Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 04, 1902, Image 3

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Eggs 30c Creamery Butter 70c
White House Grocery,
Opposile (he P. O H. C. Bobrien, Propr.
ers 1847
If you intend giving any Chris'mas Presents
why not make them in Silverware. Such
presents are always the moBt acceptable.
We have just opened our new stock nnd have
a fine assortment with
books. Don't fail to call
Cramer Bros.
A Good
t Cop vMjdrT.
Ilair ltiddle Hardware Co.
All the new styles in Ready-to-Wear and Trimmed Hats that
will please in Style and Price.
Do not miss seeing them. Finer line than ever before in Child
" ren's Hats and Tarns.
A Full line of the new ideal patterns, ioc; when sent by mail i ic
J New Idea l()e Paper Patterns
Qolored Trimmed Hats
20 per cent Discount
until closed out.
Great Bargains in other Millinery Goods.
Courier and Oregonian $2 a year
Let us take .your order,
we'll fill it correctly at prices
that aro right.
We have everything that'3
good to eat. including the
prices to suit all Pocket-
before you finally de
will need good tackle. Our stock of
Flies, SpooiiH, Lines, Keels and Rods
is coiuplcto und we sell the In'st tlmt
can bo procured. Fishermen using
our tackle aro euro to get good rejiorts
from tlin other end of the line.
J. A. Rehkopf
Ida Weston.
J. E. Yerdui went to Ashland Mon
Chas. L. Wimer of Waldo was iu
town last week.
Miss Madge Marshall spent Sunday
visiting iu Gold UilL
Miss May Sutton spent Tliauksgiv
iug at her home iu Ashland.
R. Virtue of Lelaud was iu Grants
Pass last week on a business visit.
H. L. Whitod of Ashland made a
brief visit iu Graut Pass hist week,
A. Aruette of Smith river, Cal., is
visiting for a few weeks iu Grants
Rev. Geo. D. Doyle, now of Rose
burg, came up to Grunts Pass Mou
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bolter visited
with relatives iu Jacksonville, hut
Miss Mabel Palethorpe of Ashland
visited iu Grants Pass on Tliauksgiv
iug day.
C. 11. Watson of Ashland was iu
Grants Pass several davs last week on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crow returned
ou Friday evening from a visit to
fc. A. Carter of . Ashland was in
Grants Pass Friday evening on a busi
ness visit. '
Hon. H. E. Aukeuey of Jacksonville
has returned from n trip to the Willa
mette valley.
Rev. M. D. Wilson of Talent has
accepted the Free Methodist pastorate
for Grants Pass.
Miss Nora Sydow went to Central
Point Thursday to spend Thanksgiv
ing day at homo.
Sir. and Mrs. Bert Barnes returned
on Sunday evening from a few days
visit iu Ashland.
Ex-Commissioner JacobIanseth, of
Selma, was iu town Wednesday last
ou a business visit.
Ray Stevens and R. N. Bishop were
visitors to Grants Pass last week from
tho Greenback mine.
Miss Love, of Junction City, is
spending a few weeks in Grants Pass,
visiting with friends.
M. D. Hudson spent a day or two in
Grants Pass last week. Ho has lately
returned from Arizona.
C. J. Alleu of Portland, is now at
Galico looking after copper properties
iu which lie is interested.
S. E. Di'uney of Ashland spent
Thanksgiving hero with his son, F.
A. Dcuiicy, S. P. fireman.
Jack Suelling, one of the well
known miners of the Galice district,
visited Grants Pass on Saturday.
Mrs. A. K. Rush, now of Ashland,
caiuo down Friday evening to visit
with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Tabor.
Mr. Beck, formerly of tle Hull &
Beck mines, now the "Granite Hill,"
has arrived in Seat f hi from Nome.
Dr. and Mrs. Mooro and Miss Yida
spent Thanksgiving iu Ashland, the
guests of Prof, and Mrs. Camcrou.
Miss Lou McPhersou of Medford
returned Wednesday after a visit iu
Grants Pass with Miss Myrtle Utley.
E. E. Dunbar has received the ap
pointment of postmaster at Wolf
Creek, vice J. T. TulTs, resigned.
Frank L. Deinano returned to
Grants Pass Saturday evening after
an absence of over a year in Califor
Mrs. Arthur Miller and Mrs. F. R.
