I m III a kJ .r .a.aJ II FT VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS, JOSErHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 190a. No. 51. DIRECTORY JosEi'lirsK t J iKlge Commissioner!! .. Clerk Deputy Clerk Kheritt Deputy tilierill... Treusurer rx-bool upi AsseuNor Surveyor ..... Coroner iOUNTY OFFICERS. J. O. Iloolll I John Wrlli. 10. F. Lovelace .11. I., liitrlletl T. P. Juilwn Geo. W- Lewis Krnest Lister J.T.Taylor Lincoln Savace I'lian.it'row H C. Pcrkiiw WW. Kremer CITY OFFICEUS. Mayor W. F. Kremer Auilitorand Police Juiige R. L. Iyi Treasurer Col. W. Johnson ( ity Attorney c. K. Muyhee Marshal JOIin Lockhnr.tt Street Ut John Patrick Coum ilnien li. II. Ilium A. ('. llouirh, J. H. Williams, c. fc. Ilurmoii J. A. lichkoiif. Will 1'. hniuli, Herbert biniih, lienry sk-bniiilt FRATERNAL 80CITIES. Grams Pass I. mice A. F. it A. M., No. W. reiiiilarcoiiimiinicat.on lirst anil third Saturdays. Vi.iimiic brothers cordially inviteil. II. c. lioui.KS, W. M. A J. I'ikk, Sec'y. Royal An it Masons -Reaiues Chapter No. lis meets second and fourth Wednesday ..iiiiiii nun. i 1.. j fcWKI.L, J. E. PKThKso.t, Secy. H. P Eastern Htnr Josephine Cbapter, No. 2ii menu iirsr, ana mini rveiiueMinv evenings of each month in Masonic hall. Mhs. tl. .OLi.t K. .Mks. Assa M. Holman, W. M. free'y. I. O. O. F., -liol.len Rule Lodge No. "it, meets every Salunluy ninlil at 1. I). O F. hall. C. II. M wuiHALL, T. Y. Dfan, Secy. N. ti. Paran Encampment I. (). ). F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at 1. (I. I'. F. hall, Fur.u Scumiiit. T. Y. Kkat; Sec'y. CP. Rehekahs Etna Rehekah, No 4!l, meets second and fourth Mondav, I. O. O. F. ball. Mae 'Davis, N.O. Ki.hik OiiKKN, Secy. I'nited Artisans (irants Pass Assembly No. -til, meets alternate Ttie-davs in A.O. C. W. null. F. E. Wr.Ki.. FiiKt) Mks.-cii, Master Artisan. Secy. Woodmen of the World linue ltiier t'ump No. iV, meets sH'oud and fourth Fridays at Woodman Hall. II. V. Mkahr. C E. Myrke, Consul ( oinmander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft A.alea Circle, No. ltvi, meets lirst and third Mondays at Woodmen ball. L. Mv Davis, 0. N. W. E. Dkan, Clerk. Modern Woodmen of America tirants Pass Camp No. sjhjT meets 2ml and 4th Wednes day hveninirs at Woodmen hall at ('has. II. Marshall, V. C. N. Rej nobis, Clerk. . Foresters of America-Court Josephine No. 28, meets each Wednesday except the tirst, ai A. O. V. W. ball. J. I'. 11AI.K, C. It. (I. N. Holt, F. S. Josephine l.odt;e. No. 112, A. O. V. W. meets in A. O. I'. W.liall, IJU011 build ijiir every Monday evening. J. II. M.Aix, M. W. II A. tTAKAiin; Recorder. Hawthorne I.uuVe, No. 21, I), of H.. A. (I. l. W. -lneets evenr alternate Tuesday evening in A. O f. W. ball, Dixon builUiini. Mas. A. MuCauthy, Mrs. Lvdia Dean, C. ui II. Recorder. Knielits o( the Macculiees (irants l'a-s lent. No. IS meets lirst anil third Thursdays at Woodmen hull. Will. Alfred, s D. Siovai.I., Record Keeper. Commander. Ladies of the Maccabees-tirants Pass, llivu No IN holds regular "Reviews" lirst and third Thursdays at A. (). L'. W. hull. Visiting sisters cordially iirvited. Jennie Cheshire, Mary rMiiimons, Lady Commander. Record kicier. KniuJits of Pythias Thermopylae No. 50, meets each Tuesday nieht 7:.'iO I. O. O. F. hall. J. T. Chuusse, Tom W11.1.IAVS, C. C, k. ol It and 8. (irand Armv of the liepulilic Hen. Lopan 1'u-l .Vi! meets nrsi Wednesday at A. t). L. W. ball. J. E. Peterson. A lie Axtei.i , Adjt. Com Anierium Order of Steam liiK'ineers, Ore gon Council No. I, meets hr-t and third Saturdays, at A. o. l:. W. bad. W. H. Kesey, I'.ekj.' F. Mvxn K, t hiel l-.iifineer t orrespuudiug Engineer. Order of Pernio White RockCouiuil No liJi, meets in A. O. I'. W. Hail lirst and third Friday nights, C. E. Mayiif, Secretary. Ea ISklcii