Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 06, 1902, Image 4

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Km(t4 fcr "'
FriHUi of WhlM Laat Yaau.
A dazzling array of royal present li
on view in the gallery of the Imperial
Institute. II consists of gift made t
the prince and irince of Walea dur
ing the cruise of the Opliir laat year.
Tils exhiliils are h71 In number, hill
the greater proportion contists of il
luminated addresses and gold and ail
ter trowels Uifd at the lnying of vari
oua foundation sttines.
The actual urenvnts number about
100, some of which are very valunhle,
others lent valuable but perhaps more
interesting, nays a London report.
The most striking exhibit is a model
of a diamond mine. The outer cakket
is made of silver, and the inner portion,
eontaina an exact representation In
miniature of the (viinlMTliy diamond
mine, within which are deposited
rough dlamoutls. Tha casket stands
on a bnrw of marble, lncrusted with
rubies and garnets from Do liters
Another beautiful gift Is a Maori
.aniie, manned by seven boaUnen, with
jolden paddles. The canoe stands on
a slab of green stone on which are en
rraved the royal arms in gold. The
caskets are numlierless. and ninny of
them are beautiful works of art. Per
haps tile (Inert is that presented by tho
Inhabitants of Kandy. in Ceylon. It la
embossed with priceless gems.
There are Severn I gifls reminiscent
of the war, nna of which la a set of
three bells, each foru.ed from a
cartridge shell from I.nrlysmltli ; an
other is a gong constructed from part
of a captured gun-carriitgc and a "Ionfr
Tom" shell. There are several pres
ents from lloer prisoners.
The princess hai some beautiful fura
and jewels among her gifts. (If tha
former the most noteworthy art a
mink pelerine trimmed with rnhlo
tails, a mink cape faced with ermine,
a ningniflcrnt mink earrings rug
trimmed with tails, and a mink muff;
of the latter, a collection of over ITU
pure-nator diamonds, and a large dia
mond awl opal endaut art the most
conspicuous. (
A Cola Ilrovpad la lbs Slot lmns41
asslr Pruduess What Oaa !
sSesa la Est aaa Drink.
An Instantaneous and automatic)
safe, In which speed anil silence will
b tht chief features, la about to ha
opened In Fhiladelhla, says the .North
Anything from a sandwich to an
oyster stew may ha obtained by drop
ping the necessary coin In a slot,
Drinks and desserta will lis produssd
in the same plan.
Tha food will b displayed In long
glass compartments. You see what
you want, and by dropping a coin Into
the aperture beside the desired dish
nd pulling a lever th mechanism
starts to work, and lata down a sand
wieh, a piece of pie, or whatever th
order may call for.
It will he Impossible tucheat the ma
chine; If tha coin is not of th proper
denomination, or fnlss, It oomes bark
to the customer through an aperture
Under tha coffee, tea, and chocolate
slots th same rule applies. Th coin
strikes a disc, which releases Just
enough liquid to nil a cup. The cups
are lined up on shelves, and each cus
tomer helps himself.
There will be circular tables, with
condiments, and brass chairs for com
fort. Of course, there will be many who
will wish frlrzlcil beef, f rlcassco chick
n, baked henna, etc., and these instruc
tion are posted for their benellt:
On Inserting the coin nml drawing
the ring, a receipt dire Is delivered sinr
th order electrically communicated
to th kitchen. Th food la at ones
freshly prepared, and will lie delivered
on th Insertion of th disc In th ad
Joining appnrntus.
Rpecinl attention will be pnld to the
silence feature. It may b that the
cups, saucers, and pistes will In
up with pneumatic tires to, prevent ths
continuous clatter. ,
Customers will not be obliged to
gather up th dishes. Thr will b
msn on hand for that purpos.
Has Mother Cut His Hair.
I knew a small Iniy In a Maryland vil
lage, near the city, who belongs to a
doting mother. She krol him in pic
tore clothes till his spirit wns hmken,
and aha made him wear long curls un
til he was nslimcd In le seen. Kven
when th boy's father announced that
ths curls hud to go, th tearful mother
couldn't bear to hare a Inula I barber
Ootirh hhn. She cut his hair herself
Th haircut completed the wnrk i,f
wrecking the hoy's maun nod. When
he slunk Into Sunday school a 'rv
weeks ngo It happened that the le-tom
was about Pamson. The teacher read
the story of th treacherous wnninit
who cut the hair of the mightly man,
and how. when his enemies came to
tk hint he wns no gentle as a lamb in
their hands. Young llolert (irnham
Kilmers Hn-on-flo listened attentively.
"Now." said the teacher, "can any
of you tell mn why Samson did not try
to vt away from hi enemies?"
Thr was a dead llstu-e till the
long pent-up bltterners of young Hob
srl Graham Kllmor fc.-and.8o found
sxpresslon In frfieer-h.
"I know." he said. " was 'shamed to
b n because a woman cut his hair
Wad of a barlMir. Ma out mine"-.
Washington Tost.
Proof Ml Tap.
Cars-Was It a rasa of lov on her
part, do yon think?
Mauds It certainly was Why, she
ravs up a position paying a salary of
III a week to marry him and h Is
oil) getting f 10. Chtongv Dallj News.
L M. Mi'IIhiit, (irociivlllo, Tcv,
writes, Nov. tM, IUU0: " I hail rheu
matism IttHt winter, whs down iu hod
lx weeks; tried everything, but got
no relief, till a friend gvi tun a purt
of a bottlu of llitllurd'a Snow l.ini
tuunt. I used it, mid got two mote
bottles. It cured me mid I haven't
felt any rheumatism sinee. I can ree
ommeud Suow l.iiiiiueiit to be the boat
liniment on etirtli for rhouiniit ism. "
For rheumatic or iieurnlgir kiius, rub
iu llallitrd'a Snow l.inim 'lit, vou will
not autrer long, but will lie gratilled
with a siiccdv nml effective cure, '.'.V,
60o and 1.00 at Slover lrug Co.