Dickey arrived here Friday evening
from Ashland to visit with Mrs. Fran
zed. Newton GilLey, of Montesauo,
Wash., is visitor for a few weeks in
Grants Pass with his brother, H. I
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Huysink
have returned from Gold Hill, where
Mr. Huysink has been in the employ
of Dr. Bradcn.
Mrs. Moon and son, Louie, re
turned on Thursday evening from a
visit to Idaho. They have been absent
about a month.
C. S. Freehold, chief engineer in
the survey for the Oregon it Paeillc
railway, returned to Sail Francisco
Fr'day evening.
C. P. Sbarmau of Tacouia, visited
here on Thursday and Friday. with his
brother, W. P. Sharman, while on
his way to California.
Rev. M. 0. Munsoii, Sunday school
missionary, arrived in town Wednes
day after a visit to the southern
portion of the county.
E. C. W. Kiefer was thrown from
a buggy and seriously hurt Tuesday
of last week while on bis way from
Medford to Jacksonville.
Mis. M. C. Anient and little son re
turned last neck from a visit of
several months iu Chicago. She was
accompanied by her sister, Miss Car
Miss Maliel Winter of Portland is
visiting iu drums Pass at the home
of Mr. anil Mrs. R. W. Clarke ami
exacts to remain several weeks iu
our city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Evans of Stock
holm, Neb., arrived here on Thursday
to visit for a time with relatives in
southern Oregon. They are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Helms.
Prof. J. p. McConnell, principal
of the Merlin si hisil, visited Grants
Pass Friday. His kchool recently
gave an eiiteraiiiinent to raise funds
to purchase ail organ for the schssil.
The affair was very suoccsful and the
instrument has Is-eii lustalled.
Hon. II. B. Miller was rejoined
here Wednesday by Mrs. Miller and
daughter, Mini Winifred, and left for
San Francisco to cniWk on t tin trans
port Sheridan for the Orient. They
will touch, tu route, at Honolulu,
Guam and Manila, finally disembark
ing at Port Arthur, whence they will
proceed to tho cousulate of Niu
" Baths.
I have just completed my new bar
ber shop and bath house ; have added
another flue (I1, foot Jiorcclain tub.
Rooms are heated throughout with
steam pipes, and I feel sure my
patrons w ill be Weil phased w ith the
new Uce. Myers' barber shop.
Coming Event.
Dec. 6 "Sweet Sixteen" social at
Presbyterian church parlors.
Dec. fl " Irish Pawnbrokers"
Opera house..
Dec. 11 "Alabama Warblers"
Opera houso.
Deo. 13 Local Teachers' institute
Dec. 13 Arthur Frazier, pianist, at
Opera houso under auspices of high
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters re
maining uncalled for iu tho Grants
Pass postoitlce, . Saturday, Nov. 29,
Mrs. Louis Hamburger.
J as Cuscbolt.
Johuuie Fiester.
0 E. Harmon. P. M.
Shoulder Dislocated.
Lou Geutner was tho victim of au
accident ou Monday while handling ice
at tho W. L. & P Co's ice house. Iu
pulling ou a cako of ice, tho tongs
slipped aud Lou fell in such a manner
as to dislocate his shoulder. The in
jured member is improving as rapidly
as could be reasonably expected.
Thanksgiving Ball. '
Tho principal entertaining event of
Thanksgiving day iu this city was the
Foresters' grand annual ball, giveu'at
the t)ra houso ou Thanksgiving
evening. The hall was adorned with
buuttng and evergreens aud presented
quite a festive appearance. Tho at
tendance was very good nnd tho dance
was a pleasant one. The music was
furnished by au excellent orchestra,
under tho leadership of Signor D.
BolTa of Medford.
Betsy Popompkus Acquitted.
Betsy Popompkus, an Indian
woman, recently ou trial iu Klamath
county ror the murder of her mother,
known as Dr. Hannah, has been ac
Gillctt- Pollock.