kb. Counselor. I'nited Itrotherbond of Carpenters and joiners ol Ameri.a I'liiim No. Ills meets second and iolirth Thursdays ol each month at A. o. C. W. Hail J. E. Wikihan, Pres. D. A. Fitzherai.i, Sec'y, A. C. HOUGH, ATTOK.NEY-Al' LAW, ir'.uesir. all Stale and Ki l. '"I Conn 1 ! over I irst Nanuna! listnk. tiKAsrs Pass, OftUUuN. C. PERKINS, U. S. DKPL'TY MINERAL SURVEYOR, IRANTS Taiw, (IKEiK'X. N. E. MgGKEW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY rtirnimre and l'iano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Path room in connection 'Z ' --SWl HAIR BALSAM rT.'1vyc KSer-' r 1 -A . V ? Ti' W - " . c I u ... , 11. rotu.ru! Ce.c J.M.CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE V TARLEWARE Fine Rutter Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full assortment of Watohes, Clocks, Sil verware and Jewelry. A Uood Assortment of ItraeeleU! anil Heart Bangles, Clement' Drug Store. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS.S- Fuonk 2 ' r-i . F-1323 A Fine Assortment of Boss Cases at LETCHER'S The Jeweler. Grants Pass Banking k Trust Co. l'All I P CAPlTAIi STOCK Transacts a General I'.iinkin Imsiness. 1'pceiviM di po.-ils Mil.ject to check or on demand certilicntes. tllir Cll'.toliicis are a-.lred of coorleoiM trcRtiitenf n,l .,.Ar,. .,,,,1.1..11,,,, i.stent with sound lutiikin principles. Safety depoMt Iwxes for rent. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, l'eceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand, Hells snht drafts on New York San Krancinco, and rortland. Telenrnphic transfers uold on all points in the United States. Special Attention (iiven to Collections and general business of our customer. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. 1!. A. BOOTH. I'res. J. C. C'AMi'llKI.I,. Vice Pres. 11. 1.. (JII.KKY, Cashier. MAUHLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. b. I'ADIOCK, Fkoib. I am proixred to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind of MAIU'l.E or GRANITE. Nearly tbii ty jears of experience in tbe Marble business warrants my saving '.bat I can till your orders in the very best manner. Can furnish woik in Scotch, Swede or American Grande or any kind cf Maible. J. Ii. PADDOCK, Front firreet. Next to Greene' Garhni. COLUMBIA DiSG-- Mmdm In Nina $15,t$20 i $30 The best Disc Machine on the Marketer Entertains everybody Everywhere Uses Flat Indestructible Records which can be handled vllhout danger of being Injured 10-inch jni; The CRAPHOPHOSE and C0LIMBIA RECORDS were awarded the CRA.SD PRIZI at the PARIS EXPOSniON of 1900 Columbia Phonograph Co,, 2i Geary. Street, SAN TRANC-SCO, CM lOR. SALE BY W. A. PaddocK, Grants Pass, Ore. - FOR OLD AGE To the old, as to babies, the even balance of health is more important than anything else in the world. The possible health, in age, is not high and strong ; it is only even. There is no end, but death, to the trouble that comes of its loss. It ought to be watched like a baby's. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil for very old and very young in different ways is the food to secure this even health. We'll send you 1 litdc to try, If you lik. SCOTT & UOW.NE, 409 Pcrl Mrtcl, New York Buy Your School Books and School Supplies ... ot M. Clemens RELl.U'.l.K DRITUtUST, Orange Front, Oppo. Opera House. NOW OPEN NICHOLS ART GALLERY opposite Court House. All kinds of Hitili-liradit I'iloluirapliic work lon at reasonable prices. Devel oping rml linisliinK for amateura. See our Leader: One dozen Half Cab inet, mounted on elaborate oval cauls, tu.oo. 92,t,O00.00. J. KKASK WAT.SON, TreM. K. A. 1IHOT1I, Vice-l'res, I.. L, JEWKI.L, Cashier. $50,000 OO. ! ffM mailing at The reproduction arc LOUD, CLEAR BRILLIANT 7-ioch Record 50 cent each S3 per dot Record SI each ; $10 per dor. t'Ol'NTY C'OCliT rROCEUlHNOiS. Following aie the proceedings o( tbe Josephine county court at lbs ad journed October lerm: Howl of W 11 Fallen, county assessor elect, uppn vej. Coml oi V F Kremer, coroner, ap proved. C I Crane, appointed road super visor of road district No. 9, in Lucky Queen prcrnct. Y llaibaay appointed justice of tbe peace or Selma precinct to All vacancy. In tbe mailer of the publication of the delinquent tax roll for I be year 1901. the co.