Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 25, 1902, Image 1

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J iflt Bill
vol xvir.
Judge J.1J. Hnoth
!.i. John W
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Sheritl. . .
bchool Supt
iv.. r . i.uveiac
H. I.. Hartlelt
... T. F. Judson
.'.Geo. W lewia
...Ernest Lifter
. ... J.T.Taylor
.Lincoln Savage
. . . that. (.row
C. Perkins
. F. Kreiuer
Mayor V. F. Krenier
Auditor ana Police Jude K. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. lolmson
City Attorney C. E. Mavhee
Marshal Juhn Lockli'ardt
blreet s.upt John Patrick
touiHilinen Ueo. H. Bums
A. C. Hough, J. H. Williams, C.
E. Harmon J. A. Hehkunf. Will ('.
bnulu, Hertwrt Smith, iienry Schmidt
Grants Pass Lodi;e A. F. A A. M., No. 81
regular communication tirst and third
baiurdays. Visiting brothers eurdially
inviieu 11. v.. itoui.KN, w . ji,
A. J. Pike, Scc'y.
Royal Arch Masons -lteauies Chanter No.
'28 meets second and iourtu Wednesday
aiasonie nan. i l,. j twKLL,
J. E. Pktirsos, Secy. 11. I1
Eastern .Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2ti
meets nrsi and mini Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mas. H. Zm.lkii.
Jinn. Anna M. Holman, W. M.
I. 0. O. F., Uoldcn liule Lodge No. 78,
meets every Saturday nii;lit at I. O. U.
. J . liull. C. 11. Mahsiiali.,
T. Y. I'kas, Secy. N. 0
Faran Kiiiainnmriit I. O (J. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
1.(1. t. F. hall, Fueu bciimur,
T. Y. llKAii, Seu'y, C. P
Hebekahs Etna Kehekah, No. 4!l. meets
second and fourth Monday. I. O. (. F
"hall. Essik Hartmah, N. O.
Mas. J. II. Pr.sisoti, Secy.
United Artisans-Grants Pass .Assembly
No. 4!i, meets alternate Tuesdays in
. A.O. C. W. hall. F. K. Wkut'z,
FkF.n M kmsch , Master Ariisan,
Woodmen of the World Honue litver
Camp No. .V meets second and fuurlh
- Fridas at Woodman Hall.
11. V. Mkapk.
C. E. Mayiikk, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
- ls2, meets tirst and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
W. li. 1EAS. Clerk.
Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pais
Camp No. tv vl meets 2nd and 4th Wednes
day Evenings at Woodmen hall at i :W.
Clias. 11. Marshall, V. C.
N. Kej nolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2S, meets each Wednesday except
the Iirst, at A. O. I'. W. hall.
J. P. Hale, C. K.
Q. N. lioi.T, V. a.
Josephine Lodge. No. 112, A. O. U. W.
meets in A. ). C. W.hall, Ktxon build
ing every Monday evening.
J. 11. Mkaiib, M. W.
B A. Stanakii, Ueeorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, D. of II.. A. O.
U. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O li. W. hall, Dixon
Imililliiir. Mas. A. McCaktiiy,
Mrs. Lviiia Pkax, C. of H.
Knights of the Maccabees Grants
Tent. No. i:t meets lirl and
. Thursdays at Woodmen hall.
Will. Alfred, D. Slovw.l.,
Kecord Keeper. C'linniaiulcr.
Ladies of the Maccabees Grants Pass,
Hive No Is holds regular "iteviews"
tirst and third Tliarsdays at A. O. U.
W. hall. Visiting sisters cordially
invited. Jennie Cheshire,
Mary rMinmons, Lady Commander,
liecord Keeper.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No.
meets each Tuesday night 7 1 I.
O. F. hall. J. T. Chausse,
To Willi . . C
K. ol K and fl.
Grand Army of the Republic lien. Logan
l'ost No" .'!', meets iirst Wednesday at
A.O. T. W. hall. J. K. 1'KrmsoN.
Abe Axtkll, Adjt. Coin
American Order of .steam Engineers, Ore
gon Council No. 1, meets lirt and
third Saturdays, at A. O. V. W. hall.
