Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 17, 1902, Image 1

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    mm c
A Popular Health Resort in the Siskiyous.
Health Restoring Waters.
Invigorating Mountain Air
Colestin Mineral
Kates $2.00 per Day ;
Camping Privileges for Rent.
I Buy Anything
You may have souie articles among your possessions that you hive no use
(or and never will have use for why not convert tbem into cash. I pay you
rash (or them. 1( you are going to move away let me buy your household
eoods I will (ive you good prices.
Sewing Machine (or rem and (or tale.
Goods Sold on tho Installment Plan
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a General Hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our custonieis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound banking, principles.
Kafety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
It. A. 1100TH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand,
Bells sight drafts on New York .San Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout .Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
It. A. HOOT II. Pres.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres.
II. I.. G1LKEY, Cashier.
J. C. PADDOCK, Pboi k.
i am prenrred to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of ex perience in the Marble business warranta my saying
that I can fill your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kindcl
Front Rtreer, Next to Greene's Gunabop.
Piactices in all State and Federal Courts
Urtice over First National Bank.
Ukants Pahs,
tiHANTk Pass,
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath room in connection
Hold Up a Congressman.
"At the end of the campaign," writes
Champ ( lark, .Missouri's brilliant cn
gretman, "from overwork, nervous
tension, loss of sleep and constant
(peaking I had utterly collapsed. It
seemed that all the organs in my body
were out o( order, but three bottle! of
Electric Bitten made me all right. It's
the best all-around medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter." Over
worked, run down men and weak, sickly
women gain splendid health and vitality
Irom Electric Bitters. Try them. Only
60c. Guaranteed by Dr. Kremer.
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg tells this yarn,
I always carry a bottle of Kemp's
Balsam in my grip. I take eld easily
and a few doers of the Balsam always
make me a well man. Everywhere I
go I speak a good word (or Kemp. I
take bold of my customers I take old
men and young men, and tell tbem
confidentially what I do when 1 take a
cold. At druggists. 25c. and 50c.
To Cwre a Cold la a Day
Take Laiative Hromo Quinine Tablets. 1
AO druprists refund the money if it fail
to car. E. W. Grove's signature uooj
eacn box. 23c.
Springs Hotel
$9 so J $10 per Week.
C. TELFORD, Propr.
Ike M. Davis,
Front St. SeconJ-Hand Store
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil
verwear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of llracelets and
Heart Bungles,
Clement' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to the conclusion that
keeps the best stovk of Tooth
Brushes in the county.
Our stock is selected with
the utmost care with an eye
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Brushes from 10c tip. You buy
the 10c kind on your-own re
sponsibility. From 25c up, we
will guarantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brash
will not come out. A good
brush will outlast half a dozen
poor ones.
Star Drug Co.
oppotit Depot. 1
The Fire Sweeps Business, Residence, Railroad and Church
On Monday at tho noon hour, when
the groat majority of the people of
Grants Pubs were quietly enjoying
their mid-day meal, the fire alarm
sounded its warning for what proved
to be one of the most Bousat ioual con-
flagratious that Grants Pass has yet
experienced. Our city has quite a
history in the matter of fires and this
last one, following so closely after the
great fire that destroyed our lumber
yard and factories and a number of
houses, will stamp Grants Pass as be
ing peculiarly unfortunate in this re
Throughout the day a steady and
sweeping wind had been blowing from
tho southwest, blowing with far
more vigor - and persistency than
southern Oregouiaus are accustomed to
experience, filling the air with dust
and debris. Tho nature of the duy
suggested a disastrous conflagration
and the thought caused anxiety in
many minds so that the remark that
it was a good day for a fire was
frequently heard,.
The firo started in tho old Hotel
Delmouieo, an old wooden building ou
Front street near Gilbert creek.
Immediately next to it on tho west
was the brewery and residence of
Eugene Kicnlcn. Those quickly
caught fire nnd burned to the ground.
