V. Y HIS BEAR CROP A FAILURE Bob 6kilt, Hunttr, Lament Brttln'a In0ratjtw,da. " f (Jl'KSS ill Hub (Skiles won't never I have no l onrWIriwe In b'ars sg'ln," said Kabin lludd, whu snares rattle snake! with a lentlierstrliiand liunta ilcer and licar with a Muffle-barreled muzzle-loading shotgun. "And it sarves him rlKht, to it doea." Hub Skiles ia fa mom in the neigh borhood of Kettle Creek, l'a., a a bear hunter and one who pretends to use philosophical forethought ai an aid to nil hunting. Thus, one day lat sprlnjf lie discovered a family of heart in the woods along Polly's Kim. It consisted of a big and invnye mother liear and three cube. The cuba were but a few weeks old. Skilea' first Impulse wae to put a ball through the old brer ai the mulled toward him from her retreat beneath the roots of a fallen tree, and to carry the cuba home alive, but on second thought he reunited to spare the family. He knew that the eulis would pine for their mother and par hnpa would not live under alien care and treatment. "I'll Just let the hull rnboodle of 'em alone," aald Hob. "Nil moiitha from now them culis'll be In fine atiape to give nie tome ,fun in the wooda, and the ol' woman b'ar'll have a nice new cout o' fur on to her. I'll let 'em live, and reap the harvest o' my bein' kind to 'em along when mow begina to tly next fall." Ho he did what no otliiT liuntur In all tli at spread of waters would have done, lie passed on and left the benr family to lUrlf. About two week before Thnnltagfv Ing he had the satisfaction of knowing tlint the cubs hnd grown to be more than luilf as big aa their mother, fat as pigii reaily for the killing, and with coats of fur of the ' blackest ami glossiest. The mother was also in superb coat and finest condition. Tin y were snugly housed in Tamarack an amp. "(luesa I'll let 'em pick up for a week or so more," said he. "Then they'll be ready for me to have fun with." A couple of days later he saw the bear family ngain. The old bear and two of the rubs went Into the swamp and the other cub started away on his own account, over toward an old wood road, and down the road toward lily's clearing. "That ain't reg'!nr,"sald lloh. That b'ar ain't actln' square!" Ho he followed the cub, which went Along at a lively rate, and turned into the woods, at the further edge of which Illy hud a few sheep in a tot, with a long fence around It. Hob Hllkca hurried on, and raine out o( the woods into the lot Just as the young hear had cornered the sheep and had killed one. "That bein' the case," said Hob, "I'll have to hnve my fun with this young cub right now." And he killed the rub and gave it to Illy because it killed lily's sheep. A day or two afterward lb b had an ii IT i-r of a good price for a big bearskin, and he went out to get the mother of the family. lie got on her trull. The two young bears were with her. Hob followed her for an hour be fore he got a allot, and the old bear turned on him so fiercely that If it hud not been for his dog she might have got hint instead of his getting her, but he got her. The two young buara went up a big tree. "I'll leave 'em," suid Hob. "I'll hare a Thaukagltin' hunt with 'em, and have a lot more fun. I'll get one of 'em on that day and then I'll keep t'other one for a Christmas hunt. They'll wait for me." In less than a week after that, though, some one from the county sent scut word to Hob that If he could Hcud over a couple of bears, young, frt and Juicy, right away, he could get his own price for them, so Hob concluded that he wouldn't keep the two remaining members of the family waiting for him any longer, and he started out bright and early to get them for the mail at the county seat. Knbin Huild tells the rest. " 'Tain't fcr me to be the Jixlge o' folks' (loin's," said Sabln, "but when a feller has nosed around In the woods as much as Hob Skiles has, nn' then goes an' puts his confidence in h'ara. It siinra him right if he gits fooled. 