Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 18, 1902, Image 7

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    White House
i ' iri. r3 til Viiv
1 1 1
personal 1
We ate read) to take your
order Tor all good t!:iugs to
eat because we have 'cm.
During the Holiday season
everybody likes to have
things a little better than
usual. Let us tell yo 1 what
we have.
For the cook and the
kitchen and the cake to bike
our lino is complete.
Nice new seeded raisins
12.Jc, also the small seedless at 10c.
English Currants in pound
packages, full weight 1 2 Ac.
Cluster raisins for the
table very nice at 18c. and
Good cooking raisin at 10c.
Best of lemon find orange
peel, and candied citron.
Miuco Meat in packages
Uemem'.-cr our Spices and
Extracts are pure.
Of course our butter is
good. Cockcrlin's Clover
Dale and our Clover Leaf
nothing better to bo hail, per
square 70c. Always fresh,
always good.
Eggs are another item that
we watch closely in order to
give our customers only those
that we feel , confident are
nice and fresh. Present
price is 30e and 33c.
In Fish
An occasional mackerel
tastes good to some people,
especially for breakfast.
Have just opened a new
bairel of Atlantic Mackerel,
this season's catch.
Eastern Codfish middles
and also in bricks 8 to 1:2 Ac.
S:nokcd salmon 15c; salnmn
bellies ire.
Pickled Herring in bulk
13c pcrpt.
All kinds of canned iish
Lobsters and Crabs for
We Ikitc the finest E.istern
Bacon aiel the best sugar-cured
ham of the SL.i-on.
Deviled Chicken, Tutkiy and
Ham 50 and ioc.
Canned I'igs feet 13c.
II. C. Perkins it-turned on Thursday
from a business trip to Tortland.
Jos. XlcCocrt and family, lately of
Altliouse, are now residents of Grants
J. L Myers made a visit to Gold
Hill on Thursday.
Mrs. Volmy Colvijj returned from
Portland on Monday. A
City Marshall John Loekhardt
made a business visit to Yreka lust
Hairy Hosier of Ashland was in
Grants Pass Friday on a business
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chapiu of Le
binil wero visitors to Grants Pass on
Mrs. Dr. Koykendall, Grand presi
dent of the Native I'aughters, was in
town Tuesday.
E. . D. Thompson, the 'merchant of
Wimer, was in town Saturday on a
business visit.
Emmett Conger was in Medford
recently visiting 'friends and looking
after business affairs.
Miss I.ylo Watson of Ashland has
been visiting friends in Grants Pass
during tho jiast week.
Mioi Rachel Rowley canio down
from Ashland Thursday o visit
friends in Grants Pass.
Miss Elsie Green . returned on Fri
day from a visit in Ashland with
Miss Louise Whitney.
Walter do Vurila, the mining en
gineer, was in Jacksonville Wednes
day, accompanied by his family.
C. M. Cat worth of Astoria spent a
few days in Grants Pass last wick
visiting his cousin, C. B. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rogers cele
brated their "tiu" wedding on Thurs
day, their 10th wedding anniversary.
Scott Griffin, formerly ouo of our
busiuess men, spent a few days in
town this week returning on Monday.
Carmel Martin who has lately been
teaching schawl near Waldo, left on
Thursday for his homo at San Jose,
V. G. Council cf Pipestone. Minn,
occupied the pulpit at the Presbyter
ian church Sunday and his sermons
were received with much appreciation
Rev. Council will speak next Sunday
also, morning and evening
Chns. M. Morrison retnrm d on Sun
day from several days absence on i
business visit to Riddle and Caiiyou
Job Whiteside, -who is interested iu
a bond ou tho Spenco Copper mines,
arrived ou Monday evening from Oak
laud, to look after his mining interests.
V. R. Stewart, who has been work
ing ou the new bridge at Medford, as
cariK'utcr, came down to Grants Pass
Thursday evening. He expects to pro
ceed farther north.
Miss Agnes George, who Iim beeu
attending the normal iu Ashland this
wiuter,. passed through Grants, Pass
Tuesday morning to sjvud a holiday
vacation in Portland and Salem.
