Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 13, 1902, Image 4

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    mmmim siiMsatx-xM,ia,'Mw"si
She Mt ob the sliding cushion, ric
The dear wee woman of four; i' .
Her feet In thnlr shiny slipper. , '
II u Qir ding line ovrr the floor.
She meant to be good: she had promised;
And so, with her blir brown ejrei.
She stared at the meetinjr-house windows
And co a Died the raw Hug filet
She loolted far up at the preacher; 4-. ,
But sho thought of tho honey bees '.
Droning away id the btoasoma
That whitened the cherry trees,
She thought of the broken banket.
where, curled In a duky heap,
Three sleek, round puppies wltb frtngy ears
Lay snuirgled and fast asleep,
Such soft, warm bodle to cuddle.
Such queer little hearts to best, ,
Such swift, round tonituoi to klnt,
Huch sprawllog, cublony feet I
She couM frel In bnr cmn,lnir tlogert
The touch of ibe itailny akin,
And a eold. wot none exploring ,
The dimples under her chlu
Then a sudden rlpplo of laughter
Kan over the parted lip.
So quick that she could not catch It
Vi lib hor rosy firmer Up.
The peoplu wblpired: "Mless the child I"
As each one wske l from a nup:
But the deur woo womnn bid bur faes
For shame In her moihor s Inp
N. U. Tluiui-Democrat.
T was with a feeling
of rulief Unit Mr. Jos
lin, cashier of the
Jlloomiutfdtilo haulc
saw thntthe liunilsof
the cluck, ut which
hi had glanced
frequently tlurini the
last hour, went with-
7 I If in nve minutes 01 me
l( tOrvk 11 time for closing. Va
V Va 7 riou tilings, aside
"")" from the intense licat,
V hiiti conspired to try
the patience of thut very lmportaut in
dividualin his u;l csliin ition.
As he was ahout to close for the day
the little window by which he stood,
the vestibule doors swime; ocn, us if
propelled by a qulcic, strong hand, and
hasty footsteps soon followed.
"Younjr unin, you made a iiiinluke
this morning when you cashed that
check for inc."
llcsuntinir iiilU) as much the famil
iarity of this address as what the word
Implied, Mr. Joslin irlunccd severely at
the speaker, a iniildlu-UL'cd luuii, In
plain, farmer's attiru, with a whip in
his hand.
"We never make mistakes, sir."
"You 'uover make mistakes'?" re
peated the farmer, rumoring his hand
from his breast-pocket, and regarding
the speaker with keen, critical eyes,
which ocemed to be taking a mental
measure of the man on whose face they
"Mo, lir. If there was anything
wrong you should have mentioned it
when you drew the money."
"Just so; but, yon see, I was In some
thing of a hurry. I glanced it over,
and thought It was all right; but when
I got home I found"
"We can't help that," Interrupted
the cashier; "you might have lost or
pent it, for all we know. If there hSs
been any mistake it is yours and can't
be helped now. It being our Indexible
rule not to rectify such after leaving
the bank."
"All right," said the farmer, button
ing up his coat and turning to the door.
"My name ia Johnson. 1 lire on the
turnpike. Just at the foot of what Is
called '.Strawberry hill,' five miles
out. It is a long way to coma, but I
don't mind It. 1 feel more than repaid
by the opportuuity It has alTorded me
to see, what I never expected to look
upon In this life, a man who never
makes any mistakes."
Despite the speaker's plain, coarse
garb, there was something about him
which led Mr. Joslin to think it possi
ble that ho had made a mistake in
treating him with so little considera
tionIf he had never made one tiefore.
"Stay," he called out as the visitor
turned from the window. "It is too
late to-day, past banking hours, you
see; but if you will give me the s mount
and particulars, to-morrow "
"Oh, no, young man," interposed the
farmor, glancing back through the
partly closed door, "if you not only
aever make mistakes but, supposing
inch a thing possible never rectify
any, It would be only an additional
waste of limo to say more. I live on
.he turnpike at the foot of Ntrawherry
Jill, five miles out, should you have
anything to say to me of aufllclrnt Im
portance ti re pny you for as great an
effort as it h is cost me this hot day to
come such a distance. It will l late
now before I get home. (lood after
noon, sir."
The following day the cashier sat
examining his balance sheet, a look of
perplexity and dismay in his coun
tenance, such ns had never been seen
there liefore.
Kvery check tuken by the bank was
before him, every dollar paid out lis. I
passed through his hands, and yet. In
pite of all his efforts there was a defi
cit of nearly live hundred dollars.
After the th rd attempt Mr. Joslin
luiddoivu the pen and wiped the per
spiration from his forehead. ltuin
stared him in the f:o-i.
UK. (il'SSS' Hl.(H)l) AND
There is not a woman in this land
but at some tune in her life would
Intro Ihcii the better for tint use of
this tonic. Kor diseases 'culiur to
women, a Is'ttor nicdioiiio was never
made. It is coninisi d ol tho ingre
dients from which the system has
been deprived by disease, over-work
or diswiitioii. It enters at once into
the circulation, building lip tile
tissues that have liecu wasted, and
making pure, rich Mood in the most
direct way. For weak, nervous and
unsteady people, pimply, tlo or
tieshhss )',tlt', it will make strong
steady nerves mid give the complex
ion that wholesome look that nidi
rates health. We have hundreds of
letters tlmt )soplti have written us,
saying that tin y had gained in gixsl
solid tl(.li at the rule of olio to three
ismiids 1st week while using Dr.
tiunn's lllood and Nerve Tome. It
should be taken after meaU, one or
two tablets eo4 h time. Druggists sell
it 7fK) per box. or threw lsixes for
2.00, or sent jxtHt (stiil on receipt of
liriCI!. W 1st.. ..' i.. '
to letters of inquiry, the advice we
v you is plain, and ritxilr under-
fftml A.l.l. i. '.
t Ul T 1 ' r' IIOSUIIKO t O.,
"""'"'ipnia, m. ror sale by W. r.
