Rogue River Crania Past, Uye Sifn of Enterprise Coupon No. 1 Enclosed find $1.25, for which please send the Rogue River Courier to the following address for one yenr: Fill out one of the offer holds good until without expense. 1 W Always in Stock All New Patterns. Shoe Department A lew years ago the Shoe De partment iu every store was com pletely covered up during the Holiday season, uo one had time to look at shoes. This is not the case at the present time, however, as everyone is Interested in what we hive to say about foot wear for holiday presents. This week we are opening some new lines, in Ladies' Men's and Children's Shoes in. OXFORD TIES, Slippers FIvLT KID and CALF and some novelties in PIN GREKS, GLORIIvS and GOVERNORS. lRly W TRUNK, fk Ruth in VaUjit er.J !i:;!,-r Ihrks R. L. Coe & Co. You Can (let Your Winter's Reading at little cost at Col. W. Johnson's, North Main Street opposite the S, P. l. & I.. Co s factory. He has the largest stock of paper bound books in Southern Oregon, comprising lioth light and deep literature. Books To Suit All Adventute, Hiugrapliiral, Detective, Histori cal, Juvenile, Love, Realistic, Sensational. Learn how you can Income a member of the Circulation Library and thoe books at small cast. , Call or send for Catalogue. QoL Two Good Signs The vSig'n of Excellence Courier Ore&on. Two Good above Coupon ami Hi'Uil to tliiH olllee. Coupon No. 1 iH a saving of 2."i cents, and tlio Doc. Ill ; Coujion No. 2 will enable you to become Hi-quii inti-d v illi tlio Courier Rogue River Courier f $1.50 Per Year ? Everyone wants one of those Flying Machines for their boys or girls for the holidays. You can get one FRF.K with ever pair $1.50 shoes. You want one of the prettiest Calendars ever published. Jti.-.t send in your name at once ami you will get one by mail January 1st We are showii.g sumoiaie novil ties in ladies and gents llandket chiefs, Mullleisauil Ties (or Christ inas presents. A few of those elegant PAT TERN HATS left ut 20 per cent, discount. W. Johnson.-ut ': ,alV-,?'"'fT The Courier' Typo Coupons Coupon No. 2 Flense send the Rogue River Courier Free, for one month to the following nd dress: YO-HO FOR CHRISTMAS Toys, Canls, (lames, Novelties, Nick-Nacks. A lino assortment of photo albums. Tlio newest books. Dressing eases, choice pictures, perfumes, (lunthers's candies, etc. A lot of things for Big Folks Little Folks, and Half way folks. Presents for grandpas and in as and grandsons and uncles and aunts and thirty-second cousins. Come and get into the the happy push, Witn tvery f0e purehaso a (ino black and whito picturo mounted on card li'xlt, while they last at M. Clemens' opp. Opera House. Why not Huv the Uov a RIFLE FOR We sell the ST1.V1.NS FAVOKITK in 2". 2' and "2 caliber. Just the thing to make a boy happy. Hair -Riddle Hardware Go. Sixth Street, ants 1'nss, - Setting Machine. Drugs. CHRISTMAS ? celebrated ft Oroson ROGUt kVER COUnlEP UK. I NTS PAHS, OlUi'iOS. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates : )nf Year, in r ilvaiv.-c. iii Month-, rtret Mnlh, Single c'opiei, - Adveitlaing Raies Kuriii-hed mi application at tli nthce, '' ty mail. A. E. VOORHIKS, Pliol'K. A MNU Kutert-.i al the post oitite at firan-.s Pa recoil, as second-class mail mailer. THURSDAY. DECF.MFFR 11, 1W local llDarpcnine.s Arthur Fra.ier, pianint, at the Ueri liouce Monday evening. Jas. Kvans of Centrul Point re turned 011 Mondav after a visit in (irantH IVss. Mrs. J. A. Yost was iu Grants Pa. Wednesdiiy and left for Portland on tlie evening train. The portrait of Mayor-Fleet J. F- Baslior appears in TnesdiiyV 'I elegram, with a brief Kketeh. Mr. a:i:l Mr Rf:y Hale came down frnni A-hlniiil Tuesday evi nitig, ( alii (1 hither bv the serious illia ff of Mr. Hale's father, J. V, Hale. James J. Jeffries and llolx rt Fitz- Hiiiimoiis, tlie worm renowneu pugilists, passid througli tirauts Pa.