Mrs. G. W. Burnett, of Oroville,
Calif., and a sister of Mrs. T. W.
Johnson, arrived Tuesday. Sho ex
pects to permanently reside here.
Southern Oregoniaii.
P. H Dai ley, school superintendent
of Jackson county, was in town last
week consulting with Supt. Savage in
regard to certain bills which aro to
be considered by the legislations.
G"0. J. Cole, president of the Ore-
gou & California Gold Fields Co.,' has
been in Josephine county during the
past week, looking after the com
pany's mining properties, of which
the Eureka mino is one.
local Uapixnlitfl9
"Mount Hood pluitnniltH, 5x7
msec, mounted, 2-ic Courier oftlco.
A Fine Pair
Of Carvers will make a most suitablo
Christmas piesent. We have an elegant line,
including some fino genuine 'stag sets with
sterling silver mountings.
Cramer Bros.
All going at Half Price.
Only a few loft. Some of the few are rare
bargains at Unit price. Also what Xnias
Goods I have left go at Half Price, to close
out. Come in before you are too late to se
cure some of these bargains.
Christmas Candies and
Lots and lots of 'cm.
Good plain mixed candy, per lb.
loc. Boston mixed 12,'jC. French
raised 15c to 2,JC-
All our nuts are fresh 1902 ciop.
Fancy soft-shell walnuts, paper
shell almonds, filberts, pecan,
"nigger toes" peanuts, mined nuts
per pound 15c.
Black and white figs 7c and 10c
Oranges now coming in; better
condition, riper and sweeter.
Prices range according to size.
Just arrived mure cf those nice
Jersey Cranberries. Get them now,
they are long keepers.
White House
Mrs. J. A. RehKopf
New Idc;i 10c Paper Patterns.
Qheaper than ever.
I am determined to close out all my present stock of
Trimmed Hats
r Street Hats
Ornaments and
If you want a bargain come now.
lr. Flaitnean.
Kesi.lent IVntijt.
Clo to Coron for I'lnmhinf;.
Choice, pictures at Clemens.
Air Guns nt Cramer Bros.
M. I leniem, l're?crliiii Drucictet.
Boys Pocket Knives at Cramer Bros.
Bijr assortment of Dolls at Clemens.
Iuili.ui I'liotcniphs at tho Courier
Rubbers ami Umbrellas, The Sugar
Pine Store.
Xew York Racket store for Christ
niMS fjifts.
Onlv reliable bmutis of Photo
GoihIs rairied at A. K. Voorhies".
treble's shoo repairing always
pleases. Take your shoes to hi in.
The famous line of Gilford views of
Northwest scenery at the Courier of
flee.. '
Santa Claus makes his headquarters
this year at Smith's Now York Back
et store.
Air-tight Heaters at Cramer Bros.
Don't fail to look over tho large
new line of Staple Shoes at The
Sugar Pino Store.
St. Luke's Episcopal church will
hold its Christmas tree on Tuesday
evening,- the 2.1rd inst.
A line lino of Christmas goods iu
great variety may bo fotiud nt the
New York Backet store.
.complete line ol the celebrated
Mitchell Pitiggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co.
L. A. Streble has charge of the shoe
making and requiring deinrtment lit
tho I.ncns harness shop. Take your
work to hiiu.
There will be a midnight service at
St. h uko's Church on Christmas eve,
December .2.4 Special music will be
one of tho features of the service.
The church will bo appropriately dee-
l'nc!e Bob" Cook, who has mined
on FootiyPi'eek for the past 40 years,
has taken advantage of the early run
of water mid will have more ground
moved 1h fore Christmas thau is usual
ly olf by eleauing-up time. Medford
Decorated Lamp nt Cramer Eros.
Christmas goods iu great variety at
Smith's New York Racket store.
Curtis Sc Co., practical watch mak
ers and jewelers. Dealer in watches,
clocks, jewelery and Diamond rjugs.
All repairing first class. Odd Fellows'
Holiday Chinaware at Cramer Bros
Chr intmas presents for every imimlicr
of tho family at Smith's New Y ork
Haeket store.