J, fji
Where could the money have gone?
and what would be do about it?
Suddenly there flashed upon his
mind the recollection of the man who
had called 'the day before. Could it be
possible that the mistake he mentioned
was in fi.vor of the bank, and of so
grave a nature? Yes; it must be so.
There was no other way to account for
it Seizing his hat, out of doors he
rushed. "
The evening of the same dny Mr.
Johnson was seated in his pleasant
home, Mb wife on one side of him and
his youngest hoy on his knee, when Mr.
Joslin entered.
"My mime is Joslin. I am cashier of
the ltloomingdnle tank," said the new
comer, almost breathless with haste
and agitation.
Tutting the child from his knee Mr.
Johnson stood up.
"Oh. yes; 1 remember. The man who
never makes any mistukes. I'roud to
see you under my humble roof, sir.
My deur," turning to his wife, "this is
the young man 1 was telling youultouL
A most extraordinary persoul Survey
him well; you will not be apt to look
upon bis liltc H;tiiii."
Mr. .lot-lin turned very red. Drop
ping into the chair thut Mrs. Johnson
considerately pluccd for him, he wiped
the moisture from his forehead. i
"Mr. Johnson, I am forced to ac
knowledge thut I made a very serious
mistake yesterday morning when I
caslied that check for you, giving you
a five hundred dollar bill instead of a
five." .
"That wus what I supposed utter I
got home and counted the money over.
Thinking you would lie uneasy, I lost
no tiuiu in going back toiuuhe the mut
ter right. I should hardly have taken
so long a ride, however, at a seasoi
when those of my calling are especial
ly busy, had I known your rule to be
so indexible as to the rectifying of
"lint I expect to have it rectillcd,"
was the alarmed and excited response.
"Unless you do, it will result in the
loss of my plnee anil the ruin of my
prospects. It Is no joke, but u serious
"I am far from regarding It in the
light of a Joke," said Hie fanner, coolly.
"Still I see no reason why any dilTcr
ence should lie made Itcciitisc the mis
take happens to lie in my favor."
"tome, father," interposed Mrs.
Johnson, iu a low voice, "tvhy do you
torment the young man so' You know
you put the money away for him. Do
go and get It"
Thus adjured, Mr. Johnson took the
money from the fumily llible, between
"il'UVXV Hill WKI.L.'
the leaves of which he had placed It
on his return from his sceond visit to
tile bank, the day licforc. a merry
twinkle in his eyes us he did so.
Mr. Josliu's lingers closed over it
with feelings of joy uud thankfulness
that hu vainly strove to put into words.
"One moment, young man." said Mr.
Johnson, as his visitor turned towanls
the door. "Solomon says: 'lluivhonn
sivereth a matter before he hcareth it.
it is a folly and shame unto hiiu.' If
you hail heard what I had to sav yes
terday, you would have been spared
all this mortification and trouble. To
this counsel let me add soinet king of
my own: Don't le so sure, again, thut
you never make any mistakes!" - Dcm
orest's Magutino.
An American fuMr.
Once upon a time it Youngand Frisky
Mule wandered away from its Mother's
side towards a Hive of llecs. which the
Farmer kept In order to procure lies
wax for tho children to chew on din
serving his Tendency to Investigate,
the Mother observed:
"liny! Y ou keep nwliy from thut Lo
cality! lleea ami Mules never have uud
never will agree."
The Y oungster pretended to Submit,
but at a r'uvroshlc Opportunity he can
tered up for a close Investigation lie
got an ear fit 1 1 in about half a Minute,
and had not the Farmer and his son
turned out to his Aid he uould lone
been Stung to death. As it as he
was llailly used up by the Sliaro and
Remorseless stings, and he was stand
ing oil Three Legs w Hli his eyes closed
when his Mother drew near and
"Did I not warn you against the
"You did."
"Then why didn't rou Heed inv
Words? I told you that tho llees and
Mules diil not Agree.
"So you did, but I went over to the
Hire to ask them why it was!"
Mules,. always put confidence in your
mother. Detroit Free 1'ress.
feres of 1 1 shit.
The genial captain of a steamer nlr-
Ing on one of our American rivers was
apHilnted a vestryman in i.u Miiiscopal
church iu a city which lav at one end
of his route. One day shortly after
wUrd It was reported to him, when on
shore, that there was a leak in the
church, lie wasnceustotiie.l to prompt
ness, and on receipt of toe message he
went to the church, tool, u candle ami
started down Into the cellar to find the
leak, evidently thinking of the base
ment as the hull of the go ..1 ship ion!
lue captain himself tells the story.
With much apparent enjoy incut of iu
humrr -XtJliU'lVWi'lUiiWl. .
I M. Millunv, tJivctiville. lex ,
writes, Nov. .'il, I'.KSi: "Iliad rheu
matism lust winter, was down ill bed
six weeks; tried everything, but got
no relief, till a friend gave me a mrt
of a Isittle of li.illard's Snow Lini
ment. 1 used it, and got two more
bottles. It eun if me mid I haven I
felt unv rheumatism since. I can ri e
niniiii'iid Snow Liuiiucnt to be the best
liinmciit on earth for rheumatism."
For rheumatic or neuralgic pains, rtih
iu Dullard's Snow Liuiiucut. you w ill
not sutler long, but w ill be grutitied
w ith a ssedy and effot tive cure. i.V,
0r and jl.tsi at Shiver Drug t'o.
"I Just seemed to have gone nil to
pioeee." writes A ll red Dee, of Wel
fare, Tex , "bihotismss uud a lame
hack had made life a burden. I
i-ouldii't eat or sleep and felt almost
too worn out to work w hen 1 began
to use Khstrie Hitters, but they
worki'd wonders. Now 1 sleep like ii
top, can eat anything, have gained
In strength and enov hard work."
l'hey give vigorous health ami new
life to weak, sieklr, run dnwupioplc
Viler them. Duly ,-,tiy at W. F. Kre
mer s drug store.
