Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 30, 1902, Image 1

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    .vol xvir.
Commissioner .
Clerk. ...
Heputv Clerk
Iieputy Sheiirl. .
School Supt
.....J. O. Booth
J John Wells
'' 10. F. Lovelace
It. L. liarliett
..' T. P. Judson
Geo. W Lewie
Ernest Lister
J. T. Taylor
Lincoln Savage
I has. trow
ft . ('. Perkins
YV. F. Kremer
Mayor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge R. L. liavis
Treasurer Col. W. lohnson
City Attorney C. K. May bee
Marshal John LorkhanH
Street supt. John Patrick
Couniiluien Ueo. H. Uinns
A. C. Hough, J. It. Williams. C.
K. Harmon J. A. Kehkoiif, Will C.
bmitli, Herbert Sniilli, Henry Schmidt
Grants Pass Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 84.
regular communication lir.-t and third
ISaturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited. H. C. Bobizm, W. M.
A J. Pike, Sec'y.
R yal Arch Masons -Kennies Chapter No.
M nieeta second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hall. I.. L. Jewell,
J. E. l'mcasos. Secy. H. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2
meets tirst and third Wedne.-day
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mas. H, Kollitk.
Mas. Artn.v M. IIolmak, W. M.
I. O. O. F ,-tiolden Rule Lodite No. 78.
meets every Saturday night ut I. O. O.
F. hull. C H. M.IKSUALL,
T. Y. Dims, Secy. N. Ci.
Paran Encampment I. O t. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
1 11. F. hall, Fued Schmidt",
T. Y. Ukas, Sec'v. CP.
Rebekahs Etna Retiekah. No 4!l, meets
second and fourth Monilav, I. O. O. F.
hall. Has Divis, N'.U.
Klsik Okeln, Secy.
L'niled Artisans Grants Piss Assembly
No. 411, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. V. W. hull. F. E. Weiitz,
Fukii Mkhsch, Muster Artisan,
Woodmen of the World Komie liiver
Camp No. .Vt, meets second and fourth
Fridajs at Woodman Hull.
ft. V. Mkahe,
C E. Mayhek, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Cinle, No.
IKZ, meets tirst and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
L. MY Davis, W N.
W. E. Dear, Clerk.
Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass
Camp No. NJJ7 meets 2nd and I! h Weiines
dav Kveuitui at Woodmen hall at 7 :iiO.
( has. H. Marshall. V. C.
N. Reynolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. meets each Wednesday eicept
the lirst, al A. (. IT. W. hall.
J. P. Hale, C R.
G. N. Holt, F. H.
Josephine Lodge, Mo. 112, A. O. I'. W.
mceis in A. O. V. W.hall, Dixon build
ing evcrv Monday evening.
J. It. Msaiie, M. W.
It A. tTAKARn, Recorder.
llawtlio-ne Lodge, No. 21, D. of II.. A. O.
li. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. I) I'. W. hall, Hixuti
biiildini!. Mas. A. McCarthy.
Mas. LvutA Deas, C. of II.
Knights of the Maccabees Grants Pass
Tent, No. 13 meets first und third
Thursdays at Woodmen ball.
Win. Alired, D. Stovali.,
Record Keeper. C'Jinniandcr.
Ladies of the Maccabees Grants Pass,
Hive No 18 holds regular " Reviews"
tirst and third Thursdays ut A. (). 11.
W. bull. Visiting sisters cordially
invited. Jennie Cheshire,
Mary ."-millions, Lady Commander.
Record Kee;er.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. Oil,
meets each Tuesday night 7:.'SU 1. U.
(. F. hall. J. T. Chuusse,
Tom Williavs, (.'. C,
. K. ol it and S.
Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Lopan
Post No. an, meets tirst A' ednesday at
A. O. I'. W. hall. J. E. PxraKsoM.
Aoe AxTKLt., Adjl. Com.
American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore
gun CLUiicil No. i, meets hr.-t and
third Saturdays, at A. O. I'. W. hall.