-i- Monday evening en route to Fort laud. President Myers ol (hu New York & Western Mile s Co., t.f which Ion tor & Gnnnell are the local managers is hero looking afti r the interests of his company. Tlie jiiiiuo recital by Arthur Fra.ier on Monday evening is given miner the Hiippici s of the Grants Puss high school, the proceeds to be applied lo- ward the purchase of a library. The licit popcorn business is a flour ishing one in" this city, a new stand having lei 11 lately 1 ret ted at the ner of the railroad bark on Front and Sixth streets. There are now two in tertirises of this character in Grants Pass. Miss Parker' U.ecita.1. Miss J-aura Parker s music class gave a recital 011 Wednrsaily evening a the home of Dr. and Mrs. Flanagan. There was a very good al tendance though many, both pupils and visitor; were kept away 011 account of tin drenching rain. The program was a most enjoyaloi 0110 and was rendered with reman;alili skill oil the part of the pupils. Cll of the numbers most enjoyi d v a "Old Kentucky Home," with vuria tions, riven by Miss Winnie Flai a- gau. Miss Winnie exhibits very ex eejitioual talent and skill for one si young and her selections never fai to please and surprise by their excel lent rendering. Stephen t'ass, Louisa and Fmma Fetsi h, Willard Dean and Clare Kremer gave their number: with a skill, accuracy and musical sense very pleasing to the listeners. A duet was given bv Misses Fiinn. and Gussie Parker and a solo by Miss I.aura Park r These numb.TS wcr" enjoyed greatly, and were given in a manlier worthy of the musical talent of the Misses Parker. The pupils 1 f the class without ex ception played with a skill that di -mouslrated iimpiest iouably their Iffgh musical talent and also showed their instruction under Miss Parker's direc tion to have been thorough, judi cious and conscientious, demonstrat ing her ability as a teacher and the excellence of her methods as exhibited ill their results. Social Meeting. Class No. I I fif the Bethany Presby terian Sunday school hold a busine.-s and social meeting on Wednesday evening at the home rf Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Coe. Novel and pleasant feat ures of entertainment had been pin vided and were jiiveii under the direc tion of the ias president, Miss Yid.i Moore. The prize in a gue.-sing eon test was won by Mi.-.cs Myrtle Ire land and Marie Smith. An old fash ioned spelling match was indulged in and charades were the closing feature of the entertainment. Among the charades which caused uuite-enient were the fallowing as illustrated: "in-D-go," "a-lass, " "niel-a-for. " x-u trie. " A very plea-ant social evening was aed. Arthur Frailer, Pianist. Arthur Fra.-.i. r, tie' pianist, will give a 1 inn 1 lecit il al the o ra house next Monday 1 veiling, iiiuhr the auspices of the Giants l'a.,s high school. The pn voids will b- given to the li'orary fund. Mr. Kra.ii r's talent as a pianist is w idely reeogni., .1 on thiscoast, This is net his tirst vis.t to (-irants Pas as he w as here with the 1" of 1 1 ,. elub on their suuthi iu Oregon tour. Those who attend this rn'ilal are s- surnt or a I'.rst ela-s entei tainmei.t oesii.cs .nr. r raiiT, tln-re will letwo vtval nuinU'rs In- local sine--rs. 1 ickeis are .hi and :(.' cents and seats may be reserved at the PostoMic drug store on Frithiv. Strike cn Josephine A rich quart strike has been made on Josephine cr.