Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 07, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in fdvaDce,
ttix Months,
Three Months,
Mingle Copies, -
Notice is hereby niven that on July 1.
liari, the subscription rate of the lursiss
will be raised to l..r per year. Anywho
pays their sulncriptiun now get the tn
lit of the cheaper rate.
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
hy mail.
A. E. VOORHIE3, Puopr. & Mnur
Kntered at the pout offlce at Orsnts !-.
Oregon, a sscond-clssa mail matter.
Scullifin California tint bci n recent
ly severely shocked by earthquakes.
Earthquakes aiil volcanic distor
luinies arc remarkably frequent tliin
year and at leant one of tliB moHt dis
turbing eruptions of hintory lias lwu
recorded Volc.nnio notion is it sub
Jert little understood by wdciitistKiiiid
one on which theory and mere sup
position aro fur more plentiful than
nctunl know ledge.
According to the Crop Ki'ixirter, pub
lished ly aollioity of the. Secretary of
Agriculture, the total acreaK of sugar
beets this year is 2(10,000, divided
among 11 states. Michigan leads,
with tw,000 acres; California is second
with 71, Ml i Colorado third with 89,
4111, these threo states liavinK fonr
fifthsof the total area devoted to sugar
beet raising, which is iiisiKniflcant
when compared with that devoted to
any other common crop.
A long list of decorations bestowed
upon Americans whom Prince Henry
met, by EmKirer William, Is published
They are the "red eagle of the third
class, " tint "red cnglii of tho fourth
class," the "crown order of the fourth
class," and so on. Home of them may
Ihi returned with the Information that
the doneers uecept no third or fourth
class liaublcs, and that the buld-hcadcd
grey American eagle is a first-class
bird. Telegram.
Already "Tracy and Merrill shows"
are on the load and the only reason a
book has not been printed ou this
themo is because the story will not be
complete until Tracy is killed or es-
capes. Portraying such character as
heroes is a famitiar form of offending
against morality and one. which Is
thoroughly fruitful in had effects.
Tho harm dono by the licroizttr of the
James boys, for instance, is Infinitely
greater than that dono by the men
themselves. There is nothing more
demoralizing than lawks or plays
which hold criminals up as heroes,
and decency demands their extinct inn
wherever possible.
Henry Walterson, the great South
erner and Kent uc k v editor, in an In
terview at Ashland, said: "If 1
were a young mail I would come to
Oregon to live. I cannot see how
any yonng man with any sense at all
call fail to become rich In live years
. In this country. 1 predict that with
in ten years there w ill lie 80,000,(MX
people west of the Kocky Mountains.
The Isthmiiiii canal will revolutionize
this country. The Paei lie Ocean will
soon Is-cninc, what the Atlantic is
now ami the Atlantiu will lie relegat
ed to the rear. "
i Tlie extensive and undcvoloicd
marble mines of Williams valley, '.'
miles south of Grants Pass, which
have been known and paused by for
nearly '!.' years, have ngain been taken
up and this time by an enterprising
coniahy of men w ho claim will (level
op and work the great quarry as it
should lm worked, ill extent and qnnii
tity there is nothing ou the ('oust that
w ill c in i are w ith this quarry of Wil
liams Valley. At one place in the
iiiarry the marble forms a wall of Sl
feet in height. When the new railroad
is completed from here to Crescent
City, truuHirtution facilities will Ik'
offered the marble mini's, and the stone
can be taken out in quant ity. At the
present time. Port land and the entire
state is supplied with marble and quar
ry stone from San Francisco and east
em (mints, when as a mutter of fact
we have Is tter quarries right here at
home than can be found anywhere.
All they need is opining up.
Aug i, Thursday Hcatty Pros. Kinet
om'0r Kings, at the Opera house.
Aug. Ill-III, Wednesday Saturday-
State and County ki-IiooI csiimina
Sept. I, Monday Sweeney-Alvidos
White minstrels at the 0 rii house.
Sept. 110, Tuesday Georgia lluir
Co. rendering the l.vric (Juccn at
the Oi'ia house.
tu t. 1, Wvdiii mIuv (leorgia llarin r
Co. in Utile Duchess at the Ota-rn
Two WO -uere trai ls of land in John
son county, Kentucky, at T per acre
to exchange for improved or unim
proved projicrty in southern Oregon
i f Mime value. Aihln ss W. C. Dunlin,
tiiants Pass, Ore.
A Suicm man who liclicvrs iii Un
saying: "we a pm pick it up, all the
day you'll have gixnl luck," saw a
pin in front of the post cilice last
week. Pending down to get it his
hat tumbled off and rolled into the
gutter, his eye glass fell oil und broke
on the pavement, bis susiciiilcrs gave
way behind, he burst a button hole
in the tiack of his shirt collar, and all
but lost his new front teeth, but he
got the pin.
A Minister's Mistake.
A city minister a recently hail led s
notice to be read Iioiu bit pulpit. Ac
compauylng it was a clipping (mm
nestpsper bearicg iiwn the matter
Th clergyman ti tried to read tlie ex
tract and tournl that U began: "lake
Kemp's Balsam, the beat Couh Cure."
