GRANTS PASS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. (OmiWd front tr1 Pagt.) Hon in tlio common school Keither representatives of Capital nor of Culture can convince the American peojilo that vico, crime, idleness, poverty, social discontent are the lcnitimate results of an elementary educat ion'amongtlie worker of society, or tliat the schoolmaster u a public enemy. The sentiment of most Americana Is that of Daniel Webster, who onco mid, "If I had as many sons M old Priam, I would send them all to the public schools." If onr schools fail to meet the needs of chani? ing social conditions, the Wand quthly, not the extent, of edu cation must be chained. Neither the free hitih school nor t lie free stato nniversity must bo lopped off. "No system of education," says Huxley, "is worthy of the name unless it creates a (freat cdncatioual laddrfr with one end in the gutter and the other in the university." It Is only by means of skilled labor, wisely and Intelligent ly directed, that a people can become or can remain permanently prosperous and happy; it is only by means of Intt-lliKcut and honest voters that law and liberty can bo preserved and main tained; and it is only by means of a still more complete educa tion of all classes that humanity can riso into a higher type of social evolution. There is no slavery so opin-essive as that of ignorance. HULKS AND REGULATIONS. The hours of school shall bo from 9 to 12 A. M., and from 1 to 8:30 P. M., with one recess of fifteen minutes. The first or warning bells shall be rung at 8:.'K A. M. and 13:45 P. M. ; a second bell shall bo rung five minutes before the third or tardy bill, which shall be rung at 9 A. M. and 1 V. M. No bills or tickets of any description rlmll be distributed in the school houso or on the school grounds by any pupil, teacher or other person; and no notices or announcements of any kind not directly connected with the school, shall lie given by any teacher or other jierson. Teachers and pupils shall! excluded from the school when any member of tho family is suffering from Huinlljxix, Scarlet Kevcr, Measles, Diphtheria, or any other contagious disease. They shall bo readmitted on the presentation of a certificate of safety from the attending physician. VACCINATION. All teachers Biid pupils before entering school shall present u certificate of successful vaccination within the past seven years. Tho Board of Directors shall decide when revaccinalion is required. SCHOOL LIBRARY AND APPARATUS. No lxok or apparatus belonging to the school district shall bo taken from the school buildings, excepting such text hooks as havo been loaned to indigent pupils, which may lie taken by the pupil to study at home, and in all cases must be returned ou the following day. SUPERINTENDENT. Tho SusTiutendcnt, shall havo the im diale control and direction of all teachers and may require them to remain after school hours for conference. In any case of misconduct or Insubordination he may tem )sirarily susicnd a pupil, and shall immediately notify the School Board of such action. The Directors shall meet and con sider the matter, and If they approve the action of the Hupcriii teudent and think tlio caso calls for further punishment, tliey may cxiell tlio pupil from tlio school, He shall make such tempoiary arrangements, relative to the school, as emergencies may require; but such cases shall Ihi at once reiortcd to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. TEACHERS. Teacher shall Ihi assigned to their grade by the Board of Directors, on tho recommendation of tho KiiiH-rintcndcnt, and no change shall bo made except by the Hoard of Director. All teachers shall lie in their class room at H :!)() A. M. mid 12:4(i P. M., and shall admit pupils immediately after the ring ing of the first hell. One teacher shall remain on each floor of tho school building during the noon hour, at the brick school house, and one at the wood school house. Teachers shall follow tlio State course of study, and shall teach any grade or grades that may Ihi assigned by the Suis-riii-teudent or Board of Directors. When teachers are absent from any cause, their salary for the time absent shall Iw deducted. Kis-i-lnl case shall be subject to sMH'ial consideration by the Board. Teachers shall Ihi held nccouutalilii for any damage to build ing uud furniture In their rooms during school hours. Teacher shall keep a record of any books loaned hy the dis trict to indigent pupils and shall require their return at the end of tlio term or when the pupil has finished hiiiiic. PUPILS. All pupils who enter their nsH'ctive rooms after the ring ing of the third bell shall Ihi marked tardy. First year pupi Is may Ihi excused lit 11 :!I0 A . M. and 2 :-l!5 P. M. Nim resident pupils, projierly qualified, may he admitted to the HigVSchool and various grades of the public school, en the payment, in advance, of tuitions as follows: High School, $7. M) ht quarter; Ittli, 7th, and Nth grades, t l-r quarter; all other grades fo 1"T quarter. No pupils can Ihi released during school hours to take draw ing, music, dancing or other lessons. The standing required for promotion shall be as follows: Prom the primary to the third grade inclusive, the teacher shall recommend pupils for promotion. A mark of at least Tri sr cent in each study is required fur promotion of each pupil at tending, in the 4th to Tth grades inclusive. Such murk shall be ascertained by written examination, and no pupil shall be promoted or graduated on class average or standing. Pupil who In one study fail to reach the required standing, shall be promoted on condition that they iuss a sat isfactory e aniination In that studv at the opening of school in the follow ing September. Failing to do this they may continue as though promoted, but shall recite such study ill the next lower grade, until such time as they can jmss a sat isfactory cxiiminiit ion : Provided, such course of study shall 1h made up within three mouths, and if not so made up, pupil shall Is- returned to lower jputo. Pupils failing in two or more studies shall not be promoted and shall take the examination in all studies at the next regular exaininat ion. All pupils to Ihi graduated from the Sth grade or common school course, shall take the State uniform exaniiniit ions, under the rules and regulations governing same. High School pupils, for promotion, shall attain an average of not less than HA iercent ill all studies, and shall not fallln low TO per cent III any one"study. Vor graduation they shall obtain an average of not less than (HI per cent in all studies, and shall not fall below T.I per cent in any one study. All such markings shall Ihi obtained by written examinations, either under the sun'rvisloii of, or as may bo directed by the Board of Din-dors. In all exaininat ions for promotion or graduation, but cue trial will lie permitted. No pupil shall In- allowed to attend m-Iihi unless provided w ith books, slates and other things required to Is- used in the classes to which he is assigned; but no pupil shall Ik- excluded for this cause unless the teacher shall have given the parculs one weeks previous notice of the article needed. Indigent pupils shall Ik- rcimrtcd to the Board of Directors. Every pupil is required to attend school punctually and reg ularly, to conform to the rules anil regulations of the selnsil, ami to ols-y promptly all the directions of the teacher, to refiaiu en tirely from (he use ot profanity and vulgar language, and to ho clean anil neat in srnu undYlothiug All pupils shall Is- held resHiusihle for any riling or cut ting on desks occupied by them, and shall 1h required to pnv for any damage done ; they shall Is- euss nded from school until mm b amount has Is-cii paid. Any pupil writing or causing to Is- xvrilten any vulgar lan guage, or of draw ing or causing to Is- drawn any obscene pieiiites ill or on any of the school buildings, fences, outhouses, clo-ois. etc., shall Ih- susHiidcd from school. The SuMiintendent shall immediately notify the Board of such st'iisliiii, who will in vestigate the case and decide on the date and conditions of the pupil's return to school. Adopted for the use and government of the schools in Dis trict No. 7, Josephine County, Oregon. J. A. SI.OYKH, Chairman; T. P. CRAMER, Director; R. THOMAS, Dinvlor. Attest: J. A. JENNINGS, Clerk. BOARD UK DIRECTORS UK THE GRANTS PASS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. J. A. Slover, T. P. Cramer, K. Thomas, . J. A. Jeuiilngs, President. Director. Clerk. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF HIGH SCHOOL, Hon. J. O. Booth, Grant Pass, President Lincoln Savage, Grants Pa, Secretary. J. T. Taylor, Grants Pass, Treasurer. C. F. Lovelace, Wilderville. H. L. Wells, Holland. FACULTY. F. E. Young, Superintendent. Miss M. Astella G.xsliii, High School. Mis Susie Baimard, High School. Miss Nora W. Sydow Eighth Grade. Miss Minnie L. Toffs, Seventh Grade. Miss May A. Sutton, Sixth Grade. Miss Mary K. Griflith, Fifth Grade. Miss Mary E. Day' Fourth Grade. Miss Lillian Hogan, Fourth Grade, Mis Ethel Hackott, Third Grade. Miss Edna Parker, Second Grade. Miss Calla Heslin, Second Grade. Miss Florence Akin, First Grade. Miss Alice M. Pool, First Grade. CALENEAR. IU02. Monday, St-pti-iiils-r Hth First term begins. Thursday, November 27th Thanksgiving Day recess. Friday, Decemls-r Kith Holiday recess begin. 