Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 04, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
Ons Ysar, in 1tsdcs, - 11-80
Bii Months, . .74
Tkras, Mi.nlhs. ... .40
tiinvhs Comes. - .06
Notice is herelir eiven that on" July 1
l!r., the mlwription rat of the Corsirs
will be raised to fl.60 per year. Anywho
pays their rutwcription now gel tue uen
lit ol the cdeapcr rate.
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the ofllce,
by mail.
Entered at the pout office at Orants I'S'S
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
A Russian sago has predicted that
the world will como to an end
1905. This should be a warning to the
dirotors of the Lewis & Clnrk Ont
Dial to select a site and get throngh
with the fair on sthcdnlo time,
would be too bad to delay Gabriel.
Engcno Register.
Notwithstanding the Sultan of
Turkey is personally a low tyie of
humnnity, perfectly irresponsible
and degenerate, and rejiresents the
worst government on earth, he lias
been lionized in London by tho"King
worshipers." Chance of birth is all
that gives him standing anywhere.
The citizen of Los Angeles have
expended nearly f'liiO.OOO within the
past ten years in advertising, ex
hibitinns, etc., for the purpose of at
tracting settlers and otherwise adver
tising their city. It might bo per
tinent to add that Los Angeles showed
the largest percentage of gain in
population daring those ten years of
any city in America. The citizens of
Grants Pass will do well to consider
this proposition. Money Invested in
advertising a town is not wasted, it
is simply out on interest.
"Any American who has a projs r
sense of relative protiortioiiii of things,
must realize) that to tlio men who
fought for the Union in the dark days
of the Civil War, there is owing a
greater debt of gratitude than any
others. Great were tho deeds you
did and vital the need of doing them,
Many were tho lessnos taught the
rest of us, both by what you accom
plished in tho war and by the way in
which, when tho war wns over, you
turned to tho work of jienco with the
siime spirit which had led yon to
triumph on tho tented fields."
President Roosevelt In sjwech to O.
A. R. Inst week.
Next Monday morning tho school
bell will ring, summoning the youth
of tho cltv to BKSemhlo for Instruc
tion after u vacation of three months.
In this issuo of tho Courier we
place before our renders a great di al
of valuable information regarding the
school and its work, in the lioim that
every parent will become more in
terested III the work being done for
tho education of their children. Let
each one take a jierHonnl Interest in
the school, for in this institution
lies the future success of the rising
generation and the reputation of
our city. The present school board
luivo been untiring in their efforts in
behalf of the school and have raised
tho standard higher than ever before.
They should be encouraged in
every way possible mid should know
that J their etforts for the good of the
community aro lieing appreciated.
Parents, visit the school and know
what is being done hold yourselves in
readiness to act in eon Junction with
tho teachers and ofilccrs; the premier
education of your children demands it.
After lighting one of the most
bitter jHilitieal battles in his public
career, Governor Gago of California
suffered defeat n thu republican
state convention. Dr. Panlco of
Oakland wits his strongest opponent
from the start. Ho received the
unanimous nomination of the conven
tion on the sixtli ballot.
The day was ail exciting one aud
the scenes attendant ou the ballot
ing for governor were full of the
deepest interest. Almost t'tiuul to
the interest of the delegates that was
shown by tht large crowd of sjH'i'ta
tors which filled the large npuco ill
the rear of the hall. Every ballot
was waited for with an eugenic that
showed that every individual in
the hall was deeply interested in
the result
At a Into hour it looked as if the
fight might 1mi 1s t ween Dr. Pardee
and Thomas Flint, Jr., but after a
night s rest the Gage forces came
up stronger lima ever anil for awhile
it looked as if he might have a chance
of winning in spite ot the strength
of the opposit ion.
Balloting began as soon as the con
vention was called to order. The
fourth ballot showed (iaga W ;
Flint, 'JM; Pardee, III? ; Hayes, f7 ;
The sixth ballot gave Pardee,
6M1,; Flint !!S0; Hayes, -II; Kdsou,
13; Gage 17. The nomination of Par
dee was made unanimous on motion
of Hayes, seconded by McKinley in
behalf of Gage. Pardee then ad
dressed (he eonvelit ion.
In the eighth coiik'Ii --li'inil district
convent ion, twenty lour ballots were
taken without result. Oil the
last ballot the vote stood : N u 1 1 . 4 1 ;
Duniels,:i.'l; Smith, 20; Hooth 10.