The fire from the Delmouieo, swept
by the wind which blew diagonally
Don't Waste a Vacation
they come too sel
dom. They Just Fit the Pocket
Photo Supplies of all
Courier office.
1 '-dry;
is a
$1 to $35.
About $40,000.
across the street, was quickly driven
along the row of wooden buildings
which lined lower Front street
These buildings were occupied main
ly by the smaller business firms of
our city. The fire nindo a clean sweep
of these until it reached tho socon d
hand store of Ike M. Davis, aud
seriously threatened tho whole of
Front street, but by herculean efforts,
the fire was finally cheeked nnd
brought under control at tho point
mimed. The flames from tho burning
buildings wero driven almost hori
zontally by tho wind nnd rendered
any effort niado in front of the fire
almost useless. Flying cinders were
blown across the railroad park and
tracks and quickly Ignited the wood
piles of the S. P. Co., at tho west end
of the railroad .yards. Tho machine
shop also caught fire from tho cinders
and was goon blazing furiously. Tho
round house roof soon caught firo
from the machine shops, and though
heroic efforts wero nindo to save it by
tho railroad employes, they were un
availing and the building was soon
adding a fearful contribution of heat
and flanin to the general conflagration
Tho block directly in front of tho
blazing buildings mid wood piles of
tho S. P. Co. was fortunately almost
viieatit, ooenpied only by tho dwelling
of Wm. Lcmpko nnd this was situated
on tho further side of tho block.
This vacant spneo broko tho sway of
the fire in tho direct inu of tho Presby
terian church and the homes beyond.
Tho open simco was covered with
dry grass, across which the fire swept
with nlarming rapidity, but vigilant
watchers hero fought tho flames in
tho old fashioned style with wet bed
quilts and sacks unit kept it under
' m.lnJ Af tl.iu ut, ,.f 11, u nnn.
flagration, hose nnd hydrants were
almost useless as. tho pressure was in
sufiiciout to force the water more
than a few feet from tho nozzles and
this fact was discouraging in tho
extremo to the workers as it seemed
to render their efforts futile, while
tllf wind was blowing more fiercely
than ever, sending blazing cinders far
ahead in the path of the flame, ignit
ing tho dry grass in scores of places
and threatening destruction to the
whole northeastern quarter of the
city. ,
Diagonally across tho street from
the. railroad building and directly in
the swoop of tho wind, were the resi
dences of A. Lenipko, L. A. Hcbcrlio
and tho Kutsehelis residence, occu
pied by H. O. Smith. These quickly
took lire and were consumed, tho oc
cupants saving a small portion only
of their household property. R. O.
McCroskey 's residence on E street was
the next to burn. The dwelling of M.
Clemens, by the side of McCroskey 'i
wub saved in tho face of apparent im
possibility by hanging wet carpets on
the side next tho firo ami keeping
them wet down. A whole row of
dwellings ou the north sido of E street
between Fourth and Fifth was saved
by unremitting effort. Tho Ualvin
residence owes its exoao to the thick
vines which cover its front.
Tho lire next attacked tho block on
the north sido of K street between
Fifth and Sixth. Hotel Josephine is
situated on tho southeast corner of
this block. A dwelling on tho cor
ner of E and Fifth, belonging to Mrs.
A. Yerkn, was burned and "The
Colonial," a handsome brick building
lately completed and owned by Mrs.
W. J. Rogers took tiro and in a short
time only tho walls wero left stand
ing. The Josephine was saved by
intelligent nnd vigorous work. This
was the limit of the burned area, the
fire having been brought under control
at all jsiinls with one exception, the
Kaptist church. To hum this edifice,
the fire lcas-d across two blocks of
untouched wood"U buildings. Flying
cinders caught high up on the church
roof, a stnillblaz i was started, tho
flames crept downward nnd the build
ing was consumed. The most heroic
effort on tint part of a few niemlwrs
of the fire department kept tho flames
from spreading to the adjacent build
ings. Estimated losses are as follows;
Southern Pacific R. It. Co. $5,000;
covered by insurance.