Given away free with every pur
chase of (2 or over your choice of a
tray of shop w orn rings some of them
gold and the rest are gold filled.
Worth from $1 to 1 each until all are
gone, r irst come gets tiest choice at
Lctohcr'B jewelry store.
Rogers 1SI7 Silverware at Cramer
Guuther's Candles at Clemens.
Steven's Rifles at Cramer Bios.
A Kplendid line ol Knyal Charter Oak
Manges at Coron 'a.
Smith's New York Racket store has
exceptional opportunities for selection
in Christmas goods.
See J. T. Taylor nt Shiver's drug
storo for fruit and shade trees, berry
plants and cypn t.s for hedge.
At Ch vengiT's Photograph Gallery,
this day . l'.KIJ, have received a
largo assort unlit of Pyrogrnphy woods
and more coming. Also outfits for
Any pi ron needing any kind of den
till work, may learn something to
tlu ir advantage by calling at the den
tal office of Dr. Ji linings. He is tho
most exH ricnci (I dent ist in this part
of the state. Work right. Prices
right. Painless opcral ions by his own
private method a spicially. Olliee in
Opi ru house block.
Program by IliKh School.
A program will be given by the
High school students on Friday. It
will iiicliob' an impromptu, an ad
dress by Kirkutan Robinson, a debate,
two rei itat ions, anil several musical
numbers; instrumental pieces and vo
cal solos, ducts and itu.-irtets.
Salvation Army,
Captain and Mrs. Clark are farewell
ing from Giant Pass Sunday night,
the 21. As they are leaving sisiner
thau expected, a short Christmas pro
gram will be given Saturday, De
cember in, when a fi w presents will
begivtnto the ,or children, after
which eoll'ee and cake supr will be
served fur 10 ci llls. Piocceds go on
car fare. Bverylsidy is k indly invited.
What can we get as ( 'hristman pres
ents for our friends? Solve the prob
lem by a visit to Smith's New York
Racket store.
Use S. B. ( 'atarrh Cure w ith douche
in the proportions of ouo tahlesisiou
fill to oie pint of warm water ami uss
fn ely 1 1 1 n or four times dally, ami
t ike ihi'S. ;. Catarrh run- as directed
four tine s daily, which will allay an
irritability of the nasal nerves ami
tissues, ror sale by all druggists.
Rook on Catarrh free. Address Smith
Bros. , r resuo, I 'al.
Suitable Christmas gifts for younger
old Ami for all at Smith's New York
Racket store. Don't fail to examine
the lino of Christmas goods at tin-New
York Racket storo before pun basing
Coming Events.
Dt 20 Social by High school girls
basket ball team, at Woodman hall.
Dee. 2, Christmas Day.
IVo. 2" Grand Masquerade, ball by
Azalt a Circle at Opera house.
Co. "H" Attention!
An election is ordered for Tuesday,
December 30, at which time a captain
will be elected; Col. Yorau, Inspector.
All members of Co. "II" are hereby
notified to lie present.
A. E. Voorhies,
1st Lieutenant commanding.
Pickings from Puck
"Pickings from Puck," eiven at
the Opera house Saturday night, was
oue of the liveliest shows of the sea
son. It was on tho order of "Fiddlo-Dee-Dco"
and tho "Irish Pawn
brokers," pure burlosquo, with just
enough plot to hang a succession of
amusing scenes thereon. It was full
of laugh from beginning to end.
We are read for Sauta Clans. Give
us a call Cramer Bros.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters re
maiuing uncalled for iu the Grants
Pass post oflice, December 1.1, 1902 :
A. B. Iowo,
Clrns. 8. Rogers,
D, Trail Tildeu,
E. It. Schmidt,
Mrs. J. D. Williams,
t Willard.
C. E. Harmon, P. M.
Christmas avt the Churches,
Beth the M. E. and Presbytorian
Sunday schools have adopted a new
plan for celebrating Christmas and the
members will give, Instead cf receiv
ing presents. Tho M. E. Sunrtay
school will give a program on Christ
mas eve, December 24 The Presby.
terian Sunday school will give their
J'hrUtuiaa entertainment on Tuesday
evening, December 23.
