve the Inhabitants of each
village assemble tit the estufa (place
of worship) and elect ollieers for the
eusulng year. Men nnd boys over six
teen years of age. If the hitter liuve
proved their worthiness 111 the chase,
select the cuniirdiites by a viva voce
vote. Women are not permitted In the
estufa. The utlloers elected are a gov
ernor of the village, war chief, police
ollicliil and a council of flvo members
na n kind of cabinet for the govenv
or. The governor, by the advice ana
Consent of h'a cabinet, sets the time
for the chase, when the entire village
turns out; also designates the time to
Irrlgnto tlio little patches, the tlmo to-
a white cotton shirt Tho headdress
Is of the skill of the deer or fox, tlie
tall of tlie niilmal hanging down the
back a uu orna incut Some of tho
headdresses of the olliiluls are prettily
decorated with bright feathers and
sometimes eagle plumesr Their faces
nre painted lu yellow uud white stripes,
relieved by red spots on the cheeks.
They wenr in iccaslns of leather. Tho
braves form in a double line and uiiirch
around the village, preceded by the
oillcers nnd tlie cacique, or spiritual
head. Knell brave carries 111 hi left
hand n gourd half tilled with pebbles
nnd nicked nt tlie top. In bis riglit
hand Is a convex stick, which he saws
across the gourd nud nt tlie same tlmo
gives tlie gourd n shake cr rattle. Tills
excruciating uolse Is parity drowned
by the general chant. In which all Join.
Tlie song Is n monotone, as If tlie
singer were telling n story or reciting
historical sketches. iiihI suddenly It
breaks out Into a wild anil loud Marc,
like tlie crash oT (tie el. uicnls of tils
cord In tlie grand op -r i of eivlllzalloii.
Tlie dance is n lilpjctly hop. nud tiie
movement Is slow, until one of these
breaks Is sounded, uud then it Is deliri
ous, like a war dunce. Tills exercise
continues ail night, or ns long us thu
Jiraves s'auil up. 'i'inie Is a cou-slderalili-
iii 1,.1'y of ii.'m.-.I drunk lit
these ceii I i a I lens, mill many of the
braves fall by tlie wayside. Tlie pale
faces from the surrounding setl lemeuts
uttend the fi -slu. uud some bring along
their wli.hUy and gaining Implement.
Ill the phi.a, or central square, there
nre i:ll Undo of guiles and bisiihs for
ail kinds of drinks. The I'ueblo In
dian is not us d to our ulih l.y. nnd u
very little mi .11 Induces lilin to gamble
iiwiiy his uii'iiey, eloiliis aud wife.
Ifdcla. u few laths from Albuquer
que. N. M.. Is tin- largest of the twenty
I'ueblo village ill the territory, and
the eelelir.ilioii here is a i A a s ll 1 1 elidetl
by i hu ge i i'o w 1 1 of w h'.lcs. It last two
or three da; dining w liieli then are
I horse ruoli.K. cockh-g imiii.s ami oilier
pui I v The gi: mi tig tables are run night
an. I day. tin:, of the gamis is ciiusa,
similar lo tiie Ai.iei'ie.iii naiieite, will)
n liii'.i'. n epilog which the dealer
touches. Another ep.rt I el galhy- tho
burying of n risir-tir in tiie eand, lenv
l;ig his a!ioe Hie surface. Tlie
lic-t riders In the tillage are selected
to compete. They f.a m In u front Hue
ut a tlUtanc.,' of lim yards, and charged
tlow n upon the rm.ster. The rider. g'
ln r.t full run. h litis fioui In iiaddlu
and g.'iib nt tlie In ml of tlie rooMi-r.
If he catchca the fowl, lie Is applauded
un tiie lctor. lie thin race for hi
home, wllli all the oilier horitcriicit aft
er i.lm. ll!i tlie Intention of depriv
ing him of hi trophy. If tiny take
the fowl fioui blm la-fore he riachi-
hoiiie. he i horu of his Inure!, and
In the scramble the unfortunate risiater
U ofeii torn to pi ecu. When a rider
uibr caichliig tiie rster's bead,
every one Inugli. and If be fall from
hi borne he Is greeted with ahoina
of derision nnd epithets of "squnw
in u II."
