Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 04, 1902, Image 6

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    -I 1 X.
Published Every Thursday.
One Year, in driDC, $1.50 1
Six Monthi, - .76 1
Three Months, .40
Slngl Copies. .06
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or I
by mall.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propr. & Mnob
Entered at the pout office at Grant I
Oregon, a second-class mail Dialler.
TluuikniKTinsr day in Grants Paw
was, for the mrwt part, a (lay of quiet
enjoyment, a home day of rent of the
sort needed and appreciated by tlio)
on whom business and other cares of
life weigh heavily.
R. D. Home, the salmon king of
Rogue river, has, it is said, aspira
tion! toward the Uuitod Statos senate.
Hume has considerable political
trenRtli, hag plenty of the " where
with" and would be by no means an
inconsiderable fifruro.
We have had lots of good luck with our Shoes. People
tell us they wear well. We think it is because we strive
to buy the kind that wears. We do not search for
shoddy stuff when buying.
W. E. Dean & Co., Propr.
Front street, oppo Depot,
regulation and by national action. He
draws tho lino against misconduct,
not agninst wealth. If, under our
constitution, sulllcient laws for the
control of tho trasts cannot bo framed,
then the constitution should be
State and County Examination
Salem, Oregon, November 11, 11)02,
To whom it may concern :
Until further notice, questions for
state and connty papers will be taken
Congress convened on Monday,
December 1. It is expected that action amended, so that such power may bo ; from ,10 f()t()wjnK sources
on tho subject 01 trusts will utae gniucu. jm vioir. uiuuik"" (iencral History, Medieval
precedence over all others at the law, creation, or mo noiartment oi i urlIi ny Adams.
present session. Tho president will commerce, reciprocity wmi iuna, IJook-Keeping, Hall's
nrae action in this matter and some an istiimian canai, international arui-
offectlvo legislation may bo reason- tratlou for settlements of deputes lm
ably expected. tween nations, improvement of tho
uavy, national Irrigation, liberal
A bill lias been introduced in con-1 legislation for Alaska. Many other
great to abolish the omco ol com-1 subjects are consincreu. jrisapiain,
mandins general and to create that of straightforward and business like
chief of staff instead. Tho friction document and full of good, hard sense
from beginning to end.
and Mod
betwoen Oen. Miles and tho war de
partment Is the source of the bill.
The now provision would nuiko the
army more directly subject to the sec
retary of war. Buch a measure should
receive careful consideration. An
office bureau has never yet intelli
gently commanded an army in the
Seattle is once more a city of sensa
tion. It. has long been known as a
gamblers' paradise, the games flour
ishing virtually under city protection.
The gamblers-have boen "grafted'
by the city officials, small and great
until their profits,' thoy say, have
molted away like a snow bank ill1
August. Now somebody is sore at
somebody and revelation and scandal
HomMi'i Club.
There will bo a meeting of the
ladies of Grants Puss at tho Presby
terian church parlors on Saturday
afternoon at 2:!)0 o'clock for the pur
pose of organizing a woman's club.
Co. B Elects Officers.
Co. fl 4th regiment, O. N. O. of
Anil land, hold an election Saturday
night to fill tlio vucancies in its roster
of ofllccrs, and the following were
choseu: Second Lieutenant II. S.
Evans was promoted to tho omco of
Captain ; Fred i Carter noil Chester
Easter were elected to the ofllees of
First and Second Lieutenant, rosect-
ivuly. The confirmation of the men
are the order or too day. uuo oi t the ofllees to which thev have been
the superior judacs is implicated as elected will bo suhjent to passing the
"grafter" and a merry tlmo is ill examination before the State Military
Examining Hoard. Tidings.
Art of Ac
Physiology, Cotton's Hi iefer Courso.
English Literature, Hrooks.
U. S. History, Thomas.
Civil Government, Strong nnd Shnef-
Theory iuid Practice, White's Art of
Methods, White's Art of Teaching.
Art of Questioning, White's Art of
Arithmetic, One-fifth from White's
Art of Teaching and State Course of
Study, and Four-fifths from Went-worth.
Grammar, One-fifth from White's Art
of Teaching nnd State Course of
Study, and Four-fifths from Higher
Lessons in English.
Heading, One-tilth from White's Art
of Teaching and State Course of
Study, and Four-fifths from Genera)
information und power to read.
