Sitef vol xviir. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER iS, 1902. No. 4 ALONE WITH GOD. me, o Lord. llttl whtl To lt at Thy dear feet. . ' Th day li drawing to a clos. And light and darkness meet. Thoo kneweat. O my Father kind. All thai thla day ha brought, with labor, weariness and car lta hours hav been fraught. TDy guiding hand. O Lord, thla day I aroaatlr hav (ought: . pant to know Thy blessed will In m ta being wrought fain would look Into Thy face. And e Thy gracious smile. Dh. hid me In Thy tender lov And bid me rut awbllel And o. my feeble itrangth renewad. Rejoicing. I'll go on rrom trength to atrength untn at last Th heavenly ret I won. -A. it Q. Hicks, in N. T. Trlbuns. ROT AS THE WORLD GIVETH. Christ Olres What I Lasting;, What to BmI, What Is of Abuadaat Uleeslo-. "Xot as the world glveth, five I into you," said Cbrisl. and many a de rout soul hat come to realize the mc su ng of this statement only after life ong service. In the first pluce. Christ ' jives what li lasting, what in real, what of abundunt blessing. But there is mother way in w hich Ue gives. The world mutt have in tight the food result of anything, otherwise It tat little use for it. Christ given often I rich blessing In the guise of mlefor lune. One it suddenly turned from a cherished purpose; a jife thut prom ised great tbiugt becomes limited in Its power, from an earthly standpoint. Cbritt is not giving it success as the world would do. He understands what pruning will do for the vine, and what the fruit will be. Sometimes a most useful life It tud denly brought to an end. "for to he giveth Hit beloved theep." ond we say: tiud has use for it elsewhere. True, but that it not all; Cod lint use for even the death of a good man or wom an, for some toult uplift others more In death than In life. "Precious in the tight of the Lord it the death of LI it saints." But God't glfta do not end with thote wrapped in thedarknett of mys tery, gifts which are to be received with submissive faith. At the Insu when in the evening it is light these Ihitigt are known in their true rela tion to I if. Then He give again, but "not at the world." for now It it "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy foi mourning, and the garment of praise for heaviness." Union Gospel Newt. our OF WORK. A Costaltloa ol th ChrisUaa That I had Indeed No Kinurds lor lllm. "Out of work I" What pity it aroused in our heart! at the sound of these words 1 No work! No wugrsl No bread! Around the empty board a hungry, ill-clad father and mothcrund tliin-fuced. starving little ouet. A tud picture! Hut it has to do only with tJist which is of the earth, earthy. These are ouly clay bodies, that after awhile shall return to the dust of mother earth. Out of work a Christian! Is there any sadness in this picture? No work! Comet life't thort day to its closet No wages! No penis I No mansions! No scepters! No crowns! No, not to much, perhaps, at the penny at the cloie of the day. A poor beggarly, Iran, hungry, soul-starved Christian. Ktcrnalli poor, without hope of ever ut' taining riches, for the diiy of work It patt and over. Does tliia picture arouse any pity? Vet he is without excuse. Not that he could not work, but that be would not, for "the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few." Yet to it it. Multitudes of Chrittiam out of work. Whole churchet out of work, seeking only present earthly comfort and pleasure. No work. No pay. Hunger. Starvation. Death. "Faith if it hath not workt it dead." So, too, it the Cbritt ian out of work. "Why tnnd ye here all the day Idle?" Are you out of work? W. Russell Col ling, in N. T. Observer. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. Where a man can do most good lathe highest spot of service in this world. Watchman. Ood 1 not an oriental deepest. To And out Uia character and motives study II Un aa He was "manifest in the flesh." Interior. There is a great need for the revival of religion in the family, Religion as well as charity begins in the home- United Presbyterian. It la good U do the tight thing, but it is still better tauant to do it. .Many acne Humbles or drifts intoa right ac tion, and to far to good. Ilut no one ought to be satisfied with drifting or stumbling at any time. He ought to know that he lint done well because be willed ar.) worked to do well. To Ig nore one's own faculties it to dishonor their Maker. S. S. Times. A recent writer tells of the worth of a warm heart, and says thut a warm heart Is more attractive than a large brain. A city missionary said to a cer tain man: "He is not much of a man f you measure him in tome ways, but be It worth a hundred dollars a year aa kindling-wood in a prayer meeting." The world needs warming, and the Christian with but one talent can carry with him a warm heart. if he wilL Bap tist Union. smsiti isii i A raalirat Child. A child tried to upset an elder by nulling away the rbair as he was nt to sit down. The child waa rep iTiinded and asked what she would ate done if th victim had fallen and hart himself. "I should lavs fstahsd a ana," aha said. Oa being pressed tn gives reason for this trsnae provision she said: "Would y.'iikave him linger in agony?" Londosr-Glob. I FOUND THE . f "" NIOHT was falling fast, and the snow was piled high nKulust the outer walls of the hovel where a poor mou Jlk (peasant) named Knto nia toy dying lu a little village In far away Russia. Kntouia knew that he was going to die. It was Christmas eve, but there was no Kindness In the season for blm. His wife, whom be bad loved very dearly, was already gone. For three consecutive years now his crops bad failed. A few weeks before tbe wolves had devoured his last cow. If be bad been entirely alone in the world he would have said to death. "Come; thou art welcome!" Rut there was one other, bis boy Osslp. The Idea of death became ter rible when be thought of leaving bis boy all alone with not a copeck to bless himself with. When I tell you that It takes 100 copecks to make a ruble and that a ruble Is less than CO ecuts, you will understand how dreadfully poor Ka tonia was. lie could not die peacefully for think ing of Osslp's future. His dim eyes 'turned fondly toward the pillow by bis side, which the boy's thick black balr almost covered. Osslp lay motionless In sleep. The sick inun put one feeble hnnd upon his boy's smooth forehead and silently commended 111 in to heav en's care. The house was very still. The hour was late. Osslp's healthy, regular breathing wng tbe only audible sound. If only kind heaven would raise up one friend for his boy out of the millions of good people this big world swarmed with. Kiitoma felt that be should not mind bow soon bo was laid away un der the frozen sods. While bis band rested on Osslp's head and his heart was filled with these anxious thoughts the door of tbe hovel opened softly. Tbe moujlk turned wondering eyes In that direc tion, and there, coming noiselessly to ward hi in across tbe beaten earthen floor, . was a tall woman with soft brown eyes full of pitying tenderness. She came close to the bed, on Osslp's side of It, and, looking down upon the sleeping child, she muttered: "Perhaps this Is tbe one at last" Kntoma looked at her anxiously. "Whence came you, good mother, and what seek you?" Across the sleeping boy she an swered softly: "1 have come for Osslp. Tbey told nie In tbe village that thy days were numbered, and I knew that Osslp would need a friend. I will love and mm "I biv com run ostiir." cars fur blm as though be were my very own. I am called Uaboushka. and I keep my promises." Then Katoma, the moujlk. died nap py, for be knew that Kabooahka wss a friend to all Uttls children, and when she gathered Osalp doss Into ber moth erly arms when tb end cams th child ceased weeping for big dead father. W"bQ Baboosbka and Osalp were well on their wsy to the old woman's borne, in the next village, tbey beard a pltlfnl sound of weeping somewhere oo the tree shadowed side of th road. The old woman stopped at tn sound. "W will go and see who Is In trou ble, Osslp. Our eyes and ears should always he kept well opened so that no sign of distress msy escape oa." Guided by the sound, tbey came to stone where, walling and shivering in tn darkness of tbs winter night, tbey found a llttl girl scarcely as arc as Osslp, who wss not at all wU grown for his eight yean. Babooshka kneit down by tn child and. gathering ber cold llttl feet into gi warn) clasp, muttered: Terbapa tbla la tb child.' XJwq ab said aloud, "What to tbs 8 .. 