Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 13, 1902, Image 3

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    1 '-HT
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Fine Cooking apples, Orange Cling and Sahvay Peaches, Capes,
Casubas, Nutmeg and Water -Melons, Ivtc.
Just Arrived Smoked Salmon, Salt Salmon, Spiced Herring:
White House Grocery,
Opposl.e (ho P. O H. C. Bobzlen, Propr.
And now is the lime to plow. If you need a
new plow call and examine our line of Oliver
Plows in both chilled and steel. Wo havo from 7 inches up to 11 inches. Wo
carry extras for all sizes of plows we sell.
Give the Oliver a Trial.
Cramer Bros.
A Good
1 .r---SL'.5'l
Sliiir lliddlo ISanlw.ire Co.
All the new styles in and Trimmed Itats that
will please in Style and Price.
Do not miss seeing them. Finer line than ever before in Child
ren's Hats and Tarns.
A Full line of the new ideal pv.leais, ix-; when sent by I ic
Mrs. J. A. RehKopf.
New Idea 10c Taper Patterns.
Grants Pass Opera House
Nov. 13-THURSDAY-Nov. 13
first time: here
uproariously funny
Fiddle Dee Dee
Gorgeous Scenic Effects .Spectacular Musical Numbers
A Kaleidoscope of Blended Ctlors
Scenery and Costumes f the Original Now York-IVoduction
will iiitcI good tackle. Our stock of
Flics, Spoons, Linos, Keels and Rods
is complete nnl we sell tho best that
can be procured. Fishermen using
our tackle ere sure to get good rcjmrts
from tho oilier end of tho line.
00 ME
I : i
j pergonal
Wwwwwwwwwwnovi wwwwwww wws"
Geo. A. Gnild of Merlin was in
town Wednesday.
W. L. Ireland made a busiuess trip
to Jacksonville on Monday.
John F. Wickham, of Galire, visited
friends iu Medford lust week.
J. L. Back of Greenback, was a
visitor to Gran's Pass last week.
R. A. Booth -of Eugene was in
town days this week on a
business visit.
Wm. bybee of Jacksonville) was iu
Grants Pass Thursday and went to
Portlaud on Fridav.
E. W. Knykendal was in town from
Wolf Creek Tuesday and Wednesday
011 a business visit.
Miss Mnmio Shasku left on Saturday
for Portlaud where she. expects to re
main for some time.
Attorney A. V.. Cameron, of Med
ford, was in Grants Pass lust week on
professional business.
D. McCarthy, the S. P. section fore
man was iu Ashland Vhursday, visit
ing Ins sou who is ill.
E. D. Weston, now of Gold Hill,
returned Thursday morning ufter a
brief visit to Grants Pass.'
A. B. Chase, of GoMville, Mich.,
visited a few days this week with
Rov. and Mrs. McDougalL
Wm. M. Colvig returned to Jack
sonville Thursday afte r a visit to this
city on professional business.
H. C. Kinney was absent several
days this week looking after business
interests iu northern Caliofruia.
Mrs. Thos. H. Tongno has been
visiting iu Jacksonville lately with
her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Retimes.
E. E. Redfleld was in town on Mon
day from Glcndalo, w here ho is en
gaged iu the railroad wood business.
E. G. Hodsou, deputy game warden,
has beeu ill .Grants Pass during the
week in tho discharge of his official
duties. .
C. B. Ensign, formerly of this
county, has returned hero from Wash
ington and intends to remain er
mauently. Mrs. Robt. McLean start, d from
Portland Monday on her journey to
Porto Rico, where tho goes to join
Mr. McLean. .
Mrs., formerly a resident of
our city, arrived hero Thursday to
remain lor a short tune looking ufter
projierty interests.
D. A. Hendricks of Lihliy, Mont.,
is visiting hero with his brother, It.
E. Hendricks. Mr. Hendricks is ed
itor of tho Libby Montanian.
Mrs. Laura Parker, who has been
visiting for several weeks in ('mints
Pass with the family of her son, Geo.
H. Parker, returned Friday evening
to her home in Portland.
Ueorgo Thornton, mi old resident of
Sisson and son-in-law of J. W. Sulla-
way, who has been working at Grants
Pass for a uumlier of months, returned
hero last week to remain. Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Qua if and fam
ily of Cedar Springs, Michigan,! ar
rived here last week and aro the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Briggs. Mr. Quaif
is 1111 experienced lumberman of Mich
igan and has come hern to locate per
manently. Both ho and Mrs. Quaif
are well pleased with southern Oregon.
