Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 27, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Yer, in r-dvftnce, - 11.50
tin Months, . . . .
Three Months, - .40
Single Copies. , .06
Advertising Rates
Fumlnhed on application at the office, or
oy man.
Entered at the pout oRlce at Grant !',
Oregon, aa second-claM mail matter.
It is reported that Czar Nicholas of
Rumia may abdicate. He is said to
be mentally weak ami that liia. minis
ton intimidate him into doing what
ever they wish.
The proliablo election of Roed Smoot
of Utah to the senate of the United
States has called forth some protest.
8moot is a Mormon, though . not a po
lygumist in practice and so has an ad
vantage over the polygauiiHt ItobeHs
who was unseated on tliut account.
Great men often do not appear in
their true projxirtlous on too close
light. Many of the world's greatest
men were not appreciated during their
life time ; it required the distance- of
years to make apparent the true pro
portions of themselves and their work.
No man wal mora maligned during
his lifo tliuu Abraham Lincoln and no
man is now held in greater or more
universal esteem. On the other hand,
many who are carried high ou the
wave of popularity and seem for the
moment greater than Caeanr are drop
ped into everlasting oblivion before
their career is half finished. Hut
among the men of today it is our
opinion that President Theodore
Roosevelt is making a mark that will
stamp him through years to come as
one of the truly great men of his age
and that if the nation gives him the
necessary measure of opportunity, the
vigorous, progressive and improving
spirit of his administration will be
felt for many years to come.
Of all our anniversary days and
national holidays, none am more
timely than Thanksgiving. The
human mind is so prone to forget the
blessings of life, to look on the dark
side rather than on the bright, that
Thanksgiving day comes to many as a
greatly needed reminder and reproof.
Iu the United Htntes of America there
re very few indeed who have not
more reason to rejoice than to com-
plain and iu this country even the
most unfortunate within its borders
may take comfort in the thought
that thejr live in a land of enlighten
ment, whore kindness and brotherly
feeling predominate. While instances
of cruelty, greed and oppression are
not uncommon, the spirit of the people
as a whole is iu direct opposition to
these instances. Buffering commands
sympathy and relief and uo penult) are
readier thau ours to icspoud to a plea
for assistance by their more un
fortunate brethren. , Our government,
though imperfect as human govern
ments always have been and probably
always will ho, Is the best of which
u... ...... 1.. ..1.... L'.. ...
itj imvutuij Kiiun it'uu. nv limit'
favored thau any other nation on earth
and should remember this with ap
The ward conventions were held on
Thursday evening and the city nomi
nating convention, ou Friday evening.
Each suasion was brief, the business
being quickly transacted. AH the
candidates of tho'Lalmr party choseu
several weeks ago, were inndo con
vention nominees.
Following is the line-up for the
election of December 1 :
Mayor J. F. Haahnr, W. K. Dean.
Treasurer OoL V. Johnson.
Councllmou First ward, J. 1',
Guleeucr, W. M. Hair ; Second ward,
T. A. Hood, Leo Calverf, Third
ward, J. A. Rehkopf, J. T. Chiiusite;
Fourth ward, H. C. lYrkins, Henry
Road To Waldo.
We publish below the reports of the
joint committee appointed by the txisrd
of trade and county court for the pur
pose of examining the road between this
city and Waldo. Two reports are made,
one In regard to the condition and needs
of the road itwlf, and the other in re
gard to a bridge across the Illinois, In
conversation with a member of the com
mittee a CoikIks representative was
informed that the main need of the road
is draiuagu. Water is allowed to run
Into the road and stand and seep with
no means of running off. This necessar
ily makes "chuck holes" and iniiasaihle
places. The reports are aa follows :
soakd or txahi:
We your committee appointed to el
amine the road between Waldo ami
(iranta Pass, beg to rexirl as follows:
lMwevo Waldo and kurby we find the
road In fairly good condition, but would
recommend the following changu. From
the corner of ihe Jack Henderson place,
we would recommend runuiug the road
on the weal side of. John (icorgc's place
on a straight line south to the bridge
across the east brsnch ol the llliuois ou
the Waldo road. This would shorten
the road about une and one quarter
miles and would avoid a steep hill and
souio bad ml clay mad.
From Kerby to Loves rotation, we
find the road in very bad condition, and
especially across Hayes Hill, and recom
mend some Immediate repairing to be
From Iivet station to the bridge
across Applegate we find the road in
fairly good condition, and needs but
little repairing.
