Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 24, 1902, Image 3

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    Take Notice
Are Unsurpassed and are Guaranteed to
give Satisfaction.
I'HICES lTi03I $S.SO TO $0.00
Cramer Bros.
Tho I3est
Oil Cooking' vStove
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co,
Don't Ruin Your Eyes With Poor Glasses
Cheap Glasses and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre
mature loss of sight. Let me test your eyes without charge and
fit you with a pair of glasses that will Keep Your Eyei Young.
A full stock of Watches, solid gold and filled cases, Jewelry,
etc., kept in stock.
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty.
.V TlJ 1 1 SI J 1 7IXII I IS 1 1 ,
Front St., Next to Palace hotel. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN.
Grand Special Sale
This week we place on sale our wholo lino of Ladies'
Reliance House Dresses and Wrappers,
Woolen and cotton dn-ss skirts, also light and dark
shirt waists.
Call and set' what we have to offer you in those lines.
Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf's.
New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.-
On account of extensive improvements Contemplated the coming Season, all Remnants and broken lines of Merchandise
MUST BE SOLD. Each department of the Big Store has some valuable Mdse.that will bo Sacrificed, and we propose to mako
this sale the most memorable ever held in Southern Oregon. BUT REMEMBER we have but a limited quality of goods, and
early buyers will get the Cream. You must come Early.
Here are a few lines taken from the Thousands of those we are going to place on sale, and we hope that our out of town
Friends and Customers will avail themselves of this opportunity, and either come in or send us their order for such goods
as they may need.
Many articles placed on sale are staple, and just as suitable for winter as for summer wear.
Babies' kid shoes, sizes 1 to 4 at 10 cents.
Babies' kid Moecasons, 1 to 4 at 19 cents.
Two big counters full of Ladies' Men's nnd children's
shoes all sizes, widths and styles, marked at about
J(one-half)J their real value. These gooJa must not be le
turned or exchange 1 as boxes will be destroyed, and we
cannot keep in stock without box.
Tome in and tret vour
Is tlio automatic blue flame oil ?ookcr.
It 18 a boon to the housewife iu ho
wi-atluT aud will boil, bake or roast
like a charm. It burns a gallon of oil
in xixtern to twenty hours, and is the
safest, simplest, cleanest aud mos
economical stove ever made.
share of these big bargains.
Mrs. W. J. Rogers returned from
Portland Saturday.
J. E. Loomis, Galice'i merchant
and postmaster, was in town Saturday
on a business visit
Miss Carrie Umphlette returned last
week from Medford to remain.
Mrs. O. N. Bolt and children return
ed on Monday from an ontiug on
Thompson creek.
Miss Bertha Barrie goes to Portland
Thursday morning aud exiiects to re
main for some time.
Hon. R. A. Booth of Eugene was in
Grants Pass Wednesday and Thursday
on a business visit -
Ed White was in Medford a few
days last week, filling a position at
the office of the Southern Oregonian.
D. L. Green returned to Galico
Sunday evening after a visit of sev
eral weeks in Grants Pass.
Mrs. E. E. Dunbar and Mrs. E. W.
Knykendall came up from Wolf Creek
A. E. Voorhies is visiting for a few
days in Portland since attending the
encampment near Albany.
W. M. Hair, Jos. Hair and Dr. Find
ley are enjoying a hunting trip this
week in the Galice district
Miss Abbie Stackpole returned from
Ashland Wednesday after a visit there
with her anut Mrs. DePeatt.
Eph.L. Musick waB in town Wednes
day, returning to Crescent City from
a visit to Coeur-d'Aleno, Idaho.
Mrs. J. Purdee and children went
to Albany Thursday to visit with the
family of her brother, Asa Hart.
Angus McDonald aud son, Orion,
are here from Grand Hapids, Michi
gan and expect to locate permanent ly.
Miss Lucy George of Kerby whs iu
town Wednesday on her way to Placer
where she goes to visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Freeman have re
cently arrived here from Portland aud
intend to make their home in southern
Miss Evelyn Jennings has been vis
iting in Medford during the jiast
week with the family of her uncle,
A. M. Woodford.
Arthur Coukliu returned on Satur
day from Gladstone Park w here ho at
tended Chautauqua. He reports a
very pleasant time.
Rev. S. H. Jones of Jacksonville
was in Grants Pass Sunday and oc
cupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian
church both morning aud evening.
JB. F. Myrick loft on Saturday for
Philadelphia, Pa. His youngest son,
Frank, accompanied him and will
go to Brooklyn, N. Y. to rejoin his
Architect L A. Palmer of Medford
was hero last week, drawing up
plans and specifications for buildings
to replace those destroyed by the fire
of last week.
