Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 16, 1902, Image 4

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    . s
Continued from jtVsf fig. )
GiutU me niece from t)ie city will
' be after poyld aa a visit next wake,"
aiya Riley. "Tei did not tell me a
wonid about it jit," aiya I. "Well
lie is, and me woife (aid I iliould
bring home a big tindor (juicy roast "
"Thin," siyi I to Blley, "if ill good
mate ye want, thin follow me foot
ate to The City Market ; ita there
tliot ye can I git the beat ive
fresh cured and anioked mate and
the loikca of anch, thot makea yer
month water irerytlme ye go in
aigtit Ire the market on Sixth street,
and ita O. O. Barns thot'a wide
awake and agra-able to dale with
de ye moind Riley, aiys L no
wonder thin tliot thay anme basy
in there," aiys Kilny, "and thim
ladiea look so planed comin oat ive
the market there. "
"After laWn the bank we uixt wint
down the athrate and into Uulvin and
Smiths' well-appointed liter, italo and
feed stabloa. The bist one in town
aa ye well know Hooligan, and sure
it was there tliot we saw thira
aplindid rigs and spirited stead
groomed so foine, de ye mind that
they wore? Thim looks loike high
stoppers, " aiys Riley piiitlu into the
stalls at two blooded Ink in animals.
"They are," aiys Calvin "Thin
write mo unmti on the shlate for
thim same two, and the slickest open
rig ye hove, for nixt Sunday," siys
Riley, and we are going thin.
"Why don't ye surprise yor woife
with a nice fruit cake, since ye are
going to have comiwjiy nixt wake,"
aiya L "Sure and I would," aiys
Riley, "but can yez boy a fruit cake
here at a livery stable?" "Ah,
gwan," aiya I, its at Ron Ton
Bakery thot they makes such de
licious and wholesome cakes, plea
and bread which ia the staff ive
lifo." "Where is The Hon Ton
Bakery" siys Riley. "On Front
athrate," slya L "Why ivorybody
kuowa that bakery. I could ate a pie
right now mesilf," siys Riley. I siys,
"lam wid yea, its me thot can do
the same thing." We thin made a
bee-line for the bakery. "Give me a
Xruti cake," aiya Riley. "Yia, sir,"
aiya Henry Abley "Thia one ia
yearold." "I do uot want a stale
wan,", siys Riley, who was thin gift in
I." What makes yes lave yer whiskers
growin loike that for, Riley?"
"What's the mat her wid thim
whiskers. " siys lie. I slya, " Ve ouly
have thim round under yer face and
ita a billy gout that ye reminds me
ive. Git em cut off at wunce," slyi
L "Where is they tonsoriul artist?'
aiya Riley. "Come with me to Ira
Thompkina, lis him ,thots a ton
uriai arum, i aiys, to suit me.
"The towles wore white and claue,
The razor sharp and kane,
The artist hands I scarce could fale
Bo azy lie wielded thu glittering
"Lltsilnd a ristoraiit; we've bin
ruuiu round so ninch that I'om tired
and hungry," siys Riley who looked
Jist what he had spoke. "Ah, if its
hungry ye are Riley," siya I, "thin
wait til we git to the Union ristoraiit
on Sixth atreet Ita W. K. Hathway
thots runuiu it for Mrs. O. MoDanlel,
Its loike goiji home let a good square
male thots wholesomo and tiinplln,
It tia if yea ate there. Jist wait and
aeo how polite thim waiter are,
Riley. Ah, an how nolco the male ia
aovred to yea the bist ive iverything
mots goou,to ato where the raelcull
nory art ia in ivideuoe, to ivory wau
Ive the money thot atea at there."
Now thot ye aro in town lita git
our'spiturea taklu tugather," slya I
to Riley. "Ifagist the thing I had
letter from me uncle , yisterdny.
thot Uvea lu Glpparuyry au he wants
mo to siud him a photty-graft ive
mesilf and its now that wo'll git thim
takln,"aiy Riley to mo. Thiu we
l it at wunce to 0. L. Clevenger's
uul ry and sit dowu fr iiiturea. Au
uu wur uu iiovciiger la a
photty-grafter thot takes an honest
pride in his woruk. He kiu take
piturea thot ar pHores. Be the hivlun
he's got thot.kuaek fer .awtu sub
jeets thot distinguishea him from the
orilmary camera anapper, an ita tliis
faculty for likeness nmkiu tliot lias
brought him into repute as a photty
Who nils yea perscripllotis ier
yea?"s lys Riley to me. "What's
thot, Riley?" siys I. "Sure an are
ye sick?" "I om uot sick," siys
Kiley,"but mo woife give me this
peracrlptltm to git tilled befuro Iconic
homo." "i)o ye ace thot invitiu
Drug store cross the sthrtae, lit up
so foine, Wiley, wid nil thim bottles
lookln so slick?" "Yia" aiya he.
"Will, thot'a Kremer'a Prug Hture,
Its right there I git all me
Inscriptions J tilled iin buy all
mo medicines. The management is
alwaya civil ami puinstakln 'bout
Iverything they luea fer yea."
"Thim Is not drugs iu thot glass case"
"slya Riley whin we was inside the
sture. "Ive eoorso uot" aiya 1. "It's
sundries. Git yer woife uu
daughters ach a tooth" siys L
'We've got one at home now" sirs
Riley. "I'll take home a hot water
bag j me woife siys its bint thiug yit
to go afthcr.tvcr in. " "This wan is
..IK)"' siys Kremcr.
"Ah, sure, an are yes hard up?"
siys Riley to me. "Niiw, I am not,"
siys L Thin what did yea iwu ylt
watch tu thot II How for, thot yea jus
mil?" "Ah, do yea tuoiuil, Kilcy,
thot was A iA'tchur, the Jeweler here
thot Iveryoue knows. I jist give him
me watch an told him to fix it. He
does all me woruk, an he's a rayliuhlc
Jeweler to dale with too, he is, ami
its Letcher thot has a foine stock. "
"I can't luiro the idea ive goin houie
again," siys Riley, emergin from the
rist tint-since wo bin livlu so high
dowu here" "What's Hie uiather?"
aiys I. "Aiut yer woife a good cook?"