Not ice is hereby given that Satur
day, the Itli day of Ootids r, at 10
o'clis'k a. in. of said day at the Court
room of the county court of Josephine
wiunty, Oregon, has Imi-ii fixed as the
time and place for hearing the final
account or A. t . lloiigli as adminis
trator of the estate of Enoch U Moon,
deceased. All )-rs.nis interested
III said estate are hereby uotitled to
file their objections to said accountant,
if any they have, ou or ts tore said
date and then and there to lie present
to show cause why said final account
hall not b allowed. This notice is
publiKlit-d by rdcr of said cnuntv
" A. C. HOl'tiH,
Don't Worry,
Worry Kills
When you come to the Red Star Store to buy we
want you to leel that you're dealing with a house that is not
trying to get as much out of you as it can, but rather to make
every transaction you have with it as profitable and satisfac
tory to you as possible. Only in that way can we hope to
keep you as a customer.
W. E. Dean, Propr.
Front street, oppo Depot.
Sept. 1 St. Monday Labor day dem
onstration and dance at opera house
in the evening.
Sept. 4 Southern Oregon Pioneer
Association meets at Jacksonville.
Sept. 8. Grants Pass public schools
Aug. 14-24 Seventh Day Advent
Camp Meeting at Grants Pass.
Sept. 15-20 Southern Oregon Soldiers
and Sailors reunion at Gold Hill.
Sept. 11, The King of the Opium
Ring, Opera house.
Sept. 25-30 Oregon conference of the
M. E. church at Grants Pass.
Bopt. 80, Tuesday Georgia HiirtK-r
Co. rendering the Lyric Queen at
the Oiiera house.
Oct. 1, Wvdnesday Georgiii Harper
Co. in Little Duchess at thu 0s ra
Oct. 8-ltf Synod of Oregon meets in
Grants Pass.
what do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or cnHca. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Urain-07 It is delicious and nourishing
and lakes the place of entree. The inure
Grain O you give tho children the more
health yon distribute through their
systems. Grain O is made of pure
grains, and when properly repared
tsstei like the choice grades of collee.
hut costs about as much. All grocers
ell It. 15c and 25e,
Quick delivery The Weekly Oregonlaa
Clearance Sale
Shirt Waists, Crash and
Fancy l'arasols, Sun Bonnets.
Children's Straw Hats,
Lawns, Dimities, Ilatistes, Ftc.
If you liooil any tf tho alum? linos it will
pay you to look tlicm ovor.
E. C.
Shoes and Furnishiim Coods
The Southern Oregon Stale Normal
School is making thorough prepar
ations for tho coming year's work,
Tho buildings ale being remodeled
and rciaircd, and extensive additions
to the chemical mid physical ile
IKirtnients are lieing made. The facul
ty is coiiiMised of strong teachers
consecrated to the work, and each do-
p'ir tinent is in the hands of a s)iccial
A year's course in Ijitin and ill
Economics has licen added to further
preire teachers for high school work.
The training department will be es
pecially strong. A man of splendid
duration and wide cicriciicc will
be at the head of this department.
Much attention w ill In' gm u to ora
tory, anil athletics will be made
piomiitcnt. The cili.ius of Ashland
have guaranteed some f'.MO us pi ies
for excellence in these lines. The City
Library of '.'OHO well selected volumes
is thrown os n to students of the in
stitiitiou. Hoard and lodging can be
had at from .:0 t week to thill.
Climate henlihv. Course of study
practical and exhaustive. For cata
logue of announcements w rite It. F.
Mulkey, president, or Clifford
Thomas, secretary, Ashland, Oregon
Whenever an honest trial is gixeu to
Electric Hitters for anv trouble it is
recommended for a inriiuinciit cure
will surely lie effected. It never fails
to tone the stomach, regulate the
kidneys and Isiwels, stimulate the
liver, in igorate the nerves and puri
fy the bhsxl. It's a wondicful tonic
for run-down systems. Ehetric l it
ters Miivoly cures Kidney and
Llvir Troubles, Stomach Disorders,
Nervousness, SlcopU-sMicss, Khcuiiiit-
tirim, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria.
Satisfaction guaranteed by W. F.
Krenrer. Only 50 cents.
Mrs. Ella Wilson of Ashland, visited
a few days with her father, Mr. J,
Vordin. "
Omar Waldeu, of Medford who has
been down to cities along the coast,
visited a few days with J. Hocking
on his way home.
Sam McClung has returned home
after a week's visit in California.
Mrs. Jas. Hocking is suffering with
a severe boil on her neck.
The threshing machine passed
through our community doing its
general work.
it. M. Robinson had over U00
bushels of grain threshed at his farm
near Apple gate.
Hop picking seems to be the center
of attraction now a days.
Chas. Mi-Cann and Scott Robinson
are moving the saw mill owned by
the William's Pros, from near Mur
phy to close to Chancy creek.
Mr. Cart got a load of lumber from
Wert.'s mill.