Mrs. J. L. Ganlt t iitcrluim d ubout
20 of her lady friends ut her home on
Saturday, at a party given in honor of
her friend. Miss Salmson. Tho rooms
were very prettily decorated for the
occasion and -the entertainment pro
vided contained some unique and very
pleasant features, making the after
noon exceptionally enjoyable to the
friends who attended. Prizes were
won by Mrs. H. C. Kinney and Miss
Edna Parker.
The friends of Miss Mulsd Smith t
this city are pleased, though not stir
prised, to hear that slio is to represent
the sophomores of the University of
Oregon in the coming oratorical con
test at Eugene. The Oregon iati says
The sophomores of the University
of Oregon w ill b.i represented in the
local oratorical contest to le held in
Eugene iu February hy a young
woman, the class having chosen Miss
Mnliol I. Smith for this service.
Young women have stood well iu
these contests in this state during
recent years, and no doubt this young
woman will add oratorical luster to
the name of Smith and be a credit to
the class slio rcpr. seats iu the coming
Can you think of a gift mere certain
to be acceptable than a yi nr's subscrip
tion to the Youth's Companion? Is
there anyone, young or oid, who, Iciv
ing once had the .11 r in his hands
and looked through it, did nrt wish to
possess it for his very own? It is a
gift which, far from losing its fresh
ness as Christmas recede into the
past, grows more delightful, more
necessary to one's enjoyment week by
If you wish to make a Christmas
present of The Youth's Comjiuiiou,
mid the publish rs the name and ad
dress of the (person to whom ynu wish
to give The Companion, with 1.T.1,
the annual subscription price. 1 li y
will send to tho address named 1 he
Comiianion's Christmas Packet, all
ready for Christmas morning, continu
ing the Christmas numls-r, The Com
panion Calendar for JisW, lithograph
ed in twelve'colors and gold, and sub-
i ription certificate for the fifty-two
issues of r.M:l.
Full illustrated Aniiouno. meet of
the new volume for. I'.siJ will be s nt
with sample copies of the pa;, r to
any address free.
! The Youth's Companion, lllp.rke
ley unci, Huston, Ma.,
Andrew Frakes, E. L. Caw and
Adolph Geyer l,ve renitly retarned
from a bunting trip on Little Gray-
back. They were quite u c Mful,
j having the fortune to kill four ls-ar in
even days. The le-ar were of th
i black and brown varieties.
Nov. la "Fiddle Dee Dee," t Olera
Nov. IS. Relief Corjis Rummage and
handkerchief sale ut St. Kfmple
Nov. 19-3:! Madison Square Theatre
La, at Opera house one week.
Nov. it Yon Yobnson at the Opera
Nov. 27 Foresters of America Grand
BalL C)H-ra House.
Nov. 37 Thanksgiving day.
Nov. 27 Mask ball at Plucer.
Nov. 39. Ward
Tho nocturnal yell of that mis
chievous and sagacious brute, the
coyote, is no strange sound to fife
people of Grants Pass, who tire fre
quently entertained with that wild
ami weird melody, but the corporal
appearance of one t f these beasts in
side tho city limits is unsual, to say
the least. " On Tuesday morning two
largo coyoiis Mere seen chasing the
cows in what is known as the "Stur
goss pasture," in the northeastern
portion of town. The coyotes would
run one 011 each side of a cow and,
yelping and snapping, stimnlute the
territled bovine to rhec horse speed,
sending her nt a terrific rate down the
slope towards home. Tho coyotes
ran easily with long leaps alongside
the cows, not attempting to harm
them, but wero evidently having a
glorious season of fun and hilarity.
On tho approach of a man with a
gun, there wero two fleet lug streaks
of gray in the chapparral and. their;
place was vacant.
The Southern Oregon Medical asso
ciation held its semi-annual meeting
iu this city on Tuesday. Heretofore
the association has held annual meet
ing only, meeting iu May. Hero-
after, meetings are to be held semi-
'inunally, in May and November. A
very pleasant and profitable meeting
is reported by tho attending physicians
and a banquet was given nt Hotel
Josephine iu the evening.