"Ye're the first mou thot Iver accused
her Ive bclu a cook at all," siys Wiley
"but me woife lays all the blame on
he ethove," "Thin git her 8uierior
Rauga from Hair-Riddle Hajdware
o. "From who?" siys Riley.
Why, from Hair-Riddle Hardware
t, Who ruua thot big giu'ral hard-
ware aturo down the athrate." "Ah
an sure 'tia there yea will aeo atoves.
ranges an miny useful an novel thing
in hardware ive all kinds, au the
loikea; an manney ia the wan thot de
pinda on thia firm fer hardware an
minin supplies, fer they've alwaya
got thim," aiya L
"Before I go homo I'll have, to go
up and aeo me old acquaintance Harry
Smith. I want to spake to him," siys
Riley. "I am going to sind me ould
family buggy iu to have him retialr
and repaint it, fer its him thot docs
this kind of work to suit me. He
done iverything thot'a giuerally
done be the gineral blacksmith and
wagon and carriage maker, and its
not him thot wants to make a fortune
off Ive Jist one customer" siys Riley
to me. "Bo the hivens, Riley, I'll
go out Ive me way to patronize a
good honest mechanic," sirs L
Ye har a foine town bun iu Grants
Pass" siya Riley. "Its Jist as good
aa ye hear In Phortlanan Ha attic, tie
the hivins 'tia" "Thot music ye
hare" aiya I, '"is uot the town ban.
Riley. Its musio Imported from N o
York City, do yo moind." "What
the divil ar ye tulklu bout? siys
Riley, who looked puzzled. "Vis'
siys, "thot is wan Ive thim Columbia
Phor-no-grafts or talkin machines
thots playin down at Paddocks Bicy
cle Den, ho sella em for " ach nn up
wards. The same as in Noo York.
I hare thim machines is all the rngi
in the east" siys I. "They are lots
ivo comfort and imuHemeiit. " "What
makes Paddock live in a deu for, is he
wild?" siys Riley. "No" siys I
he's not wild, but he's nn up-ln
date, live bizness mou and his Ilicy
cle Den is where he sells bicyclis,
sundries, fayzors, cutlery and Phorno
grafts." "I want to meet him" siys
Riley "and see thot lufurn'l talkin
machine, too. "
"Will, I'm goln tu bed now," siys
Riley. "Tubed ye are not, sure an
ita ouly sivin-thlrty, yit. Lits git
two bags ive pop corn from Hollis the
op corner, and thin go dowu tu the
mcctiu uuder the tint. Its you tliot
nadoa prachin tu," siys I. "Dues
Hollls put up good corn?" siys Hi ley
"Win ye see the run ive bl.nesK
Bums has got ye'll think so Riley and
he's got more frinds thon any mon in
town." "Whero Is Burns located
at?" "Iverywhere on the slhrnte"
siya I. "His ofilco and place ivo biz
ness is on wheels and since the merry-go-round
has lift I supihiko yez will
And him tiudiu tu blzlness now."
"Well, Hooligan, me pincil is
broke. I am broke mysilf, so I quit.
Whin ye write, address me room
13, Lay ton hotel So I'll now he
off agin, till yo write an in. and
Riley ia gone, agin."
ier T. M. Allen.
There ia nothing lu life more en
joyable and at the same time, so bene
ficial to both mind and body, as
A modern railway Journey, intel
ligently taken, teuds to prolong life,
break the monotony of existence and
acts as a pauucua for dull euro by tak
ing us out of the wcllworn channels of
worldly and busluess struggles.
Before starting upou a trip, w bother
on business or recreation, Jt is well
to Inquire and investigate the var
ious routes, and choose the one offer
lug the best inducements in the way
of comfort and attractions. The
traveler, the tourist or business man is
wise iu selecting the Rio Grande
Lines In a Journey to atid from the
east, as it offers every .comfort mid
modern convenience to suit all classes
of travel, with an array of scenic at
tractions unsurpassed In the world
Castle Gate, The Canon of the Grand,
Marshall Pass, Tennessee Pass and the
world renowned Woynl Gorge lire hut
few of theseattrnctions'secii from the
ear windows.
Three fust ; trains daily between
Ogcleu aiidDcuvcr.
Pullman, Palace and Ordinary
Sleeping oars on all trains to Denver,
Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago and St.
Louis without change.
A iierfcct Dining car service.
Agnuta throughout the Northwest
can sell tickets via this route. For
rules, maps ami full Informal Inn or
for copy of beautiful booklet, "With
Naturu in Colorado," write to or cull
on W. (J. Mcllride, Geu'l Agent or
M. J. Roche, traveling P usseliuer
Agent, l'.M Third Street, Portland,
There is not a woman in this laud
but at some time in her life would
have been the better for the use of
this tonic. For diseases peculiar to
women, a better medicine was never
made. It is conusised ot the ingre
dients from which Ihe system has
been deprived bv disease, over-work
or dissapntion. It enters at once inio
Ihe circulation, building up toe
tissues that have been wasted, nod
making pure, rich Mood iu the most
direct way. For weak, nervous and
unsteady ivnplc,- pimply, ile or
Heebies pontile, it will miiku stronu
steady nerves and give the complex
ion that wholesome look that nidi
ntes betilth. We have hundreds of
letters Hint js'ople have written us,
saying that they had gamed in good
solid flesh at the rate of one lo three
IHUinds ts-r week while using Dr.
Oiinn's Bhsicl and Nerve Tome. It
should bo taken after incuU, one or
two tablets each time. Druuuists sell
.V 1st box or throe boxes for
'J. IK', or sent H.tpniil en receipt of
price. We rae glad lo make reply
lo letters of inquiry, the advice e
ive Villi ia Ilium unit iusilv 11111I..1-.
sIimmI. Address Dr. lloKnnko Co ,
Philadelphia. Pa. Per sale hv V. K.