Judge H. L. Benson nnd family ar
rived Saturday on their return from
Salem. Tho first of the week they
went to Spring creek to enjoy an out
ing. Klamath Republican.
Mrs. E. Spence DePuy, who has
been visiting here with her brother
and sister, R. L. and Miss Mary Coe,
returned last week to her home at
Fruitvale, CaL .
Mark C .Muusou, tho Sunday school
missionary, was iu town Friday from
Bybee Springs and on Saturday went
to the southern part of tho county to
look after the Sunday school work iu
that district
During this sale we
counters another big job lot of
Cheaper than Ever. . jar vjjfr
We shall place on sale our entire line of ladies' white
and colored shirt waist, over 200 extra fine garments at
unheard of prices
The special train carrying detach
ments of the Asliand and Medford
Fire Departments to Grants Pass last
Monday, set fire in the northern end
of Medford. The fire quickly spread
to nearby buildings and these were
soon enveloped iu flames. A barn in
the rear of J. V. Ehwegan's residence
burned, and only by the strongest
efforts was his residence saved. The
fire also spread to the Pottenger &
Cox slaughter honse and several
buildings adjoining it were burned.
Two small buildings lying directly
west of the Medord Distilling &
Refining Company's plant . were
burned. Had the fire reached the
distillery, that intire portion of the
city would have been destroyed.
Parties wishing hay presses will do
well to call ou C. II. Libby, Hol
land, Ore, as lie has purchased an up-to-date
Rogue River bridge will be torn op
for repairs, July 26, 1002 and continue
so until completed. There will be no
crossing alter 7 o'clock in the morning
until 0 in the evening.
C, F. Lo'-kl.u'i.
One 30 ft. extension ladder at cost,
Thomns Cash Store.
Ou Friday of this week, tho basball
game between the hardware men aud
iron workers, aud a team selected from
tho business and professional men of
this city will tako place at tho ball
grounds. The proceeds will be given
for the benefit of Roger Entrikeu.
Two weeks ago the hardware men pub
lished a challenge to their prospective
opponents, which waspromptly accept
ed. Both sides are confideut of win
ning and are eager for tho fray.
While it Is not exected that there
will be as much science, iu evidence
as at some of the games that have been
played here this season, yet prolisbly
no other game will suriss this one iu
interesting and lively quality. Both
sides will play in desjicrato earnest
ness to win and the sicctators will
see a contest that will in all likeli
hood be entertaining and impressive
iu the extreme. Following are .the
respective line-ups:
Will Fry
Art Welch
Al Schmidt
T. B. Cornell
E. M. Smith
J. M. Isham
J. II. Smith
E. Wiiner
L. Moon
Tom Harvey
T. P. Cramer
J. L. Winchell
Harry Smith
Fred Mensch
W. L. Ireland
R. Steelquist
Geo. Cramer
W. Trimble
The business house will bo request
ed to close during the progress of the
game. The interesting nature of the
event and the object toward which tho
proceeds will be devoted should insure
a numerous attendance, more esjieoial
ly as the proceeds from the previous
gamo for this purpose were not large,
The admission will be 15 cents. Car
mel Martin will officiate as umpire.
Tho residence of W. J. Savage, ou
Lonso creek, nliimt live miles from
town, was burned ou Monday of last
week, at the same tinn that the con
flagration was raging in Grants Pass.
The house caught from the kitchen
fire, through a defective flue. The
family were ut dinner at the time.
The loss was about MOO, a portion of
the household goods being saved. A
new residence will be immediately
erected on the site of the old one.
have arrangedfjCplace o
Ladies' muslin Underwear
Xocal toappeninos
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Paints, guaranteed for S years at
Cramer Bros.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Hammocks at Cramer Bros.
Get yonr hair cnt at Abe Mocks.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggii .
Bargains iu Glass and Decorated
Lamps at Cramer Bros.
Sae Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's.
Hammocks at Cramer Bros.
A complete line ol the celebrated
Mitchell Rubies, Hacks and Wagon.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Bicycles at Cramer Bros. '
Acorn Stoves at Cost at Wolke's.
Fine line new buggies just received at
J. Wolko's.
Fouutain Pens Watenuau's Ideal
13.50 to t)1.00 at CTamer Bros.
Soo those self-scaling stone fruit jars
at J, Wolke's.
Camping outfits at Cramer Bros.
Curtis &. Co. Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ot
Watches, Clocks and Jewetrr. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
Rifles at Cramer Bros.
Yes, we sell Porcelain, ware. Not
cheap granite. Call and see the differ
ence. J. Wolke.