Two lady physicians w ere in attend
ance: Dr. Maud Kreiuer and Dr.
The following physicians were
present: Dr. Woods Hub hingson,
Pol timid; Hr. Brauer, Ashland; Dr.
Ofiiecr, Eagle Point: Dr. Haritravo.
Phoenix; Dr. Pirkcl, Medford; Dr.
I'owersox, Glendale; Dr. Twitchell,
Rosiburg; Drs. Van Dyke, Moore,
Kremer, Flanagan, Smith, Flndlcy,
Maud h renter and Prettvman, Grants
The Wolf Creek Mining & Develop
ment ' ompany has a large forco at
work on its quart, and placer projier
ties. Besides four claims this cortior-
ilion has ISO acres of valuable placer
ground and splendid water riuhts 011
Wolf Crock. Much Improvement and
development work is prosecuted on
these claims, new ditches are being
dug and IIuuioh built, while three
ledges are being faced off prejiaratory
to the driving of a main working tun
Scribm r it Henderson, who aro the
owners of a phciiomcnullv rich tmr
phyry vein on V.olf creek, lately put
in an arrastro for. the more rapid
working of their or.'. Much of their
rock is profitable to work by the slow
method of panning.
I he ore is decompos e! qnart. and
porphyry, soft and easily worked
Aliotit 1.". tons per day may be run
through the arrastie.
A good audience attended the
"Hunting for Hooligan" show last
Wednesday night. The play was of
the coarser order of comedy and was
also prcni nted ilia villainously bad
manner. It was finished and the cur
tain dropped just before the disgusted
audience Imd made an entire osoaH
Aside from the coaise nature of tin
play, some of the jokes pcrpelrati d
were so aged and infirm that to we'k
them on the h:go was almost a
criminal act.
A very rich strike is nqKirted in the
Williams mining district at thequiirt.
mine which in now- under development
by Longfellow & Co. A Vein four
feet iuwidth has b;-eii uncovered in
which the rock is immensely rich
with free goM Visible in profusion,
Nothing h more appreciated by
Easterners than photographs of
Western sci in ry. 1 have a larg
uumin.r 01 umiiountei! prints or scenes
in nod li ar Giants Pass that arc
goon. 1 lat V li veneer liooklet ol views
at V) ci ii t s is also a good collect ion.
f oine hiid m lect pietiiies early.
A. E. YoorhicH.
'1 l,e l or. so is of America will give
a grand hall at the opera house on
Thursday evi-ning. Noveinlsr 2
This is the annual hall of tin
por.'-t' r, who have k a hieved iu
former years a reputation for success
ful dances. They intend the coming
occasion to be among the very lsst
of its character.
On Thursday veiling, in the
S. iciith Day Adv. nlist church,
meeting f. r prayer. In the kiiiic
jdaee, 011 Sunday, Pith inst., services
as follows: Bible school, at 1(1 ;0(l a.
m. B. V. P. V., ;::' p. in.
You nr.- iordially invited.
Robert a sli, pantor.
I'RESBYJ'EbTaN church.
There will Is- the x gular order of
l rvio at the l'n bsylcriau church
next Sunday. Rev. Robt. Leslie of
the Baptist ihureh w ill preach both
' morning and t v.-ning.
! Miss Dora Williamson from K. (.',.
M. San Jos.-. Cat is now po-jured to
' take a limited unmix r of pupils on
j the piano f irte and in theory. Res
lob nee, rd and A streets.
j The Medford flour. It is again the
: best flour on the market. Ask for it.
J That tic M. d;'., id Hour i again the
I Is st flour on the uiuiket?
local Ibappcnlnos
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Goto Corun for Plumbing.
Beautiful pictures at Thomas'.
M. Clemens, Prescription Pruituist.
See Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
Rubbers aud Umbrellas. The Sugar
Pine Store.
The steam feather renovator is com
ing to Grants Pass.
- To be ready for long evening read
ings see, Thomas' lamps.
Strobe'l's shoo rcpairiug always
pleases. Take your shoes to him.
Get a booklet of beautiful scenery
of Southern Oregon from Clevenger.
MonUrey cypress, shade and fruit
trees, berry plants etc. at Riverside
Call and Inspect the tiew line of
Garland Stoves aud Ranges just re
ceived nt Cramer Bros.
