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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1902)
mtotf VOL. XVIII GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER j7. 1902. No. DIRECTORY JOSEPHISB HOT Judge Commissioner CUrk i Deputy Clerk ' Sherirt Deputy Hberilt Treasurer (School Supt. ...... . STY OFFICERS. ...J. O. Booth ) John Wells C F. Lovelace K. L, Kartlett T. P. Judson Geo. V Lewis Krnct Lister J. T. Taylor Lincoln Savage thas. Crow Surveyor Coroner H . C. Perkins VI. V. Krenier CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W. F. Krenier Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis Treasurer Col. W. Johnson City Attorney 0. K. Maybee Marsnm jonn Mjcsnartii Street upt John Patrick Couiicliiiien ueo 11. uinns A. ). lloueh, J. H. Williams. C. E. Harmon J. A. Kehkoot. Will C. butilu. Herbert Smith, Henry Schmidt FRATERNAL 8QCITIES. Grants Pass I.odce A. F. A A. M., No. 84. reKUlar communication titt and third Saturdays. Visiting brother cordially invited. H. C. Bumzkk, V. M. A J. Pint. Sec'y. Roval Arch Masons -lleames Chapter No. 8tt meets second and lourtu Wednesday Masonic hall.- L,. l,. jew ill, J. E. PrrtHsoH. Secy. U. P. Eastern btar Josephine Chapter, No. 21! meets lirst and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic hall. Mrs. rl. Zollsb. Miss. Ansa M. Holiiah, W. M. t-ec'y. I O. 0. r, Golden Rule l-odge No. 78, meets every Saturday niirht at I. 0. 0. F. hall. C. II. M tKHHALL, T. Y. DrAN, Secy. N.G. I'aran' Fncampment I. O O. F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at I. O. ('. F. hall, Faso rViiBiuT. T. YDtAN.bec'y. CP- Uenekahs Etna Kehekah. No ,4!l. meets second and fuuriu Monday, I. 0. O. F. hall. Ma Da via. N.G K i jili tiRSEN, Secy. I nited Arlbans - Grants Pass Assembly No 4!(, meets alternate Tue-days in A.O. U. W. hall. F. E. Vir.nn, r'ssn Mksscii, Master Artisan. Secy. Woodmen of the World Hogue River Camp No. .V. meets second aud fourth Fridavs at Woodman Hall. II. V. M kadi. C. E. Maybe, Conu! Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Aralea Circle, No. !!, meets lirst and third Mondays at Woodmen ball. L. M.v D.vis, G. N. W. E. Dean. Clerk. Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass Camp No. H0U7 meets '2nd and 4th W ednes- dav Evenings at Woodman hall at 7 :30. Chas. H. Marshall. V. C. N. Re3 nolds, Clerk. , . -t t ... r'ni.rt Inuuililni. roresiers oi niut"" ' - i No. 2H, meets each Wednesday except th..,rst,..A.O.IJ.Wvh.ll.ALiiCR G. M. Bolt, F. S. Josephine Lodge, No. 112, A. 0. V. W. lueols in A. O. U. W.bull, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. j. H. Meads', M. W. B A. Stanabd, Recorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, 1). of II.. A. 0. li. W. nieeU every alternate Tuesday evening in A. 0 U. W. hall. Dixon buildiua. Man- A. MuCathv. Mas. Lvuia Dean, C. ol 11. Recorder. KnLhts of the Maccabees Grants Pas Tent. No. W meets lirst and third Thursdays at Woodmen hall, Will. Alfred. D. bioVALl, Record Keeper. C'jmmaiider. Ladies of the Maccabees-Grants lass. Hive No 18 holds renular "i.tviews nrsland linrd TharyJays at A. O. U. W. hall. Visiung sisters cordially invited. Jennie Cheshire, Mary Bitumens, Lady Commander. I.ecord Keeper. Knights of Pythias-Thermopylae No. 50, meets eacb Tuesday instil 7:JU I. O. u hall. J. 1. . nuussc, Tua V 11.LIA- , K. ol K and S. C. C, Otand Army of the llepuldic Gen. Logan i'umI u. Jt, meets nruve I udjy at A.O. I'. W. hall. J. E. I'arawioN. Abe AxrsLi . Adjt. lum American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore gun Council No. 1, meeu nrjt anil "bird Saturdays, at.A. O. U. tt. hall. Viu. II. Kesnev, Ktl. F. Mvrii k, I'hiel Engineer Corresponding Engineer. Order of Pendo-VVhite Rock Council No HM. ineeis in A. O. V. V. Hall hrst and third Friday nights, C. E. Mav be, Secretary. Emma ltKixHia, Counselor. United Urotherhood of ( ariMiters and Joiners ol America I nion No. ills meets second and fourth ihursdayaol each month alA.O. li. W. Had. J. K. Wieuian, Pres. D. A. FiTZiitai.u, Sec y. A. C. HOUGH, AllUi.M'.V .tl LAW, P.uctuesin all Stale and rY.leral . Ulticc over t irl .National liank Grants 1'am. u"io,,,, C. PERKINS. 