Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 21, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL. XVII.
Judge J. O. B.Ktta
Commissioner. krMaS.
Clerk..., It. L. Bartlett
Deputy Clerk T. P. Judson
gheritl Geo. W- Lewis
Deputy Snerifl Ernest Lister
Treasurer J. T. Taylor
Bcnool Supt .... Lincoln Savage
Assessor (-has. Crow
purveyor H C. Perkins
Coroner .'W. V. Kremer
Jlavor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W ."Johnson
City Attorney C. E. May bee
Marshal Jo o:ktiardl
Street Supt. J P t
Councilinen Oeo. H. lunns
A. C. Hough, J. H. Williams, C.
E. Harmon J. A. Kehkonf, Will C.
Smith, Herbert Smith, Henry Bchaiidt
Grants Pass Lodge A. F. A A. M., No. 84.
regular communication first and third
; Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited. H. C. Hobizeh, W. M.
A.J. Puts, Sec'y.
Royal Arch Masons--Keames Chapter No.
1 fH meets second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hall. I.. L. J t well,
J. E. PxTtusox. Secy. H. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2ti
meets lint and third Wednesday
' evenings of eacb month in Masonic
ball. Mas. H, KoLLra.
Mas. Ahna M. Holhak, W. M.
I. ). O. F., Uolden Rule Lodge No. 78,
meets every Saturday night at I. O. O.
. F. ball. C. H. Marshall,
T. Y. Dak, Becy. N. O.
Paran Encampment I. O. O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
I. O. I'. F. ball, r'Mtu Schmidt,
' T. Y. Ukah, Sec'y. C. P.
Kabekahs Etna Rebekab, No. 49. meets
second and fourth Monday, I. O. O. F.
hall. Esau Haktha, N. 0.
Mas. J. II. Disisoif, Secy.
United Artisans Grants Pass Assembly
No. 4!i, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. I). W. ball. F. E. Wertz.
. Faan Msnscii, Master Artisan,
Woodmen of the World Rogue River
( amp No. 5ft, meets second and fourth
Wednesday at Woodman Hail.
Jam. Sloveb.
C. E. Maybis, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
, ltU, meets lirst and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
W. E. Da, Clerk.
Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass
. ( amp No. SOU, meets 2nd and 4th Wednes
' dav Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7:30.
( has. H. Marshall. V. C.
N. Remolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2H, meets eacb Wednesday except
the first, at A. O. U. W. hall.
J. P. Hal, C. R.
O. S. Bolt, F.S.
Josephine Lodge, No. 112. A. O. U. W.
meets in A. O. I'. W.hall, lliion build
ing every Monday evening.
- J. H. Miadi, M. W.
B A. Stakasd, Recorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, I), of H.. A. O.
U. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. U U. W. ball, Dixon
buildiua. Mas. A. McCarthy.
Mas. LvniA Dian, C. of H.
Knights of Pvtbias Thermopylae No. 50,
meets each Tuesday night 7:30 I. O.
O. F. hall. J. T. Cbausse,
Tom Willi ass, C. C,
K. of R and 8.
Grand Army of the Republic Gen. I.ogan
Post No. ;, meets hrst Wednesday at
A. U. U. W. ball. J. E. PiTiasoR.
Abe Axtili, Adjt. Com.
American'Order of Steam Engineers, Ore
gon Council No. 1, meets hrst and
third Saturdays, at A. O. U. W. bail.
Wm. H. Ksnnsy,
Bksj. F. My rick, Chiel' Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Order of Pendo While Rock Council No
ItM, meets In A. O. U. W. Hall first
and third Friday nights,
C. E, .Iaybx, Secretary.
Emma Belch aa, Counselor.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners of America Union No. 1I4K
meets second and fourth Thursdays of
eacb month at A.O. I'. W. Hall.
J. E. Wieuan, Pres.
D. A. FiTzoEaAi.1), Sec'y,
Practices in all State and Federal Court
Office over First National Bank.
Gkanto Pass,
(jBAMTk Pass,
Fnrnuare and Piano
Tilt popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
' Bath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Pil
venrear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart Bangles,
Clemens' Drug Star.