From Applegate bridge to Grunts I'ass
we find the road in bad condition in a
number of place and recommend some
repairing being done.
In all cases w Bud the road needs
grading and draining. .
We further recommend that a com
mitteeof three or more be appointed by
the comity court and the board of trade,
with power to employ a competent man
o take cl are ol the work and see that
We have had lots of good luck with our Shoes, People
tell us they wear well. We think it is because w&slrive '
to buy the kind that wears. We do not search for
shoddy stuff when buying.
Front street, oppo Depot.
the money is properly expended.
Respectfully submitted,
( Coi.. T. Wals Mono a Dkapkb
Com, i O. F. Loru
( P. II. Haktu
HOARD or thaos:
We your committee appointed by you
beg to make the following report:
In regard to a bridge across the east
branch of the Illinois river, there are
two propositions. One is to build a
road on the east side without crossing
the river, and to cross Altlibnse and
Sucker creeks, but wa find the bridges
across these creeks, in each care, insulli
cient for heavy Ireighting.
The other is to bridge the enst fork of
the Illinois near the point asked for hy
the petition. We have nia'le a ca eful
eismination at this point and recom
mend the building of the bridge We
believe this would be cheaper than
building the road and repairing the two
other bridges, and would bo of greater
benefit to the community.
Itespoctfully suhmitUd,
Con. T. Wai.m Moiiiiam I)kaiku
Coin, O. F. I-ovni.vm
I'. II.Hahth
Good, 'sound, 10-year old horse,
weighing about 1100 pounds, for sale
for I5. Inquire D. It. ClupKnUlc,
I street, next to Trimble & Cook's
blacksmith shop.
The Medford flour. It is ngitlu the
best flour ou the market Ask for It.
7rrivin Daily in all
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets and Long Coats.
Wo havo many new novelties in our Dress Goods
Department. We invite you
Shoes and Furnishiii!' Good
Frank Kiumniit who has been work
ing at the Gold Hug has gone to
Grants Pass.
Mrs. Fannie Miller returned Satur
day from a ten-days' enjoyable visit
with friends iu Giants Piinh.
John Scrllmcr, of Wolf Creek was
in town Saturday. He and Mr. Hen
derson are developing a quart iot kct
mine, from which they have takcu
wiiiie very handsome xMketH. This is
looked uihiii as a valuable property.
. Supt. 11. A. Jones, of the Hcnton
mine, owing to the unusually heavy
rains, was coiuielled to suK'iid
woik on the new road for I lie w inter.
Some 20 lalKirors were employed. Iu
addition to completing over one-half
of the road, the boys laid I ."it Si feel of
Ift inch piie from the mill to Whiskey
creek. The Imys are enthusiast ie ill
their praise for Supt. R. A. Jones,
f' The survey for JoIiiimui Pros, rail
road up Cow Creek, has been slow en
account of the heavy rains. Since
the abatement of the storm the survey
Is making good headway. The road
Is to be standard gunge, of heavy rails
adapted to lm-omol ives of immense
It is thought the building of
this road has uWimr significance than
being merely a Ill-mile short line;
that it will be built ou eastward be
yond this watershed. Work of grad
ing will begin as soon as iiossihle.
landowners alyng the line are till
licgiuniug to more fully appreciate
Ihe advantages which it will bo to
them, and Ihe complete r ilit of way
promises well nigh assured.
Twelve Plymouth Kills
prie.. . Man us W. Rol l. ins.
W..E. Dean & Co., Propr.
The noted itowden mine and
liraden mill, situated near Gold
Hill, Ore., with its splendid water
power, has been transformed to a
corporation capitalized at $500,000.
The priuciiul owners of the property
now are Los Angeles and Redlands
capitalists, among them being F. T.
Grifllth and I. II. Hamilton, of Los
Angeles. Several capitalists in
Greensburg, Pa., arn also interested
iu the new coiuiaiiy.
Hon. J. J. Houek and Messrs. S.
W. McClcudou and L. F. Jordan, of
Gold Hill, Ore., were the promoters
of the deal. The original owners of
the mine were George O. McDouough
and Jxmcs F. Davis. There has
been a considerable amount of secrecy
concerning the consideration of this
deal, hut it hits leaked out to such an
exteut that it is pretty well known
that the purchase price ild by
Hamilton and his associates was iu
the neighborhood of JISO.OOO.
1(10 acres; 10 acres iu finest fruit; 00
acres under fence and cultivation,
alfalfa and clover, water for irriga
tion. Good two story dwelling etc.,
good stock range. Address Pox II
Woodvllle, Oregon.