"1 just seemed to have gone nil to
lilm-es," writes Alfred lice, of Wel
fare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame
back hadL'nutde life a burden. I
couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost
too worn out to work when 1 began
to Use Kleetrto Hitters, hut they
worked wonders. Now I sleep like a
top, can eat anything, have gained
In strength and enjoy hard work. "
Thice viva, wo....-...- i i.i.
r." is.,mi, neaiiii aim new
t,7. wa, siexiv, Tun d'-wntiooti e
Cbe then, rs..i ... w A
r s rtrng store j
r-sa s a. I III I
It 1 courting danger to stand under
Icy eaves. Not a few have learned this
to their cost. Every winter injury and
even death are re)orteil as the result of
this carelessness. Hut there is a fur
more popular way of courting; danger.
Kvery nun or woman who neglects a
cough is inviting sickness, anil many a
fatal sickness ha its beginning in a slight
The timely use of Dr. Pierce's Gulden
Medical Discovery will cure the cough.
Kven when the cough is olistinatc and
there is hemorrhage with emaciation and
weakness, "Golden Medical Discovery"
always hela and almost always cures.
I was troubled with s bsd crilit. wliich -ttM
on -my limit nii'l I It inc with a iuis.-nilli-cough,"
writes Mr, Joseph u llunm, of tit
HIH-.IU street. Illiacn. New
Yoik. "I Hard two! of
your 't;jln vo-Mien! liwiv
ei-y,' sfler wioi'ti my totikrli
di-ntw:iir-l t-ntirrly. I cull
not rt-u.noii'-ii.l your meui
cine Um highly "
Accept no substitute for
"Golden Medical Discov
ery." There is nothing
"just as good" for dis
eases of the stomach,
blood, and lungs. Sub
stitution mentis a little
more profit to the dealer
but a loss to you.
The Common Sense
Medical Adviser, looS
large pages, in paper
covers, is sent Jne on
receipt of at one-cent
stamps to pay exjene of
mailing onlv. Aililnss
Dr. k. V. "l'icrce, liuf
fnlo, N. Y.
Timber Land, Act June :i. 1H7H
Hoseburg, Oregon, Oct, 22, 1!)0-'.
Not:c is hereby given that in com
pliance with the piovmions of the .:! ol
UoligreHH, o( June II, 1S7, uiitilled "An
aci lor lb sale ol limlier luiiiln in the
Hunts of t;alilornia. Oregon, Nevada,
and VVaeliiiiKlon 'J'urritory," as ex
tended to all puhlii; I. mil Htilos by set
ol AiiKtint 4, WVl, II. I. MM I1,. I',.
Doihik, ol. I'm (land. County of Mullliu
mall, State ol Oregon, ban tins day liled
III I Ms ollic e hta sworn statetneni .So.
lur the purcbami ol iIih Stt '4' m
Section No. 0, in Township No. 41
Booth, Kaiigc No. 4, West, and will
oiler proof lo show that tho isnd sought
is more valuable, lor lis timber or stunr
than lr agricultural purposes, and lo
establish Ins claim to said land before
J. 0. Itoolli, County Judge, at bis ollice
atUranti 1'ass, Oregon, on Thursday,
tha loth day ol January, l'JUJ. lie
name as witnesses :
Kliitsbelh II. lodga and Kale Hodge,
ol I'orllautl, Oregon, and A. W. hilshy
of (irants 1'ass, Oregon and tiuo. (J.
(Juicy, o( Sleaiiiuoal, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely tha ahova-dHMcrilx-d lands are
requested to lile their claims iu this
ollict) on or before said Kith day of
Juutiaiy, 1UU3. J, T. IIiiiiioks,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1h7H.
Uosebiirg, Uregou, Oct, 25, l'JU2.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions ol the act
u( Congress ol June :i, 1M7H, entitled '"An
act for the sale ol timber lands in the
State ol Calilornla, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all tiiii I'ublic Land Slates by
act of August 4, Kaik Doisii! ol
I'urllaiid, County of .Miiltnotiiali, Sluta
ol Oregon has tills day liled ill this
ollice her sworn statement No. ;l7S7i for
the purchase ol the SK'4 of Section No.
li, III Townslilp No. 41 South, Itango No,
4 West, and will oiler prool lo sliuw that
the land sought is more valunblu lor its
limber or stonu than lur Hgriciilturul
pttriHises, and to establish her claim lo
said laud belore J. O. iluoth, lol.lity
Judge, at his ollice at tiiHiits I'ass,
Oregon, on Tliurnday Ilia Killi day ol
January I'.KKI, She names as witnesses:
William K. !:. Duilge ami Klizithcth
II. Hodge, of Portland, Oregon, A, W,
Sllaby, ol (irants 1'ass, Oregon ami
Uco. (;. Culey, ol Stt uinliual, Oregon.
Any and all purson claiming ad
versely the alHive-descnbeil lands are
requested to llle liieir claims in tins
olliiu un or belore Slid loth day of
Jantiiiry, lllu:), J. T. IIiiiikiks,
A lndy wrolo UK it few weeks ngo
from Winchester, Vt, , that she hud
Ish-u under it doctor's cure for 4 yeitrs
for dvsH'wiii, tin piiin seemed to
center under her left shoulder plmle,
and was so severe nt linn s tluit she
could neither cut nor sleep. She hud
lost faith iu lier home doctor, mill
asked us to send us samples of our Dr.
(iunn's improved l.tver 1'ilU which
had Is'en recomiiieiiepd to her. We
sent her two pills. In it few days
she wnt for it Ikix. Now she w rites
lliut the pain under shoulder bus left
her enl irelv.sho elijovs her ineiila uud
never sleeps less limn K hours every
night., mid this all come nlsiRt
In two weeks, uliil cost her ."ide, for
two boxes of pills. Savs the iloctor
clinrged her $.1(11X1 mid that she told
him ho Imd better InKe tht f iiMK) un
invesl it till in Dr. tfiiiiu's lmprived
l.iver Tills iindb tiild up his pun lice.
