I . ... J, 3 VSo tr - S ULJU P yj is - .v'.p- r- Wo Largest stock of useful HOLIDAY BITS ever brought to TH I J1 11 j'7''1''''''''"''1, '" 'N"'l 'Vj L. ,. We have gathered together from the best markets in this country thousands of useful and ornamental Holiday Presents that will make most elegant and appreciative presents for Ladies, Gentlemen and Child ren. Those who have visited our store during the past tew days have been surprised at the enormous piles of goods wc arc showing in all departments. liut you will soon see what we are going to do with them. These little UARGAIN HECKONKRS have been let loose and will be like the "Dogs of War" on our store as they are "Out tor Business" and will pack our store with Christmas Uuyers. We are going to make this the greatest Christmas Sale ever held ii. this city sr.d Mai t cut j mu!uit to profit by ike .same. Owing to tlio fact of Oroally Roduceil Prices in all departments and other premiums offered, we shall be obliged to discontinue giving Delineator subscriptions on all sale tickets issued for the month of December, 1902. r All Goods will be Sold at Sale prices until January 1 only. CHILDREIT Bring your cards to Santa Claus noxt SATURDAY, December 20th, and receive your 1902 Christmas Present. Every porson who buys a pair of Shoos next Saturday gets an Air Ship Free. 4 Coprrightid 1903. CLOAK SALE. We have turned the Dogs of War loose in our Cloak Department. Tlie population was too thkk there for comfort ami we have found that there is nothing like the free use of the Kash Converter's Knife to reduce the population in any department. The edict has, therefore, gone forth to Cut the Trice of Every Garment in our Cloak Department Twenty Per Cent. CUT 20 PER CENT CUT Thin means a severe loss to our profit nnd loss account, hut our Clonk Department must lc cleared before slock taking, and profit or no profit the stock must move. 1903 Calendar We have just received one of the handsomest "3 Leaf Calen dars' ever issued. Klegantly embossed, imitation burnt wood. Something entirely new and one of the modern works ot art. We want to mail one to every resident of Grants Pass and Josephine County. This Calendar is not sold or given away. Iiut will be mailed free of charge to any one sending us their name and address on or about January 1st. Don't f.iil to send in your name as we have but 500 copies and no moie Can be had at any price as the entire lot publishtd have been disposed of. Send in your name at once. Air Ship Free We have si cnud the exclusive agency fur the 201I1 Century Air Hlip mid arc i;oing to give one of these wonderful flying ma chines to every boy or girl who purchases a pair of our f 1.50, $1.75, Jj.oo $2 25 or $2 v Shoes. Price of airship 25 cents. 200 Dozen Handkerchiefs Now this is no ordinary newspaper blow but we mean just what we say and can prove to your entire satisfaction that the finest assortment of I.ace, Hemstitched and lunbroidered Handker chiefs ever brought to the coast are now to lie found on our counters. Social sale values at Sc. 10c, Inc. 25c, 50c. 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50 1.75, 2.00 Trunks and Valises We have jmt received for holiday trade marly Jj car load fine Trunks and Valises, Suit Cases and Telescopes. This is by fur jthe largest and finest display ol trunks ever shown in the city and should you desire anything in this line for holiday presents you will find our stock a very most desit able one fiom which to select. Fine Pillow Tops The fancy pillow top craze 1ms struck the town hard and if you would see our stock you would think it had struck :is pretty hard, as we are showing hundreds o( new and novel designs with ribbon, silk cord and silk floss to match for making them up. MILLINERY SALE. We have a few Pine PATTERN HATS ,te..rttormato, in ,cie , .1.11 oiler our entire stock of Ladies', Misses, and Children's Trimmed Hat at a discount of 20 rer cpnt This will give our patrons an op,,,,,,,.,;., , V1 OUb at a price which will be fully ar ; rei-i n ,1 pr''?"rm a" c' vant H it whh the very h.-st material Cut 20 Per Cent Cut Umbrellas New supply up-to-date styles in Indies and gcnlreinens Um brellas. New close rolls, self-raising and self cosing inntiellis, a most complete and elegant display that will r-ut l lie purse und please the e e at $1. 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25. 2 50, 3.00. Kid Gloves No department of our store has received closer attention than our kid gloves. This is the most popular present that you can possibly make for Christmas and we have the liest , i 25 and $1 50 real Kid Gloves that are to lie found on the nr irket. All colors, all styles, all si.es. livery piir WARRANTKP Silks We have received lor holiday trade a most complete line ol Press and Waist Silks as well as all colors of Satin and China Silks for fancy work. Fancy Yarns and Zephyrs Just arrived. All colors in Shetland I'loss, Zephyrs, German Worsted and Knitting Worsted. Clothing Department Has not escaped the sharp knile of TIM It'll) IvoilN l' ' And into the heait of every article in this department his knile has found its way. I Men's Youths' and Boys' Suits Ofevery description are on the operating table and here the orders haee gone forth to Clem Tin? !! l.r Voli 1011 Not a single garmeut has escaped and every article in our Clothing Department has been reduced. Cut 20 Per dent. Cut Below the regular marked price. Now is the Time to Buy Cheap Black-Dress Goods. In looking a)out for s, nu-thing nice and appropriate &" " , a" IT""1' y"" Wol,M ''" "- t over our stock of Fin. W"""S- U'c 've have all , !'f the tK'W ......... c, out aily yo ('"lis "Ke in price horns, ,0 ?2 s ,w .. things of thf luipor'c'l 1 1 t,.trlc Lace Curtains I'jJy '"uW K'Mtly appreciate a present of a nice pair 1 , sli,U'M " ' XmUS a"d We ve them to please-all ; " W,dtb ,C"th at .5. I 50. ..75. -00. 2 ,0. 3 00 Underweari win I!' t ' "0t 8 Jesirable arlicle fr a' Xmas present, yoo artte ,f ' " " qi,ite " imPrta' r 'ort s0 8S an' M i of wear.ng apparel and to make . long story short we h. f t l e e . 'e C0U,Ury frm Which of We have some t ie u, l alues-on this continent at ,,0,370. 50c. 75C ' nd J5 for lad.es meu an j children. 1 rie i3ii oLore So) (m.