Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 23, 1902, Image 3

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Fine Cooking apples, Orange Cling and Salway Peaches, Grapes,
Casabas, Nutm;g and Water Melons, Etc.
Just Arrived Smoked Salmon, Salt Salmon, Spiced Herring.
White House Grocery,
Opposite Iho P. O H. C. Bobzlcn, Propr.
And now is the time to plow. If you need a
new plow call and examine our lino of Oliver
Plows in both chilled and steel. Wo havo
all sizes from 7 jnehes up to 1 1 inches. We
carry extras for all sizes of plows we sell.
Give the Oliver a Trial.
Cramer Bros.
A Good
ilairlliddlc Hardwuro Co.
All the new styles in Ready-to-Weir snd Trimmed Hats that
will please in Style and Price.
Do not miss seeing them. Finer line than ever before in Child
ren's Hats and Tarns.
A Full line of the new ideal patterns, ioc; when sent by mail I ic
Mrs. J.-A. Rehkopf.
New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.-
Miss Weston has her full stock of Fait and Winter Trimmed
Hats on exhibition at her store on Front Street (second
millinery store east of Sixth) and would be leased to see
all her old customers and many new ones.
The very latest styles are on exhibition, comprising
many new shapes and new trimmings.
Courier and Oregonian $2 a year
(of fee
will need good tackle. Our stock of
Flics, Spoons, linen, Rods and Rods
is complete und we soil the best tlmt
can be procured. Fishermen using
our tackle aro sure to get good rejwrts
from tlic other end of tho line.
and See Them.
Mrs. E. B. Dock is spending a few
weeks visiting her parents near Rose
bnrg. Attorney Hoagli spent last week in
Eastern Oregon on professional busi
ness. Mrsa Eva Salmson, of Taconia, is
spending a few weeks with Mrs. J.
L. Gault.
H. A. Reed has returned from
Touapa, Nevada and will bo in the
city a short time.
Harvey Smith, a former Grants
Pass boy, is home visiting his mother,
Mrs. Henry Smith.
A. U. Bauuard has been in Port
laud for the past weok laying in a
new supply of furniture.
L. L. Jewell and E. C. Dixon are
on a trip to the Gnlice country. Fish
ing tacklo composed the greater part
oQheir baggage. p
A. J. Whitman, the well-kuowu
Rogua river valley frnit grower and a
resident of Medford, was in Grants
Pass Wednesday.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles W. Hays
expect to leave for Portland next
Wednesday to take up pastoral wor k
at St. Johns, November 1st.
Fred Welch, one of the former
Grants Pass boys but for some years
past a resident of Alaska, is now in
tho city renewing acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Tolford of
Colestin spent several days in the
city last week. They have sold their
residence property to J. C. Mcintosh.
Mrs. J. Twigger and little son, of
Portland, are visiting Mrs. Trigger's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, nnd
her sisters, Mrs. T. Y. Dean and Mrs.
T. Herbig.
David Herron, a resident of Nevada,
is in Grants Pass this week looking
over the mines. Mr. Herron waB a
collcgo class mate of Rev. ("lias. W.
Hays in Pennsylvania.
Col. J. S. Crawford returned to
Grants Pass Wednesday from Portland,
where he has been under treatment at
the hospital for several weeks. Col.
Crawford is still Very feeble, though
much improved.
Mrs. J. W. Howard and daughter,
Miss Eula, bade adieu to their many
friends and departed on Monday's
train for San Francisco, where they
will spend the winter and where Miss
Eula will take an advanced course
in music. Mr. Howard accompanied
them as far as Asldaud.
Robert Eberlu returned home Mon
day evening from Salem whence he
had gone to accompany Everett
Brown to the asylum. The worry
Mr. Browu endured as a result of the
loud newspaper reports of a recent
trouble, drove him insane. Tho whole
affair is most rcgretablo and the
many sympathizers of Mr. Brown
and his family hope that he may
fully recover from his malady.
A meeting of the Grants Pass board
of trade was hold in the parlors of the
First National Bauk Munduy evening.