0. M. UErUTi' MINERAL .il'UVEYOK, (i-Aim Pab, N. E. McC.REW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano GRANTS PASS, OREGON r he popular barber shop Gt;t your tousorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Rath room m eonnx-tlo'n FrJ?i HAIR BALSAM 1 L M.T.T run to imm lOtI , T 1 4 "!t "-- I I J. M. CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE Fine Butter a Specially FRONT and FOURTH STS. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sib verware and Jewelry. A Uood Assortment of Bracelet) and Heart Bangles, Clement' Drug Store. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS. S Phons 21 Fine Writing ..Paper.. Those who take pride in the ap pearance of their letters will be charmed with the line of paper we show. High quality and correct in form. We have boxes holding a quire of paper and envelopes to match at 25 cents. Seals, wax. and other needfuls for the desk here in great va riety. ..Qandy.. A tempting array of Gunther's good things to tickle the palate in Yi lb. and 1 lb. boxes. Bon bons, chocolate and mixed chocolates 60c a pound. M. Glemcns. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. PAIO I'P CAPITAL STOCK Tran'acta a General Hanking business. Iteceive deposits nubject to check or oil demand certillcatea. Our custotnets are aiMiired of murtmnt trf.itiit n.i M,n.iIi.p.tiI,n alstent with sound hanking principles. Safety deposit boiea for rent. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, Receive ilepoita auliject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sella tight drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic tru!,sfera aold on all points In the United State. Attention piven to Collection! and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. t K. A. BOOTH. Pres. J. C. CAMPKKIili. Vice Pres. H. I,. OILKEY, ( ashler MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. PADIOCK, Paoi'R. I am prentred torfuriiisb anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind if MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in the that I can fill your orders in the very best Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede Marble. Front Hi rnt, Srxt to Green Onnnhnp A. E. Yoorhies - Kodaks in Stock from SOc to $50 PARK AND WASHINGTON The school where thoroogli work tJwT given; where . confidence Is la Usght exactly ts books axe kept In business; where shorthand la nude easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds of bookkeepers and stenographers hare been educated for anccese la life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, L.L. B., PRINCIPAL HOLE IN THE LUNGS There are thousands of men and women, as well as ever, with holes in their lungs : con sumption stopped. What did it? Some change in way of life and ' Scott's emulsion of cod liver oil. A hole in the lungs, once healed, is no worse than a too tight waist or waistcoat. Take the emulsion and give it a chance to heal the wound. We'll tend von a Ilttls to trr. If ton lika. SCOTT BOWNK, 409 Purl Mrset, Km York, L. C. HIGCINS ASSAY OFFICE Grants Pass, Oregon. , CHARGES: 'ld. Silver, Copper, Lead. each. .11.00 tiom and silver Uuld, Milver and lloptwr. 2.50 iold, Silver and Lead 2.M) Tin 3 00 All w. rk done carefully, anil atraiglit Imiineaa or none. Mail orders aolicitrd UNION RESTAURANT Front St. 01 po. Watr Tank. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT A. VanNoy, Propr. NOW OPEN NICHOLS ART GALLERY oppoalte Court House All kinds ol Hinh-Gradu Pliotorraplilr Vork dona at reaiinnahln nrifea IImvaI. oping 1 nil finiiihinii lor amateurs. nee our Leader: One dusen Half Cab inet, mounted on elaborate oval card?. $2.00. S25.OUU.0O. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres. K. A. BOOTH, Vtce-Pres. I.. L. JEWKI.I.. Cashier. 