Baptist Church, $'1500; insurance
Eugene Kieiilen, brewery and dwell
ing, $10,(XX); insurance, fclft(X).
W. J. Rogers, $1500; no insurance.
A. Lenipko, $1700; insurance $I'X.
0. Kutsehelis, $HXX.
R. G. Smith, $.!tXX); no insurance.
L. A. Held-rlie, $500; insurance
A. Bartlott, $1000; insurance $100.
1. M. Davis, $VXi; insurance $KXi.
K. O. McCroskey, :iliX; insurance
$1 PX).
David Lindsay, $;ftOO; insurance
Mrs. A. Ycrke, $200; no insurance.
Job Whitehead, furniture, $200.
Geo. E. Good, furniture, $150.
Alva Lamar, store building, $ftl.
J. A. Xiday, store building, IVX).
The confectionery store of Mr.
Wood adjoining the Jiurth-tt building
and the restaurant cf A. VanN'oy in
the Niday building are also among the
losses. J. I). Booth's building, oc
cupied by L M. Davis, was badly
damaged by ly nam i to and B. A. Will
iams building at the comer of Front
and Fourth streets wa pulled down.
The fire waa cheeked before it reach
ed litest) buildings.
Tho damage iii moving, loss and
breakage cannot be estimated and an
estimate of $40,000 as the loss is a
fairly conservative one. The streets
wero Uttered with household goods of
all kinds aud by order of the mayor,
tho militia boys were called out for
their protection.
The Ash laud fire department ar
rived by special train just about, the
time the flames were brought under
control. Though their coming was
unnecessary, yet the spirit which
brought them hero is appreciated and
they have the thanks of our people,
just as though they had saved the
There were many instances of heroic
action. Among those who deserve
especial mentiou for nervy and effec
tive work are Henry Walter, Dick
Graham, Ed Gray, Claudo Williams,
Harry Marsh, Howard Mitchell,
aud Geo. Hart man. There are
many others, but these distill
guished themselves at two import
ant points; the checking of tho fire on
Front street and at tho Baptist
In regard to the failure of tho water
at the critical time, Mr. Clarke, of the
water company, says that there was
plenty of water in tho reservoir dur
ing tho whole time, hut that so many
hyrdauts wero open that there was
no pressure at any point. Tho sup
ply was furnished by a six inch main
and when it was wide open at every
point there was uo pressure.
Many small fires started and were
extinguished all through the north
eastern portion of tho town. Bits
of blazing shiuglo were carried by the
wind almost a mile abend of tho fire.
Tho court house caught ou firo but
tho blazo was quickly extinguished.
The militia boys guarded tho firo aud
property all night. About three
o'clock in tho morning, a smrk from
the b uruiug woodpiles started a fire
iu tho grass near Wm. Lcmpko's resi
dence and would probably have caused
serious firo had not a squad liecn
promptly on hand to extinguish it.
Road Petition of O. W. Lewis, et
al in Road Dist. No. 13, running down
Applegnte river, disallowed.
Sulary of Peter Miller, ' janitor at
Court house aud jail fixed at $25. per
Road petition of James W. Gil
more, for wagon road iu Road Dist.
No. 10, Murphy product, ullowed
and road ordered opened.
George Maurer of Kerby, granted
a liquor license for one year.
Clerks statement filed showing H3
scalps of wild animals received from
Apr. 1st to July 1st.
John Auten of Placer granted a
liquor license for niuo months.
Bond of R. L. Bartlett, County
Clerk, approved.
Bonds of Goo. W. Lewis, as Sheriff
anil Tax Collector approved.
The Bonds of tho following named
Road Supervisor approved :
H. L. Lewis, No. It; J. 8. David
son, No. 11; W. H. Schleigh, No. lit;
G. Karg, No. 0; Peter Payne, No. I ft;
Henry Gross, No. 4; Milton Rey
nolds, No. 8; J. J. Brown, No. 12;
James Dailey, No. M.