-iR. Four & Dav iiiiners of that district, have 111:1 over- la ledge 10 fe, in width, whiiheaii be true, d on the 'surface for a I'.istane, of fill) feet. The values an carried in fne gold, andsevii:il pii 1 es outcrop, ping on (he surface h:ive l eii broken o:T, and in whiih rhe gold glitters visibly. Several other ledges have been discovered in that district, and are undergoing dovelopnn nt. Jov phine creek was worked for its placer gold many years ago, its bars alll antvcl banks being very rich. R.cent- ly, il has U',11 ploslx eleil for ledgi mil a number of gixnl finds have Win made. B&skct Ball Social A social will le given oa Saturday evening. Dew tuber ii), at the Wood mail hall, by the high school girl's Klski t Ist'.l team. Th ell rlialle-Th Wetklj- Orvroataa. " Dabv Mine Bonded, C. Q. Higgius, of Salt Lake City. talan 11 bond on tno uany qui-"-, mine owned by Myers. Ui.o, Haniium Towne, and situut d in t'.i? Jump- o:T-Joe d Strict. The terms 01 me bend are net given cut. Active opera tions will be began inmiediiit. ly to ilevt lop Hie indie and a tunnel will bo run to tap ' Vl':n 111 . ..1. 11.... I,,,i hitherto been reached. 'I - . ..... ilJliA.: 1 ....... .,'.. r,l.i.itu nrn lllsfi The P.ahv mine was lirsl worscu u Joseph Pollock and others ly means of an urrastre, the ore yielding ricn returns until the pay chuto ncjir tlie surface was worked our. aii't.mhos tumid was run at a lower level but failed to strike the vein and me mine was abandoned for a time. Later, a bond was taken on the prop- riy by Myers, Kice and Smith llro?., who struck the ledge witnin a ei) few feet of the cud of the oid tunnel. The ore was very neli, sou.e 01 u. r.H'k being literally filled v. ilh par ticles of free gold. A two-sla-np mill erected r.n the mine, and neat biiidings and other cquipnc tits in stalled. The or? has kept up in its high finality and some remarkably profitahlu runs have !eeu inaile. it is a property of very bright premise nd will in all likelihood lie develop d into one of the best mines of outln rn Oregon. Krcmcr-Palmer Mine. A four-stamp mill has arrived for llieKnnier ct Palmer mine, and if being hauled out to tlie prujierty on Ml. Iteubeii. The Kremer & Palmer has been undergoing a thorough ami xeellenl di wlopmi lit during the past two years, and is now wen openeu up, xhibiting one of the finest and nmsl xiensive bodies of high-grade ore to be found on Mt. Keubcii. Willi tin mill, a complete plant will be install ed, and the property launhul forth 011 a permanent nusiness. xne airiu- r & Palmer gives promise of becom ing a valualile addition to soiiim iii Oregon s list el liuilion-prediu'ers. Southern Oregon Oil Co, An ting of the dipc-nis of tlie Scuthein (iiegeii Oil Company was heid last week ;:t which some impor tant business was transacted. A propo sition, looking to renewed oil drilling fijeratii ns, c 11 the company's property on the Allard place east 01 town was submitted by V. W. Thompson, and accepted by the oil directors. The proposition is that the 10 origi nal promoters of the enterprise un to assiiii Mr. Thomp-on, one-half ol their stock to lie placed in the First National Pan!; together with a bill of sale of the plant und pipe and an undivided one-half assignment of the lease of the land, upon which the well is located. This properly, which is placid in escrow is to be deliver ed 10 Mr. Thompson on the following conditions: He and his son are to lie made directors iu the company, and he is to pay on a ..UX note owed by the company, and to put down tin present well to a depth of WHIG feet unless oil is stiuek in paying ipianti ties at less depth. Town Talk. Ashland City Election. Ashland will hold city ele?tiOn next Tuesday, December 111 There are two tickets 111 the field; the labor union and the anii-saloeii. The i-sui is license or no license. It is said that the labor union party l'avi n licensed saloons. The Labor parly bus imiuiuali d 11, r. iTovost lor mayor while th" pro hibition candidate will probably be II. Hull. Co, " H" Attention! All diction is onion d for Tuesday, December ;iil, at which time a captain will be elected; Col. Yoran, insjii ctor. All members of Co. " H" are In -roby not ilii d to be present. A. K. Yonrhies, 1st l.ieateiiiint i ling. 111. Fill Ml At ' C R K. R. H. Foster. IMS ill Street. Salt t lty, writ, s; "I Pave been boi hi red w ith dyspepsia or indiges tion for 21 yi ins, have tried manv doctors without relief, but ;I' have found a cure iu llerbiue. I reenm ineiid it to all n. y friends, who are ainieien inr.t way, and it is cur them too. .".do at Slover Drug Co. g VYe are ayain lieforo the juihiic with a well selected line of Holiday Goads We have a fniL- line nf ll.indkt.r- chiefs f.f kinds fiimt r fur tlit- MiiflL't- ft ;S. Jn-t the to send away to jour fiietuls. 