Tuwt hardly hst he hd e.n.-i.l
awl, atut a moment's h.ii.iin i-
turned How, nd lw4 on the olbei
" " Intend! l, tUedlnt.
l Tracy's Shoes..,
JJo you f,'0t .'Odd Mioi'H lor your money r
If not, then try tho Red Star Store. We strive
k to furnish a real good Shoe
I linn niiwvii l'V'',
Frank Ingram, tint prisoner who was
shot by D. Merrill at the time of the
outbreak at the penitentiary, left the
prison hospital Saturday. His leg was
amputated alxive tho knee anil he walks
on crutches. As lin is nimble tn make
a living at present by working, he is
milling off a splendid set of steel hearth
utensils made by hi in while confined
in tho js'iiitentinry. When his means
will permit, he will purchase an arti
ficial limb and engage in some useful
occuimtion. During his 10 years in
carceration, Ingrain learned the black
smith's trade, but the loss of his limb
will probably prevent him from con
tinuing in that work. Ingram grap
pled with Merrill while the latter was
in the act of llring at a prison guard
and the bullet passed through his knee.
His heroic act led to his pardon hy
the governor, and won him the sym
thy of the S'ole. He is receiving tern
Kirary aifl from Salem is iiple, w ho arc
charitably disposed.
At Bed Tline
1 take a pleasant herb drin't, the not.
morning 1 fee! bright and my cnmples
inn Is bettor. My doctor Bays it sets
gently on the stomach, liver anil kid
neys, and is a pleasant laiative. It is
made from herbs, and is prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at i!oc. ami
50c. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels each day. If you cannot get
it, send for a free sample. Address
Otator K. Woodward. I.e Hoy, N. Y
Hi lies at Crauier Pros.
Shirt Waists, Crash and Linen Skirts.
Fancy Parasols, Sun lionncts.
Children's Straw Hats,
Lawns, Dimities, llatistes,
If yon need tiny of the uliovc lines il will
pay you to look llicni oxer.
Shoes and I'urnishini; Coods
Section hands ou the' line of the
Southern Pacitic in Oregon have asked
the ciiiuuiiy for ail advance in wages
from the present $1 III a dav to $1. ;.'.
Tiny reason that they should he mid
as much as the uieii engaged ou con
struction work, us tln-y arc oflcn obli
ged to ls out Sundays and In work
'ousidcrahtc over time. In e:i.r of ac
ciilcnts or washouts, thev sav tbcv
have to 1n on hand, and so tle v do
not consider I lie present pay enough,
Willi the advanced cost of living Hie
oinpntiy is considering tin' applica
tions. N-ctioti hands tvoik 10 bouts a
lay and ls'ard themselves out of lin
pay received. Many or tln iu belong
to the Kailway Kmployics' I niou.
whose ottlcers arc doing what tin y can
to bring the question N-fore the an
thoril les.
The bridge cni'leutiTs too, are aU
ing for certain cone ssions from the
company. At pn sent tin y work nine
lours for a day and are paid f'.' .''.
The rules require tin in to bo at work
when the whistle blows, and tie y are
also to quit promptly on the whistle
The men say. they are often obliged to
ride for an hour or more in going to
and from work, and tiny want the
time credited to the regular day. They
are not asking for an advance m
What undoubtedly is the largest
known tree in the world has U-t-n rc
ivntly discovered far up in the Sierras
near Fresno, California. The mi nster
was measured six feet from the ground
audit took a line I.M f, t and S inches
long to encircle il. maki"g it ov, r .11
feet ill diameter. This tree is en the
government reserve and will escape
illw woodman's ax.
p - mfwr-ww-mr-mw "fr-T-w"
for the ju ice.
W. K. Dean, lropr. j
Sunday morning's southbound over
land, due here at 10:05, did not reach
(irants Pass till 12:1.1. The delay
was due to a wrecked freight train in
Cow Creek Canyon.
Two cars of piling, being a jiortion
of mi extra freight train west bound.
left the track while passing Keubcns
in Cow creek, shortly ufter midnight
Sunday morning. The track was bad
ly torn up and general confusion oc
After thi! ears had been put back on
the track and started on their way,
they again left the rails near Tunnel
!l. The last wreck occasioned the de
lay to the overland passenger. Aside
from the temisirary susis'tision of
Ira Hie no serious loss was sustained
hy the wreck.
" Injun" fighters were plentiful in
Medforil last Saturday. As per an
nouncement a meeting of the Indian
war veterans of Southern Oreogu was
held in the 0stu house, tire purKise
being to consider ways and means for
the prosecution of their claims. The
veterans were to have been addressed
hy Congressman Tongue, hut for some
reason he did not arrive; however,
Win. M. Cnlvig, of Jacksonville, and
others addressed the crowd, and good
feeling existed among those present.
As the Indian war veterans are. all
old, gray haired men, a pleasant
feature of the Hay's meeting was the
reunion of many who had not met be
fore ill several years. Enquirer.
Ilosc-llosc-lloso at ('miner Pros.