-.trict wa lot to tbe ROOVK. KiYLH Coi'ltlKit for publication. In the mailer ol bridge petitioned for over the east folk ol llie Illinois rivtr by the Waldo Sineltitn; A Milliiijl Co , it is ordered that C V Lnvel:ic on part of the county eou'er with T vValti Mop csn loaper 01 tne iV M company and P. 11. Ilii.wli of llie board of trade and to in-pul tie prniostd site, and it is further 01 d r d that if conditions wa r.iut the building nf said bridge C, r. l.ovilace is beieny authorized lo construct said biidge on part uf die county. In ibe matter of improving the wajnn run I between (iranls l'ass and aii!, it appeaiiii); tliHt Ibe Cliicens aloiiL' said road are desirous of an ap- proiirialinn being ma le by tbo countv lor this purpusn and are ready to sub serine to such fund, it is ordered by the court that tbe county will appropriate an imieuut equal to what may be ra'sed l v subu'riptiot, but reserves the priviltgt- ot appointing stiitablo person lo m 11' r i 11 1-lid l!m expenditure of such money Ti e report of I ieo. V. Lewis, sbetiir, bnwing tbe amount o( taxes collected and tbe aim unt lemaining due and unpaid examined mid a pioved. It was further ordeied ih it the said sl erill proceed to ollect tbe ilelintpient tax by advertisement und fule, said tale to take place not later than Dec. 2;Uh. 1U.I2 IIU.I.S AI.LOWKI). II rnlun, board prisoners. ... $ 70 HO A ,1 tiiimes Im ill 1 11 g, sand 8 ill) lilass A l'rudlinmme, stationery. (I (si Clive Major, 2 insane exam 10 00 Cl've Msjor, med alteiidanee pris. 20 00 A Morris, wood court bouse U'J IK) rbos Koades, work in road dist. No. 14 14 00 12 00 4 611 I fit) II 00 T2 00 ro 3 f,0 1 40 17 4ii 5 00 43 M 17 On 2 00 '.' 70 2 M) ft 2d 57 .10 6!) Ti l 1' VY Hudson, work in load dist No. 11 I, V Tope, wood, pauper A I) llonck " " Kinney & Truax, uidso. pauper. ,1 II Miller, C C 1'resley, state laie, pauper. , t) Hootli, moiey advanced pjuper Niuieke A Stilb, mdse pauper... J M Miiiowan, ' "... Smith llros. nidse punier 8 1' 1) ik 1, Co, lumber (leo if Hums, repairing south end It K bridge I'acilic States Tel At Tel Co. tele phone service S Norton, sprinkling street Iront court bouse Iliinnii A llnrinoii, livery hire. . . 1 Prince, w ,rk read disl No. II I' I' A I. Co, lumber, bridge. . S 1' 1' A L Co, lumber, court house Ii 11 Kindle, special ecrviceiis constable 7 00 ISO 2f 2 :n 2 Utl 41 oil 10 no Mrs K Almy, tare and board pauper Marv K Leonard, leg electors Alth'iiise precinct .1 W l illin.m. hauling gravel .. O as A l'rudhomiiie, blank books and stationery S Moore; autopsy body II Sclioubacbler M Jeter, conveying pauper :i 00 Colvig, tax rebate d oiibla BHIM-bf nitwit Ctm Crow, iivt4CMorH .Nov. Ift 2 00 sal to 215 00 :;u on 12 110 M 50 12 Do 22 HQ I I W II Ml 3 Ji'i a:ii"?;, 242 .')(' 12 4n 77 ; 20 5'. M 21 50 1 on 1 Oi Mm (.'han ( row, aHt. mi !x mil jluM l'r iHllmniHK', blank trooks I- V ilni,vrtti( work on hritlyw Juror ft-t'H, jijfue court, Krrby. . W itrtf-r Ifi-ri, jintic court, Kirhy K K Mficsn'sr, justir Ichb.... . ChiiH V Hurt , countable fees Hair -liiMlt ilnrhvnru Co rixlrio Juror im. S-pt l't )1 truit'ircuit court Wit i s tve lirantH I'a-n N V I. .t I' Co , wa'cr liyM VV ! K ttMiier, jfit inor! m fxmn i V l,f win, litu ifi hi Hii k (irow to r-f r u ('houl C 1! Ma tif-f , jus'HM f 4' I ( K '-in die, count bt( fti'i. . . , . It n j Kv.ina, wit. fra .Mormi I'owfii, wit. fie,.. Uffun nj.'rvr, priutiinf I0I I.Htcr, btarl (.ricoi.crH J H I', tl-"M, Caff (Irlllt-TH . .... 