Hose at Cramer Bros.
Sjiecial Sale Go-Carts, Wagons
and Velocipede Wagons at Thomas'
this week.
Cook fruit in Strasuky Enameled
Ware. Sold by . Cramer Bros.
J. D. F. Stevenson went out to
Solum Saturday after a short stay iu
Grants Pass. Mr. Stevenson Is a well
known mining man of this couuty
and lias lately returned from the is
land of Sumatra where he went to ex
amine mineral prosiccts for a syndi
cate. He considers it a good mining
country, though undeveloped iu that
regard aud Intends to return iu a short
Fishing Tackle at Cramer Bros.
A breastpin made from a 2.V.' piece;
initials L. A. W. on face, lost July
3d. Finder please leave at this ofllce.
For rept Three furnished rooniB on
east Front street. Inquire of Mrs.
Geo. A liny.
In the mutter of the judition to di
vide school district No. 4, decided by
the April session of said board, not to
allow said division, a written request
for a ro-hearlng of said petition being
presented by the petitioners, the dis
trict boundary board sitting in session
this Mh day of July 11102, decided .that
the board has no power or authority
to annul or set aside the action and
decision of a former board.
A good, sound draft horse weighing
about 1300 for sale. Call ou O. R.
Penny, four miles east of town.
A surprise rty was tendered Hev.
Johnston of the Christian Church on
Saturday evening by Him members and
friends of that church and a very
pleasant social evening was spent by
those attending.
1000 yds. 30 inch dreis gingham, worth from 10 to 12 j
cents--entire lot cloHcd out
2500 yds. of 0,0, 7, 7J
Sale prices 5 cents.
-lOOOyds. Ik-Ht QCry.
nels at 7 cents. Remnants.
Ladies' 50c summer corsctH, 25o.
All lines of Summer Dress Good marked at prices that!
will inHuro quick sales. '
See the stock of bargains
Several prominent railroad men
were in Grants Pass Wednesday even
ing, traveliug by special car and were
welcomed in a fitting manner by the
Board of Trado and citizens. The vis
itors wero taken to tho parlors of the
Grants Pass Banking mid Trust Co.
and of the First National Rank, where
they were shown quantities of gold
nuggets and dust, tho products of the
Josephine county mines. The party
then repaired to tho dining room of
the Hotel Josephine where they were
entertained with refreshments. R. L.
Coe, president of the Hoard of Trade,
made a brief address of welcome, ex
pressing the gratification of the
Grants Pass Board of Trade and citi
zens at the opportunity of meeting
and welcoming their distinguished
visitors and of talking over the mu
tual interests iu southern Oregon's
development. He spoke of tho great
natural resources of southern Oregon,
our wealth of mineral and timber, and
our grand possibilities in those lines
of industry, as well ns iu those of
fruit and agriculture. He expressed
the willingness of Grunts Pass to co
operato iu any measures calculated to
advance tho development of southern
O. M. McKinney, immigration agent
for the Harrinmn lines, replied to the
speech of Mr. Coe and expressed him
self as agreeably surprised at the mag
nitude of the resources of this portion
of southern Oregon. In 25 years of
immigration work, he had not found
a section with a moro premising fu
turo or ono that offered greater in
ducements to tho homeseeker.
W. E. Comsii expressed tho . interest
of tho S. P. Co. in tho building up of
tho country tributary to their lines
and believed that Josephine county
would be vastly benefitted by a hearty
co-operation of tho Board of Trade
with Mr. McKinuey. It was decided
that the board pledge 100, 000 descrip
tive pamphlets to Mr. McKinuey and
the immigration bureau. The jiarty
consisted of W. E. Coiuaii, general
freight and passenger agent of the S.
P. lines iu Oreogu; (. M. McKinuey,
general immigration agent for the
llarrimaii lines; C. McKcn.ic, assist
ant general immigration agent ; II. A
Towusend, I. N. Conklin, W. II.
Burke, T. A. Kru.e, staff assistants;
R. M. Hall, advertising agent O. R.
& N. ; J. H. O'Neill, traveling pas
senger agent O. R. & N. ; J. P. Jones
traveling passenger agent, Southern
Pacific; H. K. Lonshury, traveling
freight agent, Southern Pacific. The
immigration agents spent a week iu
O. R. & N. territory, east of the Cas
cade Mountains, between Huntington
aud Spokane. They examined all
phases of industry now represented
there ns well as the capacity of the
country for new industries, and its ad
vantages for home seek its, with or
without capital. They will know
Oregon pretty well when they return
from tho trip over the Southern l'u
ciflo lilies. The purpose of this ac
quaintance with the state is to equip
the immigration agents for going
among the onpln of the Mississippi
valley who wish to seek new homes
and giving them reliable information
information t lint will Iki a trust
worthy guide. This Is tho way it is
prOHi8ed to influence settlers to locate
ill the Pacific Northwest, jjiercfnre
the agents sent Into the flidd are not
men who can tell merely on attractive
tale of the country and get a lot of
homo seekers to come out here to
become dissat isfied, hut men who
have knowledge of the actual con
ditions here, nnd give thi facts to
those who desire them.
at 5 cents. .
