ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANT? PASS, OREGON. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: One Year, In advance, . I Hix Months, .... Ttree Months, ... Bin gle Copies, .... -It 1. r mAn that nit Tlltvl l!r2, the auliscrlption rate of the C'ocai us will be rarneu u per yt-ar. iuj" pay their subscription now get tlis ben lit 01 we cueaper rate. Advertising Races Furnlf lied on application at the ofllce, by mail. A. E. VOORIIIES, Propr. & Mnqr Entered at the pout ofllce at Grants 1'i-s Oregon, as second-class mail matter. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, VMZ Numbers 1 aud 2 of VoL 1 of the Bangor Exchange which liave roach ed tliis offlco show that BuiiKor is to bo a place that will bo heard from In the fntoro if printers' ink ran do it The paper is published in the intercut of Coos comity and tho west. Chus. Sawyer is editor. The firm issuo of the Gleniliihi News reached our desk this week. It is four-column, four-pairo liier, brim full of news and in published by H. W. Halbert. Mr. Hnlbert is an old time iicwsmlir nmu bnt ha spent the pant few years prosjiectinK and mining in this and other countries. Ho is liurd working man and we have found him honest and reliable. Ulendale is fortunate in having Mr. liulbort cant his lot with them and they should give hi in splendid supiiort as a new paper will lie a great advuntage to the place. "The Pacific is the ocean of the future. Tho markets of the Orient are the Republic's futnre commercial salvation ; and tho Orient's conimcr cial futuro is yours. If the Philip pines are no advantage to the Rcpub lie, why is Hawaii an advantage to the RcpublicV Tho opposition doc not say givo it up. Where will the Pacific Count sell its surplus? And yonr unsold surplus means your com merce paralyzed, your laboring men starving. There is only ono solution of the lalxir problem, and that solu tion is steady employment mid honest wages. "Senator lieveridge in siH'ech at Sun Francisco. President Roosevelt was elected an honorary member of the Ilrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. He attended the executive sessions at Chattanooga Monday, walking from the hotel to the Auditorium, a distance of a few blocks escorted by Grand Master Sargent, a comniltte of the Brotherhood and a detachment of Troop B, State Guard, Acting Grand Master Hanuahiin welcomed the president stating that his presence at the convention would do great good to organized lalior, not only in this country but In Cana da and other countries as well. The president returned his thanks for the welcome, and said be was glad to 1 with the Brotherhood. He said the Firemen's Brotherhood was the result which nitlurally comes from the ap plication of eoile of common sense to their work. He said thut organ iml lalsir never had inuile an un reasonable request of him, and that if it hud ho wonld have denied it. In sM'itking of the pointmcnt of Grand Mntser Sargent, of the Brotherhood, to lie Commissioner General of Immi gration, the president said it was one of the most isfuetory npisiintmcnls to him and to the puplic he hud ever made. The forest fires which have been raging in the northwest during the past week but emphasi.e the fact that too much caul ion cannot lxi exercised in the use of fire during the dry sea son. During the week scores of lives have been lost and untold horrors ex perienced by those who had to bend every energy to escajsi nil awful death by lire In the forests. Thousands of acres of valuable timls r have Ix-cn burned, causing a loss which mounts up into the millions, while the lum bering industry has received a severe check iu borne mrts of tho two states of Oregon and Washington. Words of warning and caution were passed along the line only a few weeks ago but the tires gained a control which could not bo checked until the great damage had Ih'CU done. .losephine county needs to lie ever watchful. It can hardly be supiMised that a jvrson would dclilicratcly set a blaze in the forest, but we have