Htsj. F. Mvbu'K, Chiel Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Order of Pendo While Rock Council No
lUi, meets in A. O. C. W. Hall lirst
and third rriduy nights,
C. K. Mayhe, Secrelury,
Emma 1'txciiKa, Counselor.
tnitcd llrotherliood of Carpenters anil
Joiners ol America I'nioii No. IWs
meets second and tourth Thursdays ut
each month at A. O. I'. W. Hall. '
J. E. Wikuias, Pres.
I). A.Fitzoekai.ii, Sec y,
Pi seines in all State mt Federal Court!
Ollioe over First National llauk.
Oka.ts I'abs,
(j Hants Pass,
Furniture an. I Piano
The papular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
Oil Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room in connection
ft ' W V -fl I'ruuua SIVDl f-vwOL I
- ; .1 4 .vr rails to B -wtor. Grmrl
IV-.J ... i M"U to US Co. 1
V , S Cans w 9 --, A ka:r fag. I
Fine liuttcra Specialty
Full nasor.iuent of Watches, Clocks, Sil
verware anil Jewelry. A liocsl
Assortment of RraceleU and
Heart Bangles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
MEATS, (j-
PilON 21
A Fine Assortment of Boss Cases
The Jeweler.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a denerul Hanking business.
Iteceives deposits subject to check or on demand cerlilicates.
Our clMomcls are a-silreil of courteous treatment and sv.rv consideration con
sistent with sound bunking principles.
Safety depustt boxes for rent.
The First National Bank
lteceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
ells sight drafts on New York Hun Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic trunsfers sold on all jiointa in the United Btutcs.
Kpeciul Attention piven to Collections and Kcneral business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible uiiits.
11. A. IIOOTII. Pres.
J. C. CAMl'IlKLL. Vice I'res.
It. L. (HLKKY, Cashier.
J. 11. PADIHJCK, Pkoi r.
I am prenfreil to fiirnisb any tiling in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years ol experience in the Marble business warrant my saving
that I can till your orders in the very bcFt manner.
Can lurnisli work in .Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kino' of
Mai Die.
Front Ktrecr, Next 10 Grenei Ounohop,
Mmdm la llirm
$15,s $20 $3(3
The best Disc Machine on the Market
Entertains Everybody Everywhere
Uses flat Indestructible Record
which can be handled
without danger of
being injured
Columbia Phonograph- Co.,
. 125 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CA1
W. A. Paddock, Grants Pass, Ore
Remember a fifty cent bottle
of Scott's Emulsion given in
proper quantities will last a
baby fifty days; a child six or
seven, thirty days ; and a child
of ten or twelve, twenty days.
It's a very economical medi
If the child is sickly, without
appetite, it will nourish arid
bridge it over until it can take
its usual food.,
For delicate children without
any real disease, it can be used
with splendid results.
We'll send too a littla to try, If jrou like.
SCOTT S 110 WNE, 4o9PurltttMt, N.w York-
Buy Your
School Books
School Supplies
M. Clemens
Onnge Front, Oppo. Open House.
To Cure a Cold in Hay.
Take Laxative Iironio (juinine Tablets,
All druggists refund the money It It fails
to cure. E. W. U rove's signature is en
Front St.otipo. WatorTank.
A. VanNoy, Propr.
It. A. H00T1I. Vice-I'res.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
$50,000 00
fjrpu mulling ml
The reroductkin art
7-inch Records 50 cent each t S per doz.
Record $ each; $10 per do.
It hits taken. Western Orccou ucarly
(0 years to loam the siuiple fact that
the country iit better adapted for the
production nnd niaintonanoo of live
stock than for either fruit-Krowiug or
general farming, anil that ita 'bost
hold" nnd its best futuro lio in the
development of its herds aud ill pro
motion of tho industries which rest
upon tho stock-breeding and atock-
Jkeoping. Tliero havo boon reasons
wliy tins fact which now apiH-ars so
plain, has been alow in impressing
itself upou the general mind. The
pioneer period, which lasted practical
ly until lMiiS, when the first railroad
found its way op the Willainolto Val
ley, taught us little in an industrial
sense excepting that tho climate was
mild and the soil uiarvelously fertile,
aud that anything planted iu the
ground would grow if it had half a
chance. The second period, which
lasted from LSiiS until tho early '80's,
taught us nothing, since there wui no
commercial market for anything but
wheat, and therefore no motive for
experimenting in oilier forms of pro
duction and no menus of determining
relative commercial values.