1!H3. Monday, January 51 h Work resumed. Friday, January 23rd First term closes. Monday, January 2Hth Second term begins. Sunday, May 21th Buccalaureat Sermon. Friday, May 2!ith Cominenei ment Exercise. A scries of entertainments will lie given this year for the benefit of the Library fund, the dates of which are not yet suffi ciently definite to insert in the Calendar. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The climate of New York Is Diluting. Our Indian population Is not skillful In any line of manufacture' save Its own crude Industrie. To copy nature seems to work well. The Holland submarine boats are built In the shn- of a whale. A piano iinimifactiii'lng company In Ontario claims to have III Its shop a piano made by the company's founder If) year ago while he was in business III Hull n to and sold by him to General Grunt's luolln-r. The Massai'liiiselt Frog company ha Just been Incorporated In .Maine, with a capital of ?..ihiii, Its object be ing declined III the application to be "to buy, sell. In- I uud Import frog and like utiluials." In tit hast three American cities there me athletic clubs In whlli the mcuilif rhhlp runs far up Into the thou sands. 'I'iils I claimed ns showing the marvelous development of high class athletic In this country. In Sweden they have a land arrange ment of this kind: The fanner will give a tenant so many res of ground, provided the tenant will give him so many days' labor for so many years, the labor to bo paid ns wanted. A little more than one-eighth of the amount annually expended for pen sions goes to the south. Of the nearly I.iski.iski pensioners of the civil war 17!),r.Vt were resident last year of tho lo soul hem stall's, Including Maryland and Missouri. Tearing up a will Is supHised to re voke It, but a ItriMiklyii woman, after tent ing up her w ill, placed the shreds In an envelope, on which she wrote, "Till will Is all here." The fragments were pasted together, and the will was probated in regular form. Facts that came to light after the suicide of a young Russian In Loudon last week give some Idea of the mis ery Involved In sweatshop labor. The unfortunate youth was paid 37 cents a dozen for "llnlshlug" shoes, a process that comprises nearly half the work of making the shoe. STAGE GLINTS. Thackeray's "The Virginians' has been dramatized. Stuart ltobsoii w ill revive "The Hen rietta" next season. Olgn Ndhersolo Intends to produce a stuge version of Mrs. Athertuu's "Th I laughter of the Vine." It Is said that Richard Mansfield, one of the greatest tutor of today, hns stage fright and has It bad. Archibald 'layering (iiiuter's new novel, "Tangled Flags," will probably he dramatized for Henry Miller. William I'mci'shani ha recovered from hi recent illness stitllclcntly to reappear on the stage this season. The character of Ophelia In "Ham let" was originally acted 300 years ago by a iiiHo. a were all female char acter III those day. U. II. Sot hern ami Virginia llurncd have a new costume comedy by Law rence Irving, dealing with the career of Lovelace, the poet. A bid for notoriety In endeavoring to nil toe a new London bouse King Ed ward' theater has been nlpiH-d In the bud. the lord chamberlain refusing per mission. Mrs. 1'lske new play Is called "Syl via's Daughter." It t the work of Hen dt'lck Christ h-rnsoii and has la-en sins cessfully played III Stockholm, Copen hagen and Berlin. London theatrical people expect that King Edward will pretty soon confer the title of sir knight on nil actor man nger. Sir Henry Irving Is the only one now holding that distinction. THE GLASS OF FASHION. The channlns English Imitations of point d'lileueou and point d'ttrabe luces are In great demand, particularly III the brownish gray shade. Veils are as popular na ever, and the L-urlsh colored kinds have disappeared. In the newest design the dots are closer together than last year and fre quently are arranged In diamond shap ed clusters. Satin foulards In small, neat designs and In soft vet gay color are to be Im mensely popular tills spin g ami sum mer, liose. tielge. tan and reseda xvlll be the favored shades, l ace will be used In prolusion for trimming. A revival of n pretty fashion la the black velvet ribbon bracelet, which Is being worn now by Parisian women. I It Is simply finished ami held together I by a dull gold slide, sometimes Jew j i-led. Ugyptlaa aruilet, too, are popu lar, although their chief beauty seem to Ho In their barbaric effects. Beware of stiff collars If you would follow Dame Fashion. Soft, pliable silk folds. I'nlshod with dainty velvet and luce "turnovers." with perhaps a gold button gleaming here ami thero, mo tlio correct t hints nouaduj. Th stiff iilgti backs ami dog cars have en tliel) dlsapi-catvd.