Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 25, 1902, Image 4

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By Laura E. Richard.
, .....,.,. 1 1
(TTucm Ult Y.x.Wi Oor.i.n.i. kaprlalMlb?
l. n.l. rermualu.)
' "WES," said the Ironmiurter, "first
J honesty, and then pluck
those Bre me things needful, tipeak
ing of pluck--" fie utopped to answer
tlie summons of the telephone, said
"Yes," anil "No," by turns for five
minutes, and then resumed:
".Siieukinf? of pluck, as you were do
Inff just now, reminds me of a story,
the beginriinif audi end of which is
that one Kurd."
We settled ourselves In our chaira.
We were sittinff in the office of the
Iron works, and the air was full of
the sound of jrreat hammers, crashing
and pounding; of the sharp hiss of
molten metal, and the clear ring of
smitten steel.
"I was sitting here In this very
chair," the ironmaster be.-ran, "one
day about seven years ago, or maybe
eight. Time goes so fust I hardly try
to keep count of it In these days. At
any rate, here 1 was sitting) reading
the newspaper, when there came a
knock at the door.
"Tome In!' I said; and in walked a
atranger. lie was a young man, about
25 years old, dreshed like a gentleman,
though his clothes had seen a good
deal of service. Tall, with his head
held up, and gray eyes that met mine
fulr and Wiiure.
"Awavs look first at a man's eyes,
my boy! If lie looks you in the eye,
he is worth trying. If his eyes shift
about here and there, as if they didn't
know where to look, or were afraid of
seeing something they didn't like
have nothing to do with him! That's
my experience!
"Well, this young man came up to
my desk, and spoke without waiting
for me; yet It wns no wnnt of man
ners, for his manners were good.
"'(lood. morning, sir!' lie sai!; and
Ms voice had n clear ring to it that I
liked. 'I want work. Can you give
me any?'
"I shook my head. We never took
strangers in that way, and I don't
recoin incnil the practice nt any time.
"'.No, sir!' I said. 'We have no work
here. Sorry I can't nccoiuinodute
you.' I took up my paper again, and
looked to see him go out wilhout more
words, but he stood still, i must have
work!' he said. 'I would try to give
you satisfaction, sir, and 1 tell you I
must have it!'
"'My good sir,' I mid, putting the
paier down, 'there Is no vacancy In
the place. If you will give me your
name and references, I will make a
note of them, and some day when we
do have a Job to dispone of I will re
member you. That is tin best 1 can
ilo for you to-dny,'
"The young mini shook Ilia head.
'That won't do!' he said. Think
again, sir. Surely In this great place
there must be something n strong,
willing ninn can ihi. It is useless to
talk of waiting till a vacancy occurs.
1 must have work now, to-iuy! It is
absolutely necessary!'
"It wns on the tip of my tongue to
tell him that it was absolutely neces
sary for him to leave that olllce and
shut the ikior after him; but I looked
at him again, and didn't say it.
"I suw that he was telling the
truth, and that he must have work.
It wnsu't that he looked shabby, or
that there was any suspicion of whin
ing or snivelling nlsuit him. If there
had been, out he would have gone in
pretty quick time. Hut there was a
look In Ills eves-well, 1 hardly know
how to describe it, but the man wns
desperate, and hud some reason for
being so,
"'What kind of work do you wnnt?'
I said, putting down the paper ngain
"'Any kind.'
" 'You menu that T
"'I do. Anything that will put
bread in the mouths of-' ho choked
a little, nml stopped. Then, 'I came
from Canada two days ago, with my
wife and three children, and was
ridibed in the train of my wallet. 1
have not a penny I'
"'Collie with me!' I said. And he
followed me out of the works. Ills
story might be true, or It might not.
but I liml thought of a viiiy to test
the mutal of which he was made.
"The Stark mill. In which I had
some Interest, had been partly
burned a few days before, und I had
II gang at work, clearing nway the
rubbish. A dirty job it was; the men
were up to their waists half the time
In mud and water, ami the whole
place was a muddle of rusty iron anil
burnt timbers ami what not- looked
like the end of the world, nud the
wrong end nt that.
"The gang I had on were mostly
It ahum It was too dirty work for a
Yankee to touch, and even the Irish
were shy of it. They were little,
lark, monkey-looking fellows, work
ing away, and rhiittering in their un
earthly gibberish. I glanced from
them to my gentleman, with his clear
while skin, and hamk which showed
that, whatever trnda he had worked
at, clearing away wreckage hadn't
1 11 part of it though he looked like
one who mii.rht hae taken a good deal
of exercise 111 nllitetic sports.
"'Here i 11 job!' I said. 'The only
one I know of. Mow do you like it?
"'Well ciiongh,' lie said, as cool as
" 'You'll get a dollar and a half a
day.' I told bun. 'You'll get your
death, loo, probably. When will you
go to work '.'
" '111 tin hour,' he said. V
went, and I hardly exiu-.u
hint a:ain. Hut before lb,
out he was liai'k again, 111
rM, otT he
illi see
11 was
1 loiiiticl
undershirt and a pair of old tiouvers.
lie took bis pickax, and down lie
Jm aULakcs blunt mails.
JL iXml light loads.
ood fur everything
that runs uu wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
Acorn Stove and lUnge cheap at
I. WolUe'a.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Blsdder, Urinary
A I ... 1 Vhinmollim 11 a f If
Dropsy, female Troubles,
Don't become diicouraged. There li a
Cure for you. if rn-ix-mry uritn Ir. 1 enn'-r
Y.t lnut r),t a Itf" tltri" curing Jut audi
Caje u youm. Ail cuinuHiloua Free.
"Riff lit months In bed, Yifavy barltarbe,
pain stud iwrtnotu rot, kldix-vr, alw rh u
matlrtra. Olber rvnicdlt fnili'-l, Jtr. Fen
cer Kidney a fid Ii;irktu'h Cure cnr.l mo
compliilW jr. II. WATKkiJ, llumlnt, IS. V."
Pruxff Iftt. We., $! Ak forttmli Hook-Free.
Sun Cure; Circular. Ir
fuunur, l''rjd(iiiitt.N. V
went Into that hole as if It wat an
evening party, air.
"Well, I wint hack to the office. I
couldn't be hangiiifr round watching1
the men. or the bo km would have
been making trouble; but my new
hand atayed on my mind, omeliow,
and I strolled round by the wn-ek
two or three times in the afternoon,
making aome errand, you under
ttnnd, in that direction.
"That man wax working, sir, like &
like a hointe afire. The Italian are
good workers, none better, as a rule
but hiM pick went In and out thne
times for their twice, and there was
no chattering In his corner of the
hole. He had little breath to talk,
if he had wanted to, for though he
was a muftcmlar fellow, you could wo
with half an eye that he had never
done such work in Mm life before.
"The sweat poured down hit, face
like rain, but he never Htoited, nevtr
looked up. or knew that 1 or anyone
elne was near Just plodded uwny,
awinging that pick as if there were
nothing else In the world.
"'That's pluck! said f to myself.
If he doesn't die he'll do!
"For all that, I thought he would
give out after the first day didn't
think his atrungth would Inm. When
he crania in for his pay at night, he
was shaky and pretty t irrddoofcing;
but he said never a word; just took
his pay with the rest, and thanked
me, and went off.
"The next morning I wan very
busy, and although I thought of my
gentleman once or twice, I didn't
manage to get down to the wreck
till noon, soon after the whistle had
blown for knocking off work.