Geography, One-fifth from White's
Art of Teaching and State Course
of Study, and Four-fifths from
Frye's Complete Geography.
Psychology, liuell.
Composition, Carpenter.
Remaining Subjects, Stato Texts.
J. II. Aekernian,
Sup't Public Instruction.
Having by tho election process I
sifted their governors from among the
people, the next duty of tho voters I
of Grants Pass is to givo them hearty I
support, encouragement and backing I
in all measures which muko for
good government and tho city's wol
fare. The mayor aud tho counei linen
serve without pay and theirs is often
a thankless task. Thoy should be
given more evidenco of the city's In
terest in their work than by constantly
expressed disapproval If they do
well, let them havo commendation at
least and thereby havo encouragement
to pat forth their host efforts in the
work to which they are apixiinted.
A glance at the Courier pages this I
week will give some idea of tho esti
mation as an advertising medium In
which it is held by the business men
of this city. Our business men are
wide awake aud enterprising and
know the value of the returns from
money siient in advertising, placed
where it will do tho most good und
roach the greatest number of people.
Iheir object In advertising is not
sjiecially to help tho printer. They
want tho purchasing public to know
what they havo to offer. They are
uot lu the habit of throwing money
away. When they 'iid money in
advertising, they place it where it
will bring them the best returns.
The 111 now being worked at Kes
wick, California's smelter town, by
the effects of a strike is an emphatic
commentary on the needs of some let
ter method for thu adjustment of the
differences between capital aud lnlmr.
in I ne iveswiek caw, there was no
dispute 1s t ween company ami em
ployes as to wages or hours of work.
Hnt the coiiiiany would not recognize
thu union and tho union was deter
mined to have recognition. Hence
tho strike, with consequent iniralysls
of one of tho greatest industries of the
Pacific coast and the leopiiliitioii of
a towu. The unavoidable impression
is that the effects of the strike are all
out of proportion lo its cause, ami
that ruinous obstinacy is its prevail
lug feature.
v, now in Alalia njirnvudha, crown
prince of Siiim, snuhU'd the iiiavor of
Portland, Geo. II. Williams. The
mayor, anxious to accord due courtesy
to the prince, had not i Hid that dig
nitary that he would call at a certain
hour, tin api'aring ut the appointed
time, the mayor was informed that
the prince could not see him. His
Koyal Highnesss was nt lunch. There
fore the Jinnee has been accorded In
the Portland wipers it most glorious
mast, which if he sees it, he may add
to his colcctloii of American ex
ls rieuces. His lather, Chulalongkorn
I, King of Siam, meditating a visit to
the United States, sent his sou first us
a sort of preliminary exriinent.
Tho prince's ap'annice is Unit of an
ordinary China boy, but he is said by
those who know him well to Ik1 m verj
uice fellow on close acquaintance.
President Kooscvolt's annual mes
sage has been submitted to congress.
It is a very able document, tlenling
with the problems which confront the
nation, in plain words and practical
manner. Iu speaking of the pros
perity of the nation, ho says that
prosperity is uot the creature of law,
though by unwise legislation it might
be easily destroyed. "There will
Why not buy nn Xman Present that will bo use
ful uh well as pretty.
You will find a complete lino of
Novelties at Dixon's.
for tho Holiday Trade
Ladios Neckwear in Kuil's, Stocks, Fancy Collars,
Bows and Ties in tho latest styles.
Opera Shawls and Fascinators in Shetland Floss,
Zephyr and Silk.
Handkerchiefs in Hemstitched, Lace Trimmed
nnd Silk.
Golf OIovoh, Parasols, Fans and Purses.
Gents Neckwear, Dress Gloves, Suspenders, Silk
Muftlers, Initial and Fancy Bordered Handker
chiefs, Fancy Hosiery, Umbrellas.
Como and see what wo have
Timber Lsod, Act June 3. 1 ST-.
United States I. m l Office,
Roeebiirg, Or-g-nn, November 19 2.
Notice Jt 1 ere by given that In com
plinnre with the provisions of the set
of Congress of June 3,, I87S. fnii'inl
"An act for the sale of liitiher Intel in
be SlM of Caliiorriis, Ori-sBo. Nevada,
and Washington Tertitorv." a x -
tended to all the Pntilic Land Slate hv
cl of Anvils! 4. 112, Altha A III
horn, of Montavilla, County of Jlt.lmn
niah. Slate of Orenon, hae this day fil.-d
in this ntlice her sworn statement o.