5O.00O.OO. Marble buinees warrants my savinu manner. or American Granite or any kind rf NOW IN STOCK. Ilia Wonderful Developing Mactaine Abolishes the Ditrkronm till in ly. Develops and Fixes in Full DayliKht. No Fust. No Muse, Alwevya Ready, Perfect Pictures CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. Kodak Dealer, Courier Office PORTLAND, ORtOON Is done; where the reason It developed; where bookkeeping A JOSEPHINE COUNTY FRUIT FARM. Surprising Results and Grand Possibilities in Fruit and Berry Description ol R. D. Lawson'a Model Fruit Farm Nectr Cre.nta The fruit industry ot Southern Ore gon is and always will bo among the very first. The peculiarly favorable conditions of soil and cilmate are greatly enhanced by the topography of the country, which is cut np by mountain and stream into a system of small valleys. Rogue rivor aud each of its tributaries carry along their several courses strips of bottom land of greater or less width and of a fer tility that is remarkable. On the up lands and higher ground is found soil of every conceivnblo degree of productiveness, ranging from extreme fertility to barrenness.' Wherever this comparative barrenness exists, hew- fat. j hztW rilftZZlFi A LAWSON'S FKUIT DRYER. ever, it is in nearly every caso duo to a lack of moisture rather than to the soil The sheltorod condition of the country, duo to tho protecting mount ain ridges is one featurcwhich goes to make this an ideal fruit country giv ing it a olimate of niililiioss, free from chilling winds or destructive storms. In tho old quiet duys, before the whistle of the locomotive was heard in the land, the fruit of southern Ore gon, tjiougli generally a neglected crop, was of a high quality, uusoriiuss ablo in any country or climate. Apples were tho principal fruit crop und, though pruning aud cultivation were the exception nit her than tho role, they were uniformly sound and of a flavor unexcelled. A wormy applo in those days would have bocn a curiosity indeed and some of the applo trees produced specimens of truly niammotli proportions. Rut soon after tho rail road was built, tho pcKts stole into the country, brought in by shipments of fruit and young trees, aud the Cod 1 in moth, scale, and kindred parasitic creatures found a luxuriant pasture in the southern Oregon orchards. Tho orchard owners wero unused to posts, knew little of tho methods of resisting them and generally wero indifferent in tho matter. As a result, most of tho old orchards of tho country be came bndly infected. Then also, soon after tho construction of the railroad and the advertisement of the fact that southern Oregon was an ideal fruit country, many rushed blindly into the frnit business. Many acres of orchard were set out to be afterwards neglect ed and allowed to dio for want of care. Illadvised Wfcirk in this line aud the foothold gained by the frnit pests, gavo the fruit industry in Ora on a set back from which it bus even yet not fully 'recovered. A few practical orcliardists, how ever, seeking and finding the true solution to each problem which vexes the fruit grower, have tainted the way to success, mid this way, once-found is being followed by the fruit tiro with in numbers whi"h are ever 011 Ihn increase, ko that the fruit industry lias taken on new life and is growing healthfully. As an crumple of the successful small orchard and of the possibilities in the fruit huHiuess which are dor nmiit in southern Oregon, no better example may be foutid tluin tho place of R. D. Lawsou of Grants Pass, whofwi plsce, though not la.go, is in many wuys a model of the successful fruit farm. Mr. Lawsou't place is located in the outskirts of Grants Pass about a mile almost duo wct of the town's center. It is almost an idtal phico for a home, situated as it is almost in tho center of the little valley where the Rogue river bottom, narrow above and below, spraul out here to a width of several miles. The land of this particular vicinity was never in cultivation until long after the railroad came in. It was covered with bruh and timber and was not highly thought of by the earlier settlera. The soil is sandy loam. At first sight it might appear even too study but it is marveloualy productive. Mr. Lawson's place con tains 50 un-s, but of this 40 acres have ten recently acquired, ao that bis operations in tho line of fruit growing have Ui n confined to a 10 acre tract and on this he has worked marvels. Mr. Lawsou's op-rutioua in the fruit industry have been on a modest scale as regards a reae, but the small area of land to be tilled has