proof that sonic one in this county set four tires along a densely wooded lidge ill the sjuice of an afternoon. Ict us take warn ing from the events of the piist week which have wrought death and de struction so lavisblv. THE WAKE UK N ilU'HWEST K iKEST KIKES. Bridges attacked anil residences threatened iu South Portland. Ilainage in Eastern Multnomah amounts to (r.V'iOO, and every family has been lighting the tire since Mon day. Several families burned out on the Section Line road. Three dwellings and 'the county bridges gone in Pleasant Valley. Flames surround the dwelling of a resident of Kcckwood and lace west along the Kase Line rond. To protect the town of tlreshaui, men stand guaid night and .day. Fully 100 men are at work to save pro)icrty ill tin' dangerous heat. P. II. ltooik has a narrow cseaH' from death at Pliasant Home. A saw mill was destroyed mid four others Were iu danger Fire coinianies were culled out to Irvingtou. The residents of that jwt of Portland wen J on duty from 2 o'clis k yesterday morning. Non-arrival of grain and coasting ships due to dense smoke at the mouth of the Columbia. Telegraphic market reports cur tailed owing to trouble with the wires. Damage near Lents amounts to over 25,000. Tillamook City has tsen saved from Impending doom by timely change of the wind. Forest a in Douglas and Jackson Counties are on fire, but damage yet amaii Fall and Winter 19021903 ...GLOTIKS... "We are selling Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Jackets that are right. The quality that wears, combined with popular styles, superior finish and dressy effect, sure to please buyers. RED Front street, oppo Depot, Superintendent Ormsby, of Cascade Forest Reserve, says no fire has yet entered the reserve. Sixty people iu the town of Spring water, Clackmas Comity, forced to floe for their lives and rendered home less, aud a fine timber belt destroyed. Sawmill of tho Bridal Veil Lumber ing Company and tho whole town of Palmer, situated two miles east of Bridal Veil, in this county, destroyed. Valuable timber destroyed near Coburg, Wilhoit Springs and Wend- ling and other points. Men at Wend- ling are swamping the timls r in order to savo it Losses will nmount to thousands of dollars. Destruction of village of Viola seems certain. Woman burned to death near Van couver, Wush., and a woman anil lier child are missing. Mills, lumber and timber to value of 11,0X10,000 destroy! d iu Chehalis County, Wash. COMING EVENTS. Sept. 25-30 Oregon conference of the M. E. church at Grants Puss. (Jet. I, Wednesday Georgia Ilurisr Co. rendering the Lyric Queen nt tho Opera house. Oct. 2, Thursday Georgia Harper Co. iu Little Duchess at the Ojmtu house. Oct. 3, Friday Georgia Harper Co. in "Way Back East" at 0htu house. Oct, ft Gorton's Minstrels at Opera house. Oct. 8-13 Synod of Oregon meets iu Grants Pass. NEW GOODS Arriving Daily in alt Departments CLOAKS Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets and Long Coats. WALKING SKIRTS, WINTER WAISTS, OPERA SHAWLS, Dress Goods. Wo have many new novelties in our Dress (Hoods lepartineiit. We invite yon over. Shoes aiuljl'uniisliinn (iooils SOCTIiEUN OIIEUON NOllMAL. The Southern Oregon State Normal School is making thorough prepar ations fui the coining year's work, The buildings are being remodeled mid rciuircd, and extensive additions to the chemical and physical dc imrtinents are being made. The facul ty is composed of strong teachers onsocrated to the work, and each de partment is ill the hands of a special ist. . . A year's course in Uitin aim in Economics has Won lidded to fiittlu r . . - i ; i . I I I. I lv mro teachers lor oign senooi num. I'ho training dcpui Uncut will Ives- iullv strong. A man of splendid ducat inn and wide experience will lie at the head of tins tieiiirtmciii. Much attention will he given to ora tory, and athletics will ne mime prominent. The citizens of Ashland have guaranteed some $.'00 as prizes for excellence in these lines. The City Library of 20tX well selected volumes is