Chas. Met 'nun midwife have moved
back to ( heir ranch near Chancy
J. W. McColliim, Jas. lU-king,
nod daughter started for Klamath
county for a few days' visit with
Francis Hocking and wife, who live
near Klamath Ijike.
Mrs. Armstrong returned to Jackson
Summer Goods
Linen Skirts.
coiiniy afti r a ft w weeks visit in our
community. Zntinni.
John W. (hues of Chicago, the
famous steel magnate, John A. Drake,
Isaac L. Elwood, John Ijunlsrt anil
Oaison C. Gates, all prominent men
are rcpurtt-il to have joined in Unk
ing a flying machine enterprise for
the World's Fair Aeronautic Contest,
ill which the grand prize is to be
100,000. Their machine is the in
vent ion of E. L. Drake of Winchester,
hacking cough, makes von
-li ; causes von to take cold
; easily, m.ikes vi-u cough until von
pig ; hnuK" ou cotittuiiou hacking
I cough ; causes soreness in the chest;
makes y,-ii cough up thick, t clltus ish
1 matter; makes you iii:li worse at
nights; and in time leads to consump
tion. S II. Catarrh Cure taken ill
: small doses freiii nt'iv is a ssitive
eisetoi.ini. I ui nig a tonic and viti- ell. ot. Tlio ebjict of small
land frequent doses is to induce ex-
Is etorat ion, nll.iy the spasmodic, iter
ous art ion and get the true tonic
cti.vt of this great California dis
covi ry, which has caused thousands
w hen all other remedies have failed.
For sale by nil druggists.
I'ook ' on Catarrh free. Address
I Smith Pros , Kivmio Cal.
j Shv thus,' self-sealing stone (lull jsrs
; at .1. WoUe's.
Ifi "usia il Aif liilUaS. ?J
Lsj its i rtjruis. TsiaOMd. Vm 3
rj In O ns S ilriMl.iA.
TO. CCU. Column
(Articlts for this column ar con
tributed by the Women's Christian
Temperance Union )
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U.will be held at the home of Mrs.
E. A. Wade Sept. 12, at 2 :30 p. m.
W. C. T. U.
Please allow pie a little Bpace in
your column, in which perhaps( there
may be something said which will
give encouragement to coutiuno in
your faithful efforts to keep back sin,
and enthrone justice and righteous
ness in the earth.
In that historic winter of the
Crusade, there were events which
can never fade from memory.
Women were seen in groups in saloons
engaged in singing or prayer and
sometimes in quiet expostulation
against the wrongs of intemperance
and tho sin of selling that which
would dethrone reason and incapaci
tate men and women for filling the
mission in life for which they were
When they Were not allowed to
enter the place where intoxicants
were sold thev would stand in groups
outside and pciform the same duties
with a true devotion and sincerity
calculated to make the stoutest heart
ed consider whether he might not
after all lie sadly in the wrong and
would reap the just judgments
of God if ho continued in his
deadly work. And many did take
manly courage and quit the business
aud engaged in other occupations in
an honorable and upright way gain
ing tho rcs)s-ct and esteem of their
citizens. Hut even then there were
some who mocked when the faithful
women were kneeling on the frozen
or snow covered pavements' in front
of somo door closed against them.
The writer has seen the curled lip
and eye of scorn sometimes from pusH-
ers by whoso rank and education as
well as convictions of truth and duty
would bespeak for them a kneeling
posture beside these earnest workers,
hut only a few years jmssed until in
fluence against the right blighted
their own honins ; somo of those who
mocked were culled to mourn beside
the biers of those whom sudden and
untimely deaths wrought darkest
shadows over many hearts, and we
thought as we stood beside the lifeless
forms of some of these, it is a fearful
thing to opioso that work which only
brings peace to the home and to the
nation. There are examples of this
kind in many forms where there has
bo n opposition to your work, but
only one more will sullice perhaps,
for warning for all.
Not ninny years ago we chanced to
Is) in a church when this expression
was made by the minister in the pul
pit, "Mothers had better stay at home
with their children than to bo going
about to Mothers' meetings".' I looked
shout as men are apt to do, to see the
effect this might have uimiii the fair
sex, w hoe self Hicrif'cii g if.iits la
enabled them to do true gospel service
in this department alluded to. Upon
their faces could only ls seen expres
sion of pity, which seemed to havt
back of it a prayer which reached to
the very throne of God. Time very
quickly uisses; a few years make
great changes. The opposing minister
lived to see his sou expelled from col
lege on account of misconduct. If
care hud been taken toward all help
ful influences and a kind considera
tion, without criticism, had been
given, there would not have been the
license to wrong doing, which oppo
sition to right action is sure to bring.
I have not seen my three wore years,
and these things, with many others
have transpired within my knowledge
and they are sutlioiont proof to me
that itis bettor to take the advise of
Gamaliel, " Lest I be f ound to fight
aginst God. May God sed the
work. An Observer.
