Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 27, 1902, Image 3

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To the Public, My Patrons and Friends: In
making this announcement of a change of policy
namely from a semi-cash Or credit business to an abso
lute cash basis I wish to thank all my old as well as
new customers for their generous patronage in the past,
and in adopting the cash system I will endeavor to
tnetit your cash business by a close application to the
lowest prices consistent with good judgment and a
constant aim as in the past to handle pure food pro
ducts and of the best .quality, on the Money - Back
principle if not satisfactory. This with prompt and
efficient service I trust will meet with the support of
those who believe in the good old maxim, "A dollar
saved is a dollar made."
Paying cash is a direct saving to the customer as
well as to the merchant.
A peisou buying on credit will naturally spend
more each month than the cash buyer.
Cash does away with the making and receiving of
statements, a great saving cf time and annoyance and
all the ills connected with running bills. Therefore on
Monday, December I, ',1902,
I shall inaugurate the spot cash system.
Very truly yours,
H. Q. Bobzien.
White House Grocery.
i -i .-. .- v. . ,
T-ib-niiirmiijia, ,r
S-.X f".V '
4 7-fJ -;- i,-'
i i-3
i siy .; J(
v . i. d m urn.
All Sizes of Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Cramer Bros.
A Good
3i J$srt
Hiiir lliddlc Hardware Co
All the new styles in Ready-to-Wear and Trimmed Hats that
will please in Style and Price.
Do not miss seeing tlicm. I'iiicr line than ever Ik fore in Child
ren's Hals and Tarns.
A Pull line of the new ideal patterns, ioc; when sent by mail I ic
Mrs. J. A. RehKopf.
New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.-
Golored Trimmed Hats
CO 71T
20 per cent Discount
until closed out.
Great Bargains in other Millinery Goods.
Sixth SV. next ti Hair-Kiddle sWtre.
On ol
If You
want a
1 m
lCr,JT IltilillK
Www a
will need good tackle. Our stock of
Flii'S, fiKKins, Lines, Reels anil Rods
is complcto and we sell the bout that
can Ik procured. Fishermen using
' our tackle are Huro to get good reiorts
from the other cud of tlio linn.
Ida Weston.
I 1(10 WooJ Chopper.
1 Inuuire of
Dunbar & Kuvkcndall,
Wolf Creek, Oregon.
liiniii lire Iiiih iuf
. L. Loosch 5f Provolt was iu town
E. E. Dunbar of Wolf Creek was a
visitor to Grunts Pass Friday.
Miss Zella Kurth made a brief visit
in Grants Pat Tuesday evening.
J. R. Eaton and wife of Klainathon
are visiting for a few days in this city.
R. W. Clarke spent a few days in
Roscburg this week on a business
Harvey Smith weut to Portland
Friday after a visit of several weeks
in Grants Pass.
Mrs. E. W. Kuykcndall cauio np
from Wolf Creek Saturday fur a visit
to Grants Pass.
S. C. Swagerty, formerly of Grants
Pass, has routed the lierry place near
Constable Olios. Hurt and John
hauer of Kerbv ' were in town hist
week on a business visit.
E. E. RedUeld, of Glendale, was a
passenger on Wednesday morning s
train en route to Ashland.
Miss Astella Good in is epxected to
return on Monday to resume her place
in the Grants Pass Reboots.
Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Crow went to
Portland Saturday evening to visit
for a time at the metropolis.
Hon. H. B. Miller' was iu Grants
Pass Wednesday looking after busi
ness and property interests here.
M. C. Anient weut to Portland Sun
day evening to meet Mrs. Anie nt on
her return from a visit to Chicago.
Henry Colviu returned on Thursday
from a' month's absence in the Siski
yous where lie has been mining and
Chas. Telford nrrived Tuesday
evening from Colcstiu to visit lit re for
a few davs nfter which, ho goes to
Portland for a visit there.
Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Dixon arrived
rtu Saturday evening from MeCloud,
CaL and went ont to Williams where
they will remain during the winter.
Howard Mitchell, who has been
working near Uleuilalc for several
months past, returned homo Saturday
and expects to remain hero for some
time at least. -
A. H. Carson, tlio southern Oregon
fruit commissioner, weut to Ashland
Monday morning and to Drain in the
veiling to inspect some shipments of
young fruit trees.
C. G. Anient of Fowler, Colo., is
expected soon to arrive here and will
take charge of the irrigation enter
prise of the Golden Drift Mining Co.
Mr. Anient is exjierieneed In irriga
tion matters.
'Newspaper'dom" of November I I,
contain tlio portrait of Elmer
Crockett of South . liend, (Iud. )
Tribune, with a sketch aH a successful
newspaper man. Mr. Crockett is a
brother of Judge Garrett Crockett (if
our couuty and has lately been visit
ing here.
Death of Henry York.
Heury York, of Murphy precinct, au
esteemed resident and one of the early
pioneers of this county, died at his
home on Applegate ou Friday lust.
For a number of years lie had been iu
very poor health and the end was not
Henry York was a native nf Ken
tucky, bom in 1SJ!I. He came to tire
gnu in 1 H.")2 and followed mining and
packing during the early M)'s. He
was a veteran of tlio Indian war of
lH.")fi-."Ht, during which lie was a mem
ber of Captain Keene's cnuiisuiy. For
tiio just 40 years he lias lived on hi
farm on Applegate nenrMisHCiuri Flat.
He leaves a wife and lO childreu living,
Ino luneral services were held ou
Sunday and the burial took place at
the Missouri Flat cemetery. The
whole neighlHirhood attended the fu
neral and the procession was the larg
est ever known iu that locality.
Morphine! Deadly Work,
J. E. McGarrey, one of the proprio
tors of the Lake fc'onnty Examiner,
died Tuesday night from the effects
of poison administered by Fred Mngil
ton, a morphine fiend. The poison
was Riven hriMHlcrmically to causu
sleep, without murderous intent.
Mr. McGarrey wot one of tlio ablest
newspaper writers in this part of the
Charles Fitch, editor of the Lake
view Herald, conteinjioiuiy of the
Examiner, died less talui two weeks
ago from an overdose of morphine,
administered with suicidal intent.
Rev. Edward M. bharpo of Portland
w ill occupy the of the Pre-by.
teriau church next Sun lay both morn
ing and evening and will be here also
ou the Sunday following, Decends r 7,
for both services. All the meiiiln rs
and friends are invited to at tend these
services. Sunday school and Chris
tian Endeavor as usual.
VI iTIl !."
f Notice is hereby given that Local
Union No. IMS Car'iiters and
Joim-rs of America, Grants Pass,
Ore., has established thirty cents l r
hour as Union schedule wages to go
into effect on Iho 1st day of Jan. I'J B
and tx-f' in ton e from that on until
again changed by said Union when
due notice will be given.
J. E. Wiedmun, president.
D. A. Fitzgerald, mcretary.
Columbus Bennett has removed with
his family to Golden, where he will
engage in mining, having recently
pun based one of the mines of Win.
li. G. Magoou, representing Allen
& Gilbert Co., of Portland and San
in the I. O. O. F. Kldg.. with a full
lini of pianos, organ, sheet music
and small nicsical goods. The prices
will be same as in the city. Call and
examine fur yourself. Old instrument
taken in excluingc.
Six rcom liouso on A strict. In
quire at thi oftji-e.
yi tpji-wl ti'i
To make room for Christme.
will SELL at COST on ee-ch da.y ot thia and next week,
a follows
On Friday Graniteware.
Saturday Tinware.
3Ionday Plain Crockery.
Tuesday Glassware.
Wednesday Hats.
hiriii y Any article in the store.
This is a chauce for you to save money on goods that you need.