We have not received the Doctor's
order vet but iinv imu hnviiig (Ivsih p-
sin, bilious sis'lls or sick lieadaclie
eim get a HH'edy cure bv the use of
those pills. For ksK by W. V. K remer
In every town
nnil v.ll;iev
$J may be had,
that in.ikt's your
horses ''lad.
Sore Throat f
Don't delay : set ions bronchial
trouble or diphtheria may develop.
The only sale way is to apply
a remedy vou can d. vn 1 noon.
Wtau the tliroit with a . I.'t'i -,-t
in it N t.ire ri-tiring, and it vull t.o
wc 1 in the illumine..
There Is only one Piiuitl'.rr,
" PHRKY OAVlii'."
l'hoto Supidies ut th I oui ier of
Ull i
Timber Land, Act Jun3, 1878.
Hontburg, Oregon, Oct. 25, 1J02.
Notice is hereby given that in coin
pi ance with tbe provisions ol lbs act ol
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled, "Ar
act lur the sale of llnioer lands in tbe
Slates ol Calliorma, Oregon, Nevada. I
and Washing on lernioiy," as ex
tended to all the I'ubliu Laud States by
act ol August 4, 1'J2, Kuzabktii 11.
Uoooe, ol I'ortlatid, County ol ilunno
mall, Mate ol (begun, has this day liled
to this ollice her sworu staiement No.
:iKIJ lor Him pinchae ol t. NE.'i ol
NK' and bh!i ' -NWI4 ,h-'a ."'
Nhl ol seutiun No. 0 in lowurhip No.
41 ftuulh, ttauge Nu. 4 West, and will
vtUr pruol lu show that the lano
sought Is more valuable for its limber
or stone than fur agnculluial puiposes.
and to elabli-h her claim to said laud
oelureJ. O. I.ooih. County Juugv, a.
bis ollice a. Grants 1'ass, Oregon, on
Thursday the l-'ilh day ot janusry l'.sj3
She nsuie as wittiHibef:
William K. K. Dodge and Kate IM
of l'orllaud, Oiegoii, H. W. silsby. 01
(iraula 1'ass, Oregou and Geo. C. Cu.ey,
ot H eatubiyat, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely Ihu above-dercrllxtil lauds are
reipiesled lo lile their claims iu this
ollice on or liel jre said 15th day oi
January iW. J . T. liHUXiKS,
Timlier I.iiel Act, June 3, 1878.
L'nited HiaU'B Land Ollice,
Kosvburg, Oregon, Sept. ID, l'J02.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the proviiious o
the act ol Congress ol June 3, 1878,
-iilitled "An act fur the sale ul
timber lands in the Siaies of Caliloruia.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Teiri
lory," as extended to ail the Public
Land Su.U-s by aci of August 4, 18U2,
tied L. Picktboin of I'urllaiid, Count)
o( Mutliioinali, State ol Oregon, has
this day liled in this ollice his sworn
statement No. 31114, lor the purchase ol
the NW'4' ol KK'-i, NK1 ol S W!i. N W4
ol SWI4, ami SW,'4 ot hW1, 01 Section
No 22 111 Township No 37 Soulh. Hange
No. 7 W, ami will ulfer prool lu show
that the land nought is more valuable
lor Us timber or stone than lor agricul
tural purposes, and to establish disclaim
to raid land belore J. 0. liooth, Count)
.finite, at his ollice at (irauln Pass, Ore
gon, 011 Monday the 8th day ol Decem
ber 11102. lie names as witnesses:
T W. Il.ios.dl, W. C. Ward, It. 11
.Mutlott, anil Allied iius'.ulsou all ol
l'orllaud, On gun.
Any and all is-rmns claiming adverse
ly lint abovH-descrihU'l lands are re.
I nested lo file claims 111 this ollice
uu or belore said Hi Is day of December,
J. T. rimnoKs,
Timlier Land Act, June 3. 1878.
United Slates Laud Ollice,
Hoseliiiig, Oiuguu, Sept. Ill, I1K)2.
Notice is lieiebv given tliut 111 coin-
pliance with the provision ol the act ol
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale ol limber lauds ill tbe
States ol Caliloruia, Oregon, Nevada and
Wasliiiiglou leiritory, as extended to
all the Public Land Slates by act ol
August 4, I8'.)2, llohcrl II .Mullnl ul
Porllaml, Cuuniy of -Mil tuniiiah. State
of Oregon, has this day tiled in this
ollice his sworn statement No. 114113, lor
the purchase ol the NK NK'4, SK NK'',
SW Ni;4 uud SKi4 NW'i4 ut Secliou
No. 28 111 Township No. 37 South, Range
No. 7 W.anil w ill oiler prool to show Dial
the land sought Is mure valuable lor its
Umber or slono than lor agrtciiltiiiul
purposes and to e-stulilish his claim lo
said laud belore J, II. Kiaiih, I ounty
J udge, at his ollice ul tiian B Pass, Oiegon,
011 .llonday, the nlh day ol December,
11102. He names us witnesses:
T. W. ilanseil, W. C. Ward, It. H.
Mull. II. and Allied (iiu lulson, all of
I'm Hand, Oregon,
Any uud all persons claiming udveise
Iv Ilie above ilescriutMl lauds are te-
quested lo lile lliuir claims in Ibis ollice
011 or belore auld Hlh day ot Decern Iter,
ISA 12.
Timber Laud Act, June 3, 1878.
United States Laud Ollice,
Kunehurg, Oregon, Sepi. Ill, PHI2.
Nut.ce is iiereby given that ill compli
ance with the provisions ol Ihu act ul
congress of J line ;), 1878, entitled "An
ai I lor llitf sale ol luntier luuds in llie
Slates ol Caliloruia, Oregon, Nevada,
and W ashington Teriilory," as exieiided
lu all the Public l and Stales by act 01
August 4, 1S',I2, Thomas W. Ilutisellul
Portland, (.'ounty ol Multnomah, stale
of Oiegon, ban this day liled ill this
ulhte Ins sworn statement No. 3P.I1 lur
the piiichusH ol the SK'4 ul section No.