K renter.
l; A.n autt ! Ssjna
i::J::B VREhA
tot V 4l ll
do art U..,k. V y
No tvtiti wt-
tf lo tit it
I'ltUut Iht)
ItArtt u im
ktokuta iiat
. tW I If w 'Gh
StsndseiOll i s'X.
Utapsay (?
When tliere ia a falling off in flesh In
woman or man there is "something
wrong." And thst something wrong ia
generally a loia of nutrition due to div
ease of the stomach and the other orgaoa
of thgestlon and
nutrition. Some
times this loss of
flesh is accom
panied by variable
appetite, but in
many cases the ap
petite d'x-s not fail
snd there tuny be
a constant desire
to eat. Languor,
nervousness, irri-
taliility, sleepless
ness, are symptoms
often associated
with this loss of
nutrition snd fal
ling off in firth.
Doctor l'terce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
disease of the stom
ach at.' other or
gans of digestion
and nutrition. It enables
the perfect digestion and assimilation of
food so that lost llesii ts regained and
the physical health re-established.
"I had sttfTrrrft front iwligeiitlot and onl
tho-w? who Iihvc iiurrl from it know what I
rrally in." wrio-k Mm. M J Favan. ol 1611 Kant
Genmce St . hyruuf. N. V. "I hail hal aevere
allatka or hrMilaclie and dizzlurita. with culd
halifWand Trrt : rvrrythina I ate llatrfMi-d me,
bowel were conatioaled and aai urowittg very
thim ami nttvtmi. I cannol half eiprena Ihe bad
lerlmifa I had when I commenced Ukina Dr.
pierce' f.ol'len Medical tMaciwery. I look nine
bottles of the 'IliKuvery' ami have taken
evvral bottle of Itr. I'icrce' I'leaaant pellets.
1 commenced fi etinir ts-tter with the Aral htrttle
and ket on liniiovlnK Now I aui so ffreatljr
Improved in lillli my friend often tealc if it.
I mot heartily recommend these medicines Lo
au Kinicrltig a f waa.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in pas-r covers, is sent free on
receipt of 'll one-cent stumps for expense
of mailing only. Addtcss Dr. K. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. V
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.
United S ales Land OlhVe,
K iseburg, Oregon, Sept, 10, 11)02,
o'lee Is hereby given that III
compliance with the prtiviitns ot
Hie act ol Congress ol June .), 1 878,
entitled "An act (or the sale oi
timber lend in the Sales ol California.
Oregon, Ncva.l:i and Washington TYrri
lory, ss extended to all the I'll til ie
Land Stat-.a by set ol Annum 4. IHV2.
Vied L. I'ii kth ru of I'urtlsml, Count)
ol MhIiioiiihIi. Male el Oregon, lias
(Ills dsy filed in this oiliest his sworn
statement Mo 311)4, for Hie pirn h.ise ol
the MW'ot HK'a, -SE'j ol SW.'i. N W 1
ol MW'4', und ol fiW'4 ol Section
-0 Tl in luansliip Ho 37 South, Kauge
yo. 7 V, suil aill oiler prool to show
that the land sought, is muie valuable
lor its timber or some than for aaricul-
tursl purposes, und to establish disclaim
to said luinl beiore J. O. llooth. Colin IV
Judge, at hid olllce at Itiauts has, Ure-
KOii, on Monday the mil day ol Decent
Is r I'.HJ.'. He ostites ss witnesses:
r W. Hansell, W. C. Waid. It. B
MulloU, and Allied iiusiulsoi, all of
I'orlliiul, Oregi n.
Any and all iiersons clsiming adverse
the above descritied lands are re
(nested to lile their claims lu llns klllce
on or hi lore said 8 h day ol December,
J. T. fHlllOfcH,
Tun Ier Land Act, June :i. 1878.
United Stales Land Ollice,
Kosehitig, Orviiuu, Sept. Ill, I1KJ2.
Notice IS heiebv given lliat lu coin-
plisuce nil Ihe pioviHiim ol Ihe act ol
Congress ol June II, 1878, entitled "An
set lor the sale ol mutter lands in Hie
Slates ol I alilorms, Oiri n, Nevada and
achliiglon leirilory," as extended lo
all lliu Public I. und .Mi ales hv act ol
August 4, lS'.IJ, Uohert II Muflul ol
I'oillaliil, touiny ol .Mu tnoinali. Slate
of Oregon, has this day ti ed in Hue
ollice Ins sworn statement ,u. :Uii:i. lor
the pinehsse ol Ihe NE NK'4, SE NE''.
SW Mv'4 and HC. MV1. ol Section
No. M in luwtiship iu. 37 Bolilh. Kamie
iin i v,aml wuiulter proof In show Dial
the land sought is more valuible for us
iiiiiIht or stone than for sgrieiinuial
purposes anil to establish lua claim lo
said laud bcloru J. l. lltsnli. loiintv
Judge, at his ollice at laiau a I'ass, Oirgnu,
on .Monday. Hie Nth day ot DrctmOer.
I'.IOJ. He names na Hitneases:
T. W. Hansen, IV. C. Ward. II. IJ
Mull, It, and Allied Uiutuioii, all ol
I'oitlsiid, Or. too.
Any ami all pemons t'laiiiiiiig ad vol at
1 the above described lauds are re-
piesied lo lile llieir elaiuia in tins ollice
on or beiore said 8th day ol December,
J. T .IIhiiioxs,
Timber Lund Act, June 'i, 1878.
l ulled Males Laud Ollice,
lioaeliurg, Oregon, Sept. Ill, 'M'l.