permitted Culture. ' a more thorough working of the soil, with a better demonstration of its productiveness. Ho has a prune or chard of two acres, vigorous, thrifty and healthy. The orchard, has been sot out six yean. The third year after being planted it bore .a ton of prunes. The following year tho crop was 6000 pounds aud the crop of the summer just past was 15,000 pounds. A few individual, trees bore burdens of fruit amounting to nearly a thous and pounds, and when laden to their full capacity were an astonishing sight The limbs bout to the ground on all sides and the arrny of fruit nearly concealed the trunk and limbs so that the tree presented almost the appearance of solid mass of prunes. It would be unwise, of courser to al low such crops geuerolly, as overload ing tho trees cannot fail to bo in jurious bat a few sample trees of this character are a great ohioct lesson in horticulture. On the same tract of hind, Mr, Lawsou has apple trees of two yoars growth, some of which have a diameter at the ground of three inches, whilo some of the- shoots show a growth of six feet during the Jiast season. One of the most profitable and pro ductive of Mr. Lawson's ventures is his berry plantation of two ncres, comprising the various varietios; blackberries, .raspberries, Logan ber les and aooselsTries. Tim nrnrinct nf this berry "orchard" brought in about .VX) last summer, showing how profl table a small amount of land may be made. Of gooseberries alone the crop wus fiOO gallons, selling at 25 cents per gallon. The berries wero astonish ingly largo and of the most excellent flavor. Homo individual bushes boro a crop of five nations to the l,nl, Mr. Lawsou shipped 110 gallons of goosouerrries at one load to Crescent City. Tho other borrles exhibited a similar productiveness aud excitllctifte and were uuiformly large and of the finest quality. There are two twin bushes of red raspberries from which a 15-box crate of berries wero picked every alternate morning for two weeks during hist summer's l.rr season. A single row of red raspber ries, LutlilsTts, 80 rods long brought In SU. Thttso berry vines iu full bearing ate a surprise to all who see them in their productiveness. The viues themselves aro large, strong aud thrifty. On 0110 variety of block raspberry which Mr. Lawann is grow ing, some of the vines at the present time have a length of 80 feet or more. This particular variety possesses the pleasant advantage of being entirely thoruless. On this samo 10 aero tract Mr. Lawsou has a plat of rhubarb 20 fit wide and 80 feet long, the product of which this year amounted to nearly 0. Ho bus also a small piece of ground on which, during the past summer he raised two crojis, tho ilrst of onion sets and tho second of cab bages and squashes Tho season, Mr. Lawsou finds, is somewhat curtailed in duration by the extreme dryness which is often a feature of II. e l,,t,.r part of the summers. Though the soil holds moisture well, the season's productiveness would be considerably increasid liy the judicious applica tion of water. Only a small amount of additional moisture is needed. Tho irrigation facilities with which this valley will doubtless soon be provided will increase Its productive ness enormous: v. To test the txmuI. bilities of the soil when worked to somewhat near its fullest capacity, Mr. Lawsou selected a piece of ground about a rod wldo and AO feet long, so situated that It could be watered from the well, aud fertilized it generously. Ui the spring he planted lettuce aud peas in rows eight Inches ajirt When these were well grown, he drilled in beets between the rows, so that when tho first crop was ex hausted, the beets had a good growth. He followed the beet crop by one of tomatoes and cucumls-ra, thus produc ing throe crops In the scat on from the aamo piece of ground. Tho first cror did not require watering. Tho third he watered but three times. Iiy care- Tul estimate, this "tmall jdece of ground yielded la the season U worth of produce. A recent improvement hich Mr Lswson has instituted on his place It a fruit drier. Tho possibilities in the dried fro It luduairy aro very great and the industry is only in its In