A corresiKiiuleiice from Holland,
Josephine county, sends the follow ing
to the Mining A Engineering Re
view, of San Francisco:
Sucker creek with its tributaries
of Althouse, Great and Little Gray
hack, Poland and Hcur creeks, is the
largest creek emptying into the
Illinois river. It has its slosi in the
north slojs' of the Siskiyou moun
tains, one branch ou the summit of
Poland Hutte, and runs several thous
and inches of water even at this sea
son of the year. South of its source
are the celebrated Oregon Caves that
have never yet been fully explored.
Sucker mid Althouse creeks product d
from Ti, 000,000 to X,o00,l'lH ill pluci 1
gold in ' 111 and after and lire still lie
ing profitably worked. Nuggets if
fill, (' and fit have been found thi
season on Sucker crock ; f too, iHl was
taken out of theC alifornia Pur da in
in '-III and tlo early 8'0's, but ow ing
to the dangerous nature of the ground
(several men having lost their li v
drifting on it) work has eiasedand
these bars that are soarcolv scratched
are awaiting the advent of capital
to turn out the balance of the f'00 or
100 and in one instance, Moo nuggets
that were found on liodrock in '-P.i.
Certainly not one fifth of this Iwir was
ever drifted and the bedrock never
thoroughly cleaned when it was.
An attempt is now being made by
Eastern capitalists to gobble the
whole of this richly mini rained town
ship iiinler the Timber and Homestead
Acts, ami dummy lo atots an" In iug
hauled ill by the wagon load and
homesteads taken up oil steep hillsides
to bo commuted and trasferred to the
sharks at the end of six months.
It, ild Hills am taken, under the Tim
lier and Stone, laws, that have hardly
I holier enough to fence them. The
whole township is auriferous aud
richly mineralised by quaitz and
eopinr veins. The writer of this
met one of these dummies going up
the creek, who did Uot know where
his claim was until he could find a
icircacutatiTe of tho sharks to direct
Rotweeu Kerby and Sucker creek,
ou the divide of Tiger and Kelly
creeks, rich copier ore has been
truck. The reitt running nearly cast
'and west into the Grayba' k moun
tains to the eastward. The walls are
porphyry and diorite, with strong
gossan that assays f- to ?:i rer ton in
gold and ore running as h:gli as ri.-o
jcr ton in cop;ior; mi l g ild has been
taken out a few feet below the gos
san; the ore is found in a blue quart
mattrix; iu some places close undT
the gossan; in other places (where
the hills are loss denuded) covered
up by arsenical iron, assaying to:!
nor ton in cold. There is a good
opening for capital here. The locali
ty has hitherto been isolated, the
nearest railroad station being Grants
Pass, forty miles distant, but a new
line is being surveyed from Giants
Pass to Crescent City that will lass
close here. It is seldom that so richly
mineralized a country is found with
good roads close to the mineral belt
aud with fertile and cultivated val
leys intersecting it, well waterdand
timbered, and every facility for min
ing, with produce of eveiy kind on
hand to support a large milling com
The rapidity with which the Disc
Graphophoue has come to the front
is due to the fact that the quality of
the records bus beui constantly im
proved, from the time this tpye of
machine began to be made by the
Columbia Phonograph Company,
the pioneers and leaders in the talk
ing machine art. The advantages of
Hat, thin and indestructible record.
were always recognized but the manu
facturers who attempted to uiak
th'.'in failed so lnmeiitubly in pro
ducing anything to compare with tin
cylindrical records used on the
grapho hniii) that the demand for
them was unimportant. All that ii
changed ; the Columbia Disc Records
are a delight. If yon have not
heard tin in you can form no idea of
the advance that has been made ill
them. The disagreeable scratch and
the muftied effect has been replaced by
a smoothness, naturalness and hril
liancy which gives to Ihier reproduc
tion a most charming effect.
The Disc Graphophoue is made iu
three types, selling at 2(1 and
f 10. Seven inch records 50c each, J."
kt dozen ; 10 inch records fl each,
ill) jkt dozen. The Graphopliono and
Columbia Records were awarded till
Grand prize at the Paris Exposition
of I IKK).
