Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 20, 1902, Image 2

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    . ' Z i . . . i m in itr m i stll A i !"
Published Every Thuiaday.
Subscription Rates i
Ona Year, In rdTSpes, $1.50
Dti Montris, ....
Tfcres Months, ... .40
Single Copies, .06
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
oy man.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propr. & Mnor
Entered at the pout ofllce at Grants !'
Oregon, as sacond-clasa mall matter.
The voters who fail to attend the
wnrd and city nominating convon
tioni shonld not kick if the affair of
the city are not conducted nr-cording
to their views.
The foreHta of Switzerland are
beantifnl and clean, without under
brush. Only large trees arc cnt down
the yomiR ones living left carefully
untouched. The same situation is
found in Germany, for the United
States consul at Stettin in a recent
communication to the Htate Depart
ment upenks of the German forests as
free from weeds, undergrowth, wbhIi
. outs and dead wood. High stumps
re a rarity, that wasteful American
way of cutting the tree oft three or
four feet from the ground being tin
known there. Germany cuts much
lumber, but for every patch cleared
another of ground worn in cultivation
is planted with trees. Hence the
stability of the German forcxt area.
Statistics for 1900 show 84, Wilt, l)2fi
acres of forests in tho'empiro agaiiixt
84,478,2iMl ' In 1H Oregonlau.
It is shown by statistic that in
sanity is increasing at a rate which
exceeds tho rate of increase in popu
hit ion. This fact should not bo sur
prising. The human bruin is a piece
of machinery and tho mnro intricate
and delicate is- any kind of machine
the nioro liable it is to derangement.
As in tho erndo and primitive contri
vances there is little likelihood of
damage so the uncultured brain is
very little subject to derangement.
The people who aro leant subject to
Insanity aro those lowest down in
tho scale of civilization. A percent
ago of iusunity is produced from
physical causes, from alcoholism and
other vices tending to diseasn the
mind, but a large crcciituiro also is
caused from overworked or over
strained minds and it is this class
which will show a rate of increase in
proKirliou to the advancement in
civilization and in tho sensitive and
acuto ' condition of the average mind.
A man has been going about the
town soliciting nickels and dimes on
the strength of having lost an arm,
the same being attested by a limp and
empty coat sleeve. His address was
slinking and visibly iiwinooro and he
carried a hang dog air that differed
very perceptibly from tho modest lies
itancy in miking aid which would be
assumed by an liouost although unfor
nnato man. This man had lost his
arm, but only insido his jacket where
its contour might bo plainly observed.
To render tho deception still more
light, he was not artist enough to
keep the arm still. Involuntary move
ments betrayed its existence. Hucli a
man as this is a criminal and more
than a petty criminal. Tho serious
ness of tho crimo is not in the loss of
few cents by those who unwisely
givo to him. Tho man is a murderer
of charity and a discouragement of
generosity. His presence is a blight
to brotherly feeling and to tho desire
to help the unfortunate. lly his ac
tion ho aggravates the distress of the
needy by cutting off their sources of
County Judge J. O. Ilootli has been
subjected to some criticism, ill several
instance, in his management of the
county affairs, more imrtloulnrly in
tho construction and reniir of the
county bridges and work of like
character. Whatever dissatisfaction,
however, has Wen expressed has arisen
more through nu imperfect under
standing of the case thuu for uny other
reason. In the matter of bridges
a criticism expressed is that the wi rk
should have liccn let by contract to
tho lowest bidder yet it is certain
that timu will prove the course pur
sued to have Wen inr the licttcr plan.
The county Is fortunate in havfng a
commissioner, Mr. lovclacc, who is a
bridge man of unusual excellence and
of practical exivrieuce. In every case
he lias had full charge of the bridge
work, being authorized to employ
such help as he needed and instructed
by the court to use his licst efforts to
further the county's interests in the
matter. The good results of this pro
ceduro are already very npiureiit.
Tho old bridge across the Illinois
river cost tho county I,'kKV Mr.