Not ce la heteby given thai lu compli
ance with the pioviMoiis of the set ol
onuiers id June ;, I8?8, eulllled"Au
ititlnr the sale ol Umber lands in lbs
Slates ol l aliloruia, OreKon. Nevada.
and YVashlniftuu leriliory, " a rliemled
loan the ruulic land Siatea tiyactol
August 4, I81C, Thuiiisa W. llauaell dl
I'orllaud, Couiily ol .Miiltntuiisli, Stale
Oiegou, lias this day liled in Ibis
ulliie his sworn slaleiiinnl No. iwl lor
the pinchaae ol Ihe M'.1, ol section No
in loansliip ,o. 4(1 South, KanauNo.
, and will oiler pruol lo shots
thai Ihe laud souuhl la mine valuable
lor lie timber or sinus Ihsii lor sgncul
lural purposes and lo establish his claim
lo said laud tMdoie J O. lloolli. County
Jtidtie, ai lua ollice al lirsnla I'ass Oih
Hun, on Monday Ihe Mm day ol ltveiii-
Uir.r.hiJ He iisines as witnesses:
r. I, I'lcktliorn, Alfred tuinlufson,
. C. Waul, and K. 11. Muflul, all ol
rorlisiid, Ittegon.
Any and all persons claiming sdve se
the alKive-descrilied laiida ate re
piesled lo tile their claims iu Ibis ollice
on or Udorv sani Si ti day ol liecember.
H'-'. J. I. lilllbtlKS.
l iinln r Land Act, June J, 1878.
Koselurt, thegon, ."epl. I '.I, l!.l.'
No'ieeia heiebv given that in cciu-
uaiice with ihe piovisioiis ol Ihe set ul
oi,,,ti s id J uie .1, l78, en I ll led "An
act lor Hie sa'e ul umber lauds ill the
alia el I aiikitnia, Oickoii, Nevsda,
ami l ..sliilialon lurit ir , " as t Meloleil
to ad Hie rublu: Land .Niales tit act ol
Atliihl 4, 181'.', AO'Kt.ll lilMllflKN ul
I'm ilaud, l ouiiiy ol iluliic in ah, Ma e
ol Oifuu baa this day tiled in tins idhce
llisswolll slaieilieltl No ;lr.i., lor tl.v
purchase ol the StY1., ol Section No. ilif
in lowimlnp No. 40 Scuili, Kaiiiiv No.
I West, anil will oiler piool lu shuw
hat ihe land soiuhl it more valuable lor
us umber or atone man lor atfiiciiluiral
purposes, and (o esiMhlish bis claim to
paid land beloie J. VI. lloolli, t'liiiuly
iuUe, st hi tdhce st tiisnis I'ass, lire-
iliill, on Aloinlat, Hie 8lll tint ul Hecslli-
ler,l'.lil.'. Ho liaiios aa wilneates:
llioo aa . Ilaiisell, r . I. 1'iekilioiti,
I'. Uanlaml 11 It. Mull.U. all ul
iiilaud, Oregon.
An) and ad p rroiis ela iniiu silveise
the slH,ve ilro i lU-d lamls are te-
pie-ud lo tile their claims In tins ollice
in iir tctoie said Sth dav td llecviutK r,
'.SI.'. J. 1. ItHllHIIS,
You Know Whet Yovi Ar
Wlienvou ulie tirovr's Tasteless Chill
Tonic, l-e. so-e the (oi inula is plainly print
ed on stert Isilile lioting thai II Is sim
ply lion and tjiiinms tu a tasteless (ornt
Nu Cm No, I ay. .tx-.
Timber Und Art, June 3, 1878.
Cuited Slates Land Olflre,
Rosebnrk-, Oregon, Sept. 19, P.KW.
Notire ia hereby giv-n I list in com
pliance srillt Hie provisions ol ihe set ol
Congresa nl June .1, 1878. emitted "An
Si t lor the sail ol timber lands in the
Mi ate of Calil llnia. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washiiigion Territory," as esteitd
eil lo all Ihe Public Land Slap s bv aei
r.1 August 4, 18112, W ilbur C Waid of
Portland, County ol Mulln null. S ale
ol OreKi.n, has ibis day Bled in this
ollice lua sworn eiatenieni Nn 34't:t, for
the purchase of the SWI,'. NE'4' N E 'A ,
NWji.SE NW, 8 oiNk'.of Nc
lion No. '12 in Township No 37 South,
Ksnse No 7 W, and wiil ffer pn,ol to
show that lb land sought 'a more vslu
side lor its limber or stone Ihsn lor as
rirnlliiral purpose-, and to ea'ablisn his
claim lo sid land before J, O. liooih,
t'ouuiv Judge, at his office at Uanis
Hasa, Oregon, on Monday, the 8lh dav
ol Decs-tit lier, l'.sjj. He names as ait
nesaea ;
T. W. Hansell, R II. MufT-l, Alfred
(j'lHtubjon, K. L Pickihorn, all of Port
Isnd, Oregun
Any and all persons claiming silvern -iy
the a hove-ileweri bed lands are re
ipieiled to file their claims in this ollice
on or before said 81 h day of December.
m. '
J. T. Hkiihiks,
Timber Land Act, June 3. Im7S
Unilnd States L nd Ollice,
Kosehiirg, Orevon. Seii. 5, i0.
Notice is hereby given thai in com
pliance) with the provision' ot ihe
xcl of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An set lor the sale ol timber lands in
lbs H'ates ol Californi. Oregon NevaiU,
and Wasbingt in Tenilorv." asexiend
ro all the Public; Land States by act ol
A nu net 4, 1SIC, Amy A Zumhol ul Mos
cow, County ol Irtish, Sia'e ol Idaho,
ns tins dav tiled in tins office her swnrn
statement No. 34 1 II, for Ihe purchase ol
lbs H I, of 8 'i ol Section Nil Zl in
Township No. 37 S. Usiiae No. tl V, and
will offer proof Ui show that the Isnd
aoushi Is more valiiaiile for its limhir
or stone than lor airririiltnral im
poses, and to establish her claim to
said Isnd before Land Ollice, Husebiira,
Uiegon, on frlilsy. Hie Oih dav of Keb
ruart, tK):i She names as witnesses :
Mary (J Mclsiland. II. 0 Mcfarland,
4nd Marion M. Collins ul Moscow.