1.1 oil m u, 111 7L' i ifo II 'ar-(, w!c iii ro i tlit N'. I J I n;e, 2 infant, exam . . . . (I .Vl II) II I 0 DO C) I -.-I , el' mate (in t K: (pic 'TllTN I. in- t V.'lll. I 1. cor in lei -. ( nr. I rk 1 . U'tn llukiv . 111 l."i.g l.one .1-11 iV,t ti ui 0i Ii Do !l 0l M M 4S M0 1 Ol oO isi 11 -o 44 00 30 !(-ri 41 :;o iia 1 to w ii.'i im 2 "id 27 0(1 .lilrur ie s. W K Krenier, cor fees " " (; V. M lylee, j n. Ices, ''i'e cs-es I (; Handle, con. fees " " Wdneiei Ices, stall' i hvi-i, Ada-ii Winter, vek III. bridge ain iwer-, ' '' " J a'Loner, " " " Win lliil1, " " " : ,.i ' " A r loir K( icl-1"!!! ' " " II S W.coc, luru " " . (' K l.uve'ai e, S'lpt '' ' K K'lck-'.n, ors " " t-'rank Mirali, a irlt " " J V f,le. UuIac bridi-s t If cbiiiidt, mdse bridge, )I t.'leineiis, loiUe paiiiiera I.iiicjI'i .ava'e, tt.taiiii.is Hotel JoKephiiie, b-iard jtiry in Clntlin ca-e Trimble its , biicksmiibin. John i-lte, oi esin bridges J d n Welis, c Til. sal and lliilu C I I.ove'ai-e, coin sal. and milarfe Court adjo hiis linn die. 27 .VJj b4 lis ; 7 M .'l On it r, 12 00 111 til b On i-lKi: Cl'ltK rwK.I'H.Ke'. Itching 1'iies produce moisture and raui-s ivliing. This form, aa well as lilinl, llhuliiig or Protruding Piles are cured !r. ISo-tan ko'i Pile Kemedr. Sli. it liing and bicrditig. Ab-oibs tumors. l( ajir at Druggists, or sent t.y mill. Trca'i-e free. Writ me aljijiit our casi. Iir. I'jsanko, Philada, I'd. K"r sale by V. p. Kremer. lo ( urr m ( old In a Pay- Tii.( UuiHf Ilroino (Jniinne Tai.lcU. e Itite Ilroino toiinne Tai.lct. All drni(i.'u refund tb money if il falls locure. K. W. Ororu's tignalure u on COFFER ELECTRCil ORES. L'ol. J. S. Crawford, who 18 at present fiTfUis city aud owucr of tbe celebrated Cleopatra Copjier claims of IV! Norte comity, Cal., is one oft be lending geologists of tbo coast He also Klongs to a group of prominent piouoers wbo blazed tbo Western trails, and most of whom have gone to claim their Great Howard. . J. S. Crawford was bom in Ediu borough, Scotland, over 70 years ago. In 1S37, when bnt a small lad, ho came with his parents to Philadel phia, where tbe family remained and wbero young Crawford received his I education. He graduated from the University of Pcuusylvania and ser ved timo with tbo English Engiiucis at tbo closo of the war When interviewed by a Courier representative and asked concerning his war record, the Colonel's eyes sparkled with pleasure at the thought. Ho has a record of which he 11111V well fiol proud. "1 eon hi spend days doing nothing bnt telling my exper iences ns a soldier and scout" said he, "but I dnu't want to weary you with that. I have fought in 21) battles mid hi'cn 111 11)1 skirmishes mm curry a number of bullet scars ns a mtuuetito and reminder of those days on the Western border. I havo fought und worked with "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Bill Ilirkock, and Bill Ingram. I was with Pollard iu the cleuniivg out of tbo North Bark Divide, up in Dakota. I have mined in all of the priut'iiial districts from the lireal Lakes to central Old Mexico and all of the camps of the Western states. " Col. Crawford is a member of the Geological Survey at Washington and of tbo North England Federa tion of Newciistle-On-Tyne. Ho was ordered by the late President SIcKin ley to go to tbo Philippines and make geological investigations for the Sur vey at Washington, but could not ac cept the trust because of his age. Col. Crawford was the discoverer and is the manager of tbe Cleojuitra group of copjier olectruiu claims in the Diamond creek district of Del Norto county, Cal., which are attract ing wide-spread attention. It is re garding this discovery that Col. Craw ford delights to talk, it being the re sult of many years hard work, close observation and deep study. 