Wm. II. Kkmmky,
Dkkj. F. Myhick, Cbiei Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Order of PeieloWhile Km k Coum il No
KM. meets in A. U. I'. W. Hall Iirst
'and third Friday nights,
C. E, -Mayiik, Secretary.
Emma lhxiiisa. Counselor.
United llrutherhoisl of Carpenters and
Joiners of America 1'liioii No. Ills
hieetn second and fourth Thursdays ot
eacli month at A. O. C. W. Hull.
J. E. Wikiha.n, Pres.
1). A. Fit.'IERai.ii, Scc'y,
Piaclicetin all State and Federal I'ourtt
Oliice over First National lUnk.
V. K. ltF.l'UTY
UA.m Pa,
Furniture nd Piano
The popular barber ihop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room in connection
to SMum Qrmr
Fine Butter a Specialty
Full niwortLi.'nt of Watches, Clocks, Sil
verware and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart Bungles,
Clement' Drug Store.
&f is.. 1
A Fine Assortment of Boss Cases
Tho Jeweler.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
TrariMu ts a (ieneml bunking Imsiness.
Iteccive deposits subject to cheek or 011 demand certificates.
OUT OUstotlltMS firP rW.Llriil lit nnitrlum. I : ,
, , " :
sistent viilti suiimi tiunking principles.
Safety deposit Imies for rent.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits subject to rbeck or on certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight drafts on New York .San Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States.
Special Attention imrn to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collection made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
It. A. HOOTH. 1'rcs.
J. C. CAMPIiKI.I., Vice l'res.
II. I.. (ill.KKY, Cashier.
J. B. PADPOCK, I'hoi b.
I am prenirred to furnish an) tiling in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years ol experience in the
hat I can till your orders in the very best
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede
Mai hie.
Front Sirecr, H to Gren'a Gunhop.
Mmdm In r Am typm sWhf mt
$15, $20 2i $30
The best Disc Machine on the Market
Entertains Everybody Everywhere
Uses Plat Indestruciibic Record
which can be handled
without danger of
being Injured
Columbia Phonograph Co,,
125 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL
W. A. Paddock, Grants Pass, Ore.
but Scott's emulsion of cod.
liver, oil. They are not the
same ; far from it.
Scott's emulsion is cod-liver
oil prepared for the stomach.
Let cod-liver oil alone if you
need it When your physician
orders toast, do you breakfast
on flour?
Pure cod-liver oil is hard to
take and hard to digest. A
man that can keep it down,
can saw wood. He thinks he
is sick ; he is lazy.
WVH mid von t link to try U too like.
BOWNE, 409 PoilMrct, New York.
Buy Your
School Books
School Supplies
... ot
M. Clemens
Orantjc Front. Oppo. Optra House.
aiiss Georgia Haiper will present
the following plays during her on
gagement here: "The Lyric Qneeii, '
"The Little Duchess," and "My Un
clu From New York."
Front St. oppo. Water Tnk.
A. VanNoy, Propr.
Perfection oil stoves, finest In thu land,
at J.;Wolko's.
su.yooo 00.
ncauiicju aim every ciHisiueriiiiiHi con
It. A. HOOTH, Vice-l'res.
L. 1.. JEWKI.L, Cashier.
$50,000 OO.
Marble business arrauls my saving
or American Granite or any kind of
The rebroductioAs arc
7-inch Record 50 tnU each $5 pr 6ou
10-Joch Record $1 each; $10 pr do.
Building Operations in Grants Pass.
This is 11 soften tf great building
activity in Grunts Pass. The carpou
tor's li.immrr and saw and tlir nmsou's
trowi-1 are building np UrantH Pass in
a manner that bids much for the city.
otvitlistandiii; tho fact that this
has boon an "off your'' for builders,
more houses are being erected than
ever before, in tho towu's history in
tho same spice of time. The burning
of the Sugar Pine factory and lumber
yards was a serious Impediment to
building in Grants Pass, 11s it has
made tho matter of getting material
slow and has caused mnur aunoTing
waits. However, tho mills luivo been
slowly catching up with their orders
and the di lajs will become shorter
and of less frequency. There has not
bct-u an over-supply of carpenters
cither, in Grunts Pass this past sum
mer, and even now there are contract
ors in the city having trouble in get
ting journeymen enough to aid them
in thi;ir work.