"When I got there 1 saw the Itnllnus
lying round on the ground or Kuatting
on the fences, eating their black bread
and RHtiHugic, and chattering awa.v us
usual; but no sight of my gentleman
In t lie lliinuel shirt.
"'Oho! mi id I to myself. 'One day
was eiiuugh for him, was it?' And I
thought it would haw heeii enough for
me, too. When you are not used to
the swing of a pick, the way il takes
you in the back is soon thing beyond
belief. I turned to come away, and
lot there he was, sitting otT in a cor
ner by hiuiKelf, all crouched up, with
a great hunch of bread in one hand and
a book in the other.
"I strolled up la-hind him and looked
over his tdtouhler at the book. Jt was
an Italian grammar, kIi!
"My khailow falling on the book
startled hltu, am! he looked up. I sup
jkose I must have InnUrd an astoni'-hed
as I felt, for he Mailed and said: '1
couldn't alFoid to lose nu ll an oppor
tunity ! The bohh in vv trie nil ly, and 1
have learned several phrases. Itiiou
gioruo, higimre!
"'Are )ou a schoolmaster. I linked,
'and working down in that hole?'
" 'No,' he Maid, tiiiel ly. 'I am a book
keeper. It is a Kreiit advantage for
a bookkeeper to he aide to icatl and
answer foreign tetter, and although
I have some knowledge of l-'n neli. i
has netcr come in my n In Ital
ian spoken. So now ik ui chiiiicc. I got
this grammar for 1.1 cciii.-,' he a. Med,
turning it over, wiih a smile the hooft
was pretty ragged and one cowr wiih
Hone 'and 1 am getting on pretty
"'Why In the name of i:ciythiiig
foolikh didn't you apply for a position
as hookkeeper,' I asked, 'instead of t tiis
kind of thing?'
"'Nobody will luke a Imokkecper
without references. I shouldn't think
much of a firm that did, I MippoM'.' he
said, thudiing. 'My ri'tm ihts were
In my wntlet that was Mo! n and it
will he a wet k and nnir In t'oie I get
iiiv mii'ti, iii my ii a t e t nw n olf i lie
main lines and let 1 1 i s take a good w Idle
to get there. 'w alwu In i n fond f
oN'ti air and exereiM,' he adi'ed. with
a tpi i . ieu I hHik at the hole where he
hail been digging, 'ami now 1 am get
ting lot of it .
" 'Mack stitT?' I suggeNtcd.
" 'So, so! I'll immune, t hough often
been worse after a d.t'H rowing and
this in just i good In cad a nn otlu r,'
and he took a bite out of his hunch
and l(Hket at his ook, us unn haolo
say he hud talked enough and waiilid
to be hack at his giainauir,
"I walked otT and dn'u't m-c him again
till he cnuie for his pa in thecu-u-ing,
shaky again, hut smiling n if tie
hud had an excursion d.iwn the lur
bor. So it went en (ill the 'ourlh da.
Kvery da) I looked to sec him git out;
but his pluck kt pt him up, and it's toy
b lief he w ould ha e w nt ked in that
hole ami got st roiigt r and stronger if
houielhing hadn't tinned up.
"The fourth d.n I w .i. m i t nig in t he
otlice, when the door opened and in
came tireeu, from the boiler woiks
tet er t he w n . ' loi ni ng," lie a n'. ' o
)oi know of a lookUt i pt i ? Ourpooi
tellow , w ho's been sick In' mi long, d ied
estenla). 1 have to think ahoni gi t
t ing another.
"I shook my head, but an ideii came
to inc.
' ' ill j Mi take a man on trial?'
"'What kind of a man ?' a Led ! recti.
" 'Well. 1 hariM) know.' s,iul 1. '
think he's a pr. tt g.-nd kind, hut I've
onlv known tt i in tkUir i,iv ,.jiu ,in.
swer for Ins power of woik, ami I told
t he man's Mor .
'(iifen went out with me. saw the
uung Iran. !'kt ' his !i k nml t n
gaged hni . n t lu y. II, tin ihi .! lux
t'.t) w i k emit oni of h.s hole in
the uind, .-!i. . U luin-' wtih n c and the
next da) loitud a home for the rest
nf hit life.
"That is seven or eicht at s aco,
and he bet u at the hodrr woi k-, r
since. If he's not to lie m.ide ,i p. ut
ile r soon l e tu i u inoontoi m.i d lo ca
and that i what pul I itn into u
head w In n eit were talk tig ahont
pluck jnl now. That man. mt. I,,.d
the ri al article; and w In n a mat, I
t lie real at t ic e, and is In in t 1 o 1'. ,
don't talk to me aU nt In- n t micci i !
lug in lite, i ng .' Well. g,.od mom
ing! tinod 'nek to )oa in u-ur p. a
Miilutr, und Wt jjur WuteLwoid c
I'luck!" mm
t Waterman's Ideal rVuntuiu IN-ns
the. kiiul that iVwy umi-.h t r.iuu r
This story la taken from a volume of
Japanese Alir-liany rccfently publlahtxl
by IJtti, Jiruwn Co.. of lloston. Tho
volume Is of unusual Interest and con
tain! much of JauauLse myths and tra
dition. "1 hal return in the earlv autumn." said
Alt.ina Sut union aeveral hundred vuirsaso
w'ien haldmtc ft'Mti by to nis hndher by
adoption, yuuiiK llnete .Saiuod. 'lie tim
w u H'lit.g, and tae laee hhi tht Viliage of
huLu, in the province of Ilanma. AkJtna
wan an Izuiuo umurai. and he wanted to
visit i, ; birtl.placv.
lUtrbe said:
"Vour Izumo the f'onntry of the Eight- hair and twinkling eyes. I.arc k jrTC-t'.d
Cl'iiul Umiig; -iii veiy dutaut. l'erhaps it him a! wiih tifu'inn, hi g -tei.u.R ( er
will Uiei ei'jie ! ditlituit for you to promise ceptihly Air. Si.wirby (titw oli i.m . liirn-y
to ri'tuiii heie upon any paituulsr day. yel'm w.tii tJve nd wool
llit, il we wtre to know the e.act day, we wind attaeaint i.ti, kicked elf hin axeira
M.t.uid fetl hppier. We cuuld then pre- a;id pusned l.u fur cap lig itly to ti.e Lack
pare a ft-intt f w eieomu; and we could watch ' o: Kt head.
at the gateway for y,ur coining." "Have a stegar on me, Uncle J:ke," he
"S f.y, a for that," repoiiiiod Akana, "I cid, eordiali), at the old fctntleinan
have been mo much aTUitLotued to travel fu:nUid in hu po. ket and drew out a eorn
titt i cnu unimlly tell rxdoruhatnl how loiig ' c A )pe. "I gueKH ynti tna tati'I ne. Kufe
it will take nit- to rcneh a place; and I can hatet to l.&ve 'tin tun -ked around t.' e tore,
-a.'c ly bc )m to m here uion a par- hut r,e daMnt ay so. Yousl f;imn' t.o'li day. Suppose we say tiie day of till you taey smell good. 4ive un tt.rie
tae i'c'.ival of ( novo?" i wnii the red collar on, Jiufe. If'
"ii-;tt i tne ninth day of the ninth J
iiiontii," su,.l ll'isebe; "then the e.irysanthe
inuiiiH will be in hlooin, and we ran go to-1
gether to innk at tliem. llow pleasant!
So oa proiame to con e baik on '
ti.e ninth -diiy of the ninth utoaf'i?"