thrown n'H to students of the in stitution. Board and lodging can be hail at from f.V.'iO per week to $1.00. Climate healthy. Course of study practical and exhaustive. For cata logue of announcements write B. V. Mulkey, president, or Clifford Thomas, secretary, Ashland, Oregon HOME FOR SALE. If you want a splendid home - good, large house and two acres of land iu the city call on A. K. Yoorhies. This place will bo sold immediately If you want a place cheap don't delay. FKESIl COWS. Will exchange fresh cow for gnu e work horse, other fresh cow for sale. James Nii'ley, Jump-off Joe. STAR STORE. W. E. Dean, Propr. IT HAS COME TO THE FRONT.. The rapidity with which the Disc Craphophnuc has come to the front is due to the fact that the quality of the records has been constantly im proved, from the timo this tpye of machine began to bo made by the Columbia Phonograph Company, the pioneers aud leaders iu tho talk ing machine art. The advantages of Hat, thin and indestructible records were alwuys recognized but the manu facturers who attempted to make them failed so lamentably in pro ducing anything to comiire witli the cylindrical records used on the gruphophoiio that the demand for them was uiiiiiiHirtaut. All that is changed ; the Columbia Disc Records are a delight. If you have not heard them you can form no idea of tlie advance that lias been made in them. The disagreeable scratch and the mettled effect has been replaced by a smoothness, naturalness nnd bril lianey which gives to thier reproduc tion a most charming effect. The Disc Gruphoplinno is made in three tyjM'S, selling at lift, I'.'O and $:I0. Seve n inch records fiOc each, fA jior dozen ; 10 inch records f 1 each, $10 jht dozen. The Gruphophoiio and Columbia Records were awarded the Gruinl prize at the Paris Exposition of l'.MH). The Columbia Phonograph Com puny, ISA Ocnry Street, San Fran cisco, headquarters for gruphophoues and talking mac bine supplies of every kind, will send you catalogues on upplicut ion. to come in and look them A plaster uionel of the National Capitol nt Washington w ill ho among the interesting exhibits in the Gov ernment building at the World's Fair. $70,000 liKKAlll OK PROMISE. James IV Heryford, the well know n etxeusive cattle owner of Chewauctiii, Lake county, has been sued for $70, 000 damages for breach of pn inise of marriage by Miss liirdie N. McCarthy of Wane county, Mich., in the V. S. Iitrict court at Cortland The ladv taught school iu his neighbor hood in I'.KH) and ail'ges that during Iho holid.iys lleivford agreed to inar rv In r, the nodding in occur in one ear. lie has refused to make his word mod. THE OLD RELIABLE POUDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE m METHODIST CONFERENCE. Rev. McDougal and hu co-woikers pa( jfic Rai,roa(1 ,. nl, ,,e in the Methodist Episcopal church of diHtri(.t Grants Pass, are maki.ig preparations ' for the Oregon Annual Conference j ALAMEDA MINES. . which will be held in this city from T)l0 AjIimt,,ia Mining Co's proper Sept. 24 to 30. The church has been ti,. Bre m-s,r Rogue river, Josephine newly painted throughout and the . . ti. (Jaliee mining dis- beautiful edifice has the appearance of an entire new structure. Other in - provementa hate beea made about the church, and this together with the many other preparations that a e being made, will make the conference here an auspicious one. The program arranged tor the con ference is as follows: Semi Centenial Session of the Oregon Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church to be held at Grants Pass, Oregon, Sept. 2430, l'J02, at the Newman M. E. C'hunh, Iliehop Earl Cranston, D. D. L I.. D. presiding. J. W. McDougall, pastor. Presiding Elders Grants Pass Diet. D. T. Siimmerville. Eugene " T.B.Ford. Salem " D. A. Walters Portland " L. E. Rockwell. Tuesday 23, 9 A. M. Examination of undergraduates. 7:30 P. M. Lecture by Dr. 8. W. Gamble. Wednesday, 24. Examinations continued. 7, P. M. Song service. 