Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 09, 1902, Image 3

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Fine Cooking apples, Orange Cling and Salway Peaches, Grapes,
Casabas, Nutm:g and Water Melons, Etc.
Just Arrived Smoked Salmon, Salt Salmon, Spiced Herring.
White House Grocery, 1
Opposite the P. O
Of Air ti.rlit heaters includes all sizes and prices
from small stoves suitable for Bedrooms at $2.75
up to large stoves for Stores. Wc Deliver and set
up all stoves sold iiL town.
Cramer Bros.
Ilair-lliddio Hardware Co.
All the new styles in Ready-to-Wear and Trimmed Hats that
will please in Style and Price.
Do not miss seeing thera. Finer line than ever before in Child
ren's Hats and Tarns.
A Full line of the new ideal
New Idea lOe Paper Patterns.
Miss Weston has her full stock of Fall and Winter Trimmed
Hats on exhibition at her store on Front Street (second
millinery store east of Sixth) and would be pleased to see
all her old customers and many new ones.
The very latest styles are on exhibition, comprising
many new shapes and new trimmings.
H. C. Bobzlen, Propr.
will need good tackle. Our stock of
Flies, Sikkmis, Lines, Reels and Rods
is complete und we sell the best that
can be procured, f isliermen using
our turtle are saro to get good reports
from the other end of the line.
patterns, toe; when sent by mail lie
J. A. RehKopf.
and See Them.
R. Thomas went to Portluud Mon
day on a buying trip.
Mrs. A. W. Dock returned on
Wednesday from, a visit at Portland,
George Bacher left for Portland
Wednesday, were he goes to enter tlie
Portland Dental College,
Mrs. T. A. McCourt, of MeMiuu-
ville; has been visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Meadt, during this
Frank Davidsou, of Missouri Flat,
is reported to bo in a very critical
condition. lie has been sick sonie
D. N. Stearns, who has been at Sel-
ma for sometime paBt, has resumed
his old position with J. W. Howard
at Kerby.
Fred Deuny, who was formerly a
telegrapher, has become a fnll-fledged
fireman, on a passenger train running
out of Grants Pass.
Mrs. A. E. Vrmrhieu mul son r..
turned home Tuesday after bavin?
spent the summer in Greenville,
Mich, with Mrs. Voorhieg parents.
Mm. J. O. Curtis, wife of J. G.
Curtis, Jeweler of this place, arrived
from Centralis, Wash., last week to
make her homo in Grouts Pass.
The Misses Thompson of San Fran
cisco who have been visiting their
brother at Kerby during the summer,
were in Grants Pass on Monduy and
left for Boston, Mass. Tuesday.
J. O. L'ucua returned Tuosday from
a week's stay at Grants Pass, whither
he was called last weokby the serious
illness of Mrs. Lucus. The lady, we
are glad to note, is now very much
improved. Medford Mail.
Mrs. C. J. Knrth and son, Carl, left
on Saturday morning's train (or San
Francisco, Calif., where they will re-
- main for some time. Miss Zolla has
gone, to Jacksonville to attend school
aud Mr. Kurth will remain in Grants W
This is an ago of specialists. The
bility to do one thing and do it well
i -
is more to bo commended and is of
moro benefit to humanity than to do
many things and none equal to the
best Dr. Lows limits his praeticcjon
the sight to fitting glasses and ho puts
tho cream of 18 years'study and exjte-
ieuce into them.
even gentlemen from Portland were
in Grants Pass last week, thev having
located timber claim's in tho northern
portion of Del Norte couuty, near tfi
Oregon line. Tho gentlemen wero V.
A. Williams, C. E. Fields, Halvor
Rosch, Chas. R. Frazicr, Ed. Shar
key, Fred W. Prasp and J. O.
George Henderson of tho &
Henderson mine, nine miles east of
Wolf Creek, was in town Wednesday.
The mine is a decomposed porphvry
ilyke aud the proprietors have been
making good money by simply iin-
uiug, it being easily worked. This
year they have pot in an arrastre
aud will bo able to do more work.
I have empty barrels of all kinds
for sale at all prices. A. Fetsrh.
Lost Monday, a 8-months old pup;
black with white breist, fore feet,
tip of tail; answers to mime of Bob
Return to Mrs. L A. Ruby aud re
ceive reward.