1010, for III nnnhaae f the NK'i nl
Section No 2S in Township No. 'M S.jiith
Kunsja No. 6 W, ami mill dll-r proof lo
show that Ihs Und sought is mo'?
valuable lor Ita timber or stone Ibau for
agricultural purponea, and n epiah'ifli
her claim tosai I land before J. O. Itooth
County Judge, at his office at lirant
rata. Oregon, on Nitarday tho 7th day
ot rebruaty, I'M),,. I-lie nam a as
a Itneateas :
Minnie W. Henderson, ("has Hyl
Albert 1. McKisson, J. K. Itluekhiirn ali
of Montavilla, Oregon.
Any and all persona ilaitninit adverse
It the Imidi are re
quested to file their claims in this ollice
nn or before said "ill dav of Hehruarv
l'.K)3. . J! T. Iimnoi.8.
Shoes and Dry Goods
Southern Oregon.
The sale of several pieces of mill
ing proicrty in Southern Oregon at
large ugures lias been recently re-
IKirted. What is technically known
as southern Oregon Douglas, Jackson,
Josephine, Cikis and Curry counties
is without itoubt neb in minerals, in
cluding gold; and although milling
has liecn prosecuted there for more
than half a century, it in roiisottahlv
and intelligently Ih-HcvciI that th
mineral weann or unit region has been
but skimmed as vet. Of course tin
placer mines are, to a large extent
worked out, but this is mi era of
imrtv. mining, and that there arc rich
ledges yet unworkcil mid uncovered
if not undiscovered, in Southern On
Koi i, is an uniioiibteil tact. There an
crhaps more expensive, if not richer
mineral grounds in i'.asieru Oregon
but Southern Oregon is also a rich
mineral Held, and for iienerat ions ti
nine, will yield much of the pivciou
mid valuable minerals to the world
lint Moutlicru Oregon the regnui
including the counties mentioned-
Iocs not need to ih vnd mon it
mineral wealth chii flv. It is rich in
fertile valleys, in great of lim
1st, in many streams; it is fortunate
in having an almost j tf. i t eliiuali
it can Is'iit the world in producing
some vurities nf fruit; it can furnish
range and f.-vd for hundreds of
thousands of cattle imd sheep; it is
fairly romantic in varietv, Naittviind
grandeur of its si eiieiv. All in all it
is a richly favored region of the n
soureeful and varied Suite of Oregon
undoubtedly lie periods of depression,
The wave will recede, but Ihe till,, To the Ltdlei of Granii
Will m A ,1 .! . . I
i iiira, inn most lmisirtunt Mm I'li.v, ... r I. ,...i ...
i" message is that re lull 1117 to u-,. I.,ir,ti.w ;,, i..r. ...1... .....t. .
trstua. The president duw not eon- tlm.. i.l, ,.. .1.1. 1 ' ;..!
uiu corporations but insists thai art of home 1l,c,.,.t o 1.1 .. .1
iuiu oe managed under public I her.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
United.Siales Land Oflice,
RTsebnrif, Orenon, November 25. I!)'.i2.
Notice i hereby given Ihat in coin
pliauce with the provisions of Ih act. ol
Congress of June 3. 187H, entitled "An
act for the sale ol timber lauds in the
States of California, Oiegon, Nevada
and Washington Terri'ory" as extended
to all th 1'u I1 io Laud Slates by act 01
August 4 18112, Chiirles Hyls of Monta
villa, County of Multnomah, Stale ol
Orenon Ims tliii day tiled in this office
uia aworn staieinent No, 400il. fnr tb
purcha-e ol the HKJ 01 Seeii. n No 22
in Township Nu. South. Hange No. li
W, ami will oirer priKil lo how tlint Ihe
laud sought is mote vulushiu for 11
limber or alone Iban for asricultural
purK)tes, and 10 establish his cUiiu In
snl land tielors J. O. HiKjtti. Count
Judge nt his oflice st irutits I'di-s, Ore
gon, on Saturday the 7th dy of rebut
aty, l'.lO.f. lie names h ilneseH:
Albeit D. McKiss 111. VV. li, Henderson,
I. E It-lack burn all nf .Montavilla, Ore
non and A. W. Silsby, ol Urania l'a.