7:30 P. M. Missionary Anniversary, address by Dr. W. F. Oldham, li. j. Hoadley presiding. Thursday 25, OA. M. Opening service of Conference, Sac rament of the Lord's Supper. Organization and Business session conducted by Bishop Earl Cranston. 2:30 P. M. Anniversary of W. II. M. S., address by I)r. T. C. Iliff. 7, P. M. Song service followed by Church Extension Anniversary address, Dr. T. 0. Iliff, W. T. Kerr presiding. Friday 2, 8 :30 A. M. Devotional services. 0 A. M, Bu inesa session. 2:30 P. M. Anniversary W. F, M. 8. address by Dr. II. J. Taluott. 7:00 P. M. Song Service. 7:30" " Temperance Anniversary, addresses by Hiram Gould and E. B. Lockhart. Saturday 27, 8:30 A. M. Devotional services. 9:00 A. M. Business session. 2 :30 P. M. 7:00 P- M. Song Service followed by Conference Annual Missionary Sermon, Geo. 11. Bannett. Sunday 28, 9:00 A. M. Conference Lovefeaet conducted by T. F. Royal. 10:30 Public service and sermon by Bishop Earl Cranston. 3:00 P. M, Ordination of Deacons and Elders followed by Memorial services, 6:30 P. M. Epworth League Anniver sary addressee by Dr. J. R, T. I.athr p and F. L. Moore. 7:30 P.M. Educational Anniversary, address by Dr. J, II. Coleman, Bishop Earl Cranston presiding. Monday 29, 8:30 Devotional service. 9:00 A. M. Business session. Notes. Morning devotional serv'eca will be in charge ol tho Bishop. All persons coming to Grants Pass to attend the Conference will pleate come direct to the church w hich is four blocks north of R. R station. Prof. F. E. Young will have charge of the music. OUAUTLHLY CONFERELCE. Tho fourth quarterly meeting ser vices of the Newman M. E. Church will be held Saturday and Sunday us follows : Quarterly Conference, Saturday 8 p. m. Sunday 10 a. m., Sabbath School. Sunday II a. in., Preaching by Dr. Gamble followed by Communion ser vice. Rev. I). T. Suinmervillo will have charge of these services. or. vt. s. Uamble will lecture on the subject "Sabbath" Sunday 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. in. also Monday and Tues day 7 :30 p. in. Dr. , Gamble is an eloquent, forceful and convincing sis'ukcr and will not fail to interest, instruct and help all who desire light on this subject. These lectures are free to all. Do not fail to attend each lecture. ATTEND THE STATE FAIR, SALEM, SEPT. IS-SO. Take a few days after haying ami harvesting and go away for a change of scene and air. Too few farmers aud farmer's wives take any vacation during the year. There is nothing so good as a change of living and a few days rest to brace one up, lioth physically and mentally. Most of tin large city business houses give theii employees one or two weeks vacation during the year and they tlnd it pays well ill the ticttcr health of their men and greater interest taken by them ill their duties. A week's rest attend ding the States Fair is IkxIi educa tional and recreative. The exiHisition building "ill tie tilled with the finest exhibits of III (arm, Held aud on hards. The live stock show w ill surpass anything o! the kind ever given on the coast, and no progressive farmer can afford to miss seeing the possibilites of iniprov in,; breeds and breeding. Coul racing cw.y afternoon be tween the fleetest footed rue. is on the coast. Good music ami high clas; eutertaiiimeiit iu the evening. Re duced rates will be made by tin Southern Pacitic for the occasion. Ask your ng-nts for full information. JOSEPHINE MARBLE MINES. J. C. Whipp, G. W. Greening aud G. W. VauiK'l, three nionihors of the Oregon & California Marble Co. came down from Ashland a few days ago and have gone out to their proivrties on Cheney creek. T'lis company ow ns 3ti0 acres of mineral laud iu this dis trict, w hich includes the famous (.treat Oregon Caves. The comimny is negotiating for the purchase of the milling prvpertict o ned by J u lgv H. K. Ilanna audi. C. Hollo, which adjoins the mineral lauds of the Oregon California Com pany. These people are- making prepara tions to extensively develop their marble mines, which are as extensirt quarries aud contain as high grade marble as anv known on the coast. , All varieties of marble are found iu .1... Tl. iirnTinued OreffOll & tri(.ti'Bll(i consist of four full qnartz lruijml, all(i no acres of rich gravel lands.