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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
t- - VOL XVII. DIRECTORY JOSEPHINE COUNTY OFFICERS Judge J. O. Itooth J John Wp11 10. F Lovelace Clerk K. L. ltartlelt Deputy Clerk T. P. J miaou Bberirl Ceo. W- Lewis Ueputy feueriu Krnest Lister Treasurer J. T. Taylor School Lincoln Savage Assessor Cuas. Crow Surveyor H C. Perkins Coroner ;V. F. Kremer CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W. F. Kremer Auditor ana Police Jude R. h. Davis Treasunr Col. W. Johnson City Attorney C. E. May bee .uarsnai jolin ixjckliarul Street bupt John Patrick Councilmen Ueo. H. Hinns A. C. HouRh, J. H. Williams, C. E. Harmon J. A. Kehkocf, Will C. tunilu, Herbert Smith, Henry Schmidt FRATERNAL 80C1TIES. Grams Pass IxMle A. F. & A. M., No. 4, regular communication first and third Saturdays. Viailing brothers cordially invited. H. C. Houizkk, W. M. A. J. Pike, Sec'y. Royal Arch Masons -Kennies Chapter No. lis meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic bull. L. L. Jewill, J. E. Petekdor, Secy. H. P. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2G meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic hall. Mrs. H. Zollkb. Mas. Anna M. Holhah, W. M. Kec'y. t. 0. O. F.,-Uolden Rule Lodge No. 78. meets every Saturday night at I. 0. 0. F. hall. C. H, Marshall. T. Y. DrAS, Secy. N. G. Paran Encampment I. (). O. F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at 1. (. ('. K. hall, Fmeu Schhiut, T. Y. Deak, Sec'y. C. P. Rebekahs Etna lteliekah, No. 40, meets second and fourth Monday, I. O. 0. F. hall. Essie Haktkak. N. 0. Mas. J. 11. Dekisoh, Secy. United Artisans Grants Pass Assembly No. 4!), meets alternate Tuesdays in A. O. If. W. uall. F. K. NVertz, Fkeu Mensch, Master Artisan, Secy. Woodmen of the World Rogue River Camp No. .V, meets second and fourth Fridays at Woodman Hall. 11. V. Meade, C. E. Maysee, Consul Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. ls'J, meets lirst and third Mondays at Woodmen hail. EsTEL'LA KUKKY, N. U. W. E. Dear. Clerk. Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass Camp No. SUIT meets 2nd and Itli Wednes day l.vening s at Woodmen hall at l ( has. II. Marshall, V. C. N. l!enolds, Clerk. Fore-ters of America Court Josephine No. 2K, meets each Wednesday except the lirst, al A. 0. U. W. hall. J. P. Hale, C. R. O. X. Holt, F. 8. Josephine Lodge, No. 112, A. 0. II. W. meets in A. O. U. W.hall, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. J. H. M made, M. W. 1! A. Stahard, Recorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, I), of 11.. A. 0. U. W. ineeU every alternate Tuesday evening in A. O I'. W. hall, Dixon buildinr. Mas. A. McCahtiiy. Mas. Lydia Peas, C. of H. Recorder. Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 50, meets each Tuesday night 7 :3U I. O. O. F. hall. J. T. Chausse, Ton Williass, 0. C, K. of it and S. Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Logan Post No. .H!i, meets hrst Wednesday at A. O. I;. W. hall. J. E. 1'xrKKsoM. Abe Axtkll, Aujt. Com. American Order of Steam Fnginecrs, Ore gon Ccuncit No. 1, meets tir.-t and third Saturdays, at A. O. II. W. hall. Wm. 11. Kenney, Bekj. F. Myhii k, Chiel bngineer Corresponding Engineer. Order of Pendo While Rock Council No Ki. meets in A. O. U. W. Hall tirst and third Friday nights, O.K. Mayhe, Secretary. En ha Bklciiik, Counselor. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America I'nion No. II4.H meet second and fourth Thursdays of each month at A. O. V. W. Hall. J. E. Wieu sak, Pres. D. A. FiTZiEkAi.i, Sec'y, C. HOUGH, ATTOK.NKY AT LAW, Practices in all State and Federal Courts Ullice over First National Bank. Giants Pass, Oaei.on. H C. PERKINS, U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL fcl'KVEYOR, Urants Pass, Ob SOON. jp:ndricks t brown, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office Over Post Office. Giants Pas, - Ohioon N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furmtare and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in conneuUo - PAMKER S HAIR BALSAM m ur in i ossiai u i or. J. M. CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE Fine Butter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil- and Jewelry. A Uood . ' Assortment of Bracelets and Heart Bangles, Clemens' Drug Store. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS. q-r PuoNE 21 F-1323 A Fine Assortment of Boss Cases e.t LETCHER'S The Jeweler. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. PA lis l'l CAPITAL STOCK Transacts a General Banking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our cllsloniels tire assured of courteous treHtment mwl nvurv cnnsiilerntiitii con. sisteut with tound liankiii principles. Safety deposit boxes for rent. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, Keceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. tSells sight drafts on New York rJan Francisco, and Portland. TeleKraphic transfers sold on all points in the United ritates. Special Attention juven to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. It. A. BOOTH. Pres. J. 0. CAMPBELL, Vice Tres. II. L. U1LKEV, Cashier. MARHLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. PADPOCK, I'aocK. I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind of MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my saying that I can fill your orders in the vury best manner. "Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind rf Maible. J. 15. PADDOCK, Front Strict, Nrit to Greene'a Go nil hop. COLUMBIA DISC W Mud. bt throm tywmm milling mt $15, $20 sL $30 The best Disc Machine on the Market Entertains Everybody Everywhere Uses Flat Indestructible Record which can be handled without danger of being Injared Jill The CRAPHOPHOSC and COLUMBIA RCCORDS were awarded the) GRAND PRIZE at the PARIS CXPOSiTKM of 1900 Columbia Phonograph Co., 125 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL FOR. SALE BY W. A. Paddock, Grants Pass, Ore. S GRANTS Anemia is little red in the blood. xne red in the blood is the oxygenarrier. Better to breath with half of one lung than not have enough red in the blood. The blood is full of digested food ; but it can't build muscle and nerve and bone without oxygen. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil puts red in the blood : the oxygen-carrier. It is like build ing a railroad into a famine stricken country. We'll send you a little to try, If you like. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 pearl atrttt. New Vara. ...Oregon's... i Blue Ribbon I State Fair SALEM SEPT. 13 to 20. 1902. Yon arc invited to attend and see the greatest industrial expo sition and livestock show ever held on the Pucific Coast. Good racing every iiftemoon. Camp ground free. Come and bring your families. For any informa tion, write HI. D. Wisdom, Secy. Portland, Ore. UNION RESTAURANT Front St. oppo. Watr Tank. 'OPEN DAY AND NIGHT A. VanNoy, Propr. Perfection oil stoves, finest In the land , at J. Wolko's. S25.OOU.UO. J. KUAN K WATSON', I'res. K. A. HOOT II, Vice-l'res. L. L. JEWELL, Cashier. $50,000 UO. The reproduction rt LOUD, CLEAR aw BRILUANT 7 -inch Record 50 cent each $5 pf dor. rO-iaKw Rccofd $1 fexh ( $10 pf dor. PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Hop Picking in Hop picking began Monday in all of the hop fields of Josephine, county and nearly 1(XX) pickers are at work this week. Tho crop will be larger and the quality of hops above tho averago. The hop business is getting to be ail industry of considerable pro portions iu this county, and consider ing its size, ns great a quuntitiy of hops are produced iu Josephine as in any other couuuty iu tho slnto. The climatic, and -general conditions required for the production of hops are perhaps more favorable here thau in any other section of the stato. in theWillametto Volley September ruins usually interfere with religious regularity each season, and oftimcs do much damage and reduce the quality of the hops, hi Josephino county, mius very seldom interfere, and the season for picking is nearly always dry. The Josephine county yards are situated iu Williams valley, along Williams creek, and along the Rogue and Applegute rivers. Iu the matter of pretty camping places for tho I pickers, it is doubtful if more beauti ful spots iu this regard can be found anywhere. Cool shades, cold water and shady nooks make picking hops in Josephino county both pleasant and profitable. Here, as elsewhere, scores of entire families hie for the fields earli season, women uud chil dren