'I havo niado the forces of elec tricity and magnetic cnrrenls. my study since tbo work of .blazing trails and righting Indians ended. Copper electruni as defined by Dana, and for which I have been searching many years, I havo found in quantity in Del Norte county, California. This metal, or combination of metals, is an alloy of copper, gold, silver, .inc and iron. These ehi'trnm ores are found running along stratifications of asbes tos and following tbo courso of the Gnat Copper Pole which extends fioni Mr. Shasta to Northern Alaska. Ill Northern California, where these stratillcalions are most prominent, Im- Ing nearer tbo surface, they have un til recently been known as volcanic erupt inns. This I do not find to be the case. Their apiHarance in this regard is duo to the radiations of electric currents along the Great Copper Pole, which has resulted in tbo total loss of all lead, next the loss of metallic iron or nearly so as the remaining values of this are never nioro than i) per cent leaving copper as a ba.so and gold and silver as an al- loy. 'Veins of copper elect rum ores I Hud to begin in Del Norto county Cal. j they follow the course of the (ireat Cops'r Pole, duo north into Josephine and Curry counties of Southern Oregon, continuing in this courso to tbo gold lit Ids of Alaska. Further north we flint the base 1111 till to lie a low grade gold n ilh an alloy of copper, silver und zinc, the forum tiou of Hie gold being ut-rinl mi tri or less by the principal alloys. Going still farther north lo the del tas of Alaska and in tin Itiissiiiu Is lands, which were at nue time 11 range of volcanic mountains, tbo gold tinds aie to be cast up iu the shape of j chlorides mid are washed tipoiilhe bi aclies and changed iu shars- mid form by tin- action cf I he kh. In lln-i-ian Siberia tin same ci ndiiioiii. exist. "In tiled' last tin n t : i .in 1 1 di,iiiit; of tin' far north, beyond the .i ii-i'in of the (ifnat Coip'-r Pole, the ei.luli tious fonnd are volcanic Tlioso (f N i u 1 1 1 i-r n California and Soullnrn Oregon have been tailed such, but they urn not. I find nothing of u volcanic nature in them,- but I do find distinct runs brought about by electric fusion powers and changed from one condition to another funn ing deosits known as clei-trtim. Kb-ctrniii is a dull red, tough, dm tile metal. It is inulleable and susceptible of a remarkably fine finish. It can be cut easily with a chisel, but it will not break. Klectrnm will be n.fiil in the arts fur nmnv liiinna l,,,i in. juiiiciiai iimi will imi IOUI1I1 111 eleetrolTpilig. It is far ts-tter than Ibe mechanically made metals being used for this pursmc, ns eleetruin is min d by nature and is therefore per fect. It is worth from t,2 lo fl, Ml j-r ton. As an additioii to the arts I regard it as aomething new and valuahlo. "Idoiintwi.il to bo undersKssl as cbrated and far-famed Iron miiuiituin cops r ilium were lirst sold fi r an irmi mint' ; they were licit sold fur a silver mine; and now tin y Mr .in(( woim-ii as cops r nniU'S and hs such thev have no iser on tin: natst. i-roni iriin 11 call ne wen thai exjs-rts are not always correct In their con- lusions, and it g(s to show how lit- , tl - tin y do know aUnit some tilings. I iiese sirint es.rt have cal I'd mo a 1 "rank" mi this subject ofwbtiliJ - biiv studied long and faithfully, mid k bile tin y mar doubt my com In.ii n l now, tln ri. will Ihi a tune. I l li, vi.. a Ho V will Is- fon-, .1 I., ml, nil that there was rturno froth in what Jask Craw for said after all " Column j The ivgular meeting of the W. C, T. U. will bo held'at tho home of Mrs. K. A. Wade, Nov. 21, at 3:30 p. m. to Fiorrr the liquoh kvil The live days' meeting