1 was scttiu' on u log over this side o' the big cranberry mash, wait in' fer a deer that I thought uirbbe luowt come along to chew soine o' the wild grass on the edge of It, and who should I see but Hob with his gun on his shoulder, bound for soincv, beres. "'Hello, Hob!' I sung out. 'Where do you think you're goiu'?' "'('.oln' to git them two b'ars o' mine that's mi'j on the edge o" old Tiuiuirnck. wuitin' fer me.' "'S.i?, I says. 'Hoic you'll git 'em,' 1 says. ""('nurse I'll git 'em!' saw Hob. "I didn't say uothin' more, an' on he went. I looked arter him till he got out o' sight. Then 1 suva to my self: " 'Hotnutimca a feller it, a Icctle too sure o' things. 'Specially if it's b'ar,' I says. "So 1 got nn the log and soil o' pondered, no' by an' hi 'Iom come a sluuimlu' nice buck to thin wild grass ut tin edge o' the ciuitlicrrv uinsh.an' I knocked him ,ocr, skinned hilll out ail' took him home. All' as 1 was goiu' home I khu to ittvhclf ag'ln: "'Sometimes a feller is a leete Qlvc Your Horse a Chance t weeaif Or.,ni ,) it,. S7"BU wu one year lor 1 In ad A for. hvnkl.. V7'tt 1 ktsffMeslKl HNr Moth 4sV ti. fearn! M lit A unl htiKl tl a eniv 1 Eureka vTA Harness OllA Hut ftnlr n.&kf t hrt.ra an.! 0 I 1 i kurfM a1--. btUf, tll Uikr III 1 lttUl WUt tl l )'lll.lf tttla ii tn i-mi. i l vn iivar Vi'i : Specially if it's too sure o' thing. b'ar,' 1 aaya. ' "Now, the reason why I said that was louiethln' like this. The (lay afore I was settln' on that log wait in' for the deer an' had that talk with HobSklles I was over to lily's clearin'. It wai along in the urternoon when I stopped there, an' Illy sny to me: "'Why ain't you out helpin 'cm ketch the b'ar?' aays he. " 'Il'ar?' I Bays. 'What b'ar?' '"The fattest an 'blackest young b'r you ever see,' aays Illy, 'tine o' the Nelson bovs snw It first, wub- blin along not morc'n a mile f rom j here, up the creek, says he. It was, headiu' in from Tamarack swamp." "'So?' I says, 'if there was two i b'ars now, 'slid ( one, I'd think sure they must belong to Hob Hkilcs' b'ar famlly-the two that 's waitiu' for him to have fun with,' I says. '".Mebbe says Illy, an' that' nil that was said jist then, about b'ar,' " 'Long to'arda night, as I was on the p'lnt o' leaving lily's, in come the Nelson boy an' two or three more. They was hootin' an' liowlln' us if they'd Jest come in from eleo tlon. An' they had good reason for hootin'. They hadn't only fetched in the. b'ar thnt Illy was tiilkin' about, but they had fetched in another un with it. Jest the same size an' heft. They was the fattest an' blackest youngster o' b'ars I ever see. " They're the two orphans o' Hob Kkilca' b'ar family, sure as sap!' say I. They be, certain.' An' they're gone back onto Hob! They've abused his confidence!' I says 'Hut what could you expect of b'ars?" I says. "An' with that I left for home, an' didn't think nothin' more about it till next day, when I wns settln' on that log nigh Crnnlicrry swamp waitin' for a der that mout mebbe come along to chaw the wild grass, an' seen' Hob with his gun, hcadin' for Tamarack swamp to git hi two b'ars. "I didn't say nothin' to