I 'alio, and A. W. Bibbv ol Grants Pass.
Anv and all parsons claiiiiinn adverse
ly Ihe above-described lands are re
quested lo tile their claims in Ibis oili. e
nn nr beiore said oth day of February
l'3. J. T. Hhiiiuks.
Timber Un.l, Act June 3, 1878.
lUniletl Slates Lund Office,
Ron-burg, Oregon, September 6 h, l'JOJ
Notice is hereby given I lint in com
pliance wild me provisions ol I lie act
ol Congress ol June 3, 1878, eniiiled
'An set lor Ihe sale of timber lands in
the Slates ol California, Orsuon. Nevsda
snd Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Publie Land Slates by
set ol Auuust 4, 18112. Mary 0. .VI c
lailaud of Moscow, County of Latah,
Stale ol Idaho, has this day Hied in
this ollice her sworn statement Nn
3417, lor Ihe purchase ol the N,'., of S'u
ol Section No. 22 in Township No 37
South, If an ire Nu. 6 W, and will offer
proof lo show that the land son lit is
more valuable lor its limber or atone
than lor agricultural purposes and In
establish her claim to rani land before
Land Ollice, Koseburg, Oregon, on Kri
lay, tne tun day ol February, l'J, 3
She names as witnesses:
Amy A. Zumhol, Marion M. Collins
II. I'. Mclarland, of Moscow, Idaho, A
W. Silsbv, ol Grants Pass. Orruon.
Any and all persons elaimiinr adverse
ly the slHive-tlescnlied lands are re
ipiested In lile Ihrir rlaiiits in this ollice
in or beiore said Ot ti day of February.
1W3. J. T. Bkiimiih."
Timber Land Act June .'I l.S.'S
United Sta-es Land Olhce
Koerburg Orevon, September full, l'.HJJ
Notice is hereby inven that in com
pliaiu-e with the provisions ol Hie act ol
Congress ol June 3. 1878, emitted "An
set lor the sale of titular hind in Hie
Slates ol Californis, Oregmi, Nevada,
anil Washington lerruoiy," asexiended
to all ihe Public Land S ates hv act ol
A iiitnit 4. I8H2 Msrion M Collins ol
Moscow. County ol Laiah. State' ol
Idaho, has Una day tiled 111 this ollice
lua awortt statement No. 3118 for the
purchase of the SI- of the N'v of See
lion No. 22 in Township No, 37 South.
Ksnae No. a V , and will oiler prool to
show thai Hie land sought is more
valuable for lis timber or stone than for
sgrifultuia) purposes, and to esishlisli
hisclann to said land beloie Uosebiuv
l-and Otl.ce, Kosebmg, Oregon, on H:
lay, the ti h dav of February. V.tO.i
lie names as witnesses:
lleniy C. Mclarland. Ainv. A
uuiliof, Mary C. Mclarland, all of
Moscow, Idaho, A. W. Silsbv of Grants
rasa, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the anove-desc.ribed lands are
requested to lile their claims in this
ollice on or More said Uih dav ot
February, lyi3.
J. T. Bkiihiks,
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.
United States Land Ollice,
Koseburg, Oregon, Sep', 5 1 '.'(12
N'utire is hereby given thai in compli
ance w ith the provisions of l he ad ot Con
giessof June 3, 1878, entitled "An ao
lor the sale ol timber lands In the Stales
Calilornia. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as tx ended ti
all Ihe Public Lttid Stales pr act ol
August 4, 18H2, Henry C. McfailS'
ol Morctiw, County ol Ijilah. State ol
Idaho has litis day died in this otll e
his sworu sta'euienl NO. 34IM. for i lit
purchase of Ihe N ol Ihe N ol See
lion No 22 in ''owtisbln .Nn 37 .
Range No. tl W, and w ll tdl'-r pnail li
show that Ibe land stingnt is mun
valuable lor ita limlier or stone than lot
stfriciillural purposes, and lo establish
Ins i lain, to said land before J. T
Itrulges, Kiwebitrg, Oregon, on Friday,
he li ll dsv ol February, r.K'3. He
iiiiines as witnesses:
Msriiin M. Ci-I'in. Viny A. Z'ltu' ti,
and Maty C. Mclarland ul Moscow.
Ihaho. and A. V. Si ativ of liisuis I'ass
Any and all ter,tna elMiniins sdverse
ihe atsivs descritied lands ate re
qiieieil to tile their claims lit this orlii-e
on or beiore said b;h day of February,
J. T. BKiimiss,
Itching I'llea proildi-e inoisincw and
causes itching. Tina for in a well ss
Bund. Bleeding or Protruding 1'ilrw are
cured bv Dr. Bo-ssn ko'a 1'He hi ninlv.
Stopt itching ami hie-eding. Ah nibs
Illinois. ML' a jar at Dnisgisi, or rent
by mail. Treatise tree. Write me
sIhiui vour rase. Dr B leaukn, I'lulsda
I'a, For sale hv W, F. Kreuier,
"Whcu death aeented very uoiir
from a severe stomach ami liver
trouble, thai I bad suffered with for
yearn," writes P. Musts Durham,
S C. "Dr. King s New Life Pills
saved my life and gave srfecl
Health." Best Pills on earth and
only it.Vc at W. F. Kreniet's drug
lUue Iriut Paper by the yard or roll
at the Courier office.
' Timber lnd Act June 3, 1878.
United St iles Land Ollice,
Ko-ehur Oregon, AiKOsl 13, 1W0J.