Tho meeting was called priiiciilly
for the purpose of deciding whether
or not the board is to issue the de
scription pamphlets pledged some time
ago to the immigration bureau of
the Harriinan system.
In view of the fact that it lias been
and will be impossible to -erect the
exhibits building formerly planned
bythe board, it was decided a wise
plan to divert tlui funds subscribed
for this purpose towards issuing de
scriptive matter. Some $000 was sub
scribed, :100 of which was collected.
It was unanimously voted that the
entire building fund be appropriated
for advertising purposes and for pay
ment of the outstanding debts of the
board of trade.
Upon motion tho chair appointed
four committees of two each to
solicit the remainder of subscription
and get signatures to the constitution.
Tho committees appointed were: J.
S. Moore and Jof. Moss; If. C. Kin
ney and R. Thomas; W. M. Hah
and Geo. Cramer; F. W. Chausse
and H. L. Gilkey.
ROB INSON Near Wilderville, Tues
day, October 14, 1002, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Robinson, a daughter.
liomo in uratitn fass. Ore., Oct. I'.),
11102, Charles E. Chilcote and Inn
May Lister, Dr. Rols-rt Leslie, pas
tor of tho Baptist church, official
ford Oct. S, li)2, st the residence of
the bride's parents, l,.m(l. Howard
anil Miss M. Jersie Macauicy, by
Rev. T. L. Crandall.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard left Thurs
day for a trip to San Francisco.
They will return to Medford to live.
Pass, Ore., Oct. 15, 1'.hi, a"t the home
of the Christian minister, Doraucc
Dotson and Miss Ma Wooldridge,
Rev. R. L. Johnson otticiat ing.
residence of the bride's parents, in
Grants Pass, Ore., Saturday even
ing. Oct. IS, l'.sr), Miss Viola Shat
tuek and Ed Williams, both of this
city, Rev. K. L. Johnson ottu iating.
Rl'FLEY Nr Gold Hill, Tuesday,
Otobcr 21, l'.H)2, the H-moiiths old
child of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kufley.
The Rev. George D. Doyle, who has
Ixi'D the efficient pastor of the Catho
lic church here for nearly two years,
has been transferred by Archbishop
Christie to Roscburg. Hu will be
succeeded at Grauts Pass by Father
Burton of Portland. His very many
friends wish him an abundant success
in his new field of labor for which
he left last Friday evening.
J. Wolke wishes to settle up all ac
counts at once. All who am owing
him are notified to call at the Grants
Pass Hardware Co. at once and settle
with him. All who bare bills
against him are requested to call and
collect. J. Wolke.
New shot gun cartridges at Cramer
Just Arrived at the
Qhicao Racket Store
2300 lbs. Crockery and Glassware
Ve are going to make a run on Crockery for TEN
days, so if you need a Plate, Cup or Saucer, Sauce Dish,
Vegetable Dish, or any other kiud' of a dish we can save
you money on them.
Ladies and Children's Woolen and Cotton Underwear.
" Stockings.
Men's and Boy's " " " Underwear.
" " " ' " " Sox.
blankets, Quilts and Rubber Goods.
We have received a fiue line of Hats, Caps, Tatu 'O Shanters,
Fascinators, Opera Shawls, Circular Shawls, Baby Hoods, Calicos,
Percales, Flannelettes.
Shoes of all kinds from 25c to $3.50.
Tinware Graniteware, Woodenwaie, nnd Willowware.
Our prices are the lowest in town. You can save money by
buying of us. A good quality" of goods at living prices. v
Chicago Racket Store
The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap
tist church will givo a chicken pie
supper ill tho Woodmen hall, Wed
nesday, Oct. 20. Supper will be
served from 5 to 8 p. m. and tho pro
ceeds will bo used for tho furnishing
in the new Baptist church which is
hoped will bo completed by the first
of tho new year. Supper 25 cents.
The Medford Hour. It is again the
best Hour on the market. Ask for it.