50 U thin" U' rnsli t invite you b.i c.U ln-f.iie lla- The Fair Store l'ront Street, Unnlel Frederick, Propr, L. K Elwood Scientific Optician Rccoitiuu tided by the Public. rres -JEWELER WaUlies, Clixks, Jewelry, Repairing. l rmatiently UvateJ i Grants pav at National Drug Storr. The Greenback. The new 20-statnp mill of the Greenback mine, of Gravo creek dis trict, is now computed, and that noted property ha.s, begun business anew, ilio old ia-srainp mm Miimuu further up the Greenback Mountain, will be reduced to Cvo stamps and used for sampling purposes only. More men have been added to the crew, more drills installed, au.l an electric- iigmiiig nuit .jm... new features. Wlnlo it is not known a tcilainity just what the Green back produces, it has been conserva tively estimated from the value and Ti,intily of ore being crushed each day, that its monthly outpnt is be tweetl frn, 000 and f-10,000. Beach-Platter Ranch. Tim Beach & Platter farm on Alt 'mtise has been purchased from T. :.ud .1. McCourt by the Gilmorn 1 Eros fur a reported consideration of Jlfl.tVH). . MAKIUKD. BKiSTOW SXYDKK Near Talent, Oregon, Wednesday " Decern b T 10, p.iiti, J. B. Jiristow and Mis .'utile Snvder, O B. Bristow oflleiatitig. BORN. JEW1CLL In this Decemlier (!, V."'i. .. Jewell, a son. citv, Satni-'ii'y, to Mr ami Mrs. L. BALLARD'S HOFKHOUND SYU.T Innnediately ri'lievis hoarse, -r eov cough, oppressed, rasping and dill.i nit hr athing. Henry C. Stearns, Drug gist, Shiillsburg. Wisconsin, wriies Mn v 20, I'.inl : "I hi'.vo been selling Ballard's Horcliound Syrup for two veers, nud have never had a prepara tion that has given better satisfaction. noti that whin I sell a boltle they "ouie back for more. I can honest ly recommend it. 2.'e, .'ilc and fl-W) a! Shiver Drug Co. DR. GCNNS' J!L(OD AND SKRYK TONIC. There is not a worn. 111 in this land bur at simio time in her life would 'cive been the better for the nso of this tonic. For diseases peculiar to women, a lietter mediein;' was never de. It is composed ol the n.gre- Iji nls from which the system h :s 11 deprivi d b- di-' :ise, cver-werk T dissaTi',tioii. It enters at fiiiee into tin e!: en hit ion, building up liie i-sues that have been wa.-iod, inel ii.tkinj pure, neli blood in tlie most Invct way. For weak, nervous and ut. f. i:idy pe-iple, pimply, p::;; or li-hliss peoiile, it will make sin 10; p adv ii'dves ami give .1 he ei inplex- totilhat w holeson.e look that iuili- ates health. We have hundreds of letters licit people have wiittenus. laving that thev had gained in l-,ioi1 solid llesh at the rale of one to three pounds per wee!; -while using Dr. (iiinn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. It hould be taken afitr rn.-alf, one or two tablet h each time. Druggists sell it Tae iicr Imx or three boxes for '.MM1, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. We ran giad to make reply t.i letters of inquiry, the advice we ive you is plain, and easilv umiVr s'liod. Address Dr Dosan'l'ii Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by W F. Kremer. An (Tonoiiiiinl iivscnf, one tit tliiisc Miidkiii": Jackets at Ilu'lh r.nd Son's. SEASONABLE GOODS 1IM STQC K Hill's l.u'.k Mine.