fancy. This drier will accommodate 3000 pounds of green fruit at a time and dries it in about 10 hours. Be sides handling his owu crop, Mr. Lawson dries considerable fruit from other orchards. This year he dried 50,000 pounds of prunes. The quality of the dried fruit is too excellent. to pass unnoted. The prunes are large and of a truly delicious flavor aud in a raw state aro almost aa edible and pleasant to tho taste as raisins. He is now preparing to dry a car load of apples which will moan some 30,000 pounds of the dried fruit. . This fall. Mr. Lawson will sot out an apple orchard of 15 acres, maiuly of 0110 variety of good sulcablo apples. Iu planting aud caring for this or chard from infancy, he very reason ably expects far better results whoa It gets Into bearing, than iu taking an older orchard thut lias suffered from neglect or injudicious care and tryiug to bring it into a stato of high pro ductiveness. Ho will also sot out an acre of red raspberries this fall The extremo productiveness of Mr. Lawsou'a place aud the success which has attended his efforts iu the fruit industry are not alone the result of favorablo conditions of location, soil and climate, though of course these aro most important elements. Judi loous care, profitable experience, wide awake and discriminating observation, have enabled him to accomplish wonders. Other fruit growers cau do as well and when u;h Intelligent fruit raising becomes general in southern Oregon this section will be a fruit country difficult Indeed to sur pass. Concentrates. tlining and SclenliHo Tress. In tho case of normally acid pulp iu the cyunido vats about four pounds of U1110 iM-r tou of sands would correct it, an ordinary Bclullou being sub sequently run on. It has beou approximately calcu lated that about 5,000, (UK) persons find direct employment in tho world's mines. Theso iu turn givo employ niont to about 85,000,000 others. Tho U. 8. Geological Survey has chargo of tho geological investiga tions, roiwrts, map, etc., and is a part of tho Interior Department. The U, S. Coast aud Geodetic Bur voy maps tho coast waters, and is s bureau of the Treasury Pcrtmcnt. Disuse or nou-uso of a water right is not an actual abandonment, but long continuance of such non-use would inilicato intention to abandon ment. Abandonment is a question of intention, and whatever clearly shows that intent is .admislblu evi dence. Iu handling timbers iu a largo mine w Incus may be cut in or near tho foot wall of a vein, reaching from level, timbers to be used In tho stopo low ered or run down through tho wln.e and delivered on tho floor where they are to he used, saving much timn in underground hoisting. The United Htatcs mints pay SI a CO per ouiico for gold, standard, D fine. Where tho bullion deposited for coinage is suitable there is no charge,. Tho depositor gets $1 for every 811.88 flue grains Troy guld iu his doisisit. Tho chargo for simple recoiling" of gold is f 1 for 1000 ounces. To keep .machinery from rusting dissolvo 0110 ouiico camphor iu one pound melted lard i remove the scum ; mix as much black lead with tho bird and camphor as will givo it an irou color; cleau tho machinery well: smear with tho mixture; ufter 84 hours rub off ; clean and polish with soft cloth. ' .. The Empire mine, Grass Valley, Cal., has been a continuous gold ylehler or f."i3 years. It is a good Il lustration of tho jicrnuiiichco of gold mining, as a busiuess. In (sinking, merchandising, manufacturing, or uny other department of Industry, what business founded in California in 1H.",0 is in active successful operation to luy I Iu tho United States iu l'JOO there were 117 plants engaged in tho smelt ing and refining of metals, III) in the smelting and refining of had, 47 in (topper, mid ill in sine. The total capital invested in tho tmehers aud refineries was WJ,:M,V.M, employ ing 1 lit olllcials and clerks, drawing salaries amount iug to 3, 150.01H, dis tributing I0,:;7,IWII to 84,604 wage earners, 1x1 ending IO.r.oB.S.'iO fur raw materials and turning out manu factured products valued at .'J.')H,. 7WI.478. 