Notice is hereby given Hint ui com
pliance with the provisions ol the ad of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, enli'led "An
ae. lor ihesa:eul umber lands in u e
Slstts ol Calilornia, Oregon, Ni-vad ,
and Washington T rii'urv ," a ex endi n
ro all the I'u'ilic Lnd Sislea bv act "I
AntMisl 4. In!l2. 1 iia H. Kii'i'hiiigh if
I'ortUnd, Counts ul Mulinrrnan. -Mate
of Otegon, has tuis day filed in ibis of
fice her sworn siaieinent No. 3j;l(). lor
the pu'i hase of the W ij of N E '
snd S K of N W M of Seem n No. 13 in
Township Nu. 41 Smith. Bang-No VV,
and will oiler proof to sliow thai the
land sought is more valuable fur lie Um
ber or stone than for aguciillural pur
poses, nnd lo establish her claim :o said
land beiore J. O llooih. Uminly Jimge
at his ollice at liraiils I'ass, Oregon, on
Vlonday, the lUih day ol November,
IIKI2. She names as witnes-es:
Geo. It Kunk, l! E. Kleld-. Sun P
Veatch, Elwood Wi'es, sll of I'orl uul,
Any and all persons claiming adversi -
ly the ahove-ileseriheil lauds are n
quested to file their claims in 'Ids cflic.
on or before sa'd 10 li day ol Noveuiiier,
J. T. H.iltHIKH
Uegisli r
limber Lsnd Act, June 3. 1H78.
United Statis Laud Ollice
Koreburg, Or g n, Augusi 1:1. 1!H2
Nniice is hereby given thai in compli
ance with the provision ol the a 1 oi
Congress ol June 3. 1878, eu bled ' An
set lor the sale of timber lands in ih
States oi (Jhl f,.rnia. Oregon, Nev.ula.
and ashingriin let ritory, as extendi-ii
to all the Public Land Sistei by act ol
August 4, I8'I2, Mary litiu 'erson.
Portland, ('oiiiry of Multnomsti. Slate
of Oiegon, lias tins day tiled in this i lhc.
her sworn etalemenl No 32.1.1 lor ths
iniri base ol Ihe N E i of ''c. No. 35 ii
Tii.shi Nn. 40. Olllh, Range No. U
V) est and will oil' r piutif to show tint
ihe Isnd sought i- in re valuable l r u
timber cr siune lliiui for agricultural
purposes, aim lo istab'ish ln-r claim li
a HI Isml be line J. O. Bomb, Conill'
Judge, ai Ins i Dice al Giants Puss, Ore
noo. on Moi d iy, the lUth day ol Noveiu
ber. tXi2 She names as witnesses:
F.. tiiinderson, C. E. rieliD, Etaootl
Wiles. E. A Fearing, all ol Portland,
Any and ah persons cla iuing advi rne-
ly Ihe atsive-ilescriln ii lands are
quest d in (i In Ihrir claims iu this cilice
on or beiore said Id li dav o Noteinletr
J T. I'.HIIIl.iK.
Timber Land Act, June 3. 1878.
Uiutid States Land Oili.e,
Roseburg, Oregon, August 14 11102
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of tl.e uc oi
Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "At
act lor the sale of timber lands in the
Slalea of California, Oregon, Nevada am:
Washington Territory, " ai extend, d to
all the Public Land States hv act ol
August 4, 1802, Elwood W'il. a, ol
Portland, County of .Miilinoniah, S an-
ol Uiegon, lias tins day filed lu tin
ollice his sworn statement No :J.2:l
toi Ibe purchase ol Hie N ' N E1 S E'4
.ti w'4 ami sw'4 M F.'4 ol Section
No 12, in township No. 41 S. Rmge f,
M west, and will oiler prool to show that
Ihe land sought is mine valuable for us
limber or slone lliau for ag icullural pur
poses, and lo establish bis claim
laud beloie the Uegisler anil Ueivivei
of this i llice al 1, rants 1'u-s, Ongon,
on Monday, the llltli day ol Novem
ber, 1102. lie names as w intense
E A Feuring, C. E. Fields, F. W
Farberlieo. K. Funk, all ol I'jrilaud,
Am iid all persons tlaiiniiigadveieeK
the above desenbed lamls arn requestei
lo tile their claims iu this ollice on or be
loiesaitl 10: tl day ol November, 11102.
I. T Bkiiiukm, -K'gisier.
Timber Laud Act, Jt :i. 1S78
Uni'td Males Land Oilne,
Roseb irg, Oiegou, August 13, 11102
Nonce is In rein given thai in ti mpli
ance wnn me proMstoiis ol ihe act ul
Coiigiess ol June 3, 1878, emmed "An
act lor the sale oi Inn bur Und.-. in
the Siatea of California, Oiegon, Ne
vada ami Wa-binaton Territory," a
ri-nocu iu uu toe Illtlllc l.ani
Mates by act of August 4, 18112
F V. Farla-r ol Pori and
C unty o Multnomah, State ol Ore
gon has this day hied in this ol
fic his aworii etaieinen.t. No. 3227
l -rthe purchase of Hie S' of N 'L4
and N1,, of S H '4of Seclx-n No 14
in luwusliip iNo. 41 S, Ituige Nu
V west and will oiler prool to show thai
Ihe land sought in mora valuable ier its
niile-r or stone than lor agricultural
piiiHiecs, and to establish his claim li
-aid laud beiore J. O Booth, Count)
Judge at Ills mine at tirauis Pass, Ore
gon, on Monday, the lOih day ol Nov. m
ber, 1 lJt li. He names as witnesses:
Elwood Wiles, C. E. Fi ddt, Joseph
Ahstuca, Sam P. Veatch, all of Portland
Any and all persons claiming adversely
Ihe above described lauds are -equested
to file their claims in this ollico on or
beiore said lOlli day ul November, 1HII2.
J. T. Bhiiioks,
Timber Land Act, June 3, LVS.