"On the iiititii day of the ntnlri month,
rtpcrtttd Ak nil, farewell. Then Me
strodea'vay iioiu trie viiinge oJ Kuto, iii the
pr vun e ol I lanma- and llafte ramon
and l':c moiia r of Haebe lookvd after him
wit a ttaiH in their i-yes.
"Neiiher tl:e fun nor the moon," pays an
old .Jhpant'.-e provetb, "ever bait upon their
jiairiiey." Swiftly the months went by; and
the putiinm came - the icawm of cii'yuinthe
tnuins. Atid early upon the inonitnn of the
ninth day of the ninth month Ham-be pre
print tu wtlcrrtiie hiii adoptwl brother, He
n.;i le ready a feast of good thing, bought
wii.v, decorated the guestroom and tilled
the vim. of the alcove with chrysanthe
mum of two colon. Then his mother, r iling him, said : "Tiie province of
Izuuio, n. y son, ii more than Ion 'n' from
this pl.u-e; and the journey thence over the
inoini';oni is ddlicult and weary; and you
c.'itr'iot be niire that Akana wdl be able to
eoaie to dnv. Would it nut be hctttT, iefore
y-oi ,U:c all this trouble, to wait for his
eoriiir t;.'" "Nny, mother!" made
atiNW to, "Almiui prrnnm d to he here to day;
he c u!d not break a promise! And if he
were to see im In ginning to mske prupara
tu n af'cr !.ir arriv il lie would know that we
bad di ubierl his word; and we should he
put to chame."
The day wns beautiful, the sky without a
chiud and th air o pure that the World
sop i ucd to be n thousand mileit wider than
Ufital. In the uiornirig many travelers
I i-.-cd tliroiirh the villnge - some of them
aaniarni; and llanebe, watching each as he
ennie, tcorc lliati once uuagined that he saw
Akana approaching. Hut the temple lells
sound tsl the hour of midday, ami Akana
did notappmr. Thnaigh t!ie afternoon also
H.'wbc Wiitehed and waited in vain. The
sun tet ; and xt dt these wan so sign of Akawi
Ncvct thf-lcM Hasebe reiiiaiiieil at the gate,
git zing down the road. Iater his mother
went to him and said: "The mind of a man,
my son- as our proverb declares - may
change as (uhMy as the nky of autumn.
Hut your chry-authiniiiui llowers will still
be fredi to marrow. Ilettr now to sleep,
and in the moiniiig you nn sa:ch again
for Ak;ir.a if you wish." "West wtll, inoLh
er," returned llaehi; "but I still believe
that he will come." Then the mother went
to her own room, and llaselat lingered at
tiie gate.
The night was pure n the day had been
nil tin- ly throbbed with stars; nud tbe
white liiver of Heaven shimmered with un-
n -a ml splendor. The village slept; the si-
leiice w ,m broken only by the iioim of a lit-
tie brook ni. I by thefarnwny baikmg of
piMsinth' i's. Iln'-elie still Mailed Muled
until he i the thin inoi.ti sink behind the
neiiriil -a ii lii!N. ''"''I'll at Ir.t he began
to itoiibl and Just as he was nbout
to iiehter the house h perceived in the
d in'him c a t;d! in. in a; rnvdnrig very light-
ly and ipnc .lv; and m the licit inointiit he
re'ouieil Ali.u.a.
"On!" cried IIikcIk nruiging to meet
him, "I li.ive been wailing for you from the
m orniiig until now! So you really
did kt-ep your pnsni-e after all.
Hut you iiiut be tired, poor brot her! - come
m; eveiythi'.tf is rea ! for you." Heguuled
AUna to the place of honor in the gi-est-
room and hastened to tt tin the hghts. which
were bmuii.g h w. "Mother' c.'iilinued r.c. icn a unit- ttre.i in is evening, ana
she Iimh ahc.olv
AWaltt'U her pre
)tvA and iriole
pin.d. "Am
Hum be, and he t the ttavtler
fnod ot tJ'e wine
g a to bed; but I shall
eio l " Akana shook his
a l;t:b' venture id disni
on will, brot her," said
t v ii ui foo l and w ine he
A!. .I'm did not touch the
, bi't rt-m.nned motioiilt'ss
and Mb ul for a hort t ime. Then, spoking
in a whisper ns ii I.e leareil awakening the
mother he Mi l:
"Now I must tell you how it happened
thiit I came thus late When 1 returned to
1umo tit it the pimple had almost
forgotten the kindiici-s of our farmer ruler,
the n...d I .old I'iiya. and weie inking the
f'or of the usurper T-siinchisa. who had
pot.sci-.ed him-clt of the Toinla castle. Hut
I had to vim t mv eotiHiu, Aksiia Taiijl,
thituga he had .ici epte.l i-erviee undt r Tsutie
kia, mid w.ih liniK', "" n letaitier. within
the cati'o grreohU. lie persuadsd mete
pis-ent uivm'I le'ore l'runehiMa , I yielded
i iiietU in oitier to .dm rve the character of
t he new t u!cr, w 'ioki- fn- e 1 had t.e er seen,
lit is a skilled p ddi.-r, and of great cour
se; but he is ciitiiiing and cruel. I found
it ue. ctMti to let him know that 1 could
never enter into hi -ervice. After I left
his pt f fine he ot del d my isoisin to detain
nf to keep me eontmrd within the hous
I ptotesied that I Ind pronustst to return
to II intna up at the ninth d.ty of the math
no or b. but I . rt-i ued permtss nm to
.i 1 then hoped to r'npe from the i.vtlc
at n 'g'it, but 1 was e. uistaiitly watched; and
uniil to duv I could tind no way to fullill mjr
promme. "
"I util t.i day!" eiclsitned Hss4h, in he
w.ldciinent, "the castle is more than a bus
di er 'n' trout bei e' "
"Vcs," returned Akans, "and no living
man can tiael on fiHt a hundred 'n' m one
dsv Hut 1 felt that, ll 1 did not keep my
prouiue. y'U ould not think well of me;
and 1 reMie'iilx'icd the ancient proverb:
l iuia y'ku a hi in. hi ni sen n wo yuku'
C Trirt sul ol a nun can j.mriity a thousand
"n"' iu a liv'l. T o lunatel) 1 had been al
lowed to keep " woid; thus nly was I
able to con,- to you. He good to
oar ii -t i-. "
I ,ee wonls lie stood up, aud ill the
rtme Mi-' iot d.-api c.iied
!.en ll.ivbe kloW h.t Akana had killed
loaiieli in older to fulliil the pn
"ri" is about eual to ?'
dm: woman among thk
Wo rct-i ived a letter fnm Wayctos-i,
tioiria, :i few da :igo, faun ;i bidy
lut lias lived t In n for j :ir Sho
Viito us she bad Uvn troubled
with t'-niali' complaint lor a buiK'
tunc, until she vta- rcdtna d is . tin t
t a shadow . It cll'ei-tcd her mind,
sin- could not rem - inhcr any thing
would frt vi i contUM-d and so net vous
and itritable she could hardly Meep.
Sno tb'M-rib il her i"iv u.s ouo simiUr
to t boiwuid- el' other women, and then
en led the letter bv vtying :die gaineil
I lbs. 1;,m ltioin h, and never felt
belter in her life, having no traeo of
her former troubles, slept well and
at" her tin aU w dli a tvlish. This
ladv i-onimi need the iw of lr.
tmini's Hb'od and Nerve Touio just
m week) Ik tore slie wrote the letter
t'lioti wbieh w' eopv the ahovo
This tome is in tablet tunti and bouh
bo taken rikht alt r meals. It turns
t ho total y u rat into stnmg rich
blood, making Miltd th sh ami tenlmg
(lie lu tMs. t ilt ing discuM' by making
li. it'.tt'V Mesh. Pale, Wt ak thin
jv o; it . !o M use tins touio. Kor t:ilo
by . K. Kn ini v.