There are services In th:, cliui ' li each
Inorupig during the llen'u, with tiio
umiuI gniiie and sport In the after
Insinuud dancing nt ntgl.t. The hitv-
c ure Itoi.iau t iilli'.lie- all I'uel.loa
being member of that church. 'l iny,
houctcr, obst-rxe some of their own
right lu eciet tlie dance being part
nf their creed worship.
t'brlilnil la Jvruaalrat.
lirlHtimis Is IiiM In icri'iitiat reter
enee lij the Christians nt the en nt. unJ
Ho le-re Is Its oliservmice hnre anletnii
b sul In Miiii,' tlinii In llet lih liem, tlie
i!''f iireM;iie nlil town where t'lir'nt was
li'irn. On ('l.rlsliiiiis eve tlie ilevout of
Ji i UMileiii lite r toi lln r nml lt k
unt of tie elty ami tnnri Ii to tlie
f'liiiP'h of Hie Nativity In Itetlileliem.
tlie ohli nt iiiniiiiiiii nt of Clirlstlan ar-
liiti i tiiie In tlie worlil There iiiiish Is
ee.i iiniliil. alilie armed lurkimi tui-
ilt r" umt on umiril l.csiile the altnr
ami sn.iiiiil tlie .brilliant :nr. l,i re
lnit l u "ii tu hine t.iln In the
i.ini'ai r m il In. I. ilnims ili frum tlie
1'H'iu. .1 the i . t i'iii n ma ohj'-i't
I'l tlie ero'.'o M lMI a l.mlie in mil-
Rhymes a.nd j
Johaate llns a Head For Daalaeaa,
"Johnnie, what do you want me to
buy you for ChrlstmusJ"
"How much money have you gotf
Cleveland l'lnln Dealer.
"Christmas Is In the air," caldMrc
Fosdlck, looking out of the window.
"Oh, that's mostly soot you see,"
her husband explained. Detroit Free
Ilia Ou lleqacat.
Mamma Now, what would you Ilk
best for a Christmas present?
Willie Oh, I'd like to see the school
houso bum down! May IT Philadel
phia l'ress.
"I wish you it happy aud prosperoui
new yenr," said the soubretto,
"Thiiiik you," replied the contortion
ist, "1 am reasonably sure of making
both cuds meet"
Sudden and Snrprlaloa.
"What do you most desire for Christ
mas. Miss MubcIV"
"Oh, Oeorge, tills la so sudden!"
"Wh what do you uieiiuY"
"Why, 'of course, I want you!"
Kol Tliroaaa Vet. .
"What kind of a Chriatmaa did you
pass'" asked the friend.
"The Hume na usual," answered Mr.
llllggiiis sourly. "Twenty minutes of
turkey nnd mince pie, uud six weeks
of pepsin." Washington Blur.
i Ona Who Kaew.
Mr. Ooiupali (Cbristiuus eve) Maria,
I have forgotten where 1 put Hen's
.Mrs. Oompnti (culling out) Kenny,
come ami tell your father whero he bid
that drum he's going to give you.
Chicago Tribune.
A Dialler of I'rlaclplc.
"1 you nil gwlne to hang up any
mistletoe ills Christmas?" asked Mr.
Erastus l'inkley.
"Deed 1 lsu'," answered Mrs. Miami
lliowii. "I'ze got a little too much
pride to advcrllsc fob de ordinary cour
tesles dst a lady has a right to expect"
(onlilii't Calve llrnrlf A war
('hurley 1 jih innu Well, Wllllo, your
nihttT lain t'U'rii lu-iBi'lf tu mo fur
ChriHtnuiH Mi'MfiiL lint ilo you
think of tli:il?
WllloHul(! Tlinfa what sho done
fur Mr. liruwn liiNt rhriHlii):in, uud be
gave Iut luH'k to luTMcIf hffuru lCuHter.
lirlntitiKai l'iiniirl.
There Im a ChiiHiuias tido In the
ufTuii'H of liieli, which, tukou at the
Hood, hiuli on to bfi.ikrupU'y.
A yniiiK inn n will "Imiitf up" wore
tlinii Mm HttM-klng if ho buys bis bent
giVl a U't-Kcnt.
Thu tall limn will bo short after
A man la thankful for small favors;
hut No. IJ nllpiMTa do not come under
that .nud.