all uuitiiiK in tho work, aud a number of sueh families mako from fSO to I."iO iu a siiiKlo senson. Tho price paid for liickinit this sea son is tho Hiuuu hero us in tho Wilhuu- etto Valley. Somo of thn yards nre ItayiiiK 40 uud some 50 cents per box. Tho smaller yards find it necessary to my AO cents iu order to Ret u bu (11- cieut numlier of pickers. Thu big yards arc always more attractive from thu fact that they offer social advan tages not to 1m found at thu smaller yards. The vtord"social" is used here from a hop picking sensu altogether, mid only those who havo been hop iicking can appreciate the social con- ilitinus that surround the big yard or cluster of yards where three or four hundred icoplo am tumiicd together. There is never a lack of entertainment. Musicians, especially fiddlers" are always on hand, and the hop yard is a feature that has duo attention every night of the season. The Imp yard dance, be it known, be longs toa distinct class of its own. There Is no other dance like it. There is juNt as much difference between a hop yard dun and any other kind as there is between an aristocratic dress ball and a back woods "shin dig." It must not bo inferred from this that the hup rani dance is a bad atr.iir at nil, because it is not. A hop yard dance is a hup with plenty of "hop" iu it. About tlA.tKK) will be juid pickers by Josephine county hop growers this season. A number of growers have contracted a good jmrtion of this crop at from 10 to i:i cents. This was done hst winter before the price Ih lmii to make an upward cliinh. It seems evident at this time that the price fur this year w ill be W or 'i't cents. From this it would seem tlmt the growers who have contracted for 10 or IU cents are unfortunate ; however they am not ns bad off as they may seem and noun of them regret their step in the least. The price of hoj, like the price of wheat, apples or prunes, is something that can only bo guessed, at, nod while it may be 20 cents today, it may be only half that a week from now. The following is the lint of Jow. phiiin county growers together with tho unrulier of acres they have iu : Wm. Korj nson, 2) acres. J. W. York, 01 m-rca. IS. V. Ihildw in, I j acres. Mrs. lieymer, S acres. L. S. Lincoln, 12 acres. J. Christie, l.'i acres. K. C. Ik-AriMiuid, 2.1 acres. Kaiizau estate, 30 111 res. John lianzau, 40 arci a. If. L. Kohinaou, 2.1 acres. Iaac Kin ley, 14 acres. II. H. Miller. 2.1 acres. W. T. 8. I'atton, 10 acres. As can be seen by adding the above figures, Josephine county had 210 acre in hops. A before mentioned, the hoj of this acaion will be large. The hoi are plump and fall, are free from lice or blight of any kind. TEA IN HOLT11LKN OREGON. The tea plants which the Southern cVMr. aA rM,V H'- OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER n, 1902. Josephine County. Pacific distributed in Rogue river valley apjiear to be hale and hearty. Tho latest information from there is that they are growing, but there is no record of more than a hatful harvest of the leaves, so that the iufaut industry is still iu its swad dling clothes. Oregon is believed to be well adapted climatically to the culture of tea. The only handicap to the in dustry is the high price of labor iu Oregon as compared with that iu Oriental countries and in the, southern states, where colored children work the fields at low cost. Climatic conditions iu Japan, in wnich the tea plant thrives, are very much like those of Oregon. Allan Camerou, agent at Hong Kong for tho Portlaud & Asiatic Steamship Com pany, wrote several mouths ago that he thought the project for Southern Oregon a good one. The tea plant is not affected adversly by tho rigors of Oregou climate. On tho campus of State Agricultural College at Corval- lis is a plant which has thrived iu its prcseut environment for 10 years. Valley Record. WHY GO EAST Over the suji-burued, sngo brush and alkali plaius when you may just as well take a delightful, cool mid coin- JOSEPHINE COUNTY HOP PICKINU SCENE. fortable ride through thu heart of the Rocky mountulus In view of the grand est scenery of the American Conti nent ? This you cuu do by travelling on the Hio Grande System, the far famed "Scenic Lino of Tho World, " the only traus-coiitiueutal liuu passing through Salt Lake