A complete line ol tne celebiatrd
Milcbell lluguies, Hacks and Wsgons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Just received a fine lino of Diamond
Rings ut Letcher's Jowelery Store.
Don't wait for tho next cold simp.
Get yonr Airtight Heater now nt
Cramer Bros.
Try Morris' Poultry Curo and Stock
food at F. H. Schmidts. No Cure-
No Puy. Freo Samples.
Curtis A Co. Watchmakers, nnd
Jewelers curry a complete stock -of
Watches, Clorks and Jewelrv. All
kinds of repairing done. All- work,
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
First class engraving donu while
you wait, at Letcher's.
Fonntait Pens Waterman's Ideal
fj.50 to (i.00 ot Cramer.Bros.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'a.
For first class Watch Repairing, go
to Letcher. All work warranted for
one year.
Cramer Bros, nre agents for Hercu
les Powder, fuse nnd caps. Call on
them for prices.
Big new line of Well Wearer Shoes
for ladies, men and children. The
Sugar Pino Store.
Plain script letters engraved on any
article 5e tier letter; OH English
letters 10c ut Letcher's.
The handsomest furniture store in
Southern Oregon is Thomas' and of
course it is iu Grants Pass.
Air-Tight nnd Garland Heaters at
Cramer Bros.
Strausky Eiiamelled-ware at Cramer
If yon want to see the best stock of
ladies' set rings iu tho city, go to
Don't fail to look over the largi
new lino of Staple Shoes at The
Sugar Pino Store.
See J. T. Taylor nt Shiver's drug
store for fruit und shado trees, berry
plants and cypress for hedge.
Jugdo Davis Brower has removed
his law olllco to his newly completed
brick building near the court house.
L. A. Strobe 1 has charge of the shoe
making and repairing dejiartnient at
the Lucus harness shop. Take your
work to biin.
Dr. W. S. Holt of Portland was here
Sunday und delivered two excellent
sermons at the Presbyterian church.
If you buy 1111 Airtight Healer of
Cramer Bros, they will deliver it in
town free of ( barge and will set it
The Catholic church of this place
is contemplating building 11 arsoiiiige
ami is making urrungements for that
Many growers think that all kind
of trees do better if transplanted 111
Hie fall. Trees for sale by J. T.
Taj lor, Riverside Nursery. 1
During November, two dozen stump
photos for 2.1 cents at Nichols' studio
opiitu Court house. Pictures takiu
on cloudy as well as sunny days.
C. A. Woolfolk went to Ashland
Wednesday for a few days visit. II.
is still quite lame us the result of
being kicked by a horse which he was
At Cli vetig. r's Photograph Gallery,
this day I'.hi-J, have received a
large assortment of Pyrogruphy woods
ami more coming. Also out Ills for
R.'iiieiuher the handkerchief and
rummage sale next week. Conn, sec
the bargains and bring the children,
there will bo some thing for theiii.
Class No. I of Bethany Presbyterian
SuiidaJ' school enjoyed 11 pleasant
socail meeting on Tuesday evening al
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
" Fiddle-Dee-Dce" js the funniest
of them all; go see the performance
and In) convinced; its bright dialogue
and catchy music will surely please
you Tor it Is clean, refined and whole
some. Dr. ('. H. Ray of Tohi has i on
tra ted with the Pacific Slat. Tele
phone (.'11. for the maintenance of a
public station at the Ray dam 011
Rogue rivr, near Tolo. The name of
the station will be Golden Ray.
C. I). Nichols Ill's . ll- lllln d the
management of the photograph gall, ry
on Sixth street opjsmilo the couit
house and o in d up for business on
Monday. He is to do all kinds of
photographic work promptly and satis
factorily. His wink saks for
. R. A. Pierce and J. H. .Smith b it
hist week for n trip to Silver Lake,
the former with a load of dried fruit,
Mr. Smith accoiiiimuying him iu the
liojsr of getting some g.iod duck shoot
ing while iu Eastern Oregon. They
W( nt by way of the Ctater Lajie route
and must undoubtedly have en
countered some quite rough weather
while crossing the mountains.
