VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1902. No. 47. DIRECTORY JObEPHINE t'OU Judge Commissioners CUrk : , Deputy Clerk Sheriff Deputy Sheriff Treasurer . bcbooi riupt Assessor Surveyor Curouer NTY ( FFICEK8.. J. O. Booth I John Wells IC F. loelace It. L. Ilartlett T. V. Judson Geo. W- Lewis Ernet Lister J. T. Taylor Lincoln Savage Chas. Crow H C. Perkins W. V. Krcmer CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W. F. Kremer Auditor and Police Judge K. L. Davis Treasurer Col. W. Iqhnson City Attorney.. C K. May bee Marshal John Lockliardl Street Supt John Patrick Counciliiieii Geo H. liinna A. ('. iloUKh, J. II. Williams, C. E. Harmon J. A. Kehkopf. Will C. Smith, Herbert Smith, Henry Schmidt FRATERNAL SOCITIES. Grams Pass Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 84. regular communication tirst and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially invited 11. C. Borizks, W. M. A J. Pike, Sec'y. Royal Arch Masons -lteames Chapter No. US meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic lull. L. L. J aw ill, J. E. I'etkksoK, Secy. H. P. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2G meets lirst and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic hall. Mas. H. Zolles. Una. Akka M. Holnas, W. M. Secy. I. O. 0. F , -Golden Rule 1-o.ige No. 7(1. meets every Saturday night at I. 0. 0. K. hall. C. il. Marshall, T. Y. Dfan, Secy. N. G. Paran F.ncampiiieiit 1. O O. F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at I. (). (i. F. hall, Fmed Sciimiut, T. Y. Dkab. Sec'y. CP. Rebekahs Etna Itehekah. No 4!). meets second and fourth Monday, I. 0. I). F. hall. Mas Davis, N.G. Klsis Okiei, Secy. United Artisans-Grants Pass Assembly No. 4!1, meets alternate Tuesdays in A.O. It. W. nail. F. E. Wehtz, Fkzd Mekmh, Maslr Artisan. Secy. Woodmen of the World-Rogue liner Camp No. !, meets second and fourth Fridays at Woodman Hall. 3 Jl.V. Mkaiie, C. E. Maybee, Consul Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Aialea Circle, No. IK2, meets hrst and third Mondays at Woodmen hall. ESTELLA llEKRY, N. U. V. E. Deas, Clerk. Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass Camp No. !A)7 meets and and 4th Wednea dav Evening at Woodmen hall at 7 :3U. Chas. U. Marshall. V.C. N. Remolds, Clerk. Foresters of America Court Josephine No. 2S, meets each Wednesday except the lirst, ai A. O. U. W. had. J. P. Hale, C. R. G. N Holt, F.S. Josephine Lodge, No. U-. A. O. C. W. ineeis in A. (). C. W.hall, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. J. II. Miahe, M. W . 11 A. StaHahii, Recorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, 1). of II.. A. O. li. W. meets everv alternate 1 uesday evening in A. O 'U. W. hall. Dixon buildinn. Mas- A. .McCautuv, Mas. Lvuia Dean, C. ol 11. Recorder. KnLhts of the Maccabccs-Granls l'a-s lent. So. 13 mecls lirst and third Tnuisdays ul Woodmen hall, Wm. Allred, D. Slov l.L, Record Keeper. c-iinmaiidcr. Ladies of the Maccala-es-Oranls Pass, Hive No 18 holds regular "Reviews" lirst and third Tharsdai s at A. o. U. W. hall. Visiting sisters cordially invited. Jennie Cheshire, Mary Simmons, Lady Commander. Record Keeper. Knights of Pvthias-Tliermopylae No. SO, meets each Tuesday niglit 7:3) I. O. O. F. hall. J- 1. Chausse. Tom Williavs, C. C, K. ol R and 8. Grand Army of the Kepulilie Gen. Logan Poet No. S, meets lirst Wednesday at .. ,1 tir 1. ..11 I L' I'.ri'.diiM . J. II. . uaii. ,,. a. -. - . AUe Axtell, Adjt. Com American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore gon Council No. 1, meets tirrt and lliird Saturdays, at A. O. U. W.hall. Wh. 11. KlWMV, Bem. F. Mvru k, Chiel Engineer Corresponding bngineer. Order of Pendo-White Rock Council No ltil, meets in A. O. V. W. Hall lirst and third Friday nights, C, E, Mavbe, Secretary. Emma Uklchek. Counselor. I'nited Hrotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners oi America I'nion No. lit" meets second and fourth Thursdays ol each mouth at A. O. V. W. Hall. J. E. W 1 k 0 a a n , Pres. D. A. Fit.oeralu, Sec'y, A. C. HOUGH, " ATTOKNEY-AT LAW, P.actitesin all Slate and Federal Con Othce over r irel National bank. Uhahts Pass, OifkuoN. II C. PERKINS, V. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, (jkasts Pass, tlKKUOK. N. E. McOREW, PIONEER TRUCK, and DELIVERY Furmtare and Piano M""" GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Tht popular bsrber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection PARKER 8 HAIR BALSAM 1 - , ,-f huwattt fw& 9, Trr Tmi'v to 3r 0ry Cmu m J.M.CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE Fine Hutter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full assorinient of Watches, Clocks, Sil verware and Jewelry. A Uood Assorlineut of Bracelets and Heart Bangles, Clemen' Drug Store. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS, PllON 21 A Fine Assortment ol Boss Cases l LETCHER'S The Jeweler. 9. F-1323 Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. l'AIl I I CAPITAL STOCK Transacts a Gcnerol Ranking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our riistoineis are assured of courteous trealiue'nt and every consideration con sistent with sound banking principles. Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres. R. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres, L. L. JEWELL, Cashier. The First National Hank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States. Secial Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. K. A. BOOTH. Tres. J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres. II . L. Gil. KEY, Cashier. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. TADPOCK, Pbofb. I am preprred to furnish anything In the line of Cemetery work in any kind ol MARBLE or GEANITE. Nearly thirty years ol eiperience in the Marble business warrants my eayinii that I can fill your orders in the very best manner. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind cl Ma,b,e J. B. PADDOCK, Front Street, Next to Greene's Ooi.ahop. COLUMBIA DISC- (BsipilhKiDiplhKWinns Mmdm In thrum tym awJnf aaf The best Disc Machine on the Market Entertains Everybody Everywhere Use Plat Indestructible Records which can be handled without danger of being Injured A The GIUPHOPHONE aod COairtBU RtCORDS wtn oworded tbe CRXSD PRIZE at Um PARIS EXPOSITION of 1900 Columbia Phonograph Co., (125 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL FOR. SALE BY W. A. Paddock, Grants Pass, Ore. THIN CHILD If a child is thin, let him take a little of Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. Some children like it too well; begin with a little. A half- or quarter-teaspoonful is enough at first, if the stomach is weak; but increase, as you find the stomach will bear. The effect is: the little one takes on strength; gets hungry; eats and is happy; gets fat he ought to be fat and gets healthy. We'll md roe A.I111U to trr if voa Uka. SCOTT . BOWNE, 409 Paul Mnct, New York. Buy Your School Books -and- School Supplies ot M. Clemens RELIABLE DRUOiIST, Orange Front, Oppo. Opera House. To Core a Cold In a Day. Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on UNION RESTAURANT Front St. oppo. Water Tank. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A. VanNoy, Propr. Perfection oil stoves, finest in the land, at J. Wolke's. S2r,oou 00. $50,000 OO. Tlx reproduction arf LOUD, CLEAR aw BRILLIANT 7-ladi Recorda 50 twin ndi per dot. lO-iach Records SI each I SlO per dor. THE TWELFTH ANNUAL SYNOD OF OREGON Met in Bethany Presbyterian Church at Grants Pass on Thursday, Oct. 9 and Closed its Labors Sunday. Minister ctnd Elder from All Part of the State Meet to Discuss Plevna The Synod of Oregon is contermin ous with the stato. It contains, in remm! unrulier. 