The bonds of the following named
Justices of tho Peace were approved :
A. S. Rosonliauin, Wolf Creek ; G.
W, Young, Althouse ; E. F. Moissner,
Kerby; Chas. Ladd, Merlin; 1). N.
Stearns, Solum; C. K. Muybcc, Grunts
Pass ; Jacob Meier, Lucky Queen.
The bonds of the following named
Constables were approved:
Chas. V. Hart, Kerby; H. W. Up
ton, Wolf Creek; Thos. J. Clark, Ice
land; J. C. Raudle, Grants Push.
Henry Leu of Lcliiud, granted a
liquor license for six months.
T. P. Judson npointod Deputy
County Clerk. E. II. Lister iipilutcd
Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Clerks salary
fixed at (lift. 1T month. Deputy
Sheriffs salary fixed at $10. jht month.
Tax Sale certificate for the N W'4
of N W,'4' of Sec. Wl, Tp. 37, S. R. f.
W. ordered cancelled, and .1. W. York
refunded $3. IX) amount (mid for siiiue.
Geo. Lewis filed bis resignation as
Road Master, which was accepted by
the County Court.
The assessment of the Mais II Min
ing Ciiiiuiiiy's pro-rly which is
situated iu Curry County, but
through error assessed iu Josephine
County, ordered cancelled.
An order was made for tho enlarge-
mint of the vault ill the County
Clerks office, and Hon. J. O. Booth
authorized to superintend the con
st ruction of same.
It ap'aring to the Court that tie
Roguo river bridge is in a ihiugi thus
condition, it waa ordered that C. F.
Lovelace have full siwer and author
ity to have same rejsiired at once.
A. II. Thurston discharged from
the County Hospital.
In the matter of an appropriation of
fKXI. heretofore made for tho comple
tion of the wagon road from Inland to
Mt. Reuben, It Is hereby ordered t.'ia!
said amount 1st paid usui the com
pletion of si. id road.
Iu the matter of the Road js-tiiiou
of W. II. Hmuitou for the extension
of tho Lou so creek road to Placer
heretofore surveyed, It is ordered that
mrid road lie re surveyed from the di
vide between Jump-off Joe and Grave
creeks; thence down the fust side of
Horse creek.
Iu the matter of the jatyinciit of
bills the following claims were allow
ed ;
Witness fees, April term, $201. ;
Jurors foes, April term, $102. ; Judges
and Clerks of Election, $i'.22.70; ILM.
Gorham, Registration Lucky 0.ucon,
J. 30; Frank Mitchell, Rent and
booths Galiee, $3.&0; W. R. Powers,
Care body B. Schotibachh-r aud bring
ing to Grants Pans, ft. ; Cramer Bros.
Mdse., $28. 30; F. II. Schmidt, Mdso.
Rods, 1 17. ; Jerome B. Benin m,
Couuty Hospital, p'A M ; Mai kin
Bros, euro paupers, fc').8."i; Dillie
Moissner, care jumpers, llJ.r0; David
Lindsay, care jumpers, $.1. ; R. L. Coo
& Co., Mdse paiiiHrs,fi S4.0;l; N. E.
MoGrew, Draynge pauper, $1. j Minn
Moore, care pauper, 13.50; K. A.
Wade, Mdso jumper, tlft. ; Glemlale
Pharmacy, Mdse jmnivr, $Kl.iV; J. M.
Chili's, Mdso pauisT, $10. ;Chas.
Decker, Mdse punier, tmr.; K. A.
Wade, Mdse pnujior, f". ; M. Clemens,
Mdse juinixT, fllUC, ; F.W". Van
Dyke, Post Mortem Exam, body B.
Schonhaclilei, $10. ; F. R. Bowersox,
Med. Attendance jmuis-r, $110. ; E. S.
