niut VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST aS, igoa. No. 40. DIRECTORY JOSEPHIXE Judge Commissioners . . Clerk Deputy Clerk Bheriil Deputy (sheriff.. Treasurer School Kupt..... Assessor 8urveyor Coroner COUNTY OFFICERS. J. O. liooth I John Wells )C. F. Lovelace R. L. Bartlett T. P. Judson Geo. V Lewis Ernest Lister J.T. Tavlor Lincoln Savage Cuas. Crow H. C. Perkins V. K. Kremer CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W. F. Kremer Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis Treasurer Col. W. Johnson City Attorney C. E. Maybee Marshal John Lockhardt (Street eupt John Patrick Councilmen Ueo.. 11. Binns A. C. Houtb, J. H. Williams, C. K. Harmon J. A. Rehkopf, Will C. timith. Herbert jSuiiih, Henry Schmidt FRATERNAL 80CITIES. Grants Pass Ixxlge A. V. A A. M., No. W. regular coiuinunication first and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers curdiolly invited. H. C., V. M. A. J. Piaa, Sec'y. Royal Arch Masons--Reames Chapter No. Jii meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic hall. L. L. Jew ill, J. E. Petkusob, Secy. H. P. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2B meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic tiall. Mas. H, Zollcr. Mas. Arna M. Holhan, W. M. Secy. I. 0. O. F., Golden Rule Lodge No. 78, , meets erery Saturday night at I. O. 0. F. hall. C. II. Marshall. T. Y. Df AM, Secy. N. G. Paran Encampment I. O. O. F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at I. O. (. F. hall, r kku Schmidt, T. Y. Ueas, riec'y. 0. P. Rebekahs Etna Rebekah, No. 4'.l, meets second and fourth Monday, I. O. O. F. hull. Essia Harthan, N. G. Mas. J. H. Dekibon, Secy. United Artisans Grants Pass Assembly No. 4!t, meets alternate Tuesdays in A. O. II. W. nail. F. E. Wikto, Falsi) Mihsch, ' Master Artisan, Secy. Woodmen of the World Rogue River Camp No. 55, meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Woodman Hall. Jau. Slovek, C. E. Maybei, Consul Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. J(tt, meets lirst and third Mondays at Woodmen ball. Ebtella Hurry, N. ti. W. E. Dkah, Clerk. Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass Camp No. H0U7 meets 2nd and 4th Wednes day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7:3U. Chas. II. Marshall. V. C. N. Reynolds, Clerk. Foresters of America Court Josephine No. lis, meets each Wednesday except the first, at A. U. IT. W. hall. J. P. Hale, C. R. G. N. Bolt, F. 8. Josephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. U. W. meets in A. O. V. W.hall, DUon build ing every Monday evening. J. H. Meade, M. W. B A. Stahard, Recorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, 1). of 11.. A. O. U. W. -meets every alternate Tuesday evening in A. O L'. W. ball. Diion buildinr. Mas. A. McCabtiiv, Mas. Lvdia Dean, C. of H. Recorder. Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 60, meets each Tuesday night 7:30 I. (J. ). F. ball. J. T. Chauase, Ton Williams, C. C, K. of R and S. Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Logan Post No. meets lirst Wednesday at A.O. II. W. hall. J. K. Peterson. Abe Axtell, Adjt. Com. American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore gon Council No. 1, meets first and third Saturdays, at A. O. U. W. ball. Wm. If. Kinney, Bknj. F. Mykice, Chief Engineer Corresponding Engineer. Order of Pernio White Rock Council No lUi, meets in A. O. U. W. Hall lirst and third Friday nights, C.E, Mayre, Secretary. Emma Bklcueb, Counselor. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Union No. IHs meets second and fourth Thursdays of . each month at A.O. II. W. Hall. J. E. Whiiman, Pres. D. A. Fitziierald, Sec'y, A. C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Practice in all State and Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. Grants Pahs, Oregon. H C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, G bants Pass, Oregon. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER ind JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Pil verwear and Jewelry. A Uoud Assortment of Bracelets and Heart Banglei, Clemens' Drug Store. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS& PUONI ' I Ladies Can Wear Shots One size smaller alter using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the grealeet comfort discovery of the age. Cures and pre vents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a cer tain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package Free by mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. J. M.CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE Fine Butter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. Tooth Brush Topics Sanitarily considered logically lead to the conclusion that SLOVER DRUG CO. keeps the best stock of Tooth Brushes in the county. Our stock is selected with the utmost care with an eye single to the quality of the goods we offer. We have Tooth Brushes from 10c up. You buy the ioc kind on your own re sponsibility. From 25c up, we will guarantee the goods. The bristles in a good brush will not come out. A good brush will outlast half a dozen poor ones. Sloyer Drug Co. Prescription. Opposite Depot. A Popular Health Resort in the Siskiyous. Health Restoring Waters, Invigorating Mountain Air. Colestin Mineral Springs Hotel Kates $2.00 per Day; Camping Privileges for Rent. II. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. I'AIll UP CAPITAL STOCK Transacts a General Banking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our rustomeis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con sistent with sound hanking principles. Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres. K. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres. L. L, JEWELL, Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL BTOCK, Ksceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States. Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout .Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. K. A. BOOTH. Pres. ). C. CaMPBKLL, Vice Pres. H. L. Oil. KEY, Caihier. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. TADDOCK, Props. I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind of MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in that I can fill your orders in the vary beet Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede Marble. J. B. PADDOCK, Front Street, Next to Greene's Gunshop. THE QRAPHOPHONE Pricoo 5 to $150 3 n Latest NEW PROCESS Rooorda SCND FOR CATALOGUE 36 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY I23 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAi. ' FAT AND LEAN That is, babies: fat, they are happy and safe; lean, they are neither happy nor safe. Apart from being entirely healthy or not quite well, a fat one has much reserve of vital strength to resist any sudden attack, while the lean one has little or no reserve. The way to be fat and well is Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. A little: only a little. Not any, if healthy and plump already; "let well enough alone. Wt'H Kiid ro Unt to ttr U rou Uka. SCOTT ft BOW NX, 409 PiarluiMt, Kiw York. 1 1 ...Oregon's... j I Blue Ribbon $ I State Fair 1 f SALEM I t SEPT. 15 to 20. 1902. You are invited to attend and J see the greatest industrial expo Jj sition and livestock show ever J hold on the Pacific Coast. Good J racing every afternoon. Camp J ground free. Come and bring your families. For any informs- tiou, write X M. D. Wisdom, Secy. i Portland, Ore. t 4444... UNION RESTAURANT Front St. oppo. Water Tank. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A. VanNoy, Propr. Perfection oil stoves, finest in the land, at J. Wolke's. 9 and $10 per Week. C. TELFORD, Propr. 25,O00 OO. f 50,000 OO. the Marble business warrants my saying manner. or American Granite or any kind of ENTERTAINS EVERYBODY , EVERYWHERE SOUTHERN OREGON MINES. I Reed Jb Fletcher have suspended operations at their mine, located in Forest cnek district, until they can arrange some of tlioir machinery more satisfactorily. The property is show ing np well. Broad & Reid, owners of the Oregon Belle, which is situated in Forest creek district, have a force of men employed in putting ore on the damp. They have one of the best properties in the Stato, and are making regular cleanups, each one of which yields many hundred dollars. Certain parties are inspecting it, with inten tions of purcliasiug at a big figure. J. W. Opp has a force employed in the Gold Standard mine, located a few miles west of Jacksonville; bat is auable to operate the mill on ac count of the scarcity of water. He lias made several satisfactory clean ups. The last one yielded about (1400, the result of crushing 25 tons of ore. Negotiations are pending for the transfer of tli property, and if consummated the property will be operated on a large scale. The Yellow Jacket Mining Co., began work, Frank Jordan the fore man, sending a crew of men ont to the mine Monday. The Yellow Jacket is well situated; on the west is the old Gold Hill mine that produced in the early CO's a fortune to its owners. The Mnybell and Nellie Wright on the east, the Hagan which in its early history produced a large amount of gold, are all 011 the samo ludge and show a wonderfully long chute of gold bearing rock. On the south are the rich ledges of the Braden-Gra-luiiu, Wing and Ross groupe. Dr. Hamilton of Los Angles lias become Interested in this