Pj.i: SI
Udies Can Wear Shoes
One site smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. It makes tight or new shoe
leeleasyj give instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery of. tbe age. Cures and pre
vents swollen feet, blisters, callous and
sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a cer
tain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet
At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c.
Trial package Free by mail. Address,
Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Fine Butter a Specialty
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to the conclusion that
keeps the best stock of Tooth
Brushes in the county.
Our stock is selected with
the utmost care with an eye
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Brushes from ioc tip. You buy
the ioc kind on your own re
sponsibility. From 25c up, we
will guarantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brush
will not come out. A good
brush will outlast half a dozen
poor ones.
'Stover Drug Co.
Opposite Depot.
A Popular Health Resort in the Siskiyous.
Health Restoring Waters.
Invigorating Mountain Air.
Colestin Mineral
Hates 2.00 per Day ;
Camping Privileges for Rent.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a General Hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or ouMtmiand certificates;
Our custumei are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound lan king principles.
Safely deport boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATKON, Pres.
It. A. BOOTH, Vice-I'res.
L. I.. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
Keceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Sells light drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections and general business ol our customer.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. HOOTH. Pres.
J. 0. CaMPHKLL, Vice Pres.
11. L. 01I.KEY, Cashier.
J. B. PADPOCK, Paona.
I am prepared tolornlsb anything in tbe line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years ol experience in
that I can fill your orders in the very best
Can furnish wdVk in Scotch, Swede
Front Street, Nest to Greene's Oanehop.
Prices s5 to s150
I23 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
Blue Ribbon
I State Fair
t SEPT. 15 to 20. 1902.
Yon are int ited to attend and
see the greatest industrial. expo-
sition and livestock show eve
X held on the Pacific Coast Good
j racing every afternoon. Camp
r ground free. Come and bring
J your families. For any inf orma
r tion, write
J &a&sis7l
M. D. Wisdom, Secy.
1 Portland, Or.
JAS. B0SS,,i'.ir'!
Watch Case
who yearn for a Gold Case
"s oeamy, dui are oe-
KaaJ 1... : ' Tl.- .
t'n.itru y s inCC. IOC
BOSS Case is puaranteed to
retain its all-gold appearance I
tor is years, is stronger than
an all-gold case, and costs
.LULU ira. v e can snow
vou all sizes, in all stv es.
Alfred Letcher.Jeweler
At Chicago Racket Store.
Front St. oppo. Watr Tank.
A. VanNoy, Propr.
I'erfection oil stoves, finest In the IuikI ,
at J. W'olko's.
Springs Hotel
$9 and $10 per Week.
C. TELFORD, Propr.
the Marble buaiiiees warrants my saying
or American Granite or any kind cl
Lmimai HEW PROCESS Reoorda
Chicago and Columbus Stockholders of the Company
Inspect the Mine, Mill, Dam and Other
Property of the Company.
Visitors are Well Pleased With
Progress Made A Gigan
tic Undertaking.
The excursion party composed of
eastern stockholders of the Golden
Drift Mining Company arrived in
Grants Pass the first of the week on a
tonr of inspection. The members of
the party, while men and women of
means and business ability, are un
familiar with gold mining and this
visit affords them an ojijiortnuity of
witnessing the practical side of min
ing to some extent
The party have been touring the
west, and on account of the extremely
warm weather last week a large, num
ber of tlio original party remained at
the California seaside resorts in
preference to the trip hero, but thoso
who uihiIb the trip have spent their
timo looking over the projicrty and
viewing thu scenery in the iiimiediute
vicinity of this place.
A partial list of tho visitors is giv
en below :
C. G. Anient, president of the com
pany, Fowler, Colo.
M. and M's. Alls-rt Francis and
Frank Francis of Columbus, Ohio
Mrs. Alice Peters and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Peters of Columbus.
Mrs. M. Ilelkuap, Columbus.
H. L. Hotchkin, M. D. and wife,
and Meritt Hotchkin, Chicago.
C. C. Bernard, M. D. , Chicago.
Mrs. Anna Fitzsimons, Chicago.
Mrs. May Meiiuis, Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Francis, Chicago.
Mrs. J.W. Thomas, Chicago.
Mrs. S. L. Starkweather, Chicago.