The old reliable-The Wkty Orvconiau.
There hsd Un a Ml in the conrersation
' around the t..w. it had lasted for nearly
; ten minute, tiuiii.i? which Wah Hancock
had indctlmt .:' .-.- id nearly all Ui bark
from a iuai- v -I tt.v. Iti.tii 'd lutkoiy.
J.irt j'.-. . . ji ti e "jd iwed trat
it w t; !
tr.rui.g'ri t.
kiit-rt t v.
lUt kt ' v....
t rt K- r ri.-UiU Up IfT
r.t' . t ",tS K-',w i':kE
i :.i J-.n; m of iron, rid I e
. i Mhf ni;.nrist Unix tin tf:e
i .e tit'Mi'.iT wi un-
II' kt ' v... ! ji.
wnijrpn j c .read ot ia ip c.i.n: i - and
rafitfii k titeai on tiie r.tlf wain i:.e:nic
of H'-i.n w .eeU on the ci;tftd snuw ai
heard outsitle ami "Old MW' tsiwerby en
tered the store.
I "'.d -Mm" Sowrjhy was lm,g end hnn. (
wita a l"i'K. enun lace, a hrua of wnae
happen I'll teil the coroner you hain't to
"I'm seasoned," remaiked "Old I.m"
Sowto-by, biting off the end of a cigar and
ttil mg a match, "I tol' you how some I
got seasoned, ddn t I.
"You started to," iaid Hancock, "hut
Mi S-jwerhy headed ou ifl. 1 never seen
you vl up o metk. You said that was
in t fnnife to your 1uk in htr pr.n.
('Id Man Sowerhy chuck fd. So it
wa( e ?aid. 1 II tell you about it, fecin
she '.A:n't s round now. Il Ma wl m'l was
si-arkui her. Her pa had He tc;utation
of I tit g one of the toughest o'd ruts in the
deectri' k. An' Snia', was t! c oi.iy g.d i.e
had. Mii Walker died when s'-e wr jt-t
a little Mint, so Jeff, the old tv.m. n'!- wed
he'd k(-cp or honir indefinite Sou.t t f the
young buck kind of objected, but !T ! ad
a mig:tv tlfeetual way of disfoiirrgin" 'em.
I.a'e I b-v.nn alltiwcl "at he'd make S.trali a
Tisit one n.g'.t, an' conic hrc'. with I is :,iee
aJI lavcled out. Jim Allen, hi:n t;ifU kep'
the grocery t Hacketvillc. undeT-took tee
same t oiig. wi.-h the auie m tni!t "
"Mil it y go-d luofc in woman now, Uncle
Jake."' win! ah, politely.
"S e I ain't as yurg as she was, an'
neither am I," said Sowcrby. "I wus a
tol'able huvky boy thfln ai d I hadn't 'ecu
tie man 1 was a'skeeted tcr tak!e. So
one evrnin' 1 spruce! up in my best clees
an' put sotnii scented ile on my h;iir an'
hopped in my single-footer an' lit out tor
the Walker residence.
"Seemed like I was in luck, for Snrnh
wus in an' Jeff wus out. I wasn't naehaliy
luisthiul, an' 1 made the most of my time.
1 don't know how late it was when we
walked down to the gate together, hut it
was tol'iiMi: Iflie. Tae first thu.g hc knew
we heaid a horse eomin' down the loud an'
my horse begun to whinny. .Sarah started
for the bouee, hut she hadn't got there an'
1 hadn't got my Dorse untied hufuru old
Jeff come ndm' up.
' 'Who is tan?' he says.
"'It's m,' I says, handlin' the hick'ry
clubs I cut on the way down kind o ketr
leas. I thonglil I'd come down an' see how
you was. Some of the hoys said you was
su k an' I allowed rt'd be neighborly to
" 'Why, howdy, Jake!' he says, just's
tic'tled as he could he seemed like. 'I had
to go down to Hedor's to sve them h of
his an' 1 couldn't get away. Tie up your
hoss again an' come in. It ain't so late
but what you can stay awhile longer.'
"I wuz a leetle sort o' suspicious, but I
follered him into the house an' I.e got out
some 4H hour old corn whisky an' a couple
o' pipes an' a twist o' tciba-Lcr as long's
1 your arm. I had to tsko a sociable smoke
, with him. 1 reckon he knew I'd never
smoked before. I took half a dozen whitls
an' my head began to swell. It gut b'g:vr
en' bi'gei-- as big as a bucket - as log as a
barrel as big as a bam-an' tvei yiiim. ebe
grew in proportion. I could me old Jeff
I loomiu' through the emekv with a simie a
yard wide, an' his Voice sounded far away
1 like. Then I broke out into a iold eat
an' my hair began to bristle an' my mrards
to crawl aa' I drooled like a two m-itu; s o.d
hy, Finally 1 coubln'l stand it no longer,
an' I got up an' said i b'luved I'd inosey
thing hunt'.
- jH1I,r,i tht 0j rip would have give me
( ft thnnet outside, but he never let on he
CC( ,hvri! Wu( aythin' an' stood
t W,e door wiih a light, lief ore I got ball-
, V)IV , tliv LM)e j..ti cmiim.r , w,
an li tl an duller, an thin blanud u he
didn't loose hot dog on mt At hot 1 con
eluded 1 wanted to the, an' hem' eaten raw
was as gjisi n death as nny, but I changed
my mind aa 1 kicked agatn't mv hi k'rv
clubs, an' as the dog come up I hit bun a
belt. Then 1 crawled on old Koany an rode
otI linll t out , ,lt (- ,(tC houfC
1 hen I got down an held close communion
with nature for a spell.
"I mot ol' Jeff four days aftsr in town an
I w;t Iked up to him an I saw. says I: MelT
Wa'.ker, ou'te an infernal, no at count
one r old lunli an' 1 can whip yea.'
"That mm- .-ll he punted. v eome to
gether i ig t i t't-ro, an' I wan. i- i he w i;s
n it" nt all I oi.e to handle. W . n 1 !ni ;
him down he ht-Ul on like a u
Iv I pu!;t d liiui off an' poio
he hollered ' '.utlT I le.koi, ,
.Met thn: I met him at a hoi.
Perry Npcticer's. Sarah wu-a
seemetl to l-e try ill to keepa.
hinerly 1 got tier crnett-.l .i
w wus I lie luattei an' w.uit
alsiut .
. I'll!
;ni i:ii
15. hut she
II . til il e
1 ant l.rr
w u in. id
" 'W'lsSt did you lick pa for?' she .iys
' 'Hei aus it wus strictly ncfs'ry 1
says. 'If I've got ti h.k iur pp -iven
days in the week, hand runiiin', to M-e you
I'm g on' to do it.'
"Sue sorter looked tickled an' then ail of
a stable nt she looked ltiered. I didn't
know why until ol Jeff teelud me on the
" You won't need to, Jake he says. Te
had all I want, an' if you want to come up
to the home any lime come up. Ml le.tin
you to moke "
"He learned you, did he?" asktd Han
tld Man Sowerhy looktd .u tent e:v a:
the cigtr that he had tn.
throug't. and tried to roll up :
where it d COine toee.