him 'bout what I'd seen over to lily's clearin', 'cause I thought there mow t setch a thing be that the two b'ars the Nelson boys got wa'n't the Hob Skiles two orphans urtcr all. but I couldn't help retiiiirkln' to myself, as Hob went on to'nrd the swamp that some times a feller is a leetle too sure o' things 'spcniully if It's b'ar. "Well, sir, the eveiiin' o' that day, as I was cnttiu' some steaks olTcn the ham o' that buck I had knocked over when It come along to eat wild grass on the cranberry mash, who should come in but Hob Hkilcs. "'Hello, Hubert!' says I. 'Where' the two orphans?' "Hob was lookin' glum an' disiip p'inted. "'Sabln,' says he, 'you know how T tr sated that b'ar family. I could 'a plunked the ol' woman b'ar nn' gobbbsl her young una ten months ago, 'most, if I'd a been a mind to,' says he, 'hut 1 treated 'em white, an' give ein a chnnce to be somebody an' to have some high ol' fun with m this fall,' aays he. 'I've been a reg'lnr father tn that family,' snye he. 'When I found nut that one o' the young 'una was turnin' out to be a sheep thief I put him out o' the way o' temptation. " 'Then I see that the id' woman b'ar wns gcttin' old an' sassy, an' I fixed her so she couldn't git her dander up nn' mnke herself look un pleasant any more. Hut,' says Hob, '1 kep' my eye on t'other two young uns,' 'bo's they wouldn't git to goiu' wrong, an' so's they could still have a bully chance to be nn hand when I wanted 'em, so's they could show they 'predated what I had dona for 'em. " 'Hut what hnve they done?' says Hob. 'Here was their chance to day, tn show their gratitude, but 'slid o' dotn' of it they go an' hide,' he says, 'an' make me trapse an' trudge an' tumble 'round In id' Tam arack nn eery which way through the woods,' he says, an' there don't neither one on 'em show up! I call that, Sabln,' says Hob, 'a treat in' a feller contemptible mean an' incon siderate!' he sa s. "'That's Jest what It is, Hubert,' I say. 'Hut they hain't made nothin' by It,' I says. " 'No?' be save. 'Why?' " They didn't hide from you,' I says to Hob. "An' then I up nn' told him all about the young b'ars the Nelson ho) s 1 had gathered In, 'cause kuowed then, for certain, that they wns Hob Skiles' two orphans. Holt he leaned onto his gun and eiirlicd. "'Well,' he sats. ''taint that I blame the NeUon bovs. Their boiin I en duty was to gether in b'ars if they .ce any to gether in. It's the terrible ingratitude o' them two b'ars that hurts me,' he says 'I never would a 't Ii link It! Never!' he says "Vn' with that Hob went on home, an' though I wn'n't no ways glad he w.i fooled no bail ipilte the con trary ylt I couldn't help IhiiiMn' that it surved him right. Ych, sir. Vou kin bet your pile it don't siy to put your confidence in b'ar!" N. Y. Sun. There llal Hern Olhere. "You," sighed the rejected lover, "would find your name written in im perishable characters in my heart could oti but look." "So?" murmured the fair young thing, who ;i. itwitre of the fact that the KUiiui hiol been plaxiug Hoineo at the v.