United Mates Land Ollice,
U sehurg. Oregon, Angus! 13, IbOJ,
Notice is hereby given thai in complt
mce wuh Ihe provisions nf tin, ai i i.i
l ongrt ss ol June 3, 1 1S7H, uul it led " An
!cl lor the sale of timber lands in tin
Stales ol Calilornia, Oregmi.
and Washington 'Tenilorv," as extend
d to all i he- Public Land Stale bv act
I August 4. 1S'.i2, l-.lwiinl Uiiiideisim
ii Poiilaiul, County of Mnimimai,
Stale ol Oregon, has i Inn Jny je,i ,
this ollice hi sworn statemeni ' , ;-'ii
i..r Ibe puichaseol the S V i of Src:ion
So. 3 in Townsliiti No 41 South. Hum,
4 wes', and will oiler print lo show ihi
ihe laud sought is mote valuable for lit
limner or stone lluu for agricultural, and to establish his, claim in
said laud Is fore J. o. It.svtn. iVuiitt
lldge, al his iitlice al lilkllls I'ass li e
(tin. on Monday, the 10 h dav ol Novem
ber, I1K12. He naini s as wiiiip-,.:
S tin i'. eaich.l-eo It Funk. J,. 1.
All-lock, C. E. Fields, ail ol Portland
Any and all persona claninngadverse
V the ab ive-descrils-d lands ar re.lilesl-
ed to lile then nanus in Uu i dice on m
Oelore said 10 ll day ol N ember, l'.KVJ
-l.l. liltllaiKS.
All dlSS ttt sTOtnaw
Blsitder. Urtnarv OiRaus.'
Als. Rbsumattntii. Ilj,,-k
aohs H-'artln-itusc Oraysl
Dropsy, Teiuals Troublas.
Toa t bseoms dlsrouracsd. Thers It a
cure for you if i-.-,-s.,t roe ,r. l.-un. r
I I14 i ..I a life time i-urlnc 'n-t sucli
u-".),,urt All Frss.
-A rv,q .slv-e,t n ir lil,,,.,. Aftsy
a.l.nt a t,w b,,li ,,( Ir s l.,.l,v
ihI Ita. ka.'hF t lire t .v-s..l a (r.n. l,,.t a.
'""' a. wtiiarhl. Tin- i.u-,1 k-n... puo uuu
turtli.-r (ortuatlcn l v-.-in,t
W. T OAh ts. urrli. Va ."
lrucvtUt. .A-.. i. A-lt fnrt'is.k li,i, rrs
Stonecutters who work on sandstone seldom live to be more than fifty
years of age and nearly all of them die of lung disease due to the inhalation of
mineral' dust. 'Another class of workers who succumb to lung troubles are those
who prepare feathers for trimmings and ornaments. They inhale the floating,
feathery particles, and in three years disease has a firm hold on them. The
grinders and polishers of cut-glass rarely live beyond the age of forty. They
too die of lung trouble. The average death rate for consumption is reckoned at
about sixteen "per cent, of the total' mortality from disease. But among flint
workers that percentage leaps from sixteen to eighty per cent.; among needle
polishers to seventy per cent.; and among file-cutters to sixty-two per cent
These are some of the trades that kill.
These facts and figures force upon-our attention the delicacy of the lungs and
the other organs of respiration. It is impossible to be too careful of the lungg,
and the very first symptoms of weakness in these organs should be at once met
and overcome by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Four yeais ago I had a bad spell of sickness," writes Mrs. Mollie Jacobs, of Felton,
Kent Co Iel "Was taken with a terrible cough; coughed and spit blood until I grew
weaker every day; had chills and night-sweats; not much appetite; bread tasted like dry
wood or no taste at all. I had three doctors in during the time I was sick; they all told me
I had consumption. I am of a consumptive family my father and one brother having;
already died with it-so I thought I must go the same way. I was m a terrible state of
health and my mind was worked up considerable. I thought I must die Boon, but I did
not want to I wanted to live to care for mv little children until they were able to take
care of themselves. About that time a friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Pierce'a
Golden Medical Discovery, and so I did. The first bottle did me good so I kept on taking
it Took sixteen bottles altogether, and I lwlieve that God auj Dr. Pierce's medicine
M I llAWVN. t
. 7T ' at
as "iioinpn medical JJiscovery" is a shadow of that medicine. Tliere are
cures behind every claim made for the " Discovery," which no "just-as-good"
medicine can show; therefore, accept no substitute for the "Discovery."
Valuable Medical Work Free r
Dr. Piorco'a Common Sonso Moiiloal Adviser contains more
than a thousand pages of Information and advice, and ham over
TOO Illustrations. It tells the plain truth In plain English. It
treats of biology, physiology and hyglono In a common-scnso
way. It tells what to do when aocldonts happen and how to do
the right thing at the right time. This great work Is sent FREE
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send
stamnVtVl?tHVaHm''l I" h '0,h " bou"d "lumo, or only 21
stamps lor tho book In paper-covers.
Address i Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
rv i cj is: isrrK
Points East
Short Line to
Throum, l-au,.,. .,) TurUl h,pp.
era. liinln.. u...t ii. . .
i, ii, i,-, FMUoaUiiy
, I.i In ar) ftii.
For Until. Kiildi-r. o.i f.,n :..( -
, - .... , " ini-.iiiiiunin
resit rihife 1 1. t.-t. ; - ... .o
, . - i ,vi ., inn on or
J. W I'll U.ll.N, T. I'. A.
II I'H'Kxi.N, f. T a
l-i'J Thtr.l Sire. I, -rtnl
A 11. ('. I'KNMsriiX.i;. W ! i
ill.' I- irl Att'liue S.a lU W..I,
1 hf UflT'ttt Ml fl fVMP t.ui.l ,.m .
criiPon. ,-liaiirf.d I, an, I. in San r ran-
ii". Au. ;). mil ti,-
Volvi d III linn hl.u k l I-' -.i V , o i ... a
a I a d bv a narn ol l,iiHnes men lor
a,., i -. ft . - lor Itr.a-bl'a Iinvsw ami hi.
fl.-. Iilllnrlo liieitrat.le ,
1 IMIIIIIU-II.-V.I iln .rrntlla inv.aii ot (he .ia-,-it.,- ,w i.,kl
I'lies iitierviei fci-..- ,,r , , , u' ....... i
in. I "u-il i' out en it t,i.,it. ,,, ,. ".
ser llir.e itcjn I mi ,,. Irrsllneiil
let ab l.iiw ib, i. 1 1, Bl,n , )h
leu In iimiiim , hrniiii- ii .-t.l .......