Wonion Klrougly,
io Tako Din-tor
Pierre'is Favorite
This advice comes
from a woman who hail
"i 1 suOered all the miseries
v.oinen can suffer from
disease, and had been
;rfectly and perma
nently cured by the use
of Dr. l'icrce'a Favorite
This great medicine
for women establishes
regularity, dries weak
ening drains, bests in
flammation and ulcera
tion and cures female
weak nesp.
Kead Mrs. Kempson's
letter and, if you are
sick, follow her advice.
s,,i : s
M A It iiimf h it lias Ik-cii quite a timr sincr
I wrnlc y.MI " snys Mis. frill Krmtisn, of
C:iiiiIii.-i. LiUs'late t'o. Mich., Mux v.
".till your inline is a hlrsniiiK in our Iwiusr.
mi l I llilitk ll ttty duty to irt you know
licit 1 am slill rnjoyhiK K'xsl ht-ullh,
tha ik Ui you ami your ' l-'nvorite I're-
srription.' Wttf-ti I t hi ok how 1 was five
ytMra atfo, anil llit-n see now 1 am now. 1
ftuv. (,! liless lJr. Pierce's works. ant
may lie li.-e long to help poor snlTcriiiK
women. I have neyt-r fuel any return ol
my weakness anil am well and hearty.
Can tlo nil my own work without any
p.nti. Von saved mr from the tf rave when
ullolticrs linleil, I advise suffering women
slr'iinlv, to take Ir. I'ierce s Favotite Pre-
notion, as I know it will cure IU ail
en?, if imleetl there is u cure."
Dr. Pierce's l'lensant Pellets are
an excellent laxative, suited to the
use of delicate women.
Timber Lsnd, Act June :!. 1878
liosehiirg, Oregon, Oct. 22, 11(02
Not ce is hereby given that ill com
pliance iih the pioviHions ol the act of
Congress, ol June 'A, 1878, entitled "An
sci lor the sale of timber lands in the
Stales of t slifornia, Orrgun, Nevada,
uud Wui-hiufctnn Territory," as ex
tended to all public Land Stites by set
ol Aii(iist 4, 18112, W li.i.i am h. Iv
)ol, ok, ol I'o Hand, t oiiiity ol Mullmi
uiah, State ol Oregon, hss ibis day tiled
ill t bis ollii e his sworn statement No.
H72l for the purchase of the tjW! ol
Secllou No. (1, in Tusnshtp Nu. 41
Small, Kitngu Nu. 4, West, and Kill
ellei proof lo show that lie luntl sought
is mine valuable lor its timber or stoue
than for agricultural purptses, and lo
establish bis claim lo said luud beiore
J. O. iluutii, County Judge, at Lis ollice
ut Orsntn I'uiis, Oregon, on Thursday,
the I full day ot J miliary, l'.IO.I. lie
names as wiiuebses :
Kli.slietb II. Dodge ami Kale Dodge,
ol i'orilund, Oregon, and A. W. silsUy
01 Orunts i'ass, Oregtiti und tieo. C.
C'liley, of Sltiaiubtittt, Oregon.
Any and all per nuns claiming ad
versely ilirj lauds are
requested to tile their claims In this
ulticu on or before said lot h day of
Junuaiy, IbU'l. J. T. ISiiiiiiiks,
Timber Lmid, Act June 3, 1878.
Uoschiiig, Oregon, Oct. 25, 11W2.
Notice Is In reby given that in com
pliance Willi the provisions of the act
ul Congress ol June H, 1878. entitled "Ail
act for the sale ol timber lands in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevadi,
Slid Washington Territory," ss ex
tended to all tlm I'uhlic Land States by
set of August 4, lii2, Katk Doixik ul
I'orilaml, County of .tluiinoiiiah, State
ol Oregon Ims this day liiitl in thin
ollice her swo: n statement No. :)78T 'or
the purchase ol the SL'., of Section No.
Ii, iu Township No. 41 S tilth, Itauge No,
4 West, and will oiler prool to show that
the lutfd sought is mure valuable lor it
limber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, anil lo esiahliHh her. claim to
said land beiore J. O. ltisith, Cot.nty
Jude, at his otlicu at Ortnls i'ass,
Oregon, on Thiirstlay the loth day ol
January I'.Kl.l. She names as witnesse:
t illiuiii K. K. Dttilgn ami Lll.abelh
II. IHulge, of I'l.rt IhiiiI, tlregon, A, W,
Sihdiy, of (irants Pass, Oregon and
lien. C. Culcy, ol Sti ainbiiiil, Oreitoti.
Any and all peisous claiiiiing ad
versely the iihove ilcsei ibetl lands are
requested to file their c'lilms in this
olhi e on or before said lfiih day of
January, I'll :!. J. T IIiiiiiuks,
Id Ulster.
l'eodo that have tlyvisqisiti have
Weak stomachs, weak hearts, weak
eyes niul life usually weak kneed.
They feci bilious and the world in
gttictul has it bilious look to them;
they liuve so mini v symptoms that it
is dillii ull to ltKiitn the place where
tin y feel the worst. Tim fact is the
source from where they get their
strength has been cut off and they are
sick all oviT. The food taken into
tho stomach remains undigested,
causing hch-uiug, and bilious attacks,
followed by sick -headache, uud gen
eral weakness. The medicine thai
puts the stomach in condition ho that
I ho food can Ixi readily digested, will
cure dyspepsia and make strength
where there was weakness. We. have
cured t hnusauds of iktsoiis during the
past Jt I years, of tlvsM isia, with Dr.
dunn's Improved Liver Dills, A S.V
bos of these pills are worth more to
is'oplo with poor digestion than six
months id dieting or a gallon of
s psin. It only takes one for it dose.