1 5" -XsI-cWtj V ' La, I 1 nan- i MYERS'. name, little one, and what doest thou here alone In tbe bitter nighttime?" ' At which tbe child's tears flowed afresh, and between ber sobs she told the kind, soft eyed woman how she had been traveling with a great com pany of men and women who were leaving their own village to seek a bet ter land across tbe seas our own blessed America, I mnko no doubt and how, when they bad encamped for the night, ber aunt, who was the only relative she bad tn tbe world, had sent ber Into the woods to gather fagots to pnt under tbelr soup kettle, and how she bad wandered so far that she had SUE TOOI TUB CBtPfLKD DOY IM HER ARMS. not been able to find ber way back to I the camp, and bow the feared tbe wolves would devour ber before any one should come to look for ber. Then she told Uaboushka that her name was Vasallsaa. ' Uaboushka clasped tbe little wander er to ber great motherly heart "Thut Indeed, the wolves shall not my dear little Vasnllssa. I cannot give thee back to thy aunt, fur 1 know no better than thou dost where this great company of men nnd women may be camping for the night. Ilut thou sbalt go home with Oxslp and me. Thou sbalt share our Ore nnd our porridge, and all that Is mine thou sbalt share with Osalp. I can keep the wolvea of hunger and cold away, and If thy aunt Comes to claim thee she shall And thee rosy and-happy." Then VawillSHa quickly dried her tears, and with ber hand clasped In Baboushkn's she trudged cheerfully forward until they came to a tiny little cottage set back from the road a short distance. In Its one window a lamp was burning brightly. The window and the lamp belonged to liabouthka'a cottage, Hhe pushed its unlocked door open, and the chil dren entered with her into a clean wept well warmed room. A large chair wns drawn close up to the hearth. As Ilnlmishka entered she glanced eagerly at this chair, and again he muttered under ber breutb: "I bad hoped be might have come while I was out" "Oood mother." Osslp asLed, "why do you leave a lighted lump In the win dow when you go a way f "Bo that," she answered, "sbould any one go astray In tbe cold and tbe dark be might Bud his way to my poor cottage. And now let us see If the beau broth has kept warm all this time. I tnade It before I left borne In the early morning hours so thut If sny wander ers found tbelr way hither they might not leave my roof hungered." Tbe bean broth bad kept warm. She bod Osalp throw a few more fagots tinder tb pot aud set Vssallsaa on a tool hi to wannest nook. Then tbe brought tlire bowls. Oiled them with tb bean broth and put them on the tabl. Over them the asked a blessing. Before ber ow n wooden spoon bad mad two Journeys from bowl to Up h beard a Umld knock at tb door. En ran quickly to answer It A tall, pel lad stood outside. In bis arms he carried a sinall mlt of a boy, about who shoulders wss wrapped a worn and soiled woman's shswL Th tall, pal lad looked Into tb flr lighted room with longing eyes. Ills teeth chattered wltb tlx cold a b1 asked: "Good mother, may w stk shelter for tb night? Tb cold bits bitter bard, and my little brother i troaba is but a sickly cripple." Then Babouahka opened wid ber door with an eager band and fast beat ing heart. Perhaps, at last this was tb child. What tbe said aloud was: "That indeed tboo mayest But wby art thou abroad on socb a bitter nlgbt with tb llttl oner ' Bb took tb crlftilrd boy in her strong, lortng arms and carried blm rrraTgnrto-nfe- great rmttrTh 'the'enim--ney corner. She rapped her own best shawl about him aud