- The cnmriany purchased the entire holdings from the original owers mid locators. The most strik ing feature of the Galiee district is the mammoth ledge which pasxs through the eomjiany's property and known as the Big Yank ledge. Bonanza and Monte Cristo Claims, 1100 feet in width by 8,(KK) feet in length, are a continuation of the Pig Yank ledge. This ledge has a slate hanging wall and another of a syenite foot wall. Tho vein matter, a bluish quartz with iron sulphurets, assaying $3 to $:)() to the ton, as depth is gained, changes to sulphide-) f cop-ier and retains its gold vulu s. Development work on these two claims is by three tunnels and several open cuts. At 130 feet in. a crosscut was run 40 feet each way and neither wall was reached. At the greatest depth from the surface, 125 feet, assays give values of $10 to $17 in gold, pop per and silver values to the ton. As depth is gained by driving in of the tunnel, the ore increases in valup, in dicating the approach to a shoot of high grade ore. OthiT; openings far ther np the moulain show mineralized qnartz. Live Yunkeo and Yankee Poojllo claims, konw as the Rocky Gulch mine, are developed by two tunnels, one 130 feet and the other 105 feet. Work so far proves conclusively that this portion of the Alameda Com- imny's proiorty is the same as the Big Yank lead, and further proofs are also found in the assays. This coinp"iiy has just let the contract for the run ning of a long tunnel to C. li. Matti son, of this county LELAND SIFTINGS. Prune drying will scon commence. Our merchants ure very busy send ing goods into the country Mr. Bull has returned from Salem and reports having had a good time. Some days Main street is crowded with teams so we have to come in bv one of the side streets to the business part of town. Our worthy and efficient E. J. Muckin is busy wrapping up goods but at the same time will entertain you with one of his jokes, a stock of which lie always has handy. Some of our land is being survey-( with a view to buying for nciiml set tlement. Land that will make good homes iu this vicinity is being looked after as most of it is well watered and adjacent to good schools. mo are having dry weather; too dry; the ground is beginning to warp, so we must have rain before long. Our weather prophet gives it up: all signs have failed : something is nidi it ... . . vauy wrong Willi the planets, tliev do not work in harmony. When we get the wagon road com pleted down Grave creek and to the summit of Mt. Reuben then the trade will come our way throii:h the natural advantage of the country although wo wish Gleiidulo all the prosperity she can get. We tire selling goods and shipping tar nnd near; way up on Wolf creek near Glendale; it would be well for Ulendale to get a business boom tirst then boom the town afterward lliut, ill our idea, would be good logic. We are having some malariii in this vicinity, it has been dry so long and the air is full of smoke. I'ncle Hilley Cox had a runaway w ith one of his teams last week. He was hauling railroad wood from the hills and his team of line young horses ran away down a steep hill. One valuable horse was killed and the wagon was badly broken up. Mr. Cox was badly shak en up ami somwehat bruised but no bones were broken. We are in receipt of a little paier printed at Glonilulc; it is quite a spicy iia-ior. As Glen, dale is so far away from Lol.uid it w ill he a long time before it will lie a tow n of note. Wide Awake. LOSS OF LIFE IN BOElt WAR. An interesting parliamentary paper giving a return of the military force employed iu South Africa from the beginning to the end of the war has been issued. The garrison, August I, isi.i'.i, consisted of ;S ollicers and ini.'