100 churches and ministers. The Synod is the great annual meeting; to it the Presby - teries are responsible, and to it may take appeals. The Synod lias nothing to rto with the assignment of minis ters to clinrelies that is within the control of tho Presbyteries but It is rather a court of review aud general control. Every Presbyterian minister in the state, whether old aud feeble or yonng nnd vigorous, is a member of Synod. Every church is entitled to nil elder to represent, it, in addition to the pastor. According to the latest published statistics there are 2W4 olders, (S7 deacons, Bi25 members, and 870 S. S. member. The con tributions last year were '.till to Homo Missions, -'l!2l to Foreign Missions, $4117 to Education, $576 to S. S. work, t'tm) to Church Erection, tOT to Relief, !i?0 to Freedmen, fS84 to Aid Colleges, nnd tr9830 for con gregntional purposes. The most prominent church is the First church of Portland, with 1000 members. This Synod held its 12th annual meeting in Grants Pass, beginning Thursday, at 7:80 o'clock p. m. Tho opening sermon should liavo been preached by Rev. F. L. Forbes, D. D. the retiring moderator. He is prin cipal of tho academy at Pendleton. A fine, new building is in process of erection aud Dr. Forbes could not leave, but he invited Rev. II. A. Ketchum, D. D., pastor of the Salem church and last moderator present, to take his place. It was ably done. a , CI .HI Z-r m 1 1 - BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. After the sermon, Synod was con stituted with pmyer. The roll was called by Presbyteries mid shows that the following persons were present : Eastern Oregon. Ministers J. H. N. Hell, of linker city. James livers, of Sunipter. A. J. Irwin, of Pnrns. W. N. VunNuys, of La Grniidii. J. K. Mi'Gillivrny, H. S. Mission ary. S. C. Elder, Moro. H. J. Diven, Pendleton. Elder, Amos Pond. Port laud-W. 8. Holt, D. I)., J. V. Milligun, Willium O. Forties, Ed ward M. Sharp, Edgar P. Hill, D. D., V. S. Gilbert, Audrew Montgomery, M. D. Mel'lelliind, H. S. Temidetiin. Winlield T. Scott, Fairvlew. Albert KobiiiMin, Hillsboro. Julian Hutch, Sj .riugwater. E. V. St. Pierre, Salem. V. C. I.ihiIh-, Helhany. Henry Murcotte, Astoria. J. R. Welch, Woods. Elrlers J. It. Ewing, C. H. Made ley, W. S. Honcyman, J. K. Worth, O. P. S. Plummer M. I)., C. Schuebcl. Southern Oregon. Ministers F. G. Strang)', Marslilield. W. Clyde, Phoenix. O. Gillespie, Port Irford. J. E. Blair, Glendale. W. S. Sliveal, Klamath. C. W. Hays, Grants Pass. A. Habcrly, Coiuille. S. II. Jones, Jacksonville. S. S. White. Elders .T. 'Pardee, W. A. Strain, J. W. Strange, W. Boh man. Willamette. Ministers J. H. Cornwall, Sodavllle. E.J. Thompson, I), .li, Indepiu. deuce. . , H. A. Ketchum, D. D., S.ilem. T. Brownette, Newbcrg. L G. Kiiotts, Allmny. H. L. Keed, Albauy. J. E. Snyder, Brownsvillu. J. M. MK.'miiIj, W'Kxlliurn. Andrew Carrie, Corvallia. W.'T. Wartlle, Dallas. P. A. Fisher, Mill City. C. F. Woodward, Eugene. Elders W. G. Sharniati, H. N. Steele, J. W. Crawford, W. H. Bollea, Pres. W. IL iJ-', Alliauy, Licentiate, J. E. Wolwer. R. v. E. P. Hill, li. V. waa elected moderator. Rev. A. .J. Montgomery, tmi.orary clerk. Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D., reporting clt-rk, all of the presby tery of Portland. The permaueut otBctrs are; Rev. J. A. Tovrnscnd, Ph. D. ot Kost'burg, stated clork; Rot. P. G. Strange, of Marsh fie Id, permanent clerk. The following niiuixters were preaeut and invited to sit as corros ponding members; Rov. Hogh W. Gilchrist, profisor of Now Testa- meut Greek' in the can Francisco Seminary aud a member of the Synod of Washington ; Rot. D. T. Summer villc, tlio presiding elder of Grauts Pass district, J. W. McDongall, E. R. Ketclieson, all of the Oregon Conference of the M. E. church; R. L. Johnson, state convention of the Disciple church ; Robert Lslie, Bap tist state convention. Synod thou adjourned until Friday a. ni. after adopting the following program reported by the committee of arraugeniuuts: Thursday, October, Otli. 7:30 P. M. Opening service of praise. Sermon by Rev. N. A. Ketchum, D. D. Organization. Report of Committee of arrangements. Friday, October 10th Morning. 