chafed bis small, withered feet until they glowed with warmth. The tall, pale lad looked on gratefully. "I am seeking an asylum fur the lit tle one," be said. "I bare to work hard to keep blm and myself from want A rich merchant has promised me work, but he saya I must not bring Petrusba. That be would take too much of my time." "And where seek you an asylum for Urar Uaboushka looked pitifully at the small, sad face of tbe cripple. The tall brouier anaweredsaiflyr "Alas, that I know not yet I was seeking tbe nearest town to 88k coun sel of the priest" Uaboushka laid a klud baud oo the boy's arm. "Put care away from thy 'young heart Thou bast found an asylum for thy crippled brother. He shall travel no farther on tbe frozen roads, lie shall be my own little Petrusha. I have a tiny truckle bed Into which he will fit to a nicety. Such as I have, dear child, I make thee welcome to in the Christ Child's name." Tbe nlgbt was but very little older when the three children, Osslp, Vasa- llssa and Petrusba, fed, wanned and comforted, were sleeping the care fro sleep of innocent childhood. ' Ouly the tall lad and Uaboushka aat by the fireside, because there was no bed left for them. "Tell me, good mother," the boy said, looking straight Into ber kind eyes, "why are you so good to all children? Tour fame hat gone abroad." Uaboushka did not answer blm at once. When she did, her voice sounded as sweet and solemn as church chime tt vesper time, "Yes, I will tell you, my son, for you re nenrlng your own years of respon sibility, and It will be well for you to learn in good time the solemn lesson that an opportunity once lost is lost forever. "Many years ago I was setting my houBo In order when three men stopped at my door wltb a great piece of news. " 'We have seen a radiant star In tb aat' they said, 'and we know that tb Christ Child must be come. Leave thy labor. Come wltb us to And blm and to do blm honor.' "But I sent them away wltb words of foolish Impatience. 8cest thou not that I am setting my bouse In order! Go thou to where the star beckoni thee, and I will follow at some more convenient time. I can see Its light without thy help.' "So they went their way and left me tn .-o mine. Ilut when tbe time cam that I found it convenient to follow the star clouds obscured tho heaven, unil there was no star to be seen, and to I knew not how to seek the Christ Chllil. "I have been sinking blm ever since, up nnd down In tbe land. Whenever, wherever I see a little rblld I think perliiips 1 have found tho One I seek. and n iv heart yearns over 111 in. But not yet have 1 found the Christ Child, whose fare must shine wltb the radi ance of the star I lost." With teats of sorrow wetting her eyelushe Uaboushka fell asleep In her chair. Kbe had filled all of ber beds with cold and friendless children. And as sho slept a tender band seemed to dry her tears aud a loving voice to whisper lu her ears: "InuHiiiuch as ye have done It unto the lenst of these little ones ye have done It unto sie. They were homeless, and ye took them In. They were hun gry, and you have fed them. They were cold, aud you have wnrtned them. The Christ Child Is In thy own heiirt." And on that glad Christinas morning Babotisuka awoke with a great peace In her soul, for she knew that she bad found blm the bad been seeking far and wide. TRANSFORMATION CervrifM. Earth wag de$trt 4pot A wrjryr wty, ,TM onv (he world Jhcrt djw&td i i r . v Uie CirUb7U tfjy, L Tbtn.' likr jibt JkUt tntdt grttn ) V By funning brook. Y By fanning li ,Hppt fttxtttnd tit tbe world Cs c- courts too. tMVt wu gloomy puce. A dreary way. Until th Star ante I Christmas we to Bed tb The heart' Saviour cam A . I S tiaV -v, W EDITION LOOKING FOR SANTA CLAUS The snow was fulling ou the moun tains, biding their tops In a misty veil, and tbe air was full of whirling flukes, which were rupldly covering the brown earth wltb a cnrjiet of white aud oblit erating the trail up the mountain side wbcro trudged, or, rather, stumbled, along a grotesque childish figure In man's