We will scud two of these lulls to
prove w hat they will tlo. For sale by
W. F. Kremer.
1 'simEssi
ever, s her
M.Jc I y
Standard Oil
hunts BalsQk.iT)
Th best Coukn Medk-lne.
OiciiiUI be rlaoroualv (nalated
i'siport when buying medicine.
:tr upon thnt tleperttla ono'a
SAM containe NO OI'IVM In
cvtiv' form iinj ia arvfe. axirr,
.vrul prompt In esses of CROIT,
: CtH.DS. deep-seated COUGHS.
1 t ry It now. and be convince.!.
l'hoto SuppliiM ut the Courier of-
j I .a.l sweat fcjVvA M
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1873.
Kosehurg, Orton, Oct. 25, 1802.
Notice it here! y given that in com
pl ance wuh Hie provi-ions ol the act of
congress ul June 3, 1J8, entitled, "Ait
set tor the isle ol ttuirwr lands to the
States ol L'alituinia, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washing on Ternuuy," as ex
tendtd to all the I'uhlic Land Stale by
act oi August 4, I8U2, Flizahktii H.
Doimik, ol Fortlsnd, County ol Muu no
malt, r-la'e ol Oieguu, baa this tly filed
in ibis ollice ber sworn statement No.
378(1 lor the purchase ol the NE'j ol
N E! and Sb.'i ol NW.'i and S'j ol
NhJ ol rseciion no. 6 in iowuthip No.
41 South. Haute No. 4 West, and Will
offer irool lo show that the land
sought is more valuable lor its timber
or stone than (or agricultural pin poses,
and lo establish ber cla'in to said lsnd
beiore J. O. booth. County Juiigv, ai
his oftice at Grants faes, Oregon, on
TnurNlar the lolll day ol January 11 '03
She names as iln"ee.-:
William K. K. Dudge and Kate Doil,e
of Fortlsnd, Oregon, S. W. silsby. ol
Uruuts I'ass, Oregt.n and tieo. C. Cu'ey,
ol H escuboai, Oregon. .
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above defended lands are
retpieaied 10 file their claims iu Ibis
olhce on or beUre raid 15 h day o!
January 1UUJ. J. T. HsinotH,
H -gtster.
Timtwr Land Act, June 3, 1H78.
United Biates land Ollice,
Koseburg, Oregon, Sept, l'.l,
police ia hereby given that in
compliance with the proviiions oi
the act of Congress of June It, 1878,
entitled "An act for- the sale ol
timber lands in the Stales of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Tern
lory," as extended lo all I tie 1'ohiic
Land Sistes by act ol August 4, I8'J2,
Fred L. I'likthern ol Portland, County
ol Miiliuomati, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in tins ollice his sworn
statement No. 34114, for the purchse ol
the N W J.4' ul HK4, N Ki ol S W 4 . N W '4'
of SWI4, ami Sw4 01 ftWt4 01 Set:li:m
No 22 in Township No 37 S null, Ksuge
No. 7 W, and will offer pioAt to show
that the land sought, is mute valuable
for Its timber or stone thsn lor agricul
tural purposes, ami 10 establish his claim
to said land beiore J. O. Iloolh, County
Judge, at his ullic.H at Drams I'a-s, Ore
gon, on Monday the Hth day ol Decern
hi r IM02. He names as wlinesees:
T W. Ilansell, W. C. Watd, K. It
Mullen, and Alfred litis' ulsou all of
Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the Bbovu-deacrihe I lands are re
quested to tile their claims ill this cilice
011 or before said Hth day of December,
J. T. f.lllDULS,
Timber Land Act, June 3 1878,
United States Land Ollice,
Koseburg, Oiegou, Sept. Ill, 11)02.
Notice IN hereby given Hist 111 com
pliance with the provision ol the act ol
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled ''An
act lor the sale ol umber lands 111 the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended lo
all the i'uhlic Land States ttv set ol
August 4, 18'.I2, Hubert 11 Mullet ot
Portland, County ol Alu tuomali. Slate
of Oregou, has this day (Led in this
ollice Ins sworn statement No. 3-P.I3, tor
the purchase oi the Mi N K'4', SL' N k'i,
SW NK!4' ai d MVt, ol Seciiun
No. 28 in township No. 37 South, Kunge
No 7 W.aud will offer prool toshuw thai
the laud sutight la more valuable lor its
timber or stone than for agrituiiuiul
purposes and to, establish Ins claim to
said land beiore J. O. H001I1, toiinty
Judge.ut his olhce al titan 1 I'ass, On gin,
on Monday, the Hill day ol December,
1111)2. . He names us witnesses:
T. W. Hansen, W. C. tyanl, U. II
.M nil', tt, ami Allied lim lulsou, all ol
i'ortlaml, Oreaon.
Any ami all ier-ons claiuiitig advet re
ly ibe above described laiitls are re
quested to tile their claims in this ollice
on or beiore said Hth day ol December,
11)02. '
J. T .lliiiotiiis,
Tun her Land Act, June 3, 1878.
Dulled Stules Luud Ollice,
Koseburg, Oresuu, Sept. l'.l, 1IKI2.
Not.ce Is hereby given Hist Hi couipli
auce Willi the provisions of the act ol
coitgrees ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale 01 tluiher lauds in the
Slate ol CalllomiH, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Itniloiy," as extended
lo all the I'ubllc laiud Suites by act ol
August 4, 18112, Thomas W. llaiisell 01
Portland, County ol Multnomah, Slate
ol Oregon, has this day tiled in Una
ollice Ins sworn statement Nu. 34111 lor
Ihe purchase ol the SK'4 ol section No
32 111 Township No. 40 South, Kinine No.