1'lut ilium was first discovered ill Russia In 1HID, although tho actual exploitation commenced iu lH'JI. Prom 1H2H to 1X45 platinum money was coined in Russia, theso coins being S, fl and 13 roubles. The total amount put iu circulation was 4.2.A OIK) roubles, about 1,878,500. During that period tho production of plati num increased materially, but wheu tho coinage was stopped the exploita tion of tho material almost entirely ceased and only revived in lh.'.U. From that time the production in creased with the foreign demand and market price. ASLKKP AMID KLAME3. Hlreaklng into a blading home, some firemen lutoly drugged t list sleeping inmates from death. Fancied se curity, and death near. It's that way when you ur.(j,-ct coughs anr1 ids. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption givi perfect protection sgalrixt all Throat, Cheat and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suffering, death, and loctor's bills. A tcaspoouful sto lain cough, persistent uao the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by W. F. ttremur. Price 60o aud jl.OU Trial bottu-a free. Thomas New Goods IVlf inpnc 0 Tr (MM a ui iiviwo u ipiAS.UU pvr pair, svulc iuriains ouc 10 Snme honnHful Rope Portieres. Tables in immense variety from $1.00 to $25.00. Holiday China and Decorated Glassware quality and prices unsurpassed. . Furniture Lacs Curtains Mattresses Cots Linoleums Mattings Mirrors column J Tho regular mooting of tho W. Cl T. U. will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs. E. A. Wade, Deo. 5 at 8 :!10 p. m. What Is Horn? Recently a London ningazino sent out 1,000 inquiries ou tho question, What is home?" In selecting the classes to resiioud to the quostion it was jiarticular to seo that every ouo was represented. Tho poorest and the richest woio given an equnt opportu nlty to express their seutimonL Out of 800 replies received, seven gems were selected as follows: Homo A world of strife shut out, a world of lovo shut iu. Homo The place where tho small are grout and tho great are sinalL Homo The fathor's kingdom, tho mother's world, and tho child's sira- (llHO. Homo The place whore we grumble the most and are treated tho best. Homo Tho center of our affection, round which our heart's best wishes wine. Home The place where our stom achs gut throe square meals daily and our hearts a thousand. Home The only ploco on earth where tho faults and fallings of hu mify are hidden under the sweet man tle of charily. Drink In the Philippines. Miss Auiilo A. Rohbins., national suixiriiitoudont of tho soldiers' and sailors' dejiartmoiit of tho Woman's Christian Tomiicranco Union, recently gavo an address in Nashua, N. H. , in which alio described conditions In the Philippine Islands as sho saw then, whilo in those Islands engaged as a nurse iu the American army. Miss Robbina first served in Culst during tho war with Hpaln, and later wont to tho Philippines. With regard to tho conditions there, she said: "Tho natives aro temperate, al though they aro not total abstainers. In all tho time I was in (ho islands I never saw but one native drunk, and that case was caused by American whisky. Wheu the troops first lauded iu Matiila there wore alxiut 300 native saloons; now there are about 000, many of them being pros perous American ones. I havo seen lifo-sizo pictures of Uuolv Sum in front of theso places holding a glass of beer ill his bund. In other saloons the bar aud fixtures aro to he men draed with the Blurs and Striis. I havo Iwu passing along a struct there, and would meet a group of Intoxicated soldiers. We were obliged to walk in the street and give them the wholu sidewalk. "It was told mo on good authority that, In ouo company In purticulur, only one man out of tho hundred or more did not drink. In ouo regiment it was found, on a canvass, that nine- tenths of the men used liquor. Other vioos are protected, if not licensed by the government. "Ths soldiers are fust teaching the natives to get drunk. They teach the women to drink beer, and tell them it Is the pror thing to do so. The women, In their endeavor to Imita te the supposed habit of their Ameri can sisters, aro fast taking to the habit." Tho New Voice. Closed Cavtes. The gates of the .St Louis Kxposi tion will bo closed on Sunday. The