-.ulc for something like -0 veils. "So? Then vou must hae u heart like a hotel ilirccloi-y by this time" Haltiuioic iticricaii. It imi lfu s. "What is an inventor?" .i.l.ed the teacher. " n inientor." replied t! t t v . ut .'r's son, promptly, "is souictl ii. ; -'lm c, by nature for the u.r of a pi icti r " Chicago Tout At Bed lime I take a pleasant herb drill's , the next inorninn I leel bright ami my complex inn is better. My doclur says it sets Uvntlv on the stomach, liver ami kid-1 nets, and is a pleasant Isistive. It i" f mads (ruin herbs, ami is prepared as easily aa tea. It ia calltd l.aue's Medi cine. All ilruatiiigta sell it at and j IhV. lane's Kamily MediciiiM inoirsj the Isiaels each day. Ii you cannot get it, send lor a Ire sample. Address , Oiaior V. Wisnlaard. I lloy, Ji Y What I a ttrealer Thin Folks Need poster ol iltg-cstiiip' atitl assimilating Itssl for them lr. King's I New I. lie 1'illa wtirk wonders 1 titty 1 tone and rc.ulste the ibs-estive nrgstis, x iitlyriiel all pmstma lionitbesss r '...., . , Iclii, enrich the blotsl, improve aiH.etiiH. msae healthy flcsli. O.il. l'h- at lr. . Kremer a. You Know What You Are Tatklnl U'l.. I.V. II..,,.. T....I... I'l,.ll Tindo, het-auss tbt formula It plainly print ed on every bottle showias Ihst it ia im ply Iron and Quiiiiitt in a tasteless form Ko Cur No, I'ay. MS". I J Ko . ure no, ) , 'IN SAFE BLOWING. Skill of Burglars- In Breaking Open Steel Chest. nllro-lrcrrl I'oared lata CreWees ot the IMior Tears U from Its restealBaa Vers- Taurttua; Mssssr. It Is a well known fact that some of the shrewdest professional burglars in this country were formerly makers f Bho know every combination nil( t ri-c f the trade, and arc skilled . Ulie f lt. most modern I""1 am tave u thorough know Intge of the Wi.aK points of every wife on the mar-1 I act. ror many years shi oirajMUK j was carried on wi ll great success. I The time lock and the combination lock put a stop to a great deal of this : activity, and then an arrangement was made whereby, even if the hinges were . awed otr, the door atill remained locked. It almost seemed us if the burglars had finally been foiled at every Hiint, when iiitro-glyceriue made its appearance, says the New York Times. liurglarn were jiiia-lc to see that this powerful liipiid, w hich' is still the active principle' of giincptton and ilyiiiunite, put nearly all the safes on the market nl their mercy. Hut it re ipiirrK i;,f liij'hest mechanical skill and a gn at ileal of experience anil knowl edge to one nitro-gl.wcriiir upon a safe succeM-fuily. Very few people are nwnre, however, how simple are the Inst ruments need- i-d by the modern burglar in opening a safe with nitro-glyccrine, and just how he proceeds to Imimiichs. His outfit coimi-Is of a few pounds of putty, a sufbcli ut ipiiintity of iiitro-glyceriue, a hainuicr mid perhaps a couple of , thin m il,c. With thi s'-, and a fuse ' and in. itches, he i ready to "negoti ate" the MO-c:illi'ii htli-l.ii'-j.l'oof safe, lied t hf (..'"ive of hi micccw depends nlnit.i-t u!t My upon himself. A very i-lioil tini" is pcci'.i d in which to "blow " a Mifc. 'I hi- 1! it 1 l.ing itone Is to inal.e n ciu'"fn! ilopcflton of the upp.'i-ilnoi jaii'1! of ! I,c i a fe. .No mut ter how ii; ht-ttitiiu and cMrefully ad I Jioter th - ooor of a mi fc i c I e. It in I claimed lliat it in imH.i-,:ii!c '.o inukt It mi tl.at H iv.mIi'C 1,i;iiIi th'eU .r .'.lull a nuor c: e will not I'.inl entrance, A few taps with a hammer Hriiv in the thin edge of the wedge, making an I opening which iiiny not bv any bigger 1 than a thin idn'et of paper. The wedge Is driven further, a thick wedge Is In serted, and this 4s followed, perhaps, by a still thicker one, each wedge only receiving a few dull blowi, until dually the opening between the door and the wall of the Mifc is perhnps a sixti cut h of an inch wide. Leaving the ho.t w-cdi'c in place, the burglar now turns to his lump of putty ami goes to work on the bottom of the safe door. The minute crsck hVrc where the