8:30 Devotions. leader, Rev. H. 8. Tenijileton; Subject, "God's Guidance." Ps 73:24 9 KM Business 10 :80 Report of Committees on Tem porHiiee and ou Sabbath Obser vance. 11 :50 Auuouucements 13:00 Recess. Afteruoou. 2:00 Coiisideratlou of San Francisco Theological Seminary. Address by Prof. H. H. Gilchrist. Nomination of Directors of Semi nary. 2:30 Report' of Commit tee on Publi cation and piililialli N'liool Work. Five-minute adilreHSCs by PrcsbT terinl S. S. Mihsioiiaries, Rot. V. O. Forbes, representing the board. 8 :15 Report of Committee on Church hrection. Address by Hev. w.ln. Holt, D. 1)., representing the Hoard. KeiHjrt of Committee on : .!! "I! Ill' . f ia . i . rWi Young Peoples Societies. Ad dress by Rev. H. Marcotte ReiKirt of Committee on Systomat ie Beuetii-euoe, on Twentieth Cen tury Euud aud ou Umatilla In dians. 4 :15 Business. S :00 Recess. Evening. 7:30 Meeting in the interest of Foreign Missions; Rev. W. F. Shields to preside. Report of Committee oil Foreign Missions. Rev. 11. A. Ketchum, 1). li., chairman. Address by Rev. E. P. Hill.D.D., representing the BoariL Saturday, Octolier 1 1 th Morning. 8:30 Devotion. leader, Rev. It. Marcotte; Subject, "God's Re ward." Ps. iU:24. 8 :00 Business. ' 10 :00 Report of Committee on Presby terial Records. 10:l.i RcjKirt of Conilmttee on Minis terial Relief and ou Froednieu. 11 :00 Rejsirt of Comiuittee on Educa tion. Address by Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D. , representing the Jloanl. 11:15 Announcements. 12:00 Recess. Afternoon. 2 :00 KeKirt of Cnniinittei on colleges. Reisirt of ('oiiiiiiittii s on Allinuy ('oiiege, ou Home Missions, of Syu odical Misxiounry, Narrative, and on Vacancy und Supply. Election of Synodical Missionary. Discussion of Evangelistic Work. Address by Rev. K. P. Hill, D. D. 4 :30 Business. & :00 Recess. Evening. 7 :30 Musical Program by Choir ot Bethany Presbyterian Church. 8:30 Informal Social Chat. Sunday, October 12 Morning. 10 KW Sunday 8 hesd. I IKK) Church. Sermon by the M ator. oder- AfterniKiu. 3 :(KI Communion. Rev. J. M. MeComb to preside; Barton to administer Kev. H. h. Rs d to Rev. J. H. the Bread, administer the Cup. Evening. 7 .30 Meeting III the interest ol Home Missions. Rev. A. J. Irwin to presido. Address, "What Home Missions Has Ixmc in Ore gon," Rev. E. J. Tliniutwm. Address "Home Missions" Rev. D. O. Ghoniiley, D. 1J., represent ing the lionrd. Adjourn ment The Synod reassembled at 8 :30 a. m. Friibty aud juanod lutlf an hour in worship led by Rev. II. H. Teuiph-toa of Portland. After roll call and reading of the minutes the niodcratol announced the Standing Committee, as follows; i . j Bills ami Ove rtnres : II. A. Ketch um, D. 1)., II. Marcotte, C. Schue bcl. Judicial business; K M. Sharp, W, U Van Nuys, 8. N. SteoL Minutes of General Asstmibly: T. Brouillette, A. Haberly, W. H. Belles. Fiuauco; W. B. Honeymnn, J. W. Crawford. Resolutions: E. J. Thompson, D, D., James Byers, J. E. Worth. Records of Presbyteries. East Portland IL L. Reed, E. W. St Pierre, W. G. Sharman. 1 Portland J. II. Barton, G. Gilles pie, J. W. Strange, Southern Oregon M. D. McClel- laud, W. T. Wardle, J. R. Ewing. Willametto S. IL Jones, H. 8. Templetou, C. II. Madeley. To nominate permanent committees for three years J. V. Milligau, H. L. Reed, O. P. S. Plummer, M. D. These committees handle the imme diate business which is to come before1 Synod putting it iu shape for actiou. On recommendation of the CQiiimittoo ou Bills Bud Overtures the following was adopted; "Resolved, That wo are iu favor of establishing in tho Depart ment of Justice at Washington, a lalxirntory for the study of tho crimi nal, pauper ami defective classes, it being understood that such investiga tion is a development of work already begun under tho Federal Goverumout "That such study shall iuulude the collection of