-J .'iilistcd mi n ; reinforcements sent be tween then and the on I break i f bos -tiliiics, October II, lv.K.i, intabd r. "4i'i. Thereafter the troops sent up to' May 31, l'.M-.', readied the great total .if 3V,,0M, besides tin. U( men raised in South Africa. The tiual casually tigun s are: Kiil d, 774: wounded,; tlicd cf wounds or disi a.e, lii, 1i;n. When it conn s to feeding or .-hollering some -i, .'iiK), IHX) ieop!o a y,ar tin n iiiu-t be something of an t-xpen-c bill to ly. Among a score of good vi ;ks the Salvation rmy dm.- lies i ci year of its hi-iory, right hero annng the people of our country. Wh n ihii idmirable org.ini..,tion makt stoii a- -(sal, then, as it now d.s- in th; ,-t lchratii n of iis llaiv.-.-t 1 -i i, ii leservcs the heart y i nccurag. in; in ami upholding of every self re-p,-ct i nj, .'it izeu. HoWS THIS? We offer $JiV Reward for any t .is. 'f Catarrh that cannot lie cured In thill's Catarrh Cure. !'. J. t In ne X- Co., Toledo, Ohm. We, lit- under 4igiied have know u F. J. Cheney toi he last l-" year-, ami l hevc him perfectly hononthle in all be.sinc- .r.insaclioin - ami financially able ti arry out any obligations made It .heir firm. West A; Truax. Whole -ale Druggist-, Toledo, O. Wabbng. riiiiu.tii tV Marvin, Wholesale Drug lists, Toledo, I . Halls Catarrh Cure is taki u inter wily, acting direftly upou the tibs-o mil mucous sarf.ices v.f the system, rt-ice, 7.V ier bottle. Sold by al. Druggists. Testimonials free. Hail's Family Pills are the best. Yes, we sell PorivLiiu ware. Not h'ap g ramie. Call and see the difcr ni. J. Wtilke. FASHION HINTS FOR AUTUMN. The new drop-yokes produce Un effect of very drooping shoulders and are shown in many of the newest models with yoke of all-over lace xtending over the slievea. Seams in slot effect remain the dis tinguishing note in many of the new- skirts and jackets and also m tne smart shirt-waists. There is nothing daintier than well- made and exnuisitely decorated lin gerie aud since the vogue of faggot ing gowns, separate yokes, collars, etc., is at its height, tins iianoi needle work is aslo applied to under wear. The stitch employed is usually the plain faggoting or herringbone. There is a w ide assortment of heavy textured or "mannish" goods as they are termed, any of w hich arc appro priate for jacket iind-skirt-suitH. Boulevard velvet cords are shown . . . i .i in a wide assortment ci colors, mm there is no more fashionable materia! for walking or street costumes. Embroidery and fancy stitches are the inevitable mark of distinction on everything from the dainty stock-col lar to the even daintier hose. Fashion has decreed the extensive iisi; of pendant and ball trimmings this season, and a great variety is xhibited. Both black and colored samples are procurable, as vvoll ns bits of metal and enamel from w hich iridescent beads and spangles are suspended. The possibilities cf velvet ribbon as un ornamental feature have won for it the highest popularity in trim ming net, chiffon and light wollens. The Delineator. Use I'atton's 5-year guarantee Sun proof Paint before the rainy season begins Cramer Bros., Agts. ROCK MEN WANTED. Good rock nu n wanted at $1.75 to $2.00 per day. Board 25 per week. Call or address D. E. Morris, Browusboro, ili'cbrn Co., Cre. WILDEKYILLE ITEMS. Listen! Hear the (d ol hell ring. Mrs. Purrough, who has been sick for some time, had a h::d spell one day lu.-t week but is now much im proved James Hocl:ii:g, Sr. and daughter Martha mid J. W. McCollum returned from Klamath County, where they have bein fir the past two weeks visiting with Irnccis Hi ( king and wife. The farewell sermon preached by liev. Rogers last Sunday was u good one and was quite well attended. Rev. Jordon of Merlin spent part of last week and the first of this week at Wilderville, The building of the sawmill is pro gressing rapidly and will soon Ik n ady for work. Miss Delia and Clarence McCollum ol Grants I'ass spent one night, the lirst of the week, with their uncle, .1. W. McCollum. Zanoni. Stransky Ware is the l'st for cook ing fruit Cramer Bros. DR. GUNNS- BLOOD AND NERVE TONIC. There is not a woman in this land but at some time in her life would have been the better for the use of this tonic. For diseases peculiar to women, a hotter medicine was never made. It is cnmgxisod of the ingre oienis iroiu wnien mo system lias been deprived by disease, over-work or (ii.