doro ami the safe mei t is careful!) puttied up along il. w hole length, and the line of putty is continued up for i.bout a foot on each end along the hidc of the door. The burglar with 'his putt) next mil. is a "cup" at the ti-p of the door directly f:ein the o cuing made by th" hi'iI.t. When the cup is fiiiMitd he i.IIh it up with nitro glycerine. This slowly pclvnlntlH II, couch th- thin opi long mi,, V by the w i il'c, mm) as mm mi as the cup lias emp tied it i I :' it is tilled ngaiii. Now. what happens? The nltro glycerine docs not .simply disappear in the safe nmolig the books and (irawcrs. It slides down the top of the door :t iv anifle of 4 degrees and follows down the inside of the door. Instead of rcMiiigrn the bot tom of the Mife. the nitro-glyci rinc follows the "steps" into which thu door is flllid. Hire the nit roc y ccr ine (oilecls. the potty on the nutslile of the door pi'cvvni iur its encape. The tii ri; In r keep,, pouring in nitro glycerine by the aid of his "cup" until he be li,i i s that the interstices be tween the bottom of the door ami the safe are full of liquid, making a layer under the door at uu angle of about f,,rty-liie degrees. The safe i tin n ready tn be "blown," w h ich mi rc.y c,,n iM i:i si. it ing off the cxprosiw-. So poweiful is uitm-glyc-crine tlint it wierelnK 1 he door ' olll it phicc and leans llie inside of the safe ut the niercv ol the burglar. I'iMir Trlnecsa's lliily Sulaee, yciu bale io,w claps, .,i since ss l.oube of I nbiu-g was taken t'oeswig su nil h linin lieurlrc No improiciiicnt appeals to T. I'riliei to th, I, n hill tiol tal,) ii plac in her mental coiuli is concerning tier health loclon hciliif er iilifuiorable. The l.cr to be siitrering raly sis of the liruitl, r ;Tse U hopeless. Iietic iis regards all I I r prilicest, still dis To III Hill I'M I. Mel pi. II Howe will, and i in ; she t partial p ay that I luely up:i or thing's. a p. i- i, Hale I, in, g , In n i s. H tl.i in. they -tn , c f , ," How ers mi'l i looms are tilled iiul in eicry niche i n upon t he tloor i i iter, alio is nn, I il'oicr pots The interest M tli-plaletl ill her toilette has iintt sultMilc.l, tlow ers , ring her only solace The iililiuppy princess spends much time imiorg them, utitl is often henrtl ei'iitbhne- to them her sorrows. London Telegraph. Mel lauallr I hat War. A very small ciil ton on the Kust sii'c was cut i, lor ;i i s ; pisi,- of raw py stt r- it sup per t he ol h -r uu'lit. She wa:,, t lit ane I In n pilshcl tin p'.i'e aw.iy fee in her wnh su lprt- llisei r. ii ilicr t. lllllttl "lo n't t h r no '. Ksty ?" aikc! nl like ytniro) - "No, a, r t!,,n'i." nnswi red K.i'y wnh u gi.uiiice "Il ia w,ia to, i fi-,h." Mt nipli , Se iuiil u r. w ii y no i: sr i cf the sun burned. s;;ge brush and alkali plains wlun you may just as well take a delightful, ct o'. ami com roltahlc title llnolili the heart of t lie Kts ky nioiiniaiiis tti v lew of (he grand est m i i:, tv of the American IVnl - it .' This you can do by travelling on the Kin l-'iainlc System, the far funu d "Soiiuc l.'iie of The World, "the only tr.ius contiti 'iit.it lint' lushing through Silt Like City, tilenwiHul Springs l.eatlville, Colorado springs and lVu- 'r ' r"1"" eastern siuts. Three dailv exitrcss trains make , l,Vse ctiniicctiniis with all trains east . i i . and west and afford a choice of live ' '" ' "' nf travel, llicipup. tin nt ol the trains is the Ih'si, uu lutt lug free reclining chair cars, standard and tourist sUi j rs, a perfect dining .rt I ..1.. ,s.r.....ltv , ' ""! I .m. s o,l du u tcti i cnrsinii curs, each in charge i ctinistt in guiib', whomt business i lo hsik after the comfort of his gucsiK. No innrv pit aslit and im I pensive means of crossing tlio Conti nent can be fonnd than is provided by these excursions. For additional details, address, J. D. Mansfield, Gcn'l JAg t; Rio Grande Lines, 124 Third St., Port and, Ore. A MEXICAN FESTIVAL' Curloui Religious Observance Among the Peon Indians. , Orolesiia Deeoratluu of Aalssals lha rlaarela lh ilnaolar Csr inoslsl of HUaslBB (or at. Aalhoar. During March there occurs in the remoter villages of Mexico a curious observance now pructicaily obsolete elsewhere. It Is the blessing of the animals in honor of St. Anthony, und is accounted oue of the great days of the year by the peon Indians, who bring their "aniinalitos" to the ceie mony in festal attire of astonishing variety and effect, says Youth's ( nni panion. Anklets, collars, frills, bows, bells, blnnkets, streamers, rosettes even miniature Jacket, caps and trousers, and patterns executed with dye or paint brush, ure nil. in fashion on that day among the uatonished ami frequently iudiguant animals, which range in kind froir huge plow oen und sullen fighting bulls to pet cats and tiny love birds. All In turn arc brought up to the padre, hprinUed. blessed, and adjured in the name of the venerable, saint who loved their kind to be faithful and serviceable. (irotesqu indeed are many of the candidates. A visitor not long ago described those he noticed, some of which were comics 1 enough to bring a smile even to the lips of the padre himself, as he dispensed his equnl blessing upon bedizened niulra, whimpering puppies and contempla tive, cattle wreathed from hoof to horn -even including a piteous dead rabbit with a ribbon round Its neck, held pp by a tearful little boy amid sympathetic murmurs from the crowd. It was the only creature that wns still; th place resounded with bnrklng, brayUig. squealing, cackling and clucking; with laughter and the sounds of flapping, trampling, scrambling and scurrying hither and thither. Among the animals was one puppy painted In pink and blue stripe around its fat body, and with n huge pink bow attached fn it infantile stub of tail. A piirple-nnd-plnk dyed kitten was brought forward by u lit tle girl, who carried It" in a parrot cage decked wltb flowers. A lamb, snowy wdiitc. Its fleece tied with blue ribbons and its neck garlanded with blue forget-me-not, received the ap plause of the spectators, who, on the other hand, greeted with derisive crioa'n belligerent old goat butting at. everybody with horrfs Incongru ously adorned wdth gay streamers. A peon, from under whose cloak poked the pink noses of five tiny squirming pigs, struggled long and gallantly, assisted by much advice from the onlookers, liefore he was able to drive forward their grunting and resentful mother, half of whose decorations were rubbed off, and the rest all soiled and awry. A culminating sensation wns cre ated when the proud owner of a fine Hock of poultry displayed his fowU, each bewildered hen arrayed In a pa per K.ton jacket, neck frill und bon net tied nniler her chin. The pigs and mules were the most ill-hchaicd iiuiiunls; the dogs the best, ami best nf nil, cheered by the I'rtavil mid smiled on beuevnluntly by the padre, was a demure little dug that trntted fnrward and sat up pn litely on Its hind legs to beg for a blessing. HE SAW PRINCE HENRY. The lulsads Vlellai of a Joke las- Whrr the U v r-( isa d.t Joh.r rail... ' Kier since the visit of I'rince Henry to I'hilatlclpbia. a printer. w1iiho es tsibllshinent is in the vicinity nf Tenth and Arch streets, is wondering at his lack of success .'I, a practical joker, says the l'hilmlelphia l.'ccortt He has an errand boy who hnd expressed n great desire to sec the prince; so. thinking to play a .