Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 24, 1902, Image 4

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When tht l.M Is gently fading; 4j
And U. l- - i. y iii la u tr,
I put ( ..-.. . ; noi k ut knitting.
And I i .. . :e u, 4 1, tiuoi.
Then 1 l.. .. i i nrr.ey
To thtf .. . - ... i.N.g ..X".
Bf nr.t . u-. , old facet
Of tl. . . u.mi) to MtU'W.
Vlih .!...-. r j rom to rret m;
In t, ;. . ,; I t toil bi:tl till,
As I r-:iti. .1.4 .tar o.u hrfmclead
Little i.u fin Hit hill!
Hand In bai.U e wrtik toother
l'p the rath that wn. fifth through
Hfdn of biuw.ini, bnitht and fragrant, with the c v. tninpj dw.
litre and thr 1 Utp lo llrtf-n
To tome mother hliri'i i-oft nP
From a nrt whrr llttlt- lirdllng
lltiVf I'Ot (,U'rt. d to (In p.
And the tail trnn nod their wlcotiM,
Af I ihk at rom the t-ill
f if that hntnv h-rp Utv -nfnMa m
Little rid huuc on th hill!
From th"t windows fm lrij en ward.
From ihofo wli'dowa fHring wat,
1 (vi n (h jiltui'.irit valli y,
H-ti lh moui.ljjln'i oody erst.
Ar.d at-rmt- ilu tleiOV It. MlU-ncc,
J'oliiflr-v hum nwf.rri the Fplre
Of the it'.C L'hun h w in re I uncd to
81rg foprano tu tht- choir.
Thf-rt l he hro ik wlndr through tht meadow
On Up Jourm-y to the mill.
0 what beauty lit! about th-t
LUtl red home on the hill!
Wh'n th darknFM- coftly (!MtM,
And th t-vtritlfiK liKiita ar lit,
1 return trum the nwcot vlult,
HtiHlly kk.'Iii I knit,
Whlh- th children with thftr prattle
(Jatht-r cl!- ahmit my chair.
Kr.oaif.K not that lovh.g tirHiidma,
Hat hfv litr awny euni.wh.rp.
AM tht- world for me Knw hrlghtcr,
Hiv-tltM p. .ice my h. Hrt doth (111,
When I'vr h-i r. to th old honn-ateaoV
11 It If fed hotiae on th hill!
8iiPn Teall Terry, In VMvhkq InUrlor.
ROUKItT HAI.l.Kf K linn returned."
said Isabel llrcniier from her cozy
neat before tliB tlru, where ahe mit,
lovely und iitli!, among iv irroiiu of bnay
Indies. It was Hie weekly meeting of
"Tlii- I-ndios' AM Society," mill iiiobI
nf the lutllm in 11m lit lie town of
Dune wnn- iwki'iiiIiIi"! In Mm. Ilren
drr'n Wiirm parlor that nftBrnoon.
Tlic y all lookeil up ltli siirprUwl vyru
Ht NuIk-I'm woril, for Holirrt Unlink
hail li-ft I n :if ten yi'ur lirfor and no
iiiip linil hi-aril of liliu line.
"And hnve yon m:a him?" B"kd one
of the ladien.
"No, not I." lauKheil !nalml. "Hut
father heard it down town Jtmt before
Iinlx'l llrenuer wan th lov Heat jrirl
In nil Dune, with rippling hair toiiehed
into if"'1' 'y "ery itunheaiii thul
chanced to fall upon it, while her wide
irrny even held nil korU of thrilling
liifhtH und Khatlowi, unci her eom
plexion wna freili and fair with the
paleHt of rotte Hutu upon either round
ed oheelc. To the people of Dune lie
win ynonyinoiiii il li all that wna fair
and hriirht, yet "lie a mmpoiled, mid
poH-)t,f,ed a ninnner whieli liiapirvd
neither envy nor hate.
"IVrhapa hi return'lian ninelliiiiif
to do w ith Janet Wllaou't nliaence thia
iifternoou," reiunrkeil Mra. llrenner.
".She lina not lieen ubxent for montliN
until to-day."
"What would it matter to poor old
Janet?" ipicationed laahel.
"They were eniairel to li married
at the time he went away. Kvery one
auppoaea lie jilted her."
"Oh, then he la aa old aa Janet!
Why, ahe la gray, hna been ever ainre
1 ean remember."
"lie ia not. an old, my dear. That
wua It. She miiat have been full 2.,
and he only a hoy of IU. No one pitied
Janet much, because ahe aboiihl not
have eiicoiiriiL-cd him. A woman of
her age hIioiiIiI lime known better."
Meant hue, the Hiihject of their eon
verantion Kat nlonu in her III tie parlor
looking with weary eyea Into the
grate, where the lire had long ainea
died out, leaving only eolorleaa axhaa.
8he wna a tall, aleuder uoiuan, with
a flue olive complexion which uloue
eeined to have retained the beauty of
youth, t.rcat maMtca of aliuoHt anowy
hair wore gathered into a knot at the
back of her well hliuped head, which
even in her dejection wax livid H.inie
what proudly, while the heaiy f ohla of
her looNe, dark gown aivept about her
feet and lay In n luMerlcsa heap upon
the floor.
Mra. llrenner had been right Jniiefa
lllmence from the Aid Society waadun
to Itoliert llalleck'N audden nppuar
nnce in Dune. She had Keen him get
otT the train at lli ataliou linbert
llallerk in the full tigor of manhood,
tall, dark. handHome, ullh eiea that
helil her heaven and earth once not
o very long ago and yet an eternity
to her.
She had felt the hhook of hia return
like a thunderbolt, duiug and be
wildering her for one brief moment,
and llicu hail come the rc.tli.'ntimt that
he had returned at lat he whom -.he
hail nought that kIic might in miuic
wav repay him the de-iolal mo he hail
brought her. Dune aaid -die had I n
to lilauio. thai hu had lured a boy
only a boy who had wearied of her
mature eliarma at hint.