Summer Goods
lili X.xSlloPPKUS I'NliEK (ilU.-
The recent warm sjicll brought into
action a small army of grasshoppers
ou the east side of Hear creek on a
high and dry point that faces the sun
'all day Tbcv are of a brown color
ami about an inch long and are very
destructive ill their limited Held
which covers alsiut two miles, leav
ing the trees and brush as black as a
walnut tree alter a frost. They have
I completely devastated all the gardens
! and orchards in that district and the
ground is cleaned up as close as if a
lire bad swept it.
Thus far tin y had produced a loss
of about :nn in crops. They are at
IcinptuiK to (loss Hear creek and if
bev should succeed iii doing so in full
force considerable damage may Is-
done. I he damage so far has been
: small on account of the scarcity of
'material to work on in that district.
A Medford dramatic club is Is'iug
loig.mi d by Kobcrt liaiisome, a well
j known actor and stage director, of
! Sail Kiam isco. The club williqien
jthe in vv Wilson 0vr House with the
j southern comedy drama "In Old
I Kentucky." The production will be
I staged with svecial scenery, three rais?
I hois, s and a pickinuiuy Ivand. The
Ik si talent is tn ing secured, and the
play promises to be the social and
j theatrical event of the season.
Utitlalo Pill's wild west show is
hilled to appear at Hoscburg August
Mil and exhibitions in the dime novel
wild and ttooliinss of the west will
lie given by cowboys, Indians etc,
Head the mid of W. C. I'u rtlin re
garding . nl.
L. C. Basey was over from Kuim
Ki,.lmrt Twniau was up from
Grants Pass Saturday.
H. Pernoll was down from Apple
gate one day last week.
Lou Loush was the guest of Will
Rexford of Applegato last Sunday.
We are sorry to say that Mr. Mes
singer is very sick ; he is in care of
Dr. Kremer for a few days.
Clinton Cook will start (ut with
his baler Monday for Rogue river
where he will bale throughout the
"The reiuaiiisofMrsrMary Kehkopf
of Applegate were laid away in the
Hasey cemetery Many
friends mourn the loss of a loving
The hop crops on Applegato and
Williams aro better this season tlmii
for some time; the hops have not
much blight and aro abundant on a
silo. Tho missing plants were all
reset and as large as the old vines.
Anybody wanting to pick can call and
get u job as we all want pickers. If
you can't come write to B. W. Bald
win, Williams; L. Loush, Provolt;
or W. York, Davidson.
John Pernoll is in town playing
ball with the Jacksonville nine; they
were to play Grants Pass. The base
lull game between Williams and Pro
volt was a hard one; the tallies stood
1.1 in favor of Provolt. The Williunis
hoys did their best but did not make
much progress as thev were not in
practice, whilo the Provolt boys,
being in good practice did not play
well as the game would not have been
interesting, it wonld have been one
silled. The many friends of the Pro
volt uiiiu greeted them with many
cheers after the game. They will
play next Sunday at Williams creek.
L. C. Hvdn will start out with his
thresher Monday morning. He will
thresh the home crops first and then
will go down Applegato to thresh out
that section of the country and per
haps will go on to Rogue river he-
fore coming back. Pap and Mum
We are having nice, summer weath
er; so tho liilsiring man docs not suf
fer so much from the heat as in somi
countries. We read of great rain storms
in the east, also earthquakes in Cali
fornia. Hero it is all quiet, nothing
to rnflle our js'iice; everything is sail
lug along in good order. Our flour
ishing town is growing in iKipulatioii
and dimensions. The city council
held their regular meeting, and mayor
Virtue was instructed to use money
that is in the city to employ a city
marshal o iiatrol Maiden's Ijine, and
do all and any business that comes
under his jurisdiction. Henry Ilrock
iiiaii was apisiinted marshal. Henry
is qualified for the position. His in
structions from the mayor are to ar
rest any and all persons who are seen
at large in Maiden's Lane after 2
Kube Jones was seen on our streets
one day last week. He savs there is
great activity in the vicinity of Mt
Reuben. Some new discoveries have
been made. That camp is destined to
lie one of the livest mining camps in
southern Oregon. Kube is at present
interested in the Anaconda mine. Tin
mining news Is scarce this week al
most of the millers are very busy,
A large amount of hay is being ha
ed ou Grave creek. At one time hay
was shipis'd here from other sints,
but now the scales unturned; we ex
isirt hav, so our mouer is held at
The fruit crop is up to the average
XXe had a little sensation in our
tow il rt eentlv. It seems that a man
living in (irants Pass had rout meter
several debts at some hotel and otliei
debts; then when he was pressed hv
his creditors for their money, he skip
ped out for I.e land. He was followed
by the constable of Grants Pass and
one of his creditors, but being a good
talker, he worked on the good graces
of the constable and the other man
and they gave him money to tiny re
freshments here and iwrsuadcd him t
return to Grants Pass, they furnishing
the money for the return trip. Tin
men, Is'iug tender hearted, could not
do otherwise. Grunts Pass has alw ays
Is'eti noted for its charitable men.