.1 d." he said, at last, t
into the wood box. "but 1
it 1 cau smoke thi- ( hi, ..
i ; i w.i
1 omprarLoti.
1 he - Was Nellie prompt m accephrg hi
! opovd
Well. I understand there w.iMi't any
i iient contract busu,e about it. -
t t.
"lliiviiiK' .li.-ll'.'ssinjf pains in head, i
bai'k and stouiach and hciiiK without !
niittile 1 Im'jmii to ns. lr. Kind's
New Life Pills'' writes Y. P. White-
head of Ketincdah' Tex. --and soon !
felt like 11 new man." Infallible in
stomach and liver troubles. Only 'J
nt V. F. Kivnii r's ilrnu store.
Siv thos sclf-sealiiii,' stone fruit J rs
at J. YVoUo's.
wiiiun it., ui nucucMil.
T 1 afM &mmMI Mwm Is tSt
St S I.
t.ailll. tuau un.
0. IOIM k CO.. IMI IkM (L. t . f
I Htf r lvfci (w tm rilM. flMMf ..4
I J - Sf I. JMJU HrMi J
fnwisrhi UN Nrtf
Ui a
Cloomv t'loURlrs be
come Iwl.itiia! t'j the il -fe.tic.
Hf's on lilt
.lark siile of t!.im;s ai'.l
every n:.)le liiil U-i :". ;; a
mou'iitaiii. liii n.ii.'.iiion
afreils his ln:.-incss iu.l.;
nient ati'l urjrs liis Ufi.'.f
- Iir. I'ierc-e'sGol.i'.n Me.l
ical Diwcv ry cures dys
X'Pia ami other d'-e;'..ies
of the urK.'ilis of (!:;;: :i
ami nutation. U givis
huov::iirv of mir.d as '.veil
as he.iltli of Nj!y li-.ii:'-e it rtirovea t.'.c
phvsi.ial ca.ise of lnfiitnl lienresioll.
It eit.iliies the jier.Vct clti-stion anil
assiinili.tif.n of fo'jil, ami the '.oil y is
streiijj'.lient:.! ?:y nutrition is the
only source of -ii strcnulh.
"I wns :ifiVt-.! ui'.li t-i- ''' ch'V.1
nen-'iu. n.'-il. T,- k m-'l'.-u,e Hun: Illy
lainm ; to mi :i ." mi il-'S Mr. Tu'.
;. ' l.i vrr, Ricblan 1 l'-. . S. C. " At
lllirht wmiiM h ive col.! "I h .t f-H ami lui:'l.
ah.-iiritiv I hh .vtt" k vrrv ii. r- in imi.1
miilned a itir u .1-r.l r ,.lly thinking ih ,t
(ImiIIi v i;l. m.-u ri.iim inc. A''-..!. ii.- i'il
Kuinetlniiii nii tot i i.' I.i'. I'-i'S in
Bint imp ilti-'it an i jjt.'.'.: . ii 1'i.Li! in iitli. I
coul.t i,rn-lv i'..l ;(! ttiii'i' tl' it -.j" 1 1 ','"t T'r
duct' a t'l'i l'-'!in - ill mv ,ii::ii 11 -'ttr s.lii'
hi.n.-.lioii I i.vil il I-:r a 1-itf -il lr
Plrrre' ...'..!. tl M!kb! l-..-r tpl V-M.'
Aft. r Inkn s.v-i:,l !-,; I s i ... :i ruiiii-l I v.:
imliroviii:;. I i inliin:'-i! (.ir . nth- or murr.
off nml uu ! i i to I .- . ni. til! vi l. at inn. ot
what I tat. ill i,l'!-r tliat I im.v !"-! '.'. '. ar il
itroiK- 1 oil'v fK' ' i ( if anv oil.- Mill, nil with
ili!i.:esti'il. r tor;.i,i liver ol i lll'otik' . "l.J worl 1
take Ilr. fit r,-v' ; ililti. .1 I unlivery imi!
' I'li'HHH'll I.-il- tH ' all 1 nli - ive .1 . V t 111 1' .'
(fienic rn'ts tiu-y vv.,ul,l v,n Im .ireatly lu'. '
nteil. an, I with a l.ttle irr..eiiiiiie wuuM li.
eutirely eureil."
ISiliotisni'ss is cureil hy the use of Dr.
Tierce's 1 leasant l'eilets.
Timber Land Act, .lime .'I, 173
United State L ud Olfi. e,
Ilonebnv, Oregon. Sei-. "1, l!'t)-.
Notice H lierebv given trial in eoni
plian. h with 1'ie proviion-i of ihe
ct ol Ca n i em of Juih Ii, I 78 , eniitled
"'An act lor the aale of timber land in
Ihe. S'atea of Ctiliforni 1, (Jrejron, Nevada,
and VVaMiitiwt. .n lertitorv," u extend
o nil the Pub lie L iml State, by net of
Autgniit A. 1H ij, Atnv A .iirnliof of Mo'
cow, Coii'.iv ot I,:,-ah. State of Idaho,
hac th'H liav llleil in ihi olliep her t-worn
itateiiieut No. 3i!ii, for tbe pnretias. 01
tne S '., of S i.j of Se. Hon No. in
Towni-h p No. '.'7 S, litini;e No. Ii V, and
will t. II'- r ('ii. of lo idiow that the land
riiiu'lit ip inorw valnatiln for its limlnr
0. ' ptone than for a.-ni'iilliinil 1 111
P'.bch, and to etnh!i-h h. r eiaiin to
paid land bdoie l.rtrtil ( 'llire, Ho-httri:,
Uncoil, on Friday, tiie Ihli day of Feb
ruarv, I1M):; Sim iiHtne a it nep.' :
Murv C. Mitfiiiland, II. (J .Melarland,
and Marinn M. Collins ol Moicnw,
I laho, and A. V. Si I-bv of Ora'il Iir.,
Any and all persons i-la i 111 i nir advore
ly tbe above-deerihed hind are re
qin Ht d to lile their claim in thin uiti. e
ml 01 ln-ore "aid til h day of lehriurv,
1 !)i 1. .1. T. 1!kiiiiii:is.
K-aisli r
NOTICE FOli PUlil.lC VllD'A.
Timber Land, Ael June II, I S7S.
lUliiled Stalea I. in, I Otlice,
Hoseburif, Oregon, Septeuiher 5 b, I'.l1),'
Notice in hcrehy uiveii lhat in com
pliance, wiih the provision o( the ni t
ol Coii;ree8 of June Ji, 17S, intiiied
"An act for the ale of timber bind in
the State, ol Californ'ii, ( irejo.n, N-vaila,
and Wabiniton Territorv," a ex
tended to all the Public I..1111I State bv
act of Ani;iit 4, 1S'.I2, Mary C. Me
fat land of Moscow, Cininiy of Latah,
State of Malm, ha thin dav Hied in
this ollice her hworn statenient No
3h 1 7, for Ihe purchase of Ihe N1.. of s'..
of Section No. in Township No. ;7
South, Kaiife No. U W, nud will oil-r
I roof to show that the land s-ei.-lit 1
more valuable for it timber or none
than lor aiicullural purpose- a'i! lo
esiablihli her ehcui to atd hm.l lef. r
Laud Ollice, Koeburi;, Oregon, en -ri-day,
the till day of Febtnaty. I'.l 3
She names a witnesses:
Amy A. Zunihol, Marion M. Collius
II. ('. Mi (ailaiid, of Mo'coiv. ,IkIii, a.
V. SilBhv, of (iranls Pa, tlrejon.
Any and all prison clainiint' adverse
ly the ahove-ilesi'iibi'il land are re
iueste.l lo lile their chimin in this ollice
on nr before f-aul till) dav of February,
lM. ' J. T. I'.iiiiioi:.."