Dross making and plain sewing by
the day. Inquire of Mrs. R. Die
brow, ttth street, west of brick yard.
to eome in and look them
Mrs. J. M. Mi'Collum is still ou the
sick list.
Go to J. C. K McCitun for Christmas
Earnest Ia'W Is went to Portland one
day last week.
Mr. Fryer el Merlin spent Saturday
and Sunday in Wlldcrville.
R. M. Kohinsoii Is putt ing a much
needed addition to his ranch.
J. Try on has liccu hauling lumber
for J. 11. Robinson for a new ham.
Mr. Sawyer of Althouse attended
the quarterly meeting at Wilderville
Sunday, November .M.
One of Dr. Ward's ngeuts iwhsciI
through our villago one day last week
on one of his general trip.
Mr. unil Mrs. Limlsiv were in
Grants Pass one day lust week ou
Andy Shchen has Wen hauling lum
ber from the Williams ht es. tuw mil
to his new house.
MisH Kthel Robinson was sick and
not able to attend school the past
week but is liettcr at this writing.
Rev. W. F. Rogers is enjoying a
visit with his father who arrived
Sat ui day from his home iu lowu.
Miss Mildred lliimnrduer who has
been working in Wilderville for the
(vial two mouths, has returned to her
home in eastern Oregon.
Rev. Mr. Suiumcrville, the presid
ing elder, preached an interesting
sermon in tun Wilderville church
Sunday, November 2.H.
Mrs. George Uwis and little
daughter Goldie, went to Portland to
sieiid a tew .'; with Mr. Hayes,
who is i,uite sick. Mrs. Ia w Is then
intends to visit her mother in Cottage
Miss Emma Hocking went to stay a
few days with Grandma Moore who
Is quite sick at her home near Wilder
ville, C. T. Lovelace aud E. Erickson are
home agai after working ou a bridge
a lew weeks down on itogne river
about 80 miles from Wilderville.
We have uo sickness to reiwrt.
Stock is doing tine as grass is grow
ing nicely.
Front street has a uew coat of grav
el which is a big imiwevement.
Frora the present outlook we will
havo blackberries by Christmas from
the looks of the blooms ou the bushes
at the present time.
The miners have water for. quite a
run so they are very busy; we can
hear heavy blasting every day as the
miners have to 'blast down the big
We are having nice sunshiny weath
er after an abundance of rain. . The
farmers are. busy plowing and sowing
grain, taking advantage of the nice
weather; the momiiiRS are a little
foggy bat about 10 o'clock the sun
conies out in all of its splendor. The
weather at present resembles April
weather, no wind a warm sun.
0. D. Burnett came up from the
Copper Statu mine. He, reports busv
times at Mt Ruebcn. Everybody is
working his ledge to its fullest capac
ity. We havo the pleasure of report
ing a new strike on Greenback moun
tain, on the Grave creek side, near
the St. Peter's miiio. Thero arc
thousands in sight find the owners do
not think it is a chimney, it has such
a permanent showing. With the pres
ent outlook Greenback Mt. cxcellsMt.
Reuben for all the ledges that have
been worked so fur have proven very
The Evening Telegram said that at
Portland they expect rain all winter.
Hero we will have a good rain then it
will let up so we cnu do our farm
work. This ruining all of the time is
what makes the moss grow on Ihe
hacks of the Willumetters.
We rend of accidents quite often to
those who play foot bull. We. thiuk
that is a rough, brutal game which
should not bo tolerated by the best
citizens. We thiuk the paper's account
should be cut down and a part of- that
money bo' used to advertise southern
Oregon. The money sjieut that way
wnnld enrich the country.
Our roads are getting iu bad order
as so much teaming is done from here.
A good deal of the time we have two
stages runuiug out .of Loluud besides
the daily mail. As soon as the dredger
comes and has Grave creek opened for
navigation it will do away with so
much singing aud heavy freight haul
it is surprising how the doctors
charge for their visits in this country,
Hack iu Canada they do not charge
ueurly so much for their services. The
legislature should act on that score so
a poor man can send fur a doctor
without having to work half the sum
mer to y a doctor for a few visits.
Wide Awake.
E. II- Yancy wcut to Grants Puss
A good baru for rent; inquire of
Prof. McConucll.
W. 8. Noel, from Hugo, was visit
ing his family at Merliu Sunday.
Rubbers for every one at McCon
uell's store.