jurisprudential, sociolog ical and pathological data in institu tions for tho delinquent, dependent aud defective,' and in hospitals, schools and other institutions. That especially tho - causes of social evils shall bo sought out with a view to ameliorating or preventing them." Rev. James Byers presented a report on TuuiH'raiuie, showing the active interest iu thisquestiou by tho Presby terian church. He called attention to the increasing demand of tho great triiiiHiHirtut ion coiuimnies that their employees shall not bo drinking men, Tho tendency is toward opposition to the sale and uso of intoxicants. Discussion followed the report Dr, Hill wished we might get most might ily stirred ou this question. Wo need to get hold of something tangible. A member of his congregrtiou in' Port land, took a firm stand on this subject there, which changed the course of some oftleial action. Tho resirt was approved. Sabbath Observance engaged the at tent ion of the Synod, report on the subject being presented by Rev. J. H. Burton. Various forms of Sabbath Desecration were discussed hunting, ball-playing, harvesting, threshing, priino-drylng all these Interfere with observance of the Sabbath. Rev. J, E. Snyder of Brownsville said that in the Willametto Valley, the most out rageous form of Sabbath Desecration is hunting. Mr. Snyder is a crack shot, and enjoys hunting, but he will not do It on tho Sabbath. Hunters come out of the cities nnd towns, and even from adjacent states; ssjcial ex cursions lire run iu tho interest of hunters on the Sabtiath. Mr. Snyder did not object to men hunting ou the lumbia Slough on Sunday, but he docs not want it iu the Willamette Valley. He said there is no way to protect upland birds so certain as to prohibit Sunday hunting. If Mr. Qiilinby wants the birds protected, he can do it in no Isdter way than to have a law pissed to break up Sunday hunting. More birds are killed on Sunday than iu all the rest of the week. Iu some Oregon towns all stores are open ou the Sabbath, at least a rt of the day. The dairying business is responsible for much Sabbat li breaking. The rows must 1st milked, then the milk must lie scjiarutcd, or skimmed, or must go to the creamery and so it giH'S. liusiuess or pleasure demand the day, ami iu many cases gi t it. Recess was taken until 2 o'clock. During the intermission, graduate, of the San Francisco Seminary who were in attendance at Synod, gave a lunch at the Hotel Josephine. They invited as guests, Revs. E. P. Hill, D. I)., the moderator, E. J. Thompson, I). 1)., W. S. Holt, I). I)., F. O. Strange, o. P. S. Pliiinmer, M. D. and Kev, Hugh W. Gilchrist of the Seminary. Id-solutions appreciative of the Seminary and loyalty toil were adopted by the graduates and a copy sent by the Initial of I'rof. Gilchrist. Synod resumed its session at 2 p. m. I'rof. Gilchrist gave an address ill the interest of the seminary at San Fran cisco which was received with hearty applause. This was followed by the report on Sunday school work presented by Kev II. I.. It' id of Albany. The Sunday school missionaries present, Revs. I. G. Knotls of Willamette Presbytery, .1. V. Milligau of Portland Presby tery, A. llals rly of Southern Oregon Presbytery and J. K. McGilllvray of East Oregon Prusbytery, sjsike on their resjsclive fields. This Synod has six Sunday school missionaries. I'hcy traverse tho unchurched tor tious of 1 1 iu stale and preach In school houses and crgnuizo Sabbath schools where it is lHissihlc. Frequently those soles. Is develop into churches. Rev. W. O. Forbes, who is a niem- ls-r of the Synod of Oregon, but is now Sunday School missionary iu Central Washington and Walla Walla Presbyteries of Washington Synod, wldrenw-d the Synod in the interest of the Board of Sunday school Work The reisirt on Church Erection was made by Hev. J. E. Snyder calling it tent ion to different detriments of tid in Church Erection; gifts, mans fund loans and loans for church build lugs. He was followed by an address from Rev. W. S. Holt representing the Board. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys (fosfinic'd 9 Strvwl VVM.) Thomas ! Thomas the house furnisher has shipped ...A SOLID CAR LOAD of fine Furniture this week. He's still in tho market eolocting and buying nover was tho market so busy or the strug gle to secure the choicest so keen. Beautiful Tables, Couches, Lounges, Iron , beds, Exquisite Pictures and Frames all at car . load prices. More Heaters, Ranges and Cook Stoves take our advico Buy Now Furnltura .TS st'it? ' I'ictura Mouldings Laos Curtains fT 7t ILtJ Oranitewars Mattiesxs li fjll'jZ t 0J ) Tinwar. Cot. lllWZflHklat GI""" Linoleum. a4AZW$ILmw"zS Lamp. Matting. ST WjrZs T '; CuU?T Mirror. . -" Woodenware FINNIGAN'S LETTER TO HOOLIGAN. Grant. Pass, Oct 14, lttOJ. Me Dear Friud Hooligan : Waust moro I take me pin tp lit ye know I am ylt alive, and io ii me muther-ln-law, bad luck to her. She's forover raising ruotiom. This U a foin town, tis that ye can buy auney thing that ye be after uading. Me old friud Riley dropped In onus ylstorday. Of coorse I trotted him up to me present stopping place, of coarse . tis the Hotel Layton. Sure, aud where Use would I be after stay I n T Ye can't bate It auneywhere. "This hotel, slys Riley, romlndi me of home; see that foiue ofHo and such si coiivlynlaut parlor for the ladies, aud good rooms. Do ye mind how O. B, -v Smith a afford to sit up auch foiue male, for the price?" "Ho alway. due. it," sly. I, "but bo the hiveus, Riley, many is the guest that atcs and sleep, uuder thl. roof." Me and Riley wlnt on a trip of giurel insiicctin terday, calliu-on some of me old friends. "Follow me footsteps, Riley, I'll take ye round to Smiths", sly. L "Who the divil is Smith?" iy. Riley. "What, that Riley," don't ye know Smith Bros. Mercantile Co. thot dale. in glneral merchandise, boots, shoes, groceries, not loin and thelolkirsof such? Yes can git hausome decorated china free w Id every cash pu rchase. " Sure sly. Riley, tho .tore I. on Front anddtli St a. I bought this briar root polpe from em last year. " They are men thot work, hard fer they', got big stock and as big a trade to look alter. "Me woife got a little clay atatye of prist nt'J. P. Margan there. " "And what's Morgan president of," iyi Riley; "of the American pap'", of ooorae," siys I; didn't ye know It?" "Ah, I now," siys Riley. "Ye." sly. Smith, 'ye are right. " There come. Mary Ann," yer woife," prompted Riley. Yia, I ilys She's after going to Miss Weston's millimry." "Where Is that store?" say. Riley. On Front itreet, and If over yes saw a foine stock of ro I II nary, its there you'll see oue, Itiley, aud many ei the notee things yn see In it "ostrich tips aud thing. th' loiko ye. nlvor saw before." Miss Weston ' la one of th' most artistio trimmers Md is assisted by talented blip. "Judge fer yerself, Kiley, the standing of th' establish ment, when Mary Ann won't goanny- where ilso for millnary. " "Sure, I know now," sly. Riley. Thin we drop d in on A. U. Bauuard on Sixth street. "Give mo wan of thlm ap ples," slys Riley, plnting to .picture of a b.vskiit of apples. "They look loiko good ateing apples." "Aw, gwan, slys U that, only a picture of apples, this Is not a fruit store nor the Inikus, its hero ye can buy funiturc.carpets and huse furnish ings to fit op yes huso from the parlor to the kitchen." "(lit a frame fer yer muther-in-law's picture," siy. Riley. I would that," slys L "but 'twould be a shame sure 'twould to walste such folnn picture frames on the loikn. of her." "I can't kpae mo eye. off t!i i in apples," aiys, Riley. "Don't bother a furniture store fer fresh fruit," I slys, "let yer mind rest aliy if It. apple, ye want." "Come with mo to a fruit .lore". "Where Is me old friend Bobxelu" sty. Riley. "Snro ho is tho grocery Arm Ive II. C. Bobieln" siy. ' I. "Com with mo up Sixth street, aud see thot foine assortment aud