Any and all persons chrming adverse
ly the above-described lands sre .e-
quesled to file their claims in this 1 fli
on or be'ora raid 7lh day of Kebrusry,
' J. I'. UllllMIKS
K -gister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Sia'es Lind OlHce.l
Rosebtirs. Oregon, November 25, lyt)2.
Notice is herebr iivsn that in coin
nlisnce with the provisions ol the act ol
Congtesa of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale ol timber lands in Hit
tales ol - Lalifurnia, Oitvon. Nevjila.
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land Stan-a bv
net of August 4. 18112. Minnis W
Hindurson, of Muitavilla. Ooiintv n
Uilltnuinah, State of Oieeon. ho
Ihisday Hied In 'this oftlce her sworn
Islement No. 4011 for the purchase 01
X K i of Sectian Nn. 28 in townshin No.
38 South, Haute No tl W, and will off. r
piooi to snow that the Und sought is
more vsliisble for its timber or Hone
iban for agricultural nurnoies. and tr,
establish her claim to said land before
J. O Booth. County Judge, st bis oilier
at Urania I'asa, Oregon, on Sutnrdav the
ithdavof rebruary, 1903. She names
as witnesses:
Albert 1). McKiseon. Chaa. Hvle
All li:t A. Blackburn. W. II. llend.ra-ii
all of .Montavilla, Orenon.
Any and all persons cluiminu adverse
ly Ihe above-described Inula are re-
ptasted to lil" their claime in tins ollice
on or belore said 7lh diiv of Kebrusry,
''o-1- J I Bkiiiok-i.
. Register.
Timber Lund, AetJuu;, 1878
lUhiled Sla, I. nd Ofli.-r. I
Hosi hurg, Utegon, Noicnib-r 25, pi02.
Police la Hereby givn Hint in com
liance Willi Ihe provisions of Ihe act nt
Congress of June 3, IH78, entitled, "An
act fe "ie tale ol limlinr iimls in HIH
Slat . ' Califurn a, Ornn, Nevada
anil hiniriiin lerrirorv," as ex-
leiub-.i , all the Public Land Sta'ea hi
act nl Auviist 4, H'.I2, Albert D ,Me-
KIBkOn.ol Montavilla, ( ountv of Mill 110
mall, S ate nl Oirgou bus ihis dsy filed 11
til's oflice his sworn stalstni nl No. 4iX).
lor the purchase of NK' of NKI, NW',
if NK'a' and NKW ol NWI nl Sertioi.
No 32 in TowiiBhip Nn. 38 Smith. Range
No ti W, and will oll'sr nrnof lo show
Ihat the land enuglit ia nw th v .litabb
lor Us tin tier or unit" thin 'or avii
rulliiral nii (wies, ami to c-t h ish hi
claim lo said hind le-fore .1 (I I'. .,'li,
Connly Judge, at los ollire Hi tir-in
Pass Oregon, on Sutmd iv Urn 7:h dn
rehruary, lmi;. lie ii,hih-s as n
lieses :
Charles llyle, W. II llenderon, .1
K lllacaburn all of Mont villa, Oicxon
and A. W. Silshy of tiiants I'iss, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely Ihe above described lands are
requested to Hie t tic i r claims in Ihi.
otliee en or before raid 7th day 01
Kebruury, PK)3 J.T. Bhiimids
Allen & Gilbert Co. of Portland aud San Francisco, have opened a
With a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Small Musical Goods, and Sheet Music. Instruction Rooks
. of all kinds always on hand. A fine line of Violins will arrive in a few days. Nothing
is more suitable for a Christinas gift than a nice Musical Instrument.
Rod Dog Placers,
.1. A. Connor was in town Saturday
from lied Dog creek 011 a business
visit. Mr. Conner is Ihe owner and
oM'rator of a hydraulic mine situated
on i!rig's creek and its important
tributary, lied Dog. Mo has Ihh-ii
mining now for several weeks. This
initio is iimnti.r tint tli-tt i l,i,.l,
oNralious in the fall, as it has a
I water right w hich is among the most
j desirable ill southern Oregon. The
water is taken trom lied Dog creek, a
1 st n am of considerable size, in which1
I the How holds up well until lale in
j the summer and increases with the
first rains in the fall. The mine I ns
ia good hydraulic cnuimnent with
i plenty of pressure, dump and nl 1 1
facilities for ptolitable working. Mr. 1
l miner is mining this year on tho I
low ci Hitiou of his ground, situated'
on Hrigg crock, la-low the mouth of
Red Dog The gold secured is both i
coarse ami tine, though the coarse gold J
prcdomiiiati s and ntiggcls of good si.c I
are fn iiu til ly found. He has ovr- I
ated the mine for a nuuilvt of years
w ith good success. The supplies for
this locality arc brought in by jiack
train from Scliua. a distance of about
JO miles. The promised ctxensiou of
Ihe Swede Hasin road to the Kurekn'
mine would jmss within four or Ave 1
miles of this territory and would give
a divided iins-tus to the more rapid
development of l'.riggs cn-ek nail the
lower Illinois country.