City, Olenwood Sprin gs, I Lcadvilhi, Colorado springs and Deli- vcr en route to eastern points. Three daily express trains make close connections with all trains cast uud west aud afford a choice of five distinct routes of travel. Tho equip ment of the trains is tho best, includ ing free reclining chair curs, standard and tourist sleejH'rs, a perfect dining car service, aud also terminally con ducted excursion cars, each in charge of a ciiniS'tent guide, whose business is to look after thu comfort of his guests. No more pleasant and inex is'iisivu means of crossing tho Conti nent can ho found than is provide d by these excursions. For additional details, address, J. D. Mansfield, Oen'l Ag't. 1 io Grande Lines, 121 Third Ht., l'ort and, Ore. THE NATIONAL MININO ('ON UK ESS. Urn mining congress, in session at lintte, Mont., is the ls-st attended and must enthusiastic, gathering of th kind ever held iu this country. Many interesting gmjiers havo been rend, and some very spirited unit in structive debntes have enlivened the prK i'diiigs. One of tho most Impor tant sujects discussed was the Ki arus bill, which came up Thursday. This is the bill providing for the change In the mining laws, providing fur loca tions Is ing made MIX) feet iiurn in.sti ad of 1100 by lioo us at present, and doing away with the extra later- 1.1 iikiiis. I oai in, a vein, Die nM X 01 .. I ...I.... 'ft.. . I !.. .1 . I wlucli was ou a claim, could not Is' followed down outside of a line drawn vertically from the surface side lines. The Kearns bill is iu fai t copied after the Rritinh Coluinhiu la. This bill lias been much discussed in mining circles, ' consensus of opinion is well shown in the vote yesterday, it being 1)5 against, with only 3 for it. After the vote was announced, Majors of Montana, offen d a resolu tion that the congress go on record against thu Kearns bill, ami that it end a recommendation to the United States Congress, that thu bill do not pass, aud tho resolution passed with a dissenting vote. An effort was made to have the name of the congress changed to tin American Mining Congress, anil to have subordinate organizations iu each state. It met with fierce on- and will rol.,.l.!v .., ..!'""' """' " " 7 . tneir nrm. West Truax, Whole tcrializo. j sale Druggists, Toledo, 1). Waldiug, Hon. L. Bradford Prince of Newiriimun iV Marvin, Wholesulu Drug Meiien l,n U l ........1 t'g"S, Toledo, . ,.,. . i .1 ii . I Halls Catarrh Cure ia taken Inter the acsHiou .cut in the following Im1Vi M.llUK directly uu the blood resolution: and mucous surface of tho system. "Reaolved, That the magnitude and , Price, Mc per bottle. Sold by all iniiioriniicH of tl.a n,i. I ,i.,., which baa rew-hed over l, UoO 000, (XS) of annua! product, calls for the eslub- lishment of a National Department of Mining, the chief offltvr of which should be a member of the president' cabinet. Resolved, That tho congress of the united States be respectfully re. quested to provide by law for the h cation and working of miues of the reserved minerals, gold, silver and quicksilver, ou Spauish and Mexican land grants." Tho resolution was passed. A resolution indorsing the establishment of a Federal Department of Mines and Mining was passed without a dissent ing voice. Tho following resolution, offered by Colonel Frank V. Drake, of Oregou, was unanimously passed : "Whereas, Tho Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, to bo held iu Portland, iu the state of Oregon, iu the year l'.VOS, is to bo interna tional iu character; and, "Whereas Said exposition will, for tho first time iu history afford oppor tunity for a comiireheusive presenta tion of one of the world'a chief In dustries, uamely, mining for the precious metals, iu the immediate locality of production, therefore, be it "Resolved, That the International Mining Congress views with ap proval the purposo of said exposition, and recommends tho co-operation of states mid individuals iu presenting this feature of industry at said expo sition. " Tho Business Men's Association of Great Falls, Mout, extended a cor- dial invitation to thu members of tho congress to visit that city. KINO OF THE OPIUM KINO. Chas. E. lilayney's "The King of The Opium King" is booked to upiicar at the os ra Iioubo next Thursday night, Sept. 