F. M. Davis, Chicago.
P. A. Halmgruin, Chicago,
These ladies and gentlemen are tak
ing a lively interest in everything
connected with mining and the varied
interests of this section mid they take
a hand in tunning out gravel for gold,
handling thu pick and shovel and
working the big derrick at the dam.
A visit to the gasoline saw mill on the
mountain back of the mine was a sur
prise to many of the visitors who were
not familiar with western saw mill
ing. It was a coutiunul surprise to
them to see the big logs three and four
feet in diameter "snaked" to the log
Hchnte by machinery and then make a
lightning-like trip to the mill leaving
h trail of smoke behind. The descent
is so steep that sand has to lie
sprinkled along the schnto at same
places to retard the progress of the
ng nnd at the boltom a "bumper" is
countructed to receive the shock of tlie
descending lug. Machines and lubor
saviug devices are employed wherever
(OMihle; no expense is srel to make
the equipment comilete In ever jr
tienhtr. The dam is the princiiail attrction
and every visitor is astonished at the
immensity of the undertaking and the
mechanical skill displayed in its con
struction. Rogue river at the point
where thu dam is constructed is 210
feet wide with an average depth of
e"t feet The entire length of the
dam will be fl'X) feet, extending a
great distance into the bank on either
aide of the river. The dam at the
bottom is 100 f.--t wide aud a 50-foot
apron will lie laid np stream giving a
150 ft. surface on the bottom, which
will be strengthened by two rows of
piling which aro tipped with steel
to permit of them being driven into
the cement bed of t ho river. Another
aprou on the down stream side is
constructed of heavy timbers to break
the force of the water and to prevent
the possibility of undermining the
structure. The timbers used are 12x13
The height of the dam is SO feet.
A fish way after the pattern approved
by the U. 8. authorities will be con
structed, so as not to impede the
passage of fish up the river to their
spawning grounds. Every precaution
that is known to modern dam building
has been taken and many that, to
ono unfamiliar to tho power of run
ning water, would seem unnecessary.
The constructors prefer to tko too
many precautions thun to have the
dam washed out for the lack of any
one safeguard. It certainly seems
that the dam will bo capable of hold
ing a mneh greater body of water
than Kogno river ever has had and
will lust for centuries. It is exiected
that the structural work will be
completed in ahont ono month be
fore tho season for high water arrives.
The race will lie IK) feet wide and
25 feet deep and the hays will admit
10 wuter wheels giving 8000 horse
Wo give two illustrations of the
dam as it now nppcarx.
Pump manufacturers are now em
ployed in making plans for the equip
ment and three firms are bidding on
thu work. There will he. one pump
lifting a 21 inch stream and deliver
ing 22000 gallons of water s r minute.
This pump weighs 4!,000 pounds
and is to supply uu irrigating ditch
which will bu in readiness to supply
wuter for the next years crop. Four
other heavy duty pumps will be in
stalled at first, callable, of lifting 0000
gallons each against an K00 foot head.
Two of them will weigh !).'!, (KK) lbs.
each, and the other two 40,000 lbs.
each. They will lie made in the Is'st
manner known to modem skill.
An exceedingly pleasant feature of
the visit to this place was a reception
givtn by the stockholder, to the olllcers
of the coinimuy at tbe Western Hotel,
Tuesday evening at which the resident
members; C. W. Anient and wife,
M. C. Anient and wife and A. II.
Anient wero present.
Tho most interesting feature, of the
evening was thu presentation to Mr.
C. W. Anient of a very handsome gold
headed cane 011 which was engraved,
"C. W. Anie nt, presented by O. D.
M. Co. Aogust IW8." This was
presented in a pleasing manner and
with the following appropriate s.-ech
by Mrs. Alice E. Peters:
"Every person in this company has
made it the aim of his life to reach
the highest and best in character build
ing, and the effort has reacted for the
good opon all around them ,but then
is one in our ('Anient') aim meant s
golden shower of blessing opou those
who have intrusted their little all to
his keeping.