It will not bo iicc't'ttNary to tell the
neifjiburn that you guvo your sou a
Tlmt IlKtl Tvdlr Hruwn,
Tho wurMlmt buy I ever
In Jm' Tldy Hruwn;
lie m Jin' un hail ui he cmu b,
fur mm titty h cuina down
Tu viRlt inw nwliiltt un' piny
An' mm !! i.ji (ilia un' maa
Jib kvm u f iliiKt u C'hrlntnma day,
An' Hi' ft 1 1 if I no Hunly Claua.
I hnin t K'j'n' play with TtOdy Hrowu;
i d Ilk to Well un not,
lint hi nn yH Nuiity cm n't com down
A chlinUy IlKtj w got,
An' hti Miyi how would hit nlvlfh o
l.tmt Dit iHlituiM tlftir, het-aun
Th r wiittirt thf-n k np- k of vnowT
Hu (fi min t no Hunty CIuum.
H''n Jt-M1 tho wurntPHt hoy 1 kuch
Thui ver wim, nn' 1
Ifiiln t ku d' to pi ti y with him, hut jes
Uij on nn' puh hliu Iy.
Bo. I 'u t-r f.u coultl hi-iir him ay
Tint! Ji n' our p.m uu' tnitH
Will t;lw m Oilmen on Chrlatrnua day,
An' td' ii in' l no Hunty luui.
Murtfttrt t VliH-mt In Womankind.
Sloilrrn Sanla 1'lnua.
ii cSsIrr
rr v m ... -..i a - "v. . a.
. . ' I
'Twna tlia nlelit tfor Chriatmaa;
In m:h II 1 1 fa hua
Tti chl!ilnn wera wajtlnc
Aa anil aa a muui.
To ih 1'iifr puff
Anil (hi pih. f-tiuav ani aqucal
Ot S'-l ul4 tit. Nkhulaa
-Nvw Yurk Harald.
&e Economic Buyer
Cannot fail to profit by our Special Sales
on the various articles we here enumerate
Special Sale Manufacturer's Sample Rugs at COST.
Special Sale Lace Curtains 25 per cent off.
The manufacturers have with
drawn prices on Furniture. This
means an advance. Don't delay if
you contemplate buying Furniture,
but call and see our immense stock.
Don't miss our. 10c
j& Red Hot
Laos Curtains
Mailt osses
Oregon Boya Win Laurala With
Eastern Taatma.
It lias boon a woll known aud Tory
gratifying fact that manx of tlie Ore
gon boys who go east to college acquit
themselves with credit In their school
work and graduate at the hoed of the
classes, snya au Albany paper. Until
recently they have not made inch
showing In the East as athletes or on
the grldlf6n. Thla year scvoral Ore
gnu boya have boon hoard from on the
football' Hold. At least five Oregon
boys have been hoard from among
Kastorn colleges aa football players,
Dick Smith, formerly of U. O. of
Klamath Falls, is with Columbia
University. Now York, and ia the
crack half back of the elovon of that
great school, aud ii one of the best
men on tlie team. Young Rockwell,
of Portland, ia quarter with the Yale
team, and has doue exoulUint work.
Huston, of Grunts Pass, pluyi half
with the Ann Arbor, Mich, team, nnd
la equal to any on the team. Tom
Iliiiiiinnnil, of Medford, also formerly
of U O, la tacklo on the army team at
Wost Point, and did great work in
tlio Arnvy Navy team lu Philadelphia
Inst week- In tho big annual game.
Kaliih Kiwpp, of Linn county, ha
played center and guard for Chicago
University this year aud hai been a
tower of strength. Knapp formerly
lived in Albany, whore ho was on
gaged in uowS)or work on the HI Ivor
Imprint. He ii a urge, muscular
man, weighing more tliuu 200 pounds.
Oregon lias mado an excellent show
log, ovou on the gridiron.
Chicken Limit Ealabllahed-Au
dllor'a Office Declared Vacant.
Tlio regular meeting of the City
Council wua held Thursday evening
Deo. 18 Tho Muyor and Councllmen
Ilitina, Hough, Illinium, Kehkopf,
Hurbort Smith, aud Henry Schmidt
were present
A petition for crossings over Filth
and Sixth streets on M street was
referred to street committee.