Business is good at Kennyville. Tin
wivd landings faro about full, (so' tin
men and tenuis will soon lie idle Tin
wood train has Ih'CH ordered to Hose-
burg to take wood from that plac
The timber in this country is lieing
hsiked after pretty close; people an
taking timlsT claims up Grave creek,
a long way from the railroad, but it
is their intention to raft the tinibei
down to Inland. That will Is' tin
most feasible wav to get the wood
down to the railroad
The sitato crop is good in this v i
Some of our hunters arc cleaning u
their guns for a deer hunt, as cm h-lh
abound in big game, esiHciallv f il
Our hotel is doing a big business.
Mr. Anderson, the proprietor, is tin
ow ner of the hotel. He is very oblig
ing ami courteous to his guests, si
when one comes lo slay for awhile hi
will have a longing desire to conn
kick. Whether it is the water and
plenty to eat, or the pretty girls, w
cannot tell: we also have a few
widows, Kith grass and genuine.
lWtor Ray, of Gold Hill, whoowns
the Prandeu and other mines of that
district is preparing to put in a dam
across lite Rogue river near Gold Hill
similar to the one being put ill by the
Golden Drift Mining couiauy, near
Giants Pas. He has already had the
site for the dam surveyed and will
put men to work at cin e on its con
st met ion.
The purioo of the new dam w ill he
to supply power for the several
mines iu that vicinity, and to Irrigate
the farms and orchards of that section.
Kor enterprises of this nature the
Rogue and the country through which
it passes, offer unlimited oppor
tunities. It is reported that new llT
mill is to lie built at lreogn City, to
add to the already Urgw output from
licit extensive manufacturing jwlnt.
TION. H. C. Perkins of (irants Puss was in
Eugene last week to do some V. S.
surveying within the limits of the U.
S. Forest Reseivation along the line
of the Oregon Military Wagon Road
on the castim slope of the Cascndc
Mountains. The money to jsiy for
the surveying is furnished by the
Booth-Kelly Conipuny to bo appro-
priated by Congress and rc)iid on tbe
proper vouchers in accordance with
law passed many y.'ars ago. xm-
Booth-Kcllv Conipuny has pniehasi d
or leis an option to purchase 'he Mili
ary Roud grunt from the California
ComiJany that pnrchuscdl it from the
Petigra Coinmiiy many years ago.
By having the land surveyed, inside
of the government reservation, ana
deeding it to the Vuited States, scrip
will be issued ill lieu of it which can
be exchanged for any other govern
ment land which is now worth fci per
acre or more for timis'r, aim in some
places more for farming or grazing
purposes. Oregon State Journal.
Land Commission! r Heriiianii, Kor-
est Superintendent Ormsby and the
Geological survey have united ill rec
ommending to the secretary of the in
1,-rior the temisirarv withdrawal or
three tracts of hind in Crook, Giant
Hartley, Baker, Mulheiir, Umatilla,
Union and Wallowa counties, enilmdy
ing the isaks and heavily timbered
regions of the Strawberry, Blue and
Powder river mountains, the total
area being approximately (HKK) square
miles. The w ithdrawal, if made will
be the first step ill the direction of
creating a vast forest reserve in East
ern Oreuoii. where ill the opinion of
the Survey and Lund office there is a
crying need for protection of timber
and water supply, esja'cially us it is
contemplated to construct storage res
ervoirs ill these sections.
R. C. Kinney, secretary of the Al-
tneda Mining Cniuiiany, has just re
turned from a visit to the property
of the company w hich is situated ill
the Galiee Creek district, Southern
Oregon. This is one of the old time
placer districts of the state and thou
sands of dollars of the precious metal
have been washed out from the creek
beds and surrounding hillsides.
Mr. Kinney states that the Alineda
Conqiauy have had a force of men
steadily employed since the first of
December and now have two tunnels
ill some 1-1.1 and 170 feet respectively.
A 'i'uliar feature of the vein on
which this pnqs rly is located is the
magnitude of its extent. It i w idth
ou the claims held by the Alnieila
Coniimny is at present forty feet and
we have been given to understand,
that it extends for miles having been
followed by outcrnpings all along the
line. The ore carries gold, silver and
cops r giving an average assay of fit)
st ton. The Alnieila Company
have already several hundred tons of
tine oar on their (lump and are block
ing out an iiiiim-uce body iu their
tunnels which carries the same grade
as the above assay report. The ore
is Is'imtiful to the eye, glittering with
copls r siilphurots and galena. Years
ago the old placer miner uissed and
ressed this gigantic ledge of miner
alized rock, little thinking that pres
ent day methods would allow the er
ection of stamy mills and other appli
ance for the reduction of the valuable
metals which are now being taken
from the hills. John P. Wickhamis
manager for the Alineda coniiaiiy
and his connection with tie; cum pany
is an assurance of success.
The Paei lie Milling and Develop
ment Coui)iany, whose pros rties ad
join the Aliaeda recently let another
contract to Mr. E. S. Merrill for
several hundred feet of tunnel work
and the coiiiimny is making one of
the best showings iu the district.
Several large companies are now
actively engaged in placer minim:
and at present making their final
cleanup for the year and in the aggre
gate it is est iimtted that the pu'ietit
yield will amount to over ihxi,(khi for
the spring season.
In the l ast five years considerable
attention has l'iii jiaiil to (pout,
milling and at the present time sever
al proisTtios giving great promise are
being ilcvelo d.
ion REWARD. 10o.