The leading building being con
structed is the Masonic Temple. This
niagni li -cut three-story brick struct
ure is fast assuming proportions. The
brick work is nil done and tho car
penters are hard at work with the in
terior. It was originally intended to
complete the temple by Dec. 2i bnt
the burning of the Sugar Pine mills
which cut olT the liuulier supply, und
other unavoidable delays, will make
it iinissible to finish the building
by that time. It will not be com
pleted before February. This splcn-1
did building will not only be a credit
to the Masonic fraternity but to the
entire city.
Judge lirower is putting up a one
slnry brick en Sixth Street near tho
Court house. The brick work on the
building is completed nnd the roof is
on. The finishing of tho interior is
now demanding the attention of the
carpenters. Judge lirower will uso
the building for ollice purposes.
Eugene Kiiiliu has his new brick
iirewcty 011 front Street, occupying
the site of the former 0110 recently
destroyed by tire, well along. The
new brewery building, unlike the old
one, is 01 brick. It w ill bo a larger
eKlablislnn. lit ill every particular.
1 he residence of F. W. Van Dyke,
on Sixtli Street opposite the M. E,
church, is going up rapidly. This
will be one of the largest and most
handsome residences in the eitv and
will bo a home that Mr. and Mrs.
Van Dyke can well fuel proud of.
On the same block on which th
11nDyko residence is being built, a
handsome resilience is also being
erected by D. 11. Stovall. Mr. Stovall
nas neeii 111 t, rants Cass a little over
a year, but is entirely satisflnl with
the city ami has decided to build and
I'erliaps the largest and prettiest
residence 111 course of construction in
the city is that being built by .1. IL
Ahlf on upper Sixth street. This
two-story residence will occupy the
best, building site in Grants Pass,
being prominent, auspicious ami well
adapted for the style of structure that
is being erected. Mr Ahlf is also
building a large burn 011 his pros rty.
This propcriv might rightfully Is:
called "Ahlf Hill."
t'hailis Welier is building a resi
dence mar his present home. Mr,
Wilier is building for a rent house
and not for his nun use. It vsill
in..l,e home oie- a comfortable home.
liobt. Elsrl.' Mill soon begin the
construction .f a new residence on C
street, mar 1 r. Moore's home. Mr.
Eh i!e r c -nily di-pos. il of bi roji.
crly in the non
ill- to 1 i I I 11. .
1 tin
f town ih-sir-
1.' U s : 111 ft I el-
Mrs. Thornton ha
collage which will hi
gun a fliM)
n to a renter
as soon as completed.
A rutin house is being built by
Calvin We lis on Si n nth street ope
site the ri sub iic (,f A. Holman. The
Cott.le if. liboill ( olil.!' t d.
The twin fiitagiH, and a pretty
pair of twins they are too, being
built by Jack Williams i n the M
church block, are ubout ready
occujuncy. "ne of tin in will be
cupied by Prof. I". E. Young
. E.
(, N. S:,va'e bus purchased
a lot
of K. S. Van I'yk
and ill Is gin the
i! on Sixth street
1 ret t ion of a new
brick at once.
In the above li-t We have endeavor
id i incluile as many of tic now
rcsjilene, , und building U'ing con
structed 111 the city us could bo found.
A Courier r pn ntative made a gen
eral tour of in. pt gation thisweik,
looking up n-w buildings and pros
pective new buildings, but there is mi
much l dug done that it is imshM.
Ute IO Li ep HOtU O V I lot ,L g SoUlC,
hence it is well to tate that tho
alsive is only a uriiul list of what is
being dole by tie; builders in (liants
Pass at this time. The following are
a few things that are going on in the
way of repairs and improvements.
The Methodist Episcopal
bun h him
been newly painted and has the a-j
pearanoo of au ontirely now structure.
It has also been newly kalsomined
and given a new fiuish on tho interior.
The old fence has been torn'away and
the yard cleaned op. The church lias
on a pretty "Sunday-go-to-meeting
dress" for the conference being held
there this week.