NOTICE Full Pl'l'.l.lfAT,(i.
Timber Land A.t .ltp.e:i. 1S.K
United Sta e Land Ollice
Iiieburi( Oieiton, Se;iteni!.i.r 5 1 1 1 , L.IOJ
Notice in hen bv nivi 11 that in coin
pliai with the piovi-ion ol the art ol
Centres 01 .1 utie ;i W-, hi " u
art lor the sale of timlu r laud- in the
Stale of Calif. imi i, Oregon, Nevada,
and Vahiii;io:i r. rnn.'y," as ex ended
to all the I'ut'lic Land S ates hv net ol
unnst I, Ih'.i.' M.iit'in M Collin .it
Moscow, Ciinniv ol l.atati, Sute ..
1. hilm. has this dav li nl in Ihi ollice
his sworn statement No. ;',IS fur the
purchase of I he l.j of ihe Vj of Sec
tion N.i 2J in I'oivt.snip No, ;17 South,
Uaue No. (i V, and will nil -r prooi to
show that ihe lai.d i-iiuht is inure
valuable hir in. limber or stone than lor
MiTt i 'liltlluil Itiroe. and to estitl.hsh
lesclallllto illd I ilfl he O-e U lSeltll
land I It, ,eli.. 1;, llrei;on.on K'
dav, lb - Ii 11 l.v ol Fehiil.iry, l.iil.!.
Ile niiines a wit ... .-s.'s :
! Il.iuv' I'. M. f irl.uel. Aim-, A.
;Z hot, I.irv ('. M.failand, ad of
I M. km.., 1,1.1. , A. W, Silshv of ti,anls
j Pas", i lieon.
I Anv snt all ter.,,11 clainiin; a.'
v is iy the iiooy .1. -cr be I I in I are
r.-.j ,e-l.
Olli. e 0
I I-1 1I II II
.1 to
lie lie
ir c aims in th'
sai l li h day o
J. I". lb
.NOI'lt'K liii; I'l lil.U'AII'I.N,
Timber Lan I Ac'. J ni.e C-7S
United Slates lmi uili.e,
lio.ebiiri;, llr.-i;,in, S, p-. 5 otH
Nolice is herein uiven lhat in comp i
ain e it h tin p' in ii. 11, s o: the act ol t'on
' f lli'l- ;S. l-,',s enulie.l " li e.
lor the sub- 01 iiniboi I.. nd in the Ma'. s
ii Ca.ii-.rnia n -ci., V v di. and
a-i. iik'.i 1 l'.-iMur ." a . x .-n i.'.l 10
ail ti.e I'uoi-c L.ii.t p, ,,.
Ack-u-t 1. li-.'. lit i,n C M. ,t a .1
el Mo.-coa, I'.-tlli'y . ' I ,-t:di. M.,t,- of
Id-bo lu'.s ii s day li',1 in ll, s , 111 e
hisswotu sts em. -nt No ;;il'i, iorih;.
pil'.l.ase t:,e N .11 ill,- N ' j ,.t s -, -'lull
No 1:1 ''iwi.-l;p No" ,',7 '
liaime N il V, ai., v, 1 01!' r pr ol 1,
sh,. thai tiie .., , fort;,. ; ,.
va ti !-le I us 111.1 , r i r -1 i.. ir-an t--i
iitn. uliiiial p i....M s. an,1. toi i,.ci-i-tii
conn, to -a d ( I U-V:e .1 i'
Hr..l!e, K mIi'Ic ..-.. 11. on ln,l.i,
'lie li li dav iu 1-Yiini.n, pa n,.
imii 1 j" a w 1 11 ;
Wn.t. M. C l-iti-. Ami- A. Z'.m' ,
.lid Mail l'. Mi iarland ol Mo-.o'
ilal.o and A. YV. M a n ,11 (i.ani.- I'ass
At an-l all pe. -on , jim iu sdvr-rs.
1 the a'i..e .1 seitt-el Ian, Is ae re
.pie-led 10 lile in. ir r iinn in tins , ;h, e
on or heloie -al I o h d.u .1 ret tuarv
J T, I Uua.Ks.
Iv ii:er.
Yoi Know Wh&i Yoi Are
Yhn y,.u take'r. Ta-.ieie-s l tint
Tonic, hecause the fi iii.u'ais plainly print
ed on every bottle hoinc lhat 11 is
ply Iron and tjuiniue in a ta-.l.-.tss loriu
No l uie No, Pay. Ctv.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
Unitei! States Land Olhrr.
Koi-eljiira Orrpm, Aiit'st 13.100.'
utiie 18 liereiiy jfiven uii .
i,,;Ie i'li fn' .r..vtM' '".','....
f..r iherni-ol linilier lands in 1 .
t. (' UreiP.n, Nevada,
a,,,! Wa-ninifti Ten i'oi."a. esiemle. ,
.ll n.e 1'ur.lU- Land S!at by a.M
tmii.t 4, i --tl-. i J. M '!
I'orll.i.ii. Ciui.ivol M'lltnoiiiKli, Mati
,.( O rlSOn. ha Iii:h day tiled in lln ' i
(leeli.r MViiili Hatellient N'.l. :ij:.0. Ir :
. iie i.ii"lm"" "I 'be W .'a l -N '- 4
.i,. A of N W '4 "f S-ciion No. 13 in
r..wn-iii N'i Jl South. KaiiN'i w.
, mil oll-r 1'iuof lo Mm ;
nml coo-'lH ii ""' vainable for i ttni
ber or t"ie ib" ' nuin'iibural I'ur-,
M.'p ami 10 i Hiil'lili lier claim :o j-aui I before J. O Ivai'b, Comily JtnlL-ej
.t in. otli.-e hi lirmin roH, Ori-lcm, oni
Monday, t'" llav N"'1","'r.
.J. Slie naiin 9 it" 'In-"" ;
(.eo. K Kun, I' K. l iel.N. Sum 1
Veaii h, LUiaid Wi'er", all of I'oi 1 mil.
Anv and all i'-rsium ciainiitiL' adverse- ; f:;
ly the almve-d -i-i-ribul land" ate "'-,ile,-tnl
In lile 'heir riailim ill 'liln ol!l-e
or before m il 10;h day ot N'ovemtier,
J. T.
Tiiulier Liiid A. t, June U. 1H78.
United Slides Land Ollice.
P.o.-eburL', Of. noli, A'Hju.-iU. l'Ji'-.
Nolice is hereby uivell lhat ill colcpll
iiiiu with the provisions of the a.t of
I 'oniir.-fs of June li, LS78, en i.leil ' An
act lor the sale ol limber lands in ihe
Suite 01 Ci Morula. Orenon, Nevada,
.ml Wa-liinit'ori Teintorv," as extended
to all the Public Lmd Slate by act of
August 4, l'Vi:', .Marv (iiln 'erson, -ol
I'm loll:. I, Coiinivol Multnornali. State
d OieBnti. bus ihi' djy tiled in tliis ollice
berswoin s atenir-nt No. U2I1J, lor th-'
i-iir- ban- ol t tu N L '., o( Sec Nn. Hi in
ToAnship No. HI. Muilh, lianue No. 'J
Y est, arid will li"- r proof 10 slioiv thai
die land ronhl i in-ire valuable .-r lis
limber or Hole than for aniicuiiuial
pu-poses, aud to esiab'ish her claim lo
uid land hi In 1 e J. O Houib, Coiinti
Judge, ai Iii l!:ce ul ti-aii'.a Pass, (Jre
jn, on Mo-diy, ihe Ml li dav ol Novem
ber, l'.ro2 She mum as wilnesses:
E. liundnr-on, C. E. l-ield, Eiwood
Uili-s. E. A funny, all of Portland,
Any and a'! person -1 i-Li'mini: adyere
Iv the at ovr scrdi. .1 laims are re-
I q' d to (lie tin ir c: .no. iu this ollice
i.n or hetori! ill M day ol November.