Geo. II. I fiuies, acting secretary of
the Oregon Historical society, wus iu
Grants Pass, Satuiday. Mr. lfiui. is
one of the best known men In the
state of Oregon and has friends and
acquaintances in every nook and col
n.r of the state. He is absolutely
untiring iu bis e lions for the society
and is doing a work for our slate
which will lie better appreciated iu
years to come than it is at the. present
Lowe's Madison Square Theatrical
Co. closed a successful week's engage
ment Saturday night at the Opera
House, which was crowded. The last
was one of the best in the repertoire
and elicited hearty npplanse through
out. The company made a most
favorable impression hero and, if they
return, will meet with a good recep
tion. The leading lady, Miss Mildred
Eddy, deserves special praise for her
superb interpretation of tho different
roles during the week. She became
a pronounced favorite with the
audiences, her histrionic ability being
of tl highly professional character. In
all her difficult roles she is true to
life. Oregou City Herald.
Grants liiss Opera House, Wednes
day, Nov. 19.
PANY'. Articles of incorporation were filed
in tho county clerk's office of Lane
county last week, by the Oregon Land
& Livestock Conipan.v. The principal
office of the company is Eugene, and
tho capital stock is $1,000,000, divided
into shares of $10(1 each. The incor
IKirators are R. A. Booth, John F.
Kelly and George H. Kelly.
The incorporators are all officers of
the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company,
and the new incorporation is practi
cally a scion of that company. Some
time ngo the Booth-Kelly Company
secured the vast laud grant of tho
Oregon Central Military Wagon Road
Company. A portion of that property
is west of the summit of the Cascade
mountains anil is valuable for its tim
ber, and will bo held to supply the
mill of the company.
East of the summit of the Cascades.
however, is a vast acreage in tho grant
on Which there is no valuable timber.
In order to utili.e this propcrtj-, the
Ijind Ai Livestock Comisiny was form
ed and the articles of. incorporation
cover evcrv branch of the livestock
business. It is the Intent ion of tho
company to lease or purchase other
lauds adjacent and stock tho property
with herds and flocks and put it into
a stute of productiveness.
The annual Swedish invasion is near
at htiud. Tho captain iu charge this
year is Mr. Nclse Erie ksou, who, 111
the guise of "Yon Yonsoii" will en
deavor to make all the female hearts
in the audience capitulate to his charm
of manner and rich humor. It is quite
truftj that Yon Youson litis been seen
here before, but this by no menus
makes Yon Yonsoii an old slory. In
fact, every thing in the production
this year is absolutely new, from the
actor who imis rsonates the title role,
to the wood used in the log jam. The
new Yon Yonsoii is Mr. Noise Erick
son, originally a Swedish actor, who
came to this country a short time ngo
ami having made a hit iu vaudeville
on Broadway was immediately engag
ed to play the part of Yon Yonson
this year- It bus been stated that Mr.
Nelse Erickson brings to the character
of You Yonsoii the charm which J. K.
Einmett possessed iu Frit, and W. J.
Scmilnii gave to Myles Aroon.
At the OjK'ra House, Monday, Nov
ember 21.
Prof. Montague and his wonderful
lroiio of Australian Cockatoos 1110 in
town and will open Thursday next ut
the building just vac ated hy the Grants
Pass Banking it Trust Co. The Cock
atoos are not. d as being most marvel
lous Iu their pel fot manccs ami have
had most favorable comment nil along
the Hue . Spe ial attention will be
given for tin,' comfort, of ladies mid
children, seats buing provided., for all.
The opportunity of seeing this unique,
refined exhihi' ion of intelligence dis
played bv these birds will no doubt
hi. taken advantage of hj all who ap
preciate the perfect ion of training,
combined with pal ieuee mid humanity.
'm During the last pait of the week
our section was visited by a drenching
r.iiu which continued with unusual
persistence for several days. The
iii.Tcasiil flow ill the larger creeks
enabled some of the placer mini s to
begin piping. As it was the first
really heavy rain of Hie season, how
ever, the greater part of the water
weul to saluiitlo the ground and has
increased the Mow of the streams very
little. The text ruin will start the
giant to wm 1. all over the count rj'.
The rain ha been warm and not un
pleasant ; such as delights the heart
of I he It lie weliloof.
L. A. IV. He., of A'hland, w ho has
been spending (In. summer at his
ranch, at I 011 K! una was brought
home on Saturday, after a two days'
hard mountain trip, the victim of a
gnu an id' nt that may deprive him of
his sight. He was testing 11 new
Winch' , ti r lit!", I'M'.') caliber, and,
after filing one shot, he nin d llie
. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r lo uiop in another earn idge.