11. This play cornea with a reputation for seusutioimlisin .that certainly is hard to beat, but il Is said also to lsisscss a vast amount of clear cut comedy and tolls a story of love uud villaiuv that tenches a good moral. Tho comuiny portray ing the numerous characters are people who have metropolitan reputations as intelligent players, aud thu man agement has a spcciul lot of scenery, mechanical effects and Chinese cos tumes to give the production a beauti ful setting. Popnlur prices will be charged and tho theatre gisrs ran gut thu best seat Iu the house for .V) cents. Re served seats uru now 011 sale at the Grants Puss Pharmacy. DEMAND FOK GOLD DOLLARS. Orders are being received by Secre tary Walter ii. Stevens for thu gold dollars to bo issued by the United States Government in coininemorntiou of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The issue will bn limited to 2.10.000 ,,, , , illHtru.ti(1I1H of the act of congress authorizing them. The comiuitte iu charge of tho matter, under tho direction of the secretary of thn treasury, has alsiut decided upon two designs, one including thu bust of Jefferson, the other tho bust of McKinley. The coins will be sold at two dollars each by the World's Kulr, and the amount derived from tho premium will Ik' lined iu the construction of monuments of Jefferson uud Mc Kinley. The first hundred issued of ' (.Jt( . design will 1st numbered minted and a certificate Issued by the director of the mint for cuch coiu stating that it was minted iu his presence and iiumls red III consccu tive order. These two hundred coins will lie wild to the digest bidders. The iJi.mut gold dollars are a strt of the appropriation of $.1,000,000 iu aid of the World's Fair from the United Stales Government. They will be delivered to (lie cxjiositlon authorities as soon us minted, which will be probably late in tint fall. HOW'S THIS? We offer tloo Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo, Ohio. We, the niuler signed huve known F. J. Cheney for the last 1ft years, ami believe Mm ! Is rfectlv honorable in all busiiie ami iiiianciaiiy aide to ! wrngglsts. 1 est luminals fn-e, Hall Family Pills are thu best. Vi, o S.-I1 Purcclulu ware. Not cheap granito. Call and sco tho differ ence. J. Wolke. Thomas To Make Room. We are about to make extensive alterations in the store. Must have room to work. You can help us clear the floor. Besides, our New Goods are on the way; some already arriving. An immense stock larger, better than ever. No hold-overs here. Everything new and up-to-date. These prices will help you decide to clear off these floors; but you must do it NOW, don't wait: Sideboards-Solid Quarter Oak, Solid Brass Hinges, Urge r r- rjj . Chiffoniers Larce New Stock. it.o. Suites Solid Quarter Oak, Heavy, Large French Plate Mirror, usually $45. " Fir Dressers . . Solid Quarter Oak Dressing Table, Round Top, 6 foot extension, $14. ' Baby Go-Carts, Reclining Adjustable Rub ber Tires, usually $12.00. This sale This will give you an idea of what we're doing, applies to Ranges and Hammocks also. "f HOP PICKER'S OUTFITS Complete Everything. Blankets 5 pounds, $2.90. Tents J3. 45 up. Camp Stools 25c up. Cots. Mattresses, Cooking Uten- sels, Camp Stoves. Tin Coflee Pots, 5c. Tea Pots, 5c. 1 Gallon Pans, 5c. Vegetable Cookers. 1 c. 6-Qt. preserving Kettles, 20c. White Table Oil Cloth. These prices Spot Cash Only. Furniture Laca Curtains Mattresses Cots Linoleums Mattings Mirrors TO. CGAl. (Column (Articles for this column are con tributed by the Women's Christian Tempeiance Union.) Tho regular meeting of the W. O. T. U. will bo hold at the home of Mrs. E. A. Wuilu. Sent. 13. aU:M)n. TEMPERANCE TWIGS. No more boor at United HUites em igrants stulion if you p lease. A Chicago sot tho 01 her day pawned his wife's fulso teeth to buy grog. Tho nut ion ran kill tho saloon when sho gets ready. Is It not about time? When decent people are not over coining the saloon the saloon is over coming them. The ministers of New York are considering the inauguration of pledge-signing crusndti. Thn soldiers garrisoned at Colum bus, O., cotnix'llud a saloon keeper to take down his sign, which read, 'Soldiers' rest. " At Puiitiuc, I1L, a Prohibitionist was elected aldermun over a rebubli- cuu stiloou kecjier