We carry a big and fine line of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, and Ladies. and Gents Furnishing Goods. '
Our Christmas Goods are arriving each day Toys, Albums, Dolls,
Doll, Buggies and Go-Carts, Wagons, Watches, Black Boards, Dressing
Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, a big line of Japanese Crockery and au
elegant line of Decorated Ware. We are Roin to have the largest line
in Southern Oregon for you to select from.
Remember the Chicago Racket Store is where a $ goes fur ther than
elsewhere. '
Nov. 27 Foresters of America Grand
Hall. Opt ra House.
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving day.
Nov. 27 Mask ball at Plaeer.
Nov. 29. Ward . Company, opera
Dec. 1 City election.
Dec. 5 "Sweet Sixteen" social at
Presbyterian church parlors.
Mrs. Shannan and Mrs. Shaska have
been busy the jiast few weeks solicit
ing funds for tjie crectiou of a parson
aire to bo built ou the lots adjoining
their church. They met with such
good success that tlio lumber has been
ordered and work w ill bo commenced
There are funds in the treasury to
pay tlio following county warrants,
protestedto Jannary Mb, 1HS: War
rants No. 40U 110--111.
J. T. Taylor,
County treasurer.
Grants Pass, Ore., Nov. Ill, l'.HVi.
The ladies of thu Presbyterian
church will give a "Sweet Sitxeen"
social in the church parlor on the
evening of December 6. There will
be on sale, home-made candy and
books suitalde for Christmas gifts.
The price of admission will be Hi
cents and a souvenir will be given
With each psid admission.
A siscial meeting will bo held on
Tuesday, December 2nd, at 7:"0p.
m. All members aro requested to be
present to assist iu important work.
Following is the list of letters re-
mainina uncalled for in the Grunts
Pass post office, Saturday, Nov. 22,
1!M)2 :
Mike Matson,
Fred Storoh, (2)
J. F. Slav cos,
Tom C. Swinney,
Juke Kennedy,
. G. W. Hughes.
C, E. Harmon, P. M.
Naves Topical liiblo is tlio only
practical subject arrangement of the
Eible in print. It gives all the scrip
tures on any subject of the Piblo
while nnn can turn to it immediately.
Uishop W. H. Warren says of the
Topical Kiltie: "Every Kible student,
especially preachers and teachers, will
11 ml very great assistance in this
wink." Mr. W. L. Ireland can furn
hih you wili a copy.
Nothing is more appreciated by
Easterners than photographs of
Western scenery. I luivu a large
number of unmounted prints nf scenes
in and mar Grants Pass that ar
good. The Clevenger booklet of views
at ."tO cents is also a good collection.
( omit and select pictures early.
A. E. Voorhles.
That the Medfnrd flour is again the
In st (lour on the market?
Mason and Mason in "Rudolph and
Adolph" is a theatrical ottering that
api als to all classe s of amusement
lovers.- There Is a" pretty love story
running through the fare.) which is
always intcrmting to the ohh r folks
Mind reveled in by the vounuer ones.
Mason and Mason ke p the audience
convulsed with - laughter and sing
comic sours in a manner wholly
original. Zadorah R. Porter the fam
ous comic 0iera prima donna, sings
high class operatic seh ctioiiH assisted
by the large chorus in a manner that
compares favorably with the hading
Grand Opera organizations. Miss
l! Philips the dainty little sou
hrette of the coin any not only sings
sweetly but is a wonderful dauber anil
the other si.lallles are also of a
meritorious order. Mason and Mason
w ill apjs ar at the Oji ra house Wedncs.
day, December It).
All thv standard variety of .apple
trees at the Eur. la nursery near Wild
erville, Ore., Satisfaction ill price
and quality guar.intis d. J. If. Rob
inson, Pro rictor.