Lovelace replaced it with u far lictter
bridge at a cost of only f. 00, making
an initiatory saving to the county in
this one instance of $1000, besides a
very considerable future saving in the
nmttor of roimir. The Rogue river
bridge was ill a really precarious eon
dition and it was repaired in u work
manlike manner, without accident,
with only a partial suss nsion of
t rattle, and at a very moderate cost,
under the miorv Ision of Mr. livelace.
In the reintir of other bridges of the
county, similar good results mo up
parent. The cost has been moderate
ana the work has U'cn of a sriuaiieut
excellence which would lie the excep
tion rather than the rule under con
tract work, la the matter also, of the
enlargement of the vault at the court
house, a work absolutely necessary,
the county court has been critic icd
in that it did not advertise fur bids.
The work is ticing done at less cost
and in better sha)M than could reason
ably be exrtcd under contract work
and is under the voluntary supervision
of a man, J. V. 'ampin 11, who is ns
thorough a mechanic as can be found
In this portion of the state. He sup
erintends tho work w ithout cost to the
county because he is a man willing to
work for the public Interest. Mr.
Booth intends to givo the couutv u
business like administration and i.
wining mat ,is work should I..
in.1..A 1.. ...
j in result. It ts his Mr-
good luck
We have had lots of good luck with our Shoes, People
tell us they wear well. We think it is because we strive
to buy the kind that wears. We do not search for
shoddy stuff when buying.
W. II. Dean & Co., Propr. 4
Front street, oppo Depot.
pose during his term of oflico to
diminish the debt and place the county
on a more substantial financial basis
than it has been hitherto. His efforts
aro in the interests of tho taxioiyers
and time will show bis work to have
been well placed.
Carl Phelps is doing considerable
work on the. Anderson claim on Foots
Creek and is taking out some very
good oro which assays better than fill
per ton. The vein is two feet wide
at a depth of JUS feet.
Thomas Hugiin is sinking a shaft on
his Lane creek procrty three miles
from town. Tho ledge is 20 feet wide
and assays show a very rich projierty.
Somn years ago 70 tons of this ore was
milled, that gave returns of fiO a ton.
Jas. McDongal was showing u
small piece of quartz a ft v days ago
taken from bis place out on the Jack
sonville road, tho value of which is
somewhere near $100. He also has
other rich scoinieiis and tells us
them is plenty more where those came
Messrs. Graham & liriuleii have
been crushing oro from tho Eagle
mine at their mill ucross the river
from town. The ore is from thnptop-
rty recently purchased by them from
the railroad company and runs in the
neighborhood of $-'(1 a ton in free gold
while the sulphates go several dollars
a ton. Tho Eagle mine promises to ho
ono of tho best proortics in Southern
Oregon. Gold Hill News.
Mrs. S. K. Willott of Grunts Puss
and little Leone Coshow of Roscburg,
were visiting at Hotel Clarke Tues
day. A carload of lumber was received
Friday for the new addition to Hotel
Clarke. Work of building will start
right away.
Miss Hose Wilson of Portland, who
has been visiting Miss Clarke for
the past four months, went to Grants
Push Wednesday for a month's visit
with friends.
Surveyor McCulloch of Grants
Push whs at Hotel Glendale, Wednes
day night returning Thursday morn
ing. It is reported that ho was here
relating to the proposed survey for a
railroad up Cow Creek.
J. It. Hale came down from his
Piuger stock ranch Wednesday, where
he has been busy doing things for
some time. He will stop in town a
few days to look after some of the
opportunities which may bo within
his reach.
Dr. Alice Prcttyiniin of Salem
visited with Dr. HowerHox on Monday,
and both left for Grants Puss Tuesday
morning to attend the Oregon Medical
Society, returning Wednesday. They
report a very pleasant and profitable
meeting. The doctors aro old school
mates. Dr. Prettyman will locate in
Grunts Pass to practice her profession.
Tho Medford flour. It is again the
best flour on the market. Ask for it.
7rrivin Daily in all
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets and T,oiur, Coats.
Dress Goods.
Wo linvo many new novelties in our Dress (!ool8
Department. We invite you to come in and look then)
Shoes and Furmshiii" Goods
The regular animal city election;
will occur on Monday, December 1.
The ward nominating conventions
will bo held on Thursday evening,
Nov. W, and the city convention on
Friday, Nov. SI. The several wauls
will hold conventions at the following
places :
First Ward, brick school house.