- Now York Trib une. To lure a fold la a 'Ink Isiuive Promo vjuitnn Tablets, All itiuggisis r.-:und ihe money i( it faiU to i ur. K. W. liroTv's signature is on I'll! ti I.O. '. , . THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY PERSONALITIES. Mine. Modjcska Is no longer under a decree of banishment and may return to her Poland If she will. In his boyhood laziness was the pre vailing slu of Kitchener, lit father sent lilm to a school fur girls a a he roic remedy. Senator Warren of Wyoming Is the only man of his business In the senate. He Is an undertaker In ( 'In-yenne, al though proprietor of a general store. Baron Armand Rothschild of Paris, the nephew of the late Baron Roths child, will take over the direction of the Rothschild banking house In Frank fort. Former Speaker Thomas B. Heed say that he 1b eschewing polities not ouly lu his actions, but In his conversa tions. He Is a lawyer now, uud a law yer only. Two of the very greatest men of the nineteenth century were born on one and the same day Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, who both first saw light on Feb. 12, 1S00. Captain Nehcmlah Mayo Dyer, who commanded the cruiser Baltimore dur ing the battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 181)8, lias been placed on the retired list by reason of the age limit. The Duke of Abruzzl, In honor of his own expedition, was the other day de clared by the local government a citl teu of Rome Ukiq the occaslou of his lecture on ti,e polar regions. Charles S. Francis, the new United States minister to Greece, Is a splendid oarsman and in 187U, during bis senior year at Cornell, won the single scull championship In the Intercollegiate re gatta. Reformer Rlls thinks that If Mrs. Na tion were to use her hutchet In smash ing the frying pans of Kansas she would accomplish more lasting good than can como from demolishing en loon glassware. General Joe Wheeler In the course of a recent Interview remarked that It was harder work being a soldier now than of old, because there were not so many autograuh collectors In the days of the civil war. Dr. James Warrcnne Sunderland, founder of what Is believed to be the world's first college for the higher ed ucation of women, recently celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday at his home In Collegevllle, Pa. The will of tlio late General Leonard A. Dickinson of Hartford leaves half of his residuary estate to St. Thomas' church In thnt city and one-fourth each to the Hartford hospital and the Hurt ford Orphan asylum. Colonel Curtis Guild, Jr., of Boston protested that he could not accept the brigadier generalship of the Second brigade of the Massachusetts militia and was nevertheless chosen to the po sition. He has now- declined It, saying he coubl not accept It without too great a personal sucrlfk-e. THE TROTTING RECORD. The Kentucky fair circuit, now being agitated, will probably be a go. The Missouri pacer Alliert Allison, 2:10li, will appear on the grand circuit. Anaconda, SifrJH,, has won 24 out of 31) races started In ami been worse thau second lu but five. Tacomls, 2:14Vt, by Ovorstroot Wilkes, has been added to the stuble of Bert Whltely of M uncle, lud. William J. Burnhatn of Baltimore will campaign F.vadne. 2:loVt this year aud says she Is good for a murk of 2:0S. The Canadian pacer Arbutcskan. 2:01)-, a grand circuit performer of 1HM, Is expected to be promlueut again this year. Almonnrch, 2:24, one of Almoul's greatest sous, Is still living at 2S1. Ib is owned at Monarchal stock fa nr., Canastota.- N. Y., In good health and still getting foals. There Is a green trotter at Collou, Cal., by Zoiubro, 2:11. out of Sarah llontoc, tuna of Kllou Madison, 4, M., that has shown 2:1J. He Is mimed Lord Kitchener. J. D. Crelghtou hns purchased the well known Orchard Park farm, at Lexington, and will establish Ashlsnl Wilkes, 2:17"4. there. Robert McGregur and other famous horses have stood there lu past yeurs. WOMEN. Mm are generally kind when women look their best. Bequeathed. Most women ought ulver to lookback If they waut a following-Mr. Dooley. Women are sure to lie Inconsistent somewhere. It is their birthright. "An English Woman's Love Letters." In the dissolution of sentimental partnerships It Is seldom that both partners can withdraw their funds at precisely the sum time. Touchstone. Some women, and they are Ihe happy ones, csu comfort themselves In a loveless marring with pretty uote m per and tying up the legs of chair with blue ribbon. These little fem inine Instincts are not given us for nothing. -4Mana Tempest, Th Wesk'y Orafonian and th Coi-aiss both for on year for I- in ad vanca. A tai Bsag. Now aud a;;ain there is an item in the newstriTH-rs concerning the birth of a punv biibv !. small 'hat a iimi'l cup nobis it coiniortnblv. If the article to.d all the facts it would piob.ib'y tell also of a mother v. ho in wenkiiev. and misery had looked lurward to the baby's advent with shrinking and fear. To have hue, healthy children the mother must be healthy, and it is the common icsiinmn of mothers that the of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion not only promote-! the mother's hea'lil but also gives her slrem-th to Kive A her child. "4 "Favorite Pre t' scription" accom- mjif&. g Jili-bes tnese results "-1 Sf bv tmiMiuiluing the f'sfki'V nerves, promoting a -'AS healthv apsieiite ail'l giving tcneo- ing sleep. It physical vigor and gives great muscular elasticity, so that the babv's advent is practically painless. It is the lie:,t of tonics for nursing mothers. ' I gl.i.ily t . oeoiif let Dr. 1-icirr ' l-'nveriu-Prescription. " rilet Mrs J. W '. SU-pln w. ul Miln. N .iltiuiul. iliinil Coiititv, Va " II lore nivllnol littl' !-.y was bora I took six lietll'S 11- i. I In l".' -t ,' and has ts-n Ir-ni I'irtli. sti-l I MinVrt-ii v.-rv tiiin-h less than 1 evir Uil tH-fmr. I .e.llK-.ilalitiK'V ailvi-- esonColt mothers to U-.1- the l-.i ...-rite rtiMcr.iitioii. " The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" docs so to gain the little more profit paid 0:1 the sale of less meritorious medicines. Dr. Pierre's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing ino.S pages, is sent freeun re cpt of stamps to pay expense o' .mailing "lift: Send jt one-cent stamps for tin- cloth -hound volume, or only ji stateps for the Issik in paper covers. Adores Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. iviarr DR. JORDAN'S ost.Tl WSEUH QF-AfJATGUYi iisiitnimT.,iiiriiuisM,ciL. Tht I Jf( i Anad mlcal Muui In tbs W-rid. Wetknf.i r any uttattad d'Kj.e fa)ilTlf rjrl -f lh oldMl bixiiaitat om itm Imr kit J yalra. Oft. rfORDAN-OlSEASESOF MEN llrill.l thwrnuhlr "ftdlratvd tow ytm. ithuuj lb u vfaaWrvwry TratM Itirrl hy an I'li-sjrt- ( rl - lot 9mptmt. A quick and r-i.l rota fm sTtl. ?- ami Fllsla. t(f lit. JonUu's tpvuftl ptttv M CowwttmtVm ( and ri'fTP't TraattawM p aona 1 1 m III IrtUr A P Om I" C WiJrrihn. Wiffa rot r It 1 1. H t PM Y mt IHRIAtiKi MAILAA fan. (A tatoaU betB DR. I0R0AN k CO., 1081 Martial 31, 1 P. IK A MAN UK TO YOU, And wiy Komi! dlliff salve, oint incut, lot ion, oil or all p 1 In all 1 in Rood iih Durklt-u'ri Ainicu Halve,! him thirty yvnrn of marvelous curet. of Pilert, HnniH, ttoils, Ctims, Fi lon Uleerw, Cuts, Scalds, IlruiseH and Ski'i Krupt ions tmve it's lust and cheapest. 25 rents at W. K. Kn iik t drn store. K-iin Km! sweat m fcj have mi elicit -a f will. l-Ljttka Mur- J l nc.i I ill It rn- m RaWi J 4 !'1 iMS iht il.iti.p, y w x . , - 11 H v W OttiV nfw, l-ut IM it c F i as l iQj;l-y the Sold everv where in Liu all lire. Made by Standard Oil Company WHY (K) K A ST Over the sun-ltinteil, sae brush and alkali plains when ymi may jtist as well tal:e a delightful, cord and rum forlahlc ride through t!ic heart of tin Hoeky mountains in view of the grand est scenery of the American t lit i -in nt ? This you can do by travelling on the Rio (irande System, the far fumri "Scenic Line of The World," the mily traies-i'ont iuental line pasin through S tit L:ike t 'ity, ( rlenwooil Sprin s, Leatlville, C(diradt prins aud Ueti ver en nute to eastern points. Three daily express trains make close connections with all trains east and wet and ntTurd a choice of llvi distinct routes of travel. The eijuip ment of tlie trains is the bcM, imdud iiiK free recliuini! chair cars, standard and tourist sleepers, a ierfeot dining car service, and a'e-o personally con ducted excursion cars, each in charp of a competent ruide, whose business is to loik after the comfort of his guests. No more pit asaut and i m x -pciiMvc means of crossing the Conti nent can be ft mid th:ni is provided by these exc.irsinns. Kr details, address J. l. Man-tii Id, (i.-u'l Ag't . Rie iSraiulc Lines, P.M Third St., I'eit iiud, Ore. Tho Kxcitonxent Not Over riif rush tit ih' dnu (f r ill .! t iMiti h f si daily sc ires el people inl li H bill l If of KeiUp't I'.il-rtte (er thi ri.rertl sail I. lints for tl.fc ire d Cunyh Colds, Aiehum, llfonrtii'is in. 1 1 iMiinp ion. Ki'inp'i U,i!-itn, Ihe c antbird funiity retiif dv. i s-dd on ft if u' :tn ' c ar.d never f 'nnive en t ire s.e i-fn, r I'rice lTe, Mini Oc. i'-sj .-' . .,' - 1 rterliYt-N-v (irtiu 0 1 tititn U! K'tntmU'r tin ii.tiu wt fii viii wnie Jehi iolH. Hi p-- i.n itii oinr i.mi.' drink to t k th plne n! ci iff So'd bv M sxriHrn ai I I kid Kv a I who tit ii eJ H. tir iiiei) it inAd o( nrs Krmti, it aula d htefMinn and a'rfrurttrn th ivt. I' I not n. a"tnn!ri!it it a hml'li bmUrr and t tit i lo drt-n na tl lti adnltn can dunk it ibtfra tvertll. ab.MiI 4 n nti t li at cvnVo. KV and ir packar. Auk TiMir grinrr for (irtin O. Li l .