Notice is hereby giveu that for the
purpose of correcting all mistakes re
garding description, valuation and all
other mistakes in the 1102 assessment,
the Board of Equalization will meet
at tho ollieo of the county assessor on
Monday, Octnbsr 13, 1!M)2 and cou-
tinuo for one week or until the assess
ment roll has been examined, rectified
and approved
Ulias. I row,
Assessor for Josephine Co.
Dated at Grants Pass, Ore.
Sept. 12, 11(02.
MENT. Remember the date evening of
October lMli at the Woodman hull.
Come everybody and have a good
laugh. The Bloomer drill will be a
great surprise.
There will be both vocal and in
strumental music, recitations and
also the Bonner, drill which will
create no end of fun. Admission 10
cents. Proceeds go to help the poor
aud needy of our town.
All voters at the city election, to
bo held in Grants Pass -on Mommy,
December 1st, are required to 1st reg
istered .by tint auditor and police
judge at the city hall by November
1st at A p. m.
The hall aud registers will be o u
from 7 to 9 p. m. on Wednesday and
Saturday evenings to accommodate
those who are busy during the day
After an illness covering a period of
lit days, duriug all of which time life
hung by the most slendi r thread.
Coouty Judge M. Riley passed jieace-
fully away, at his home at Gold
Beach, on Friday, Sept. 2i, 11KB,
surrounded by his grief-stricken fam
ily. Mr. Riley had been a sufferer
from stomach troubles for a uumlsr of
years, and wheu the fatal stroke came
which paralyzed the left half of his
body, his digestive organs refused
longer to perform their functions,
making it evident from the first that
there Was no hope of evvu a rtial
recovery, and although he lingered in
semi-conK-iou state longer than
could be cipected, he continued to
decline and grow weaker duy by day
to the end. Ho waa buried in the
Gold Beach cemetery last Sui.daj. in
the presence of a large concourse of
sorrowing friends.
Michael Riley was born In Mont
gomery county, New York, April 1,
I H2T, and was married to Maria fi.
Dewey, Jan. 1, IVjO. He arrived In
Coos county in 1H.VJ, aud rcidi'd on
the Coquille until 1 . wheu he
moved with his family to Gold Beach
where he lias ever since resided, Mrs.
Riley having died at their home in
Of Portland, Oregon, San Francisco,
Cal., Spokane, Wash., and Sacra
mento, Cat
These are the houses that Eilers
The Chickering of Boston, The
Welter of New York, The Kimball of
Chicago. Tho three best pianos in the
They are the pianos that Eilers
built these houses with.
Not however, tho only pianos, there
are some tweutv-fivo different pianos
for sale at tho houses that Eilers built,
all of them of sterling, substantial
merit and all of them guaranteed by
us. Among them are the Hobart M.
Cable, the Hazeltine, tho many toned
Crown, the Pecker, the Vose, the Em-
ersou aud mauv ot Iters, every one a
first class make. ,
Further, wo sell pianos cheaper and
ou better terms than any other house
in the northwest, because, having these
four houses that we have built up by
industry aud fair dealing, we handle
pianos in immense quantities ana
therefore receive concessions that
houses doing a smaller business can
not, and these advantages we offer you
in tho shajw of lower prices ou high
grade instruments than any other
house can.
Eilers Piano House, 851 Washington
Street, Portland, Oregon.
That the Medford flour is again the
best Hour on the market?
Rev. J. P. Moonuiw, of Eaglo Point
was kicked by a colt a few days ago,
with serious results. The animal
kicked him in the back, breaking one
of Mr. Moomnw's ribs and tearing
another from the Bpino. Dr. W. B.
Ofllcer was called ami rendered the
necessary attention, but as Rev.
Moomaw is an old gentleman and uot
in good health the injury is very
While no subscript ions wero solicit
ed for tho Willamette University of
the M. E. church at tho conference
recently held in Grants Pass, Senator
R. A. Booth contributed, $1000 to the
debt fund of the institution and gave
$10,01)0 toward tho permanent endow
ment. Thero tiro few men in the
stato more public-spirited or more
liberal-hearted than Senator Booth.
The Medford flour. It is again the
best Hour on the market. Ask for it.
OAUNTLKTT At Gold Beach. Curry
county, Oregon, on Sept. l.Hth, l'.Kti,
to Mr. aud Mrs. uauutlett, a
BARNES MEADE In this city,
Wednesday evening, Oct 1st, B.
Barnes and Miss Marguerite Meade,
Rev. J. W. McDongall, officiating.