Second, Ward, court house.
Third Ward, city hall.
Fourth Ward, new school house.
The city nominal ing convention will
be held at the court house.
The voting places lor the city elec
tion will lie as follows :
Kirst W.n.t, J, O. l',o:h's building
on F street.
Siviiiul Ward, court house.
Third Ward, city hall.
Fourth Ward. Krcdcitirt nt build
ing, Fourth and II. slier is
Thus far little general interest in
he election has been manifest and
with the exception ol the Labor tick
et, which has been in the Held for
several weeks, no candidates tor the
various oMlecs have as yet upcarcd.
The following terms of the follow ing
ottiiccrs expire this year : Mayor W.
V. Krvnior, Coiineilm li A. C. Hough,
('. K. Harmon, J. A. U.-hkopf, Henry
Schmidt, and Treasurer Col. W. John
son. The offices of auditor and police
judge, marshal, street superintendent
Slid city attorney are npxiintivc.
COl'NTY TUKASl'KKK S Noi'l-'l-:.
There are funds in the treasury to
pay the following county w irriuts,
protcstcd'to January i'th, Is."'. : War
runts No. 4 II - 110 til.
J. T. T.iylor.
tVc.n.y ir .si.n r,
Ths old rcliablc-Th Wtrklr OrvgODita.
Ed Rathbmn and J. H. lirittaiu
have taken a lease ami Kind on the
placer mine owned by J. (. ami D.
E. Dot son, on Josephine crock. The
pronrty contains 40 acres and is
ciiipM-il with hydraulic nppuratus.
Tho ground is rich in coarse gold.
The gravel is not deep and most of
the gold lies on the is-drock. The
debris is dumped into Josephine crock
which is a natural sluice way cut
deep into tlu bedrock mid by which it
is earned mil into the Illinois. The
only drawback to the mine hitherto
lias been tin' shortness of the water
supply and there is aliunilance i'f
water available which might lie
ulilicd without largo cost.
The oldest living Hon. er of Oregon
s Win. Ahcrticiilhy, of Dora, Cihis
county. He is an lllinoisan. His
family left Illinois in Kl;(, traveled
by wagon and canal boat to New
oik, lln ore still-, I around tne Horn.
There was no San Francisco then, so
their ship headed for the mouth of
the Columbia licr, whore they ar
rived in April, IVW. Mr. Abortion
(by. who is a well -preserved man ot
seventy, hels-d his father build the
first ni mill en vied in Oregon. The
assistant secretary of the Oregon
Historical Society, Mr. Geo. II.
Ilimes, secured, two years ago, a
Journal of the voyage of the Ijiiisuuue
from New York to the Columbia
rner, IH tober, lssn, to April, ISM.
This was the vessel which brought
Mr Als rm tliv hiiiI his mreuts. His
father, Hon (ieo Alsrnetliy. was
Ihe I. isi prov isioital governor ot Ore
gen, solving from June, IM-V to
Mau l) I Mil. The next ilav Gen.
Joseph ljoie assumed his duties hs
tin- tirst territorial govoi nor.
leland snrmGS.
Everybody is well; we have no sick
ness to report.
Blckberries aro in bloom ; soon we
will have ripe blackberries for the
The minors are very buny, but a
few coming in, so we have not much
mining news this time.
In the afternoon we have sunshine
a little foggy in the morning. Green
beans yet, also tomatoes.
The carpenters are getting along
nicely at TnnneJ 9. That tunnel will
have new timbers throughout.
Tom Clarke has rented the Steam
Beer mine. That is known to be a
rich mine with heavy banks of gravel.
Our stago driver, Ed Wullace,
makes his daily trips to Placer and
Greeuback. His stage is generally
loaded with passengers.
Torn Virtue is guardian of public
order. Ho is very affable and very
conscientious; also reliable; ho is the
right man in the right place.
Mr. Bull, our deputy jiostmaster, is
giving cut ire satisfaction in his brunch
of business, especially to tho ladies;
the way they crowd around his office
is a caution.
Our merchants are doing a solid
buslneiis. Each has a delivery wagon.