of tbe Society of Friends Oct. 2T, at their closing session, issued tbo following call to all tho Christian churches: " Wo are conlidcnt In tho belief that the consensus of opinion in tho pro fessed Christians of our land is op posed to tho evils of tho liquor traftic, and wo find a want of co operation iu practical effort to give effect to this opinion, because none of the prop ositions heretofore made bus met the approval of the general judgment of Christian people. Wo rccogni.o that this is the case In our own body, nnd we believe that it is likewise true of others. As a result, (he church exerts far less iiitluence than It should to prevent tho evils produced by this great cause of poverty ami crinn and which also is a most serious obstacle to tbe spread cf the llospol. "We are deeply impressed with the conviction that an earnest effort ihould hu made to ascertain in what way Christians can expect any united iiitluence ill this cause, nnd by what means they may work together. ' I'p- ou what proposition c:cn wo obtain a practical agreement. Wo ' frankly confess (but we are not competent to solve tho problem, but wo boliove that by united inquiry nnd a pravciful seeking or divine enlightenment, with a willingness to approach tbo subject with no open mind, tho united church may liml it way by which we can serve Ibe cause of Christ and tho good of mankind in seeking tho ultimate liiniiialinii of this stupendous evil. "We then ore invite the governing bodies of the various dcuominal ions of Christians iu the I'lilted States to appoint delegates Iu represent them in a conference to bn held in tho c i I V of Washington, to begin on the second Wednesday of March in tho year lUOfl. Tho decisions of this conference should be reached only iu practical uuauiinity, and therefore it is un necessary to indicate any limit to the promised representation. Wo issue this invitation with an bumblo reali zation of tbo suiaUucHS of our body as compared with ninny others, but wo do it under a (Im p sense that this duly has been laid upon us, aud thai Oud will use the proposed instru mentality for the accomplishment of great good to mankind and for the glory of His nuinn. " Tbo proclatnal ion names a com mittee to represent the church at (he proposed meeting. IvNOi'KI'll) tilJI C. O. 1). I.liJl.'ull si.i:. The Iowa Supremo Court has re versed two trial couils iu Iowa on the piestion uf the e. o. d. liquor sales by express companies. The holding of the court prevents the express com panies from handling liquor c. o. d., ami makes such gotuls contraband an liable to seiiim If found ill the possession of the companies. Tim court holds that the privilege of origi nal packages or freedom of interstate commerce diss not apply to a business of this chutactcr. FISH I. AW KXTUACTS. V.. (i. Hudson, deputy gainii war den, bus In i n iu (llanls Puss several days during the past week iu the i r formauce of bis ullicial duties. There are cerlaiu portions of the Oregon llsh laws which he desires lo be called to the attention nf our local fishermen and wo subjoin a few extracts which regulate trout fkln'm in this slate. S.c. vs. Trout : It shall be unlaw ful for any u to lake-cul'tli, kill or have in piis.-essinu any limit, except Miliiiou trout, during tin- mouths nf November, Dei enil.er, ifuniiaiy, Feb ru.ny and M.iVch of any year; nnd it shall be unlaw ful fur miy person to take, catch, kill or l.ao in possession il any time, miy trout, char or salmon le-i than hvc inches in liiigth; and it shall be lllllliAflll for nny pi I ami tc take, can Ii or kill at any lime, in the wall is of tins . late, i,i, In, in l,y nny means vhntii.r except wiih book and line : and nny in n Ii .hii.g w lib hunk liml 1 1 in v. bn, 1. 