The Southern Oregon State Normal
School is making thorough prostr
ations for tho coming year's work,
The buildings are being remodeled
and repaired, and extensive additions
to the chemical and physical de
partments are being made. Tho facul
ty is composed of strong teachers
consecrated to tho work, and each de
partment is in tho hands of a Blieclul-
A year's course in Latin and in
Ecouomics has Imcii udded to further
pruparn teachers for high school work.
The training department will be es
s'cially strong. A man of splendid
education and wide experience will
boat tho head of this department.
Much attention will bo given to ora
tory, and athletics will be made
prominent. Tho citizens of Ashland
havo guaranteed some $200 as prizes
for excellence in these lines. The City
Library of 2000 well selected volumes
is thrown open to students of tho in
stitution. Board and lodging can be '
hail at from f'.50 per week to $1.00.
Climate Inalthv. Courso of study
practical and exhaustive. For cata
logue of announcements write It. F.
Mulkey, president, Tir Clifford
Thomas, secretary, Ashland, Oregon.
Nov. 2 "Fiddle Deo Dee," at Opera
Nov. 5 "Hunting for Hooligan."
Opera house.
Nov. 17-2!! Madison Square Theatre
Ci). , at Opera house one week.
Tho. Oi ra house management re
ceived notice Monday that Hi unessy
Lcroylc, who was billed to appear at
the Grants Pass house Thurs
day, Oct. 2H, in "Other People's
Money," is lying seriously ill at
Vacaville, Cal., which compells
cancelling the engagement. Mr.
Leroyle hopes to play hero in the near
A large amount of iron from the
rnins of buildings destroyed by the
late lire at Grants Pass was bought up
by junk dealers to Portland and was
recently shipped to tho rolling mills
there. At the same time the safe of
the Sugar Pine Lumber Coniiutiy,
which had been through tho lire, was
shipped to agent Davis, of the Dichold
Safe & Is-k Oomiiany, to 1st ri'imircd
if possible, and if not, that a valuable
burglar-proof chest ill it might be
saved. n some way the safe got
among the junk, and the junk dealer's
men, it s.ieniH, decided to make junk
of it. The consequence was that
v. lien it came to the hands of agent
DaH, a day or two ago, it was in
had condition, llm hing' S having ls-en
broken off, the door removed and the
moldings and ornamental work on the
front broken and mostly removed, mid
the general appearance of the safe
most disreputable. The only thing to
be done was to house it and try to get
the burglar-proof chest, which is
valuable, out of it. This job Mr.
(laris now has in hand, and his
opinion of the fellows w ho got the
door off the safo is that they are van
dals and that they were trying to get
into the safe in hoio of finding valu
ables there.
A strong girl to do general house
work. Call on or address Mrs. T. P.
Crann r, Grants Pass, Ore.
A general as-ortment of canned fruit
for sale. Inquire of Mrs. E. B.
On account of the reckless manner
in which hunters fire rifles on my
premises across Rogue river, I desire
to state that any iH-rxon shooting 011
said premises will Is: prosecuted to
the full extent of the law.
K. L. Cuss.
Mm. M. (.'. Wilson will give
Spiritual Cirel' S e.v h Sunday even
ing; speaking and t' ; private sit
tings, Mondays, Wednesdays and
Saturdays, at her residence opposite
the bicycle grounds. Prices reasonable.
Grants Pass can put its toads op
with any iu tho world. A Courier
man can vouch for this, for ho holds
tho proof. A few days ago he saw a
big Grants Pass toad attempt to catch
a bird; aud he (tho Courier man, not
the toad) wasn't drunk either, at the
Tho circumstance hapis'Ued down
011 the banks of Roguo river. A little
Chickadee, or some such similar bird
was hopping anout on the ground aud
found himself suddenly courontedby a
largo toad of the liorus-Jnmpus
species. The big toad looked birdie
square iu the eye and birdie was hyp
uotized and finder tho big toad's in
fluence ero he was aware. Then the
toad bogau to creep uisiu his prey, but
never for an instant releasing his gaze
on birdie. Liku a cat, the toad crept
nearer aud then "gathering all his
strength for tho final spring, " as the
story books say about tho tigers, tho
toad liaH'd into the air and came
down pounce on birdie's back. But
tho toad lacked the claws and other
necessary implements for holding on.