A Krornfnl aniile dickered over her
face at the thought. At ?S ahe had
been beautiful in the rich, dark all If
of her aoulheru nueevtori hcauliful
with jet black hair, magnillcent en
and a figure of perfect , nl
grace. She knew, no one I cl1,r. Ihitt
the aleiider, dark ejed ln v. I she
bad bued it In.iit am ell' , it of hers
to lure hull; that he I ,il en,,, im,,
her life of his own free w ill, and gone,
likewise, bearing avuiv her wealth of
She remembered how ahe had
scorned herself for lo iug a hoi ; bow
sorely her pride
when she plight
had been wounded
d her truth to liiiu,
but she had lined Mm none the les
It.iU Snil.Wr.l .
Am nut lik. v N V
,j fi'ii;!i iiir.
l4 to i.ii1fi ,
ftidtui I
iily M'
H k.
Nu o' on. ,..r !oe ft lo ad
1 lux ouiu hji uua 1 hm -
suivw ou W)
And be? Well, he went away one day
and come no more. She hud waited
for hia return and grown old in wait
ing. ilia parent had been unfei'.-ric'ly
glad, for tJiey had ulw; ya ol t. ; I
her, not even relenting when i... ,.:.ol
light went from her nn und t'iie
now apread no thickly oier her mag
nificent hair.
.Now, he had returned a young mm.
ahe hud heroine an old woman in ap
pearance, iblt he nhoiild pay the price
of her youth and hope. ,'. o man should
rob her of both with rccMcsa ha in,
and leuve her to bear the pain and
humiliation uloue. rc:-'.;tp.. Dune had
wounded her above ull else when it
aaid ahe hud thrown I ersclf ut thia
boy to win liiiu; perhu it hud helped
to harden her into the stern, relentless
woman alio had beeomu. At any rale,
he hud returned, be mint pay the
it waa nlinoat durk when ahe arose
to pull down the curtains, light the
lamp and rekindle, the lire, yet even
in Hie aeiul-darkiiesa, the unwonted
hrilaancu of her ey en, und the tirni, act
curve of the lipa were perceptible, and
they boded no gootl to Hubert lltllleck.
Spring came ami went, then hum
mer burat in full glory upon Dune, and
atill Itoliert llnlleek lingered. A rumor
went over the town that Isabel Hreu
ner'a face wua the charm that chained
him there; later, their eugiigeiuent
inn announced.
Janet had aged perceptibly since hia
return, and ahe atuid away altogether
from the Aid Soeiety, not even going
out upon the at reel except in the dusk
of the evening, feuring, with Kome
thlng of n wild terror, that ahe might
meet him, yet hungering for u aigbt of
hia face with pasaionate longing. Itut
face to face with him she might weak
en, might turn from her purpose.
The golden Miuimcr weeka crept
alowly by for her, so alowly thut ahe
wondered how ahe could endure the
long "afterward," If it crept like the
time of Huitiug. Nights, when the
moon hung like n ailver how in tin
aky, when the wind sighed aoftli
through the trees, and kit else was
allent mid hushed, ahe walked the
length of her room anyiug again und
again to herself that he ahoiild pay
llie prleu.
The aenii-inadneaa that crept over
her weary brain while aha waited and
brooded over her wrung seemed to her
like the apirit of her ancestors hover
ing over her to arouse Irrr to action,
for the Wilsou'a hud never died w ith
a wrong unavenged, mid she was a Wil-
aon, with all their pasniiinnte blood
coiiraing through her leina.
The waiting came to nn end at last.
The annum nient of Hubert Ibilleek'a
engagement waa the signal f'.i .Innet's
action. Ilia hnppiucsa, now, depended
upon the beautiful girl lie hud chosen
from Dune, even aa her'a (Juliet's) had
depended upon him. lie hail robbed
her, ahe would in turn rub him. If sin'
were bereft, ao must he be; if (he light
uf her life had gone out, even to most
hia. She thought nf it night and dav
with a tliirsl for revenge that knew no
It wua a moonlight night with a gen
tle hrceia atirrlng the tree, letting
the nioonbeama ripple through them
inllttle daahea- and,
around her, Janet atepped out into that
glory of moonlight and rippling leal es.
raating a long, dark shallow upon the
ground aa ahe moved, heedless of the
aoft beauty around her. She had reck
oned well, for when she stepped noise
lessly among the shadows of the t ices
In the llrenner grounds she saw Ibdi
ert ami Label walking together a lit t le
way belolid her.
Isabel's beauty wna teu-fuld in the
aoft tin 1 1 K L' I i t . yet thesit-lit of it iliil
not add a pang to the misen 1,1c woman
who watched it with wild hrik'!'t e; e-.
In the strange, mad pat,siou of .luiiet
Wilson, there waa no jealousy of Isa
bel's fair, girlish face. '1 he fin e wi eld
lie t he liieans of her i eligeiiure. for ii.en
worship n woman w ith a face like 1 hut.
laahf fa mice reached her ears, clear
ly, distinctly. She una saving:
"Are you sure you loie me aa much
aa you did .latiet Wilson?"
"A thou. and time, more," came Itob
ert'a ferient reply.
Neither mooulikiht norsunlight could
riuil the light in Janet's sunken eics
us she listened with hated breath to
w hat was bitterest pain to licur. Some
thing Hashed like the shimmer of tem
pered Mecl ill her eager hniul, but -she
wailed, sbc knew not why.
"Hid you really hue her, Hubert'."'
"l.ove her? Yes. with the w ild. heejl
atmug love of uuith. W hi, ilat-lmr,
I remember to have awakened in tt.e
night prying aloud for her. Tlmt wn
when I first went mini. She fncinati-.l
nr. then, and yea. I bo eil her. I prob
llbll would hale been happy with her
had they left me alone. She was ter
ribly handsome."
Janet's hand trembled upon the
knife ahe held, u ipiiier weftt oier her
face, bin she stood still as a statue
und as cohl
"You know everyone says that she
elirouiaged )oi, lured union ou. a
mere boi, she n mat lire woman '.'"