Tho wedding was a pretty home
affair thero being present' only the
officiating minister and the immediate
relatives of the bride and groom
Both of these young ls'oplo uro well
known here. The bride is ono of our
most esteemed and estimable young
ladies und the groom Is a young man
of sterling worth and excellent char
acter. Ihey each have- a multitude
of friends who wish them all happi
ness and good fortune. Mr. and Mrs.
Barnes will reside in Grants Puss aud
will occupy the residence recently
vacated by II. C. Bobzioii.
The Courier joins their many
friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Karnes much happiness and prosperity.
The Southern Oregon Slate Normal
School is making thorough prejiar
atioiui for the coming years work,
Tho buildings are being remodeled
aud remind, and extensive additions
to the chemical and physical do
purtmciits are being made. Tho facul-
tv is comisiseil of strong teachers
consecrated to the wofk, and each do
partmeiit is in the hands of a sis-cial
A year's courso in Latin and in
Economics bus been added to further
prepare teachers for high school work
The training department will bo es
pcciaUy strong. A man of splendid
education and wido cxis'riciico will
lie at the head of Ibis deimrtineiit.
Much utteut ion will bo given to ora-
torv, mid athletics will be made
prominent. The citizens of Ashland
have guaranteed some ff'JOO as prizes
for excellence ill these lines. The City
Library of 2000 well selected volutin
is thrown i u to students of the in
stitution. Hoard anil lodging can ue
had at from 2.."i0 per week to $1.00.
Climate liciilthv. Course of study
practical and exhaustive. For cata
logue of announcements write B. F
Mulkey, president, or Clifford
Thomas, secretary. Ash land, Oregon
If you want a splendid home good.
largo honsn and two ai res of bind i
the city call on A. K. Voorhics.
This place will 1st sold immediately
If you want a place cheap don't delay,
There is not a woman in thix bin
but at some, time in her life would
have been the better for tint use
this tonic. For disease peculiar t
women, a better medicine was neve
made. It is coiiiisse d of the ingre
dients from which the system has
been deprived bv discusc. over-work
or disMipntion. It enters at ouco nit
the circulation, building up ti
tissues that have u-en wasted, am
niiikitiit Mire, rich blood ill the mt
direct wuv. For weak, nervou and
nnst.adv Isolde. pininlv. tmht or
fli-rhh'M people, il will make strop,
steady nerves and give the compl
inn that wholesome look that ind
catcs health. We have hundreds of
letters tlitt M-nidn have written u
aying Mhat they had gained in gjd
solid flesh at the rate of one to tlin
is, nods tsT week while using Dr.
(iunn's BIikkI and Nerve Touir. Il
l.oiilil ! taken after meaU. one
two tablets each time. Druggists sell
it 1Tj iir box or three boxes f
s-j.Hi. or sent HistKiid ou receipt of
price. we ro glad to inaxe rep
to letters of inquiry, the advice i
ivo you is pLiu. and easily unde
t tit w I Add res Or. lioMiiikn C
Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by W. Y.
LER. Last Friday evening tho Grants
Pass Board of Trade and their friends
tendered Consul H. B. Miller a recep
tion at Odd Fellows' balL Mr. Mil-
was among those who laid the
foundation atones of the city of
Grants Pass and the meeting of Fri
day evening was mainly to give his
many old friends an opportunity to
meet him and to show their apprecia
tion of the good work he has done for
city aud Josehpine- county, as
well as all of Southern Oregon.
There were about 100 people present
the reception. President Coe, of
the Board of Trade, mado the address
welcome and this was followed by
vocal solo by E. C. Soman. Presi-
ut Coe, in his address sitoke of the
good work Mr. Miller has douo in
the building up of Grants Pass and
the importaut part he has played iu
development Iu behalf of the
Board of Trade aud tho citizens of
rants Pass and Josephine count v,
Coe extended to Consul Miller a
arty welcome.
An instrumental solo was rendered
by Edward Van Dyke, followed by an
address by attorney Robert G. Smith.
a happy vein Mr. Smith reviewed
the early history of Grants Pass and
the part Harry Miller played in the
making of that history. "Why," said
Smith, "during those days, when
any of us went to Port laud, or any
ace uorth or south and people ask
ed where we wore from and wo told
them Grants Pass, they would say,
Oh, yes, that's whuro Harry Miller
lives isn't it?' So it was iu every
thing. Harry Miller aud Grants
Pass wero almost one and the same.