property and we understand ho has plenty of means to develop the property and with foreman Jordan to manage the developing, it will be another big producer for this district. OREGON'S RICH INDUSTRIES. Over 125,000,000 will be added to the wealth of tho State of Oregon this year from five of her principal indus tries. The showing is by far tho bost on record. Lumber will probably lead the list this year, and conservative estimates place the cut of tho year for the en tire state at 1,000,000,000 feet, valued at approximately $10,000,000. Next on the list is a wheat crop,which'at the present pricesjwill net the growers over 18,000, 000. Tho largest wool clip ever sold in the state has practi cally all reached market, or at least has passed out f the hands of the growers at better average prices than have prevailed for a number of years. The clip was something over 20,000, 000 pounds, and at the prices generally paid has probably added fcl.OOO.OOO to the wealth of the stato. With hops the yield promises to be near the record, with practically a certainty of 80,000 bales, which, at present prices, will amount to about $2,500,000. The returns are not quite all in on the salmon pack, bat enough is known to warrant an estimate of over $2,500,000 as tho valno of the canned, frozen and pickled product. Fruit last year was a pretty close running mate with liojw and salmon, and this year, if complete returns were obtainable, might make a show ing fully as favorable as either of the other great staples which have made Oregon famous. BAD IDOLS. Eurojiean enterprise is furnishing Africa with its heathen idols! It is an actual fact that the hideous images which tho African savago worships are now being mado at factories in England, at Ninies in Frunce and at Griez in Germany. Tho firm that deals in these strange gods has its headquarters at Znugucbar, where it does a thriving business. The natives pay for the European made gods with ivory, palms, maize, nuts, gold and cattle. They pay at the exhorbitant rates, too, which the white man has always exacted from the unsophisti cated savage. The merchandise jwid for a single god varies in valuo all the way from $2.V) to $."i000. The tribes of the Scnegambian dis trict in Africa, particularly, believe that they propitiate their gods by hav ing their images made in rich metals. A chief will readily pay 600 barrels of palm oil, worth $125 a ton, for a fetish in the shape of a gold monster with a fiendish head or for a serjient with three heads affixed to a long pole of ivory. The livestock industry as a wealth- producer will probably stand very close to the head of the list, and were accurate figures obtainable would astonish people unfamiliar with the magnitude of the industry. Pigs and goats will also help in piling op these millions of money for the agriculturalists to distribute, and the value of dairy products this year cannot be expressed without the use of seven figures. Oats, barley, rye, flax, corn and other similar products, while not approaching wheat in prominence, are in the aggregate suffi ciently important to help out in local ities where other collateral is not so plentifuL Considering the popula tion, it is doubtful if there is another state in the Union that can make such a remarkable financial showing. Ex. $100 REWAKD, $100. The readers of this lper will be pleaesd to learn tliat there is one dreaded di S44uw that science has been able to core In all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the only cure now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional dim-ase, requires a consti tutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is internally, acting on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building np the constitution and assist iug nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for auy case that it fails to care. Send for a list of testi mouials Adresa. F. J. Chouey & Co. , Toledo, O. Sold by drugists, ?5o Hall's Family Pills are the best. TO CELEBRATE GREAT EVENT. The magnificent dam and ditch en terprise which has been inaugurated by Dr. O. R. Ray and his associates, says the Southern Oregonian, will be dedicated in grand stylo on Monday, Sept. 1st, which is also a publio holi dayLabor Day. Extensive preparations are being made for the event, and it will be- one that long will be remembered. Every body favorable to publio prosperity and progress and the upbuilding of Southern Oregon is invited to partici pate. The exorcisos will take place on the Kestersou & Walte ranch, one mile north of Tolo, and will include a basket picnic, addresses by promi nent speakers, including A. E. Reames, W. I. Vawter, W. M. Colvlg, R G. Smith, C. B. Watson. The