"In that they spoke falsel.i. I re
member how she foniiht againvi h, i
love for me. She would not yield at
once that II boy had Won lo t line.
Truly , 1 do not care for her. now . the
old line has given place to tin- hett,-r
new. for. after nil. we were illy uiaiehi'd
in year, but 1 will do her just ice, at
'Hie voices died nway and Janet
turned, with a -ot,. the old hue master
illg her. 'Me oinn'. h u pi ncss w a s a s
aaereil to I ,-r i. !!e:iien. She had been
Iliad. lie l io! I.oe.l her' I'or a mo-
incut n g.. I. ns thought, a w il I, In i;...t
dleani of hiipinevs ru-l
What if she.hoiild win It
as if in ninekery . n smli1
of w illd I list 11 lock of Inn
fore her eyes, ami in a
r I .
lilrcutii waa ended She
gray, and he waa young.
.1 and
': polls
IV A MAN I. IK Ti) tin . j
And say siuiti' other sal
incut, lotion, oil or alleg.d
is good as Itucklcu's Arnica Salve. ti ll
bun thirty years nf tiiaivelous cures
of Piles, Hums, Boils, t'oriis. rdmis,
Vliers, ('ills. Scalds, r.iuises and
Skin Krupl iiins prove it's best and
i'lieas sl. :, rents ill W. 1'. Kreiu, i
drug store.
hat Thin I ilk ertl
tireater imwer of dit'ctiutl
aasiniHaliuii fissl For them Dr King'. I
New Life Fill work won lets Thei i
tone and regulate In digestive nrstiii j
neutly expel all poiscim Imni the si s !
tern, enilcli the bloisl, imprnve aps'tl'e j
make healthy Ibsb. tluly - all1'
Kriuier'a. i
You Know What You Are
W hen you lake (irove Ta.eles In!
Tonic, lieeause the formuiais plainly limit
il nn every Isittle hcwitig thut it is !m
ply lion ami (Juiiiitis In t tasu lk'ss form
No Cure Nn, l'ay. KV'
Win pti ith your Ko lak I'MkM
in prima offered. Se Viairlue. I
- I lluw .IM ........ w ....
. lfv Cit't No, I'at. MV.
I 0 I or Ko, i ).
-"".' -"'J -Sit.,
is a
Don't Waste a Vacation
they conic too sel
dom. They Just Fit the Pocket
$1 to $35.
IMioto Supplies of all
(Courier office.
Nearly the whole of the Cel.irul
Aniitiean imlio crop is gathered In
San .Ni!i.l'!ol'.
llrlg.ilidai-e is n ported to be ram
pant within tin, hours' ride of Vi
enna on the Aunt m Hungarian fron-
I he production of tea haa been ad
L-riat that I'.i out of 45 eomiiinie in
I. ma!. hi eou'.il not pay u dividend tin
i tr' MiiphuiM mi cnnip;tnic In
turiiniMV wliit li h ul nrJcicil the run'
htnit't mi nf ;i nuinln'r nf I.irc fri'ihl
t .MtN f,ij net an' liau- counter-'
mi. i n. 1 1 1 1 t he .ml' i mi avouiit 'f luinf.1
in ,:. M'cvsi.,r,. I
ln.!i,i in nf A Nteel
"vvrvl v, utiicli is lust !uw. Tina'
u.i- (he iu';n jrtdij 0f Hti'l
l''iii't in Mi. ti a inaninT that the
vn t vMli nf thi- lil.i tie w .i j not n. paired
inn- i, n;,., , jm i ! e il .
'lln- . i . 1 1 1 1 ii-ti'.it il lu'ttin ha
i. ich-.! lis height In ticriii;uiv. The:
"P - nl.if.- irvi h u'c! a clieek
' ' t v. i . k a in! t' .-.'t r. t! t hat thu
i ' .V' i . :u- . ( i ! i v I'ii-i urial inn
n:t Mi", i f ' t .- c! i . ,u It.-! t !, c im r nitnta
.: --f 1. 1 ' " '! In- p.-.tae pa ill t
"t th. . jm ,w r ,ur 5;;.'j;,o p,.r ilay.l
If" -1 ; m 1 -h li.ttun 1 hi' heme
- ' i ' -I ! T .. t . e li -a ! till rallies
' i ' ' ' 11 l'i ' 1 ! lie nil f.u'e t'f
i!'- ' i ' : I" I-!. iinl ami
"1" S'' -"i:.' ijnlivu,
oi . 4. . i ' , ri li ,., ;umI per
t - ! s , , w : i , .-,,.,! ux an
' , V ,!r..i..i..
" .' !, I ,. i i r;M' 1,1 the Mir
I 1 .
:i eiMup.trl-
iiid! u!l en-
Ju l !-
etswii i
W li 1 tin K AS I' i
i i. r iii -in: bui'iic.l. sag,, brush and
i!k ili l.ui. . w In it inn may just as '
m il t.iio a il, '.uliifcl, ci o. ami emu-
fin lab', t 1' n .til tlie In .ut nf the
Km !. v i. militants in i, w nf the grand- '
ist siiiuii i I tin' Vnniicaii Cut;-1
n. nt , vou , :,n .In by ir.ivclling on
lie li i ii (ir.indc Sy-t. in. the far famed
"S. cine 1 ine nl Tlir World, "the only,
tr ills rout in iital 1 it.- Jvlssing through
s.ilt l.ikc Cm, i ; !i un iHd Springs, j
I., adi ill.-. Co!, h i, In springs and Hen
n f en nn ! to i .ist, t ii Hunts.
rim',' il.iili , vpicss iraius make
close i nun, , t ions with all trains east
md w. st mi. 1 atlnrd a cbnice of tile '
distinct n titi s of travel. The equip
in. nt i f the trains is the Ik si, incliul-m-
ffi- r. .1 in :ij. cli.ur cars, standard
and tourist slcc is, a pi rfcct dining
car service, and iiNn a rsoiiallT eon-
glll'sts. 0 lliorv ll lUSMiii us .s -
ducted excurnion cars, each in cliargi;
nf a competent gaide, wliose buainewi
i to look after the comfort of bin
guests. No more iileanant and inex
pensive niean of croaaing the Conti
nent can be fonn 1 than i provided by
tlif-w; exmrsions.