rough Jacket, the sleeves rolled over and over to let out the small brown bands, while, the edge of the coat, ou a lino with her beelt, left a trail In tbe snow. A red hood covered the child's bead, dark curls peeping out around ber fuce, and In the fearless, wistful eye bono a new light, for Dorothy was going to find Santa Onus. When her mother had gouo to heav en a short time before, they bad carried ber up the mountain, and God and Santa Onus were al ways associated together In the child's mind. So, if God lived up there, San ta Claus could not be far away. Thus reasoned lit tle Dorothy In tbe hours when ber futher was off working In tbe mine and slin WHS left atnnit with her rag doll In the llttlo D"0"hnyi.W" brown hut which served find Bant as shelter and borne. ciaua "Santa Claus may not come here Dow mother has gone," tbe little girl said, "and It must be nenr Christmas, so I will find hi m, and perhaps he will take mo 1n bis reindeer sleigh to see mother and God." Little Dorothy paused tn ber task of sweeping the one room of their borne, and, putting some potatoes in the ashes to bake, that ber father's upper might be ready for him, she had wrapped herself in bis old coat, donned ber red hood and started out to And Santa Claus. It cbsnced that day that on of th mine owners wss down from tb city on tour of Inspection, and, having seen Dorothy on a previous trip, b bad. remembering anoth er little girl who was very happy on Christmas eve, brought down a Christ mas box for Dorothy and so strolled along with her father as be started home ward, that he might give i i . ., .. t. i,n,iu K'iV'iJM Httl maiden herself. But 'fr"l when they reached the brown hut Dorothy was not there, and when re peated calls brought no answer the two men. alarmed, started In oppo site directions to seek ber. Mr. Golden following tho almost obliterated path up tbe mountalu side, where, a mile beyond, be found tbe little on al most burled in the falling now, and as be stooped to lift ber In bis arms she Dear, aood murmured drowsily, see Mr. Santa , ing the klud face bending Claus." over ber: "Dear, good VI r. Santa Claus, I want" When sb opened ber wistful, dark eyes sgaln, the same kind face was bending over ber as she lay ou ber cot In the little brown bouse, ber father holding ber tn bis arms, while beside ber was tbe most beautiful doll of which sho bad ever dreamed, aud, clasping It close to ber heart, little Dorothy asked with reverent Joy, the dark eyes Oiled to overflowing: "Dear Mr. Santa Claus, Is you God too?" CAM.IB BON NET MARBLE. J. Saw S A $onglttt ni,y Till thinitlg tnith lui VI K.hrnmat'iiy, Then tvtry liny fill Thtl dinctf thiig Found roict. And uurtt ioei, day. world' dctpait dread bight to tarth I .... I 81 mi i m MM I li'htbeVird1) (t insone)" fl ' nm 8 SOLDIERS 9l t t) I' CbpvVK, o, P Xfat U SoM ) If IT was a brilliant holiday store, tho windows and the shelves and the rast ablaxe wltb filigree and thronged with dolls and dlsliet and engines and trains and skatea and sleds, aud hobbyhorse that gtilloied, and cows that moord, and nilco that ran, and and every thing, absolutely everything, thut ever enters tbe most rapturous Christmas dream. Iu the center of tho largo show win dows, fronting upon the gay street, stood two soldiers. Tbey were by all odds tbe finest soldiers In the store, much superior to the personnel com posing tbe different troops and regi ments and companies ttutloned here and there along tbe aisles. Tbe pair were made of tin, to be sure; but they were of heroic nature, eight Inchet tall, richly uniformed In black and yellow, and could be wound up to that they would present arms several times in succession. Tbe other soldiers, poor things, were compelled to remain the whole time at a "carry" or a "right shoulder" with out relief. Naturally these two soldiers were proud and of aspirations reaching be- oh, to oxt awat snow this rrauui, auAhu mount 1" yond their present narrow quarters. They pined for a wider sphere. Aa they stood and (tared wltb stern, died