Medford High School Baud will fur nish masio for the occasion. A grand ball at night will end the festivities. The 8. P. Co. will grant reduced rates. It is intended Bimply as a demon stration of good will toward this great enterprise by the people of Southern Oregon and the occasion of a social reunion. Tho company has no stock for sale ; no axe to gTlud CoL F. H. Ray of Now York, who is at the head, ' is expected to be present, accompanied by other promi nent citizens of the metrojiolis of the Uuited States. No intoxicating liquors nor games of chance will bo permitted on the premises. The managing committee consists of W. I. Vawter, Dr. J. M. Keene, Hou. E. V. Carter. The gen eral committee Is A. E. Reames and W. M. Colvlg of Jacksonville; A. S. Hammond and R. Q. Smith of Grants Pass; Dr. J. E. Shearer of Medford; M. Stewart of Talent; J. D. Olwell of Central Point; Goo. Brown of Eagle Point ; W. A. Carterud J. L, Hammursly of Gold Hill. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Dis trict Boundary Board of Josephine County, Ore., will, at tlioir next ses sion, to be hold at the Court house in Grants Pass, Ore., Sept. 0, 1U02. act upon a petition now 011 file to form a new school district from terri tory now included in school districts No. 11 and 15, Josephine County, Oro. The description of tho territory petitioned to be set off as a separate and new district is as follows: Commencing at the northeast cor ner of Sec Sfl, Township 83 south, Range 6 west ; thence running west 3!4 miles to tho center post bewocn sections 28 and 88; thence south to tho summit of the Grave Creek Mountain, said point being in section 21, near the section line, between sections 21 and 28, Township 24 sooth, Range (I west; thence east along said divide to the line between Ran go 5 and 11; thence north to place of beginning. Dated at Grants Pass, Ore., August 20, 1U02. Lincoln Savage, County Sup't. and Secretary of Board. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Dis trict Boundary Board of Josephine County, Ore., will, at their next ses sion, to bo held at the Court house in Grants Pass, Ore., Sept. fl, 11103, act nMn a petition now on file to form a new school district from territory tiow included in school district No. 4, Josephine County, Oro. The description of the territory petitioned to be set off as a sejnrate and new district is as follows: Commencing at the northwest cor ner of Suction 15, Township 40 8; Range 8 west, Jowphinn County, Ore., thence south to the boundary line between California and Oregon ; thence east along said boundary line to the east line of Range 8 west ; thence north along said lino to the north east corner of Section 24, Townshi 40 S, Range 8 west ; hence west along the north line of Sections 21 and 23 to where the same intersects the east fork of Illinois River; thence follow ing tho meandering of said river northerly to where the same intersects the north line of Sections II and 15; thence west along said lino to begin ning;allin Joseph Ino County, Ore. Dated August 20th, IU02. Lincoln Savuge, County Hupt and Secretary of Board. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. The Uuiverslty of Oregon will open its twenty seventh session at Eugene, Wednesdy, Hctiemboai7th. The out look for the year scorns at present, very promising. A nnints r of new men have been added to the faculty, all thoroughly fitted both by prejstra tion and experience, for their work. The University buildings are being retired and improved during the summer, the dormitory, gymnasium, and Leady Hall receiving eiecial at tention. Student intending to enter this fall are Invited to correspond witli the president, relative to their work. Cat alogues will cheerfully be sent on ap plication. Howl Hose!) Hose!! I at Cramer Bros. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Following is the list of letters re maining uncalled for in the Grants Pass post ollleo Saturday Aug. 2!) 1 1KB : Ladies ; Mrs. Susie Smith (2), Miss Jessie Trash, Mrs. Ida Threnshorv, Mrs. Daisy Cnughlin. Gentlemeu Edward Ackley, Frank Buokbeo, G. M. Sheldon, Mister Gohill, Mr. William I (aw ley, S. D. Johnson, Fred. A. Kiltou. A. F. Mackley, Mr. Chas. Pennv, R. P. Truesdale, Warren Wade, C. E. Harmon, P. M. BAPTIST SERVICES. On Thursday, 2Sth Inst. , at 7 :45 p. m. prayer meeting at tho residence of Mr. E. B. Brown, on Hth street. On Sunday, 81st inst., services will lie held at the Seventh Day Advontist meeting house. Bible School at 10 ;00 a. m. Preaching at 11 :00 a. m. by Bra R. M. Eberlo iu the absence of the pastor who preaches Sunday morning mid evening at Merlin. RolsTt Leslie, imstor. ELKS' CARNIVAL AT POUT LAN D. For the Elks' Carnival the Southern