In fact, if it had not been for tho
(forts of Mr. Miller, Grants Pass
ould not have been in Josephine
county at all. During its infancy,
the town was supposed to bo situated
tho extreme eastern part of Jackson
county, but during one year when
Mr. Miller was extra prominent in
politics ho went to work andde
liberutoly stole throe townships from
le eastern end of Jackson county and
added them to Josephine. That put
Grants Pass where it belonged, how
ever it was considered ono of the
greatest larcenies in real estate ever
committed iu Oregon." Following
tho address of Attorney Smith, C. J
Knrth rendered a violin solo.
Consul Millor was then introduced
and was loudly applauded us ho arose
to speak. Mr. Millor began his ad
dress by expressing his appreciation
tho good will shown him by the
people of Grants Pass ami the higl
compliments paid him by tho citizens
his old home. Ho said ho was
glad to bo back in Southern Oregon
unco again aud to breathe the delight
ful atmosphere of this more than de
lightful climato. Mr. Miller modest
ly declined to accept all of tho credit
giveu him in tho matter of the build
ing up of Grants Pass. He said he
as only ono of tho several who were
instrumental in the founding of this
city and he simply full in lino and
attempted to do his part. He felt
that ns much or greater credit was
uo the hardworking men who labored
it It him during those days and who
saw Grants Pass rise from a mere
stage station to the leading city in
Southern Oregon.
Mr. Miller sioke interestingly of
is more recent work ill the Orient
In said he has liccn met everywhere,
since his return, by an aniious desiru
ou the part of everyone to know more
about China. Tho people of the
'aclfic Coast are awaking to a reali
zation of tho good this country will
erive by a closer commercial relation
with tho Orient. This relation is
Iready much closer than it was a
few years ago, and it will bo still
loser iu a few years hence.
The evening closed with refresh
meuts of ice. cream and cake. By
tho good will and Vliocr that tiro
vailed through tho evening, Consul
Miller could happily uiuhirsUind tin
feeling of appreciation all have for
im ill Grants Pass. It is hojicd that
ho may some day make his home once
again in Grants Pass.
A ladv wrote us a few weeks ago
from Winchester; Va. , that ihe had
been under a doctor's cure for 4 years
for dysis'iisia, the pain seemed t
enter under her left shoulder iilaile
and was so severe at times that sh
ould neither eat nor sleci. She bad
lost faith ill her homo doctor, and
nskcd us to send us samples of our Dr
(iunn's improved Liver Pills whiol
bad Im-ch rcconiiiicncpd to her. W
sent her two pills. In a few day
she sent for a Ihii. Now she write
that the iiaiu under shoulder has left
her entirely, she eujovs her meals and
never sleeps less than S hours ever
night , and this has all come nlsiut
in two weeks, and cost tier M)c. fi
two Ikixcs of pills. Hays the doeti
barged her fill. HO and that she told
him be had bettor lake the a
invest it all iu Dr. (iunn's Imprr ved
Liver Pills andh uild no his practice
We have not received the Doctor's
order vet but anv one having dys
sia, bilious stsdls or sick heudael
an get a sis'edy cure hy the use of
these pills.
for sale hy n.r. hri-incr,
Town Talk of July II, i
speaking of Susie Fennel Pipes says:
"The lady's performanet s plucg In
i high rank as an artist with tl
violin. Sho has a delicate touch
with the how and draws from lit
instrument the most exquisite mush
Shu was heartily encored in whlcl
uo one was more earnest tnau ( ol
Watterson himself.' He likes a flddl
ai lias every Keiitueklau since tl
first dauce wan given by the pionee
settler at Harrodsburg 1 120 years
The surveying party which went out
to the Crater Iko Park a few week
ago to survey the boundary lines of
the park has giveu op the task for till
season. The storms of snow, rain aud
wind they encountered iu the niouu
tains are aaid to have been fieri.
The line were to bare been ru
wholly with solar couitasscs, but tl
cloudy weather prevented their use
In-uce the abandonment of the work
for this season.
llio work will be taken up aga
next summer or as soon a the snow
disappear sufficiently to allow it.
local Dappcntnoa
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggie .
See Voorhies about Kodaks sad Supplies
The steam feather renovator is com
ing to Grants Pass.
Fouutain Pens Waterman's Ideal
50 to ..00 at Cramer Bros.
Dr.' Lowe's glasses strengthen the
eyes and brain.