gate through tho plate glass Into tbe gay street they talked together In toy language, and Done, not even the most versatile linguists among the people passing and repassing, knew that they talked. "Ob, to get away from thla eternal guard mount over lot of frippery!" sighed the one. "Wltb all my heart!" agreed th other. "Tb monotony is frightful" "I'd glv half my solder to receiv orders to report to some llttl boy," continued the first "Oh, for changer "Hut the majority of llttl boys are, so rough sud careless," responded tb second. "I uuderstaud tbey scratch you and bend you and acberwlse mal treat you without taint, aud soon you're done for. I f refer duty of a tiioro quiet instructive nature, where I may tescb by means of my deport ment rather than by violent action." "Well I should uJoy a bard drill and a tussle, 1 bollev," asserted th first "Our organism Is too fin fur sucb active service, my lad," Indulgently corrected tbe second. "What scratches ud dents? No, no, Glv in post of more elegance, where my uniform will be treated a It deservea." Christmas day had been over and gone a mouth when after tbelr separa tion tbe two soldiers sgsln encounter ed one another, but this Uui lu a great heap of rubbish at tb city dump, where the dump man bad unwittingly thrown them out "Hurrah! Hello, old chap!" exclaim ed the first soldier delightedly. "Hello."' returned th second, wltb rather mora reserve. "Goodness! Been through tb Beveu Years' war?" Well might b put this query. Tbe other soldier was a perfect wreck. 11 bad lost an arm and a foot bis besd wss sharply Inclined forward upon bla cheat b bad only on cy, bis body wss twisted askew, bis goo was bro ken, bis cap was tnlsalng, his features were bettered slid distorted, and as for bis uniform of black and yallow there was hardly a spot of paint on him! "I I've been having my tussle," an Don need tbe flrst, wltb a cracked laugh. "But yen wby. you evidently found Just what you wer looking for." "yes," explained th second, "I fell Into so excellent post It wss tb 0 bands of a tittle boy, sura enough, but he wnan't allowed to burt me. Bee, I baven't mark on ma." And be ex hibited himself proudly. True, ho was still in dress parade condition. Thunder and Man!" chuckled the first "And look at me! Do you mean to say that you never were stepped our "Oh, no," replied the second. 1 didn't He around on the floor. I u put away Just as soon a ha was don playing wltb me. Ills mother bad tnade blm very orderly little boy." "8o you never stayed out all night In tb ball or In tb uilddl of tb sit ting room?" "Never," said th spick and span sol dier. "And did be hoot at you with bla rubber gun ever?" "Nover," said tb (pick and (pan sol- tiler. "And be didn't bit you to se bow oft you were?" "Never," said tbe spick and span sol tiler. "Or drag you about among tb chairs with a atrlng?" "Never," said the tplck and span sol dier. "Or sick th terrier on yon?" "Nover." "Or taka you to bed wltb him and roll on you?" "Never. I was lwnyt placed oa tn belt In th closet" "Or kick you or whack you or throw your "Never. Watch I can present arms as well aa ever." "Or kits you and hug you wltb all bla might and cry for you whoa b wtt sick through eating too much candy?" "Never. II used to forget m en tirely for days and days. Did your boy really do all that to you?" "Yea all that aud more," answered tbe battered soldier softly. "And did be kiss you, you taj?" asked tbe spick and spun soldier a bit wistfully. "Yes; be kicked ms aud be kissed me," laughed the flrst "And did you enjoy It?" pursued tb econd curiously. "I bid th time of my life," declared tbe other. "How did you fiud thlngs up to your expectations?" Tb spick sud span soldier hesitated; then be replied: "Possibly. 