The readers of this pajs r w ill be
pleaesd to learn that there is one
dreaded disease that science has ls'en
able to cure in all its stages and that
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only cure now know n to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh Is ing a const i -
tulional disease, requires a const i-
tiitioual tri almeiit. Fall's Cam i ll Cure
is internally, acting on the blood and
'liucous surfaces of the system, thereby
l. stroyiiig tin' foundation of the dis--ase,
and giving the patient strength
'y building up the constitution ami
is..isi ing nature in doing its work.
I'lie proprietors have so much faith in
its curative jsiwers, that they offer one
leu In d Dollars for any cis,. that it
i.ius to cure. Send f,,r a list of t
I si i
Adress. K. .1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, (I.
Sold by ilrugists,
Hall's Family Pills ale the best.
This wa:'!ii wo.ith, r makes the
If you want
done, call on .1
Mrs. l ot tic
any blacksmith
W. Mcfolluni.
Hall and children of i
San Francisco arc visiting with her
Hirents, Mr. and Mis. J,.,.
.Mr. and Mrs George Bryan, who
have Iwn living near Crescent City,
for the just two years, are now at Mrs
Bryant father's Mr. .1. Wrdin.
Mr. H. D. Jones ami little grand
daughter, visiteu friends near Wood
ville a few days last week
Mr. Sams and family of Jcioaio
prairie, visited in ,,ur community
J. Verdin sceuis to Iv one of tin
best marksmen in t. county. What
he gets a fair shot at generally falls,
lie was hunting one day last week and
killed a large brown bear in the w.xxl,
uear his ) lace. The N ar had be. n
getting n little too brave and came a
little too close to the house and
caught a pig U longing to Mi. Steven-
anib As it was too late to limit tliat
day, Mr. Verdin went the next morn
ing and after a short time, reiurueu
with Bruin's eenlp. Zanoni.
Conductor Joseph Frizell, of Ash
land, who has lieeu working ou me
McCloud River Railroad, bad charge
of a train, Thursday evening, that
met with a disastrous wrick in which
eighteen logging cars were totally de
stroyed and an Italian met witn a ter
rible death. It is estimated that tin-
loss to prois-rty will involve f 10,000.
According to the accounts ot tne
affair given lo the fceurchllgiil uj an
eye witness it apiicars that the train
had reached Cavanaugh Hill, which
is between McCloud and Ash ( reek.
It was ou the way to the mill lmud
from the wocds, and there fifteen log
ladeii cars were left standing on tin
main track while tho engine and crew
disiuusared on a spur into the timber
to seek more loaded cars. Through
some oversight the brakes on the ours
r, not securely set mid were left
dependent on the air to hold them.
The crew and engine had barely dis
appeared when another train in charge
of Conductor McDonald came along.
Not know ing the insecure stute of the
brakes on the standing cars, McDon
aid dropi'd three more loaded cars
down against them. This started the
entire bunch and away they went
down the grade. It was apparent in
but a minute that no human power
could stop the runaways. Speeding
on and attaining faster velocity, sped
the stiing until iu a few seconds they
were thundering around curves cu tin
hillside at an enormous rate.
The sole person to take part in the
hair-raisinir' iourncy was all Italian
and his end was sw ift and terrible.
He hud ls'cu .sitting on one of the 1."
cars with his blankets awaiting
ride into camp when came the fatnl
bump that started all. He had just
quit his job and was going out.
There was no chance for him to
iumii when he realized what was on
and he found himself siediiig liki
the wind. or. if he should jump, he
must have known it to mean a horribli
death. At any rate, he clung to the
train, and when the awful crash came
at the bottom of the grade und every cur
was reduced to it heap of splinters.
the brave son of Italy was crushed be
yond all recognition.
The accident was one of thu worst
to occur on the McCloud River Rail
road for some time, and w ill prove of
considerable ex-nse to the company
iu the loss of cars and damage to
roaiVbod. So complete was the de
struction of the entire 18 cars that,
according to Roadmastj-r Myrtle, not
even an axle or a wheel can be again
made use of. The wreckage simply
consists of a great heap of splintered
wood and badly twisted and broken
Patton's Paints t"i year guarantee)
at Cramer Bros.
Makes your voice husky, causes you to
ache all over, stops up your nose,
makes you snore, makes your nose itch
and burn , brings ou catarrhal head
aches and neuralgia. Smith Bros., S.
B. Catarrh Cure attacks this common,
dreadful disease, on new and correct
priui iiKils. It eradicates the disease
from the system and restores the mu
cous men braues to a healthy condition
and w ill cure catarrh no matter where
oeated. For sale by all druggists.
Book on Catarrh free. A dress
Smith Bros., Fresno, Oil.
Hammocks at Cramer Bros.
Win never a strolling i iller, patent
com doctor, spectacle wilder or any
one of many humbugs comes around,
people crowd up.unxioiis to buy goods
at two prices and the same mail will
jaw a home merchant on a ten cent
deal and get mad because he don't
make them a present worth a dollar.
Holds I'p Congrtiiman.