To bit ready for long evening read
ings see Thomas' lamps.
A complete line oh toe celebrated
Mitchell Buggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Try Morris' Poultry Cure and Stock
food at F. IL Schmidts. No Cure
o Pay. Free Samples.
Rifles, shot guns and all kinds of
ammunition at Cramer Bros.
Curtis & Co. Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock of
Watches, Clocks and Jewelrv. All
nda of repairing done. All work
arranted. Odd Fellows' building.
Cramer Bros, aro agents for Hercu
les Powder, fuse and cat.
A largo stock of Sclby shot gun
shells iu black and smokeless powder
just received by Cramer Bros.
Professional and amateur photog
raphers will be able to find nearly
everything necessary for their use iu
stock at A. K. Voorhies' Kodak Head
quarters. Ono would certainly lie surprised at
tho largo lino of carpctings shown at
Thomas' this seems proof positive
that Grants Pass is growing aud im
Eyes bum? Ileadacho? Sight blur?
Think carefully. Decide wisely. Act
promptly, as you value yonr eyes. Bet
ter bit sure than worry. Tho sure way
is to see Dr. Lowe at onco if you need
glasses. You may Ihi sorry if you don't.
He leaves Saturday night.
Arthur How laud arrived hero Mon
day and will spend a few weeks with
his brother. Mr. Howlaml lias been
away IB mouths, having spout a great
or jmrt of tho time at Natal, Sumatra,
in the interest of tho Sabouak Mining
Co., which is a Dutch eomiiany with
headquarters at Batavia, Java. lie
as obliged to return to America
sooner than was expected in order to
ard off an attack of tho fever. Ho
has sjH'iit tho )iast throe months travel
iug iu the east.
Epi. L. Music, w ho formerly taught
the Deer creek school mid is.quite
ell known iu this place, is demo-
rat iu nomliieo for scliisil superintend
ent of Del Norto county, Calif. Mr.
Music is mi estimable young man
and wo aro sunt would make nu ac
ptablit public, olllcial.
Plenty of uirtlght heaters now on
hand at Cramer Bros.
Grants Pass is the county seat of
osepliiiiu county und lies 21HI miles
south of Portland, and 475 miles
north of San Francisco, with both of
which cities it is connected by tho O.
& C. R. R. It lies ou the north bank
f Rogue river, which together witl
he railroad, hero runs for a short
distance cast and west, and at the
head of a lx imt if u 1 but narrow val
ley 1'Xteiiding some 12 miles down
the river. It is an Ineorporaled town
ml has all' the facilities to render
life comfortable. It has nu altitude
of nearly 1,000 feet and lies nestled iu
ho bills, yet with sufficient room for
a city of 20,000 people. The pojiula
inn is nearly M.OOO. It has the
limnte common to all the valley of
Roguo river. Its summers are warm
but urn temis red by tho breezes of the
Pnclfl ) ocean and tho invariably cool
nights. Tho winters are always mild
The uiiiiual rainfall ranges from ID to
10 inches and averages alsiut 2ii tidies,
The extreme limit of the thermometer
n thu summer is UK) degrees, while
u winter it sinks as low as 10 degrees
above zero. Tho average teinS'rature
for winter is 41) degrees and for sum
uier, HO degrees. Snow seldom falls
u the valley and rarely remains more
hail a few hours.
The whole Rogue river section is
one of tho most salubrious iu the
world. The air is M i nted w ith pine,
llr and cedar, and the mountain
which separate Grants Pass from the
s'can, .Ml fiulles distant, while uot
lilting oh" the ocean breezes, yet
shelter from the ocan fogs. For
these reasons the equable elimatu of
tho locality stands without a superloi
for the cure of all inllainalory dlseasi
f the pone, throat ami lungs.
(irauls Pass is, as before stated, an
incorporated town ami lias a progress
ivu corps of ollli ers. It is the ship
ping nnt for almort the entire bus!
ness of the countv. lis chief supor!
is the great mineral wealth found all
around it and, indeed, almost witbi
the eoisinite limits; but the lumber
iug, iniinulaeluriug, agricultural and
fruit-raising interests which also
contribute to Its supisirt, are not
small and aro capable of greater de
Joseph Wolkc, the well-known
Grants Pass hardware dealer bos dis
Ikjsi d of his entire business to A. E.
Carlton of Wallace, Idaho. Mr. Wolke
has been busy all this week making
nil inventory of bis slock and prewir
ing to turn over tho business to the
new owner.