4. W, and will otter prool to show
that the laud sought ia mote valtiaolu
lor Us Umber or sioue than lor ki (cul
tural purposes aud lo establish his claim
klo said laud beiore J. O. Iloolh, County
Judge, at lita ollice at drains i ass Oiu
gnu, on Monday the 8U1 day ol Ih-cein-lwr,HMI2.
lie names as witnesses:
K 1. I'lcklhorn, Allred tiustulsoii,
W.C. Want, aud rt, U. .Miillul, allot
i'ortlandj Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adve se
ly the abovr-desenbeil lainls are re
quested lo lile their claims ill this cilice
on or beiore said Si It (lav ol I lecenilier,
IH02. J. V. UuinoKs.
Timber Land Act, June 3, I s 7 s .
Huaeburg, tliegou, Sepl. l'.l, 1H02
Notice is hereby given that in 0 tn
pllance with the piovistous ol the set ot
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitle. I "An
act lor the ssle ot timber laud, in I he
Stales ol Caliloritia, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington territory, ' as evtemleil
to all Ibe I'uhlic Lund Males by act ol
AllgllSt 4, 1SH2, Al.t'Kkll tUMilsoN 01
I'orilaud, County ol sliilluoinaii, Maie
ol (Ire, on bus this day tiled in Una t thee
hisswotii stair-ineni No oltij, lor i:,e
purchase ol the SW'4 ol .Section No 3
111 lowuihlp No. 40 South, Kange Nvi.
4 West, and will otter prool to show
that lbs laud soiuht 11 more valuable lor
Its tun la-r or stone thsn hu stgl it-tlli urail
purposes, and to eststilish Ins claim to
sitl ismi Is I. hc J O. Il.sctt, C t
Ji tt.e, at hi- i-lhc" 1 1 tiiauis I'a-s, t ire
goii. on Aloinlai, ih. h'tl dat ot Dec. nils-r
, t'.s).'. lie nsni. a as a il ii. s-es .
Ihoii ss V1. Iisnsii, r. I, i'lckihoin,
W C. Usui an. I K II. MuuVil, all 01
I'oiiiantl, tirriton.
Any ami nil p. rsons claiming advriae
iv the sin ve described lauds sre te
qtlesird 10 lile their t laiius 111 tins ntlite
on or beloie ssid Hth dav ol Deceiub-r,
I IK).'. J. 1'. IlKilaiks,
You Know Whtvl You Are
When you take Krovr'a Tasteless t hill
Tome, tavaus the formula is. plaint v print
ed on every Isillle showing that it is sun
ply Iron ami lu'iiine in a tasteless lorm
No Cure No, Pay. MV.
lntessioiiaI Mid amateur photog
rapher will be able to timl nearly
everything ncecssiiry for their use iu
stock at A. K. Visirhies' Kinlak lit ad
White's Cream Vermifuge not
only kills worms, but removes the
mucus and slime, 111 which they build
their lu sts ; it brings ami quickly,
a healthy condition of tint body,
whore worms cannot exist. i.V itt
Slover Drug Civ
Tinilr Lsnd Act. Dine 3, 1878.
Dnited Stales Lsnd Ollice,
Itieebiirg, Oreg'in, Sept. 1!), 1'.'02.
Notice is hereby giv--n thai in com
pliance with the provlst'iits id the set ol
Congress i,( June 3, 187s. entitled "An
act lor the sals of timber in the
States ol CahlTlda. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washirgion Territory," ss etcii'!
edloallihe t'nh'ic Land' Smtes iy act
of August 4. 18:12. Wilbur C Ward ol
Portland, County of Multnomah. State
of Oregi n. has this tlay filed iu tins
office Ins sworn staietto-nt No 34:i"), for
Ibe purchase of the NW'i4. N K'4 Nh'4,
, NW'4', SK Ml'1;. SA' ot SK'4'oi See
'lion No. 22 in Toatiship No 37 Sou'h.
j Hange No 7 W, sn I wiil ffer proof lo
show that Ibe land totight ;s more vain
able for its timte-r ttr stone lhan for ay
rtetiltura! purpose-, anil lo es'al lisn hb
claim lo aitl land heirire J. (). liooth,
County Judge, at his office, at li snts
Paa, Oregon, 011 .llott lai, 11m 8 Ii dat
of December, l'.IJJ. He tiA iies aswil
nessea :
T. W Hansel', H I!. MtilT-t, Allied
(jusltiffnii, 1-'. L 1'ickihrirn, aM oi Port .
land, Oregon
Any and ail persona cUimiiiL' adverse
ly Ihe stiove-tb-io-rihed lands ate re
quested In file their cUi'lH in this ollice
on or before said SI h day of Decern her.
.1. T. ISl'.IIKIKS.
IteL'ts't r.
Tinils-r Land 'Art, 1 11 ri' - .'I Irt78
United States L u I Otli-e,
Koseburg, O'egon. Stqc. 5, l'.tOJ.
Notice t hereby given that incom
pliance with Hit' p'ovi-loli- o 'he
set ol Congo's- of .Inn- 3, 1 s7S, rnti.L'd
"An set lor tile-sal ot timber lamls in
'he S'.itcs ol I'll 'itoi 11 j 1. Or- gon Nevad I.
aod Wa-hintit in Territory. " ss t-xii-ni!
roall ilie I'uhlic Ltlnl Slates hy act ol
August 4 IS 12, Amy A Xiuuhnl ol Mo
cow. I'riiioiv ot Lstsh, Stale of blah 1,
hss ih's dav liietl in this otlice h--r swnrn
stslent'-n' No. IJIlli, for the peri-t a-e oi
he S '4' ol S of Set tion No 2.' ill
Tfoiu-hip No. 37 S, Mange No. ii vV, ami
will offer proof lo r-how that the IhimI
fnnghi la more valuable for its limber
or stnne thsn lor agricultural im
pose, and to establish h"r elaini to
said land before Land Ollice, h'o-bur.
O'egon, on Friday, ihe (iili dav ol Feb
mart, !K):!. She rallies a wiuie-scs:
.Mary C .Mefarland, JI. C -Mi larlan.l,
anil .Marion M Collins oi Moscow,
I lahn, and A W. Silsbv of ( (rants I'ass,
Anv snd all nersons claitninu' adverse
ly the ahovi -dest rils'd lands are re
qn sh tl to lie their claims in this otii -e
nil or beloie said (Jib day of Kehririrv.
l'.l.'o, J. T. Khiiiiiks.
Kegis ter
TiinlsT Lsm1, Act June 3, 1S7S
I'llitetl States Ltnd Ollice,
llntehnrg, Oregon, Seplemher Tt It, P.IOJ
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the piovisioiia of the set
of Congress of June 3. 187.8, eioiiled
"An uel for the sale ol limber lands in
the Slates of Calilornin, Oregon, Nevada,
anil Washington Territory.," as ex
tendi d to all the Public Land State by
set of August 4, 18112. Mary C Me
failaud of Moscow. County of l.a'ah,
Statu of Idaho, hss this tlav tiled in
this nllice her sworn statement N 1
3117, for the purchase o! the N'.j of S'.,
of Section No. 22 iu Town-hip" Nu 37
South, limine No. W, and will otl'-r
proof to show that the land sou lit is
more vain ibln lor its limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes and to
establish her claim to said land before
Laud Ollice. Koseburg, Oregon, on Kri
day, the Ol t a day of February, 111 '3
She names as wnneases:
Amy A. Xiuuhnl, Mitinn M. Coll.ns
II. C. Mt:lttilaild, ol Moscow, Idaho, A.
W. Silshv, of ((rants Pass, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adverse
ly the almve-ilesiTihed lamls ate re
quesleil lo file their chiiuis in thin office
on or before said (hh tlav of February,
1SH'3. J. T. lliiiniiKs.'
Timber Luud Act June 3. 18.8
Dinted surer) Land I Mice
Koseburg Oregon, S-picm'.er .rnh. pioj
Notice Is hett-tiv given I'l eon,
pliauce with the provi-ions ol lb.' act ot
Congress ol .lime 3 187.4, eti iilc.l " An
si t for Ihe sale i f limlier land- ill the
States of Calilorni i, Orig in, Nevsd 1.
ami Washington IVrritoiy," asex'einlHd
to all the Piiblit: Laud States bv mt if
August 4, I8;i2 .Man ui M Collins ot
Moscow, County ol Latah, Stale ol
Idaho, has this tlay tiled in tins' ollice
his ewoin statement No 3118 lor the
purchase tl the S i.j of the v., nf See
lion No 22 in Township So, 37 South.
Rjime No. U W, and will oiler proof to
show that Ihe land sought is more
valuable lor ill. timber or stone than for
sgrieultiiial purposes, and lo establish
his i-laki in to saitl land beiore Kosehir?
Land Oll.ce. Koseburg, tlregon, on Kr
lav. I he (ii ti dav of February, l'KI.'l
tie names as witnesses:
IIhihv C. Mefirlind, Amy, A
Ziimliof, Mary C. Mifail.tinl, all ol
Moscow, Idaho, A. W. Silsby of Oiauls
Pass. Oregon.
Anv snd all poisons claiming ad
versely the aiiove described Ian Is are
n quested to tile their e, situs iu this
ollice on or beiore said Dili day nl
Febiuary, l'.Kl;!.
J. T. I'llll'Ols,
Timber L iii.l Ac', June:!, s;s
I'llile.l Males Laud ( Mice,
Ko.ehurg. dregon. Sept, .", I'.l'.lJ,
Notice is hereby given that 111 compli
ance w till the ptovisi.,11, i,i t,,. Hrt ,,j 1 -,,.
gtessot .lu'ii 3, 1-78, entitled "An aci
tor the sale ot ttmls-r land- 111 the Stales
it Calttoriiia. Oregon, Nevtd.l, sml
Washington Temtori'," as tx ended to
all the I'uhlic 1. 111. 1 Slates pv net ol
August 4, I .12. Henry V. Mefarland
nl Mcn-iiw, County ol Lmah. st.tte ol
lil .lu, has this day '.'red in this ntlite
his sworn sta eno'iit Nil 3110, lor ihe
purchase 01 t'te N' ot the N'j el Sec
tion No 22 in '"owiisl ip No ;:7 s
Kinge No. ti W, ami w i i,',.- pr.sif to
sho lttat. Iltt inn. I sought is Inure
vs'u.tble for its i,m., i or st"lie I ban (or
agricultural !irtsca, nn.l to istalm-h
ins clsiu. to raid land Is hue .1. 1'
I'.rulges, Koseburg, I lreg.11, on Frt.lai ,
the ich tlav ol Fehnury, ' 'H;',. ,.
names as w i: nesses :
Marion M. C. llins, tint A. Z'.tu' of.
llltl M.ltV C. Milarbiinl ,, M, i.e.."