J In tho presence of about 40 friends
aud relatives, a most beautiful wed
ding ceremony was solemnized in the
parlor of the bride's mother, Thurs
day evening, Nov. 27, at 8 o'clock,
tho contracting parties being George
Gillctt nnd Etta Pollock, both of
Winona. Rev. R. L. Johnston of
Grants Pass otliciatcd. The room was
tastefully decorated, nnd at tho ap
pointed hour the' young couple en
tered, the krldn leaning open the arm
of the groom. They took their posi
tion in the northeast comer of the
room, and then followed a most im
pressive ceremony.
Immediately following tho cere
mony, a beautiful supper was partak
en of.
Mr. and Mrs. Gillctt were the re
ipients of many useful and valuable
gifts. Both parties havo a host of
friends throughout the country who
wish them all the happiness and pros
perity that life can contain.
Hayes Green.
A Very pretty wedding ceremony
was solemnized ou Monday of the
prcsant week when Miss Alice
Green was united in matrimony to
David O. Hayes. The ceremony was
is iformed by County Judge J. O.
The wedding was held at 2 o'clock
Monday afternoon at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Fenn, of this
city. The event was a unlet one.
only a few relatives and immediate
friends being present. After the
ceremony had been performed in an
impressive manner by Judge Booth
and congratulations tendered, a de
licious dinner was served and hinrti
ly enjoyed by those in attendance.
The bride is a most estimable young
lady of -Merlin, while Mr. Hayes is
one of the best known young men of
Josephine county. Both of them
have numerous friends w ho w ish them
a huppy, smooth and proicrous voy
ago on the matrimonial sea and all
the brightni'ns which life's pathway
can all'oril.
HAYES GREEN At the residence
of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. H. Fi nil in
this city, on Monday, Dec. I, I'.KC.1,
David O. Hayes aud Miss Alice E.
(in ii, Judge J. O. Booth olllciatig.
CLEM ENT II I'LBERT In this citv,
Nov. Ill, mo' bv Rev. J. W. Mo-
Dougall, Geo. Clement aud Miss
Betsy llullnrt, both well known
young people of Grants Pass.
gene, Nov. '.'", l'.Mr.', (1. N. Aniler
son, of Ashland, and Miss Emma
Coleman of l'hoenix, by Rev. Mar
II. Wallace.
Pass, Ore., on Nov. I'.hiJ, at th
l-nvton Hotel, Christopher C. English
and Iiura Carlton, Dr. Robert Li s.
lie of the Baptist church ollieiating.
Mr. and Mrs. English will reside
hero iu the future
GILLETT 1' ILL' )( 'K At the resi
flenee ot the hrnlc s mother, near
Winona, Oregon, Thursday, Nov.
27, I'.kiJ, by Rev. R. L. Johnston,
G. I. Ulllett and Miss Etta Pol
lis k.
Mr. Gillctt was a former resident of
Winona, but for the st few years has
made bis home iu Klamath county
where he has Isen engaged in tin
livestock business. The bride is out
of Josephine county's best known
Lvouitg ladies, and has a host of friends
who wish In r unalloyed bliss ou her
matrimonial voyage. 1 lie happy
conple will go to eastern Oregon in
the spring, to make that their future
II AMMERK'K At CcnTra! Point,
Nov. 21, llsi.', to Mr. aud Mrs. Jesse
Hammerii'k. a son.
MK KELSON-lii Ashland, Nov. 2!,
I'.i2, to Mr. and Mrs. August
Mil kelson, a daughter.
BIEDE-In Ashland, Nov. 2.1, l'.Snj,
C A. O. 'Eiedo, aged 4'J years.
EDWARDS At Medford, Nov. 21.
I'.sr.', W. M. Edwards, aged r,t years.
MESSENGER-At Williamson, Ore.,
Wedneibiy, Nov. 2fl. I'M, (,'. Mes
senger, aged M years.
air. MenM-nger had ts-eu in or
health for some time aud an attack
of pleurisy was the immediate cause
of bis death. He haves a w ife and
(-"--in nfinr nrrn i fifuiftji-fiAiuuuui-AJL
1 f
r -r m jmu i
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription DruirgisL
Stnuisky steel ware at Cramer Bros.
See Yoorbies about Kodaks and Supplies
Rubbers and Umbrellas. The Sugar
Pino Store.
Garland Stoves aud Ranges at
Cramer Bros.
Tho steam feather renovator is com
ing to Grants Pass.
Air-tight stoves, just the si7.e for
bed rooms at Cramer Bros.
Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal
fi.oO to fl.00 at Cramer Bros.
Get a booklet of beautiful scenery
of Southern Oregon from Clevenger.
Presents for old aud young and to
suit all pocket books at Cramer Bros.
Monterey cypress, shade aud fruit
trees, beiry plants etc. at Riverside
With every Pyrography outfit sold,
Mrs. Clevenger gives frco instructions
how to use.
Don't fail" to look over the large
new liuo of Staple Shoos at The
Sugar Pino Store.
A complete line of tne celebrated
Mitchell Buggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
W. K. Price, tho woll knowu farmer
and stockman of Tolo, was iu Grants
Pass lust week receiving medical as
sistance on account of a Dadly swollen
Curtis Co., practical watch mak
ers and jewelers. Dealer in watches,
clocks, jewelcry and Diamond rings.
All repairing first class. Odd Follow'B
'Rudolph nnd Adolph," advertised
to appear hero on December 10, have
cancelled their engagement for this
place on account of being delayed ou
their tour by defective railroad con
nections. J. (f. Coyan, organizer for the
Woodmen of the World for tho South
ern Oregon district has been iu
Grants Pass during the week on
oflli'ial business. The local lodge is
making a substantial increase through
his efforts.
II. C. Bobzit u, ouo of tho lending
grocers of Grants Pass has adopted
the cash basis, beginning on Decem
ber 1. Ho claims ability to givo his
ixitrons a better service, and better
goods at lower prices under this sys
tem Mian under the old.
Given away free with every pur
chase of 3 or over yonr choice of a
tray of shop worn rings some of them
gold and the rest uro gold filled.
Worth from fl to 1 each until all aro
gone, r irst enmo gets best choice nt
Letcher's jewelry store.
Dr. Jennings docs not do cheat),
shoddy dental work, but is now doing
first class work nt greatly reduced
prices. His new system of crown and
bridge work at only about one half of
the old prices. Ask for anything in
the dental line, and he will give you
as fine work as enn be had in San
- - -
of which
Fraucisea Painless operations a
specialty. Offico iu Opera bouse
Bargain Couutor'in Holiday China
at Cramer Bros.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Corou's.
Rogers 1847 shell satin knives and
forks at Cramer Bros.
Big new liuo of Woll Woarer Shoes
for ladies, men aud children. The
Sugar Pine Store,
See J. T. Taylor at Slover's drug
store tor fruit and shade trees, berry
plauts aud cypress for hedge.
Many growers think that all kind
of trees do better if transplanted iu
the fall Trees for salo by J. T.
Taylor, Riverside Nursery.
At Clcvenger's Photograph Gallery,
this day l'.HM, have received a
largo assortment of Pyrography woods
aud more coming. Also outfits for
Chowfa Maha Yajiravudh, crown
"prince of Siam, passed through Grants
Pass Friday evening, with his retiuue,
ou a special train. Ho is returning to
his native laud after a visit to
Wo are in receipt of a very pleasant
letter from Rev. Howard A. Wood,
formerly pastor of the M. K. church
here. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have now
becu iu Denver four ycars,at one church
Mr. Wood says, "Our lives have been
pleasant and happy nnd our health
good." Continual success has fol
lowed their efforts iu tho Deuver pas
torate. Rev. Edward M. Shar)io of Portland
occupied the) pulpit of Bethany Pres
byterian church last Sunday at both
morning and evening services. Mr.
Sharjie pleased his congregation
greatly by his sermons which Were
full of good solid matter, the interest
of which was increased by a very
pleasant delivery. Ho will remain
over next Sunday iu Grants Pass and
will again occupy tho pulpit at both
services ou that day. ,
. J. W. Swank was ill town on Mon
day from "Starvout" a tributary of
Cow Creek. Mr. Swank is engaged
iu mining iu that district, pursuing
both quart)! and placer operations,
though his work in the lino of quartz
has been us yet limited to prosci'tlng
oiHTatious merely. He has a placer
mine of excellence, situated partly ill
Douglas and partly iu Jackson county
and very near whero Josephine cor
ners with Jackson, Douglas lying
north of both. Tho niino Is a pro
ducer of coarso gold, iu gratifying
quantity. Mr. Swank had one piece
of exceptional beauty, of a valuo of
nearly I'iO.J
Artisans Elect Officers.