"From the time the uincN'en hund
red and two's left heir home, until the
pr.'sent hour, they have tested the
scintillations from his generooi na
ture; h has lavished kindness aud
unselfish attentions upon ns, nntil
everywhere they are in evidence in a
mirvelous way, reminding ns ol the
fairy stories of our childhood ; when
ever his magical 'wand moves, there
the comforts needed are at hand, and
we can say in truth that his peer
among men has never crossed our path.
"We are very grateful for the hospi
tality that we have been the recipients
of from this American manager of the
best mine on earth, a mine that has
for ages been towered in proud majesty
with its pine tipped turrets toward the
sky, the foundations made of granite
defying the elements of centuries,
rushing waters, roguishly taunting
rocks and trees, then pushing them
dowu its mad torrents. Nature, in
wild beauty, that God pronounced
good in the lung ago, is being brought
under tho power of man who was
givju dominion. Tho timu has come
when a Soloumu'hns put his head be
hind these acres, a Sampson twined
his arms about tho hills, a Hercules
damned tho mighty witters, and bit
hold the result I a tnblcspoouful of
gray mutter in tho bruin of a modern
Newton bus accomplished the fent
that a few months ago was pronounced
an impossibility ; difficulties have
been surmounted, machinery put in
motion, and soon the earth will melt
before tho action of 18 powerful
giants that And their supply day and
night in the captured river.
"Now that success is ut hand, the
best that God nuule, called w hoa-muu
(woman) and ho lays his treasures at
hhr feet, and all the share-holders in
Golden Drift Mining Company shout
'Amen-t!' 'Anien-t!'
"Whenever wo look into tho face of
onr host wo nro reminded of our be
loved president, so recently laid low
by the assusin's hand.
"Surely, furies have been minister
ing unto him, for even thu sand under
his feet turns to gold, ami he is will
ing to share it with us, too.
"For feur that in future success,
you may become to puffed up to retain
your equilibrium, andus a testimonial
of our resiHH't and friendship, I am
delegated in behalf of our crowd to
present yon, our lender, this canoj it
is our prayer that through all timu it
mny bul and blossom for you as did
Aaron's rod of old, nnd he a talisman
that will H'rH'tuuto you in eternal
youth, so that you may find unmiti
gated joy in the fortune that has come
to you, which, wo know will he a ben
ediction wherever your tnlluciicu
reaches. "
This was a great surprise to Mr.
Anient mid was very gratifying to
know that tho stockholders of the
company hold him in so high esteem.
Thu excursionists wero takeu lo the
melon fields and orchards Wednesday
by thu townspeople and feasted on
Josephine watermelons and pi nches.
801110 members of tho jiarty leave
today for homo whilo others will re
mulu a few days. "
The Southern Oregon State Normal
School is making thorough prejiar
atious for thu coming year's work,
Thu buildings are being remodeled
and rcuircd, and extensive addition
to thu chemical and physical de
triments uro being made. Tho facul
ty Is conisise(( of strong, teachers
consecrated to thu work, mid each de
partment is in tho hands of u special
ist. A year's course in Ijitin and in
Economics has liccn added to further
ireatru teachers for high school work.
The training dertment will lsi es
'clally strong. A man of splendid
education ami wide exis'rieneu will
Im at the head of this dciurtmciit.
Much uttention will 1st given to ora
tory, and athletics will he muilc
prominent. Tho clti,ens of Ashland
have guaranteed some f JHO ss prizes
for excellence in these lines. Thu City
Library of 2000 well selected volumes
is thrown o u to students of thu in
stitution. Board and lodging can Is
had at from fl .'i0 jmt week to $1.00,
Climate healthy. Course of study
practical and exhaustive. For lata
Inguu of annoniiceineiits write II. F.
Mulkey, president, or Clifford
Thomas, secretary, Ashland, Oregon.