Pictures for Christmas.
Nothing is more uppnviatod by
hasiorncrs than photographs of
Western scenery. I have a largo
number of unmounted prints of scenes
in and near Oriiuts I'll that are
good. The I'levengir booklet ot views
at ,"o ( cuts is also a good collection.
I onie and select pictures early.
A. K. Yoorhios.
The eta roliablaThs Orvcooiaa.
It Helps the Cook
and never goes Kick on hi r its
reliable and satisfactory at all
times, when you bake with the
Mcdford Hour. Those using it
once will never use unv othr.
Sore Throat I
Don't dctav; serious bronchial
ti.MiMe or diphtheria may develop.
The only siifo way is to appb
I a remedy you can depcn.i upon.
"iii(i 1110 iimvu witnatloth wot
in it tvforc retiring, and it will be
w v.i in me morning.
There ta only 00s Palnlilltr,
C IIiY1F 4 T A Discount Of lO.'V wil1 be owed " a11 pianos or 0rillls S()K1 during the last two
tOl lAjl JVll . wt-eks of Docemlwr. All Instruments sold on the easy payment pian. Old instruments taken
in exchange. Now is your opportunity to buy an instrument and save money.
Call and Examine My line and get Prices.
33. G. MAGOON, Manager,
Violins, Guitars, Mandolins.
No more
Blue Mondays
Make Washday
a pleasure by
using the
Good Cheer
'miTlS automatic
guar;ittteeil fur years
It has Twelve points
superior to any other on
tho market. Call and we
will be pleased to show
it and explain its merits
to you.
For the Little Folks
Can be round at this Place.
Here you can find
Grants Pass Hardware
Front Street, Opposite Depot,
AlMrt IIOMK at oneo lut tlmi't conn:
v' without mvuIii the hulhluy ttiilay itt
I JOt KIlO,I) (JOODS -al private (Mile--lower
irices for heller tfnoN tlinn unv
am tioti houses ever ollereii. Kverviliimr
neeile! or nntci in your o'lonotic -iitlilisliineiit
its inrltiilfil in uur tot k -Tiiuuitts,
the UouselurniMuT.
1AltKKI.S for Mile at AhH i :t-kin
4 1,1. the flmntani vanity of iU- tri-en
ut the Kurt-Ua nursery iieur Wiloer-
vi lit. Ore., hutis!ariiin ' in price ami
uulity uitniuteeil. J il llnm Nsnji. j
loop, Miuii'l. ln-veur old horse, veiuli-
U it... lllll'l iimtt.,1. f..-l
$!. inuire l. K. ( Inp-alt'e. I street,
wvxl to Trimble V i'ook's l)litrkinilli hnp.
I.WUM HiUncres; lo ni ru-s in tinc-t fruit;
loam's uitfter fencn uml cultivnlion,
.tl lit I la and clover, water tor irriiilion,
Uooti two story dwelling etc., piod stock
ranye. Aihlre lox II W'tniilville, Orepm.
Sixth St. Ui-xt to Ilair-liiildlo stnt-i'.
Christmas Gifts for Everyone
Whether a member of the family, friend of sweetheart.
We have in stock guot!s of every description all putchased for
the holiday trade The stock includes Staples, Koyeltits, Dishes, ,
Toys, Hancy Work, and in fact, everything.
It will Pay You to do Your Shopping at
New Fork Racket Store
Come and Select while Stock is Complete.