Pacillo Co. will sell tickets from all stations in Oregou to Portland, mid return, on August Hist, September 1st and' 6th to 11th inclusive, at greatly reduced rates. Account "Elks' Day" tickets will Iki sold on September llrd and 4th at one faro for round trip, with a maximum of Jit. 00. Special attractions have been pro vided, which will make this Carnival tho finest ever held on tho Coast. Grand Pnrtido every duy, in which the beautiful queen of the Carnival will appear before her admiring sub jects. Don't fail to visit tho Midway Plaisanee, the (ierinan Village and Jnhour's Oriental Extruvagnu.a. If you stay at home you will spend the rest of your life regretting it. FASTEST IN NAVY. Tho new first-class battlo-shlp Maine raced around tho Ciin on her trial course to prove her right to fly the United States ensign. Her contract calls for a siwed of 18 knots an hour for four continuous hours of steaming, and though on ouo six-mile leg she dropped to 17.30, on her fastest she reached 1H.0, and this was followed by other sjsieds equally agreeable. Thus at the end, her menu speed de veloped, without tho ideal allowances, Was given out as 1H.:. This is not ofllcial, as tho Navy board has "not completed its figuring und will not for some time, but this is the state ment made by one of the Cramps. There was a folding that she wns expected to go over this mark, but, as it is, she stands today as the fast-est.battle-ship in tho American Navy, for tho Illinois, which up to this time has held the record, did only 17.8 oil her fastest leg. When tho Maine was coining nvcntt 0110 time she is understood to have been pushed to 18. 1)5, but it is explain ed that this is the llrxt time a trial of this sort has been given under service conditions with unpicked coal und with an ordinary crew of stokers. hop pic ke h s want e d. Five hundred hop pickers wanted. Apply to or address John, Grants Pass Oregon. SOUTHERN OREGON NORMAL. Thu Southern Oregon Htate Normal School is making thorough prepar ations for the coming year's work, Thu buildings are being remodeled and rejuiired, und extensive iiililltioiih to the chemical and physical do inrtiuonts are being made. The faeul ty is comiMised of strong teachers consecrated to the work, ami each de partment is in the hands of a special ist. A year's course iu Ijitin and in Economics has Ix-cn added to further prcjsiro teachers for high school work. Thu training department will l es pecially strong. A man of splendid education and wide exjH-rienee will ho at tho head of this detriment. Much attention will 1st given to ora tory, und athletics will be made prominent. The eiti' lis of Ashland have guaranteed some $'itn) as for excellence in these lines. The City Library of 2HX) well selected volumes is thrown o n to students of tin- in stitution. Hoard anil lodging can Is hud at from $2. .VI ; r w k to $1.00. Climate healthy. Courwt of study practical and exhaustive. Fur cata logue of announcements write it. i Mulkey, president, or Clifford Thomas, secretary, Ashland, Oregmi. RUNAWAY NEAR MKRI.IN. One tiny hist week the burne driven by Mrs. John Havens, of .Merlin, li. came frightened and running away, succeeded in doing miu li dumagu be fore being checked. Mrs. Havens was thrown from the buggy and sustained severe injuries, the vehicle was badly wrecked and the hanics riddled. Mrs. Havens wus visiting Mrs. Coop er at thn Kelly ranch, the runaway occurring on a rteep grade near there. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTU'E. There are funds iu the Treasury to pay all warrants protested to Jan. lith, IHWl. Interest will ccumi from this date, Aug. l.'ilh, 1M02. J. T. Taylor, County Treasurer. Blue Print Paper by thu yard or roll St tho Courier ollice. Thomas To Make Room. We are about to make extensive alterations in the stor. Must have room to work. You can help us clear the floor. Besides, our New Goods are on the way; some already arriving. An immense stock larger, better than ever. No hold-overs here. Everything new and up-to-date. These prices will help you decide to clear off these floors; but you must do it NOW, don't wait: Sideboards Solid Quarter Oak, Solid Brass Hinges, Large Chiffoniers Large New Stock, $13.50. Suites Solid Quarter Oak, Heavy, Large French Plate Mirror, usually $45. " Fir Dressera - . Solid Quarter Oak Dressing Table, Round Top, 6 foot extension, $14. " Buby Go-Carts, Reclining Adjustable Rub ber Tires, usually Jtta.oo. This sale This will give you an idea of what we're doing, applies to Ranges and Hammocks also. HOP PICKER'S OUTFITS Complete Everything. Blankets 5 pounds, $2.90. Tents J3.45 up. Camp Stools 25c up. Cots. Mattresses, Cooking Uten- sels, Camp Stoves. Tin Coflee Pots, 