The Baptist people have all plans
completed for tho erection o( a ncv
church to take the place of tho one
recently destroyed by tiro. Tho new
edifice will occupy the site of the- old
one but will be a larger and better
II. L. Gilkey, Geo. Scott, A. Hoi
man. Theodore Cramer and C. O. Pres
ley havo all had considerable repairing
and enlarging done to their respoctiv
residences. . .
Mrs. Rogers will rebuild her hand
some brick residence, recently destroy
ed by fire. Tito walls of tho forn
Duiimng, wlucli are practically now,
ami wntcii were not damaged to any
extent by tho fire, will bo used for the
new building.
Tho vault at the court house, in
which the records and books of Joseph
iue county are kept, is being enlarged,
being entirely too small for theneoom
modation of the largo stack of Isioks
and documents that should bo safe
from Are as well as thieves.
Ladies! Ladies! don't fail to see tlx
elegant gowns worn by Miss Georign
Harper in her production of "The
Lyric t,niecu. "
-ir. aim airs, vtcuu navo lieeit en
gaged In Evangelistic work for the
Ist 13 years, singing the gospel in
ull irts of tho United Slates. They
are now engaged in their (10th meeting
on the Paeitie Coast. They have
worked with many of the leading
Evangelists and are engaged -now
year ahead. . Mr. anil Mrs. Webl
have been 111 Grants Pass for the past
tour weeks assisting in the meetings
being held by Evangelist Holmes un
der the auspices of the Christian church
of this place. It is probable that they
will remain for another week.
Court docket, September, 11)0 J term
of the circuit court fur Josephine
county, Oregon :
Chas Kickell vg I.ibbiu II Itamlall,
C W Kninvles v A W Kox.
Stearns & Chenewerth. vs J E Ker
J A Hehkopf vs Joseph Hill.
R A Ilisith vs Robert Faulkner, etal.
R A Hooth vs Robert Faulkner, etal.
I' A Smith, etal va E W Kiiykendall
P A Smith, etal vs A J Sherwood
Canning-Wallace & Co vs D I. Brown
Carter A lloiilaare vs J I' Tuff A Son
Phillip Frainey vs James Little.
rirttxval. Hunk rsoullieiii Uregon vs
L R W ouster, etal.
I) L llrowning vs Ralph K Ilenuett
C 0 Hinelow vs John Mcrrell.
II M (iorham'vB R F Miller.
M W Espy vs Virginia Espy.
R (i Smith vs E C Suuian.
Hydraulic Mining Co vs Joseph
Chas, I,, 'f utt vs Jane A Chadwick
James I.lttlu vs F II Osgood.
S W Smith vs Nellie Smith, divorce.
Illinois 1t Joseshiuu Mining Co vs
Harry Italic)'.
J A Lindsay vs A II Carson, ctd
Henry Honth vs May liisjth, etal.
(ieo S Epperly vs i'liglish-Canadiai
Co, etal.
Iietlcf Eismnn v Josephine county.
A. C. Hough vs A W Fox, etal.
Chas A Trefethon, etal vs T F lionrkc
W I Sweetlund vs tirants Pass New
Water Eight ami Power Co.
I.ucy Ferrcn vs Avery Ferren, divorce.
James I Tuffs vs Robt II Faulkner,
Mat1 he Tapola vs (Irpha,
Viola King vs Frank King, divorce
V A Woolfolk vs Margaret Woolfolk,
VYJMuthcHSVt Eureka Mining Co
1 arm n iiatKiiey vs iliiamuiirg
Mining (.0.
Florence I! vs Henry Itaiiau,
A si iisation has been leated at
Chehalis by the eloiiit lit of Mrs.
Mary Wagouer, of Napavine, and Hen
Merrill, u brother of Ilavo Merrill,
the esiMjied Oregon convict, who Hits
killed m ar Chi halis. bv Tracv. Mrs.
Wagouer found Merrill's lsidy in nome
bushes while she was out berrying.
ami is seeking to recover the fl.,Mi
reward from the state of Oregon.
The couple purchased tickets for
Seattle. Mrs. Wagoner Is J. years
old, having throe, married dan ght. rs
and several younger children, pi 11
Merrill bus been working in a livciv
'stable at Chehulis for the last two
j mouths.