Some times they haul long distances.
By stdling cheap they draw custom
from neur Gleudule and vicinity.
Carpenter and Kramer aro putting
in a stamp mill on their lodge near
tho mouth of Whiskey creek. They
are a little lure, but it takes time to
fix up whero they havo to haul so far.
The mill will bo brought in by way
of Gold Bug.
AVe have bud plenty of ruin the last
few days; a nice, quiet rain, no wind
with it. The rain, as a rule, in this
rt of Oregon, comes so easy that
we are inclined to cull it the bounti
ful ruin. Teams, as a rule, do not
stop. After so dry a spell with such
a gentle ruin, it is refreshing to be
out in it.
We read in tho Telegram that they
were having heavy ruins with big
winds nt Portland. How different it
is hero. People ure plowing and ut
present it is like summer. Give us
Josephine county to livo in. With
onr mild, cusy ruins and good prices
for work we aro receiving quite a lot
of iooplo from the Willamette. They
say work is scarco (hero und small
Wo huve just heurd of the death of
Mrs. Trlplett nt Hugo. She commit
ted suicide by drowning herself in a
small pool ml water. Her daughter
Kosa recently went crazy und was
committed to tho usylum. Probubly
that preyed on her mind nntil it be
came unbalanced. She was an honest,
upright woman, loved by all. She
leaves a host of friends who will
mourn her loss.
Sam Stockton made our town a bus
iness cull lust wook ; he camo to pur
chase his supply. He is interested in
mining on the head of Wolf creek.
Ho is an old timer, one of tho first
uomers to Soul-hern Oregon. When
asked how long ho hud been hero in
Oregon, he said he hud been here so
long he hud forgotten. Some of the
oldest women of this d'strict sny they
enn remember when Sum used to trot
them on his knee. Sam is hale and
hearty, and retains his mental facul
ties. Ho exerts to mine mid take
out big gold this winter.
Wide Awake.
Editor Rogue River Courier:
Alter being absent ncurlv a veur
from Josephine county, 1 returned last
week from' the state of Washington
and. glad to get buck to "home, sw'i-t
homo, " ami I feel sat isfli d that this
county is furuheudof any plm o I have
iK-en since I left in the people, the
lunate, etc., anil I see dollars flout inir
around hero when I saw cents in
Wushingtoii, nnd you may be sure I
felt glad when I stepis'd from the train
in the beautiful little city of Grunts
After having lu re I made mv wuv
out ns far us DcArinond's ranch on
my way to Kerby, where I was warmly
welcomed by that gentleman und Mrs.
DoAriuoiid. His ranch of PHI acres is
in Hue shape ami hi' now has on hand
some JT.tHHI lbs of hops which ho says
he w ill hold for aw hile.
On Thursday last Mr. and Mrs.
DcArmoiid gave a birthday iwrty to
their daughter, Miss Uittie, ami it
large number of friends from the sur
rounding county, gathered to cele
brate the occasion. The evening was
imssed in singing, tolling stones and
nt 13 o'clock all sat down ton splen
did lunch prepared by th,. ladi, s. We
listened to u solo lK-tttit ifully sung bv
Miss Abby Benson . Theevening w ill
long be rcnicmliercil w ith pb asnre.
4 Harvey and William DcArmoiid
havo lulled all of the thousands of of hos mid are attending
school now.
I hail the pleasure of visiting tin,
school presided over by Miss Faimi!
Marshall. She has j; scholar and
they tell me they nil esteem her
highly for her kindness to tin in.
There win preaching in the school
house last Sunday evening by the
Rev. Mr. Chuk. The house was
crowded despite li e rain. The farm
er are all lei ling happy as cliims.
E. 11. C.
merlin notes.
Milt Reynolds went to Grants Pass
this week.
Mrs. W. A. Mas-sie visited Grunts
Puss Saturday.
Hoys, save your pennies for the lxi
siH'iul, the evening of the '.'M.
tiny Colby from Coyote creek was
visiting Grunt Pass and Mirliu
friends i ue day this week.
The addition to Miss Tyler' Iioum
is ulmul completed Mr. Coll y has
been doing the work.