Merrill, Registration Galloe, $1.70;
W. H. Hamilton, Registration I.e-
lsind, (11.; Chas. Iuld, Registration
Merlin, $.S.8J; J. C. K. McCiiim, Reg
istration Sluto Creek, U0; G. W.
Young, Registration, Althouse,$j.t'.0;
J. Steiner, rent mid booths, ft ; James
Hnlnian, ballot boxes, fi.oO; S. Nor
ton, sjirinkling, '2; Geo. II. Parker,
election booths, 11.117; J. S. Stewart,
election booths H.70; A. V. Bau-
nard, election booths, j. 10; Cramer
Bros, election booths, (1. ; S. P. D. &
L. Co., Mdse mads, 11.111 ; Ed Lister,
Exjvnso Gibson & Jackson, '.''2. ;.'." ; K.
M. Norton, Reporting testimony, -S. ;
W. H. Swindell, Viewer road, J. ; W.
L. Hayes, Viewer road, $3. ; It. L.
Reed, viewer road, J;'. ; H.C Perkins,
Surveyor Road, I1. I0;C. C. Taylor,
Chaiiiman, J.ftl); J. W. Gilmore,
Chninnian, J.ftt). ;V. S. Gilmore, Mur
ker, '.'. .10 ; Win. Alfred, Viewer Lewis
road down Ajijilegule, ft.tlO;.!, H.
Colby, Viewer Lewis road down A"
ilegiite, ft.ltO; Geo. Crouk, Viewer
Lewis road down Ajijilcgate, $.1.00; C.
O Taylor, Cbaiumaii, $7.r0;..M. Jess,
Chatnninn, '. ; B. II. Jess, Chain-
man, .". ; 11. H. Colby, Flagman,
ft.; H. C. Perkins, Surveyor, $'31.ii0;
W. H. Flanagan, Med. Attend,
jiaujier, U.ftO; Lister & Culvert,
livery biro to County hosjiiliil, T.ftt);
S. L. Benson, repairing bridge, ;
Slover Drug Co. Mdse jmuiicr, (J;
Clivo Major, Med. Attendance juiijM r,
ft. ; Robert Hurrickumn, building
bridge Road Dist. No. H, (Cil). ; Glass
& Prudlioiume, (diction supjilics,
II. SO; Wycknlf, Sennmiis & Bene
dict, Stationery, t'2. ; T. J. Bidtness,
Car faro jirisoner Merlin to Grants
Pass, '.'.lift; S. E. Robinson, work on
Road, ". ; G. If. Binns, Repair
funcets Court House, fll. ; W. L. Bah
cock, Tax Remittance, 1.S0; Baker
Bros, Ijuinilry County Jail, t7.S();
Geo. Crouk, Viewing Slouii Road, '!;
Wm Alfred, Viewing Sloan Rond, ;
J. II. Colby, Viewing Sloan Road, $0;
II. C. Perkins, Surveying Sloan Road,
17; C. C. Taylor, Clialiiinaii, ";
B. It. Colby, Flagman it Maikor,f ;
Glass it Pruilhoiuine, Illuuk "I lonk.-i,
111.11; Geo. Crunk, wink in Court
House yard, Ift; Geo. K. Good, Hoard
Jurors Circuit Court, () ; Cramer
Bros, Mdse Roads, ifl7.:W; Lister it
Calvert, freight ing to Selma Co. Sur
veyor, II.'.'O; Chas. Crow, Ass ssois'
salary to July 1st, I '.), :tl0; A. V.
Eastnmii, draynge, fl.Mft; A. A. Han
sel h, Tax rebate wide tire, tS; C. 11.
('rocker Co., stalionery, $1; J, T.
Taylor, Cypress trees, Court house,
"; F. M. Ingram, mowing Court
house yard, ; ('has. Decker, Mdse
roads, 111. Ift; F. M Smith, Ki hate
Dist. Atty. fee divorce suit, !(); AT
retta Smith, fee divorce suit, 10; M.