The Baptist Sunday school will
have no special exorcises Uiis year,
but the children will recoivo presents
of candy ami nuts.
St. Luke's Episcopal church will
have a Christmas tree ou Tuesday
evening and a midnight service with
special music ou Christmas eve.
The Salvation Army will give a
Christmas program on Saturday oven
ing, December 20, and a few presents
will be giveu to the poorer children.
Piano Recital. .
Arthur Frazer gave a piano recital
at tho opera house on Monday evening.
Mr. Frazcr's playing was greatly en
joyed by his audience. Ho is a pianist
of high talent and skill aud the pro
gram was received with appreciation.
Mr. Frazer was assisted by Mr.
Isham, who sang "Anchored," and
received a hearty eutore.
The entertainment was given un
der the auspices of tho high school aud
a neat sum was secured to add to the
library fund.
Child delimiters in a bundanee and
variety at Smith's New York Racket
storo, Sauta Claus' headquarters.
All the late novels at Clemens.
- Miss Ida Weston.
.S voiid millinery store eat of Sixth stmt.
A.M.: -Ml KAY In this itv,
laesitac, ih, ji; l,v Rev. .1
W. Mi Uoi::ill,,Kugeiie Amanii and
ora M. Mcriay.
LBYKKIf H-0)RIiER-In thi.ciiv,
Tuesday. , p;, );s.', l,y l(,v. J.
W. McDiMikall, P. Uv.iich and
liura ( order, both of Jos. phin
county. isakkm i in Winona, on
!. 11, Wri, at the homo of the
bride, Allou II. Ia:v' and Grace
l!rrett, Ix.lh of Joepliin (omty.
In. Robert I lie of Grants Pans,
otlii luting.
Mr. and Mrs. IwU aru high iu the
teem of all their acquaintances and
have many frii mU to wish Imp
Jku iu life.
I have a very dainty litie of Correspondence Stationery
that will make elegant Christmas presents for your
particular friend. '
While the quality of this paper is excellent, the finish
artistic aud the tints the latest, the prices are surpris
ingly low they range from 25 cents to 50 cents per
If you want quantity combined with quality, for
general use, we have it 2) j pounds (4S0 sheets) of
good writing paper for 45 cents.
For The
Holiday Baking
ThereJi8no"rlonr onthe niarkot
that can compare ' with that
.milled by A. A. Davis. For
7 oar Christmas cakes, broad
and pastry it is unexcelled, and
always gives the utmost satisfac
tion. Santa Claus will smile t
the feast whose good cheer con
sists of goodies made op from
the Davis' Best flour.
Wish You a Merry Christmas
Holiday gifts combining
artistic merit and rare
utility are Scarce. : : :
2. E. Voorhies
eouninii omen.
Pills the bill. It is a beauty, and makes the
chain or lock stitch at the will of the operator, ,
It is one of the best gifts possible to make.
For sale by
Joseph Moss,
the Real Estate Agent.
I fife I
Chicago Itacket Store
Will live Away 3 Large Dolls
to the three nearest guesses as to how many
shot there is in bottle at our store.
Wo lmvo tho finoKt assortment of Havaland Crockery
in town.
Our stock of Dolls aro tho largest.
Albums of nil kinds and sizes.
Toys a lar'o assortment.
Doll Heads bistjuo nnd metal.
Celluloid floods cuff boxes, handkerchief caBOs,
toilet sets, photo holdcrfl, stationery boxos, and numorous
other kiinls.
Hanks' ranos, guns watches, vasos and almost any
thin;.' you want for Xnias presents.
Silk handkerchiefs, slijipors, 'shoos, etc.
Neck-wear a largo assortment.
Wc have tho' finest stock to soloct" from.
Call early before our lines are broken.
We have all of our goods marked way down
quality. the best.
ForJ Honest Goods at Bargains Call at
. ...STORE...
f ".m K.
' v.-