' i'or additional rletaila, addresa,
J. D. Maimneld, Oen'l I-Vg't; Rio
Grande Lines, 121 Third St., Port
and, Ore.
A Aend of evil day and nlfM
Vuru and riaunts me;
Ht Uufrh nt) cour(r (Hit to flight,
HIb prKrc dtuntm.
At Uiinio tu- ftar-'aeiu mk
M iy ;
lie tfrin tfj-ft me fall to tJ
A tirl "hlf volley."
Hf My: "Oh, you will nTr luarn,
You're FUrh a duff' rV
I'ntil my timcilr.x flMfen burn
l'u rankts him fcunVr.
At Rolf be mttu the whoU rourwl througr.
Of beatlhK "li"K,y;' j
1 htar mlf allu'lcd to
Ait "that old foy :
Ilu Afkn me riddles freti. f run school
At dinner table;
AiM make ma look as btf a fool ,
As he I able; ;
He m-ta me awful sura to do j
In manner brefsy. I
AfHurei ine "If I wnly knew, ,
They're beastly waay!"
cycles It's a new nkaehtna
1 hd to buy It;
Contf mi't In evvry imila Is tn, j
Whene'er I try it!
( Myi he's fflad (and so un 1) .
I'm not hta brother; ,
To illtunt lar.dd I d l!ks to fly,
Hut then his rndthtr!
tit ft wee t revenit I'll hars my All
He'll rue It. rother;
Just let him wait lx wekt until
I'm his fttcpfather
Clifton Illi.Rham. In Pearson's Mftoaalr.
The Teproff'of
THUorOH the mist whirl, huntf like
a pall above ihv wntern of an tin-,
familiar aea. tlie Mill iiiineiireil lilnnil
reil nnil Hilary. In the liie-li Milley,
away to the weMMaril, the liillnvvs of
n new river were still rii:iliiinr iiimllv
tiiwnrilK the illilliilateil hiuiall Is ill
the wake of the tirsl e;reat ivaie vvhieli
the treneheroiw wall of a hill.iile
reaenoir hml aet free in the ilnikest
Innir liefure ilawn.
In the heil of tHc Kiierof Death lay
the ileniolisheil limn of TankerviHf,
ita aiiliiiiertfeil atl'eeta atill illiiiiiiiiateil
liy the lnw of a ilo.en iiienii'Ieseent
lainiia. vvhii-h iliatorted into vveiril
. j
,1.... .... i. ..I i... :.. .... ... u ..........i....
, , '
iiilI I,,, li..ii , 1, 111,, ulirfi,,.,.
. And, liiffh on the hillside, the en
gines of the tieneriitinir Station ivere
atill elankinr noihily, for the engineer
had louif ainee tied from his post to
'ite in ailent horror upon the strntf--liiil.
foruiH vvhieli lloated hy. ill tivoa
and threea, on the relentless tide he
low. In te renter of a floating talde n
man ant tailor-vi ise. (.rasping a ri.
volier In hia'riht hand. His fare,
framed hy n loiur tnnpled heard and a
lyass of unkempt hair, was cruel ami
repulaiir. Ilia ahivt. open at the front,
showed a new Ij -iuliieted wound i n the
lrea:.f. The hummi dereliet was all
out-.-ast mid a felon who had lieeti so
often deserilied liy the poliee as the
" Terror of Tankeri ille" that he was
kuowii in the diatriet hy no other
The frail raft apun like a top on the
eddyinir tide; lint the outiiist elntiir
teliaeioiiKly with his Imre feet to the
few yarda of I which formed the
deek of his i raft, liolditu; the shining
thiiiir in lii. hnnd lii'li iiimie the resell
of the water.
A hand shot out audllenly from the
renter of the whirlpool, and three
tinkers irrasped the niii row ledi'e of
the lahle top. eaiKine- the raft to heel j
over ilan jerouslv. The three tlnirers ,
rked coiiviilki,.tv t.,f n .. . .
and the fourth, a mere at,p, moved ,
in nenoiis unipnihy with the others
The pistol .pat vieii'.ualv towarda the
anbineige l side, and the raft gently
righted itself. In thevhirl Instern
a while face revolud slowly for a mo-
nient and then disappenreil."
A child's voice rose, clear and "hrill ;
aboie the roar of the nioiils ,! .l, of grinding nieekaire. The mail
with the pistol lowei-d his wca ,
for the tirsl lurne,l..uii
ly rounii m the dneetinu , f ,,. sound.
At the aauie linnin ut snme llmitine;
lessel. in the ahnpe of a huge bath or
cistern, atruck sharply against the end
of the raft and eapsiyed. b-aiing a
tiny form struggling on the surface of
the water, within nrma' length ()f t,,.
The engineer on the valley side had
ed his eyea. for the sun had changed
''""' bl I red to gold, and the Moat
ing objects nn the lake were
bin hml in a dazling while light. IV
a in. 'meat the raft . 1 1 . i . ,-ri r-, - I
in. t
nun aiuiunwy; men It gin led llow n,
atreani on a silver ray, and the fgnr.
of a man and a child -t I out in I,,,!.
relief against a dark background .
bracken and fir.
"Where are we gniii ti
asked the rhihl. guying
. grandad?"
up af I U
al range
'inpauimi with
"To Kiiigil,.., enme. tuns' 1,1 .
reilie,l the "Terror." grimlv.
tight ' don't git askin'" me n
linns, an an' ,1.,1,'t ,..ill
gi an, hoi. 'es I r in't ."
"I .i , ,, , , gnvn,I,. .
-lid II el ,, iilMelillnll,. "I I,,,,, g ., ,. . ,1 ,,,,.. .,' ,c s s, .
thin' like i ii bin prettier; ies, ,.cr
'" li I lelticr! I 'p,
e, nne's a long ,, av ntT?"
Nut i very, juil
dgm by nppoar-
II lie es.