E. Si haringson, Atty fees, 10; S. V.
Smith, Atty. fees, !(); Ci destine S.
Hohbs, IU;
lid Lister, Board of Prisoners,
'.IS. HH.
Eil Lister, Delivering Ballot boxes,
Grants Pass New Water Light it
Power Co., Water aud light, :f,'.
Oregon ( ihsi ru r, printing, el.
S. P. I). & L. Co., Mdse roads, .'.Ml.
Davis Brower, Rebate ft divorce
cases, .Ml.
C. K. Maybee, .lllsliee f i , s Stale vs.
Yoktllll it Oltell, ;. Ift.
Geo. W. Kcurns, Conslaldo fees,
State vs Yokum ,V ( Mti n.H't. '..
('. K. Maybee, Jusliee 1", - s, Slate vs
Maliue y, !. lift.
J. ('. Bundle, Const, foes, fi :).;,().
Geo. W. Kearns, Const, fi i s, lll fto.
(I. E. Maybee, Justice fees, Stale
vs. Keller, i'.'. l.i
Geo. W. Kearns, Const, fees, if ;!. '.iu.
C. K. Maybee, Justice fees, Slate
vs. Clark, .'. Ift.
Geo. W. Ki. arns, ('oust. f, i s,
i:i. lid.
M. A. Weriz, Roatl woik Slate
( 'reek preei net, t ;o.
C. K. Mayhee, Justice ,-es, Stat.,
vs. King, .Vim.
J. C. itainlle, Const. f.-i, State vs.
King, '.'h. IV
-Mrs. I-' King, Wit. f. es, ft. ().
(jeo. King, Wit., Pi.
Hi ru ( ir iliaiii, Wit. l. I I.
Alfred King, Wit., ..". Hi ).
L na Nelson, Wit., fto.
('. E. Mayls-e, Jii-ine f.-i h, fl. V'l.
C. Handle, Con.-t. li . s, I.IM.
John W'dls, Co. ('ouimr's Sal. A
Mileage,' mm.
Nick Thoss, Coiuinr's Sal. iV Mil
lllge, fi. ID.
Oregon Mining Journal, Printing,
W. S. Bailiy, It. gislration of elec
tors, Murphy precinct, t.'.'.ni.
E. E. Dunbar, Wolf ere. k pre., i.V
I). John, Williams pre., ijs. si.
Out Du ller, Waldo pro., t'l.sJI.
R. G. Virtue, Lelainl jre., r..
Ed F. HathaVMiy, S, linn jue., t.'.si.
Mary E. I on ard, Allhoiie j re. ,
f 1. so.
W. A. Khun, Mt. Id ills n pre ,
Orr Brown, Slate Creek pre., '..VI.
Iie Sill, Murphy pre., !.i!0.
H. W. Forl s. Alihoun. j,r-. , l.'Jo.
MiGowaii V Co., Mdso iur,
Chtis. Decker, Mdso .aiiir, l.i).
Wiliuiii Mercantile Co.,MiLs uus r.,
J. II. Miller, Mlsi jiauis r, .:!.
Miltou Reynolds, care jaus r,
T. D. Ray, care iu;s r, HI.
A Refrigerator that saves tho Ico Bill is a' Novelty.
Quickly Molting Ice is caused by Imperfect Ven.
illation. The "Leonard Cleanable" has the best
Ventilation ever devised, has 8 walls to kcop the
ico from melting, it dosen't leak, is of handy size
nnd is roomy. Let's show them to yom.
Tents A big assortment, all
Camp Furniture All you
Lace Curtains
Linoleums -Mattings
M irrora
Chas. I.add, Canvassing vote June
election, 17.40.
C. K. Maybee, Canvassing, $5.
C. K. Maybee, " Rebate Dist. Atty
fees, 4 Divorce suits, $10.
W. C. Hale, 3 Divorce suits, Rebate
Dist. Atty fee, :!().