1 can't complain. But but somehow I grew dreadfully n Buled. I almost longed at times for more excitement more energy, W got tired of oue another. After a day cr so ws exhausted all our programme of proper exercises, and be was so cau tious of wearing me out that 1 was laid aside, aud-and. Anally, her I am. I dou't suppose bs even know! that I'm gone." "Dear me!" mused tb other. "I'm glad my little boy wu not Ilk yours. Of course there ar tho kuocka; but tii a vrrstuxt xxrr. h. our couipuulousblp was sweet! I bet be t crying for me tit this Instrtut poor chum! Still. It Is as well that I am carted to the dump. I am old and disfigured sud a back uilnlcr, aud I wanted to go In-fore bp would cease to mist me." Tbe spick and spuu soldier was ill lent "III. yl!" sollloqufcajd the veteran, wltb a sigh and wltb a chuckle, stiffly rolling over on bis bac k. "I'm past re pairs, but tt wss sw et-ay. It was ' worth It'. Ibare hiidV-tbe Urn of ' my Uf." And wltb hi or eyr b gated I through a cblnk In tt debris up at tb tars. ' . j ' ' ' - " t A. BKAVE DESEliTEIL ' BY EDWASD B. CTJLtUC. 3 "What's that yoossy?" said Sargt. Tools, tt he kicked .t'i tnow oft hit boot tnd ast town by tiie Pre in tbe little wooden shack diet did dun for barracks. "You sty ther lever was sny good in a deserter? Well, fou're mined it by jutt ou, and have mad I four insiead o( a bull's eye. Didn't row ver hear teil of Jim Benton, of T troop, of ihe Twelfth? Jim was a deserter, so Waab iiaton people ssid, but Jim loved th flag ind hit duty to it better than nine-tenths if th fellows who serve their full 90 years tnd then get let out with Unci Sam's thanks and small bit of money every nonth (or life. . "What mad him desert? Well, what should make aa old soldier desert bat a woman? Some poet or other jmk told shout a fellow who had been tempted all kinds of ways. Money couldn't get him; (lory couldn't get him; notbin' could get lim, to all th wise onet thought, and th ot him, or, at th verse slinger put it, 'wom an tempted and he fell.' "Jim as in th tervic 25 year before ha struck hit Aag to a petticoat. Like all those fellwws, when he gut hit be was hit to bad . thtt none of your surgeons who are up in mstttt- i.i .eutinient cjuld p..' - il get out the bullet, or perhtpe I'd beau .ay ar 'or that's the kind of ammunition the little chap who. shot Jim uses. You see, Jim was nigh onto 90 when he got hit sight filed and held on to this pretty young crea ture with blonde hair, blue eyes and pink ehreka. It's always the way with the old ftlloars, when they get stuek on something young. It goes hard with them. You see, the girl had heard how it was that Jim had always been steady, had never seen li'e in side of 'the mill' eicept at t trem! rr . th guard, ard, moreover, how lie - ' 'A irawing I mr per rent, with I t tau.u er. "Jim always went into t fight to win, and he got o to th track of that girl and hung to it just at he did to the Kid's trail down in the Apache country when 'I' troop waa chasing that red devil through the Arizona hell. The girl led Jim for a while roquet tish like, just to make sure of him, I gueat. I don't tuppos the ever cared t rap for him, but th wat of a kind to whom Jnn'i littl pot of money and hi retired pty meant a beep. "Jim wasn't any beauty. Tie looked lis on of this artist fellow Remington's pic tures of us fellows. All muscle tnd bone, but as thin aa th company cook's soup when th beef doesn't show up. Moreover, Jim had a scar on his far that was deep enough to drop a Springfield enrtriilge in. He got it along with a medal of honor when he wat trying to save a kid trumpeter from being gobbled up by th Siout nut on th Rosebud. Th medal of honor didn't mean anything to that girl. It might to soma who wear skirts, but not to one of her kind. "We"., finslly w all thought that Jim had eorsled her all right. It wat given out that th Twelfth's chaplain wss going to have a job tying the two ap. None of theboyteon gratulated Jim too hearty, because most of. them had tised tb affair up right, and wouldn't hav it that tb girl was good enough for Jim Benson, She might b all right for a rookie, but not for an old fel low who had teen more campaigns than th girl had year. I ought to hav told you be fore thtt this particular petticoat wat visit ing at th poet. She came from down Iowa way somewhere. One night she gave it out that she wat go- , Ing home, and that Jim must go dowa ther for th splicing. 