"At the end of the csmpuig'i," writes
Champ CUrk, Mimnuri's brilliant c n
grt'snuiin, "froia overwork, nervou!
tension, loss ul sleep and constant
speukini: 1 had utleily collapsed. Il
seemed thai a!1 Ihe nigaus in my body
were out of older, hut three bottles nf
Electric Kilters made nip all right. It's
the I est sli-aroim I medicine ever sold
over a druvtiiist's counter." Over
worked, ri n-down men and weak, sickly
women gun spViuli l health and vitality
from Electric Killer, l'rv ihein Only
loV l-iiaran'eed hv Dr. Kleiner.
. j There came to my place, one mile
j "est of town, July as, a black shout
! xveighing about oil pounds. Top of
I ri'''' iar , HI 11,1 ""d left ear split
twice. Owner
ing costs.
have same hy pav
N. Reynolds.
Edwin Moore, a former resident of
Crescent City, but now of Battle Creek,
Mich, is here on a visit to relatives
and old time friends. Mr. Misire
holds the positimi of Professor of
Penmanship in the Battle Creek
schools. His numerous friends were
glad to see him again, looking hale
and hcatry. Mi. Minirc has an incli
nation for the balmy weather of Cali
fornia, and w iii endeavor to secures
position in San Francisco after the
expiration of the present school year,
at which time his engagement with
tiie Battle Creek, schools will have
expired C. C. NEWS.
AH dtseasei of Kidneys.
Bi.vauer. urin.vrv ur(tacs.
Al' KtiDunuttsni, Back
Scne .Hsi-cDisah. Gravel
biopsy, Female Troubles.
Wvn't btrcrae dticourssed. Taers li s
cure for you. If .:r) , ,to pr. i,-,,,,.-
I ,- tills s, .1 u ,(. OlOllH i,i-i ucb
as-i-jMiits Ail.iiuuliu.,u free.
"F rTer I had biu-kache. severe pala
h um kwnrt. ,, J calduie ur ue. could
not ift-t uul of W u wnimm rudp. The use ot
lr. Kenrier s Knlnev und rU. kuclie l. urv re
ilored me. O. WAtiOS Eft. K nolville. r."
PTllffllT. SV., ft.
Ak for Conk Honk-Tret
XT.V T nAMPF Cure r!rrnlar T
w - i ww snuwstvoB
.Fvnner, F redout. N Y
There will be a camp meeting of
the Seveuth Day Adventists .held iu
Grants Pass from August th'J 14 to 24.
All are most cordially invited to come
and bear the glad tidings of great joy.
R. H. Norton,
Pioneer white lead at H per loO lbs.
Strictly pnre linseed oil SW cents per Now is the time to buy before.
the raise Krenier'a Drug Mores.
r.Kin ;e repair
Ko'.oie River briilg- HI I e
ti ru up
l:-,u: iune
for returns. July 'M. I'.iO.' and
si until completed. Tl eti
will bn ro
'crossing after 7 o'clock
iu the morning
until (i iu the evening.
(I. F. Lovki.ack.
Five hundred hop pickers wanted.
Apply to or address John Kaiizau,
Grants rtiss Oregon.
At tho Seventh Day Adventists
house of worship, oil Sunday 10 inst.
Bible school at 10 a. in. ; preaching at
11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. ut 11:41 p. in. iu
the Presbyterian church, where tne
Union services will also be held, ut
.1 p. m. Robert Leslie, pastor.
A good, sound draft lion' weighing
alHiut 1300 for sale. CaU ou u. n.
Penny, four miles oust of tow n.
Mother Gray'i Sweet Powderi
For Children. Mother (iray, for
a nurse in the Chihlien's Home in New
York, treated children successfully wiih
a remedy, now prepared and placed in
the ding stures, called Molher (iray'f
Sweet Powders for Children. They a' e
hatmless as milk, pleasant to Iske and
never full. A certain cure for eveiih
lien, constipation, headache, lee hing
mid stomach disorders und removes
worms. At all ilriigivs's. 25c Sample
sent r'tee.. Address .Vhn S. Olmsted,
L? Rov, N. Y.
Railroad Companies Will Not Per
mit Removal in Chair-Cars.
Pauvntser Mar Km Their Feat by
Wear-In Mlppora, Hut Anoka Are
fur UIivIodb Kt'naoiiH Strictly
ltuilwny passengers who remove
their shoes tu ease their feet in an u II
niirht journey are imt permittcil tn e
eupv. seatrf in the chair earn.
The porter who li ml m a man Kitting
in his stoekini feet fently onlera hiin
to put his shoes on or into tho
smoking i-tmipart ntent.
This rule is now in force on the
Omahn line of the Illinois Central, and
was ipiite recently enforced on an
Iowa st. i l.ntan. who was an extensive
nhipper of live stcek over the Central's
western lines, states Ihe Chicago Trib
une. The passen'M' demurred, ap
pealed to the conductor, and was
promptly ruled nnint hy that otli
cial. Other Chicago roads arenoleuH
particular in this respect, and still
others will probably adopt the rule.