Mrs. Clevenger in now prcrcd to
give instructions in Pyrography work ;
those wihing to learrn this beautiful
I art of home decoration should call on
Town pro-rty. to trade for cattle,
also new sewing machine to trade for
cow or TODiig rows. EiKjuiro at this
Only reliable brands of Il.olo
Goods cairied t A. E. Voorhies'.
full r
Goods the Ke-cket Store
Racket Store.
' Road to Crater
A new road to Crater Lako has been
surveyed by Superintendent Arant, of
Crntor Lako Park, who writes to Will
G. Steel as follow iu regard to the
matter: .
',' I bavo today completed tlio survey
for a new road lending' from the
Jacksonville-Fort Klamath wagon
road to tlio lake, and instead of going
over tha high summit ou the old
road, we leave tlio old wiigon road at
thia point, bringing thu creek bIhuiI
10 rods from its bead and running first
iu an! easterly direction, thence
northerly and northeasterly to the
lako. I had previously viewed out
the route and was surprised to iliul
that the lake coald bit reached so
easily. But sinco it has been, sur
veyed and the levels run on the more
mountainous parts I find that the
route is still more practicable than I
had before anticipated,
"For the first mile and a half the
road will bo practically straight and
level. Then for about ono-fourtli of
a mile there is a grade of about 5 er
cent. Then for the next two and a
quarter miles wo have probably !l per
cent grade. The Inst mile only has a
heavy grade, there being probably
about one-half of that distance that
we fouud it necessary to run the level
on, but only iu one place did we llud
it necessary to make tlio grade more
than 10 kt cent, and that is for a
distance of three chains, which is
about 111;,' per cent.
"The place where thu road ap
proaches tlio lako is at the low point,
near where Agent Applcgate's party
was caiuisid when you and your irty
were hero in 'August last.
"rrom that wo follow the rim of
the lake and terminate' the road at
Victor Hock. The entire length of
the projMised road is through pictur
esque and romantic ground, with
many tine springs bubbling from be
neath thu hills and numerous bruuti
ful creeks running through the forests
of pinu and tlr ami the luxuriant grass
of thu open lauds, making most de
lightful camping grounds. All com
bined, t is olio of the most pleasur
able resorts of the west. When we
get ino new roan Hunt I am sure you
will be pleased with it, as will every
other admirer of Crater Luke National
"V. F. Arant, Superintendent. "
Thanksgiving Ba.ll.
The Foresters of America are pre
imring to make their grand annual
ball, which will tm given on Thanks
giving evening, November 27, one of
the most pleasurable affairs which
has taken place in Grants Pass. The
nrshestra will 1st under the leadership
of Prof. I). Koffn of Medford, wIimic
musical talents are well known and
appreciated iu this city. No iains
will be spared to make the dancu one
highly enjoyable by all w lui attend. ;
Photo Supplies: at the Courier of
fice. A L A B M A W A R l?L E RS ( '() M 1 N G.
Thursday, Dec. lit fa.
Headed by thu great Mi Kaulass,
the world's greatest coruetisl, sweet
singer, violinist and comedian. Miss
Lizzie Perry, the Jewish Creole, the
champion lady cake walker of the
United States.. Miss Patti Meh'au
lass, the sweetest ballad singi r living
and twelve other first class wid up-to-date
performers. Our singing excels.
Dancers great nnd comedans funny.
The Kings and Queens of the Kooti
C. St. Louis, thu jeweler, has the
agency in Josephine, ,1 ink soli and
jjougiu counties, for the r.xcclsior
burglar alarm. This is a contrivance
both iug'iiious and convenient. It
can be attached or detai hi d instantly
to ot from any door or window, has
no wires, needs tin lotteries or oile r
iii.m hinery. It Is self contained,
m at, takes next to no space and is as
certain and effect ivn as an exj'iisive
B YI)-OIIr KIN At It. ddingf t 'af,
Tuesday, NoveuiUr IN, I'.io.', A.
Boyd of Chieo, ( al. and Miss Lcln
Ci rin 111 of Josephine ronnty.