It has been ruining so much this
week -thai Night lluwk could not lly
to gather new for the Courier, but in
behalf of the hool. invito all to
come and hve a gi d time at the box
social nt MoCoiHicU' ball, Nov. 2-.M
A good liturarv pn wi.l Ngiv!ii
by the school, after which the hoves
w ill U sold to the highest bioihr.
Merlin Night Hawk.
Grants Pass Hardware
Successors to J. Wolke.
The Benicia Disc Plow
Is a sure winner.
All it wants is a fair test.
We liave one two seated Benicia spring wagon which
we ofTcr at cost.
Front Street, Opposite Depot,
Ruin, Rain, Ruin. Our winter is
here in etinu st.
Miss Delia MeCollnm spent part 'if
last week near Wildirville.
Mr. Wagner moved Rev. Mr. Rogers
over to Althousi; one day last week.
Miss Martha Hocking bus rcturnid
after three weeks visiting Jtlul ivi
in Medford.
It bus rained all the news out of the
country. Z;iuoni.
B. G. Magoou, representing Alltn
& Gilbert Co., of Portland mid Sin
Francisco, has opem-d a music store
in Hie I. O. O. F. Eldg.. wilh n full
line of piajios, organs, sheet music
and small musical goods. The prices
w ill bo same us in the city. Call and
examine fur yourself. Old instrument
taken in exchange.
All the standard variety of apple
trei'S nt the Eureka nursery near Wild
erville, Ore., Satisfaction in price
and quality guaranteed. ,T. H. Rob
inson, Proprietor.
Mr. Cli venger is now prepared to
give instructions in Pyrography w ork ;
those wishing to leiimi this beautiful
art of home decoration should cull on
1110 acres; 10 acres in finest fruit ; 'M
ucros under fi nco and cultivation,
ull'atfa and clover, water for irriga
tion. Good two story dwelling etc.,
good stock range. Address Box 11
Woodville, Oregon.
Wintid A lease and bond on a
group of gold prospect with n good
ore showing. Send full particulars
and price to J. W. Winwood, Drexcl
Building, Philadelphia, l'a.
By man and wife, place to coot, in
mining camp. Experienced. Ad
dress, stating wages, G. A. Enldir:on,
Ashland, t Ire.
Dress making and plain sew ing by
the day. Inquire of Mrs. R. Dis
brov, Pth street, west of brick yard.
Town property to trade for cattle,
also new sew ing machine to trade for
cow or voting cows. Enquire at this
Good, sound, 10-yifir old horse,
weighing about lHWl pounds, for sa li
fer il.T. Inquire D. R. Ola salt le,
I street, next to Trimble i- Cook'i
him ksmitb shop.
Fine Writing
Those w ho t.ikc priiie in the ap
pearance uf their letters will he
iharuicil with the line of paper
we show. High ipi ilitv anl
comet in fm m. We have hoxes
hoMine, a quire of paper ami
envelopes to m.itoh at 25 cents.
Seals, wax, an.l other needfuls
for the ilcsk here in teat va
riety. ..(Bandy..
A tempting array of Onnlher's
e;ooil things to tickle the palate
in lh. ami 1 lb. boxes. Hon
bons. chocolate ami niixe.l
chocolates tnie a potnul.
M. Qlcmcns.
That the Rio Grande Route ifi the
most peiulnr one hi twcui the Pacific
Coast und the East, is t videiiced by
the fad that the gt cuter per cent of
trans-continental travelers us:; it
lirst, the scenic attractions in
view from tiuins arc uniqualed in the
Sei-nuil, the daily personally eon
Tutted tourist car excursions being
especially adapted for ladies traveling
alone or with children, affords a coin
fortiihle mode of travel at rates within
rcin-h of all.
Third, it is the onlv route between
the East and West passing directly
through Salt Lake Citv or modern
Fourth, ihniie of two distinct
routes through the heart of lh
Rocky mountains.
r if t li. three fast through trains
daily hetwem Ogden and Denver
equipped w ith every modern con
There are many other reasons why
this route is the most comfortable unjl
enjoyable in the whole country.