Ihaho. and A. W. Si s'ty 011 i-an's I'.is-
( (regoll
Any and ail iso.otn 1 tiueng it,!, . is, -Iv
the s!toe tlnsci toe.l's s.e it
que. ted to ti e th-lr cltiiti. in ' hi. ..,:'.
on or be 'oiu said lib ,LV t rei.tnsry
J T. I IM't.: s,'er
dr. xmin
A!1 dt.tss of K'Sns yt. s 1 srv w-
Blsduer Uiuiaiv Ortann. I'M 1811
A I-. Rhc.iui.i'isu BaoU 3 I UH
arlte nai :l)i.ic ue fitivcl B .It I i I
Dtopsy, t sui.lo irouulss. V ttJ S. aW
Toa t bj.-exs duour.stt. There Is a
cure tax yea. if . . oe Iu. 1 .-to, r
1 lei- -ti . t a lite ill. ii- '-iiti.o: "i-i suca
r..a-)"iitv A.t c.ii.ult.tii. i; Free.
lr. Ke. titer's Kl, In, v ami I!.,,-s .-!,,. (-,,,
Is 1 lie da-., of n.) Is 1 ; all ' l. .-.!., 1 ,.,J
.tttt.-ts-t ateiitly .'It,!.!.,,', il', f,,rvi,rs
and r.siti.-,, in Se:.-iil lo l.V p. ui.os. 1 new
wetill 1 A I- i" 'U
w . II. M. -1,4'iilN. Olive rurii.ic,-. O -Pri:i-v!-i.
v.- t - r,.rC'..l lt..k Trtt
ST.VITUS'DANCEr.'n;.:.r( Vv-
For salt by W. F. Kremcr.
The man who strtmls bn stilts does not increase his stature a parti
cle He may feel taller while he's on the stilts, but when he's off
them he feels shorter than ho ever felt. A man can't live on stilts j
he must eome off them sooner or later, ami then ho realizes that .
whatever seeming a.lvantago he gained from l.ia -artificial elevation
was only temporary.
Stimulants are the stilts of the stomach. Th.y lift a man up for ,
the time hcing, hut the poo.l feeling they give it. only temporary. A
man can't live on stimulants, ami when he leaves them he feels worse
than ever. In this age of hurry anil worry a large percentage of tho
population have some form of stomach "trouble," popularly (1e
sciilietl as "weak stomach." The first impulse of the average man
whose stomach is "weak" is to have recourse to stimulants. Ho
feels bloated after eating, has frequent eructations and a general
feeling of physical discomfort. No takes a glass of something to
"stimulate his stomach" and make him "feel good." He may get
the desired result for a time, but he is doing nothing for the disease
which is in reality aggravated by stimulants instead of benefited.
The need of the "weak" stomach is strength, and it is obvious that
stimulants can't strengthen the stomach because there is no true
strength in stimulants but only a false strength. Tho jaded horse is
no stronger because ho mends his pace when pricked by the spur.
His extra effort is a drain upon tho reserve of his vitality, which may
result in a complete breakdown. Tho seeming strength of stimulants
is the false strength of a body spurred to elTort and making a call on
the reserve of vitality, which may and does often result in total
physical collapse.
The success of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery in re-establishing
the health of weak, run-down, dyspeptic men and women is .
due to the fact that it perfectly and permanently cures diseases of
the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It does
not brace up but builds up the body. It contains no alcohol and is
entirely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics.
"List spring, early, I wrote you my feelings and condition," says Mr. A. J.
Van. It-mater, of S73 West Division Street, Chicago, Ills., "anil you advised me
to take I'r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In all I have taken six lsittlcs
of the 'Discoiery' and lour or five vials of the little 'Pellets.' They have
done me worlds of good. All my friends say: ' Vunderwuter, ltow well you
are looking. What ill the world have you been doing?' I tell them I have
lieeii doctoring w ith Dr. R. V. Pierce, of HufTalo, N. Y. ' Why,' they sn y, ' you
haven't Isen there?' 'No,' I say, Mint I took his'Goliltn AIe1lic.1l Discovery'
tin 1 his little 'Pellets.' These medicines have made the great change ill me':
f'oni a slow moite of a man that could hardly craivl,.liied and sick all the
tin:.', mid who could do no work, to a man who can work, sleep,, and feel
line, an 1 that tiretl- feeling all gone away. I am very thankful that I wrote
to Dr. Pierce. His 'Golden Medical Discovery' and his little ' l'ellcts ' have
i.'inost made a new man of me. I feel as young as I did ut thirty years. No
oilier tlot'tor for me, only Dr. Pierce."
''It is with pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and
' Pellets' have done for me," writes Mrs. T. M. Palmer, of I'ee.le, Kaufman Co., Texas.
"Two vi-ats ago I was taken with stomach ami bowel trouble. Everything I ate would
put me in distress. I lived two weeks 011 milk, and even that give me twin. I felt as
though I would starve to death. Three doctors attended ntc one said I had dyspepsia,
two said catarrh of the stomach and lxiwels. They attended me (one at a time) for one
year. I stopticd taking their medicine and tried other patent medicine; got 110 better,
tin. I I grew so weak and nervous my heart would flutter. I could not do any kind
of work. Now, since using your medicines, I can do my housework very well ; am
gaining in jU sh and strength, and can cat anything I want."
No man can be stronger than his stomach. When diseaso fastens on tho
stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, the consequences aro
felt by the whole body. A "weak" stomach means a weak man, becauso
when the stomach is "weak" the digestive and assimilative powers fail to a
grealer or less extent, and the nutrition of the body is inadequate to its needs.
!ut if "weak" stomach means weak man, then weak man means "weak"
heart, "weak" kidneys, "weak" liver, "weak" lungs, etc., because tho phys
ical man is only the sum of his organs and members, and his weakness is
the weakness of each and all of the organs of his body.
This fact explains the cures of "weak" heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and other
organs, by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery." First the diseases of tho
stomach ami other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, and thus tho
weak stomach is made strong. Digestion and assimilation aro now perfect.
The nutrition derived from food is all used, and not partly lost or wasted!
....... iiatin an- .it once
iPeopuTS :
Points East
Short Line to
AM' 1'iilM.s j; s-
lliroiljih 'l,e an, T.1M HUen.
cm, Itutlel Mil, kilty
l.itiiiifj t'aia.
ILU1.Y Tl!.UNS;ri.sT TIMK.
L.. 1 ... , - it
. . -...--. r. i.i. r- net lull ii,iruti,,n
r7:mlmK l"1',N :""-. Ac, rill ..not
.it' In
'. 'A' I'll U.i IN. r. f. a.