Can Is; cured by taking S. li. Catarrh
.Cure, which cures all forms of indi
gestion and stomach troubles, such as
constipation, rising of sour food, dis
tress afterdating, which if neglected
brings ou iiitUiued and ulcerated
stomach and leads to cancer of the
stomach. H. IS. Catarrh Cure restores
sense of taste and smell. For sale bv
all druggists. IJook oo Catarrh tree.
Address Smith liroa., Fresno, Cal.
The growing demand for water for
irrgation purposes emphasizes the
need of more detailed information
concerning the resullts and methods
of irrigation from artesian and sur
face waters. The census of 181)0
showed that the area irrigated from
wells is greatly increasing, and that
tho results in most scctiona of the
country aro eminently satisfactory.
Approximately, itiii,oiw acres were
irrigated in that year from wells, the
value of tho irrigated crops ranging
from fiO to f 1,000 per acre.
In the humid states well irrigation
is utilized to supplement tho in
snlllcient rainfall during early spring
and summer. In tho west tl 6 water
pumped from wells iusures tho home
garden and tho orchard against total
failure through a rainless season.
In California, Colorado, Louisiana,
I lorida and several other states, the
waters of flowing artesian wells are
successfully applied to largo areas, or
are used to nugment tho shortage in
the strolling during th.'irrigating sea
son. In order to obtain the iiniKirtnut
facts relating to irrigation from those
sources, the census ollice will anon
send out inquiries to irrigators from
wells, whoso names were reported by
tho contractors. As the list is not
complete, tho director asks that Irri
gators who do not reeeivo these inqui
ties will send their namcB to Mr, I
. Powers, Chief Statistician, Census
Ollice, Washington, D. C. und blanks
will bo mailed to them at once.
It is requested that all who receive
these inquiries answer (ho same as
fully and accurately as possible, and
promptly return to (he Census Olllou.
A feature of (he westward freight
shipments Is the largo number of
new locomol ives en route for Western
lines. Very few through hilled trains
pass through terminal points that aro
not particularly made up of the pro-
luct of the American Locomotive
I ompiny. It is estimated that orders
for nearly (UK) locomotives were given
out last week by various railroads
ntering at Chicago.
Following is the list of letters re
maining uncalled for ill tho (irallls
Pass post ollice Saturday, Sept. 20,
I, ndies
Miss Retha Young,
Mrs. Frances Martin,
Mrs. Frank Leo Prlgdeii (.')
Miss (lassie Willert,
Maude Vaughn.
F. 11. Test,
All York,
J. II. Conn,
Mr. Shulmau,
George F'arley,
Mr. Jones,
Mr. George lice.
('. 10. Illinium, P. M.
The Albany Dcims iat man, w ith a
few friends, Sunday etening visiled
the pleasant home of Mart Miller, at
Knox's Initio, says that pais r, where
they had a visit, wilh Mr. Miller and
his family, including his son Ernest,
whose case is an intensely interesting
one. Seven years ago his joints be
gan to harden. Three years ago he
left the house for the last time, and a
year go he was placed ill bed, a
twisted, solid mass, gradually ossify
ing and haltling all the droits of
local physicians to assist him. F'or a
ir he has lain in exact ly the same
position without stilling or being
stirred, a movement causing such pain
to call for other means of taking
ire of him, which have been neatly
and ingeniously devised. His arms,
legs and body are misshapen, ami even
his neck is stilf, so that he cannot
move his head at all. Hut, to offset
this misfortune, he has a face as
beautiful as one ever saw. that of
1 young woman, Willi lovely glossy
hair, eyes thai are bright, a sweet
xpr ssion 011 the counli'iiaiiee and an
tetive mind, Willi the casi. ilv to
gite 1 -xpicssioii to his thoughts ill an
iiilerestiug way. Most ipooolo with
illby,;ictive Indies complain at the
little ills of life, but Ernest is happy
and content! d, looking on tin- bright
side of what there is for him. Ho is a
voracious rciih r of good books anil
A "papers, during the '1 racy hunt,
taking a lively interest in t hi' chase,
whenever any one has tic tune to
urn the li-av. s, having a Ins k or
pa r 011 th.. rack before In 111. A
lool.lllg glass Is 11 1 1 .1 11 lt il so us to
how tli.- passing of nonlo and
inns on the r"ad near by. He l
mugs in un- .llllslillii1 sioclety, a
uatioual 1011. and has re-
ivi I h tiers from as far asGcimuny,
hi'h allonl him gnat phasim-. Hi;
njoys iioM ltns, pioturis, etc., unit
lwajH appri ciati s visitors. A
otlhy ami faithful father and moth-
r and six hi others and sisters, part
f whom are at home, give bmi com
pany, liut 111 ighhors are always web
nine. He will Is- is. in a few davs.