The Colnmbia Phonograph Com
pany, 123 Geary Street, Sail Fran
cisco, headquarters for graphophoiics
and talking machine supplies of every
kind, will send you catalogues on
If reports be true, travelers between
Lakeview and the statu line would
do well to carry along with tin
either a big club, a shotgun or some
antidote, as a protection against
rattlesnakes. Recently, while on tin
public highway near the Defer place,
Mrs. T H. Cloud, Miss Eva Amick
and Miss Mae Milhr encountered n
monster, that showed tight. The tlio
of sweet femininity doubtless looked
good to his snakeship, mid he im
mediately began climbing into th
buggy. The ladies were articular
us to the sort of company they want
edon the drive, mid flu y immediately
jumped out and gave the rattler full
IKisscssion. He crawled upthcfrint
wheel spokes, poised on the axel and
then climbed into the seat. He stnicl
tho cushion a few tiimswith his
fangs, to show too ladies what h
would have done to them had they
been charmed by bis presence, and
then crawled over the dashbinrdto
the ground. Miss Eva Amick who
was holding the horse by the bit,
while her companions were hunting
the high places, looked the snake in
the eye as he crawled toward her,
and iu a gentle voice addressed him :
"Begone, vile reptile!" and that one
moment she became the heroine.
The snakn "droppul dead iu his
tracks." He was ilumned, and died
of heart trouble. The snake story is
"founded on facts," mid can be veri
fied. The ladies declare they did not
have a "single bit of antidote for
snake poison" with them. Lakeview
ruder the new law for the collec
tion of taxes, nndpaid taxes become
delinquent after the tirst Monday in
October. The county courts have
absolutely no jurisdiction in the
premises, ami do not have the right
to extend for a day the time for the
collect ion of unpaid taxes. I'nder
the old law regulating the culleetion
of taxes, the payment of the same lio
canie delinquent after April Ist, hut
(he county court had the authority
to make such extensions of time in
which to m-il;e the collections "s was
deemed priqvr. Put the county court
has no power to act in this relation
under the new law, ami taxes will
iHcome delinquent after the first Mon
day ill Octols r.
Section 111, of the new law, treats
with the delinquent roll, and pro
scribes when and iu what maimer it
shall lie made as follow s :
"If any of the taxes mcnticitid in
the roll shall remain unpaid, and
the sheriff shall be unable to collect
the same, he shall innm dintcly after
the tirst Monday of October i Mend
tin' amount of the tax on each several
parcels of real pron rty, and upon the
icrsoiial property assess, d t3 oai h
individual. in a column provided
for such puiises on the tax roll,
headed delinquent and shall return
such roll, together
compiled there from and uitered
tlnreon showing the total amount
of taxis collected, the toial amount
of double assessments and oilier
errors. " etc.
Subsequent siciiouscf the act pro
vnbd that after the examination by
the county clerk of the n il, and
when the proper endits have In en
made for errors, etc., then the roll
shall bo returned to the slit riff with
a warrant command ng him to sell
the property upon which the tax was
levied. So it wil be seen that the
county ooairt has no voice iu th,
matter. The tune when the unpaid
taxes become delinquent i n the roil
now -being col! eted is nguh.tnl u
tircly by tho statute, and there wiil
bo no (extension nf time this year.
(CopyrlKhii d ly the Lially Story Pub. Co.)
Old ib. i.:..M-r behevvd Inllistlf to b
actu. in J ....i.-.i.L-r u..,t bread and liberal- j
TO .,:..! w..a ;. told youm Philip
M.ii,..r. : a: tie might call on hij'
.i. i':.n im hm hkea
(jmv.iii.i , i - er ntc iu word of love
lo t.-.e : -' n:u. 'I'm embargo
to ia: :.. i-tru.:e. wno jut l'''d
her t:g . birt!.day, ' awl 1 llU,P
corns. ,..:.;: -.1 U.: Tie 'i..M; manic
. ,:jiihi;i nun i:,i,.:;y in.t with
a i!n;e ilign- ,ii ciu-ei n:-..en in the,
I i-g. lining; he ul ucr t:,eni cun- j
ei Jrt-ahlv a. tciy Uei i.e more familiar. ,
It ma- .:.-'.i.-vr;.l t. Gr.:ile ofWa,
a. i.e iiiif !. if-ruiniy. eiiii:".v afier the!
lr.g -- in iv. e .i i.e l.a.i .. .i lcud how
m."i liegu-r U- would he a w.J .u.i-visitor ,
ai t'.o r.n- v, .- I.e. I.e on f und
t...i: t e pi n. t.j n to w ; e: "fie" utmot j
far less t .an it i.ail a(..e; . i to i!u at first
r n :t. He was mt te oldi I'iiinir
n o -aw nr ire-iu-ntly, tn ! with.
.'i-.-trMiie was a pu-tty gill. !"' t "nJ ,
, .; ill ti e'i; P !!: l-g-itl lo l
iiu ii. a c'lr, 'in.' f,.a'e of ft : r !i . -erne ,
.: i.r fiiee wi-e erne gh to -vi ii to the fi:: and ti.i-n l i fr: ir a .'i i 'lard, 1
v . .ill !;. in aU-ii of I.'. i . T e girl;
i-elf.-'f did Cot fielll, to i e''i '1 h: cy, ;
to l.l.l' u. '-o inr' li in'v-n t II' , IS al-
lei li ii- a- I ml dol e I I '- -... roine-
t:i t- t ".'i on t'n? point f i,.miiM UP
t.-.e t ; ii g lor n riar ; no! oing
-. A:! w-.i-m a. : -.-- "'lint
M ... U---VO- la.! c. -1.1. ! ; : iv. on she
- i-i:i - (I I'L-I irel t ' i i 'rraii.