You can ham u great deal 011 tin
subject of through travel, und receive
some vi ry beautiful and interesting
booklets, by calling on or writing to
tin- undersigni d. W. C. McBRIDE,
Gcn'l Agent or M. .1. ROCHE, Travel
ingagint, i Third Street, Portland.
( iregon.
Barrels for sale at Ahlf's packing
NOlTC.: full I'l.MIUCATlON.
Tiinlier l.ind Act, .June .'!. 1S78.
L'nitid Mates I, mid llU'e e,
R' sebnrg, Oregon, November I:!, liiO.'
Notice is herebv given that 111 compli
ed. cewiiti tl- provisions nl ihe act ol
Congress ol June .'!, ls7H, entitled "An
se t lor the shIh of tinnier html in the
Stales of California,, Nevada
and U'as!iiiii;iiii Teniiorv," a-extend-
en 10 a 1 1 ine i-iitmc Laml Males by act
iH August. 4. 1S!I,
o( .Muiituvilin, Cinntv of .Multnomah
S ate ol Ontmn, has this day filed in
tin" ollnv Ins sworn stuti ment Nu. u'.irj.i
for the piircliioeot the S ', ol Sectlen
No. 2in iowuslni) No. ;:s Smth, ia ue
o wes', aim inciter proot to allow tlmt
the land sought is mote valuable lor in
liiniitr or Hone tloiu for Hgin ultuml
pur pose, Hlid to establish his claim to
iai-1 land belore J. 1). Hooth. C' linti
.nidge, ai Ins office at (iriiios 1'ass O.c
g'in. 00 S.itii'day, tlic7:h day ol Februa
ry. Ion;;. He uxineti is n iines.-es
A. W. Siisliy, F 11 lt iegs. ti. II
Miotli all ot (11-nios I'ass, (bet-oi, and
J. E. liliickbiiril ol MoiiU) ills, Iheeiin.
Any ami all i-rsoiiH clanniugadverH -ly
the uh in-d.serilied lands are rcipiesf-
ei to ti'e ilieb i- aiins in tin, i. Mi.-,. , r
in-fore eatd 7ih diy of Kelini irv. liiit.j.
I. T. HiiiiMiKs,
Timber Land Ae', .lime ;, s;s
Toiled Malm Land Office,
loi-i leim, 11 e .nu, Nnveinl.i-r 1.; pmj
Nonce is hi rein i!'w n Unit m e,.m,i
ii.ce i h II e'.iis ot 1 Iih cot ..I
Cocgn-i ,,! .1 ii- ;i, i,n7s. entitled "An
" '. s.i'e e tim, -i 1 1,1,14 m
the S ule. ,,! l'.,.iniH, (l..ii, ,v-
vad.i an, I V- liuuio-. '.Vrrcm '
eXIeooe l to a I ,, , !,;. l.a 1
Mates In- j,,.. ,,- v ,,,., 4 v,.i
1 hiim E. II sc. Mini ., i; ,',ikvi1U.
Couutv of Mn:in. hi, .r., stair of Ore
gon his tl I - d.,1 tiled III II,:, ,,.
lice his 6orii ,11,11,, in N'V ,7,4
for the p'l'elias,. ,,i ihe N V'4 ,,f S -i-tir n'
No 2s in Tm i-hoi No ., ll.igeN )
il we', and li oil-r or, 1,. I ..1 .,-ia t, '
'lie Inn, I so- L 1,1 v.i,1 in!(, (i-r t
iiiiiIkt ..r si., !! !!,, ( n.,i:illr.,
"" "' 1 '' ! i'iIi-Ii 1,14 elan,, iu
-ill.! land ll,e .1 u ;, ,,(,, ,
Judge at Ins 1, Mi, ,11 i trams pa-s :,.
.-. n, on s.iiii.d.iy. 11, ,. 7 h dav of fe'brn 1
ry, I W. if, :, ,,4 n.mess.s-
A. S'lsliv, K. ll. 11,1-4, ii. II
-nnlha'lof tii-.uits pass, 1 ir irori and
. II. lleinlerMiii, of M n-rtviiL-i On
iop. Any ami all person' cla'miiii; a,iver-el
the aliove desi'iitivd lands aie '.quested
to li.i'tluvr claim, in this i llice on or
betore said 7tli day of r'ebniarv,;!.