LUSTEH-COLVIN-Iu this city,
Iriday, Novemlsr 21, P.Krj, ,y it.,. v.
J. W. McDnugall, A. O. Luster and
Miss Ella Colvin.
Mr. Luster is an engineer of the
Southern Paeifiu and the bride Is unr-
of tho well known young Indies of
O rants fans. They will reside for
the present at Sisson.
YORK Near, ire. , V ridav,
November 21, ltij, Henry York.
Bg. d I'M year.
WITI1EKELL At his home ii,nr
Kerby, Taewlar, Novi-rubcr 2, iK'rt,
Alex Wiihcrcll, aged tu year.
M'MjRE Iu this city, Wednesday,
Nov.-nilwr, VL, Item,' Riley Moore,
aged u'i year.
Mr. Moore tame lure with hi
family from Missouri only few
we.k ago.- He h aves , wife and five
Xocal tbarpentnoa
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron lor Plumbing.
Beautiful pictnre at Thomas'.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druitgist.
See Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
Rubbers and Umbrellas. The Sugar
Pine Store.
The steam feather renovator is com
ing to Grants Pass.
To bo ready for lung evening read
ings seo Thomas' lamps.
There will be no school ou Thursday
and Friday of this week.
Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal
fi 50 to '..00 at Cramer Bros.
Strobel's ' shoo repairing always
pleases. "Take your shoes to dim.
Dou't forget that genuine Oliver
Plows arc sold ouly by Cramer Bros.
Get a booklet of lsautiful scenery
of Southern Oregon from Clevenger.
Monterey cypress, shade and fruit
froos, berry plants etc, at Riverside
Grand ball at tlio Otrea bouse
Thanksgiving night. Given by tho
Ladies' lanterns for dark nights;
also wagon and barn lanterns at
Cramer Bros.
Cloudy weather preferred for sit
tings at Nichols' studio, opposito the
court house.
With every Pyrography outfit sold,
Mrs. Clevenger gives free instructions
how to use.
Dou't fail to look over the large
new line of Maple Shoes ut The
Sugar Pino Store.
Prof. D. BolTa's orchestra will fur
nish music for tho Foresters grand
Thanksgiving bull.
Try Morris' Poultry Cure and Stock
food at F, H. Schmidts. No Cure-
No Pay. Free Samples.
A complete line ol tun celebrated
Mitchell Buggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Ilair-ltiddle Hardware Co.
Air-tight' Heaters from 2.75 up at
Cramer Bros. We deliver and set
them up fur town customers.
' F. A. Oberle of Bumside, Mill .,
has been ill thu city for the )ast
week, looking up a business locution
iu the county.
Three good things for Christmas
presents Garland Stoves St musky
Steel and Anti-Rustijig Tinware.
Sold only by Cramer Bros.
Curtis Co., practical watch mak
ers and jewelers. Dealer in watches,
clocks, jewelery and Diamond rings.
All repairing tlrst class. Odd Fellow's
The Grants Pass Hardware Co.
shipped two car ' loads of hydraulic
pijie this week to the Clark initio on
Jump-off Joe, recently purchased
from Booth & Dysert.
"Yon Yoiisou" played at the OjK'ra
house on Monday evening, was a dis
appointment. Tho company cut the
piece short iu order to catch a train,
leaving out niany.of the best features,
and hurried throueh thu play with
reckless speed. "Yon" himself did
very pleasing work. The rest np-
Hared mediocre.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coiiiu's.
Don't fail to see the stock of Xmas
ehlnaware and silverware at Cramer
Renii'iiilM.r the Foresters Thanksgiv
ing dance ut the 0ktu house Thiirs
day evening.
Big new line of Well Wearer Shoe
for ladies, men and children. Tin
Sugar Pine Store.
The best dance ol the iihoii at the
0s-rn house Thursday evening. For
ester annual grand ball.
Shot gun sin lis both smokeless nnd
black--) cents per box at Cramer
Call and sec thu framed pictures mid
photo calendars ut Nichols' studio,
Sixth street.