Mr. Wolke has been in business In
Grants Pass for the mst nine years
and lots m ole an entire success of it.
He Is retiring on account of ill health
and g'S out leaving his establishment
in the most flourishing and ross rous
condition it has ever known. He will
still remain a citizen of Grants Pass
and will retain thu buildings in which
bis shops mid hardware storo are
located as well as bis home.
Mrs. M. C. Wilson will give
Spiritual Circles each Sunday even
ing; shaking and tests; private sit
tings, Mondays, Wednesdays and
Saturdays, at her residence, opposite
tho bicycle grounds. Price reasonable.
Headquarters For
...High Art
KuMrrthetmrr m Co
CtoUtci Maker
Work in tho M. M. degree on our
next regular, Saturday Oct. 4. All
master masons requested to be
present. A. J. Pike, Secy. -
Girl wanted to do geueral bouse
work in a small family. Inquire of
A. E. Voorhies.
Paint your house now and use Pat-
ton's Sun Proof paint sold by Cramer
wuti ss tw noTTt tmwkm oa-
Prof. Franklyn
J5he World's
Most famous Clairvoyant and Palm
ist lias arrived iu Grants Pas sml is
now located at I .ay ton Hotel, jnrlors
211, corner of Sixth and II streets,
where be can bo consulted on all the
affairs of life. Prof. Franklyn has uo
equal in bis profession. He stands
alone, the prince of clairvoyants, and
Is tho greatest master of the science j
of Palmistry tho world has ever
produced. He tells you what you
caiuo for without asking you a ques
tion, and guarantees to reveal every
incident of your life, st, present
and future; advises yon ou love, mar
riage and divorce; sales, changes.
speculations, pros-rty, business losses
and sickness.
If your business Is unsuccessful or if
you have trouble of auy kind, you
should see this gifted medium at once.
No matter what your trouble is, he
can and will help you, and if you are
not helped and perfectly satisfied after
a visit, ho will positively refuse to
accept a fee. You should remember
that every per sou is adapted to some
certain kind of business or profession
and no one can make a success of his
life until he finds out for what lie is
best k fltteiL You may wish to know
it it is advisable to make a change In
business, in love or iu marriage,
Shall I succeed in my undertakings?
Shall I ever become wealthy? Wheu
sliall I marry? How often shall I mar
ry? Shall I ever be divorced? Does
another share the love that rightfully
belongs to me? It so who? Iu what
a KummnraiMv s Qs
Amcftci LeadRw
Now is the time to
4 buy correctly-tailored
suitingsthe lines
are not broken the
assortment large.
Remember, we are
showing only the
Cannot got out of
shape, sag, wrinkle
or break along the
coat front, and the
collar and lapels are
so fashioned that they
cau't got out of place
A shapely coat
H. Earth & Son.
Good rock men wanted at 91.75 to
$3.00 ter day. Board $3.33 per week.
Call or address D. E. Morris,
Browusboro, Jackson Co., Ore.
1(10 acres; 10 acres iu finest fruit; 80
acres under fence aud cultivation,
alfalfa and clover, water for irriga
tion. Good two story dwelling etc,
good stock rungo. Address Box 11
Woodvillo, Oregou.
should I invest my money? Is my
disease curable?
Thu Prof, tells you all these things
and a great many more. Ho is ever
ready to assist those with small
capital lo flud a quick and sure in
vestment. Milling niou and pros
pectors Iu particular should consult
this gifted medium, as hn is often
ublo to save them much time aud
money iu locating and developing
their mines.
As a test iu your reading he tolls
you yonr full name. All business
strictly confidential aud parlors are so
arranged that you meet no strangers.
Lady iu attendance, fco reasonable
and iu reach of alL Perfect satis
faction by mail, send $1, day ami
data of birth and any questions you
may wish to ak, to Prof. 3,
Franklyn, Grants Pass. (Special)
while hero the Prof, wishes to an
nounce that he will start a class In
Palmi'itry and will develop uiediuum
tio pcrsous at a reasonable cost. The
Prof, has taught some of the beat
knowu mediums iu this country.
Also many ladies and gentlemen who
wished to use the science for their
owu amusement aud pastime, and he
expects to get many pupil here.
P. a Call early to avoid the
crow da
Consultation free .
Lay ton Hotel, Parlors 39, Private
entrance, walk right up not uoceasary
to enquire at offlce.
i....i r. .......