'111.' shell, for some n, did not lit,
and in 1111 all' to force it in it ex
plod, d it'i.t l.-w lulu-ill'. Clans' eyes,
wounding them most painfully. He
was s.-ut to the hoi-pital at Port land.
Tic night s. In 1 1, und' r the manage,
lie lit of Prof. F. E. Young, was re
op. red 011 Monday evening of this
Week. Ti.'' r. hool will III! Ill 1.1 Oil
thr veniugs of i ai h week; Mon
day, Wedie day and Friday. The
studies are those ll'eessarj' to a
thorough business ed'ieatiou and the
night s. hool gives nni-oit milky lor
edu.-atioii in that line to those whose
employment would preclude attend
mice at the sessions of a day schisd.
B. (i. Magnon, representing Allen
& Gilbert Co., of Portland und Sail
Francisco, has op. in d a music store
in the I. O. O. F. Rldg., with a full
line of pianos, organs, sheet music
and small musical goods. The prices
will Is' same as in the city. Cull and
examine for yoursi If. Old instrument
taken ill exchange.
The Grunts Pas Banking it Trust
Co. have removed their pla f busi-
m ss to tic '1'utl i block, comer Sixth
mid II street s.
Sixth and
0 The
Men Deal Here?
The best dressed men . throughout this locality ' buy
their clothing at this store every man who wishes the best comes
to us sooner or later.
' There are several reasons "why."
Here In reason Ko. I.
Schloss Bros., & Co.,
tho ''Best clothing in tho
assortment of their mako of
Harth (& Son
high grade
clothing and furnishings
Sixth and II Streets, Grants Pass, Oregon.
Governor T. T. Goer has appointed
the following delegates to tho Oregon
Irrigation Association mooting that
will bo held in Portland November
lHtli aud lot li :
Baker county, George Chandler
and I. Bobbins.
('rook, A. O. Palmer.
Gilliam, 0. A. Denueniall.
Grunt, Wm. Hull.
Harney, II. O. Levins.
Jackson, Henry Ankony.
Josephine, J. W. Virtue
Klamath, J F. Adams.
; Ijike, Virgil Conn nnd C. A. Coggs
well. Malheur, Edw. Test and W. R.
Multnomah, E. E. Young, 0. M,
Idlemnn, A. F. Sears, Sr.
Morrow, C. A. Minor.
Polk, J. D. Lee.
Sherman, D. O. Ireland.
Union, W. T. Wright.
Umatilla, W. J. Furnish and 8. A.
Wallowa, J. A. Burleigh.
' Wasco, J. N. Burgess.
Wheeler, Charles Hilton.
State Engineer, Georgo Lv Dillnmu.
Alabama William W. Jelks, Dem.
California George C. Piifdco, Men.
Colorado .lames if. Peabody, Rep.
Connecticut Admin Chtiiiihcrlulu,
Idaho John T. Morrison, Rep.
Kansas-Willis J. Bailey, Rep.
Massachusetts John I Bates, Rep.
Michigan Aaron T. Bliss, Rep.
Minnesota SnuMiel R. VanSnirt, Rep
Nebraska John H. Mickey, Ken.
Nevada John T. Sparks, Dem.
New Hampshire N. J. Booholilcr,
New York Benjamin 11. (Moll, Rep.
North Dakota Frank White, Rep.
Pennsylvania S. W. Pi nnypaekor,
Rhode Island U F. C. Gurvin.Deni.
South Carolina D. C. Hey ward,
South Dakota J. N. Ilerrlcd, Rep.
Tennessee J. D., Dem.
Texas S. W. T. Laiiliani, Dem.
Wisconsin Rolsrt M. I-uKollette,
Wyoming Del'orrest Richards, Rep.
That rollicking success, Weber &
Fields Fiddle Dee Dee will come to
the l)s'ru bouse for one night Thurs
day, Nov. Pith. This clever bur
lesque will undoubtedly attract much
attention from the lovers of mirth,
melody and horse play, as there Is
much variety iu Fiddle Dee Dee. The
most coiisi rvativo persou will find
some thing to his fancy, for it abounds
with comedy, of the typo that keep
vou going from the rise to the full
of the curtain, while the music is very
catchy aud there is plenty of it.