1 .i it lilting the same, shall I in! any in i.t, char or salmon of li -i than Inn inches in length caught or eiilanfl'd t hereon, shall iiiinn diati-iy, with cam and the least possible llijiuy lo tin- lish, disentangle aud h t loose ihit same and transmit the lish In the water without violence. Sec. 2'.). Salmon trout: ll shall be unlawful to take, laldi or kill any .ilinori trout by any un aim whatever, except will, b,,i,l. ami line, or to lish THE OLD RELIABLE m mmm Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE 1 . '.v3V4i Thomas Christmas Gifts It may seem early to talk Christmas, but we have had so many inquiries as to when our Christmas Goods would be on display that we are compelled to sav something. This is pre-eminently the store in which to buy gifts. People are finding that out, and that's one reason they want to be first and get the choice. Our lines this year will far sur pass anything ever attempted in Southern Oregon. Hook Cases, Desks Somo Couches and Lounges. $30 down to tho best couch for tho least money you ever saw. ' . . Pictures Tho picture- and framing department is full of tlio very lost in art goods, both framed and un earned. Don't put off tho flaming of that picture ho long. Can't you let us have ' it now when wo'ro not so hurried as wo will bo later? Wall Papers A look over our assortment is suro to plcaso tho most critical. 10 Chinawarc. Tho lino this vc-nr is especially trood in tho way of tho usoful a a woll as tho ornamental, light weight artistic goods. Cups and Saucers from 10c up. Carpets full of eleganco and wortli from 25c to $2. Wo show tho largest assort ment in Southern Oiegon. Rugs, (i()c to $20 Linoleum saves scrubbing and backaches. Lace Curtains, 50c to $0. Clocks Somo most beauti ful designs at surprisingly low prices. Ask to soo our Cathedral Gong J and 1 hour striko Mantel Clocks, warranted alarm clock for $1. A3 t- -fi Stoves ami Ranges A handsomo Steel Range, 0 hole, liirh warming closet, $;() to $52. Cook Stoves ami Air-Tight lbaters all piict'S. t; Tin Milk l'ans for i'5f. Tin Tea l'ots 5c. You arc most cordially invited to call and see the store whether you wish to buy or not. Shall we have the pleasure of seeing you? Furniture I . T I Mirrun fur wiliiiini I rout liiuny nilur tli.iu tiilo wutiTH during tho inoiitlm of Novt'in h r, I)i i'1'iiiln-r, Jununry, Krtiruury uuil Miin li of nu ll ji ur. Sec. 110. Hiilii i if trout prohibited : It uliiill Imi anlnw ful to M'll, nffi-r for iln nr Imve iu mim rn.ii ui for wlu or IniriKii uuy HjH'cii'ri of Irout t any 1 1 inc. Sic. IU. Niglit flnliiiiK iiroliiuittid : It rluill Ui uiiluwlul for toiy intmhi at my tiiini to tiiKc, lull or rupture, or tilt - in i t to t.iUi', kill or rnttire, uuy t rmt I tw.-i n i urn hour after uiim-I mil line hour Uforii auuriiH'. See. HJ. Limit of cuti li : It aliiill bu uiiIum ful for any pcMou to tnkc, THE HOUSE FURNISHER Furniture in immonsova rioty and at carload prices. Iron IJcds from $20 down to tho lowest priced on the market. Rockers from $'20 down to $1.00. Tho largest variety ever shown here, Tables All kinds; somo now ideas, new finishes, beautiful effects. very reasonably priced goods. Over 23 different kinds from to GOc per roll. Dinner Ware Wo carry four open .stock patterns. You can match up hero. Ihiy your dishCB horo. Lamps In every kind; a handsomo.Dccorated Lamp with shado to match $1.25. i'li'tiir MauKlings (Innitewtkr Tinwar Glanswartt l.tinin Cutlery Voxli)wr kill or ciii'turo mom tlinu 125 treat in otin iluy. Every iliun or artificial obstruction. Iu utri KiiiH muHt bo jirovldcd with m tlnliwiiy and it in unlawful to fluli within lioo fcot of nucli tlliway. Illuu Print PnH r ly the yard or roll at tho Courier ofllco. Th old rllht The Wklr Owtwilw. UNION RESTAURANT Kront St. nijn. Vtr Tank. OI'tN DAY AND NIGHT. A. VanNoy, Propr. Uf .wqoo svyiv IV