Grants Pass assembly No. 4!l, United
Artisans, held their regular seiui-nn-nual
elect ion on Tuesday evening,
December 2. Tho following officers
were elected :
M. A., C. K loth Root; Supt.,
Mrs. E. A. Griffith; Insp. Mrs. 8. A.
Frederick; Sec, Fred Mensch ; Treas.,
Edna Parker; Sr. Con. J. B. Pad
dock; M. 11,, M. W. Mowers; Jr.
Cou., Mrs. Hello Mitchell.
Carving sets, a flue
present at Cramer Bros.
- a -v s jl.
Wo Ikivo rccoivoil un iininoiiHo lot of Iloliilny (Joods of all kinds and fool
conlidcnt that at tlio Chicago Racket Storo you will lo able to find every
thing needful for Christmas gifts. Tho pricos are ho low that the goods will
not last hiii?'. Coino while tho iiHHortiiioiit in at its host.
Poys of
have in stock hundreds of llolls of all sizes an assortment
has never heforo heen seen in Southern Oregon. Take a
Chicago Racket Store
High Art
Smartest Suit in town is the Hopkins Sack Suit. Military Style
with narrow collar and blunt end front. The sleeves end with turnover
cuffs. Trousers are rather wide and made peg-top way.
'Mong the materials is the new Red and Black Coronation Check.
High Art Make and cettain to wear well. A special insurance policy
made out in your name guarantees the garment's wear.
Th " Diamond H " lrid.mrK In
red and lh Union Llbol r lound
on ovtry pair ol
Gloves and Gauntlets
Thoio ilovet hsvo thtat points
ol excellence!
Bet! melerisl. pertect tit. Ions
wear, patented construction. Ihor.
ouah reiniorcemonl: no hurling,
pinchlni, callousing teams in grip;
conlinued flexibility in spile ol wind,
wet and weather) highly-paid union
No other gloves can otter Ihia
strong combination ol real merits.
high grade
clothing and furnishings
Sixth and II Streets, Grants Pass, Oregon.
C. E. Soclo.1.
Tho Pi'esbytcrlnn O. E. sooioty hold
a husiuess and social meeting ou Tues
day evening nt tho homo of Miss
Jean Longenecker, with quite a num
erous attendance of tho members aud
friends of the society. The evening
was spent In a very enjoyable manner
with games and other social amuse
ments. The social committee had pre
wired some unique nnd very interest
ing features of entertainment. Among
them, one which caused considerable
amusement was a guessing contest iu
which participants drow a picture to
Illustrate some familiar uursery
rhyme. Some of these ell'orts wore
tpiito artistic, while others were quite
startling iu nppctiritneo.
Th&nksglvlng Services.
Union Thanksgiving services were
held at the Newman M. E, church on
Thursday forenoon. Tho address was
given by Kuv. R. L. Johnston of tho
Christian church, tho other pastors
assisting. Special Thanksigving ser
vices wero held nt St. Luke's Episco
pal church, with special musio and
address by ltev. Daughters.
That the Medford floor is again the
. best flour ou tho market?
. m. sw a V v
all Kinds
"Sweet Sixteen" Socle.1.
A "sweet Sixteen" social will be
given at the parlors of Bethany Pres
bytorlnn church on Friday evening
ot this week. Come now and es
pecially interesting features of enter
tainment have been provided aud a
most enjoyable occasion Is assumed.
One fonturo of the program will be 16
lA-year-old girls iu costumes of the
nations. Home made candy aud books
suitable for Christmas gifts will be
ou salo. The admission will bo 16
oents, and with each paid admission,
a handsome souvenir will be given.
High School Entertainment
The high school has secured Arthur
Frazier the famous pianist, to give a
recital ou Monday, Deo. 15th for the
benefit of the library fund. Mr.
Era.ier has pleased Grants' Pass audi
ences before, and a mnsical treat is
promised all who listen. Two vocal
numbers will be giveu by local talent
during the svauing. .
The Etvrth Trembled.
A slight earth tremor was felt on
Monday night by a number of people
iu this city. It occurred between
1 aud 3 o'clock, a. tu. It Is thought
the jar was caused by our city
oloctlon." - "
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tho like
look at
DEsieNtRsI-'; tyj V A -A
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