It has lonir stnee been the custom of
many pase liters, who are obliged to
sit in a seat for tunny hours, to renwur
their footwear. Some are piinhcf
with t i-jht-fit tiny sIiovm. Others have
corns ami bunions, while the pedaj cx
treiiicties of still others are wont to
swell to about twice their natural sue
and thus make hours of misery for
their owners.
Sleeping car pnssenjrerH have no
trouble of thiti kind. The man, how
ever, who curia himself up in a coach
seat or stretches out in a reelini:
chair want to ense Ms feet before
he closes his eyes, even before the
conductor has taken his ticket.
Hero is where most nf the trouble
comes In. After a man has settled
himself for a reason of slumber there
is no telling what he will do with his
heels. The most natural act is to -le-ate
them and to allow ttiein to settle
on the head rest of the chair imme
diately in front. If that scat happens
to he occupied then then is trouble
The pasMtnyer who suddenly awakens
to ti i it 1 40 Rtjuare inches of a fat, wool
coTered foot scraping hi face is lia
ble to raise objections, even if he does
not do more.
The railway people have found out
that the class of people they carry in
chair cars and hth-backed coach seats
will not put up with this custom, and
they are moving to Ptop it. The edict
has gillie forth that there is no ob
jection to a passenger ehanyiniy his
footwear to something more comfort
able He may ride in slippers, il he, hut pnse infers iu sucks are
not permitted to .flVnd the sight or
nostrils of the other passengers.
It is claimed that now tun! then a
man U found who eiiodates the for
mer habit of Jerry Simpson, so that,
on (..!;ii,ir off his raw hides, there is
nothing left on his feet uot tfiven him
by Dame Nat nre.
It is claimed that this practice must
go with other objectionable features
of railwjtv traveling. Vassengers nre
not permitted to carry into tourist
cars an thing that offends sight or
smell I.imburger cheese and loud
smell i n g sausage nre barred. They
imwl be left behind, or a passenger is
refused entrance to the ear.
It reiwire a im:;rt man or woman t
smiiir.'le- a mt or dug into the cars of
the tti'.T trains mw:oIny. It is at
tempted every ilny. 1 iii v. -Mom escapes
detection. The animal is hustled into
the baggage car, and it is not an un
usual sight to see a woman make fre
quent trips the lergih of the train to
soothe and feed the pet that has ruth
lessly been taken from her.
JAS. Bossnvri
Watch Cass
meets the desires of those
ho yearn fur a Cold Case
for its beautv, but are de-
h-ArrnA 1... ;.- i-
Price V- ' , Jne.V
BUSb Case is guaranteed
retain its all-pold appearance !'
lor S year, is stronper than f
-.. .,-p;uiu sna costs
much lrsc l . .1
you all sues, in all stvles.
A'fr e
ed Letcher Jewel r
. w V . " 'W.
;S Iwir own select lrt c..rv
tjSnr. Only oihu a t.;a-
;S A crm ; buutlful colo,.a pl,,P, . . .
i.Thidt,,l,,,:b,1,,;;i';i :
tr,lcln-iliiy,or,ii4jc lor u,.,,' t
UU,S...U.1L fenJIo,",;;'" !
Styll.h, Reliable, Simple, Uo-to. !
dale hcMiiomical ,d AbiJ.tS S
S l'"fecl-t llllun 1-apcr Psuerufc '
I Illl
5 (No-Sem-Allowance Put.... ,
: Onlyra and c ,),.... ..."
;- ,'k lur ih.m Sold in nr,lv;j" !
S ami lown, o, by mail Irun ' ' !
4 THR MrCAl I rn '
I1B-148 Went 14th St.. K.V.rt I
Use Al tn'f Foot Ease
A i
powder to be ehuken imn ii, .1.
Your fiel feil swollen, nervous snd hot
gl tired eaeily. If you have inrt.
fret nr tiflit el.oes, try Allen's Knot,
e. Il cools the f.w n.l
.... , ,, ludKej
walking eusy. Cures swollen, sweating
inurowiiiK nans, i naiers atidcalloui
1. lielieves eoms and tnmion of
pain and (jives rest and inmlorl
it to-day. Sold hv all ,1
- " ' fir)'"'" aim
hoe Htoies for 2&c. TmmI nm.Wu.i;
f ' 1 rrr,
Addien, Allen H.Oltusted, Le Hoy, N.Y,
Rtvtalj s Great Secret.
It is often aslied how tich startling
(.nre. that puzzle the beH phisiriatu
areed't'cled by Dr. Kind's New Dibcuvery
for t'onnimpliun. Hire's tho wi'mi
It unto out the phlegm and irerni-iiifntrtl
in 11 10 ii , and lets the life-niving oirgrn
enrich and vitalize the blood. It heali
the intluini'iir cough worn thmat and
liiiigH. Hard voids and sinlilwrn cousin
non yield o Dr. King's New Dipenvery,
the ninpt infallible remedy lor all Throat
and I.nng disease. litMianteed hnttln
50c sinl $1. Trial ho'tles free at Dr.