Tho sudden jar brought birdie to
his senses aud with a few wild
shrieks, a sasmodio flutter or two
and flew away into the sky, leaving
the Courier man with cold inspira
tion wetting his brow.
To Tho Rogue River Courier,
Grauts Pass, Ore.
"I have in front of me, your iuiiht
of August 2Kth; it is like a letter
from homo to me.
I left the Pass on the Tth of May
and lauded ill Rampart, Alaska, the
12th of Juno this year. I have beeii
over tho mining country in this
vicinity and find it very good ; if It
were iu Josephine county it would be
great. Olio can make from $1 to $.
per day easily enough; but that will
not do here; provisions are high and
packing costs 25 cents vr pound.
You can sco that the pick and shovel
are too slow. My brother und I have
scut for a giant and pifio and will try
it next spring. If it will work, the
ground is good for $100 per day to the
This is a camp of tiOO or COO men
besides tho women and squaws. We
have four general merchandise stores,
seven saloons, three restaurants nnd
a flue location for a hotel. Wages
are $1 kt hour and no idle men. A
new strike has just been made 011 the
llootlimana that promises to tie the
coming cam). The town has all stam
js'ded to the new field and nt present
liami.iart is very quiet."
Yours truly,
G. I). Williams.
"The fastest selling article I ha've
in my store, " writes druggist O. T.
Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's
New Discovery lor Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds, because it always
cures In my six years of sales it has
never failed. I have known it to save
sufferers from Throat and I.ung
diseases, who could get no help from
doctors or an other remedy" Mother,
rely on it, best physicians prescribe
it, and W. F. Kremci guarantees sat is.
faction or refunds price. Trial hot
ties free. Regular size, M'o and $1.
Fruit ai r can ho bad in small
quantities at the Courier office.
Larger lots, from M) iouiids to ton
lots can 1st secured on short notice.
I ave all orders at the Courier office.
Poland China brood sows and
shouts. Prices low until Nov. 1st.
H. It. Alverson. Bridge sW ) mile
west of South school.
Dn s making and plain sewing by
the day. Inquire of Mis. H. Dis
brow, !)th street, west of brick yard.
I can furnish rider by the gallon or
btrrel at 2'mj t gallon. W. B.
Alverson. Bridge St. '-mlle west
of South k"hool.
Miss Dora Williamson from K. C
M. San Jose, CaL is now prewired to
take a limited uumlicr of pupils 011
the piano forte and iu theory. Res
ideuee, flrd and A streets.
If you buy an Airtight Heater of
Cramer Bros, tiny will deliver It III
town free of charge and will set it
Owing to the large business hn is
j doing in Grants Pass, Prof. Fruuklyn
! the well known palmist aud clairvoy
ant has found it ni'ceswiry to remove
bis office to larger quarters in the
Pabue hotel... room SO, where he will
be phased to see all bis friends aud
Xocal Dappcntngd
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Goto Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescilption DrusgU
See Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
1 Tho steam feather renovator is com
ing to Grants Pass.
To bo ready for long evening read
ings seo Thomas' lamps.
Call and inspect tho new lino of
Garland Stoves and Ranges just re
ceived at Cramer Bros.
A complete line ot tna celebrated
Mitchell Rtiggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Don't wait for the next cold snap.
Get your Airtight Heater now at
Cramer Bros.
Try Morris' Poultry Cure and Stock
food at F. H. Schmidts. No Cure
No Pay. Free Samples.
Curtis A Co. Watchmakers, nd
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
First class engraving douo while
you wait, at Letcher's.
Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal
$2.50 to $0.00 at Cramer Bros.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Corou's.
Cramer Bros, are agents for Hercu
les Powder, fuso and caps. Call on
them for prices.
Plain script letters engraved ou any
article 5o per letter; Old English
letters 10c nt Letcher's.