It was not until tho completion of
the Northern Pacilio Hailroad, by
which we were brought into touch
with tho commercial world, that there
was any uintivo for branching out
into a varied industry excepting upou
such narrow scale as was necessary
to supply tho local demands. When
the era of wider markets opened, the
effort to meet the new conditions was
boldly made, but without anything
approaching a true knowledge of the
limitations of our situation. Wo wore
deceived by the demonstrated fertility
of tho soil, by tho mildness of the
climate, and by the results of the sea
son of Fpcciul advantage, into the'
theory that Oregon could beat the
world in almost everything. We went
into fruitgrowing, and, excepting in
apples, iu especially fortunate locali
ties mo did not beat the world; and it
was the same with a good many other
lines of production. We found that
while in s)h'cial seasons onr prunes,
cherries and peaches wero supremely
line fruit, there could be no depend
ence upon the product year iu aud
year out. Oftentimes the rains per
sist so late in the spring as to wash
the blossoms from the trees ; oftentimes
they come so early in the fall as to
cause (lib fruit to rot at the pit before
it ii ri i) fur picking. Wo found
that while our tenderer fruits fresh
from the tree, are more lueious than
the fruits of California, they havo not
the tonghui'ss of skin and the strength
of fiber which enables them to "stand
up" under long transportation; in
other words, that while immediately
aud intrinsically better than the
California fruits, they havo not the
keeping' quality which ut this long
distancu from market is essential to
commercial value.
Ami iu relation to general farm
product ion it ilawtud i ) on us at Inst
that iu comparison withthc agricul
tural Middlii West we are handicapis-d
by the relative shortness of our work
ing season. The rains last too late in
the spring and cotuu too soon in the
fall to give time enough for the fann
er to do his work or the land to de
velop its crops ; and due to this fact
there are many things in which the
Oregon fatmers must work at a dis
advantage whenever lie has to meet
tlio comjKtition of other countries
there the working and crop season is
longer. For years the fact was cited
that Minnesota eggs, Illinois hams
and Inwa poultry sold hi our markets
at prices our own js'oplo could liot
meet, and the fact was charged
against the Willamette Valley lurmers
to their disendit; and It was long be
fore we reali.ed that it was not lack
of industry or thrift on the jmrt of
our farmers, but the shortness of our
working season, which made competi
tion dillicult ir i m J x ;-c i b 1 1 . during
part of each y-ar.
Hut the conditions which shorten
our working season and so put us at
a disadvantage in Binn'-Jres; cts con
tribute to our ndraiitago iu others.
Much rain nukes much grass. And
much gras.s is a certain foundation lor
the stick business And for live
stock and its products the demand is
insatiate. I inmost ic auiuuils thrive
in all the wcuilicis known to this
ri'Uiitry, uml its long hnsoti of rain
puts no limitation usin the luliors
ot tic stock business. Tho sos k in
dustry is one iu which our working
season covers or may lie iiutdo to
cover every day in the year, aud to
which our moist climate is not a
drawback, but on the other hand all
amazing aid. And under these condi
tions it is not surprising that energy
and capital are seeking the business.
Within tlio just fivo years the nuin
lier of cows in the valley has been
more than doubled. Lands longcroji
d to wheat with jssir returns have
Ir i n given to jmsturi) and liaru ad
vanced in wilue. Forage r-rojis, of
which until lately even our most
jiroj,Tessiv agriculture knew noth
ing, are being widely cultivated; and
as the capabilities of the country for
feed jirisluctiou develop there is a
jfcitural disposit ion to multiply tin
nsmlsrs and the variety of herbs.
I It U found that there is more jimflt
in feeding the grain product of a
ill.uriette alley farm than lu
wiling it in the market; and from
this condition it is but a su p to the
inimrtut ion of cm in feed from the
regions east of the mountains, "l he
livestock industry brings a multitude
of profitable side industries into the
country. The creamery lias trans
formed our dairy jiract ice, and b
giving to Ongou a commercial
reputation. Th elm so factory is
another oure-i of largo jirofit.