Abo Axtell, Rebate Dist. Atty feo,
10 Divorce suits, $100.
J. W. Howard, Registration of elec
tors, Kerby precinct, 11.50.
Williams Bros & Kendall, Making
ballot boxes, f 1. 15.
W. F. Kremer, Mdse Pauper, .V4. 2B.
If. C. Bobzieu Mdso Court House
:i. 20.
David Lindsay euro pnujier 7.
John Wells, Cnmmrs Sal. & Millago
II). tto.
Nick Thoss CoinmrsSal. & Millago
ft. 40.
MONDAY JULY 7th 11103.
John. Eggers, Road work Rond
Dist No. Ill, 10. 12.
(). J. AdkiiiH 10.87.
John Winter fit), li
Geo. Robertson ftl.
A. Hovt 17.25.
Tom 'lVyou fta. f0.
A. Morris Road SujH'rvisor Dist
No 1. 17.75. '
W. IT Curtiss Dist No 8 1
Henry Gross Dist No 4, $711.
W. A. Klum Dist No B, $111.
F.d Friday Dist No (1, $17.
A. A. Porter Dist No 7. $N2.4().
Geo. McCormick Dist No H, $N2.
J. E. Sw-indeii, Dist No 10, $ivi.
T. J. Kennedy, Dist No li, $17.
Homer White, Dist No 111, $70.
L. M. Applegnte, Road work Dist
No 111, '..
C. W. Whipp, Road work Dist No
i:i, $11.
ICil Dailey, ID.fiO.
John Unit ton, i;).r0.
Jouh Baughiuan, $10.
Frank Ehy, $12.
J. W. Bigelow, $20.
J. W. KraiisK, $20.
C. G. Sawyer, $.'i0.
Alex. George, 1ft.
James Parks, ItX). 2ft.
Geo. S. Duncan. ftX. 15
J. G. llagley, 25.
W. II. Schlclgh, fil.
J. M. Briggs, Road
Hist No 3, fit. 7ft.
J. W. Hamlin,
Dist No 3, Ift.
Will Anderson,
Dist. No. II, '.(I.
Clarence Frost,
Road work Road
Road Supervisor
Kiiiid work Dist No
1 1, U.ftO.
Edwin Moll, 10.30.
C . A. Frost, !.
J. J. Moll, IH.75.
G. F. Hudson, 10.25.
II. II. Gibhs, No Ift, Hl.ftft.
Peter Payne, fid.
Adam W liner, No Hi, IIU
Elsie Y. Hamuiond, H.liato Dist.
Ally fee Divorce suit, $10.
W. F. Hathaway, Atty fee Divorce
suit, Ml.
A. E. Yoorhies, Printing, $isl.75.
Lincoln Savage, stamjis, $0.
1). N. Slenriis, Reginlratiou II elec
tors. Solum precinct, '.. 10.
( has. Decker, Work iu Risid Dist
No HI, fl'.i.
Adam W liner, $ Vh.
I.d Lister, Slunijis to July 1st, $tt. 2:1.
W. il. i'latiagiiu, cure juuis r, $140.
I'. I.. Parker, care jiiius r, $IUI.
W. D. Jolin, fixing election booths
aud furnishing Isiard, -V
P. II. llurlh &, Son, Mdse County
Hospital, IV
S. Noi'ton, spiinkliug street front
Court lliius.,.f2.
Win. innwalt, W it. fees Coroners
inqu'-st, $.1.
Witiu ss fi '-s Coiom-rs inquest uud
exis.i,.e of inquest, f.'i7ft
G.'o. Lewis, Team work on road,
fv.i. ph Wolke, Mdso, $27.H.
l b .yd Clnlloii. r, Road work, 1I.2.V
l wis Verditi, $25.5(1.
R. Moore, IU.75.
Walter Bryan, $10.
James 1.. 'Clair, $0.25.
Slu ltoll M.sire, $..
F. X. LcChiir. $.17.50.
.lames I'W'is, $21.