Free engraving on ony article of
jewelry bought from Letcher, the
jeweler. Front street, opposito de
pot. Tho Alter Society of the Episcopal
church will hold 11 HollowoVn Social
at the Woodmen Banquet Hall on the
evening of tho illst of October. All
are invited to attend. A good pro
gram is promised. A small feo of
15 cents will be charged at the door.
The choir of St. Luke's church ap
peared iu full vestments last Sunday.
Several more havo become meinlsirs
this week and better ruusio is promis
ed for next Sunday.
All the latest models In Winchester
and Marl in Hi lies; also the Savage
at Cramer Bros.
There were many Grants Pass peo
ple moon-struck last Thursday night.
A total eclipse of old Luna was the
cause of It mid scores of xoplo gazed
from their windows or from the
street at the interesting spectacle
Tho night was clear and cloudless
and perfect in every way for a free
and unobstructed view of the eclipse.
The earth's shadow made its ap
pearance on the left of the moon at
8:20 and by 10 o'clock the entire
moon was completely obscured, how
ever, a faint outline of tho orb was
disceruablo through tho dark shadow.
Hy 12 o'clock the moon was entirely
clear again and the eclipso was over.
Many watched throughout the whole
There is good fishing yet, both with
rly and spoon. Let Criuncr Bros, fit
you out.
The annual meeting of the JacKsou
county -teachers' institute will take
place at Medford, October 22, 23, 24.
County School SuisTiiitcndcnt P. H.
Daily has secured a number of promi
nent educators and lecturers, and bus
arranged a very attractive jrigram
for the occasion.1 Among those who
will tako imrt in the institute are: J.
II. Ai'kerman, State Superintendent
of Public Instruction; N. L. Narre-
gau, priuci)ial of the Medford schools ;
P. L. Campbell, president of the
Slate University ; J. H. Orcutt, presi
dent of the Drain Normal School ; S.
Y. Gillian, editor of the Western
Teacher, of Milwaukee, Wis. J Dr,
A. D. Wanle, training teacher of the
Ashland Normal School; W. F. Cam
roll, principal of tint Ashland pub
lie schools; G. W. Bishop, science
teacher; J. A. Peoples, principal of
Iho Medford Business College.
"Hazel Pierce" by Win. A. Ho,
published by A. Hogruvo & Co. New
York, is the til le of a new hook which
has just made ItH appearance. It is a
story of simple life, told in a straight
forward manner, w ithout affectation
and in a style that apals to the
average modern reader. The priucl
pal chimu leis, scene and Incidents
are located in 1 'oit land, Astoria und
Seaside, Oregon. From Oregon the
principal characters are carried to San
FraiirisMi, Salt Lake. New Orleans,
New York ami the Klondike mining
regions. Many of the scenes are
familiar to Oregoiilans. l'orllatid,
Astoria, Seaide and the vessels ply-
lug on the Columbia are accurately
ih serlbi d. HALL.
The ladies of Maccabees of Placer
am planning to give a muqucradi
hall ou Thaukngiviiig night mid intend
to make this ball the event of the
mason ill that place.
Mrs. K. M. ('limp of the Victory
mine met with 11 serious accident
while returning from an outing ut the
Nest on Oulnes creek, Tuesday. The
horse she w as riding Is came frighten
ed near Galesville mid ran about
three-quarters of a mile, then stum
bled and threw the rider 011 the large
ris ks iu the creek Is d. Mrs. Camp
was rendered unconscious and sus
tained a fructure of the left radius, a
large gash was cut uuTler the chin,
and she was severely bruised on tin
Is sly.
Dr. Bowersoi dressed her wounds,
reduced the fracluie and she was
taken to tint hospital at Portland on
WcdncuWy night's train. Couisdcr
ing the place where she was thrown
she was very fortunate in not sustain
lug more severe injuries or being
killed outright
f u uVisIFed ROOM.
Largo and sunny front room for
rent; central locatiou. Enquire at
this office.