A strange paitofhis physical con-
lit ion is that bis cu I so is alsnit I .)( 1
l ( i 11 11 : II V mid Mine tunes us high as
IW). His circulation of course is
JsH.r. He undoubtedly is gradually
aomiiig o.-sifinl, but bis appetite
good, and the indications are that
be will lire a good many years, a
blessing, notwithstanding his misfor
tune, to all coming in coiit.u t w ith
his Is'litlful life.
Those who are, diw miteiited, may
ell visit him and ham a lesson.
The matchless fm u w ill leave an im
pression which will ls of a pleitsunt
Headquarters for
Thing's for the House
Rugs beautiful now lino.
Art Squares, all sizes.
Comforts some flnogoods,
also tho cheaper kinds down
to $1.00.
Tho now addition ii about ready
Furniture Storo in Southern OrciroiL
stork. New line of Heators, Stovoi
your house, complete and will gave
Wo giianinteo Goods and Priooa. If
Into Furnishing House.
bare Curtains
IU. C. Z. tl. Column
(Articles for this column are con
tributed by tho Women's Christian
Teinpeiance Union.)
Tho regular meeting of tho W. 0.
T. U. will bo held at tho homo of
Mrs. K. A. Wade, Sept. 2(1, at 3 :30 p. m.
An amendment to the Immigration
bill which was pussed by the House
of Representatives, was offered by Mr.
Boworsook, of Kansas, at the request
of tho Reform Bureau prohibiting the
sale of intoxicating liquors in any im
migrant slat ion. It was instantly at
tacked by the representatives who have
(line to Is) recognized as the cham
pions of beer Shut tuck of Ohio; liar,
tholdt of Missouri, nnd others. Mr.
Shalfnck offered an amendment allow
ing thu sale of beer ill immigrant sta
tions under tho direction of the secre
tary 01 tne treusury. iiie (leliato wag
f a farcical character, consisting
hiefly of jNMitic flights 011 tho beauties
of the German beer garden, tho right
of isTsounl lilsTty, mid similar topics.
1 ho most striking argument of all in
tuvor of colli inning tho sale of beer at
His Island, was that of Mr. Adams,
otherwise unknown to fame, who in
geniously maintained that sinco the
most desirable immigrants are those
from Germany ami tho Scandinavian
oneirics, tliu Hub, of Ixjcr must ho con
tinued, else these Incoming foreigners
will take offeiiso at the failure to pur
chase their national beverage while
waiting at the pier, and will warn
their friends at homo not to come.
Au animated dialogue between Mr,
Shiittuc und Mr. Ijindis, of Indiana.
resulted in the giving and taking of 1
dare on tho some what irrelevant sub
ject of the sale of liquor ill thecapltol
at Washington. Each gentleman pro
claimed himself in favor of driving
the congressional bur out of tho base
ment and each agreed to vote for a
lie asiire If the other would introduce
it. After the adoption of tho section
prohibiting tho sale of intoxicants at
immigrant stati , Mr. Lindis offered
another section extending the same
principle to tlin enpitol ; and though
tne latter was clearly not germane to
the bill, und therefore, would ordinar
ny nave been Immediately ruled out
by tho chairman, owing to a s'culiar
parliamentary situation tho point of
order made against Mr. I-nndis' amend
ment came too lute to Isi accepted by
the chair. His section was therefore
adopted, in the committee of tho whole,
by a vote of 108 to ID. The Toto is
evidently to Isi Interpreted either as a
joke or as a bid for isipulurity by many
of those who imrtioiimted, Inasmuch
as of course such au inelevant section
cannot remain In the bill and iwss
through thu Senate. Hut the debute
brought out clearly enough tho incon
sistency and folly of tho sheltering of
a sahsui in tho national canitol. and
perhaps o ued a way for a re-enactment
of this prohibitive measure in
another form at some later date. The
other scctiou, relating to immigrant
slat ions, will urohuhlv remain in the
bill, and thus one conspicuous abuse
of the government aerviisn will I.
remedied, -Tho Stau.Uid.