-, '-'V UrtNsi.-.5.'.-v f- NOTICE FCK 1'UBLICATION. Timber I.snd Act June 3, lh78. Unitcl States Ind OIHi-e, lioffhuru (ireeon, Aoznut i", YMI!. .:. ... l......l.u ..;,-..n that, in OOlll- .smili-m in-irii.. . ..i. .11, ilm i.riivininns ol the a-'! ('I (Joiisrif" ol Jiine.1, 1C78, entiih i "An sri fur HiHSHifOl iiniwr lanos - i . i . f. .... ilrcsii. ivanii. MStt-t niiii'i' i. , Hjnl Wa-tiinstoii Triitor,"exienil6d n all till- rlinlic IJinil isiaii-B ujr ui.vs.. . , lwi.) I ;. II l;nmV:llilll of IIIUIIi-l 1, I'--'-, -' - - - I'urtUnil, Countv of Multnomah. Mate t i... ,iu ,av fttfii in this of- iIcr lirr fworri siati-rin-nt No. 3SM, f"' ihe, liiitH of ihi oi - r. 4 ... .1 I ..I V IV I.: nf Kei'llnll No. 13 ill inn ' ;; wi .4 " - - . ... T.inln;i No. 41 S.inth, KanijL'.So V w , ... . . r . ..I ,... I l.u .out will otn-r proui 10 mu. n-"s ami H.nalit is inor valiialili' for lis tun ber or etono linn for aitiiniltural pur- in-ves. unit !o csiaoni.n hit ,-iauii ii" tsn.l before J. ( Hoom, i;ournr junire .t Ins olliiteat liranti Tan-, Ort-gon, or. Vli.mljLi I III, linli ilav ol, 111 .ii. fSIn minies u witin-fM-s: lien. K Knnl', V K. Kielil. Sam 1'. WjIi Ii. Klsooil W't'w, all of Ton 1 mil. ..... . .. .1 all -lurartna i-tl mini, nil Vfrft- .1 II J nun ii i " . r. ... o - - ly i tie sliove-il-'U'ribed lainls are re- liiesU'U lo lile Mieir rlanns m "ns onu-e ,n nr before raiil 10th day ol November, lilOl'. J. I. iillllKiKS, Hejjirtter. '(T1(JK KUU ri'HI.ICAl'ION. Timber Litnl A.-t, June 3, 1878. Criilecl Slates Land Uliiie, lioHeburi, Or iron, Aniinsi 13, 11W2 Noliie is herein niven that in compli uiie itb the provisions of the ait of ..'miirees of June 3, 1878, emi led '"An n t for the sale ol limber lands ill Ihe Stales ot Olifnrnia, Oregon, NevJila, inU Wanhiiitfinn Teintnry," as extenileil 'o all Ihe l'nbliu- L ind .Stslen hy ai-t ol iiKUt 4, I8:il', Mary tiun lemon, ol Portland, C'onniy of Multnomah, tsiate if Oregon, hail this day tiled in this olfire bernnoin siateinent No. 3LM3, for the i -ii rs base of the N K ,'4 of ieo. No. 35 in Tonnship No. 40, (south, Itanije No. U iVest, and will li"-r proof lo (how that he land totiuhl is more valuable for iu Minlier or stone than for srioulltirul puipufifp, ami to estab'i&h her rlaiiu lo 'iiiil land be hue J. O. liooth. Count luiliiP, at hi i;tlit'e at (iran's Tana, Ore gon, on Monday, the lOlhdavuf Novetu tT, l'.ll'2. She names an witneepes: Iv (iunderi-on, U. K. Fields, Klwnod Wilts. K. A I'l-anr', all of Tortland, Oregon, Any and all perHou-i eUiinini; adverse 'y ihe aliovi -ilen'rihcil lands are re nestd to file ibetr eiattus iu this ollice in or before Haul It) h d.vv ol November, v.m. 3 r. r.uiiKiKs, Ki'tfiHH r NOi'K.'K KOU 1'L'r.l lCATlO.N. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. Lninil Mmee Land Ollii-e, KodeburL', Oregon, August 14 l'.ii). Notue is tierehy K'Ven IhaL in cuuipli- u -e ftiih the provtsinriB of the an of v.'oui:ress of June 3, 1878. entiiled ''An .i-i lor the siileof liiniii-r UiiiIh in the Stnte ol t 'aliloinia, Ort-on, Nt-vada anil Wrislr.i.Kt'in Teiriiory," a extemlrd to all li"- I'u I.I ( I, anil Slates bv ma ol Auifllsl 4, lsiij, Kiwood Wiles, of I'ori land, County of Miilini-man, Siute ,f Oieunn, has Hun day filed in Ibis illii-e bis vworn ctaleiuent No '01 the 1 itr 1 l,a -t- of Hie N'., N Ki4 ,S K'4 S W'j and S W'i4 N K'"4 of t-Liinn .No IJ, lu ici.mihIii'.i No. 41 ,s, Knue f.j. iwist.utid M ill oll'-r prjof to show that 1 he niniiht 1. more valuable for in umber or tuuie than lor h 11-ultur.1l ptir poseA, and to estahlisti Ins claim lo uttd 'and belore the Heister and Keeetver t ibis 1 tlii-H at (iranis I'a-e, Oreiton, n Mi niluy, the 1 1 1 1 day nf Novtm iier. 1H0J lie iiHtnes an w itnesses : K A K.-ari ur, C. K. Fields, f, W. haihertieo. K. Kunk, all ol I'jrilaiid, Oretji n. Aniinil all pernors claiming; adversely the above deM'i tbed lauds are requested to rile their i lallns iu tine ollice ou or b." loie sa d lthh day of November, l'.i()J. J. T. Hiuinj,:., U-litster. NoTli'K l OU ITIH.IC.VUON. Timber I. ami Art, .Line 3, 1S7S I'liiud .-tali s Land Ollice, Itosob'irir, ( ireon, Aiu-ist 13, jn Nome is lutein linen thai in ci tnph Slice with the prn ol the act of (J mitiess of June 3, 187S, entiUi .1 "An icl Inr ihe site uf limber l.ind.s in ihe Siuies of California, Oieuoti, NH. Vada and Wa bin. ton Ti rritorv," a. ex ended to nil the Tubbi: I.nii I stales hr act of August 4. Isii.j K V. Farber ol Port and 0 unty of .Multiioiiia'i, state uf Ore mil baa this day Hied in (. He bis sworn statement. No. :','!J7. t t Ihe pun-haw of tin- S1,, of N W'4 mil N', ot r- Wi,u Sectiin No 14 in Towu-hip No. 41 S, K 1110 No 1 west, and w li ullr prool lo sbmv that the lands 11 1 1 1 is inure valuable for its imb.T or slim,- than fur airriciilturil pinpo-e-, Mid to establi-h his claim to snl laud la-lore J. O liooth, County llld.'e at his otli- c at ttranis 1'a-s, ( be mil, on Mumhiv, me Mb day ol Nov. tu ber, l-.ic. He 11 lines as l-ilwood Wiles, C K. K 1 : . i , .(. .pi, Abstoi h, Sam I'. Vcs'ch.uii ol I'oriland On tmn. Any and all persons cl.ionin idversdy the above dn-ribi d lands aie iuested tn tile their claims in tins 1 ilic on or be nre said H'tli day of Noveinla r, l'.UJ. I. I. 1-KlliOKM, lii gister. .vmcK foi: i-r iii.u'a rii .n. Timbei I. ,11 1 Ac', June ;i. ls;s. I'nm d Ma'.s I .mn utli, ,-, U -l,nrg. O'cit-.n, A'ikui 1;, 11,11.1, NiHicc is In-rebv kiwii thai in (ompli iiicewi h Ihe provisions ot tin- act ol Congress ol .l.iui- 3, I S7S, entitled "An act inr the sal - ol inn-i-r lands in th,. Slates ol Cain, 1-1, m, iir.-.n,, N, va.ln and W aihimitoii Temturv," as eiieml .1 to all ihe I',!'.. In- 1. an-1 su ,. , h, I Aunusi 4 IvO, I-'. ian! i;,,,, I,.,.,,,, of l-i ulaml, t inny 1 f Mu in,,n,,, Mule i.l tin gnu, has ih,. ,Uv tiled iu this 1. lb, e bis sa on statein-1,1' N , ;ijsi l.-r t' e pin, I a,,. ,,t 11, e s, u l , Si-,-:V,i Nu 3 in lowii-iiiii No 41 S..111I1, ra-itie I wi s', and wlh 1 ' r pri o' the laud si ugh: 1 valiieble tor 11, I'iniier . r s;,n,e th .1, i,,r sgi n h'i ural pil' p-i.-es, an I 1,1 ,-rlabllli hi- cla uili Slid land b, l ire .1. I). H,,. (',,,, Jlldg". . ,. , li,, ,. a, ,,,,,, ).,. (((, g III. Oh Miiinl ,j , ,e Ul I, ,v Ni.W'U,- be, i'Hl' lU-naiiMs ss tin,-!,, nii I Ve.til,,!-',.,,. I; l.',,,, J All lk C i:. r , ds, ail ol I on i,,l O.i k.,n. A .1 and all i"rs .,a c!.iiiiiin adv-is ly 'li-..b 1,1- I il, d lands ar- red.les . e l m ti e then claims in Mils . Mi e ,. ,, ".I ire sa' I ID h d.v ,.t X .veniU-r 1 1.1- I. 1'. Cm, ,, : K-Hls-er. tie Allen t font lut' si,ier to U- shaken im,, h ?h"es .illi h el 1, el s a nl I, -n, I iivnii- i)l hot. ' d w t li-. ,1 ea,l!y l ,,, ,.n,. ,ar. " tiet ..r tight Ones, i,v .v' r,,i K ll '" Hie I'-'. h I ti ake. sikii.g ,.sy Cures , ,,.,, t 'eel,,.ii.,i nui s, I liner and i sllini po s. Ilel.v- '..-. sud bin im,. o ll l-si'i si.d giv.s t. tt and cnmforl I'l. It tie, lay. S.,', .11 ,,,,., ,, h.a- SI. nr. , -. '. Trial paila.-e f ir. Addlts., A,:,li .s.t.rujsled, l.e Uny, X V Vou Know Whtkt You Ara T&king When you lake drove . Tasteless i h,M I riiuc. Is-tuw II. r t,.,i,,:i. ,,i.inv ,,rm(. ed on es.ry Is.ul. ,,oia,( II..I ,t i, ,. ply lion .ml 4u, lri , ,, ,orrn No l'ur No, l'v.- .My-. Are You Going tmv A Perhaps I can be of service to you. I can ticket you over any railroad running trains out of Portland; tellyow when to leave home; where to change cars; when you will reach your destination, and what there is to be seen on the way. Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer ing your questions. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. I LBS i ilsl Cor. Thro' Train Southeast. Northern Paclfic Burlinijtorv Route. The St. 1 uis Special, the tlirou.ti ex press of ihe Northern l'aiiiio and llur lington railroads from the Northwest lo i lie Southeast, changed time on May I. Ttie trans-continental service is materi ally binifjted, as connections Inr Ihi East and South are now made with morning trains out of St. Louis and Chicago. The St. Louis Special now leavct Portland, at SiL'-j a. in.; Tacotmi, !:4h P. ni ; Seattle, 3."0 in.; Spokane. 0.55 a. in.; Helens, II) 15 p in.; I'.il Mini", 7:00 a; in The new card is more eonvi tiient ft most cities in the Northwest. The lirtin now carries standard tleeper, tourist sleeper, dining car, ol air car. coach, And bii.jeuo car, Portland ft Kansas Cily without change, also (ri i reclining chair cur, ; Portland lo St Iiuis. It remains the great TIME SWEH, as Weil as the only through train between Ihe Noilhwest and the Soulbe'ist. "THE MILWAUKIE." A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukeeAiSt. Paul Iisilwav, known al over the Union as the (ireat Kiilua; running the "Pioneer Liiniled" truiui every day am! night between Si. Paul and Chicago, and Or.iuba uud Chicago. ' The only perfect trains ill the world I'ndcrstund : Connectionn are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assur ingto passcngiri Ihe best seivice kno n Luxurious coaches, electric lights, sleam In ut, of ii verity eii:alled by no line. Sec that your ticket reads via "The Mil iitikee" w hen going to any point in the I'nited Stales or Canada. All tick et agents sell them. For rates, piiiiphlets or other inhu mation, aildiess, J. W. Caskv, C. J. Kihiy, Trav. Pass. Al'I. Oeneral Agent. Skaiti.k, Wami. Poiulixd, Or. Ir? "y' t.. . Trn Do ycu.t Children A3K QUESTIONS? Of cotii'i-o I hey do. Jl id their way .f lcnniitii' iiml il U your duly lo answer. Vim limy need a dic tionary lo aid you. Il won't an swer every tit-slioti, hut I here are llioii uinls. lo which it will give you true, elear ami (lefiiiilf; answers, not iihiitil words oulv, hut about things, llio sun, iinu'liinery men, places, nlories ami l liclilio '..'lien, too, I he children can find Iheir own aii8weiH. Ko: ,c of our liH-n havo ascribed their power to sliuly of t lie dictionary. Of course you waul l!,. hestdic lioinuy. 