Western Oregon is counted on nowa
days as a source of beef supply. - The
country for tho first time in its history
produces more hogs than it consumes.
In brief, the livestock industry has
become ouo of the . largo interests pf
the country ; aud under this industry,
which is making coustaut and heavy
advances, tho country is more rroa
jxrou8 than it has been at any other
period in its history. It bus found
a departmeut of production in which
the supjily can never crowd the de
mand; to which it is specially
adapted by nature ; iu which its work
ing season is not curtailed by the
earliness, the lateness nor tho persist
ence of tho Orcgou mists. Oregouianl
Following is the list of letters ro-
mnimng uncalled lor at tho orants
Pass post office, Saturday October
IS, 1U03.
Mrs. Maggie Ilartoly.
Wui. Audersou,
Jus. Stephens,
Albert Cor lull,
Carl Kreogen,
A. E. Fisher,
E. Q. Gould.
C. E. llarmou, P. M.
Tho new Eureka mine, out on Sol
dier creek is proving to bo a "hum
mer. " It was oiinijuiod and started
up but a few mouths ago but lu that
brief time it has demonstrated the
fact that it is a projicrty of worth and
that tho managers judged wisely
when they tint iu tho magnificent
plant that is now doing duty ut the
mine, lhe jirojierty is illuminated
by electricity supplied by the mine's
own excellent plant. A ten-stamp
mill is kept iu operation night mid
day. Two concentrators aud other
machinery arrived hero this week for
tho Eureka mid aro being carried out
to the mine. Manager tie Varilla
states that tho oro of the Eureka looks
Is'ttcr as it is tapped at greater depth.
They have enough to keep them busy
for a decade.
Several six aud eight-horso teams
aro engaged iu hauling iu tho heavy
machinery for tho new 20-stamp mill
of tho Greenback niiuo on Grave
creek. Superintendent Thompson in-
formed us that that they would soon
havo tho machinery all in place and
tho new and big battery would bo
crushing the ore of tho deep levels of
the mine in a few days. The old
mill, which sits farther up Greenback
mountain, will bo reduced to five
stamjis during the winter and will be
used us a custom mill only, Mr.
Thoinjisou states that they have
enough oro above the 800-foot level to
keeji tho new mill ' busy night und
day for tho next 20 years. Above this
level also it is estimated there is $1,-
000,000 iu sight. The Greenback pro
duces from t:i,00 to f!0,00 monthly,
or ut least this was the production of
the mine before the present changes
were lnaile. With the many Improve
ments that havo been made thu prop
erty will produce far more than this.
Tho interior aud outer workings of
the Gold Hug mine are now brilliantly
illuminated by electricity supplied by
the plant recently installed at the
protiorty. New drills, concentrators
and compressors aro also doing duty
at the Gold Bug. Tho managers of
tho jirojierty aro jmzzled over tin
water supply question. The mine and
mill sit well up on Mount Keiils n,
ulsivo the course of tho streams and
likewise out of reach of an adequate
water sujiply. Munager Colo slates
that were it not for this they would
have or 1)1 1 stamps at work, but un
der thu existing conditions they are
obliged to ojH rato but live. However,
they intend to have this adjusted and
will by a system of gravity jiiimps or
other wise bring a sufllcicnt water
supply to the in inn and operate
many stumps us the rich mine jtisti-
An nrticlo on "The Presidency," by
Theodore RiHjscvelt, to bo jiublished
iu the November Oth issue of The
Youth's ('(iln)nuion, w ill be of great
public interest. When thu article was
writtou Mr. Roosevelt had not evei
been nominated for the vice-presi
Nothing was then further from his
thought than that ho would so soon
exercise the great powers which are
entrusted to the president of the
United Slates.