32 111 Township No. 40 South, Kaiiae No.
I W, and will otter prool lu show
Ihat the laud sought is iiioie valuable
lor Its Umber or stone than lor agricul
tural purposes ami tu establish his claim
lo said laud beloio J. O. Iluolh, Cuuniy
Judge, a, his otlu'U al (.trains 1'ass Oie
ton, on Monday the 8th tlay ol iKicem-
ticr,r,id2. lie names as witnesses:
I-. I.. I'n klliorn, itllred (usluison,
W.V. Waul, ami li. 11. Mullet, allot
I 01 llainl, (iiegiui.
Any and nil persons claiming adve ne
ly the above-described lands are re
quested lu lile their chums 111 Una ollice
on or la'lore said Mb day ot December,
l'.i(2. J. 1. ItUIIIOKS.
Timber Land Act, June 3, ls7S.
liosebuig, Otegott, sept.' HI, 11".I2.
Notice is Iiereby given that iu ccm-
pliaiicu w it 11 the provisions ul tho aci ul
Congress ol June 3, 187.S, entitled "An
act lur the sale ul umber lauds in lh
Slates ol Caliloruia, Oiegon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public l and stales by acUil
August 4, I.v.i.', Ai.tHKU (itsriKsoN ul
Portland, t'ountv ot Mulliiuinali, State
ol (Iregotl has Hits da) tiled III this ollice1
Ills sworn statement No :il'.2, lor the
purchase ol the SW'4 ol Seel ion No. 32
III Inwushlp No. 40 South, Kange No.
4 West, and will oiler plool tu show
that the laud sought ii mote valuable lor
lis tilutn-r or stuoe ttotu Ivii acrlcim uial
j pur,, and to estatilith Ins claim l-
I -led inn,! tit-lore J. (, lio,,i i, t 'ounty
i -li.tUi , al h, elbc si (iianis l'a-s, (Ite-
U. il -luda, (lie Silt day ul Dccslli
tn t , 1 : 1 ) J , 1 1,. 11 a 01, s as w itiu-s.-es ;
Ihoiess l . Itansell, K. I. I'lckihutu,
W C. ni.l and It II. Mull, 11, all ul
I'or 1 laud, t iii'ioui .
Any and ml p. rioos cla miiu adverse
Iv the iiheve ili u i it ed lMi.ds are re
ipiCNlt d to hie I heir claims in this ollice
en or tM toie ald Stll d.lV ol Deceiubt-r,
lsul-'. J. i'. I kiioi:.-,
Vivu Know Whal You Are
When veil taWe ti rove's Tasteless Chill
ionic, hcui-e tlic lernoilals plainly print
ed on every Isilile .-bowing that it is sun
ply Iron ami famine in s taxlctcss Uirni
No l ure No. Pay. v.
l'rofcsiMial and amateur photog
raphers will bo able 10 Hud nearly
everything mocssarv for (heir use in
Mts-k nt A. VI. ViMirbics' Koilak Hctol
iiuai ti-rs.
White's Creiini Vermifup1, not
only kills Mm 111s, but riinuves the
iiii.rt.. and slime, 111 which they build
(heir tiexts; it brings, uud quick ly ,
11 hialthv condition ot the body,
whin- worms cannot exist. S.V ut
Slover 1 'rug Co.
Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878.
L'nited States Land Ollice,
Roeeburg, Oregon, Sept. 19, l'J02.
Notice is hereby giv-n lhat in com
pliance with the provisions ol Hie aci ol
Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
ict for the salt of timber lands in tbe
.Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land" States by act
of August 4, 18U2, Wilbur C Ward ol
Portland, County of Multnomah, S'ale
of Oreg. n. has this ilay filed in this
office Ins sworn statement No 34'.i5, fo'
the purchsiwof Hie N W'4. NK1 LNK'4,
SW!4-.fc'K NW'i. SvV oi NK'-s.' Sec
lion No. 22 in Township No o7 South.
Kaiu- No. 7 W, and wnl 1 tier proof to
show that the land sought s more vahl
4ble lor lis timber or H'one than for aif
ricullural purpoe, and to esiahiisri hi
aim to sanl land helor J. o. uootli.
'ounty Judge, at his oil'iL'e at (irants
Pass Oregon, on Mondav, the 8th dav
of December, VMi. Ha names as wit
nesses :
T. W. Ilanseil, R IS. Mullet, Alfred
(i'lstufson, K. L. Picklborn, all of Port
lsnd. Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in ibis oflicr
on or before eaid 8th day of Decern ber.
J, T. Uhiixiks,
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.
United Slates L ,nd Ollice,
Kosehurg, Oregon, Sepi. 5, 1!32.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provision of (In
vito! Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act lor the sale ol Umber lands in
the Statea of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory." as ex lend
to all the Public. Land States by act ol
August 4, 18112, Amy A Zumhol of Mos
cow, County of Latah, Sta'e of Idaho.
has this dav liled in this ollice her sworn
staiement No. .'1410, for tbe purchase ot
iheH i of B .'... ol Section No. 'II in
Township No. 37 S, Range No. Il W, and
will oiler proof lo show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis limber
or alone than lor agricultural 1111
poses, and lo establish her claim to
said land before Land Ollice, Kosehurg,
Oregon, on Friday, the (ith duy ol Keb
ruary, IhO.I. She names as wHuo-s'-s:
Murv C Mcfatland, II. C Mclarland,
tnil Marion M. Collins of Moscow,
l laho, and A. W. Silsbv of (irants Pass,
Anv and all permine claiming adverse
ly tbe above-described lands are re
quested to lile their claims ill this ollice
on or before said oth day of February
I'.sM. J. 1, liitiiKisis.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Slates Land Ollice,
Roseburg, Oregon, September 5'h, HI02
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ol the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, enliiled
All act for the sale of timlier lands in
the Statea of Calilornla, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land Stales bv
act ol August 4, 181)2, Mary C. M
failand of Moscow, County of Latah,
Slate of Idaho, has this dav filed in
this ollice her sworn staiement No
3417, lor the purchase of the N' of S',i
of Section No. 22 in Townshio No. 37
South, Range No. 0 W, and sill oiler
proof to show lhat the land soiuht is
more valuable lor its timber or stone
than lor agricultural Dtirnnses and lo
establish her claim to said land before
Land Ollice, Kosehurg, Oregon, on Kri
day, the bill day ol February, 1IIH3
She names as witnesses:
Amy A. Ziimhol, Marion M. Collins
II. ('. Mcfailand, of Moscow, Idaho, A.
W. Silsbv, of (Irants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested lo file Iheir claims in this ollict
on or belore said (ith day of February
P.K'3. J. T. Hhiikiks.