Tha hiiiiiNomest furniture store In
southern Oregon is Thomas' ami of
course it is iu Grant Pass.
See J. T. Taylor at Shiver's drug
store for fruit and shade trees, berrv
plants and cypress for hedge.
U A. Si rebel has charge of the sins
making and repairing department al
the Lin us harness shop. Take your
work to 1. int.
Mrs. K 1. Bobbins of Ashland was
in Giant Pats' Friday eveiiingattend
ing tho wedding of her broile r, A.
C. Luster to Miss Ella Colvin.
The building of the Grants Pass
Hanking it Trust Co. on Sixth street
has Is i n purchased by W. N. Ri'le
hart, of Seitt le.
Many growers think that all Mint
of tre.-s do belt-r if transplanted In
the full. Trees (or sale by J. T.
Taylor, Rivir-ide Nursery.
At Ch vengi r's Photograph Gallery,
this day list'.', have reeiivtd a
large assoitue nt of Pyrograjhy woods
and more comiug. Also outlil for
There will be a sH-eial Thanksgiv
ing service at Si. Luke's church
Thanksgiving day at II a. in. S ciiil
music. Gifis for the hospital will be
gratefully received.
Why send tu Chit ago for w itches mid
jowi Iry when you call buy then, just
a cheap quality ronslden U from
li Icie r, Iho jeweller. Compare my
prices w ith any catalogue and be con
vinced. Liwe's Madison Square Tleutro Co.
completed a four nights engage uu lit
at the Opt ra house ou Saturday evt u
ing. Tin y gave good i-iitertuliimenls
ami aru a comjiMtiy very worthy
of intronage.
Mr. and Mrs. Shatka will serve an
oystt r sup r at Hut Woodman hall on
Thursday (Veiling. Oysters will be
served iu any style from ti uniil I
o'clock. The pris-ei-d-i of the supjter
will go toward the erection of the
parsonage which is being, built by
the Catholic church tcopln.
Tlio ladi'S of the Presbyterian
church gave a dime social last Wed
nesday evening at the church, isirlors.
A brief, though vt ry enjoyable, pro
gram was prus-iiud and rctrcBlimeiits
Sixth and II Streets.
Why Qo Jhe Best Dressed
' Men Deal Here?
The best dressed men , throughout this locality buy.
their clothing at this store every man who wishes the best comes
to us sooner or later.
There are several reasons "why."
&r ,'.!f'2W Ii
i rfuv t . l s .).". i i
Si'hloss Bros., & Co.,
tho ''Best clothing in tho
assortment of their mako of
Harth Q. Son
high grade
clothing and furnishings
Sixth and II Streets, Grants Pass, Oregon.
were served. A very pleasant even
ing was enjoyed by those who attend
Keep all your chicken house locked
upon Thursday, December 11th, as
there will be lit coons in town.
A number of high grade sheep, the
prinsTty. of Hon. H. H. Miller, ar
rived here a few day ago and were
taken to his farm near thu mouth of
the Applegate.
The Urn alarm was sounded on Mon
day evening, as the residence of J.
W. Grifllth on Hixtli and I streets was
reported to bo on lire. It proved to lw
only -a chimney burning out.
A social and supper were given at
Woodman ball Wednesday evening oi
lust week by St. Luke' Guild.
Misses White, I.ueus and . Hourkc
favored tho audience with delightful
vocal number and Mr. Jamison gave
a reading from ishukusiswire. 1 lie
occasion w as one of pleasure to all in
New this week 14 Karat solid gold,
ladle' watches, a timi line of gent'
Opal rings, Opal mid Diamond studs,
Opal and Diamond scarf pins, solid
gold tiiiard chain, 11 Karat solid gold
neck chain and gold bracelet. Call
while my stock is complete and select
what yon want for present. Alfred
Letcher, jeweller. Main street.