.11.1 .iniiii.ter..l ii an'l, ,1, ,,h,,ians
'"I11 1 e Mli. h( a-r reni
Ml lest eaeea rlr ,i,t,rt el or
T"wr. siia- lavorattlv.
Tb. rr U in,. hut liirt.t-n er rent of
SOttM-. tb. .ii,s .....c.l i
rm- mini
. lo. d the lin-cli,,n. The (t. er.Ho,
of II e lltveslUalln. .-...i.n... . .,
, , - " Nll.1 lltf, retains nl H,r
.uh!i. i m tH, ,.,is, , on
a.i.iieaii..n. A.l.l.ea. Js J rlijy,K
usi or.l.D Al.ititno.ue.v m. Sao r ran
ieo, Cal.
saved my life. When I commencea u. tne nieaicine I
could not pump a bucket of water and com. only carry half a
bucketful. Was so weak I could not sweep a fK r with a carpet
on it; in fact, could hardly walk. Since taking "Or. Pierce'a
medicines I have done the washing and all the work. for five in
family, picked berries and worked in a canning factoi Any
invalid wishing to know about my case may send a stan.,- for
return reply and I will answer."
It is agreed to-day by physicians- that consumption is
not inherited, but is communicated from one person to
another. It is, however, truo that in some fami
lies tliere is a tendency to lung weakness, which
greatly increases tho liability of its members to
to that dreaded disease. The use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery by .those who have
"weak" lungs, will result in the strengthening of
these organs, and enable them to resist or throw
off disease. '"Golden Medical Discovery " cures
deep-seated coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of tho
lungs and other forms of -disease
or unskilfully treated may find
in consumption.
" I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovery," writes W. S. Long, Esq., of Frankfort, Sussex
Co., Del. "After recovering from
was taken with a terrible cough, and
me any good until I began taking the 'Golden Medical Dis
covery.' Before I took the metiicine I was very weak and
nervous, with no appetite, and could not sleep at night, and
my friends felt sure that I had consumption. Before taking
one bottle my appetite improved greatly, and after taking
four bottles I was completely cured. I think there is no
metiicine equal to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
and strongly recommend it to all similar sufferers."
If you are suffering from an obstinate, lingering
cough, if your lungs are "weak" or delicate, or if
you have developed lung trouble, and are weak and
emaciated, you may take Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery with the assuianco that in scores and
hundreds of cases like your own the use of tho "Dis
covery" has resulted in a perfect and permanent
Persons suffering from disease in chronic form are
invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter.ree. All cor
respondence is held as strictly private and sacredly
confidential Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo,
K. Y.
Don't be fooled into trading a substance for a
shadow. Any substitute offered
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
Only lisn-i (iiiiinen'sl l n
pussiiiK direcliy ilirouli
Throned sIpci.ii i i,.
an I i'.T u , . ' ''uiiu' lata
Slid tree Oliair t'ara
Snip overs allow,..! ..n . t . .
I tickets "'-"
For ,l,,,tPl.,t ra,l!5 ,,
hteralurv. sudrn 1 "
J. I Mntietd, liencral .Went
ibi.U M., I'.ir laod. Ircv.-iui I
Uxatie BroinoQuinine Ta;,iot.
tb. remedy lUt n,rr. . coW ,,, ono .
r-auT uh. JORDAN'S ot
minumT .iijriiKiw, ...
I'a ' "J". ""-":l - la is. ,
7.1.1. JL..,.''"., " - .-..-.. i
M. m-0;AS$oTiIlia
t . ' ' .-cia
ppt ftaslt. i
Kl 4Vi 1
CsstaiuHH, a mrirstm a-.
H " ) JI a !
Oft 0DA 4 CO, IDtl IU fM.. i
The Wt,,. Ore,,ni.n .
Co.ais.b,tL. ,o, e ,w ,, , fc
i ttwl
which if neglected
a fatal termination
a spell of pneumonia. I
nothing seemed to do
as "just as good"
0. R. & N.
Shortest, Quickest,
Comfortable Kii-tern Hiints via. Portland.
-vii 1 brunch 1 n kets reading over this route
i 'tUIe,,,l,cv,,.
LoV R.'lfpii I'vprvu lirri".
- ' -. j
I 1
'"'Ticket,..,, Sale at Soulliern Pacific IM"'
t lllice.
A. L. (.'KAItt,
'"'l PaC..Kt.rAK.n.
Portland, Ore.
. A fhiniliar name lor Ibe Chicago, Mil
jwaukeeAst. l'aul Riiitwav kivn all
! over the I'innn , (lf) (;reat Ktilaay
irnnnii.,; t,e -'I'lobe-r Limited" Iran,?
. very day ant! tiit,t between St. l'aul
and l. hira,;.,, and Oualia and Chicaifo,
:' rt,eo,"y nen'eet traina in the worM.
j Understand: Cunnectione are made
aitli All Transcontinental Lines, assur-
Ul K' tO I'asi ir. r Ilia h.t ....:.lniull.
l-uxurioiu coaches, elw-tric linlits, stesm, of . verity fquaIed hf n0 othr
see tlmt your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when going; lo any point in
'he United Stat., or Canada. All tick
et sitenla deil t,etn.
tor rates, pamphlet or other inloi
umtion, ad.liees,
'- W. i-AMtri C.J.EnDV,
Trav. k.,. Aat. Ueneral Anent.
' -AlTLa. W.KH. I'OHTLAND, Of-
HinlU,- IaitUrulT I'tmtade
"'ops iichinn K-aP npon or.e applies
"on. to , i ,movee aD dandrufl
sod trill atop lallin hair. Trice 5V.
l ail diunKis a. For tale, by Slover
o lurt no, ry.