Timber Land Act June 3. 1878. .
(United Stu'es Lund Ollice. 1
Roseburg Oiegon, Setitember oth, l!l()2
Notice is Iiereby given that in com
pliance with the prnviaious of the act ol
Congress ul .lune a, IIS18, enliiled " An
act for Ihe sale ol timber huuD in the
Slates of Caliloruia, Oregon, Nevada
ami Washington Territolv," usextended
lo all Ihe Public Lund Slates bv act of
August ,4, l'i-' Marion M. Collins of
Moscow, County ol Latah, State of
Idaho, has tins day liled in Ibis ollice
his sworn statement No. 3418 for Ihe
purchase ol the S'u of the N1,, ol See
lion No 22 in Tow nsiiip No, ;I7 South,
Kange No. (I , and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or sione than for
agriculltital purposes, and lo esiablisli
hiHctaim lo said laud before Koschtry.
Land Oll.ce. Kusebui g, Oregon, on Fr
day. the ti'h dav oi Kebruaiv, P.I03
He names as witnesses:
llenty C. Mclarland, Amy, A
.uiiiliof, Mary C. Mcfarland, nil o
Moscow, Idaho, A. W, Silsby of (irants
l aaa. Uregon.
Any and ull persons claiming ad
versely the aisive-described lands are
requested lo lile their ciaiuis in tins
ollice on or la-lore said tun day
February, l'.HKI.
J. T. HitioiiKs,
Timlier Land Aci, .1 line 3, 1SS.
United Stales Land Ollice,
Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 5, 1;ii)2.
Notice is Iiereby given that 111 coinpi
aiuv w ith the provisions of the aci of Ci,n
giessol Juno J, 1,N. eniitled " An ac
tor tbe sale ol t m lser mud- in the Stales
ol Caliloruia. Oreuon, 1, sin
Washington Territory," as ex t-iolcd I
all the l ubbc Lund states nv act M
August 4, 18)12, llenrv C. Mclailain
of MofCOW, County ol laitith. Stale ol
Idaho has this dav tiled in this ulli
rtus swotn sla'ement No. N410, for tin
purchase ol the N of the N l4 ol Sec
lion No 22 in rownship No ;I7 S
Kange No. ti W', and wll oll'er ptisd I
show thai the land sought is inor,
valuable for its limber or stone (ban (ot
sunculliual purposes, and to estahIM
his clam, to said land belore J . I
lirnlgcs, K.iecburg, ( iregon, on F'ridav
'be li b day 01 February, 1SM3. lie
eaioes as wi'nesses:
.V.aiiou.M. Collins. AinvA. .'im'.ul
tin) Maiy C. Mi i.irl.Hid Mox-ow
lluiho. and A. W. Si shv ol (irants Pass
l Ireaon
Any and all prous claiiniiw adverse.
Iv ihe ah ive described lauds aie re
quetlrd lo lile l heir claims in this ollice
on or Indole said b'ls day ol ret, ruary
J. T, Ukiiioks,
Notice is herebv given that Knd:iv,
the ith day of November, ut III o'chs-k
11. 111. of said dav at the couit risiin ol
the i-ountv court of Josepliine coiintv
Oregon, has Ut'ii tixed a the liuu
and dace for bearing the final uceouui
of J. 11. lotrrougli as executor td the
estate ol S. A. l.urrvuigli, detenscd.
Alt isTstuis iuteresteil tu said t-slutt
are Iiereby not tiled to tile their objict
ions to sold tuttiuuliiiit. if any nn-
have, on or Is-fore said dale uud then
and there to In present to show cause
why aiiid limit Hcvonot shall not Is
allowed. Tina notice is published by
order of autd county court, made en
the '.'th dav of (.letolsT. l'.s j.
Illuo Irint lVjier by the yard cr roll
nt tho Courier ofhVe.
Timber Lsnd Act June 3, IB78.
United Slates Land Ollice,
Kosehurg On gon, Aoirost 13, PJ02
Notice is Iiereby given that 01 i-om-pliame
wiib the provisions of the a t oi
Congress ol June 3, 1878, eriti'le.l "An
act for ihe file ol limtwr laud' in tin
States ol California. Oregon, Nva I -,
and Washington Territory," as ex er Jed
o all the Public Lmd Slates by set ol
August 4, ln!2, Li 'a 11. Rninb.iijg'.i of
Portland, County of Multnomah. Mate
of O'cgon, has this day tiled in ibis of
fice her sworn statement No. 32;W. lor
tbe porhae of the W uf N K. '4
tnd ft '-a of N VV '4 of Sscion No. 13 m
Toa nsin;: No. 41 South, King' No II W,
and will offer proof to (how Hist tie
'and sought is more valuable ..r US tim
ber or stone than for agiii ullural pur
poses, and to establish her claou to ssnl
land belore J. O li'si li, louniy Judge
t his ollice al 'ir-mts Pa-s, Oregon, on
Monday, the Ullh dav ol Novt lliber,
l'J'.i2. She names as witnesses:
tieo. R Kunk. C h. Field", ssm r
Veatch, lvmood Wile", all of Pui '1 Hid
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly Ihe above-describ-il lamia are re-
uiiested to file their cloiins in this od'e-e
on or Ik (ore said l();b day ol NoveinOer,
1 1102.
J. T. limiKiKS
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.
United Slates Laud Office.