The Geographical surveyors are
making Merliu their headquarters
Mrs. Jones and daughter Maud made
a trip to Grants Pass one day lust
Every one is enjoying the hcauti
ful clear weather we are having at
A much needed new bridge is being
built across the creek in front of the
Jordan Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Hammond nud
daughter, Mattie, from Hugo attend
cd the institute and social Saturday
George Guild and family expect to
leave Merlin soon. Wo are sorry to
lose thciik They will ta sadly missed
iu our business and social circles.
Miss Etta Noel, who is keeping
house for her father aud brother at
Tunnel Nine, was visiting iu our
town Tuesday.
Tho local institute, held here the
'Jinil, was very much enjoyed by those
attending. Tho following teachers
were present : Misses Maggie Chiles,
Cora Smith, Lillian Pence, Prof. Me
Council and our honorable suisTiu
teiideut, Lincoln Savage.
Tho entertainment given by the
teacher and students of the Merliu
school, Saturday evening, was a suc
cess in every way and a pleasant even
ing was enjoyed by nil present. Tin
proceeds of the entertainment amount
ed to ft 1.27.
Ray Colby has two Hue Jersey cows
for sale ; anyone wishing a good cow
should ace Mr. Colby at once.
Tho car ou tho side track at the
Merliu depot, loaded with hydraulic
pip, is for Ihe Pooth & Dysert mine
on Jump-off-Joc, lately purchased by
Mr. Clark of Portland.
Merliu Nittht Hawk.
Crewe Creek News.
We have had considerable rain anil
snow also. It snowed about six inches
on tho head of the envk.
George lilulock niade us a call
yesterday. Ho is going to lake charge
of his mine ou Evans crock this w in
ter, ami his brother, John lilulock,
has charge of the Grave creek mine.
He has it iu running order now.
We are glad to learn that George
Peeso is uhle to bo around again. He
has been sutTcriug from a severe at
tack of Rheumatism.
Ray Mowry is still at work getting
ready for the winter.
The Yokum Proa. rxccl to have
their pipe and giant iu running order
Just aa aoou as tiny can move it over,
aud that won't be long.
C. F. Yoknm who has spent most of
his time iu ih milling bui.iius.sii.
1 iSaT -ytgifr
I Grants Pass Hardware
. Front Street, Opposite Depot,
California, claims that he don't wnut
any better mines thau we have h( re,
if they are handled properly.
Alex Wilson was up the other day
looking after his mine. He expects
to returu to California toon.
J. A. Wilscn hi s his pipe ill run
ning older.
The Corner Stonj? of Character Ap
plied to Some of Ibe lllrfcrvnt
I'bsirl of Life.
Sincerity, if not the crowning orna
ment, Is ut least the corner stone of
character. (Jive mnn every other vir
tue, und woman every oilier churni, if
sincerity be wunting they are poor in
deed; we cannot trust them; we do not
want, them for our friends. The in
sincere man is not u whole. He is
broken into fragments, nnd these frag
ments nre not consistent with each
cither. We do not know whii-h of these
inconsistent pieces of himself weshull
find iu uny given ense. A friend of
mine wishing to sny of u certain person
what we do not ordinarily say of one
another in polite society, remarked:
"l'rof. A has the iinfortumile hauit
of preseiiliugdilTcreut nspcetsof ii mut
ter to di Hi-rent persons." The insin
cere mini presents different aspects of
himself to different persons and to the
same person ut different times. Sin
cerity, on the contrary, is wholeness,
unity, consistency, coherence. The
secret of it is well set forth hy (ioetlic;
"Wherever thou art, lie nil there."
Industrial sincerity consists in put
ting one's w hole self into whatever one
undertakes. What is north doing at
ull is worth doing well.
Social sincerity requires us to say
nothing to tine person, or of one icr
son, which, so far ns the tone nnd tem
per nnd spirit of it Is concerned, we
would not Ik- williiiL' that nil persons
should hear. It permits us to say noth
ing behind one's hack we would not
dare to sny to his face. While it would
not exclude all criticism of other people,
it would lift it to n kindly, courteous uml
courageous level.
Moral sincerity goes deeper still, anil
cherishes no thoughts, imaginations or
desires which we ctiulil not talk over
with our father, confide to our mother,
or publicly avow before the face nui!
eyes of all men. It tolerates no ilai!
secret corners of consciousness int..
which one sneaks away to hold dis
graceful revels with liiinsrlf, unlit to
see Ihe lifilit. It permits no single ap
petite or passion of our nature to set
up ou its own account; recognizing
with 1,'lato Hint ull vice and injustice is
"this rising up of n part of the soul
against the whole soul." It iusislsthiM
the self i:s ll whole shall he rcpn-scntcil
In and realized through the particular
appetite or passion; or else that in tin
perninHcut interest of the whole self,
the partial an. I lcn:j orary !tp.ctiU' nr
passion si:::!! l e re; csved. 'i In-i;. oral
man, from III::: (Kiiut of view, is the 1111:11
whose whole self is present iu each act;
who is "nil there" iu each appetite or
passion which he consents to gratii'y
at all.