-icl. , n tl e inno cent voiuh, he struck olf some enrds containing a number nf meaningless sentences m'I in Herman ty pe. and gave nne tn the ymiugstcr. In the upper left-hand comer was the inscription; "lloch tier Kaiser." and printed in Knglish in the other corner was: Hate No IS. Left " "This card." sahl the printer, "will admit yon to Hrtnitl Street station nt the time for I'rince 1 1 cut y ' arrival " Vrined w it!i his pass port, the boy started nut in grcnl glee, followed by scwrn! men from the of lice who hail been told of the joke ami who were notions to see the fun. The ictini presented hia enrd in turn to a reserve iitilicciiiun. a railroad em ploye, unit a member of the reception committee, each of whom, after sol t-iii ill v scrutinizing the bit of eard- btsitrtl, pnssed the benrcr through t! e station until he reached a position 1 1 . t Hie feet away from the prii.ee at tl i tunc of his nrriinl. The sti;'ic st part of It is that one of t'c ttlcr young men from the ofttce ct I'L'the boy's succes. endeavored to w. ik himself in on a similar card, nlut i.: r row ly escape. I arrest. Jail VI. toil II Is hi. "llr'er .linkins, you so triilin' dat 1 c'ly belie ics f y on w u 'pointed ter be walchinaii at de pearly gntcs de fus' Cing you'll do would be ter set down en co fas' asleep." "llr'er 'I h.-iiins, you mny well .ay dat, kase I'tl sho' feel sti good oi cr tie 'p'int incut I'd ties nn tt-li 11 1 1 butter Co ! ter lct p ter ilivntii if it wiu true." -Atlantii Colistitutioti. llilhrr Swtri Slier ill. A riiilatlt-lphifl woman stole fl.S.INlO ' to pi'oinle u I ii x li l ions hottie for her ; cats and tlogs. and the I hieugo Krcnrd . Herald says I'hllstlelpliia must have a fast set, after all. ! 1HIVT FAIL Tl) THY THIS. Whenever an honest trial is given to KKvtrio Hitters for any trouble it is ; tvooininciidod for a permanent cure ; will surely lv effected. It never fails to tone the Moiu.uh, regulate the j kidneys and Ivwels, . stimulate the I liver, invigorate (be nerves and pnri I fy the hltHvd. It's a wondn ful tonic (oirun down systems. Kltslric Hit ters positively cun8 Kidney and j Liver Troubles, Stomacli Disorders, i Ncrynusncss, Slivplessiiesss, Hlu nnia- ; ttsni, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guurantivil by V. Y. , Kreincr Dnlr Jdivnts. Ko lake at The Courier nttice. mill im?&m I 1 - , . 4 i t - J t . , i I KillVW! ! ' iV-sJ "I do not look as tliovi I ever was :::n is sic'.: she falls of! in is parlic;ilr.rly the case cr3 fieri diseases peculiar V..t onlv is her strength !ait she' lo.W3 beauty of j of form. a t..ii. tis- of the cures of .s i f.'-.s-icd by tin; use of e.voriic I'rciici'iulioii, th;it V. iicn a .' looks. The whin she -tiii to i:ir ur.-lirniii" !. face and I'S '-' It Is c, i WOtMHlllV I '. Dr. I'icic; with re:.tors.J hcal'.'.i fare is a restora tion of jy - i hx,Ks. , . . , 'I-'avori'e pres.:; lptmn " ctiaonsiisrs regulariiy, driss v.ca-icMtig drains, tu-ais inil.itn.naiion slid uicr ration unu cuii female wcikn.ss. I wish I', llir.'ls y.tll I'.r HI" K(i "'" Cil.es have .to.iv ...';, rv Miy: ;o " f-rt iU.:,t-l"is Vhev 1 itol seciu It.h.ljinie; i"ic,'l 1 got .-..tsr ..',! the linai I h..lUa, stinerttl i, , l .' . an it ,t i -'" ".