There lire a numlsT of specialties
which will bo introduced in the
niece and one of the most attractive
Is ing a cornet solo by Miss Irene
Franklin who is easily the best lady
com, list Iu this country. There are
three German comedians, a Hebrew
id. rl .in beautiful ifirls whoso work
will idea, vou beyond a doubt.
In the iiiettr dances that will be
presented, are the Sw iss dance, the
Rosy Posy bullet, the pretty Molly
Shaiinau chorus and "Come Back my
Honey Boy to uie," sung by Miss
Jessie M.sire and the entire chorus.
This isipular burlesquo ran lor one
whole voir iu New York, six months
at the Paii-Ameriiaii ExK)sillou and
Ut s'iformaiices at Fisher's Theatre,
.. Vrancisco. from where it comes
hern direct, making a Pacific coast
Superintendent Lincoln Savage will
hold a teachers local institute at Mer
lin on Saturday, Nov. 22. An In
tcrestlnir urogram has been arranged.
In tho evening au eutertalumoutaud
ho. luius r will be given at McCou
nell'shall, the proceeds to be applied
for tho purehaso of au orgau for the
& SON,
H Streets.
Jest Dressed
Wo havo tlio widost showing
6f "up-to-tho-latcst" styles. Dif
ferent men havo different taBtes
require difleicnt styles to suit
their different characteristics
that's whero our wide stylo-'
rango comes in
A man can get from us just
tho kind of clothing that makes
him look his best.
of Ualtimoro aro makers of
world" wo have a splendid
garments. - . .,
Tho Christinas (December) Number
ot Tho Delineator is also the thirtieth
anniversary number. To do justice to
this number, which lor beauty and
utility touches the highest mark, it
would bo necessary to priut the en
tire list of contents. It is sufficient
to state that iu it the best niodoru
writers and artists are generously
represented. Tho book contains over
f.V) pages, with 8-1 full-page Illustra
tions, of which 20 are iu two or mora
colors. Tho magnitude of this Decem
ber number, for which 728 tous of
paper and six tons of ink have been
used, may be understood from the fact
that Ul presses running 14 hours a day,
havo been required to print it; the
binding alone of the edition of 915,000
copies representing over 20,000,000
sections which hud to bo gathered
Individually by human hands.
BROWN DEVINE In this city,
Moiulay, NuveuilH.r 10, 1903, Oliver
S. lirowu aud Miss bliznbetli It.
ISHAM in this city, Friday, Nov. 7,
J902, to Mr. ami Airs. J. Al. Isliam, ,
a son.
NEFF At tho Greenback miao, Fri
day, Nov. 7. r.K2, Wm. Netr.
Mr. NcfT's death was the result to
au internal injury, caused by what
was thought at the timo to be a
trifling hurt, fioiu a slip and fall
from a ladder a few day previous.
He has been employed at the Green
back for years ami was esteemed for
bis exemplary habits and worthy
diameter. The Odd Fellows
fraternity of which he was a member
took charge of the remains. The
funeral was held lu this city on Sun
Mrs. Cl"venger Is uow prepared, to
give Instructions In Pyrogruphy work;
those wishing to l.arru this beautiful
art of homo decoration should call eu
aer. ;
1K0 acres; 10 atres lu finest fruit; 90
teres under fence and cultivation,
jlfakTa aud clover, water for Irriga
tion. Good two story dwelling etc.,
good stock range. Address Box 11
Wotslvillo, Oregon.
Wanted A lciise and bond on a
Xioup of gold prosis'cts with a good
ore showing. Send full particulars
mil price to J. W. Winwood, Drexel
Hutlding, Philadelphia, Pa.
By man and wife, place to cook in
mining camp. Experienced. Ad
dress, stutiug wages, G. A. Enldcrton,
Ashland, Ore.
Dress making and plain sewing by
the day. Inquire of Mrs. R, Dis
lirow, Uth streot, west of brick yard,
Four or five room house in good
condition; statu lowest cash price.
Address box 20. (i rant a Pass.
Ijirge aud sunny front room for
rent; central locution. Enquire at
this office.
100 Wood Choppers.
Inquire of
Dunbar & Kuykcndall,
Wolf Creek, Oregon.
nrt -. w -!.' A TT. TlATVTVVTrTV
. -m- 1 - tlTltl 1 .