national government made this a con dition of a grant of $5,000,000. The exposition directors did not sign ths contract with any great amount of pleasure; but they signed it, and the matter Is closed. It is a satisfaction to kuow that the miserable extwricn. cei of Chicago and Buffalo are not to be rcts-ated iu 11)04. Christian po cr may give the fxixsition their unquali fied support Wo believe that even from a financial viewpoint the fair will gain by the course which the ovcrnnient has forcsd upon It The Kummln Run. We refer to Ohio ram m lea. The uew local option law Is making things lively lor them. Every town which has so far voted ou the issue, ave three, has voted the saloon out The list Includes Barnesville, Cam bridge, Cadis, Bethel, Kast Palestiue, Hicksvillo, Greoiitowu, Crooksvllle, the house furnisher This Ueold re $iu.uu per pair, Picture Mouldings 0 rani t wars Tinware Glassware . Lamps Cutlery Wooden ware Port Williams, Croston, Mount Blan chard, Belmont and Morral. Those places range in population from 11,000 down to 800 aud have an aggregate population of 83,000. Contests in other communities are on. Most will bo disastrous to tho rummies. They all would lie if tho temperance pcoplo were awake. We congratnlato these fine Ohio cities and villages. Now let them be sure to hold the ground thoy havo taken. Vigilanco is the price of freedom from all sorts of badness. It is often mora difficult to keep the devil out than to drive him out. Steamer Rogue River Sunk The steamer Rogue Rivor, property of the Rogue River Packing & Navi gation Company, capsized aud sank in the Rogue river below tho mouth of the Illinois, aud is a total loss. When tho little steamer was -within half a mile of Its destination, In lining over a rapid, tho line parted throw lug the steamer against the bank and oompiutuiT aemonslied the driving whooL The boat was disabled and at the mercy of tho current The steamerdrlf ted down the river dis tance of three miles, when upon strik ing an eddy, upset iu about 80 feot of wator. ' The steamer was of 85 ton uage, aud carried merchandise and machinery valued at $.'!000. Tho Rogue River was valued at tnOOO. The loss ou vessel and cargo Is total Tho Roguo Rivor was built last spring by Joseph Huimlo and shinned from Portland in knock-down shape. APPLE ORCHARD FOB SALE. 980 young, thrifty, full-bearing trees, five-room house, etc.. rteen alluvial soil $2500. ' Great bargain. Address Bou A. Lowell. Woodvillo. Ore. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Vmi-V tiiMt mnht lu. 1 1 -.. I I. I at A. T. Hoadley, healthy, robust blacksmith of Tilden, lud., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could en dun. Anil Hva n. - I ...... ...... ..UH m.iiiiiT.i m change followed his taking Eiectrio tt'll .....t. . , . mhi'isj. iWO iKuwri wnouy carea mi, '' 1 1 tt writ... r .w.i , 'tvn HHU II ID V IJ IV 1 (7 I V a twinge in over a year." They "kuiiiw uiw lYiiuic js, puruv me oiooa and cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervousness, improve digestion and give jsTfect health. Try thorn. Only ui. lYrmuor m ursj stores. 8TARTLINO, BUT TRUE. "If every one. kuow what a grand medicine Dt. King's New Life Pills Is." Writes T ir Tnm.. T I.... town, Pa., "you'd sell all you havo in a day. Two week's use has made a now man of me," Infallible for const lit ion, stomach and liver troubles, 84o at Kremer's drug stores. Blue lriut Paper by the yard or roll at the Courier oflloe. GUARDIAN'S SA1E OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that on Fri day, December Uili, IIHI3, at tho hour of 10 o'clock , iu tho forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court house, the guitidiau will otter for sale for rush to the highest bidder the undivided interest, being oue lialf. ol Mabel I. Smith, a minor, iu md to the following real property situate In Josephine county, Oregon 1 li, block o7, and Lot 7 iu Block 4H of tho towu of Grunts Pass, and the S. K. quarter of Section 23 in Tuwuship Vi a Range 6 W. Dated Grants Pass. Nov. 11, 1D03. Huruh K, Smith, Guardian of tho Estate of Mabel 1 Smith, a minor. THE OLD RELIABLE POUDELT Absolutely Pure ' THERE IS N0SU2ST1TUTS Mi M