There are to be several weddings in
"high life" In Portland during tin
September Carnival of thu Portland
Elks. These weddings are of more than
jnissing interest to thu public, lints.
much us the ceremony of tying tin
connubial knot will bu performed in a
bullion in mid air, a thousand feel
ubovo thu ground, in plain view of
thousands. This is one of the novel
ties that will 1st seen during the early
days of the Elk's Carnival which will
os u with a grand prize parade on
ScptcmlHr 1. Several application
have already liccn received by the
management from willing candidates
for thu matrimonial statu. For their
willingness to exis riencu this rather
unique, if not sensational ceremony in
a baloon.the maiiugiiment is prepared ti
S it the happy couple up with about
V"0 worth of housekeeping equip
ment, Including from a piano to a suck
of flour. It is known there will lie a
trio of weddings and if dubious swains
elsewhere outside of Portland are anx
ious to receive a handsome dower,
sufficient to enable them to set up and
keep house for six months without ex
pense to themselves all they have to
do is to address a letter to thu Port
land Elk's Carnival to make final ar
rangements in advance. Wedding iluv
will be a great time in the Carnival.
Klve hundred hop pickers wanted.
Apply to or address John Kunxan,
Grants Pass Oregon.
All the cartridge you want and
any caliber used in this country at
Cramer liros.
the piece or by the set its you need it, pretty
enough to please all who want the very best and tough enough to
staud daily handling. We have plain white also; Large plates
50c set, Handled tea Cups and Saucers ,50c set.
Water sets $1.00 up
Art Wonder Glassware, your choice for 25c
For kitchen, laundry, bath room,
you can't have anything as good for
ing as linoleum. It's strong and
colors, and will not scale or crack.
is oil cloth. It won't hold its color
last as long, but the price equalizes
Price depends on the width. 40 to85
More New Rockers have arrived.
Furniture ? Picture Mouldings
Lacs Curtains V JtiL0 Uranlteware
Mattresses M iOi' 1 f Tinware
Cots I tl$f l"ffi Glassware
Linoleums t-3 0 ' f1tL ' Lamps
Mattings & jjT flvVv Cutlery
Mirrors "J" Wuodenware
XO C. g. H. Column
(Artiuhs lor this column are con
tributed by the Women's Christian
Tempeiance Union.)
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. V. will meet at the homo of Mrs.
K. A. Wade, August 20 at 3 :H0 p. m.
A young man who a fuw days ago
was called on in an emergency by the
factory employing him to do about
three ordinary days' work in a single
day tells us that in this severe test of
endurance ho was ahlu to seo plainly
which wero tho drinking men in thu
factory. A number of hcliiers who
were steady drinkers but not drunk
ards, were unstrung and had to drop
out long before the end, whilo the
temjicrutu men stuck to their posts. It
is certainly not too much to say that,
other things being equal, tho drink
huhit is a decided handicap to a man
in any kind of business, from that of
the common luhorur to that of tho
highest trust. Competition tends to
weed out drinking men, and it is next
to imxissiblu for a drinking man to
attain to any really high position of
any kind. This is tho practical side
of thu drink question disregarding
for tho moment any moral considera
tions. Tho Pathfinder.
"That sticky fly imir there," ru
marked I'acle 'I.ijah,' as ho palled
his Chicago paT out of his Jiocket
anil sat down in his accustomed place
in thu grocery store, "is a good 'eel
like what tint preacher calls ' vice, '
and I wonder why hu ain't never
lining it In his sermon.
"Now you take that fly just lit on
thu niilge, nu' watch him awhile.
Lie's ns frisky us a colt. Kuns his
sucklu'-inochinu down on everything
in sight, hut yit he's ready to stop
work any minute to piny a game of
tug with any other fly.
"Shoo him off, nu' ho ain't a bit
scared of your hand, big as it is, but
lights on thu top of it, an' goes to
work suck In1 ut thu 1 sires uu' scut
teriu' mycrols'S nil over -it.
"Shoo him otf ag'in, an' hack hu
g'H'H to thu fly puMT. Hu sees it's nil
covered over with dead victims. He
sees they's a ho' lot more that ad give
their leu uu' their wings ef they rud
git away. Hu hears 'em huzzlu', an'
ses 'em pulliu', nu' yank in', an' try
in' to git out ; hut he, hu don't cure.
"Hu thinks hu can wulk nil over
that fly jki r ef ho wants to, thinks
hu kin waile right through it.