J T. I'.itllK.K.H,
Kl lIHII t-
NOiTCK Full l l." I'.J.IC.iTiON.
Timber bind Ait, Jmieo. 1S7S.
United Stales Land Ollice,
ltosehuii;, ( Invon, August 14, llliL'
Notu-e i hereby (;iveii lhat in compli
ance with Ihe piovision. iif the act ol
CouuresK of June 3, 1S7.S, entitled "An
act for ihe sale of timh.-r lands in tiie
States ol L'alHoi nia, Ori-jon, Nevada and
v a' liiiiu'oii Terriiorv," a i-xteud.dto
all ihe Public Land Suites hv act ol
Aiiiiiist 4, lsim, Eiwood Wiles, ot
I'.. 1 1 land, County of M tiltn. mull, Slate
.f OicLjun, has iIiih duy tiled in this
ollice liia nwom Htatement No oLMJ,
loi the puri-ha?e of Ihe N '.. N E'4 S E'4'
N W4 and S 1V'4 N E'4 of Section
.No I:.', iti township No. -H S, Kuie Nj.
'' wesl, and will oiler prool lo show lhat
the land sought is more valuable for Hs
I itnl.-er or stone than for nn- icullinal pur
poses, and to establish ins claim to said
land hi-lore the lietister ami Ucceiver
of this i-llicH at tiranls Pa-s, Oreuon,
-111 Moiulay, the loth day ol Novtm
oer, l'.ulL'. lie names as w ilnesses :
E A Feariui!, (I. E. Field, F. V.
Kaibertioo. K, I-'unk , all ol IV.rtlaud,
Aniiin.l all persons .laimiuj; adverse!
the above desct iiied lands are requested
to tile their claims in this ollice on nr b.v
loie.-aid lnili day of November, lVO.'.
J. T. I1i:iikii:s,
Timber Land Act, June 3, li;s
I'niu-d Mates Land Ollice,
I'oseb'irn, Oregon, Aiuust ill, l:u)J
Nolice is htreliv ien that 111 11 niih
ince mill the provisions of the act of
Coi-liiess of June 3, IS7S, entilled '-Au
act lor the sale oi limber lands m
the .-vales ol Uahloinia, Oiecn, Ne
vada ami W'a hiiKtou T.-rriion," a
exiended to all the Public Laud
Elites bv act of Anoii-t 4, 1 -i'lj
F YV. Farber ot Poriiaud..
C tin v of .Miiitnomah, State 01 (ire--mil
ban this day llleil in ihi ol
tic. his Baorn aiaiemeiit No. .
f rtln- purchase ol the .si,, ( N yi
imi N '.j of .s W'4ui Seme n No 14
HI l'owilslup No. 41 S, iiill'e No.
II we-t, and w ll oiler proof lo show Unit
the land souiiht is more valuable for i's
imtier or stone than for agricultural
ninpo-es, and tu establish his claim to
-aid land belore J.() iiooth, County
Indue lit his olli. eal iiran;s l'as,t)re
ton, on .Monday, the ld:b day ol Nov. in
ner, l'.l lie n luie a ivitnee-
Llwoud Wiles, v E. l-'i .1 ,-.,,!,'
Abslock, Sam P. Yea . h, ail ol IVniand
i In eon.
Any and all person c'a mini a. Iversely
he above described bind aie ipestcd
olilethe r i laiiu- in lb s . . t Ii ti. ,,n ,,r
be'ure said Intn day ol November, l'.klj.
J. I. Ill!lliiii;s,
NOI'ICE Foil I'CoLlCAridN.
limber Lind Act. lune li. 1
U mud 'a:.f LaiMi tul,,.
U. seluirv'. (I.ek. Vuunsi 111, l!,il '
Notne is berebi ".v,.,, n.i,-. ,,, compfe
u.ce wnh ihe piovts ot the , of June II, IMS. emu led " n
l. I Or 'he sal- ol limner land, in lb,.
'ia 1 1 ol C.,iiior-.i i, Oi.yoii, - Nevada,
md vv at-hinton T.oiiiorv," as extend
-.1 to all the I'unhc l St e, by act
f August 4, lv.ij, K award liun.lerson
ol I'otiiand, C-ueiy , f MuUt .mai, '
stale i, I Olivm, has :h day Hied in
ibis .. thee Iii-swotn .tutcm-iil' No ;;-..-.,
I. r f-e purcha-e ol Ihe S ,,f j;,.,.;",,,'
No. : in Toivnslri. No 41 S;iith, range
' west, i,, , ,r..r ,,r, , Ul (iliw lh
the land sought i more Valuable lr iis
t inter or sioue :!., ,,r agri, ult ural
pii'p .-es, an ' l i .-lab. im, claim lo
said lan, b-(,r.. .1. ,.. Hoot.,. ,,,,,
liidg-. a- i.i- , ll i,t p,, ,,,0
"" Vl "I"' 10 b UU u Nov.-,,,-
be . 1 -). II,. ,., , a. ,;aw,
'" i vei'-'i i-, , i: r
. ph
. s C F. I
A !
. Hi-
red ile:-
.1 .ai-.'s
- lu Un
ol N -v
-I. T.!
n i- t,
e sal.l
id h d,
111 l-: i f FINAL Sl-.TIM imi. v c
Nol ice is h ri bv oiv.n thai S-,l.,r.
I d
i.iy i -1 i i.-tob.-r. nr in
ol --lid d.v at the I'ourt
uuty court ,f J,.-i bin,, i
i-.n of the i
imty, i r. eon, h.i.- U en fix, ,l '
Id;. co for In arinvr n... t;,,-,i
"nt of A. I'. Houcli as admiui. '.
r i-t the .-state id Lllia-h I.. Y,..m :
d. c.
l- -Mi P. r.-.,ns in:, r. .I
Ill s nd
talc are hen hv n,,riti.-,i i,,
ti l. tb, ir i.hjiciioiis lo said accountant
it any tlivy have, on .r l f,,r.. w..i.i
ami tin n mid there to he pres. nt
ivn calie MliV K.ltl toeil
shall not he r'W.-.L This ..,. j,
' I I'h.islied hy or.h r of kiiiI county
'.. urt, made ou the 4th liav of Set. tern.
l'- A. C. liiH til),
i Administrator.
Ihe .Veeft.y Oieouian
iVi'kim for one jear
and the
or : ,n.d
1,1 .-mmmnW WLg.Vgf
i fi
The liurlingtoa tichct office in Portland is a veritable
D'jrcuu of Information for travelers a placo. where
they ran learn v.'.ut it will cost to reach ANY point in
America or Europe; how long tho trip will take, and
what there is to see on the way.
If ycu are figuring on fin eastern trip, drop in and
rt full information, cr, if you prefer, write me about it
Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City, St. Louis and
-'ii ,--
''i I
4 ...