5c. Tea Pots, 5c 1 Gallon Pans, 5c. Vegetable Cookers, 15c. 6-Qt. preserving Kettles, 20c. White Table Oil Cloth. These prices Spot Cash Only. Furniture xfsC' 1'lcture Mouldings l.ace Curtains ftf ' 'jjlAmt) O rani tew art Mirrors Cr JmJf r Woodsnwar. I lU.C.C.n. Column"! (Articles for this column ars con trihuted by the Women'! Christian Teuiiioiauce Unlou.) Tho regular meet Ink of tlm V. C. T. U. will Iki held at the home of Mrs. K A. Wiide, Auk- !iU, at i M p. in. MARK PERFECT THKOUUII HUFFEKINO. "lit loved, think it not atrntiK" pon eiTniiiK tho iwiry trial amoiiK yon, which I'omrth njion you to prove you. " Temptation is not sin. It shows us our weakness, and humbles us. Yield ing to thu siiKKestinn of evil is sin, as sin is an net of tho will. Tho did plitiH of temptation tends to develop what Is liest iii us. Them is irruat comfort in it, as it shows us tho meas ure of our Koodnoss. Doubt yourself if you am not tempted. Despiso your self If 'you yield. Thoso not tempted am dead to sensibility, or have a nou ai'euniiiKeniiw'ieni'i! which tells of sin niiiK pant redemption, "lie was tempt ed 011 all jHiiritH llko as wo are, yet without sin, " liecauso Ho st tilled thu MUKKcxiidii with which all sin begins. It is not necessary to sin. No ouo is tempted iiboni that they are able, and power is always given to eiinbln oh to obtain the victory If wo desiro it. As the Captain of our salvation was made jierfeet throii(,'li suffering, so must wo overcome w f mid scIUhIiiicss at any cost whutMH ver. The set truly says: In the Btilhiir the music lies unheard, Iu llil' rough inurble beauty hides un- Keen ; To make the niuiic and the beauty IICmIk The Mauler's touch, the sculptor's chihel keen. (rent Master, touch us with thy skill- ful hand ; a I not the iiulnie that is iu us die; Great Sculptor, hew and iKilisb us; not li t Midden anil lost thy form within us lio! Spare not the stroke! Do with us as thou wilt ! Ij-t them Iki not u 11 lia i islit il, broken, inai red ; Complcti, thy purjsise that wo may become Thy perfect lin ige, thou nurGod and Lord. Kev. Vi'llliam'ActolL PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OrHOON The school where thorough work Is done; where the reason Is ahvriyjt tivcn; where confidence is developed; where bookkeeping is taught exactly as books arc kept in business; where shorthand Is made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds of bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success in life; where thousands wore will be. Open all the year. Catalogs trey. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL THE HOUSE FURNISHER iturror, usuany f 35.00. This tale, $25.00. " 995- " l37-H. SIS- " if 8.95. This reduction God's Word abounds In warnings. A voice, from the In Unite lipa says to us : " Bowaro I beware I" Iu that Und where tho streets are gold and the gates aro pearl, and the walls are jas IMir and saphire, the finger of God luu writteu, "No drunkard shall enter hero." From tho prison ooll conies a warning voice saying, "Flee from'the accursed enemy of peace and liberty." From the gallows hear the last words of tho victim: "It was the in toxicating cup which turned my brain and nerved my arm for the bloody deed for which I am condem ned to dio. " From the povortv strickuu home, where suffering and hunger reign, there comes a pitiful voice, "Drink has done it all" From the drunkard's grave conies a voice sieaklug In solemn tones of hopeless eternity, and all because of the fatal first glass. Let tho united voice of Cliristian Ieoplo everywhere be raised in warn ings aginst this foe of humanity the liquor traftio. The Hock of Safety which rises above the snares, and evil, and anguish, and woe, and desolation of tho tempter is total abstinence. I'.oth Germany and Russia are mov lug toward the abolishment of liquor drinking iu their armies. The beet seuso and exjierience of military men is on that side of the question. Union Gospel News. GAM11LF.R8 ARRESTED. A moral wave struck Centralis Aug. 21, wlien George Kersttittor swore out a warrant for the arrest of all proprietors of saloons in the city, fonr iu uumlier, for permitting gambling to bo carried on iu their places of business. Sheriff Deggler had all gambling paraphernalia takon to the county seat. 1 ' " NOW IS THE A1TINTED TIME. The O. R. & N. Co. has just Issued a handsomely illustrated pamphlet en titled "Oregon, Washington A Idaho and their resources." People in the east aro anxious for information about thu Pacific, North-West. If yon will givo tho O. It. N. A Co. agent a list of names of eastern people who ar likely to bn interested, the booklet will be mailed free to inch persons. A. L. Craig, O. P. A., Port laud, Oregon.