Ki' tlio advuntiiKi'S of New-
Kirt, iih a Hummer resort over waside
resorts in tin) nortliwest, mill to make
it jiossiblo for ull who desire to do ao
to HH'ii(l tliuir viiciitioiis by the ocean
wiivi'8, tlio Southern Pacific Company,
in coiinection with tho eastern railroad
will ilaoo on sale, etlVctive June l.jtli,
round trip tickets from till points in
On tjoii on tho Southern Purine to
Ncwirt, xjooil for return until Octo
ber 10th, nt sjn'cinlly reduced rates.
For full information phase inquire
of your local uiri'iit.
Jlanv a hard working youii( woman
spends her ikhiii hour in ail endeavor to
il a little rest to carry her through tn
remaining hours of the day. Slie il
weak and weary, but she cannot giveiip
the occupnion which stipixirls her. She
must go back to the otiice and the type
writer, to the store and Us duties, with
tiresome customers to wait on and e
acting employers to please.
l'or iieople who are weak and run
down there is no medicine so vf luahleti
Ilr. Pierce's Golden Medical 1 iscoverv.
It cuics diseases of the stomach "nil
oilier organs of digestion and nutrition.
Manv diseases in organs remote from the
stomach have their origin ill a disease
condition of the stomach and its allied
organs. When the stomach is " ve'K.
there is a failure to properly digest and
assimilate the fixxl which is eaten.
Hence the whole bodv, and each orga
of it, suffers from lack of nutrition, s
that as a consequence of weak" Mora
ach, there may be " weak " lungs, " weak
heart, "weak" or torpid liver, "weak
nerves, etc. By curing diseases of the
stomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition, "Golden Medical Discov
ery" enables the assimilation of the
nutriment necessary for the requirements
of a healtliv bodv. It increases the ac
tivity of the blobd-inaUing glands, anil
so increases the supply of blood which
is the vital fluid of the 'bodv.
There is no alcohol in the " Discover;
and it is entirely free from opium, co
caine, and all other narcotics.
Sick and ailing people especially tho
suffering from disease in its chrome form
are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by lettet
free. All correspondence is held al
strictly private and sacredlv confidential
Address Dr. R. V. 1'ierce, "Buffalo. N. V
There is no similar offer of free med
ical advice which has behind it an in
stitnte of national note such as the In
valids' Hotel and Surgical In-titu",, N. Y., presided over by Dr.
1'ierce, its chief consulting physician,
w ith the assistance of nearly a score
skilled spertalisls.
"Tho Wondcrfvl Medicine."
-I miit resin send a frw lines lo '" l"
via ku h-.w 1 nm Rrlliuir MiKf,a '
til,' w.tmk-rlul inciicliie wlii.h ciitcI 1
ve:ir ami.-wrilea M:i llcrtha Kl-I. 01
Bcul. u ,-tr.--l. St I.onis. Mo. -I lit! conU"
in vt-iv lir,i!ili and thil.k llwrt l
bctti-r motn-iiie oil eurlh than Pr . 1 ,C"L ,
(:.: ti M,,ii.uit uiwovery. Wc i;,5
wilt;. -ul it iu tlic hoiikc, and also the ,lu
' IVIUts.' , M
-I have n-rommeii.tcd Dr. l'iercr" Iwi
M,-,ti.-r.t DiM-ovcrv to li icllds. and ihyK
Hunk il will do j,nt what i claim"! t-T
is the 1h,I thiiiir for iieivoiis.iie-v'. and !,
wriik. run down con.lilimi tint any '""JL.
w;inl. 1 r,n vrrv nt-rvoua and weak la-t
mtr. I t,.,a five lKtlI,-of Ur. Pierce
Midicnl Iiw..vcry and it Jiut made me l J
a nw pers.,ti. II Rivea a person new 11
ntw l.-.t. I can now work all dav Ions
out iVrlinie the least bit tired. la lad 1 !'
a m-w person.
" -Mv ni !irr w.11 also cured tv it of a erf .
Mate of stoma.-h Iroulile atwul three years
I you a thousand limes for what you w
done lor'iuc and tor your kind advice."
Wasted lo a Skeleton'
Ahnul ia -rears afro mr health failed ." 'tJ
Miwl Alethra'E. I'.reetl. of Coiprtown. Hsf""
Co. Miirv'.aad. "1 kept getting d.,wu lower a
lower, until I could scarcely walk ai1 '
tliir wiiliout stniKKliiiK and (tasninil for T
Mv home !hvit:nn pronoonce.1 it jjenerai
bilitv niul catarrh of the throat, biit a1100, 1
did all he could, he failed to even relieve ? (
ineu wnouj reliieltes, but an 01 hj
atn w-antetl aw.iy lo a mere skeleton
W IS persuaded lo write to Dr
K. V
Hull.:,-, N V .which I did immediately
Vonie ersrriT.t,.,,. ' I l...k fourteen t'OtlW
the .tr.ti.-al Uisonerv' and nine 01 j
'Favorite r'recni'tioir and lo-.tav I aia a 1 d., h. .irtity thauk Ood and I'r r
lor luy aooi healia." . ,
Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Meij
Adviser is sent pee on receipt of s1"
to pay expense of mailing otiy.
y one-cent alamps for the book inC,
bin iing, or 21 stamps for the V'VL
ere.1 volume. Address Dr. K. V-
A The g$ our
Buxlalo, N. V.