II M("! s( IN. , . i
l'-'J Third Street, I'oiiln,,,!
A. II. ('. M'NMsti.N, i.. w l A
i".' r i r st Avenue ."i :i tl-, W ,,.,
The lsrt;.'t Mim ever (.a'.l .,r a tre
c.tloll. clunced lisn 1. iiiSaurran.
i'l -ti. All... ;10. 11..11. Ho. translMr ,.
v ' Vid in coin ..ti l t, :i:,:ii ,)i ,
us I'S d t i a .,irt ei .,t.i,.ess iit. l. t,.r
,--Cltl,- tor llnuh.V ll -es-e ,, 4.
If " , hitlii r'i. ilicural'le .li-eas.-s.
1'i.ey coiiiin,..,f,.. ,, n-
! ol the ,( ,-ui,. ,,,v j , ,,, ((
I'l -V llilervtnsft.1 , , ' , , ,,',.' .
an i i. led i. , ,. ,,,.. ,,',,
v.r Oireo ,: , Ir,
tl ' :. Mil,; litem. I ).,..
si' il.a to nun m , hf,,t,j.
' !' I ' ;
' i t tn a i a,-.,
i Ije chin.-. a,.,
-, S7 J'er t en l
either aeilon
ti 1 aillnitit-t. -..lit ,; t
i," j'l.y.'s. i'i u, aiu.
I ii. r le-i t v. , rt.
,-r iT'-S".!',.
I here heintf rn thirt.-en p-r ren' of
'a .ire. Ihe ,.,rt-, ,.,. .,tl.,,,
" -d 'he lra..... , p,,,,..,,
- le ir,,-,,,-,.,, , ,,,,, v ,(
ci c.-al re;.,-t, ei it t, .,
P '' tv .ii.1 l maile.! 1W
''!'" ld'e-. .!,. j i,.t
t - vhmsv.M Montk-otuery ft. Sao hiau-
I U I'l
1 1
suuwii in physical gain, ihe body puts
atiii oeeomes strong, ami asvthe body is com
posed of its organs and members, its restored
strength means strength of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys
every organ receiving strength from the onlv
source from which physical strength is derived, tha"t
is from food when properly digested and perfectly
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse and regulate
the liver and bowels. They produce permanent ben
eht and do not react on the system.
FffiiElE Or.Plerco's Common Sonso
' Modical Adviser,. containing
1008 largo pagos, la sont FREE on receipt
ol stamps to pay expenso of mailing ONLY.
Send 31 ono-cont stamps for tho cloth
bound voluma, or only 21 stamps for tho
book In paper covers.
Addrosst Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
-DVKK Till-:-
DenveriRio Grande Railroad'
Only true, ,.r,' itit-it':il Kn-
Pltsslli ,1'rcctly th, ,.,,.,
li,rees, ,',..,, , i,,. l
n ail ri UN is ks
'"i '11,1114 l. I , ,
n il hy .I.u lii;i,' .
V'P liters slloa.-.l on n , t ..., ,
tickets '"
ror itifiipe.t rilv. .
i- .
C V,.
W C. Mcll,,,!,. ,.,.ra, ,,
i-i i iii"! si , rr-.i , ,,
I' '.-n; is .m er,.rv ,.(,,,.. .,
Laxative Broma-nt inin .
Vrthat rttrt, co)u",n onc ,lur
la l.-.M :1 r.TZ IU;T"-v(
"iu(TiT ,uiriKi!;i tit.
. .LV.'..V " " o.1
i- ,n"..:'i'"'w'M t
i -aitw 4 Me.tH wsis T.
t-KitaUitlihir 01 JParj(jr t, na !
' e.
on sound flesh
0. R. & N.
-it is tiii:-
Shortest, Quickest,
I! ntc to nil Kii-tcrti points via. I'ltrilun.L
All Tliroimh Tickets rending over tt: is. re-ite
lire cot d viu :
Kitlt IiiKoanJ Dciivcf
Ion- Hates L very where
Ticket., on Sale al Southern I'uiilic I'll'"1
l 'lilt ,',
lieu'l. I'lissenaer Ai'eiit,
Iiril.ii.d. Ore.
! A f.i miliar mime for the Chi.n.'"1. Mil
I aaukee lv St. Paul Kailwav, known all
! oicMlie I'tiioti as the (irest K.iilasf
irunnii (. ihe "pioneer Limited" tra-'"
jeveiy ,!.;v ,;m! i,jk.t (utnecn St. Paul
I "I'd ( l.i. tiij.., und Oi.iutia and (.'liusi:
' Tl'i'otily ii.Tt',.-t tr iina in tin or!i-
I I'.ili'rstand : t'omieetituis are made
; "illi All Trans-i" ntineiitnl Lines, assur-ii's-lo
-.".ss.'iii." the ttest service kio n.
I.iis'irioiis coach.-, ficetiic ludits. "ifsm
':"st,.tfa vt-ti'v tousled 1-y no nth' '
i see tliil your ticket r-a,!s via "Tl.e
M.'.s-iiukee" wlien tnin lo ati.v point
; ill" I'niteJ Slavs nr Canada. All tick
et nc.-nts sell theiii.
! l or r.nea, iwt.pVile.s or other in'"
t ma! !;, s.itltets,
i J- W. (,' t: tv, C.J.Enuv,
Trav. I'asa. A ir. tieiteral Aent.
I SKilTLE, Wash. I'OKTLAM', ('r'
Smith' ItanilralT rumade
'"l" i'll.iiirf h-hIj. iipuii ore app'ii'3'
' on, three to six removes a'l .IsnJ"
and dl step u:.'.u rair. I'ruf
;t ad dru'.is-s. l or ssle, by s.ovi
1 i'nu Co.
I ho t.ursj o, ray. m.