The following bills wore allowed
N. K. McGrew hauling 1 60
Herbert Smith, expense fire do
Inrtiueiit 7 no
in tio
ih mi
Kloyd Patrick, labor ou street
W. jl. Faha labor on streets . . .
John Patrick, sundry ei'iiies
Mrs. 11. Thornton, meals for
James Carter, construction of
i i CO
Hi XI Ii street Duma
4 HI 2ft
H. A. Foster, labor
Kinney & Truax, feed for city
team 85 21
Huir-Kidille Hardware Co.,
supplies 20 80
Saloon bond of J. G. Scliallhoru,
Coburu & Hawkins, W. N. Itiuehart,
C. K. Smith, 0. O. Case were ap
proved. An ordinance prohibiting chickens
and other domestic fowl running at
large within that part of the city
bounded on the west by Gilbert creek,
north by A street, running east to a
point AGO feet eaat of northwest
corner, block I of original townsite,
thence south to the railroad track,
west to Eighth street, south ta M
street and west to Gilbert creek, was
passed under the emergency clause.
The ordinance concerning tho tire
limit were read tlio wound time.
Did fur construction of extension
of Fifth street sewer, and lateral
ewer through block 4 were ordered
to be advertised.
Un motion of Councilman Hough
the ofllco of Auditor and Police
Judge wua declared vacant by a vote
ot 4 to 2, J. A. Jennings appointed
We have rear I red Na 2 Vol 1 of
the Faruain, Neb., Optic, edited by
Frank T. BlicptMrd. Mr. Sheppard
was at one time editor nf the Courier,
being auraweded in that position by
Geo. Jl. Curry.
and 25c Tables of
Bargains. j&
Picture Mouldings
Tin wars
Glass ware
indian depredations:
R.)-lmburaement Bill Introduced
by Hon. T. H. Tongue,
Representative Tonguo Friday Intro
duced a bill extending the provision
of the act relating to claims arising
against the government on account of
Indian depredations. The present law
provide for tiie payment of damages
sustained by American oltlaseua for
depredation by Indian who are "In
amity with tho United State" or
were at the time such depredation
wore commit tod. There iiave boon a
groat many instance however , whore
Indian at the tlmo of the beginuing
of thoir hostilities, and before such
hostilities wore sufllclunt to really put
tho settlors on thoir gnard. did con
siderable duinago to tho property of
private cltixcua, particularly in Ore
gon, In tho early day prior to the In
dian Wars.
Citizens bavo sought to procure re
lief for those damage, but have been
mot by tho construction that the Court
of Claim and congres have given to
the words "In amity." Whoro a war
ha followed, or was in progress, the
court have refused to grunt roller
aud all efforts to have a more liberal
construction placed upon tho law have
failed, all Judicial tribunals holding
agaiuat the claimants. Mr. Tongue'
bill enlarge the present law to ln-
cludo this class of cluiuia.
Waon Bridge for Woodvllle.
J. 13. Hair, who ,purohuscd the
Oharlei Whito ranch opposite Wood
villo a year ago, waa hero Wednesday.
Mr. Hair is anxious to have the
county construct a bridge across
RIgno river at hi place. Last fall he
secured an appropriation from the
county commissioner of ilftO with
the understanding that citizen of
Woodvillo and vicinity would con
tribute enough mora to build a bridge
for foot passenger only and keep it
in repair without cost to the county.
So far nothing hits been dono toward!
constructing the finitbridgo and it i
Mr. Hair' intention to go before the
commissioner next month and ask
them to build a wagon bridge at the
point uggestcd. Ho say the bridge
at Itoek Point has been condemnod
and will bo abundoueil, and from talk
ho has had with tho comuiisslouen
ho think hi request will bo granted
and a bridge put in at Woodvillo next
summer. Medford MtiiL
Cures dandruff, eezumu, itching
alp, aud stop fulling hair. One
application itop itching scalp, throe
to six application removes all dan
druff. Doctor and druggists regard
it a the only ataudard remedy for
dandruff and all itching, scaly skin
diseases; price 50c,. Hook ou Catarrh
free. Address Smith Bros., Froauo,
Dluo Print Paper by tho yard or roll
at the Courier oftlce.
Absolutely Pure