Kosehurg, Or-g"n, August l., l'J'i2
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision" ol the a I of
Congress of June 3, IS. 8, en l'led "An
act lor 1 he sale of ttmtier lands in tbe
tate- ol C'l forriia. Oregon, Nevada
-tin! Wa"hiniOin Te'ritorv,'' as exieinled
to all ihe I'nhhc Ltud S;ates by act ot
August 4, MU2, Marv (inn.'erson, of
Hortlaud, County of .Multtiouish. Slate,
f (liegtoi. has this d iv liled in tins rdhce
tier sworn Htslemnt No 32.13. lor th
pun hs-e of ihe N K U "I s'c No. ''' in
lol.shl: N- 40 Sutilll, ll-luge ?,o.
vSest, un,l will oiler proof 10 show lhat
the land sought i more valuable l r its
ittiber or siotie thso for sgriculturul
purposes, ami to c-tah'lr-h her claim to
aid land belote J. O. Ko'Mti, Countv
Judge, al his i llice al (Irants i'a-s, Ore
gon, on Monday, ihu Huh day of .Nove
b -r, ll'2. She names as wilne-se-i ;
lv (iiindersrin, C. K, F ieliD, Klwood
Wiles, F. A. Fearing, all of Portland,
Any and all persons cla'tuing advere
y Ihe abov.--i!cserih,-ii lauds are re
quest d to lile their claims in tins ollice
on or belore said 10. h dav 01 November,
Timlier Land Act, lune It, 1 87H.
United States Land Oliice,
Roseburg, Oregon, August 11, 11M)2
Notice is hereby given Hint in comiili-
auce with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3,1878. entitled ''An
act for Ihe sale id timber lands in the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, I8'J2, Klwood Wiles, ol
I oitland. County of Multnomah. S ale
of Oiegon, has Ibis day liled in Ibis
ollice his sworn statement No 11232,
lot the purclia-e of the N' N F;i4 S F.'4
N W'i4 and S W '4' N K'4' ol Section
No 12, iu lownsbiti No. 41 ft, Riikb I,o.
W west, uud will oiler prool lo show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
limber or stone than for ug'iculltiral pur
poses, ami to establish his claim toe.inl
laud before the Register and Keceiver
of this ollice al lirauis Pa-s, Oregjti,
oil Monday, Ihe ldth day of Novem
ber, 111UJ. lie million us witnesses:
K A Keuring, C. K. Field-, F. W.
Father Geo. H. FuuU, all of pjrilautl,
An(ainl ull persons tlaiiniug adversely
the abuve described lamU are requested
to lile their claims iu this ollice 011 or be
fore said loth day ol November, PjOJ.
I. T Hhiooks,
Timber Land Act, June :!, 1S78
United Mates I and Ollice,
Kostlmrg, Oregon, August Hi, 11)02
Notice is In reby given that in compli
ance with the provisions ol the act of
Congress ot .lune li, KS78, entitled "An
act lor the sale oi timber I, mils iu
the Suites ol Culifotuia, Oiegon, Ne
vada and Wu Inngtoii Terriioiv," a
extended lo ull the Public Land
States by act ol August I, .c.
Fredrick W. Furher of ioriiuinl,
Coiitiiv of Multnoiniih, State ol Ore
gon has Ibis day tiled in this of.
lice Ins sworn statement No. :',227.
(or the purchase ol the S,'y of N W'4
and N'a of S W'4ol S.clir n No. 14
in Township No. 41 S, King.. No
II west, and will oll'er prool to show that
the laud sought, is more valuable (cr ils
1 1 in Is r or stone than (or agricultural
piupo-es, nml lo esiablisli bis claim to
-aid hind belore J. II liooth, County
Judge ut hisolliieat (irants Pa-s. Ore
on, on Monday, Ihe 10'Ji day ot N'uv. oi
lier, 1IM2. He nuiies as witnesses'
Klwood Wiles, C. K. FHiD, Jo-ieph
Ahstock, Sum P. Veatch, ull ol Portland,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
1 he above described lands are 'equested
to lile their claims iu this ollice on or
heioie said 1 lit li day of November, P.HI2.
J. T. Kitiiiiii s,
Tiuiher Land Act, June li,
Uniii d Mat.-s Land lilliie.
K. seluirg. Oreg ugust Li, Hid.'.
NoUce is herebv given lhat 111 coinph
line wnli the provisions of the a'l 01
Congo s- of June IS, 1.S78, 1 lied "An
tci lor fie sal - o tinnier land- in tin
-Oaics ,,i California, tin-goo, Nevada
and Wa-lilugloTi Teriilory," as exlend
-d lo ali the I'nhlic Lsml bv aci
( August 4. v.i2, i: In. in! li 1,-rs.u
it Poiiland, C--unt ,.( Miiltnomafi
Slate ol Oregon, has llns day filed In
'his ollice hi- sworn stateuieni No I.Jil,
tor the purchase ol Ihe S l4 ot Sec:i"u
No. 3 in Township No. 41 South, rang.
: west, ami will oll'er pris-!
Hie laud sought is more valuable lor its
limner or stone lit in (or agricultural
uui poses, and lo establish hi- ti
aid bind tsfore J. O. llisdli Countv
udge. si Ills ollice al Hisins l -i-s the
am, on Monday, Ihe 1,1 li dav ol Novi-ui
tier, l!i02. He nanus is iv 11 to s-i-:
Sam 1 . Veati 11, 1 eo K Finn. , .b,.,-d,
I to.k C. K.Fi Id-, I of I on and
Anv and ail .-r-i-i cl.i:uingadv. tae
V Ihe i,b ivc-de-ci ihe.l lauds are re.l'ics'
;d lo fi'e their c alais in 'iii . iU e cc o
t lcresald It) Il day of N nemiier, l.KIJ
'. T. I'dtll I. Ks.
All d'.eti of Xt.tners
SlaJiier brma'-v Oiirans
Ai-. Bh-'ir-i Hack
actio h.:vt"l .-.-.e Crtvel
Bro;i3y, veu..'!o Tioublej.