In view of the circumstances the
article jMsxcHscs an iinisirtiineo more
than ordinary aud it will bo eagerly
looked for. Tlio number of The
Youth's Comjsiuioii containing it, and
all the subsequent issues of l!Ni2, will
be sent free to new subscribers from
the time their subscription of $l.7.' is
received for the l'J03 volume. The
new subscriber will also receive The
Comjiauiou Calendar for liSi.'), litho
graphed iu twelve colors and gold.
Full illustrated announcement of the
new Volume aud sample copies of The
Cowjiuiiiou will be scut to any address
The Youth's Coiujiauioii, 141
Berkeley street, Boston, Mass.
Look with borrow on skin eruptions,
lilothoes. Sores, Pimjdes. They dou't
have them, nor will anyone, who uses
liui kleii'n Arnica halve. It glorihes
the face. . Eczema or Salt itheum
vanish before it. It cures soro llw
chapped hands, chilblains, lufalhbl
for i'llis. 2io at Kremer drug store
Tb 014 rshtbUTb W ,! Oresootta.
Iu summiu up tlio total output of
gold from tho mine of Josephine
county for the jiast year, a Courier
representative Is led to belicvo that it
will be at least 45jior cent greater this
season than it was last. Tho total
output of tho mines of Josephiue
county last season which Jiractically
covers tho entire mineral district of
southern Oregon was tl,05J,200.
This year it will be at least $2,500, -000.
The United States mint returns
may not show this much but southern
Oregon, liko Eaker county and the
mineral fields of eastern Oreon, does
uot receive duo credit for its total
output of gold. Down hero a number
of the mines ship much of their ores
to tho California smelters and those
people scud iu their returns with the
entire nmonut credited to California,
notwithstanding the fact that much of
it camo from Oregon mines. If the
statistio makers of tho Portland
lajiora, aud others who aro anxious
to sco Orcgou shown up as it should
be, wcro us careful in getting their
estimates of the vast output of the
easteru and southern Oregon mines, as
they are in gumming up the jirodttcts
of the farms and the forests, the
resources of Oregon would foot up a
much bigger total thai) is generally
given it.
These are unusually active times in
tho mines of southern Orcgou. The
quartz Jiroportics aro being dovolojiod
as they havo never been before, and
the placer mines are milking their
II mil preparations for the beginning of
n big season's business. It is more
particularly iu the quartz mines oi
this section of the statu that the great
est advancement has been made this
past summer, and that tho greatest
activity is manifest at tho present
time. Capital, that great power
which has been needed ill the southern
Oregon mines for many years past,
has made its npiH'arance, and the
mines of the surrounding districts aro
going to tlio front as a consequence.
Hon. II. B. Miller, United Stales
Consul at Niu Chwang, China, ad
dressed a largo audience Wednesday
at Salem, under thu auspices of the
Greater Salciu Commercial Club, up
on the trade conditions lu tho Orient
and tho Jiossibilitles tliero jiresented
for commercial expansion by tho Pact
lie, Coast region of the United States.
Mr. Miller displayed remarkable jkiw-
er of observation and accumulation
uf facts, and his tain was, therefore,
most interesting and Instructive. He
demonstrated ut length tho ruling
characteristics of the three great peo
ples prominent in tho t i icnt Russian,
Chinese and Japanese and the forms
of civilization and industrial devel
opment to bo expected from each
lie thought the .country from which
we might cxjN'ct to derive the greutest
commercial advantages is Japan, and
that one of the best things Oregon has
dona was the determination to send
an exhibit to Japan's exposition. He
said that our present trade will) Japan,
with only -10,000,000 or people, is as
great as it is with China, which has
100,000,000. and that wo will bo sur
prised ut the growth of trade resulting
from our participation in their cxjki
nr. Miller says there will lie a
heavy increase in the consumption of
Hour, lumber and diary products from
this country. Condensed milk of the
sweetened variety is u Jiurticuhirly
desirable article in those countries.
Soap will also become an imsirtant
article of commerce, and there urn uu
olenitis things which should Is' maun
factured in Orcgoiia:m exported to the
Orient iu large quant it it s. He looked
for the greater advancement iu Oregon
from the development of its mauufac
luring isissibilities.