Host (Calicoes, at clearing
M. 10 and 12, Outing Flan
Men Don't Talk
Wanted To exchange a piano as
part payment for a house and lot.
Will give a bargain and pay balance
iu cash. Enquire at this otllco.
The O. R. & N. Co. hits just Issued
u handsomely illustrated pamphlet en
titled "Oregon, Washington & Idaho
aud their resources. " People In the
east are anxious for information about
the Pacific North-West. IX you will
give tho O. R. N. & Co. agent a list
of names of eastern pooplu who are
likely to be Interested, tho booklet
will be mai led free to such persons.
A. L. Craig, O. P. A.,
Port hind, Oregon.
Mr. David Day, a mineralogist of
New York City, and a nwmilicr of the
United States Geologicul Survey, lias
been in Josephine couuty of lata mak
ing an invest igat ion of tho several
platinum discoveries that havo been
recently made in the surrounding dis
tricts. Mr. Day expresses tho opinion that
Josephine county will iu timo, be
come an lmjiortunt mining section in
thu matter of producing tho one
metal, plat ilium, alone, aside from
the great amount, of gold nnd copjier
that it is destined to prodnco for
many years to come. Ho has se
cured a quantity of samples of the
unknown metal, "Josephineite" to
take back to New York and mako an
analysis of. He lielieves that ho
will ho able to identify the metal.
Ills observations of this section will
be published in the Engineering &
Mining Journal, he being a staff cor
resisiiideut of that groat mining i
Four young, strong and good work
ing mules, wngou and harness, for
sale at my place at Wihlcrvillo.,
J. T. MeCatm.
MEisr's nsm boys'
Wo havo n very light weight Summer Suits, but wo
have KoiuuMediuni'Wcight, good Wool Suits a big bunch ot
them, that would givo you good, hard wear, and heavy
enough for fall wear, and we propose to Sell them Cheap.
Hoys' Two-I'ioco kneo . Tants Suits 9Sc to 11.50.
Great linrgain.
Men's wool Suits, odd lines from 35 to 4 4 $2.99 to
$6.48. It w ill pay you to soo them.
of clothes as much as women
do, perhaps, but, all the same,
every man who buys ojie of
$12 Suits
tells his friends what good
stud' there is in it, how well
it fit s and where ho bought
These Suits are not
equaled elsewhere at
H. Harth & Son.
ROOMS for rent furnished and unfur.
niched (or house keeping.- Mrs. Clara
Mattison, titli and K streets.
(J IX HEAD OK HOUSES for sale; weight
J from l.ilU) to 1,500 pounds eiih; young
and sound; tW acres ot good tuutier on
Pleasant creek, 10 miles (rum WoodIlia.
The timber and hordes will sell reasonable.
Addreos 11. li. keslerson, Oold HlU, Or,
rptiKEE Milcn Cows and a good Pack
A I'oner (or sale at the Jieely ranch at
Junip-oli-Joa bridge.
7fl Ewes, 00 January, lsnilin, and On
' " Ituek, Cotswoold and Merino Mixed,
free from Disease, (or t,'i0 (or the band.
Your choice o( GO ewes, an lambs and the
buck (or VA. BcoU OriOln, Urania Praa,
$175 fur 100 scroswith large barn, 3 room
bouse, 3 other buildings 10x12, graps
vinyard, living spring water, 10 acres
cleared, 2 creeks clone by. Call at this
TAKE your wheel to Cramer Bros, for
A Modern 5 room cottage with bath,
pantry, cellar, and all conveniences, in
flrst-ctan condition ; 3 blocks from post
office, lor sals (or (1350; terms to suit.
Inquire at this office
Fishing Taeklo and Sporting goods at
J. Wolko's.
While Borne children were playing
with a kitten in ono of the upper
rooms of the Garfield Hotel, the kitten
becamo frightened and leajicd through
tho 0c!i window, says tho Coast Mail
It was at least 50 feet to tho ground,
but the little cat lit ou its feet, stood
dazed a moment, wobbled a little and
thou walked oil as good as new. This
bouts all the highdiving dogs, that
Jump into n net.