IVin I become dts-Smrarsd. Tiere Is a
cure for you. It n. .-.--at, m 11.. 1-r. I ei.n, r
It h:i- -11 .1 a 111.. I .' " 1 ,' cirliig M-l such
cam'- a-i.-urs. Ad Coii-uU.-v-, aa,4 Free.
-Kl.-ht leontl'S In Iv.!. heave tva -ks.-luv
pain and s,,reue--s a.'r"-s V.:,tti,- al-o rl;. u-Itian-ni
tllht-r rvlu.Uas fs!l,-l. I'r. I en
oer - Kulney 11ml H.i'-sS'-l-.e luro cute,! mo
completely. II. A n.KS. Haul, I. N. V."
I'niiji.K II. ..k forr.sA n.k- rret.
niuas- L- x-st Jlt:1-aisrL'lllniJ,J"'J"',''lai ""CsrJti
And other working women know what it is
ad yet
... when
done at once
There are times when a
the foot on the treadle
The typewriter, too, must keep ai ner
machine blur into a conf
if a
eyes, and every touch of her hngerups yu -"
endurance. l7a the same with ery kind of woman's work
lltllCb VV licit lb tail win; , . .
.ueh cas there is a strong temptation to spur the flagging by
the use of a little stimulant, or to take some drug to dull
the present pain. Either praeti-e is dangerous and may prove dead y,
The need of the woman is not stimulation but strength, not to numb tho
a 1... n iiridlt tllOMl I '
Ill"lJD IMily !.- liuuii.ui s,..." 1
it. t.:..- t.-ene;.n Trpscrintion uerfectly satisfies the
works wonders for weak, run-down, worn-out, over-worked
whether they work at home or abroad, in factory or in
office, school-room or store j whether they fit all day at
the sewing maehino or at the typewriter. It contains no
alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all
other narcotics. It is purely vegetable and a powerful
invigorating tonic It makes weak women Btrong and
sick women well. It cures nervousness, backache, head
ache, sleeplessness, menial anxiety, daspondency and
other maladies wliich are but the consequences of disease
of the delicate womanly organism.
" riease nccept my thank's for the benefit received from your
medicine," writes Mrs. Nancy C. Dislil, of Red Top, Dallas Co.,
Mr, " I not able to sit ut) ull dav and had ien sick about
three months when I first wrote to you for advice. Had tned
two ililfercnt doctors but they failed to cure me. One said that I had In
herited heart and stomach trouble from my mother. I hud smothering
spells, two and three everv twenty-four hours. Had pain in back of and my stomach would pain nie after eating. I could eat nothing
but crackers and these would hurt me. Had pain in right side; could
not be moved without sufleriiig excruciating pain. Lite was fast be
coming a burden to me, as I had given up all hope of ever ln-ini; lietter
until death would end niv sufferings. What I suffered, both in mind
and hodv, cannot be imagined. Hut for niv uulwundcd failli in Cod's
g-oudiic-ss and mercy I doubt not I vould have given up and died. I
was so we; ik, nervous, and down-he tied, I thought I would have to
leave niv liushand and little ones. Never a night was I free from
worry. ' H id female weakness, cold hands ami feet. After sjwndinfr
almost evervthing for doctor bills, and having read so much about Dr.
Pierce's mtdirincs, I concluded to try his ' Kavorite Prescription.'
Took two bottles and then wrote to Dr. Pierce for his advice, (lot a
prompt reply, advising nie to Like his 'Golden Medical Discovery ' and
I'l"us.i:it relicts,' and to use Dr. sige s calami Ketnenv mcany tor
inllamir.aiioti of the uterus. I followed the directions given, and took nine ottles of the
' l-'av.irite. Prescription,' five of the ' i.'.olden Medical Discovery,' flix vials of the ' Pleasant
Pellet.!,' and used also one lxittle of the 'Catarrh Remedy,' ns directed. I improved fast
while taking his medicine. I can now do my own work for my family atld take in sewing;
and any kind of work. My sister came to see me; she said two years back she did not think
I would ever l straight any more, that I was drawn over iu my shoulders; but my shoulders
ure not drawn over now."
"I t ike pleasure in writing to let you know the great good I received from your 'Favorite
Prescription ' and 'Pleasant Pellets,'" says Mrs. Nora Caddie, of Rio, Hart County, Ky. "I
tK)k seven or eight liottles o' avorite Prescription ' and one or two vials of the ' Pellets.'
Think I would have lieen in tn grave had it not been for your medicines. Now I thank you
a thousand times for your advice. It has been aliout four months since I took the medicine.
I was all run-down, had loss of appetite, could not sleep at night, was nervous, had backache,
black spots on my limbs, and sick headache all the time. I have not had sick headache since
I took your medicine."
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains,
heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It encourages the
appetite, the nerves and induces refreshing sleep.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should always be used with "Favorite Prescrip
tion " whenever a laxative is required, as thoy assist tho action of that remedy.
They are Binall in sizo and easy and pleasant to take.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All letters are held
as strictly private, and tho written confidences of women are guarded by the same
strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce and his BtufT in personal consul
tations with weak and sick women, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Imffalo, X. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, IiufTalo, X. Y.
PtoniS.' 1
m ;. BY Ik
,1 ;
11 'it'll 1 1 11
M ! . P gJu 'i j W J-rrg-yir-ig
Points East
Short Lino lo
ANli l'w 1. VIS K.YT
Ilinuidh l-ulncp anil T.iiiiIn! Sleeo
ers, IMiiiiik ami tn'et Miiklnir
l.iluui-j far,.
For Kilt,-., Kulilcrs ai.,1 full ifrm;iti,,
rtvimltn rickets, linute,, c., call on 01
I- l.llf!
I. "'V. l'll.U.IIN, T. I', i.
II l'U'KSd.N, c. r t
Vi-i Tltlril Sireet, l'rtUi,,l
A. H. C. I'KNMSTtiN,, 1;. W l. a
i li r'lrst Avenue Sanle, W'a-li
The Isruest tuni evr lor a
-'lotion, chsi.,1 lis,, !, in San rran-i-'o.
tu. lit). liKH. n. ,r.1)k(Hf in.
v.,1 in ami t I2.0O0 0 1 ami
t..- fa , l.y . i.ariv ol i.ii.,iW.. . (r
1 '('-cijic (or llrmhi's ln-ease ami,
linlierlu iecural.le iti,e:ie.