"Is it l!
say in tin
Will bed..
Kiiigdoiu com,' as
s, jus' before 'Th
"Mel, he It is."
"Is it a coui'fortable
hnine .'"
plan. lik
"It eiiiddu't Iw iniii-h wusa nor tli
us. !
aui w av
"Will dad an' main 1 ihern, t,Hi?"
-1 reckon thrv'is arrnve sires, It
t-Va a
f fim DR. JOnCAN'S otri I
(huseuu of akato:jy!
iHiimrrrr..i.irtii(nc,CAk f ;
r mirMtsrl V
-J (M )kl A
s-.-ai-.l amtiii. s-sana
" a eii-. a is.. rw u. , . ,, , M
1.., m vwSMk a ran ml
Bliacitl, MiLaa aaaa. , A hmj. -
W. MSI ) lmm mm ' "
M KltslllCtLttllhMll.l
Ifll t,ii, m in ads
I I If r n fa. ru.
' immft. rt ttnl MrS
The woman who reads this will under
stand to the full what Mra. Tipton meant
Alien ti'iL- rays: "I am enjoying good
health." It tiikes
a person who has
l! - ,i. n ,1
- r 7 -s? jb jwl
-etchixl byai.-It- 1 . 'Aj
ess to itielcr- I . 'tii?- .jtf'
md tiis- joy of i:'- :j 's?;,4
health. 4:f
There are very
many woin.-n whu ti'
ii(1fr a ill.! Mm. S'-.
Tipton, who might t
te cured as shj f
was hv the uf?? of 'j
Dr. Pierce's l a- '
vorite rrescrip-P( y'M
tion. It estah- '
whirl, weaken ;U-S
women . heals in- ' '
fiammation and ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It makes weak women
strong, sicV. women well.
"It i with iilrasnre I ri-tn:imtnd Dr. Pk-nx's
mr-iiu'inr." writtn Mrs. Kura Tipton, of Ci"; per
(Cruoper SLiLiuiil, sltt-lby I'd . Kentucky. " You
remember mv cast- wa- one of feiu;.!c wt:;iknt--
ami vcak luntr. I hatl n- nt;cti!e ami would
uflf-n spit b! xl : w:m c(,nii!if'l to my bed aluiont
half 'it the ti:ue nnl coii!l hardlv s'tind on my
fe.-t nt tmici (it the pav'-; llirfnih my whole
bixlv aui kv ;em. My hi;1, itid hail to my l.irytr
doctor bilU I a nir. lut i'rv I have taken four
bottles of lir. Pierce' t".:!'ien Me'iic:il liwjov
ery, four of e-ivuritp i'resi -riptioti ' and three
riaW of ' Pit lit Pellets we 'haven't paid any
more doct.r I'.lij. It hud Iktii seven niouths
siner 1 st-j-.ii I tt -i i lir. Pierce's mclicii'-Cfi and
I have Ih-ch !.j.' iinf ixj1 l:e;i!th all thfttme.
I ran never pr:ii" tliese n fi'.i. ines Umi highly,
for 1 have r cm .- i mi laueh Ik tiefit I pr:iy that
mativ who ;,j.:er a I tin! will tike Dr. PiTee'n
ni'-'lu i'tett I n ii Mtre tluv wii! never fail to
cure v lieu piven a tiiir l'vervl.wly tHI
ine I lok 1'fU T t!:;m they ever saw me. I aui
sure I feet tielltr than 1 cvVr din Ix lte."
"I'avorite 1'iecriptiou " has the testi
mony of tium-ai'iis of women to ita com
plete cure of v mnanly diseases, Iio not
acre it an iinLnown and unproved sub
stitute in its pluce.
Dr. Pienv's Pleasant Pellets ate a
ladies' J.-.xaiive. No other medicine
equai:. them fur geutleneu and thorough-
Where did you leave your dad this
morn in".'"
"He wna stand in by the bedroom
windnw . . . An' the nio'u wnw nil
o full of vnter that tlie chuirw wen
final in' alMiut like ships. . . . An'
d;l held me tin an' kir.scd me nt-.s.
Then Ilu put me in a bnir Imlh which
hadn't any water in, tin' told me to
hold on tiirht. an' - nn I can't nnii'iii-
h(.P Jinv m((.1 rumiH.I."
VVi,; a Krr,mh n.j outcast hurl-d his
pistol nun the water and drew the boy
eh.-e to him.
"Why, you're hurt-youraelf, inii
!ail!" ee l.iimeil the lmy, at i-h t of
the woiinil on the In-east uf his coin
paiiion. "You've hint yourself lenliy,
un' never ajuike 'limit it."
"There's iiothin' to speak uliout in n
aeraleh like that," growled the Ter
ror. "Iliil you (jet hurt Bavin' somebody?"
" Tain't likely!"
"Dadfly did. He aaved a man from
lieill' turn 111 oioi-i.M it, IIim mill nn' 1,.,
)na own linger.
I he outeast atftl'ted eonviilsively.
"l.oat hia liiiifer. did he?" he gasped,
hoarsely. "Which linger was it?"
" The linger that you point with."
"Kijfht hand or left?"
"The hand you don't write with.
Did you eier aee dad?"
"Only once."
"An" did you see hi poor finger?"
"I wish to Heaven I hadn't!"
"Where did you see him?"
The outcast did not answer.
The raft waa t rav l intr more evenly
now. Imt u quarter of a mile or so
ahead lay a lon reach of broken
j "Our ahip'll never a'it through that
rapid under n double weight," imit
I tei'ed the outrast I eeping his face
nierted from the searchine- glance nf
the child, "line of us'H have to it it . ' '
"Are you saiiu' your prayers, grail
(ilad'.'" asked the hoi . innocently,
j "I nnan'l i-xaelly prniiu', but I
j reckon I'll t ry if y ou'll tell me vvhal to
The child I..
ked up wnniieringlv. A
great rhnti go had eoine over the rugged
fHce, which was niiw bent down eager
ly tow anls h is on n.