"Says hu: 'Why, I ain't like them
fellers; they don't know when to
stop, hut I can takn it np an' leave it
off w henever I want to. I'm a golu'
to light on there anyhow ; and, when
I feel that it's n gettiu' too strong a
hold on me, I'll simply let go and get
away in time. '
"So there you see him light. Fur
a miiiit it seem all right. Says he :
'There's nutliin' wrong with this. It
ain't hot, uu' it ain't cold, nu' it ain't
no spider's web. '
"Then hu g's'S 10 'move, an' finds
his leg sticks. Hu gs'S to pull hack,
111' his frontfect won't budge.
"Ho gets a little scared, an' tries
to fly. He can't git off.
"Then hu makes thu biggest an' the
wildest effort hu ever mado in his
life. Hu works his wings so yon cau
hear him all over thu store. He wig
gles his legs till he's red in the face.
I in gits up a little ways, bat his
nuckin' old feet still hold on.
"The thought comes over him that
he'll never fly ag'in. He says, 'I
will, if I have to lift this whole ten
acre sheet of tanglefoot!' An' he
makes one last buzz that sounds away
up in U sharp. "Hut nothlu' moves.
The paper Is jist as flat as ever. The
fly next him that's a layin' on its side
house furnisher
A Question For
Don't wait until company comes before you
prepare for their entertainment; better have some
good dinnerwire in your house and enjoy it
yourself. We have four open stock patterns by
or back hall,
floor cover
durable, fast
as well, nor
the matter.
an' can't movo anything bnt its wink
ers closes ono eye as much as to say,
Yon might as well give op trylu to
reform and settlu dowu with mo,'
The rest of 'cm don't pay any atten
tion to his struggles.
'So pretty soon he gives np hojie,
settles buck, gets his wings daubed
till they won't baza any more; an'
pretty soon all he can do is to make a
fuw weak motions with his legs.
'Then he sees another young fly
hovurlu' ovur tho trap. Do yon think
he gives him warning aud tells hi 111
to keep away? No, slree, ho don't.
No more than a victim of drink, or
gambling, or European Sundays . or
any low-down vice will warn off his
fellow man.
"What's that? Flies can't com-
municato with other files? Well, then
that shows that some humans that
cull themselves 'good fellows' are
really, when you git down to it,
smaller-hearted than the flies!" Jud
son Komptou in C. E. World.
"Uucln Tom's Cabin," tho only
play that is identified with American
history, which is ono of the most beau
tiful plays in tho English language,
which always Interests all classes of
people, will lie a welcome visitor in
Grunts Pass Friday, August 2'.', for
one night only. It has endured forty
years and every yeur bnt serves to add
popularity to Its wreath of popularity.
It breathes of loyalty and liberty; it
will includu In thu youthful mind
honesty, morality aud Christianity.
It boldly stands fur all that is good
and nphohls to scorn and contempt all
that la bud, and for these reasons it
appeals to all Christian people aa the
ideal of a great morul play. Warren
& Day's great mammoth New York
"Unclu Tom's Cahiu" conijiany is tho
biggest, brightest and best of all tho
"Uncle Tom's" cnmiiunics on the road. .
Fivo great acts; twenty-eight realistic
scenes, culminating in twvlvo Impres
sive tableaux and a superb, awe-lu-splrlug
transformation scene.
A grand and gorgeous street (uradu
will bo given at noon on Friday. Tho
IHirformunce takes place in a largo
tent which will hj erected on the
railroad grpuuds.
Thu question has been raised in con
nection with tho Tracy reward, of tho
legality of un olfcr more than $1000
for tho rupture of a criminal, and tho
mutter has liecu referred to the Attor-ney-Oeneral
by Governor Mcliride.
The section of thu stutntes thut throws
a shadow of doubt on thu legality of
thu governor's otter of ."tOO provides
that thu governor "may offer ruwurds
not exceeding (l(SX) In each case, pay
able out of thu statu treasury, for tho
apprehension of any person convicted
of felony, or of any person who has
committed or is charged with the
commission of a felony." Oregon iull.
Let a delicate child take a
little Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oil after breakfast or
dinner not too much too
much will upset the stomach,
better too little than too much.
The effect will be slow; it
ought to be slow. In a week,
you will see it began the first
day. Don't be in a hurry.
W'UindrUtUtlotTtfrIU '
Sto rr ft SOWN a, Fonumt, NnrYurk.