N. K. MeUrew, the transfer mail,
has added to his cipiipment of druys
and express wagons lately by a mov
ing vail which I the handsomest
wagoii of it class In southern Ore
gun, it thoroughly np to date vehicle
in every particular. He is making
oile r improvement also iu hi equip
ment and adding to hi already ex
oi 'lli-iit facilities In (ho transfer line.
Dr. Jennings, one of the hailing
tletlst of (Jraiint I'ass, has anew
system of Craown nnd liriilgn work
which he guarantees to be a gtstd us
gold woili, ut about niie half the cot-t
of gold wink ; everybody can now
alTord to have Crown anil Priilge
Wot I;. He now receive llrst chits
dental gistils direct from the manu
facturer, at greatly reduced pi ices,
ami gives his patrons the bencllt of
very moderate price for llrst chu
work. Dou't be afraid to ask him for
anything in the dental line. Paiulet
ope rations a specialty, lie is now a
very busy man !u hi ottlce.
Suits 'Overcoats
far? I V I 1 1
i '$?yA i f&'tf WW
A new line of winter Clotliin, in all the popular
wlitlln, and a line line of Overcoats just received. You
will surely find just what you ore looking for
i , ,
- - - AT - ---
Welch's Clothing Store,
Opart House Block, . ,
Grants Pass,
Here In reason Ko. ' t.
Wo have tie widest showing
of "up to-th'c-latost" styles. Dif
ferent men have different tastes
require different styles to 9uit
their different characteristics
that's where our wide stylo
range comes in "
A man can get from us just
the kind of clothing that makes
him look his best.
of Baltimore aro makers of
world" wo have a . splendid
garments. .
Barrels for sale at Alilf'a packing .
I a very common- disease in both
exes, cause .frequent urination by
which iu timo you lose control and
ability to retain, causes irritation at
tlio nock or tlio bladder; causes mu
cous iu the urine; causes sediment in
tho urine resembling brick unst and
thick whitish deposits. All nf which
can be removed by taking H. B. Ca
tarrh Cure, according to direction.
Hook on Catarrh free. Address Huiith
Proa, r'resno, Cal. ' - ,
Ity man and wife, place to cook iu
mining camp. Kxpcricnced. Ad-'
dress, stating wages, Ci. A. Kaldcrtou,
Ashland, Oro. ' .
Pair of gold eye glasses, chain at
tached, last Friday. Finder 4leae
leave at thi oflleo.
People that liavo dyspepsia liarn
weak stomachs, weak hearts, wenk
eve and are usually weak kneed,
'l'hey feel bilious ami tho world ill
general ha a bilious look to them ;
they have ho many symptoms that it
i ditllcult to intuitu the place where
they feel thu worst. Tho fact is tlio .
source from where they get their
strength has been cut ot? anil they aro
sick all over. Tho food taken into
the stomach remain undigested,
causing Itclching, nnd biliou attack,
followed by sick-headache, and gen
eral weakness. The medicine, that
put the stomach in condition so that
the foist can 1st readily digested, will
cure dyspepsia ami make strength
where there was weakness. We bavo .
cured thousand of person during the
past 20 years, of dysjs psin, w ith Dr.
(I linn's improved Liver I'll I. A !!
box of these pill are worth more to
H oplo w ith poor digestion than six
months of dieting ur a gallon nf
l-in. It only takes one for a dose.
We will netid two of these pill to
trove what they w ill do. For nale by
f . Kremer.
Itching I'iles prodiira moisture and
caiiitf Itching. This form, a well aa
HI l ml. It I fed i im or l'rutr ml i n ti Piles are
Hired ill Ur, llo-sau ko's l'ila Itemed?.
Ktop Heliing ami birediug. Abiorbi
Illinois. Otic a jar at Druggist, or sent
by until. Treulise ' free. Writ me
about ynur rune. Dr. Bosanko, Philail.
I'a. For sale by W. F. Kremer.