'I'boiiiosleriliciil prefer tlio MetYund Liilurged Lditiou of webster's International Dictionary. TsjN. If J"'i A m-e nut qursliuu ( WTBHCS. ) "l""t l "T'7'' n7G'& C' MERRIAM CO., v J i-uuLtiiitni. BPniNOriELD, MA8G, BRIGHT'S DISEASE Ihe largest mm ever p,ii, I sciiplinn. i-liange.l bun j cisio. An.-. :;n, nidi. li,,. tr a pre n I- run n.h-r ii - ntveil III CO. n Hid S'n, -1 .-, as bv h i..,r' ,.( I ii.,,",.. a '-c li ' h.r li.ijn', 1 1, I'e., hliher'n ii en, .,1,1,. Thev I'liiinnelin d i In- .in kTUion of the spent',- ?s thev llilervienid semes if. Slid till 1 il out ni, ,i , over three d, .,(-,, , :ls,-s nil t. , Slid HSti I. inn lln 111. I .,n ;,--icmiis lo li. line , ,r, in,-, i, ,,',,, ' 0 i a, ,1 - in. n I i d I'M 'i, v. s'i !.'. P. -lil l-UM.l,,' 'e.r 111, 1,1 U'.t plu I--CAS.-. n i oiuini.i,r,,i ,t n, ti ,, , 'or jlll'gi-S. (, h, N. 'I the lest (.,., w,.ie ,.,.(,, r 'CP SSUlL' lsvnrl,l. bV - ( 1.11. , 7 per eenl i w I Ol "r i eiit o' Ibere belnk. h,., ,i,,in 'Silllies. Ihe paitien er.. pK, elnstil ih,. iiiinsn.ti,,,, 'I'l e iinesti.-ntnn, ,nimi:te 'hci.-sl re.o,-i, ,lr UK , 1 '"'"'d and AMI I,.- mail. 'I-I'lic.i'im, v.hhe., ,,,I1N ''"'axv,4Ji) Mohtcoiueiv St ' lied ami oi .-eiliin-. - si.d the uses were "I flee en I I'l.TuN San Fran- Kvtj t (,riit bum 1' i-of-n a-kcl l.., ,,,,', (lilrlIjl)i( '"-. "list ,(.V .,,e ,.., 14l A.e, ,!.,,e.lhv .r K,g-.N. ,.,1V(t "'"l-'i-n. li re's ,l,e M(.r,.; out the ,,hl. g.n and, erin-in-ea-d til II ..lis .t..l I... . .1 , ' " 'in In - ihe hl, , ,,.,. coinrh .,rn thm.i: , '. l'ar.rol...B. ,-bUn ,.,.,,,. i.wel.; In Hr. Kn..-. v.. i. . - i ,VrrT i ";, ,"-"M''- '"--iThro., fbis iirnaiur Is en nert (ml ,. i ii ii. ii - "- -" janajn i "iw"'''lw'"Winu dli W A. C. Sheldon, General Agenl, Third and St.irk Sts., Portl.ind, Ore. GO EAST -OVEIt THE RIO GRANDE WESTERN Denver&Rio Grande Railroad Only transi outincntal line p.iHsing directly tbrongh SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER. Three splendidly equipped trains daily R) Al.h POINT? EAST. Through Sleeping anil Dining Csri aii.I Free Ueclining Chair Cars Tho most magnificent scenery in America by daylight,. S'np ,overR allowed on all classes ol tickets. For iheapest rates and descriptivs lilerature, address J.I) M insfii-M, (ieneral Aiient, l'.'l I hird St , Portland, Oreuon. rr I CKETN T JVI) K I l-il V. Points East VIA Short Line to ST- PAUL, DUti'JTH, MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, AM) POINTS FAST Tliroutili Pnlutio and Tourist Sleep, ers, ltnltijf mill ItnfTel hilloking Ijihi'urv i'ars. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME. For Hides, Folders and full information reBiirding Tickets, Houtes, Ac, cull nn or address J. W. 1'HAI.ON.T. i A. II. DICKSON, c, t. a. Third Street, Portland. A. I!. C. DKNNISTON, U. W. V. A. OIL' First Avenue Seattle, Wash. 0. R. & N. OHI'GON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC. IT IS THE Shortest, Quickest. AND MOST Comfortable Hnutc to all Eastern points via. Portland. I All Through Tickets reading over this fonts sre yield via ; snlt laKonnil Denrei-. Low Kates Everywhere. Tiiliei-on Side iu Southern Pacific IM10' Oil,,,.. A. L. CRAItj, tien'l Pas-'nger Agent, Portland, Ore. We .nni,tiy nMin V si anrl Foreipn t f -V iiiislcl, iitt.'lcli or pt.oiool uiTeiitK d turf - irari'inniin isiientsl.liltT For free tssns, J J.'iiiitviirv'Vnirir lisnvn nit Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASH Nr.Tr,M n r. vK'-- G0 YEARS' iuissfc-.y '&'lf EXPERIENCE Tradc Mbs DCSION3 Cos-vshqht ilc As.s ins n l'nc , ,k,e. id ilMetlnll" ' ' l. .' , ,''''r,"" fir m-riKin fn wlill..T : e .. ,n,in I. n,hM nttsnhthle. I iHlilii ... - .'- ' '"'.I'-nlisI. Ilnnilho.'li im --le V "i'"'"' fer eniruui eale -t !;V.7L . n ii't-iwb Mum, A Co. I.s.t" T-U r ,tl.A -.h,..t riis-;.. In Its Scientific fiml&u. A Mn..-,,), it,(r,,, ru, iree.t i-'s. iViiiIi"'i' '"' L ti""1 "f" r.--s)e- mn & Co.38:Broj,,"- Nsw York tsmhhs' Dandruff Pomade Sl"l" 'chinK tcslp npon ore applies- ' tn su runoves all danJrua "! nil i:op (aIljnt uw prjf ' 'liuguis's. for sslr, by Slover ""sr. a cm , M, I'mg Co.