I want all the world to k 111 IW. "
writes iter. O. J. Budlong. of Asha-
way, H. I., "what a thorouublv mwul
and reliuhlo niedieiua I found In
No. 44.
At bottom Prices. Iron Beds;
more now pnes.
Rockers plenty more.
Moro new Buitos.
and will make this tho handsomest
We have Increased our linos and our
and Ranges ; iu fact we can furnish
you niotioy. Wo want yon to call,
you want the latest call at this op to
Picture Mouldings
Electro Bitters. They cured me of
jaundice and livor troubles that had
caused 11111 great sutt'eriug for many
years. F'or a genuine, all round
euro they oxeoll anything I ever
saw." Eleetrlo Bittura are the sur
prise of all for thuir wonderful
work iu Liver, Kidney and Stomach
troubles.' Don't fail to try them.
Only oOc. Satisfaction is guaran
teed by W. F. Krenier.
There is nothing la lifu moro en
joyable and at tho same titno go bene
ficial to both miud and body, as
A modern railway Journey, intel
ligently taken, tends to prolong life,
break the monotony of existence and
acta as a panacea for dull care by tak
ing us out of tho well worn channels of
worldly and business struggles.
Before starting opon m trip, whether
on business or recreation, It is well
to inquire and investigate the var
ious routes, and chooso the one offer
ing tho best inducements In the way
of comfort and attractions. Tim
traveler, the tourist or businessman is
wise iu selecting the Rio Grande
Lines iu a Journey to and from tha
east, as it offers every comfort and
modern couveiitouco to suit all classes
of travel, with an array of sceuio at
tractions uusursaod iu tho world
Onsltu Onto, The Cation of the Grand,
Marshall l"ass, Tennessee Pass and tho
world renowned Royal Gorge are but
few of these attractions seen from the
car windows.
Thri'O fast truing daily between
Ogden and Denver.
Pullman, Palace and Ordinary
Sleeping cars ou all trains to Deuver,
Oiiiuha, Kansas City, Chicago and St.
Louis Without change.
A jsTfect Dining car service.
Agents throughout tho Northwest
cau sell ticking via this route. For
rales, maps ami full information or
fur copy of beautiful booklet, "With
Nature iu Colorado," write to or call
ou W. C. Meilride, Gcn'l Agent or
M. J. Rix'ho, traveling Pussonger
Ageut, I2J Third Street, Portland,
The success of tho Disc typo of
Oraphophonu which nscs flat, in
destructible records, is largely due to
the fact that the Columbia Phono
graph Company, pioneers and leaders
in tho talking niiu hinu art, bag do
vuloisd tho iKissibilitieg iu both tho
machines and thu records beyond all
cxiHM'tatlons. It was ablo to do this
because it is tho only coin pnny iu tho
talking inachlni) Held having a com
plete laboratory and a manufacturing
plant ou a broad and comprehensive
basis. Its facilities for experimen
tation and for manufacturing aro on
a very large scalu. It does not have
to rely ou iucxpcriciiccd manu
facturers for any part of the product
it olferg for su'e. It makes its owu
machine and its owu record from
start to finish which is a fundamental
advantage of the tirst magnitude.
The Diso Graphopliouo i made iu
three types, soiling at 11,1, fcM and
K). Seven inch record 5t)e each, $."1
per dozen ; 10 lueh record tl each,
10 per doxeu. The Graphophone and
Columbia Kecord wr ,' awarded tho
Grand Prixe at tho Pari Exposition
of WOO.
Tho Columbia Fiionogntph Com-.
pany, 125 Geary Street, 8an Frnu-
uisco, headquarters for graphopliouo
and talking machine supplies of every
kind, will seud you catalogue ou