"Tell nie vvliat to any, iiiick! There'a
no time to lose!" cried the Terror,
with a furtive glance at the rapid
I'll' ilada and mamma, an make
""' " '"'-T' ,
""ml " "" f"r ""'' S"-v
',,u afore 'bout K ingilnui come.' "
'"n Kl":"1""1 '''''J' VW" Le
"i '. tliaf better. . . . I've an M
ll 1 there anvlbing else? Anythiii'
aU""' '"r-'1''1'1-"
'' lu' '"' l'"'!""! "I ith an eprea-
i '
. wnls,
;"" - " l"',! ''"' !,r
bi. e, for. the
ir en rues f
' .1 held
'i raw n.
an 1 1 g 1 1 1 1 1 w ri
'Ille ntllc:i-, iroueheii ili.Mli be.-iile
Yiim in the attitui'e nf a ilil aiiinuil
reailv In sprite-.
"Doynti kiniM an ythin' ahniit fnrgiv
ln".'" ib'in:: ii'lnil the man, st ill crouch
ing b li e boy's side.
I in t ri .e
Will fm -..'iie
. . '. m:
dad." s ii l l'
tik, grandad. . . ,
.' tivspas-.ea do?"
best pr:iv er of alt.
i-r n
si b.
gi n n
'II.. n't
, UKi'n
rs. an'
I i;
loiiL-' i' 'ei
sai iv:l
I i
tlnMi a pr::y er?" nsk. il
. ii ; !. in, self -bij'.illy nn
I t..,.s.
T i i ( hrist'a .nk, Anien.'
sake. Amen!" nnir
ist aa the waters closed
hca I.
"1 s.lvi l! e Terror shoot a drmi lling
j: ' I a,.
w!,h I
I'm.; .',
"lie i
rai-e I !
clarcl t' c engineer addles:
"nail a i.lieiice ..f
,1 I-.,. .ni.ic.l in the saloon i f
C. ' I.
s -'it'll' nn" ii raft, and he
i ' ' i an' shut the first man
!i, I'rifle ' : l eig-i le."
".Ins- .'., . :f" growled t':c
" ' "Me'd lis' .!,, his t!
ier r..i!ier taau wet hi., nun ugh
"I I. ear
mv I. as I.i
his I,,, i I '
"IMs , nl,
that t',,- body
'i f.iinul with a
-;u,l an ,i her,
boy ii a,, t,.k
f .lake
I t .
; in-
a party in a b .al. an' the p
! ap 'as bin askin' for gramia I
iiaie am others bin' rec.
'" ' " "" nsked the engineer in
1 Inn tone of inice.
I "":h ti e body ,,f 'The Teimr.' " r
i I'lie.l t ie I ,i !!, r.l. eare!es,,. " l l,,.
-.11 II.-- I l, e looks ,p,it,. p..- f,,
I Ii r : i . v . bke one nil,.,.,,,;, s i ,j
bttl I can't unite swallow !,, t '
I "l''s n -t ,,,, ,.. ... . ,
the engineer, thoughtfully. .-Drown,
ing is it less painful ,:,;,t', ,l,, i
ing. any dm ,,f ti. t ( r,.(.k,,n
tiint ttie I error' died laughing
c',1 i heated the hal-guu
Lj M.l tiiii Huijqn.nWIM
1,'iiiiiinissioners .. .
Iiepuiv Clerk
Deputy rdieritl . .
Treasurer .
xhool Mipl
Assessor. -
J. O. Ilooth
I John tt'ellf
il'. K. Lovelace
... K. I.. Harden
T. V Jiuison
.. . Gen. W' Lewis
... Krnest l.iler
J. T. Taylor
. . Lincoln (-avatie
.... I has. I row
. .. II C. I'erknis
W. K. Kreiner
Mavor W. F. Kreiner
Auditor and I'oliic Judge K. L. Davis
Trea-iirer Col. V..lohnsiin
i itv Attorney '' K. Maybee
Marshal . .' Juhn LOckhardl
street supt Julm I'atrick
Coum ilinen ieo II. Ilinns
A. I'. Hough, J. II. Williams, I'.
K. Ilariunn J. A. Uehkonf, Will (.'. -
I-nii!li, lleriieri tiniiili, lienrv ricliuiidt
rants Tass Lodge A. Y. t A. M No. 84.
regular coiuniiiniuation lirst and third
Salurdays. Visiting britthers cordially
iuviied." II. C. lium.KN. W. M.
A. J. I'ike, Sei'y.
Iloyal Arch Ma-ons -Heames Chapter No.
M meets second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hall. b. L. J tiyzu.,
J. K. I'tTtiisoit, Heey. 11. 1.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter. No. 2U
meets lirs'. and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in .Masonic
hall. Mrs. H. .h.i.kk.
Mm. A.n .M. IIoi.ak, W. M.
t-ec y.
1. I). O. K , (io'ilen Rule Lwlge No. 78.
meets every Saturday night at I. O. 0.
F. hall. Ik M. Dayip,
T. Y., Secy. N. 0.
I'anin Kniainpinent I. O O. F. No.
meets seeoml and fourth Thursday at
I. o. t. K. hull, Fhkd Si liMiur,
T. Y. Dkan. Sec'yL I'. F.
liehekabs- Etna Hehekah, No i, meets
second and four III Monday, I. O. O. F.
hail. Esaia IIakthak. N. 0
Mas. J. 11. DKSisqa, Secy.
I nited Arti.-ans-tlrnnts I'asa Assembly
No. 411, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A. I), l'. W. nail. F. E. Wbktz. Mknscii, .Master Artisan.
Woodmen 'of the World Kogue liiver
Camp No. -Vi, meets second and fourth
Wednesdays ul Woodman Hall.
C. K. Mayiirk, Consul Cuiiiinander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
12, meets lirst and third Mondays al
Woodmen hall.
Estklla lltuny, N. U
W. 1',. Dkas, Clerk.
Modern Woodmen of America tlrants 1'a.f
I amp No. hjuT meets 'Jnd and Ith W edne:
dav Kvening.. at Wooilinen hall at ":').