big stock ivo groceries and table luxuries. Riley and bo th lilrena, thot grocery I. doing the business." To set Riley buy groceries was a lisacn to me. "Olre mo Schillings beat," siyt Riley I sen yo have all their ex tracts "and a pace of smoked aalmoo and three pound. Ive sliced ham, a package of Chase A Sotiborn'. coffee and some of that Clover Leaf butter. "Thlm mixed pickle, look tiniptitig too put thim all iu a sack aud I'll pack thim home." "Niver mind, siyt Mr. Bobtien when you come here or phone for anny article ye need fer yer larder we've got It and we'll de liver It to yer dure." "That", good, siys Riley, thin I'll bay tome more I and ye can send yer order man to me wotro . house twice a wake," Me woife Bridget I. always home cooking HOUSE FURNISHER or ilae working. "Its her thot give, me my orders and it her thot will order the groceries from yci. " Who made - thot new suit ive clothe. . ye, have on? asked Riley. They fit good and look good, too, and ye resemble Father Yorke in thlm," .iy. Riley. "I bolavo I do mesolf, " siyiL "Do ye be after knowing F. Fetich, Riley, the clothier an tailor, on ront street? slys L Well F. Fetsch makes all my suit and he made thl. wan." This remind, me, I owe for it ylt It. not right to kape a mou waiting always. Its now that I'll go aud fix It; "come along Riley, and see a foine line of raiting, and woolens and shake the lionet hand ive an artisan. " "Where 1. they a good dintiat" siys Riley to me, who samed in distrisa, "What, thot Riley? siys I are ye in p-a-i-n?" "I am thot and its a dintlstl want dlvllish quick" siys he. "The ' wan I patronize aiy. I, ia not the nearest wan, but do ye moind Riley he's a good wan con scientious, painstakiu dintist. Iff Dr. E. P. Dixon thot I am telling ye about Riley." Well, Its him thot can extract teeth to me loiking aud make artificial teeth that the equal to the moat natural wan. ye iver saw, Riley, and ye can masticate with thim per faotly, too." "I know all thot, iy. Riley, but what I want to know la can ye chew with thlm?" "Take me to E. P. Dixon's office right away" slys Riley. "Ah, de ye moind a good home made see gar?" aiy. I "I de thot" siy Riley, "and I bolave iu home industry, it blips to build up anney town." Thin we wlnt over to see Schmidt and Sonneveld ou Front St , for good ' home-made seegars. "It. there ye can git em Riley, niiny ive thim," siy. I "thou good to .moke and ye can have thlm single or be the box, ' an aura it. thim boy. there thot. obllgln ail ready to give ye a pleasant word an a foine achmoke. " Had ye rather patronise a good moehaiiio Riley?" "Yis," iy he. Thin niver fergtt J. L. Yokum. 'He his'.ign thoro?" He's an artisan au fur foine harness and shoo makio an repalrln, ho', the boss." "If yea have corns or bunion. It makes no difference, he fits yea fate. Do yei see thase soles? Riley lie put thim on sivin mouths ago and they are their equal to new yiU Me wolfo slys his sole, are the ouly comfortable oue. .lie Iver wore, and he sells the best horse aud mule m Unary too." " Lits take1 a rlst, I'm tired out" aiy. Riley. "Ah, gwan wid yes. the divil a bit ive a rlst does yes undo. Sure it', a luit ive clothe. aud a hat that yea uade the worusl," siys L "Yis, and ye samo to undo a clane shirt yersilf," siys Riley to me. Aud where can we git thim" he sir a I siys "Riley de ye moind that bnsy clothing store wo saw down ou Sixth street where tney was so many paplo goin iu and comin out ive?" "I do thot" slys Riley."It right there Wulsch's cloth lug aud men's famishing store bo-jabers its thim thot sells Iverythiug thot. for men to wear to and nuike a man preslntable to go out Into society. See thot foine big slock aud thim gal-. lant aalcsmin waitin on the peple so uoloe" siys Riley "as wiut in the Jure" at Welscli'. busy store. Did I'xo tell yo thot Mnggio Mo (fWisard on l.ntl 'uia.) THE OLD RELIABLE o P0UDHL1 Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUSSTITUTt