Two Good Signs ISP!'' The vSig'n of Excellence Rogue River Courier Grants Pass, Oregon. &fe Sin 0 Enterprise ?-...iw ThoCourior's Tyix Sotting Machine. Two Good Coupons Coupon No. 1 Enclosed find $1.25, for which please send the Rogue River Courier to the following address for one year: Coupon No. 2 Please send the Rogue River Courier Free, for one month to the following address: Fill ont one of this above Coupons and send to this office. Coupon No. 1 is 11 wiving of 25 cents, and tho offer lioldH (rood until Dec. ill; Coupon No. 3 will enable you to booome acquainted with tho Clmrior without expense. , h Rogue River Courier f 1 $1.50 Per Year S? tm mmmmm mmmmm www mmt mom mmmmmmmmm mm ispistS Goi,sii1 -All New Paerns. 1IB U UBISIB LU Always in Sck Sho8 Department A few years ago the Shoe De partment in every store was com pletely covired up dutinj the Holiday mhoii. tio one had time to look at shoes. This not the case at ti e present time, however, as everyi:ic is interested in what we have ;.. say about foot wear lor holiday ; resents. This uck we are opening some new lir.o in Ladies' Men's and Children's Shoes in OXFORD TIES, S'.ippers FELT KID and CALF and some novelties in I'lN GREES, GLORIES and GOVERNORS. Everyone wants one of those Flyiag Machines for their boys or girls for the holidays. You can get one FREE with ever pair $1.50 shoes. You want one of the prettiest Calendars ever published. Just send in your name at once and you will et one by mail January 1st. We are showing some rare novel ties in ladies aud gents Handker chiefs. Mufflers and Ties for Christ mas presents. A few of those elegaut PAT TERN HATS left at 20 per cent, discount. TRlS I trunk. fK Both in v R. L. Coe & Co. You Can Get Your Winter's Reading at little cost at Col. V. Johnson's, North Main Etrtet opposite the S, P. D. ci L. Co's factory. He has the largest stock of paj er bound books in Southern Oregon, comprising both light an 1 deep literature. Books To Suit All Adventure, lUographical, Detective, Histori cal, Juvenile, Love, Realistic, Sensational. Learn how you can become a member of the Circulation Library aud read these books at small cost. Call or send fur Catalogue. Gof. W. Johnson. HAVE BUYERS FOR A FEW GOOD GOLD AND COPPER PROSPECTS, ALSO FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS, STOCK IN GOOD DIVIDEND, PAYING MINING COMPANIES FOR SALE. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. t. Helens & Gauge Fining Co. McKay Building PORTLAND, - OREGON. Real Estate AM).. Employ m Agency. i If you wifch toluiy or fell a residence or business property, farms or stock ranches quartz or placer mine or an' looking for cmploymrnt or help, call on mo. I have over '.)(J().()t) worth of prop erty to select from. HOUSES TO FCF.NT A NO LAND TO LEASE I have lived in this country twenty seven years and know all the property ari'l can give you accurate, information. 3 I? Give Me a Call B. L Williams Cor. Front and 4th Sts., Oppo. Round House. Grants Pass, Oregon. I. O. Box 273. AT. GOOSE LIVERS. lit Free from Disease, Say French men Who Pack Them. tdTMTKl Forma f mi, Gru Prwrll ud Skipped by th DmIhi of Trsnm ll.r.iis; Particulars. Fattening (twt ths sol purpose it tnltirging their livers ii something of an industry in Frarx-e, whrrs the novel occupation is carried on in order that choice material may be obtained for that tfistinctirtly French morsel. pate de foie gra. French packer har recently been contiderahlr arouied liecause the ahorse wai made aRalnat them that they substitute beef juet ami pork for what are termed "dueased (roose livera." This they de nounce as not only ludicrously improb able but wholly without foundation, says a lindon paper. In the first place, they contend that a f attest p-one liver is no more disease'.! than the meat of an overfed hog. lV'th are abnormal, and in that sense only mifrht be refrnrded as a product of un aanltary condition. When a goose is beinjj prepared for fole gras it is usual ly confined for a time at least by a tether fastened to a stake, beside which it waits w ith a henlthy apatite for its frequently siipliiMl portion of American corn, which is the food chiefly relied upon f,.r fattrnititr. The ffoiwe is not encouraged to tke t' much exercise, any more than ni y other fattening animal. He is not fciV for his health, but to incline him to take on fat. The result of this is to greatly enlarge the Iher, which is re garded asthc most valuable part of tho carcass. Kole gras d'ole, the fat goose liver. Is prepared for use and export In several forms, nch of which is calculated to meet the whims of fastidious people. One form Is the f.ic jinis imtmil. an other K pntes de fc 1c whiii still another is prueede foie gras. Tl e gras nntiircl is si::ip: (I e cockwl licr serveil without anv form of scneoninrr except the fat or oil of ti e liver Itself. The pate de foic grns of caiiinu'rce consist of the conked liver rucked ii tin boxes of standard sie which the liver is roughly cut to fit. The: space not occupied by the liver is tilled with the trniiiiniiL's of the liver or pork fine ly hashed am! picsied in. Over this Is poured the melted fat, si n' of the liver and st'inclimtn of the beef nuet. The pieces of liver cUpneitotf in this iirncrst' i f fit t lug t' c ! li rr t-o the box are Used with other hashed ments and flavorir'T matters like truf fles in pi e pari jig w In t Is known In com merce as puree de foic grns. Ihe practice of iiili.g.uet Itisteadif the natural fat of the goose liver, as a support or ii'tri by wl ii li tl.t Inter stice, between the lit r sc I 1 1 1 b .x are filled. Is not ,0 w holh re 1 n 1 1 m llilc hk might at first appear, sin. c It has er tain good reasons, nr 111 !ut excuses. Ill the first place, the suet si list 'V'e soiiicwhal tinner ir.i nt pnckci! llbi 1 t tJie liier prevents tic l.ttter from I e- Ing broken up by sliding aiimit Ii, li e box. as it is likclv to do u long j':ur- ncjs when only the thin oil. f the liter is used. Another fact, which shlni ers have learned by costly experiei e, is ti nt the pure fnt of tl s g. h n.uch 111. re like'. than bei f sli" to l'"cn..' : neid IN VAiilOUj PiACiiS. It cost orr $3J,000 to police the British houses of parliament last year. England's new Pacific cable from British Columbia to Australia will oost about $7,(100,000. Otic of the favorite beverages In St. l'iurre waa coconnut milk and rum mixed In the shell. Owmg tuva Turkish imperial order the teaching of Armenian history has been prohibited in Turkey. Among London's taverns are seven "Adam and Eves," five ".Noah's Arks," and two "Jucob's Wells.'' 1 no Increased Importation in France of American corn meal is due chiefly to it use for fattening gees. Although Germany has not extend ed it territory In Europe since 1871, yet her population has increased since then by 1 ( airly good hnglish w as spoken by ou per rent, or the. German aoldie: who visited Iiuhlin recently w;Ml meir sn'.iaiuon was at Kingi!,!. Froan niejt, which has bcn eaten extensively at Durban, South Africa, since the war, Is held responsible for tne tiyspepsiii prevailing u that town. Actlonn against newspapers In Ger many can hereafter be brought only in me sown 111 w.iiich they are pub lished. The Hcichsteg has jut passed law io i:iat ellivt. The writer of 11 11 article in the Xa tionul KkmYw tnneled from Vladl vot.k to London h, 2 ,iavSi Dut wi,n comiulsory delays of 15 days more, tor .w, inciiKiii.g hotel expenses, YO-HO FOR CHRISTMAS HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Veils should be washed or thrown awny wheu soiled, for the dust which collects In them is bad for the com plexion. For siititic of the muscles caused by overexertion a very good remedy is to ruti li e !Tvted muscle thoroughly nil uicniiiit mil ill! eo. All at ids ore more or less injurious to the teeth. 1 Medicine ill which there Is acid should be taken thromrh glass tube and the mouth rinsed with mtle unrax and water. The wrinkle! culled "crow' feet' should I presented by daily stroking r,f 11, r.i.i. ,i , , " - " nicy wouiu eiiine. Keeping the blood in free circulation under me skin is s sure wrinkle preventive. 1 ne cockroach has been used for age ny the mistan peasantry as a remedy in dropsy. Investigations by competent persons show that the body contains sn active principle. This haa recened the name hlntticacld. ro make a first rale hair wnh .l.r..l nn ounce of white simp, pour over It a quart of boiling water and stir till dis solved. When cool, add the whisked yolk or two eggs and a tahlcspoiinful of spirit of rosemary. Cork tightly mumiuv ncii oeiore use. TIPS ON WALKIHG. when l.ei! in (he, n It is nlsn ( laiu-.v' g" 1 I'Mi flit 1 f t! v pill iie In persi i i and I lis t A ii( 1 ieaii- pp",ed to uhiil 1 -isllCs" Hie llllle.'l ale, iniolp with I The 'l.iMlilii atiuns i III' 1 1" . imply to r ! merican titf.'. inly. T hough the i' change of innie rcii ,-e the cost ' v nek of 1 1 1 f ic at li e si 1. I SC if Sl it C- ii I n 'f v c;.k s 1 1 11 -a, H, In 1 lire e - j .1 in ily i,v lerin "11, ' .y Iv nop. tu put , giu..--e r.T inn 1 il'cd I" .1 nei: 1 1 c pel to flic fin t u primal purpoi e f 1 ia I w n no u 1,1 t if j 1 r - 1 net mil, 1 1 c rei on 1 s 11 111 ni l 11,11 1 1 ,i- F j e. .1 in price to tie ' .inner, hut t hi in nn up ;mt t tiniM t .1 sejec; tin nf this deliein-v de tn.iv lir.-i'cr. lelii.n . v I' e f.'ITI Sune people greatly prefer the sorts hn li have the foic iinti r"! will tl.c suroni t- ing pate iniidr nf other hashed meals and the umre -,v In I. .im 1- u niii a runs and less highly tl.imicd met. A l'mf. Oscar In .v The l.'nval I'.unl'i this nutri', .le i;f l'i! t Hie tali i 1; , a g i 1 ' All nil t lie ,4 in II, if 1 1 r: rolled. T he IiiIiii;! Ii ii n mil ti;c rn'.in; the n the center. The (io . n Ii ly at those who ueie Ii vlfimiint, its', writlnn; if l-'mrliind" t I' r a lits, but wan h i rs. woliilci ing ' Ih them w- til ! t ibev were III In hi -i ,.v enuncil lit 1 a. I I.. In 1 11 -nil-ers so i d i kli.-lt In 1 ked u i-l fill cliliieliKi ,er re really her n:a at her relnt '. i'11'.d will the ti e liurill II ll 11 s trusted to them. Some v. hu m ei ut i.f. are perhaps si:rpried at the de- t-ails of the eereui- l.y. One ulin.i du ties neccssilnli.! I,1 ut he should lie f. r some time alis'luteli i.hne with tin. I'cnXiii a small rmiin witlmut a sin- ateni1ant. wnti-'irnl what she ill. I siy In hl-ii nt'd t'c rcplt tu I r. l ed by his n.y- iiiiin 1 i,'v re ign his i-iiui. II1I1.IIS I' r r Tin lillieulM ut liitig. and I l.c ipii 1 ma rliirg. whin she 1 ad In issiun: "What a trcuu y they hae put the in 1: . t'iry. ir: 1 1 a- Steps Uiut are quick are indicative of energy and ngitntlun. Tip-toe walking symbolizes surprise, curiosity. t i 1 n t i . . i. , nr mystery. Tui ne!-in Invs are often found with pi eoci npied, nbseiil-niiiidrd persons. The miser's walk is represented as stooping, noiseless, with short, nerv ous, anxious steps. Where a revengeful purpose la hid den under n feigned smile tlis step will be 11 11 1 irg aud nnl-ielehs. Sl steps, whether lung r short, suggest a gealle or reflective Mate of mind, as ti c ease may he. The proud step is slow and meas ured; tl.c Iks are conspicuously tin ned out; the legs straightened. The dinvti.'ti nf the tt.-p. wavering and following eu-.y chancing Impure nf ti e mind inciiul p, ) ,rn,, ,.,. tainty. Iniiaii.,ii nu, lii.,eii,,n. Obslimite people, who In uig.n, reiy tin ie uu inii-iculiirity tin , . tell.- I . I p. vver. rest II,, feet ,itly iimi fii uilv nn the ground, walk heavily and slowly, ami i.wmil with the leg, firmly planted and far apart. Chicago Journal. FOILS Tm I )LYATT ACK. "My wifn wiih an ill that nmi pliVHiciiins wcro nimble to help her." wriliH M. M. Austin, of WiiicheKier. liid., "but wild completely ruled by lr. King's New Lil'o Tills. " They wnil; woiidora in Ntiuiuu Ii mid liver troubliH. Cum eoiistiiniMoii. sink lieiidiu ho. ,',( at Krenii r'H driigHtorn. FAVOKIT E F AM I L Y K K MKDY. l'Vl MUi'llI 1 V ihtMi'IiIu 11,.,. or In II,,, luiuKclmld, which laiuso biiriin, cnlM, Nprii insi ami bruis;for iihk in siicli ciisiH, llnllard'H tsnow l.iiiloui.i l,. for iiuiiiv yen been the constiiiii fiivoiifu family remedy. i!."io. fith-. mid List ut Shiver Drug t'o. SAVF.l) Al' (IUaVk'S liftlNK. "1 know I u-mihl t,tttr iti7ik In, v.. I II ill III V irravn. " unl..y Mr. U H. Newsnin, of Deelitur. A In.. "If ll bail not Imiii for Kleclrill Hitters For tlireo years I Sllll'ered milnld agony f ruin ll:e worst forms of lndl gistimi, Vnierbnili, Stomiicli and ''"Wi I ).vnh'phui. lint this excel lent iiu dicinu did mil 11 world i f good, hince using it I cmi cat b-nrtllv mid IlllVe g lined I;.", puiiudH." For 'Jndi g' sti'.l, Losm ,,f np ie, SloiiiiK h, Liver and Kidney In.ulil. Kleelric Hitlers arc 11 positive, giiiiriinleed cure. Duly ;,(),. .,t Kleiuera lllliu .Slur,.. " r t Toys, Cards, Games, Novelties, Nick-Nacks. A fine assortment of photo albums. The newest books. Dressing cases, cLoico pictures, perfumes. Gunthers's candies, etc. A lot of things for Big Folks Little Folks, and Half-way folks. Presents for grandpas and mas and grandsons and uncles and aunts and thirty-second cousins. Come and got into the tho happy push. With every 50o purchaso a fine black and white picture mounted on card 12x14, while they laBt at M. Clemens' Drug's. opp. Opera House. Why not Buy the Boy a RIFLE FOR CHRISTMAS? Wo sell the celebrated STEVENS FAVORITE in 22, 23 and 32 oalibor. Just tho thing to make a boy happy. Hair -Riddle Hardware Co. Sixth Street, (.runts Puss, Oreuon o a 1 Hi i Machines Make home cheerful with an up-to-date talking machine. You can have the the best vocal and instrumental music that the world affords. We carry all styles from 150 etc. to $150 Also a fine line of guaranteed pen knives, pocket knives, jack knives and hunting knives, raz ors, strops and brushes, Scis sors and Shears ' fVJl-f-. 7 in m j -r r vmrr" Paddock's Bicycle Den. National Drug Store and the Grants Pass Pharmacy Dr. W. I KKEMEIt, Propr. 1 1 io.viij.viri,i:is-j for Christmas Novelties, Etc, With a Pull Assortment ot Books and Stationery, Ladies' Purses and Pocket Books, Manicure Sets, Toilet Cases, Choice Perfumes, Doll Carriages and Go-Carts. I HAVE DETERMINED ON Closing Out Toys, Games, Etc. AT PRICES THAT WILL MAKE THEM QUICK SELLERS.