and a demo ratio Ister-agent. Dr. Chus. A. Crane, of Uoston, will sind ten days in Minnesota, spenking on prohibition under the nnsploos of thn Kpworth Ix'ague. Senator Hmistiorough is pushing au amendment to thn army appropriation hill, providing for tho expenditure of I.OtKj.niK) for thn construction and muiuteniinn of post exchniiges. A French professor knocks: a prop from under alcohol advocates. He declares that alcoholism Is tho most jsiteut fitctor iu promoting tuberculosis. Aud ho quote figures to provo it. "Wo will not allow past political alllliHtions to goveru us. We will supsirt only men who are friendly to our interests. " Read that over iigiini aud remember that it is thu ofllciul nttunuice of the whiskey league. BY CURSED WINE. Touch it not ye do not know, Unless you're borne a fate like mine, How deep a curse, how wild a woe, Is lurking iu that ruby wine. Issik on my cheek 'its withered now; It once was round and smooth as thine; Look 011 my deeply furrowed brow 'Tls all the work of treacherous wine. I hud two sons, two princely boys. As noble men a Uod e'er Rare; I saw them fall from honor's joys To fill a common drunkard's grave. I bad a daughter, young aud fair, Aa pure as ever woman bore Where is she? Did yon ask me whore? llend low, I'll tell the tale once more. SjF'ZtiilS' No. 42. THE HOUSE FURNISHER Have Whichever Minister You Prefer or go to th Justice of the Peace, bat come to ...THOMAS.,. for the Furniture and House Fnr-uishinga. iuirror, usuauy $35.00. This sale, js.oo. " 9-95- " t37.oo. S-7S- H.75- 8.95. This reduction l'lcturs Mouldings UranlUwar Tinware 0 lass war Lamps Cutlery Woodenwar I saw that fairy child of mine Linked to a kingly bridegroom's ido; Her heart was proud and light as thine; Oh would to God she then bad died t Not many moous had filled their horn, While she upon his bosom slept; 'Twaa on m dark November morn, She o'er a murdered husband wept. Her druukeu father dealt the blow Hor brain grew wild her heart grew weak ; Was ever tale of deeper woo A mother's lijw had lived to speak? She lives In yonder darkened halls, No ray of reason there does shine ; Sho on her murdered husband calls 'Twaa done by wine, by caned wine I ONE WOMAN AMONO THE. THOUSANDS. We received a letter from Waycrosa, Oeorglii, a few days ago, from a lady who has lived there for yean. She writes us that she had been troubled with female complaint for long time, nut II she was reduced almost to a shadow. It effected her mind, she could not remember any thing woo Id get so confused aud so nervous and irritable she could hardly sleep. Shu described her case as one similar to thousands of other women, and then ended the letter by saying she gained 1H lbs. last month, and never felt better in her life, having no trace of her former trouble, slept well and ato her meals with relish. This lady cnmmcuccd the use of Dr. Uunn'i Blood and Nerve Touio just six weeks before she wrote the letter from which we copy the above This tonic is in tablet form and should be taken right after meals. It turns the food you eat into strong rich blood, making solid flesh and feeding the uerves, curing disease by making healthy flesh. Pale, weak thin Mwplu should use this tonic. For sale py W. F. Kremer. A SI00 GIFT FOB CHILDREN AT PORTLAND CARNIVAL. Children' day at the Portlaud Elk's Carnival will bo Sept 12, the last day but one of the great street fair. Ou that occaslou a pretty Shetland pony, with an up-to-date cart aud harness, will be given away to some lucky boy or girl who to present The pouy has been given by Dt. W. A. Wise and the cart is from Studebaker'a, Besides this equipment it is probable that a saddle. together with a haudsoincly em broidered saddle-cloth, will be given with the pony. Prise baby day was September 6. A PARSONS' NOBLE ACT. it .11 lli vnrM in know." writes Rev. O. J. Budlong, of Atluf wav, K. L, "what a tliurougniy gooa and reliable medicine louna in ttoctro Bit'or. They cured me ol iunn.ii..A mm,! lirnr trnnhlea that had caused me great suffering for many years, r or a geuuioB, su cure they excell anything I ever saw." Electrio Bitter are the sur prise of all for their wonderful work in Liver, Kidney and Stomach trouble. Don't fail to try them. Ouly 60c Satisfaction is guaran teed by W. F. Kremer.