-I.l . 'f IS hot I Itrj .-! '.' '.l.d i'U-o-e
,- .:!.!.'. !l.y" r. 0 ! i '. 'led wlitn
M . I; . -.! I .'id i; il-.i ti of j o e.lllig
p. i lo.u-e 'or t'.e fi-i.t- ht,:er. "and
.;' j,,.. ,! i t a: .), Mill inr...e.;:..
'-I'-tlf .!.c- !y in love wil . - ' , vi ! ether
- ,; .. o- ,. it". .M.'. e t teii I'. o at she
, ril ,.t-: ,.- l-H. louii;ae,: i,- i:,-t,:.t;!rt.
i i,... . a. yet. In tull.k ; -a- t.illigl,
,ir-,l i i m t i Jt ilrc,:. i if tiling her
!. at lei v. . : er or tl.i:.!.- t! :it I l- does
f .r -o ee ice. Ten conn . li erie t oey'll
t.eo. : f t'.e fan. y si.oi t.v, nod u it's
n Ti- : liiween them tl.e waiting will
ir:ip, however, T'i'i'ip ttpian'e o
:: i-:" w-Hitirrr t;.t In ;:nu- up the
".it ou! we-: c. '1 t!e'itU-;l to
t.f c Titucly, ! a.i I'.rfm
u .iv sj-iak n" Ar.i (.-I Inve to
1 1 r -.ply. hut 1 ' -i'-ft had
-'.U' M-tl. St. r i ' :t i .11 mil-
0 a pr-'pi.;'! .if riitrrKitfe
t. j. rr ! vi. m k ;,t't'1'' "! Vt'd, I
t i'.:y ipt 't', iiiiu itmt a
,"!.'. wnc '."ii r in comind.
r - I i! H '"I tir . 'I III-'.'!." Wl'lfh
ti'l' !!
a it
; fhe
. !;im
- I' IT'
(1.1 ) I' U:.
.1. .f f;.: . n!
It JIN , -J (;
11 n fly
of f
. Hf tfl.T to lllKi t)ViT
.r"ve ajiiirft tl'c;n in vnin.
t -it iMii:e vi: ii f 't-t ti i!(l- c u'il
' .i;'i. Kvi-n '- fTi tlit'V wvnt
: i ! vf Vi'.li n.i ti urtlier
. 1 ! ; HM'f - lit' !)'! ;t 'ic air.n-
-f inv.ii '.ah'v iii-ciiiniiiiniei!
' l.i ' : w V.i-i. - v.n, a ; U'tl
ti; illu-j " ('.rii'linn, ni.ii
i with t e i:-.uri' -tnking
V't it w.m t!.r i:-y::i a plmt.,-r-i;
llat carrieil
in njnni tn (us maiuonta ai;d
t.-i'i ;. .
t i n ..
. Am!
iih v; ill
1 i:o uinvriit d I ,-r lln)!n-r'i rare.
'I 0 !" k: 't i;!ca nrcurrt'i! hi one Sun
ihiy nl', .1 .p ivoihe-! out t'i new
cut lrn. l e lost no ti-oe 111 tiyicn it.
Ciir.-liilly prn-tiri: ctTta.n li t' 11. 1 Un n
lri'ii. an-nl .1 ,t:c 'i r, i c ; iomol ll.i p.i
I'Cr 1'' .!.' toe wnolo.w 1 ;ii. I- ','iikI went
ever It - uri. 01 .i;- hnl.ilv niol on lai wihiik
Kiile, hit. 1 i r'li'cud c'synn. 1'lii'n he at
tuo iltc pal '-, s-t 1 i 1 wruiin sule out
iv;i: i-. t.i t wall inn! dn,ti.;i aj.heil ti.