Thro' Train Southeast.
Northern Pacllic-
Burlinilton Roule. "
-ei...'s:i I ...,;D Cr,.,inl the Ihroil.-ll (-
press of the Northern Pacific and Uur-
linzlon railroads from the oriiiwe 10
the Southeast, changed time ou M iy I.
Ti,.. I , an. eont i service IS Itlliieil-
ally btnefited, as conneclious for tin
East and South are now inude with
moniin trams mil of St. Louis and
The Si. l.oiiis Sp.-cia1 ll cv leaves
Portland, at H:2' a. tn.; Tacr-nm, li:40
,.. tn ; Smith-, 3:50 p in.; Spokane,
ll .i-'i ll. in. ; Helena
lO .lo in ; Uil-
ling, 7 :0U a ; in.
The nt w card is: n iire
cnnvi iiiciit to
ii.ost cities in tlui
i ruin now carries
tourist alceper, dini
N'orihwest. The
siaiolard sic. p:-r,
"g;.iar. chair car,
coach, and bairgage
KatiH City without
reclining- chair car,
Louis. It remains
car, Poriiaud to
chalice, also in.
Poriiaud to St.
the great TIME
SAVER, us Weil as the. only through
train between tho NotlliWeid and Ihe
Sou! heist.
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil
waukce & St. Paul Kailwnr, known ad
over the Union as Ihe (Ircat K iilaa-.
rniinint! Ihe "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night between Si. Paul
and Chicago, an.) Oi.ialia ami Chicago.
' The only perfect trains in the world.
Understand: Connections are noidc
with All Tianscontinental Line, ns.-tir-ing
to passengi r i the best sei vice Upon n
Luxurious coaches, electric light, ateam
neat, of a verity equalled by no other
See thai your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when goin' to any point in
ihe United Stales or Canada. All tick
et agentH sell Ihein.
For rates, pamphleis or other infor
mation, address,
J. W. Cai-Kv, - C. J. Kuov,
Trav. Pass. Agt. Ceneral Agent,
Skattik, Wash. I'iuitlimi, Or.
Of cour.-o (Iicy do. It is their
wny oC loitriiiiiir ami il ia vmir duty
to ttnswti-. You mity need n die
tionary to uid yon. It won't an
swer every question, but there are
tliotisands to whkh it will give you
true, clear and deDuite answers,
not about words onlv, but about
things, tho Biin, nmcliinQry men,
places, stories and the like, '..'hen,
too, tho children eaii find their
own answers. .So: ,e of our
greatest men have, ascribed their
power to study of tho dictionary.
Of course you want tl.. best dic
tionary. The most critical prefer
tho -New and Enlarged Edition of
Jon 7im- mi; qnrtliuin
alout il trrik' in.
1 he largi-st su'ii
ever pi-,
scription, changi d I
a pre
1 ran
r ii.-
cisco. An.-, lid, piiii, li,,, (rM
v-ilved in coin and stock Jl Il'.M)
. ll '
was pa.. I bv a i.artv oi bn-it e-- m, n ; -ypecdi.-lor
Lrgbi's 1 1 -,-u-e and lb;,
b.-les, bub, ri,, incuralile di-e.i, .
icy comnielici d I Iie -,-r:, li
gation of the speciiic N.v 1
lliey lli'ervieacd seres' i l f
ti v-
an I trn.l ii ,,,,,
over Ihree dozen eae oi,
and wall hing ih,-in. Ti,,'.,-
"iciaiis ;e . Iiioidc. u,,
and ailiiiiiii-ter.d il ,.(, ,
or judges, I pp, Al, .,
I II. e i.-t .a-.- v,.r
r 'i:r..sir!g taior,,' ,v
There I..- n .u u. ,i. , ,
'iu'lll.. li,,- art,,.
per .
.-; .-.,1 !
1 ;
I '
.-( ll
chin. -al reo,
p'lU'i-lie I
ll'l'lle,- u
' V-SY. 4
i-co, I'm
' - mi
.i 1 1
A P.,
WILD iur.;: i" :.; t
. I".
f ii'iily , .:,
and a -oil tid'u . f.,- ,
go' Or. Kb, v ...
to d.,.,
eoverv for
ol.k W
'I'-Ulll til ill. e,- . ...i
II u- . , . "
ii ....... ", ;".,'." " - -vitt...
- .1-l.u, l I
'-tlim.i. 1 i.t t:,j,
- iv, i'l-tant r, I
UOmies f,, ,,.
ifu! in.-. lien, I
I 'rt d him. !
sic. p souuHv :
H.- writ.,: I imuv
everv Uiaiit. " 111
timrvelons j
of '.'on-uia-oti,,,, t
I rov.. it
I. Ill' 111,-.,
V olils. iitnl f :ri.
i , , , .'.'in
j"..-.. l ion lung tronbli-,
fr,, .t v." l- l- " '"' lr"'i t'iti
'r.. at . h. kroner's (iril(, Mliri,
I'rniiitM la .
Laxative BromoOiainiiic
of the gCTIuiLQ
fe -.1 Ft ta-t""!!
W 3
f l
VftltllOK.BY J
Q in
u 81
A. C. Siieuion, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
i -
' OVEli T1IE-
n y fa R; g . R .,
Only transroul inentul line
passing directly througli
Three splendidly equipped tninidiin
I ALL l'Ol NTs F;AST. !
Through Sleepini! and Dining Citi
and Free I'ecllning Chair Cars
The most magnificent
America by daylight.
scenery it
Stop overu allowed on all cUei ol
For dieapest rates and descriplire
literature, address
J. 1) Mansliehl, General Agent,
1 it Thud St., Portland, Oreitoii.
Points East
Short Line to
Through I'alnro anil Tom-ist Rlerp
itn, Oiiitittf anil Itiill'et Sinuklnf
l.ihi-nry i'ura.
I-'or Kates, Folders nml full informal!:
regarding Tickets, Koules, iVc, call uoot
.1. W. PIIAI.ON.T. r.i.
Yl'l Thlnl SU-ret, Portland.
A. P.. C. DUNNISTON, 0. W. P. A.
ill'J First Avenue S- utile, WkI.
6. R. & R
Shortest, Quickest-
lloule to all F.a tern points via. rortUnJ.
AH Tl.roiigli Tickets rcadinj; over tliUruim
are good via:'
Willi I.ahc and 1'HVT
Low Rates Everywhere.
iile at Southern l'm il'ic bV"
A. L. CliAHi,
licn'l Passenger Agent,
Dortlainl, Ore.
I- V.'
it i i H I 11 f?
4-:i I RUDE m
' I- -V-
nr ,n- ,M,,iloi; a kr. h and (1..srrl!-t ,--k.
a-..rt '..ii f:ir n foe !..'
'it:.- 1 .:,lm.-..le. l'.-.':
- .t-..-tiy . o.nt,,.,,iiHi. Hi.ieil.ook..!' 1
. ,-i....-i aceo, y for nr" c
it.-i t.i-.-i tlim... h Met n A i
ft. .r, witl;,.m c'lir-tL in Un:
i!LI A Lisa
i ,.','..'.'."' " i-.-ii -. r" i "' "- :';' f
c-i K Wi-.l.,
hunt lis' Dandi DtT Poinailr
I St.lM ili-liii. ...l n. nr, Al M'i
! on. thre. to mr removet H dnl
n i tiiII f-r,t, faMine l.air. Price
I ' rarra
t ail drugKis'a. For Mle, hy sio'