- Meat, 15 cuts per pound. Ripe California Olives, i5 cents per pint. New W.ilnu;-, Al-.notnis, liie Ninas ftu't cake Nw pack r.f lanned goods j The I'animts M. CVdTees have J. 15. and !!" Cfiliat. As n itiduceuient lor heaniii'iil Ham! our store. I- ro:n now- 011 until Jnuarv e'.c , at 15 per cent disc. H. ii:g that ''.! Will Call at . . uic oeautitul . . calendars Yi ours fr best g ,0ds at pqs. Otrner sixth a (irants IVs, CASH TRADE Smith 0 1 1 . i . -u -c-iJ.v . .s.."J r fi ,. . - - - - -v---f-ic.-sTi I rliaim 111 0,1 -m.i. . l'r. another bottle of ,our .pwifie ! have l,een suilcrer from ilieai 0 i and on lor sonin ' un 'ads. in the 1'. I. of Seattle' W8 S some time 111 May last. A, .1.,,, .. ' ii I was 100 miles ruirlli of Shshi, ' , I went down to Nitu ... . 'i it. .1 have used it up and Himhe ! 1 trvinif to ire! in.iro 1, 1... . . , l" ' me verv iiiucli. nmra . .1 1 'i r Ihing 1 liuve ever Usui a hd ' (J I. tf.n v.. v h,ii..u "aye f I, .. ' ue another Kheltle. H.S.CASI),KK li 1 If- .NOTICE IOK PUBLICATION. Timb-'r Lund Art, June 3, 1878. Uiiiled Mates Lind OH'ich. Kiweliurg, Krevon. Ic. 8 h p y Notice is her. by uwvn thai in rii,,"ii. mev villi the provisioeii f :,e m-t uf i-.iniiiers o June 8, 1878, entuled "An ut lor the fale of timber lands m n10 State- o! Caliioniis, Onijfin, nil Wftihii'tton Teriilory,"as(X Hiileii to nil 1 h- Public Lund S ates by ail of AiiittM 4, 1811, 111CNHY WINiiKkf of Montavilla, County; of MiiIIi oiiihIi Mteol Oregon, has Hinsdav Kli.l in this olilfe bis mvo'n FUteuicM No. 411115 for ih puiohtK-e of Hie S1 of IhnNWi.' N W ol SlVlj and SW ol NK?4' of pec .Ni' :I2 in To'.uislnp No :I8 Sunih, Uaime Nn II , and will nil'er iirnol lo iu. that the lunl soiiehi b more valuable fur its timber or sioue Hum Inr i,iii-nl-iiir.i' iinrpo-ies ami in esiahhhli Uia claim m said land hefmn J O Hjo'li Coumy lii.k'ft, ' his ollioe at Oraiilf I'h , gon, on TliiiTfs lay the L'O h day of Kehru arv, P10:. He namesas wliin-sses' J ibn .Anderson, of Moniavilh , Ofi'unn, A. V. Sdsbv. iii"ii-)ii. Mimli, ,"i ' liiL-i'ft, all of Oraii B Pass, Orrn. Any and all persoes eirtiinin adve pe ly Hie ah'ive-iliseiilied landi a.(. re-qin-hteil to file iheir ehi'ins in Hi s ellire mi or before said 2ii'h l of Ktliiusry I'M. J. 1'. IliimuKs. Ki-iimti r. Noncii for rt;i5Li.;ATios Timl er Filed A'-.t. Jiine.'; 1H78 Un. ted -limes Lund iiiii,.,., R'isi'uii".-,, Dee. s. ifi2. Nioh-eis liei. In- if'veii Mm in i'. m.. pi ifliee i' b 1 be tnnvi-ine .( il.. ,.( , 'oiiei.'s ol .lime 3, 187-i, 1 initli i "An mm I. r lie- sale ol liinh-r Ii'mI, m iH. Si ii s of I 'ah fo ii in, 1 ri'-.".n. Nt-vaitu unl '..-!. n.iil 11 Ti iieoi ," a-1 x-i 111. i 0 ail i; -." 1'iil lie Land .ulls ov mi ul AngiiiM '1, IS1-. IomN ANUKK-ON I Mmilavilia, tie tnoiiuili ( ni.niy, IS 1 x t -..I Oii-.'uii, has M119 1l.1v li t-,1 in linn mliee bn sworn rLiiement xn 4I1J for the tioteha.e of the W of SVI4, SK1 .if Ml ;4' ni s-ei'iinn iln 20 in 'lotii'hiu No. ;18 Mm h. Range No, ti W.aiai will oiler proo: to show that the land sought ip more valilible for its limber or fini.e than for Fgrietillnial piu-pnsee ami tn e-tahlish bin claim to paid land before I. 11. ltofuli, tonntv Judge, at lii-t othn1 at Gran's Pass O igoe.eii Tbn's laj the i'llib ;.lav ol Fibular) HKI. II" nanm as wiiin's'-iv-: Henry Uieg-il, of Mnu'avilli, Ore gon. A Vi'.Silhin, K. H. P.iitgs. lieo. sini'h, all oftjiii'iii I'ns", Otegon. Anv and all tier-tins el.iiining adve'i--ly ili above fleseriiied lands are re questi il in file ilier elaiuis in tliM ollii-a on or before aid2d.h tlsv of ribmarv P.).;i. j. r . iinieiies, Register. ii -.. L , ' Raisins and every thing; gum! for itul pi-.ililinsr. - .ist in slock. White House Mocha & Java we arc giving away a line of I"ec.-.r.,ted China Ware, now on display at all shots and underwear utit. r.- ... J r.f - "' sill c ,11 'j m:lc ov vim. for 190;,. low - ! Cllh prices. n m 1 it attk riiei'canti 8 uo. nd Front Streets Oregon "li - '. ftuoa. 1 , r I No Vurt no, ray. uw. Ill UK Mtlll',