1, iron-! Ii-v kii ard.
lio i .riiiot it with him wlii-ii he called
up .11 ( leu Mii'e tlie foloiu n g eveiiirjf. The
'' -s "' urtio lov 1 enjile .111,1 he
o n- in i v r is i-l.iii on Simony. Ci rlrilile
'I in l.n il in ile!-r ,tfnl!j inii.i.ehlly
mot il'i lip.'niti In hr 00.11 little room
to diii!-.i t'.e I'lste in in. Ti.ttrly. l'lnhp
h.-e! emJaeii jI that I.e tli-.i n -t -I.e iv.nild
nil oi-'aii.l tl.e new ex t ri -oent lie wanted
to i i- nil 1 lier inoie oli.uly if l-e I er-M-';
-ol.-; o.i t'.f 1.IK.1MVC II s ioait save
a a ;M J::::;;i '.vi.fll II. lij.iiiiiu aiili.Mlhoeil
tl .it '.e a :..:,-.! to ualoi, 1. e ii. velopiiicnt
al.o. 0111 .. more lliTlni.le ranie lo the
riui 1:, 0, My. ailioiiii!i quit 111. conscious of
any 1 ti ll ior so (!tni..
"No, llemne. 1..11 can't," file told him,
"liiitiiiin t o' Jaik runiii d.Mir with centle
iVoimini; "voM 11, ike me too nervoiu when
I io! y-ni lonie in. I'll tell you all ahout
the ' ii' riineii' af'eraar.l."
I' li p 1 ,:,:.) ilouhtid she would keep
her iv r d. i .1! i.e sai.l loiti.nii. It needed
all in .'., i ontrol ami pauenoe to talk
eo.iii-noiipl.oes oahnly with Mrs. Drewer
un .-I (hrtnale retiirned.
The liirl, iiieau while had received a start
linir !io.-k.
'Miool hulrol I megrft as a developer,"
I''ii!i. I a l told lier as she ran upstairs
mill l'ie p!.ite;!ol.ler contailnnK the "ex
piT.111r.1t.1i ' i,,.k..n,ve, and this anent nhe
l ad ao, onlum'i piepnre.l. She rocked the
hllle tray and tortli for twoorthrie
minute-., thin exposed it to tl.e rays of the
led lamp. I.l.ok and white values" ale
also reversed upon a iliotoKrap!,ie iur.i
tive so tie min-iiFf which stared up at
her u.u outlined m k'le.iiniii white letters
upon 1111 ehoiiy h,ick,jround. And tins was
the mei-ve:
"My IVarest flirl: Wilfyou marry me?
rmlip M.iiii'.ennn."
The C:rl i row whit, and r ink as she read
11. 1 ski e i -.i g ;,,t nii i
to eoiis.der. 'f en union,
down t-i t c p 11 lor and 1
hud l-rolcii ti,.- -'re -t.o-. j.
by a.-.-i-l.-ii t 01 oi-ij;ii si..- (
I'iilhp col, iied I'-itly, a
lutyii u lii fancied ,!i,,ipi
lost l.,i-.i;ve. took I I.
y and vat dwn
- t went
tl'at ih
-; i ' V.'ttetlicr
ii.-! f 't t.iy,
i Mis. lirewer,
'i'l' -i t-t tvir the
"Mi-Iy t. t.i-sk.
'I lion t .i e now you
1111 iiaun iier. re i. .n: 1 .r , 1 N , t.,..ty
knows h-iv ,.!, ir..ul.:. M, M.,',u.un
may have laken lo secure the negative
you have destroyed, t an't you make it
up to linn in some way V
"I don't know, mature," answered fler
trnde, siiiiling and tilu-l.n-g n.!. as
ahe tiinii-l iier face aw.n in 111 1 ,-r mother
an-l 1 niaiil rmiip. "
s i . . ;i,l n "t lare to rep, , t t
1111 eii. even if I knew I ,
I do not. Hut we m.: !i f
hun with some oliu-r Wo. k
tlinik l-e-t. Suppo.e we ttv
I--.1-. I
rill,, nt
; resent
I. if you
A sudden tnoilk-'.t nia.u i 1-- c- rel-s hurn
vet -..,e l.iilhiit'. an.. , ,.. I. ;,, ,h
"'""el small pi.i.M- it.;-,. ,- , ,,t ,..
yci,',o,i..ii7,-i -. h;CV,," :ir.,,,i ,
I 11. 'p. And v.:iet er I i -. .,0 ,., ...
lleo;ii. ai;lin. it iiould he .1 floio. .
her iu.i.l tor.-fi
, "
ingcr pointed to tue nisci-ip-
Hon: -1
A.-iifii St.ivos und Km'.-H ch.-np at
J. Wulkc'ii.
All c!lsa?t of KMneri,
Bladder Urlnarr t'rf us
Al-. RSeoinjtism. Hjic
-u h-n. Disease Gruvsl
Dropsy, l'.iuJo Troublot.
cur. for you It . .r,'.. .?. ," ?
!' hi' -ii u nt.' hi,,,. ,-,i,ls iM ,Ul.b
CiS-S4J-illl A.I OllUstlltAllolia FfM.