('has. 11. Marshall, V. (J.
N. r.ejtioldi, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2-s, meets each Wednesday excepl
.the tirsl, al A. l). U. W. hall.
J. I'. 1I.II.K, 0. K
(!. X. liot.T, F. S.
losenhine Lodge. No. 11?. A . 0. V. W.
meets in A. (. I:. W.hall, Dixon build
ing every .Monday evening.
.1. II., M. W.
H A. Stakabii, lleuordur.
llanthorne Lodge, No. '21, 1). of II., A. ().
I'. W. nieeu every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. 0 I'. W. hull, Dixon
buililine. Mas. A. McCarthy,
Mas. I.i en Dcan, l'. uf II
Knights of l'ythius Thermopylae No, Till
meets each Tuesday night ":.' I. (I
O. F. hall. J. T. (iiausse,
ToU'Wii iiAvs, C. C
K. of li and S.
tirand Army of the Republic- (leu. Loean
I ost No. ;lil, meets lirslW ed nesd ay at
A.o. C. W. hall. J. K. I'ErKiisoN.
Abe Axixli., Adjl. Coin
American Order of Steam Fngineers, Ore
gon Council No. T, tneeis tir-t and
third Saturdays, al A.o: I'. W. hall
Wtf. 11. Khnnkv.
1 k n j . F. Mvkii'K, I'hiet Kngineer
i orrespoiiiiiug r.ngineer.
Order of I'enilo- While bock Ciiiini il o
lmi, meets in A. O. I'. W. Hall lirst
and third rndity nights,
C. E. M imik. Secretary
Emm i Uklc i-r. Counselor.
1 luted brotherhood of Carpenters ami
Joiners ol America I nion No. Ills
meets secnlld tun! tourth 'Thursduys ol
earn nioniti at a. i. i . v . nail.
.1. F. WtKtniAS, I're.
D. A., Sec'y,
Do you-i Children
Of coiii'so tlipy ilu. It ii their
Wiiy of li'itrning nnil it is your duty
to wioU'cr. You may itt'oil a dic
tionary to ai I yon. It won't an
swor i very i-ticstioii, Imt tboro are
thousands Id wliieli it will givoyoii
trtio, I'lcar and definilc. anawei's,
not abiiiit woida only, lmt about
tilings, llioBiin, machinery men,
place.-i, stories and I lie Ii ko ..'hen,
too, I lie children can find their
ow n answers. So: .o of our
grciilesl men havo uacrihed their
poiver lo study of the dictionary.
Of course yon want I !., best dic
tionary. 'I'lie most crilioid prefer
tbo New and Enlarged Edition of
f,on hare ntiy question
.. t .t -i .
I n iigiinture it on every box et thf gonuli.f
Laxative BromoQuininc Tahiet.
iJ recis-Uy that eltrea n tsiiiU In one liar
The fishcniun, the sailor, the
j-nci.tsiii.-in anil everybody, is liable
to sudden attacks if iHsclsc.
Agta like magic 'orcholert.cramps,
sudden colds, or chills from e.
Take no ubstitnle. Trice i-.:. sx.
a veicnoNnai
" '..!!:-' V" -p'.aiic, i L1.J 4jj.iL
Ar You Mm
Perhaps I caa be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your designation, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your questions.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
Thro' Train Southeast.
Northern Pacific
Burlington Route.
The St. Loui Special, the through ex
press of the Northern 1 acific anil fiur
lington railroads from the Ni r'bwest to
llie Southeast, changed time on May 4.
T te trnns-contineiiUl service ia materi
ally benefited, as connections lor the
liast and South are now mado with
morning tratti9 out of St. Louis and
The St. Louis Special now leaves
Portland, at 8:2) a. ni. ; Titcnma, ",:I0
p. in.; Seattle, 3:50 p. m.; Spokane,
(1:55 a. m.; Helena, 10.15 p. in.; Mil-
linn?, r:0t) a; in.
, The new curd is more convenient lo
most cities in (he Northwest, The
train now carries slatidard slet per,
tourist sleeper, dining car, chair car,
couch, and bagae cur, Portland to
Kansas City without change, also free
reclining chair car, I'orlland to Si.
liuis. It leniiiins the great T11K
SAVER, us Weil a the only thrnuah
train I etweeti tlm Noithivest nt:d the
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil
waukee&St. I'util Railway, known all
over the Union as the Ureal Railway
running the "Pioneer Limited" train"
every day and night betwuen St. Paul
and Chicago, and Or.iaha and Chicago,
' The only perfect trains in the world.
Understand: Connections are made
with All Ttanscontinental Lines, assur
ing to passengers the best service know n.
Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam
in at, of a verity equalled by no oilier
See that your ticket readB via "Tlie
Milwaukee" when going loany point in
the United States or Canada. All tick
et agents sell them.
Kor rateR, pamphlets or other infoi
mation, address,
J. V. C.ikky, C. J. Knur,
Trav. P&hs. Agt. (ienerul Agent,
Skatti.k, Wash. I'okti.a.Mi, (Ir.
Timber Land Act, June!!, 1S7R
United Spites Land Ollice,
Rusebiirg, Oieuon, June lii, PIDJ.
Nulice is hereby given Unit in compli
ance with the provisions; ol the nci of
Congress ol June !!, I STS. entitled ''An
act lor the sale oi limber binds in
the States ol California, Oieaon, Ne
vada and Washington Teirilory." as ex
tended to all the Public I .an. 1 ! States hi
nd ol August 4, Mra Ann I'). Bool li,
of (irants Pugs, cotintv of losepbii.e,
State of Oregon has this dav tiled in
this ollice her sworn statement No. "70S,
for the purchase ol the S W ' j ol S, i lion
No H in Township No. 1)7 S, Range No.
8 west, and ivll oiler proof to show t lint
the laud bought is more valuable for its
limber or stone than for
puriKises, and to establish her claim to
said land before Arthur Conklin, U.S.