Ernest I.i wis, 37.25.
Geo. Lewis, Road Sujiervisor to
Inly 1st, tjjI. 7ft.
(eo. Is wis, Road Master to July
1st, I3S..2V
John Lskluirr, Wit. fees State
John Wells, Coinnirs salary, $0.
C. F. Lovelace, Conimrs sualry aud
niillnge, $11.
Court udjourus until next regulur
illeetillg iu Sejitelllber.
Blue Print Pair by the yard or roll
t the (Courier ollioe.
house furnisher
prices, all sizes.
need at easy prices.
Picture Mouldings
Wooden ware
Xa. t. tr. Cl. Column
The regular meeting of the W. O.
T. V. will be hold at the home of
Mrs .E. A. Wado, July 18th at 1:30
p. m.
All mothers and sisters of any do-
nomination, and those who may
not bo members of uuy aro cordially
invited to attend our Mothers' moot
ing which will bo held iu tho Chris
tian church July 25th at 2:30 jx m.
Faithfulness in the humblest part
Is better at leust than proud
success ;
And Jiatieucu nnd lovo iu a chastened
Aro jieurls moro Jirecious than
happiness :
And in tho morning when we shall
To the springtime freshness of
youth again.
All troubles will seem but a flying
And life-long sorrow n breath ou
the jiauo.
Because all alcuholio liquou con
tain a poisduoiis clement calculated
to derango tho human system, aud
are not essential as articles of food.
Because the liquor habit is the di
rect or indirect cause of crime, and
produces poverty, lunacy and death.
license many millions of dollars aro
annually sjK'Ut fur intoxicants, which,
if used iu legitimate channels, would
afford tho necessities of life, comfort
and eveu luxury to niuuy lives,
BeeauHo many millions of bushels
of good grain and fruit givon us of
God for food are perverted from this
use and applied to tho manufacture
of alcoholic drinks.
Becauso a vast amount of time
labor uud capital aru wasted njiou
their manufacture, sale anil con
sumption. Because iiitemjieraiico imperils the
Becauso it hinders the Jinigress of
civilization, reformation, education
and religion.
Because total abstinence acts as a
preservative for thu nufullen and if
is-rsevorod iu must irove a remedy for
Bccasuo my examjilo of total absti
nence will euahlo mu to more effect
ually aid tho drunkard and warn the
moderate drinker.
Becauso drinking moderately is
dangerous, and total abstineuco is
the only safe way.
Beau. so total .abstinence is essential
to tho highest moral and physical
Becauso It Is Scriptural doctrine.
Because it is a Christian's duty to
exercise self-denial when thereby the
welfare, salvation and liajijiiness of
our fellow -men may bo promoted.
To tho many inquirers as to what
the "" is wo will give the answer
given by tho union.
It is tlio young jK'ojile's branch of
tho Woman's Christian Temperance
This department aims to enlist the
young men and the young women and
to establish them in temperance prin
ciple. Its object is to forward the
cause of total abstinence by au organ
ised movement among the young peojilu
who aru In a largo measure the social
leaders; to establish an equal stand
ard of purity for Isjtli young men and
young women, aud to thoroughly rouso
the young Js'Oplo of this century, that
they umy become trained workers In
the temjs'ranee cause.
This jwrticular " Y" has taken
Gospel rarity for Its special work, and
there aro two branches : White Cross
for young men aud White Shield for
young women, each member to be over
14 years of age. These aim to lift
the staudard of purity iu every com
munity and to establish an equal
staudurd of morality for both men
aud women.
If it is a clean and pure thing for
a man to chew or smoke, or nse slang
or to swear, it is clean aud pure for
Women, too.
If it is not-We 11?
Owing to the burning of the Bajitist
Church tho business meeting of the
" Y"had to be jiostjioiied uutil Mou
day, July 21, when it will be held at
the Christian Churclu Let every one
of the members be jireseut, promptly '
at 8 p. tu. , ,