8h elesred out, end in a few days alter th old fellow gets a furlough and clears out, too, following the imi'. as w heard after, way down to lows Now, you mutt just get hold of this fact. Jim waa kind of a pious chap, but be loved th flag better then any Bible that wat ever printed, but for a thort tim that girl was ahov th nag. Jim wat just erasy for her. Th ttory se that th wouldn't come back, snd woulda't marry him unless he quit th army the tad ther. Jim tried to quit through th regular red-tape channels, but ther wouldn't have it dowa is Washington. "Jim Benton, veteran, medal of lienor anas, fighter in a hundred fights, lover of bia flag and country, and as good a soldier aa ver wor quartermaster's shoes, deserted, and deeertad for a petticoat. 1 forgot to sty that Jim get his wad of money from th psyenaater before bis leave was up. "Then was another desertion inside of a month after Jim quit thcailort. Thai tim a woman did the deserting, though a fel low heled her ta do it, tnd along with th woman and th fellow went Jim s money. I don't tuptos during the honeymoon the full (ore of what he hsd done went home In th bull's eye with Jim. It went home. however, when the gni quit. Jim wanted So be reinstated in the service, lie wa willit to take tht heaviest penalty for ab sence witnout leave, but he knew now how it Nit lie t deserter, tnd more than that. he ranemhered bow all good soldiers de spise a felluw who quits. v "Jon's beast wss clesa broke. Re got in enmmuni'atiofi tb hit old captain some how, and M tried -l wort th thing through tlx tleirtinant luri'm, but there d been a heap oil t'rtrrliooa aboat that time, tad de enilr Jira't medal and bisjjft yetrs with narv a 'blund' nor a day in 'the wll' sgxinst him, the honorable, th secretary e( war said if Jim ww taught he must take bit mnlkine. It was rumored around old fort John son that Jfun had been teen on thtedge of tbe woods IweYjBg al liieom piareand seem ing kind ut wikeiike. One night one of the old quart rriiiuu sharks got on fire. It was just heioiY level practice srst(n, srl the building had a auar big boxes o,' ammu nition in it. These eaa pretty stiff win, I blowing, mil it looked a if the her racks tnd a lot of other things .ue!d so. li last ' slot! hail esi'loiled the other bwoitmga Mould l ave gone sure. Th hr was fa,il eating around lho Uixes and the fellows foueil toy of the risKie a little, good tolditr smfl though thty si. "All at once while th crowd wa bear ing bs .imebody jumped (Iran through the In . plump intu the tire, lie grabbed a bot a;... t .ire it out clear f tiie blase, and then anotner and another, though th llamee were burning his clothes and going ap wrrstlilike about hi bead. "Winn he had don tb business eleaa and g ' ' 'oe man jumped nut of tnc names sad ir- the wood. Well, 1 gUes yo ikuow ' it waa It wat Jim lleaion. We if.iuut i. in iead aett day in a thicket, hut .the esli-u. part of the mtttir wtt that .Jim's beoy wat wrapped in an 1, gsrrlsoa tlsg that iail beea pinned tlx ut him by th last tffoti u those poor humid hands. Jim though),, that, deeertrr though k wss, if U-.llid Abu tbey might bury baa Iwitn Hit tug. .. ")iil they do !( $, and gave him th ri golaiioa three rwtsuda.tvrer the grave aid I th best prayer that tb ojd chaplain knew I how to pray. ! "H")t, I've beea 30 years in th tervic I've only got on year before 1 retire, bwl as sure as drill call soupii ;b decent seats, r I'm going to tight ehj of petticoats till tot est U month art uu'tlucsgo lUKurd Herald. . Th lU rwsieasee. When th plainly dressed woman utrred th crowded car all tb young men wer ton busily engaged In read lug their nwspapcrt to notice her. Seeing which, the somewhat elderly but well preserved bachelor near th door arose. "Take thlt seat madam," h lak), touching bia hat, "Wall. I should say ooil,"sh replied. Indignantly. "YonVaWf tnnughtob . . T. . . . tt PP K k our i-". "