-sapation. neuters at once into the circulation, building up tin tissues that have lstn wasted, ami making pure, rich blood iu the most itirect way. 1-or weak, nervous and unsteady iieonlc, lnmnlv. nale fieshless people, it will make strong sieanv nerves anil give the complex ion that wholesome look that indi cates health. We have hundreds of letters tint people have written us, -living that they had gained in good solid flesh at the rate of one to three iinds per week while using Dr. llnnn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. Ii should be taken after meals, one or two tablets each time. Druggists sell it 7.'c per box or three boxes for $-.'.), or sent postpaid on receipt of puce. vto me glad o make reply to letters of inquiry, the advice w'e ive yon is plain, and easily under. stood. Address Dr. I'.osan'ko Co. Philadelphia, l'a. For sale by W. F. Krelller. The filicrm.m, the sailor, t!:e yachtsman and everybody, ii li.,ble to sudden attacks of disease. "Painkittev 1 1' Kit It V It A VI') Vtslike magic 'or cholera cramps, sudden colds, or chills f:n tx. p- -ure; Take no substitute. Trite 2..-. . oc. lluv Your no! Hooks and School Supplies o 31. Clemens UKI.UHl.K DRUGGIST, nj Front. Oppo. Optra ftotiM. P TIUY T0PR0UND-S3.50-SH0ES. The TOl'ROUND SHOE is tilled between outeole and indole with niix-ure of ground cork and r jbber which ads as a cushion !or tha er's loot, keeps out moisture and prevents tqueaking. Gentlemen! Wear only Topround $3.50 Shoes, made froui Whit,', Crown Calf. Wears better, keeps its polish better; in fact, the beat ,10t made in the orld lor the price. Welch's Clothing' Store, Opera House Block. Grants Pass, - Oregon. Be Ready Vhen the School Bell Rings Thoughtful pupils will get their School Supplies before the fall term commences. The" time honored Slate and pencil. Lead Pencils all styles and prices. Tablets for ink and pencil. Composition Hooks for language exercises, Spencerian Pens. Thomas' and Sanford's Inks. Fountain Tens. Colored Crayons. Hook Straps. All of the Required SCHOOL BOOKS. Slover Drug Company. Front Street. The at curate compounding of prescriptions from pure in gredients is our stronghold. G. P. Pharmacy and W. F. KREMER, Propr. Bicycles, Guns. Locks, Umbrellas, Fishing Heels, Scales, Talking Ma chines, Sowing Machines, Typo Writers, Cash Registers, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Pumps, Baby Carriages, Grind Knives, Scis sors and Axes, do latho work and general Repairing .4 jt , IVc Sell n'3.rJHCS Ah SUafflS. TALKIHU MA. SV0 RGOROS. riSHIHO TACKLE POCKET KniVCS AtO RAZORS " 9addoQkd i3ece S)cn WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OREGON The scho.1 where is doue; reason j, nlys glvwl; where is developed; where boo& tatight exaoUy as loks arfc kept in business; where sltoTtlndii ' niade easyj where is I 1 have been educated for succt fc ? 1 Whcre 'JiiiIiwill be. Open an the year. Catalog . P- ARMSTRONG, LU. Q., PR,NCIPAL WILLA311JTIE UNIVERSITY 1902 ' OPENING ANA'OUNCEMEMT. 1902. fol't .f"Ir'li.ArJ'' iS',,,,",b'-r Normal lepartment, September 16. tV'll-ie, ),;,;;; Z'-. ".t, Dept., Member M. '" cf Art, s.,PI1 u.. 1 " l.",Hn,'t" IP'-. Member 1(1. I'"' el The, I , (ll'eiie of M.dicine, October 1. TU Bo2r7Lendrro,0nRMen CW sent on application ,. nJ rm Boarding Ball, $5.10 per week. 'Tr . "k ."',!; '.:;:';ah:!,;r,;jm;n, i- v. t. h. l ' per ww. """ ' Stcd n-j ,-, boaid them.elvea for e J(hn man, President, Salem, Oregon. i THE f Dormant Beauty , r )f yonr face can be brought to lift and admiration by the use of ou famous cosmetics and bcautifien ' Our face powder, cold cream and 1m routes make tho skin hiive the soli, i velvety nppcHrunoo such as Madam . Ivecamicr was famous for, and camioi injure the skin, us they contain no impure ingredients : National Drug Store, ,