Deepest of nil, religious sincerity de
manils that we bring to (iod every
thing or nothing. We may not romc to
church vv jt I, our t'. i ; -cr. I: mel ts for nor
.Saviour anil inir l,r;,li tu.p-. , f lleaicu
alone. There is thai,.e
duly we have I, ecu uiinkii ami post
poning. Sincerity nays: "Urii.g that
along, or else stay away yourself. That
is a part of you; and until you bring
that part this place is uo place for Un
rest of you. Vou must have both or
neither: Christ and the duty; Heaven
and the task well done, t r cNe the devil
and your laziness; your shrinl.L.g. and
Ihe hell it deserves." As ,le:a;s pat it:
"If thou reaa liihcresl that thy l.ii.ther
hath aught against thee, leave there thy
gift before the altar and go thy way:
lirst be reconciled to thy l.rother. aril
then come and ,.Ter thv gift." As he
repeatedly tells us. wo caiuu.t leal the
same time f.rgivcn anil u::forL:ivcn;
half love to tiod. half hate to man. In
Ihe one slate or the other, in Ihe I i viae
love, or out of it. we tniit, vv herevcr we
ire, be all tin re- V, illiam Ik-Witt
Hyde, iu N. V. Inile; ctuS-ut,
Aa Important Work tlvd If Moatly
llvlutr thr Surfntc and
Out of SI hi.
Laying the fomulaliuits is usually ttio
costlu'Hl ami mohl iuiHkrt;n:t work in
the Ituihlii; 'f any hUtuhi;. This
work ih Mi.iiiiiottiy bi-u.-. 1 In Mii'fiu v.
and out ul vi'ltt. It attia t c.n;i) .tt.i
tv lutir iiiul it uiaUis
-m;ill tlui in Tu j.m t Lu to tirislA 1!
stiH'rstrut t i' it wmth rtlntivt
ly liufri' tli :n .-ill tho rf!ii;niu!fi With-
.Hit tin I'M CUMVV inil tr.l.nlis ork uf
fouiultitittti h.yiii 11 :t!c: n ruuiul, any
supi'rsjrtn luri' of lit htfmst sjre.
towtr, ir pn-r, or kI.i i kii, it wan,
or inai)sioti, in iii;in' siht, luis tio N'.ne
l;iUility fi r its M'ri:iant i)t Foun
diition laying oft'n costs inure ntul
taki's hmi r t!:an till thi rrst of the
showirM tuiiltlini;; yet this titve vv.
vue art' well lau out. As tt i with
other Rtriiv tint's, m it is with i nns
jthysual. tiiti'lIoctuaU und nu.rr.I truc
turo; its t rmaiH'iit vaUu nU on
its fouiulu; iin. Any tu:i:i wl-; has
nu'ht to show worth praihiii !:.t s.nv
!y vti at wi'C .n it la low lit m:i '.'.
and out of ttiht, as a Ikim rf u.v best
that ia now npmrrnt. lictv isir.cour
ajrt'mrnt for those who toll below the
1'irfaix on what the world ean never
ace or do wiihout.- S. S. l imes.
t-lio: (.uii. to nut r.t I' Urui
No more
Blue Mondays
.Make Washday
a pleasure by
using the
guaranteed for years
It has Twelve points
superior to any other on
the market. Call and we
will be pleased to show
it and explain its merits
to you.
That the Rio Grande Ron to is the
most 1 oj ular cue between the Pacific
Const and the East, is evidenced by
the fact that the- greater k r cent of
trans-continental travelers Use it.
rust, the sctntc nttraetuns in
view from tiains are uncquulcd iu tin
Second, the daily personally ecu
' ducted tourist car excursions bciiif
1 nutirr-iu I lv iiflnnreil for ladies Irilvelinc
alone or Willi childrin, affords a com
fortable mode cf travel at raits withii
reach i I all.
Third, it is the enlv route between
the 1 In st and West pissing direct!
thruigh fait I -like City or modern
Fourth, choice of two distinct
routes through the hurt if lb
! Rocky mountains.