He thinks Japan will lake a great
interest iu tho Lewis & ('lark Fair
and will Ho urg
the importance of having the Oriental
features of that Fair iiiado particular
ly prominent and gelt ing the js ojile of
thine countries thoroughly interested.
Mr. Miller thinks that one of the
points of gr 'litest importance iu the
building n J i ami maintenance of a
great Oinutal commerce is the pro
tection of China and an insistaiicc up
on an open door to that cmpirc'i
After the main address, Mr. Millet
answered a number of
isjiiinb d by Governor (Jeer aud others,
and the cut ire audience expressed the
greatest of satisfaction with the coiu
preln iisivo milliner in which he
bundled the subj' i t. A rising vote, of
thanks was tendered him by the club
aud its gucts.
All voters ut the city diction, to
Isi held in Grunts Pass on Monday,
DicciiiU r 1st, are required to be rcg
istered by tho auditor and jsilioe
judge ut tho city hall by November
1st at K j i. in.
The bull and registers will bo os ii
from 7 to U p. uf. on Wednesday and
.Saturday evenings to accomtnodato
those who are buy during thu day.
Itchii'g Piles produce moisture and
csusrs itchintf. ltiis lorm, as well as
Blind, lilcrding or Protruding Piles are
cured by l'r. Ilo-sitn ko'a I'll Remedy.
Mcps Itching sml bleeding. Abviibf
tumors. fOu a )r at I)i ujigiits, or sent
by mail. Treatise Irre. Write me
bout your case. Dr. lljusnko, I'bilada.
Pa. Fur sale bv W. F. Kremer.
Photo Suj.plics at the Courier office.
...Mouse Furnishings
Thomas is
Carload prices prevail.
full of Comfort and Ease. Rockers in im
monso variety, Couches at bottom prices.
We Guarantee Goods and prices.
I.c Curtains
Tho W. 0. T. U. will hold a Fran-
chise meeting at tho home of Mrs. E.
A. Wade, Nov. 7th, at 2:S0 p. m.
It is a great hour iu any man's life
when ho hears tho call of Ood and
responds to it, and henceforth feels
that lie is sot apart by lieaveuly
hands to do tho work which belongs
to li 1 in. William Wordsworth, writ
ing of his owu call to his career, out
lines what many another man has fult
but could uot so well describe :
My heart was full; I made no vows,
bat vows
Were made for mo ; bond unknown
to mo
Was given, that I should be else
sinning greatly,
A dedicated spirit. Ou I walked
Iu thankful blessedness which yot
Corvallis W. 0. T. U. was the first
union ou the Pacific coast to eroct a
building of its own. This was built
18 years ago; a two-story building, ou
tho main street of tho oity, where tlio
menilsirs have kept ojieu a free rend
ing room all those years. Ou a late
visit to tho oity, I visited tills Institu
tion, and found that recently they had
put out some $250 for rcjialrs, with
fresh jiaint, nice, now jiajier aud
pleasing decorations in form of jxit
ted plants, etc. Tliero is a well
spread literature table, where many of
tho leading js'rlodlcals of tho day
were found, and a manager who is
able to throw a most homelike, at
tractive atmosphere over it ulL I
wondered if the citizens of Corvallis
fully appreciated tho faithful efforts
of these Jiubliu-spiritod women. By
an action taken at a meeting attended,
I feel assuted that these noble women
have still greater and yet more public-spirited
work ou hand.
This is the only free reading room
and library njsin all day and evening
in tho city, and without doubt has
Iicou a great factor iu creating a bet
ter jmblio sentiment, a ruoro moral
tone, than prevailed years ago. We
commend the work of this organiza
tion heartily.
Word comes from the annual rejsirt
of evangelist lo work of tho National
W. 0. T. U. that IOC) conversions
were rejiorted from 1H states, the
others uot reporting in figures. More
than 8,000,000 pages of literature dis
tributed; some 6,000 visits made;
and some !K1, 2V0 evangelistic meetings
held. Free reading rooms, loan
libraries, on board ships, iu lumber
camps, mining camps, coffee-house,
goss'l missions, jirlsoti-gate missions,
newsboy und booothlack missions,
sailors rests, rescue homes, sewing
schools, kitdieu gurdens, social settle
ments, - training schools, day
nurseries and many other forms of
practical philanthropy were included
in the rejsirt.