Cotnmisrioner of tins ollice al tiratits
Pass, (tieiion, on Monday, the 2ri iUy of
Angu-t, I'.iitl'. he liatnes as witneares:
J. M. Homli o! (iranti Pas., ( ire., Ed win
.1. Ilubhai-d of Wilderville, Ore., C. 1.
Sliles of lirants Pass, Ore , Misj Id,. V.
LaK.iiil. of liianls Pass Oretmi
Any and all persona dunning adversely
the above desciibed lands am niiestcil
to tile I heir daiuis in this i, llicu un ot
helore -aid t: day of August, UM2.
J. T. liliin.ii.s,
lb gisier.
Timber Land Act, .1 mie :;, 1878.
United Sia'es Land t uli. e,
lioseburg, Oregon, Jin,.. 1:;. mnj
Notice la hereby given Ilu,; in compli
ance with the provisions of the act o!
Congress of June :, 187S. eutiiled "At:
act for the suleof tii,,,u.r 1... ;.. ....
- i" in is I II in.
Slates of Calilon.ia, Oregon, Nevada am
Washington Territory," lt, , .xtembd li
all llie Public Land" S ales be set nl
August -1, LS'.iL', (irace E H.le. o.
liraids Pas-, county of Jnsephine. s'.iti
of Oiegon. has tins dav die, I O, ,i...
ollice her sworn stjtem.'iit , :,!.
lot the pnieha.-eof itie E '., it s, et,,i,
No f. in townsh.n V ::r u .'
8 west, and will eilVr prom to s,,i u a'
ine lann sougiii la more valuable lor n,
limber or stone t hsn tor g pur
poses, and to e-ub'tsli I,. r i; lo ,..
land lielore Arthur 1'oiiLi.i, I' s:
, , . ' . - mil
mission, r of i a, cili m ui i ....... n . .
Oregon, on Holiday, the h ,av ol'
Angu-t, 11102. t-he names .is i, ,.,.
J .VI 1,,'llt I. (' VI Siii. I
i. .1.
I'lOolli, Miss ,m V. J.iillsnr
iian's I ass. Or eg ,ii.
Anv ami all i,.r.r,,,. , i -
,. , .". v" -mitrriieii
the above desc ii he, h,,,.!., o
., . n ,- iriioesiei.
'o tile their claims in this , fli, e on or M
oiesam .on day ol Ailgusi, l;.0.'.
I. T Hummus,
The largest sn n uear I , - - . .
.... ,,lu n lire
vitption, changed hands in San Kian
. "i" tranafxr in
volved in com and stuck '2.M 0.) mm
aa pa d by a party nl husineSh (
siM-c:ncinr Ii.... i,.
- sw ami in.
lietes, hHherlo incurable diseases.
mey coinnieiireil the fer;ou
j.iiou oi ine snocihc X.n-
13. lli)
Ihev ililervieael i
, , , , nr l ured
in t IrleJ il out on it. i
the cured
ner-.-iHre dnen cise's on the Ireatmen
m, I Hatching them. Thev al. -, Kt r,(u
iei.iii lo name chronic, incurable
lU Udi.i.nister.dit wtjh ti e ,.,vs cian.
r ug-s. tptr, Aug. 25, 87 per. -en-
d the lest ,'iw, 1
-r.r rimer wen o
'r.-yreaa it ii favorably.
I here being hut O.irte.n per cer.l 0i
i i-r. -. the pain,-. ,rr ,,irl , j
' d ' 'le Irsnsel '. .n Tl
, . ....... i ri ecii r 2.
I tl e inviatK-atiMj ..-., , ..
.'Ii..;.-I -Port, of-the' n: . 7.; wVrT
Pin. .ml ilt be maileil l ee on
il'lbcai,.,,,. Addie., J,,s j r, "T
ox.'asv 420 Montgomery ht. San F,..
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
Denver &.Rio Grande Railroad
Only trn'nscontiiieiiial l:n directly tlirongli
Three splendidly equipped Iraiin d,il
Thrntiiih Sleeping and li ning ,,
and Erce Reclining Chair Cars
Tho most magnificent scenery in
America by daylight.
Stop overa allowed on all ili.-fei of
For ihcapest rates ami descriplire
literature, address
J. I) Mansfield, (leneral Agent,
121 rin'rd St., Portland, Oreuon.
rr i oiv i:ts
T JMI) F.tO.lI At.!, -
Points East
Short Line to
Through I'abu o nml Tourist Sleep,
crs, lllnlog mid Itull'cl Sinokliir
l.ilirnl j (.'ars.
Eor R ites, I'olders mil full information
regarding Tickets, Routes, Ac, call on or
J. VV. PH ALON, T. r..
II. DICKSON, c. x A.
l-'l Tlilril Rlrret, Purllaiiil.
A. II. C. DENNISTON, li. W. P. A
612 First Aventio Seattle, Waih.
0. It. & N.
Shortest, Quickest,
Home to all Easicm points via. PortltmL
All Through Tickets reading over thin roiiw
are good via :
Walt IiiilmmilDeiivci'.
Low Rates 1 v.:ryvhere.
T'u ki ts on Sale at Southern rVilic
I lllce.
(ien'l Passenger Agi-nt,
Portland, (Ire.
Vie iimniptiy nt.ialn It. H and Koreiin
.VMlJ uimlel, tlek'll or plnio ol niTenUeO lor J
i ireerein nn patentatilllty. For free tjnril.J
l :. " U'v r d a nr- irjio ii"l
iso'ni.,i i nHuc-niMnfto
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
KkWlUi 80 YEARS'
P.. .
fe'y Trade Mk
Anrnna .sMtnj a .kelrh an t.rrir'i'i '
qi. ulr vninn our uiniiain fre
l.ivriulnn -i.lMr rsleetal'le. IW:""1
t..!iYtru'lly,s,i,nj,.rirllj, Hanaaoull oa i
'nt ?r,. nMsst wem-r for ,e, ur.i r""'",,.
I'.neela lk.n thrniiah Xurn t.s las"'
Vrw , will,., at i'ti.m In Kbr
Scientific Emrltm.
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