I. I'. l'u.OOKS,
'1 'J-i I -X V
Ilt 't M.i, M.Mit. ii, t. 1 i t ,,
IV. C A. nu: Hi-Vim. Mm,!.
1 i- hi lh iutk 011 1 1 1 tvN
I w- -tillcrtn iii''i'ii frtrn ep,
itiil w ii- Uit it, iuummi:'!.- to r I if,
n.e. w lit-ii tin Id.- ,1'iui ,.i a ti:, ii.i
l (-nt, timi a t .,.(. ,,t Xl u,
li t'tvifif :n.l i.iok ii 1. 1 .
u: iU I'ul.t mi. : nnoHif
nii'tilH T t (,..4:1 p,,.t
in It i'.i,in i;, w (l, ln j, tm
lo :tt: ni mv ri-.ii ftr t 'i-;!i'-M
ur i 1 ... i
Wiii.ii- rnii. i'u- t-o
Jl lii Mr!: I
mr . AtlTr rr nirn i I
T tl l,n'
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v'w' ru tvh taiu. rp
V u'll tind ,!, ,,,.r,.t ,.t i r ,. ,..
ssful l'a! ii.g ,) 1, . j ,j ,. f ,( ,
t' :.t -:.e usis P;. j,' j', , r, y4 i
ti.iipllet. I.s-ilon.e. i, le.,.,.,,.
... i..e, ni.iiy. ,j, , , ir) r j
.... 1 i ilea;, no-el. U t - I
ler tii.m otlur I:.ii,,n Al.''
nioforia in quality, n 11..1V, i
"', noi.iieal. l!,.t , " ,1,,, ,.. llVi ' ;
f'T ' A faO.iiv I'.,.;; !
'":. o. .i nosil,,
tBuy your
Paddock's B
icycle Den,
t O v
1 j
Good- Drugs
are as essential ns diagnosis in casfi
of your physician mnat
know his profession, so must the
drj'KBist his. V.'e fill proscriptions
promptly, properly, of pure in
urcdicnts nt not exorbitant prices,
and bespeak your patronage if we
have it not now. Shall we u w
'"'. . ,!j ::.'-;.'. .""'i.t favond? Every toilet icccssory.
C0PRirrr: 1.1 ij. , . . . ;.; ... ' -. '
G. P. Pharmacy and national Deng Store.
W F KREMltR, Propr.
The Lovest
Price, consistent with Ihe highest (jtiaHty, is Al
ways at Slovcr Ihug I'a.'s store. We do not
handle inferior goods of any kind. Inferior drugs
are expensive as a gift. We buy THE liEST
FourMain Syrinijo,
Bulb Syringe,
Hot Water Bottle.
Modicinal Atomizer.
Nasal Douche,
Or arty sick room Requisite?
These goods we offer in guaranteed qualities.
If there's a crack or l.reV,c in one year the cost is
ours. We will replace tlu broken with a new
Slover Drug Company.
Front Street.
We will luve a full line of Holiday goods.
SKeep Out
CLrV I-,r.l.ll A
r'r,h; boV, -ri.i-.err,.nI, i
it !",r'!'-', '."';: r., :'-
; -'vk a -" - .ie a,-,..
i VVherv Your Joints
p ie Stiff
t'.r.d niu.-clcs soro from cold or rliea-
icali .m, when you slip and sprain a
i'unt, strain your side or bruise y-nur-idf,
IV-rry Davis' Painkiller will take
mt t!ie soreness and fix you
' jilty. Always have it with you, and
isc it freely. USE
Grants Pass Opera House..,.
Monday, November 24
Com-jdy Drama of Swedish Life
"Yon Yonson"
W or::. dreed in his q.Rep clothes, wearing the smile of
M-.ul ninocctK-e. a,.l mw-.v ,,, thegoo l traits of his sound charac
ter ... a.l his ,o,:,.,s !,,. :;l Cr,r..S IMss Monday, Nov. h.
You Can See Him
At the Opera House
i -
l.c-;.i f..v, rite.
A. A. DAViti.
made et-T-r m ': where Tb
iST W been educated for tqccea U