1'i.ey coiiimciK-e.1 ihe t-rrioiM inv-ei
JSM-'II of Hie sieiti. .N,,-. 15 .V)
ll.t-s lli'erv,ee, Mr,.H n' ,.urt.
to-1 lro-,1 it nut n ti, nieiii. In pu,,,,,,.
.v.-i three ,t,. i,r ir.-at,,...,,,
II' I anl ll,K the,,,. I h.-v ,N.t k.n,
-H I .lis lo I, . hronic, i, u,ai.,,-WJ
iiit s. intnleretl ,1 ,,., ,. pLvsican.
"' I,, to ,v, r, .t? iWcem
I Lie test ,-as Her mhrr aeil or
r -jrt-stinK (avoraSls.
Th-re tvir-t; lt thirteen ,wr rent oi
So.ire. Ihe ',:. -. n ,
sttl li s lrac.ict.on. ,e pi,e.i,.
I 'h iiitrstu-atiiin cou,iuitt,M ,nj tl
coin.-al re..- ,
pnh.isl! and .ill In. n,W fnt
aoi'licanon. AJJiess Juiiti J M itox
.M. Av,4.'0 MonUonwrj St.SanKiau
tco, Lai,
to have work that
cannot be done without great physical Buffering
a woman', condition in such that every pressure of
of the sewing
machine means sharp
. 1 linn tho
miict roin nt her
. . . 1 1 1 ...!,:, ..(jfirc
u.sed blotcn ot uiaeK aim wu.w -
lit 1
. . rt . nr.fvfs !il most bevond
i.,. ..lV. ,lnn at the c.vnenso.ot great, siiueuiig.
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by tho littlo more
profit paid on the sale of less meritorious prepara
tons, will offer a substitute for " Favorite Proscrip
tion" as "just as good." Judged by its record of
cures of womanly ills, there is no other medie'ine just
as -ood as " Favorite Prescription."
"I thank you most sincerely for tho 'Common
Sense Medical Adviser,'" writes Mis. Charles E.
Thompson, of Georgetown, Eldorado Co., Calif. " It
is a splendid book, and everything is made so plain
in it that any one enn understand. I would not part
with mine for anything."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sensu Medical Adviser, con
taining over one thousand large pages, is sent ree on
receipt of stamps to pay ejipeiise'of mailing only.
Send 31 one-cenl. stamps for the clolh-bound volume,
or only 121 stamps for the book in paper covers
Address Dr. It. V. Pimtfu, Buffalo, X. Y.
-ovi'U riii-:-RIO
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
Only I'liii'i on'ii.eii'al i n-.
Mussing -linctly Ihrniii
Three., ,'..,,iIVH,.,,i j ( ,
lO ALL loNr K A I
Thro,,,!, Sl.'c,.,,,,, .,,,,1 1 -, , ,, . (.
mi'l I-ree Keclinint ci.air C,t,-i
The ,st ,ilt;,lrt,H.u , ,,;,v (
Ainerit a hy iinv liht.
iZ 0"'1 "!i0w"'1 ""
For dieapett U!e, rtu ) . .
literature, aihlre-s '
W C. Mcl'.'i.lp tientral .l.-n.
1:1 II.11.I S: , l'lirtuml, 'ireuo'n
( Laxative Brtimoinine
--" " mr"y " o COM lu one da,
visit nR riDniti,M
m aril Asna '
,i"r.,IIHIUCft;,tiL I
H wT)".14?""! tt: s..', ...
tin " 1 '-t-
rt...,.0, ,cf"7,: 1
S( CaOV ' aar-
" '-lUiri r'i inr h j a-fBi. l'i".Vr
ML IO j r t M a m ana. .. .
Th Week It f i,:..
must be
icevs of tho
lmr ftcliintr
- j
The.e are
0. R. & N.
j -IT lS'TlIK-
I Shortest, Quickest,
AN D Mi )sT
I ..Comfortable
I lo'ilte tu all Ka-terii jioinls via. 1 '.inland.
All Tlir.'iijli Tickets reailiup over tlib route
ire pint via:
siill IitUo an,l ),.ivtr
Low Hates ! very w here
'I i, vi,nii Sale at Sotitliern Pacific l'i-"l
I )!lh e.
-A. L. CKAlir,
(ren'l Pasngcr AkciiI,
Portlanil, Ore.
! A latni'.iur namo for lite Chicaio, Mil
:aukee&St. paul Railwa. known all
t over the L'iiin H the (ireat Rail-tsy
jfiiiniiiK the "IVrieer l.iniilctl" trainf
! every , by anil niht between Si. l'siii
; ami l inear, n, Or.iha and Ctin io:
1 ' rheotilv perfect train" in the aorhl.
! ''J-rKtiiiul : Connections are mail
'lli Ali Transcontinental Lines, aMir
initio passt-nprj Ilie best service k no n.
l-.nxiiri.ius ci niches, electric lights, sham
iine''"' V'"rily eiu'4i:,"l ,,v no oih'T
!"'-e u"11 Vor ticket rea,!a via "Ti e
i!ai.kee" !ieii ioin lo auy point in
"- l'niit.1 States or Canaila. All tick
ents ti,,,,,,,
lor raies. .-inphle;s or oilier inloi"
'eaiioii, a-l,re.a,
J- W. c.vm..Yi C. J.Koor.
Irav. 1 Aet tieneral AneiU.
H1T1K, Wash. I'ttKTLAND, ("
hniithk lantli ufT I'omatle
i"'liinis s, l? ni,on 0,,e api'lica
' 'o six removes a'l tlamlmfl
""I Hi s op (aiin bair- i'rice fr.V.
i! tlruiiiiiatV l-or Mle, Iv Slu'
1M !
I Mo 1 art no, ray.