-F- rn I tind b.v-ii he. evir pi:r,
j.-r.-.. H'liii-K unit s. jt,i,,j urin. I r.-utd
u--t i.-ioiilol N d :i....ui h.'lu. Tlio as ,.t
I'r tenners K..l.,e snl It i. kvl.r ii.-r,-
O. WA.ii NEU, K n.-Uvii;,- '
iVnr-risM sr.-.. n. A.k f,,ro..k Tt I
r CVr Ct-ular j
oner. Frvt.,0l4- V
TIih TOI'UOITND SHOE is filled bHlveen oii'sjIb ami insole witu t
Diix'nr of ground cork and rubber vthii h nets as a cushion for the eir
ei's loot, keeps out nioistuie and prevents squeaking
Uenl'einen! Wear only Topround
n.t u'.ir. LmIit. keens its
iwnvn", ..v-.w -,- .
,le in the world for the price.
Welch's Clothing' vStore,
Opera House DIocli..
Grants Pass, -" Oregon.
Ii 00 rti
G. P. Pharmacy and
W. F KRF.MER, Propr.
I ' rrni':
llCino of ilie lloiism Elinn
iS 1 0
iurgday, September 11 th
Played to Standing Room in Every City of Import
ance in the Union.
imrmii M'1 V. 1 1 racl ion.
This Season Fciturincj the Betvutiful and
Talented Artist.
Miss Katheryn Carvel.
The school where thnmnoh w,rk h done; where the reason is
ahvays Riw: w'' cotin l-.-ttce is developed; where bookkeeping
is taught exactly a.; luniks arc kept iu lmsinc--s ; where shorthand is
made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds of
bookkeepers and sleiio-jraphcrs have been educated for success in
life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free.
ColhKe l.iWru! ArlN S,.,t,.,her in. NoM11;l Deparirneiit, September Hi.
lo ene of Miitic, .si'iilemier HI. l'r.-pai atory Dept., Sepleiulier Hi.
Co. esPr.r Oiu.orv. Sepk'inher 1,1. It,.ie,8 IVpt., Septenitw 10
n leMH f A,,, Sep.einher hi o.i:,VH ,,f Meilicine, October 1.
tull-nf ll,..,,l,vy. Scmemher . (,,, of Uw 0ctob.r 0,
Tuition rates reasonable Ca.ta.loue sent on a.pplic.tlon.
Hoard and room at Boardinj Hall, $3.10 per week,
(ii.cj hianUitl, f,i.,l ,.,.-, I.e h n I in the cit for $2 60 to fl.W
icr e, k in ,-r vnte (.inii'ios. Stn.hnte cm boa.,1 themselve. for even
fl 0 cr nci'k.
John 11. Coleman, President, Salem, Oregon.
!fi".-Y;.-: ' I ; I . ; "' t?
ss-Ls LI
!.';; s i:.'.:''.-'-'-;!" i-..-, ..,
i- t.fiM r.iir.' ,. ": !, i .
;i. H. MI-, i ,
:o-... .;;. " H
..I Csno.; !
W.itorinu.-s VoiiMtiiin P,,
tlio kind il,.,t I),.wy u(.. , ,,,.
TI,- r ,
uc ''Wicnnan, the sailor, the
yachkman and even Wy, is liable
to sudden attains of dixuso.
ActHlikemoKic'crcholer. cramps,
udje cijs, w t,.Ilu f:om x
TA no .ubMitnt. Price j;c. tljC
$3.50 Shoes, made from White',
Dolitli bitter: in fact. t:ie hi .1..
. . v,luft
Our proscription deimrtmeiit i8
trusted to expert pharmacists
have mastered the science of drug,
and give to the preparation of evert
niedieiuo n conscientiona cariifaln(!,
and attention. Care and skill jirevont
those mistakes which aro alwjf,
perilous to the patients for whom the
medicines aro designed. Pure, fr
drugs are our sjiecialty, as well ,
full lino, of standard preparations,
toilet and manicure articles.
National Drag Store.
liuy Your
School Books
School Supplies
31. Clemens
KKU.UU.K PRUtJiil.-iT,
0'ns front, Oppo. 0pr House.
fUiV:.vAV(".ViViv:-'.v.' v ' " " vv
;o oir, r-vn s Icc'i.mi sni.
.:M-ntr. Ouiy m t-:u i a ,ir.
; r-: N-sntiful tnWH fn; t- -rn S
:; -"..' ,;:..'-"'T'" "n. : " a
5,. , , rr-""l li'i. ; (Klion. tic- Sub .
S I... - , "' -nr. lo-d ;r 1-itUifM fop,
S j.IrIi-h' ""iablt. Simply lto- S":
' -'"loiiuc-il and Ahs.'1-jiclir !
"'"Ht Taper Patterns.
N-Seaat.Ali.9wfeoc Pattms.)
i u i i
i2 I