100 Wood ('hoppers.
Inquire of
Dunbar & Kuykcndall,
Wolf Creek, Oregon.
we liavo a fijii-cially fine ilisplity of
toilut tirtk li s in silver, ei'Uu'oid anil
i'l)tiy. Then! is 110 offVriiiK that will
Imj npiiri't'iiiti'd mori' tlian n manicure
or cniuli mid brush at t, or militjiiy
briislii'i. Kino pi'rfutni's nlw.i jiIi-umi
llic ladies unci li n time now to ln-pa
milking your iiin-clias.-s lirfore tlm
holiday iitirehiisers thi'Mitf our slnre.
i l --v- - iV. r-O
G. P. Pharmacy ana national Drug Store.
I I N lull. I. A I! l'.ll I. - i not rnun.l
iimrti ill a -liort timw i" Hll'inli'il tl, v
t'tt-tiini'-r nt '1 lnniui--Hie llHii-emrnihtr.
FOR f.xchangb;.
'TOWN ir,,'rrly to Inrli- lor mil-, nlo
tiew iiik' illin ium' to iriiih ir run
or yoniii; i-ow KtnUire at lln otln e.
IllH'SKS eoinforialily lurnisliel anil
liftlnlsiiim-ly krpt up mi llic
!ivinir vi 11 ran nnil.i- l,v raliii! n"l
liiiilini; the nW ol lli'.'inus the llou-e
iilruMit r
W 1 1.1. nuike a tt-vv i' li m t li lean- or liel,
Heine Keeil, nienev 'nuking en lerj'f i-e.-.
J. I'. I 'K k ... A ami Mil M.
xorii'K or sitif;iHn.ii:i;s'
Notiee if In rehy civen that the an
mnil meet iii of llie Him k I mlili-is ot
I'lii' Su-jar l'ine I lour A. I.unilier Coin
piny Will tv held lit the olliee of the
aid ootniiiiny ill (iiunts Tax-, Ori'Kint,
hi Wedni,hiy, January II, l'.io:!, nl
.iVlm-k. p. ill. The llli etinu in fur the
puriswe of electing 11 hoard of M ien
1'iieetors to serve for tlie eiininj
year, and the I ran.-aet ion of nn-li olln i
husiuexs us may eenie hefori' it.
II. f. Kinney, presiih-nt.
J. 11. Itooth, seeii'tarv.
tiratits- l'ass, t irecon, 1, 1'.H".'.
A l.idv wrote us a f. v w,
from Winehi .ter. Va.. that .he I, .11.
Is en mult r a ihnnor's 1 are for 4 yi iir
I'or dy-p psia, the iain sm mi ,1 t,
ei liter under ln-r h ft sliouhl. r I'lade.
mil was so svi ere at times that sin
until neither eat nor sleep. She hai
iost fault in ,h. r heme dm tor, am
isked lis to send us saiui'les of oi.r I'r
liunn'it impiMv. d l.i- r 1'itls wlii. I
Had U'en ri eoinmeiieinl to In r. Wi
s nl In r two pills. In 11 fi w davs
.Ih' M'tlt for II Hll eV rlt'..-
that the pain under should. r has lef 1
lur en! 1 iv ly , she enjoy her inia'.s'iiiul
never sleeps less than s Inn'.rs everi
m'lit., mid this has nil eonie almul
in two weeks, and eost hi r ,"nv. for
tWtl ltotert of tlil'.s. S..v th.
I'liar-Ml her -''. IHI and that she told
him lie had U'tter take the yiiii. itt nn
invest it till 111 Or. I .linn's Impn veil
l.iver fills iiiulti u 1 lit up his t r.n tiee.
We have not tvie'ved the l tor's
order yet t'Ut stiy one li.-ivinc dysj-p.
iii, I'lhous ss lis or sii-k-heni!-'i h
'till (jet ; s t dv l ure l y the us.' , f
th. so pills 1-or Nile hv W. K Kren .
Suj ipliu
at tlio I'ourier of.
last Christina-.. Many of you put off buying presents until the
eleventh hour. The result was that many of our handsomest and
most desirable articles were sold and you had to take what was left.
Thete is nothing surer to give pleasure to the recipient and satifaction to
the giver than
Fine Perfumes
Photo Albums
Fountain Pens
Gold Pens
Leather Goods
Ato mizers
Toilet Sets
Collar G Cuff Boxes
Jewelry Boxes
The important features
Benutv. Usefulness and Gen
umeness exist in such e. gilt.
Vo trouble to show sjoods.
vSlover Drug' Company
Front Street
Grants Pass
" ilrun Klun'.
I KUlHtN. Ullllf lll-islli mm., .m.
I Mo 1 urt e, rajr.
' . ncs4