1'iflli, three fast, ihrc.ugh trann
.daily between Ogdcn anil Dinvei
equipped with cverv n.tdi rn ci n-
vi lueiicc.
There are many ether reasons w I ,
this route is the most comfortable in:
enjoyable in the whole counti
Ycu con ham u great deal rn tie
subject of through travel, and riceivi
some very bcHutilnl and intirtftin;
booklets, by culling (in or writing Ii
the undersigned. W. C. Mr liHII K,
Gcu'l Agent or M. .1. ROCHE, Travel
ing agent, 134 Third Street, Portland,
will positively cure deep-seated
A 25c. 8ottl tor Simple Cold.
60c. Bottle tort Hmv Cold.
A $1.00 Buttle lor Oeep-iealed Couch.
i iMMilr!llill!!li Cj
ruViiViV.v.'s'.'.v.'.v.'.'.'" ". ." WAV
,'yntTr cmii s-lwtift) io p,.r sal
senber. Culy io csr.i a
"5 A r"n; beautiful colored phte ; r r 5-
Uiinnit ; ilrrMttiakunj entnmirt j nri ml
..rV , hotirtiol4 hint ; (unon, etc Suit 5;
4-n!,8 l.v,i,,v, r, Pd jr (,,, htrM 3;
: Udy accitti anted. 5etl lor utmt. z
Stylish, Reliable, Simple. Tp-to- 3!
m daW, antt Absolutely-:
I urlVct- miutf iiH.r Tattcrus, 3;
iS (No-Seam-AUowance Patterns.) 3.
. Otilv tft u . .
5 118-146 West 141H St.. N? York. ?
Don't Get Old
liefer.' ynnr time. I'miier e:iie
of your Ktouinrli uml diet will
kT .Tr lie.-iltli Iu 1 1. is
lirtienl:ir M, .Ifo! a t'.n.r is
known ui, my ,f .ly,!Msii-, as
it mates the liest .if K,eil, wliili ,, m.ti-itiriis It. hi! it i,.,!'.
l i lts- w ife's f:.Vl,l ite.
Keep Out
I- I. Uliw ut r. I, w. I,
Christmas is Oomin
lint our Christmas Goods have
...Already Come
And we busy unpacking them. We have an extra force
of clerks, however, so you can be waited on no matter -how
busy we may lie-
Here you caii find
Something for Each Member
ol the Family from Baby to Grandfather
We have all
iiccoij:,is:i ciiiiva,
New-YorK Racket Store
Come and Select while Stock is Complete.
sjj. j.-a-.ini
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anu 1 1
we leivo 11 f -i;i'il fine tV'.: jih.v i f
toilet articles in si'vir, et ili;!ui,l .-iiiil
eli' iiy. Tliere is uo (.!'.'' iieu tl,;it v
lie iiiii'ieeiiiteil mi l" than u iiiiiiiieurii
or ('i)inb uml lirusli ft, or military
lirnslies. I'ine pi ifmin s always ;tse
tin- lnilii s nuil it i.- time new to 1 n'ui
mal.iiii; your I'lin-liasi s Ii inn- tl:i
li-.ili.l.iy Jiuieli 1.1, :.s t!.r.iuP' iiirstiie.
G. P. Phaimacy am
Paddock's Bicycle Den.
The Lowest
Truv.,-t,t wif, .j;. hilu-st tj'iality. is al
wrns til S'.ov.t Dm. fo's sor,-. ,1,. ..t
liainllu ;i.,r j.,,,,1, f ally
att vxt'i-tisivc as a
K -:t.
)() Fountatn Syrinuo.
Bulb Svrlnfo,
VOU Hot Mter Bottle.
... McJicin&I Atonilzor,
A A 1 Nasal Douche.
Or any sick room Requisite?
. roiuU weff,rilI guaranteed qualitiw
Ifthm.saeti.korl.rckit, one year the cost is
Slover Drug Company.
front Street.
, : A- iVruii I ,-; .!,! M,,,,,
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rsir,"' rV !;,;':':
It oi,.l ra,l. . . ;., ,,' ""'HI.'
l ! " Mi:ii.,Vrn..
il i w - M k,l .
H '','M4 1 1 -it ia J V ii i""U'
kinds of
mil fiTM KT- Mtt.i
Buy your
. C f ranc H
National Drug Store.
4K.R, Propr.
kind Illftrior Jrugs
of H.,li.ay goods.
A Tir Ajsortmer.t of Bo C
Th? Jeweler.