A New York millionaire is ac
credited with saying that ouo might
as well talk of suppressing the wind
us of suppressing gauibliug; that
men havo always gambled aud always
Thu hojio of this uiau may have
been father of tho thought. It Deed
not lie titkeu for a truthful jirojihocy
iu the light of tho jsist. The person
who has kept op with the jirogresa of
the world under the influences of
Christianity takes no such view of
A chief characteristic of tlio new
waists and bodices is the deep
shoulder effect, achieved either by the
shaping of the garment or the dispoai
tiou of the trimming.
That skirts will remain close fitting
alsiut the hljia and have the decided
flare at the lower edge, is Indicated
by tho newest designs.
Quito the smartest coat to be worn
with walkiug skirts is the loose Nor
folk, with stitched straps and belt of
the material.
The einpiro deslgus are being well
received for indoor purposes.
Velvet coats are oertain to enjoy the
j 11 Column"!
Wall Paper,
Window Shades,
And all manner of
Elegant Furniture,
Picture Mouldings
Tinware -Glassware
popularity accorded tliem last sea
Slot eeams are retained in many of
the latest skirts aud ajijieur also In
Following tho revival of hand-
embroidery, stars, tacking etc., are
used to embellish gowns of all kinds.
The use of long-haired plain and
mixed goods is one of the features of
the season. Among heavy-textnrcd
materials tliero is xrhnps nothing
more pojiular than the sibeliucs.
In trimming, tho tendency Is to
ward simple effects. Tho demand for
braid docoratious is unprecedented.
From the Delineator for November.
Perfection In Diso Graphnplionos
aud Flat Records was quickly achiev
ed by the Columbia Phonograph Com
pany, the ploueers aud leaders in the
talkiug machine art, when it demon
strated the woudorful possibilities of
the flat iudostruotiblo records. Up
to.that time nothing important had
boon accomplished. Tho macliiuos
were faulty and tho records were not
in the same class with tho cylindrical
records used ou the graphophoue. A
knowledge of how to make disc re
cords aud the proper material for
which to mako them seemed to be en
tirely lacking. Tho wide exiwrienco
of tho record departmeut of the
Columbia Phonograph Company en
abled it to grasp the true principles
underlying tho making of .diso re
cords, and the lirst jirodnct was a
great deal better than anything that
hud been accomplished by others.
With the lapse of time the improve
ment that has como with practice lias
placed the Columbia Disc Records
far in advauoe of all others. They
are characterised by smoothness,
sweetness, clearuess aud naturalness.
Aud whilo preserving all these de
sirable qualities they aro tho loudest
records on the market.
The Diso Grajihojilionu is made in
three tyis'S, selling at 15, f20 aud
10. Beveu-itich records 60o each, $S
jier doseu ; 10 inch records f 1 each,
$10 jier dozen. Tho Graphophoue and
Columbia Records were awarded the
Grand Prlzo at tho Purls Kxposltion
of 1U00.
W. A. I'uddock, Grants Pass, Ore.,
headiuarturs for gruphophonos and
talking tuachino supplies of every
kind, will send you catalogues on ap
plication CHOICE HOPS 25 CENTS.
Tho Oregon hop market opened last
week with 2o cents quoted for choice
hojis. Not all the dealers are offer
ing that price, but tho sales made last
week show that there is a demand for
Oregnns at that figure. About 200
bales of Chehulis hops, f00 bales of
Yakimas and T.'iO bales in Polk aud
Marion counties have changed hands
at 25 cents. Iu California, no choice
hops havo been put upon the market
at less than 25 cents, und in Washing
ton 24 to 25 cents lias been asked for
practically all choice goods. The
qnotiitiou of Const hoiis iu New York
at 30 cents for choice makes tho price
here 25 cents easily, for the difference
by reason of freight and other hand
ling expenses is ouly 4 ceuts.
Absolutely Pure
Ouly reliable brands of Photo
Goods carried at A. E. Voorhies'.