Headquarters For
High Art Clothing'
IV HaaeGumniertb i PJ
fV- E Kuppf nnetmcr Ca 9t Sr
V AmertcM leading V 1
Vftv-L Ckrtnrt JlY
II aj anuppmneimersco it L.
H AmmcEl Lrsotna f wjt
U Cloihn Maicr f a
rM- iIT!TiiiV- e lFWta'lHr1,ll,,,l"'
"ill liio Ifjlp "
WftotKwr-b j
Photo Supplies.
A. E. Voorhies.
I'll' '.'J2j
Have you
Pro Franklyn
&c World's
Most Famous Clairvoyant and Palmist
Who is now located at the Palace
Hotel, parlors So, corner Front aud
5th streets, has done a rushing business
all week, his parlors being crowded
with some of tho best people iu tho
city. This would indicate that tho
IHxiplo of Grants Puss are quick to
recognize a reliable medium when
one visits here. Those who havo con
sulted the professor say that ho tells
them their lives better than they
know it themselves and they all agree
that they have been much helped
through his advice. Prof. Franklyn has
no equal iu his profession. Hu stands
alone, the prince of clairvoyants, aud
is the greatest muster of tho science
of Palmistry the world has ever
produced. Hu tells you what you
came for without asking you a ques
tion, and guarantees to reveal every
Incident of your life, past, present
and future; advises you on love, mar
riage und divorce; sales, changes,
ss'Culatious, pnqs-rty, business losses
nod sickness.
If your business is unsuccessful or if
you have trouble of any kiud, you
should sco this gifted medium at once.
No matter what your trouble is, he
can and will help you, aud if you are
not licljtcd and perfectly satisfied after
a visit, hu will positively refuse to
accept a fee. You should remember
that every rOrson is adapted to some
certain kind of business or profession
aud no one can make a success of his
life until bo finds out for what he is
best fitted You may wish to know
if it is advisable to make a change in
business, iu love or iu marriage.
Shall I succeed iu my undertakings?
Shall I ever become wealthy? When
Now is the time to
buy correctly-tailored
suitings the linea
are not broken the
assortment largo.
Remember, we are
showiug'only the
Cannot get out ot
shape, gag, wrinkle
or break along the
coat front, and the
collar andlapols are
so fashioned that the
can't got out of place
A shapely coat.
H. Earth & Son.
Good rock men wanted at $1.75 to
$2.00 per day. Board $3.25 per week. -Call
or address D. E. Morris, -
rTirownsboro, Jackson Co., Oro.
100 acres ; 10 acroa in finest fruit ; 90
acres uiidor fence and cultivation,
alfalfa aud clover, water for irriga
tion. Good two story dwelling eta,
good stock range. Address Box 11
Woodvlllo, Oregon.
Consulted Him ?
shall I marry? How often shall I mar
ry? Shall I over be divorced? Doe
another share the love that rightfully
belongs to me? If so who? In what
should I invest my money? Is my "
disease curable?
The Prof, tells you all these tiling
and a great many uioro. He Is ever
ready to assist those with small
capital to flud a quick and sure In
vestment Mlulng men and proa
pec tors In particular should consult
this gifted medium, as he is often
able to save them much time and
money In locating aud developing
their mines.
As a test in your reading he tells
you your full mime. All business
strictly confidential and paxlorc are to
arranged that you meet Do strangers,
Lady In attendance, fee reasonable
and In reach of alL Perfect satis
faction by mail, scud $1, day and
date of birth and any quostions yott
may whh to ask, to Prof. J.
Frauklyn, Grants Pass. (Spoclal)
while here the Prof, wishes to an
nounce that he will start a class Id
Palmistry aud will develop mediums
tio pei sous at a reasonable cost The
Prof, has taught some of the boat
known mediums in this country.
Also msny ladies aud gentlemen who
wished to use tho science for their
own amusemeut and pastime, and ha
expects to get many pupils here.
P. & Call early to avoid the
Consultation free
Layton Hotel, Parlors 3t Private
entrance, walk right up not necessary
to enquire at office.