-.. I thought IT IV l.,tk wuiild a .crv Itatl tir.iin t)"t alter tsi.f l;'avorile I'r. scriiou ' 1 't-u M-.,i.Tit Iiw-ovt-ry.' I am cvt-r. II h .- a a'.iui.it two h i, I rtlnni ol the lr,.ul,lc. ir 1 t'u.ii'l look a.. Iht.eijli I ever my tttyAii ' , Sill me 1 " li.Lii-.K five III,! Ihrec .f :it-' I Mr l-e. ie!it' lir. 1'icr c'ii Common Sens" judical Adviser, jwnn-r covers, is sent free on receipt of -I fine-i'ciit statups to pay ej.iK.nsc ol i.i.ti'.ii.;; r.-ily. Address Dr. R. V. fierce, i;ul,";i'o, N. Y. g 4v a is a Vacation Don't Waste a Vacation they come too sel dom. Thev Jiist l it the l'ocket Prices $1 to $35. M. .i-s,-.r- r V.- lhot Supplies of all KiniK A. E. VOORHIES. (louricr ofiico. t s Sk -s, SaWSk, -sk, f r vnii ui n . sisvi L-Mis z oaiTr t I tit iiiiiTif..uirim;jci,nk. TW 1 ,.. (.iMsil Nvt. la it a C.SMBitts. ami rt e sTM T'.t.S,M p, 1 m , s. ry A SS., ,Vt . , MM F si-,t. s a bi rstt ssnesi m "o WS0 (. tM slsitsl s. I t. f III f v ; v-yd k Vacation Without Kodak Wasted C-rr('!l' I V C si-i ft I sr- A. 0 i - r rJ n l .,s 1 iVl OR. JPM-0:SiA3ilO; Yjll J , ..trWat ts m !Sl.y. T , I f Si t..,HSiiWti Bbl 1 f d a -i ss. n.r .... tis,tvJ ill f t '- r.ilfc it.., ...j DIRECTORY OL'.NTY ( FFICERS. ! ...Abe Axtell i.lohn Wells i Nick Thnss K. I.. Harllett T, 1". Judsoii Kd Lister Krnest l.i!ier J . T. Taylor Lincoln Savafc I has. Crow 11 C. I'erkins ..T. A. Hoed (ieo. W. Lewis : ji.-i:riii-N'E ( Judire ' Coniiiiisioner-i .. ' Clerk 1 lieputy Clerx .slieriti lu-putv Mieriil. -. Treasurer .chool Supt AssesMtr Surveyor Coroner lioadiuas'.er . . . . CITY OKFICKKS. Mavnr V. F. Kretuer Auditor and I'olice Judge. ... K. J;- Uvts rren-urer ol'W.'.-,.,,""f " City Atturney 'IV 7. Marshal junn i.ocs. ,... Street t-upt - John 1'alnck Couniiiiuen "eo. it. i us A. C. Hough, J. It- Williams, . . K. Harmon J. A. Lehkoni. Harry Lewis, llerliert Smitli, Henry Schmidt KKATKKSAL SOCTTIES. Orants I'ass Lo.lire A. K. A A. M., No 1. revuiar cotiiinuiiiealiiin first and tlu ru Saturdavs. Visiting liruthers cordially iuvite.1 ' H. C. lionizes, V. M. A. J. 1'iKX. Sec y. Koysl Arch Masons -Keames Chapter No. ' Js nireis second and fourth edne-sday Ma-otlit huli. L. L. .Ii.s kli.. J. E. riTK.olC Secy. H.I. Eastern S;ar-.losipliino Chapter. So. "Si meets lirst and third Wednesday evenings of each nioiiih in Masonic Mb. H. Z)i.i.tR; Mits. Asna M. Hot.MAK, V. M. hec y. I. (). (i. F ., Uolden Uule Lotlge Jo. i. meets every halunlav tii'in a' i. . V. hull. iKe M. Davis, T. Y. Dt.ts, Secy. Nji I'nran Eneaiiiptiient I- F. No. nieeus -se.-niui aim ivinni tt- ...-., .--I. ii. t. F. hall, Fkeu Sciimiut. T. Y. l'KAfi. Sec'y. lielsahs-Etna Uehekah, No . 4!l. niceis second and tourtn .uonnay, i. . "; ; ldl, Ksstx Hartman. N.l'- .Mrs. J. H. Dr.smos, Secy. l iiit.il Artisans- (irants l'a-s Assembly No 4li. meets Ulternaie me-uava nt A.O. I'. W. nail- F. K. Wkiitz, Fkeii Mks.-ch, Master Artisan. Se;y. Woodmen of the Workl-llogne Utver ( amp o. -s, nieeis si-couti iiio. ...., Weiiuesdais ut Woodnian Hall. J.sh. hiovr.a. C. V.. Maybkk, Consul Commander. ' Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azuleu ( in le, No. meets first ami tliirtt .vioiuiuya ai Woodmen hail. Kstklla IIkkuy, N. W. K. Di-.an. Clerk. Modem Woodmen of America -lirauts l'a-s I amp No. MOT meets 2nd ami it Is Wednes day Kveiiiiigs at Wooilinen hall al 7::so. elms. 11. Murshull. V. C. N. l'.ej nobis, Clerk. Foresters of America-Court Josephine No. meets each Wednesday except the lir.-t, al A. 0. I'. W. ball. J. I'. IIalk, C. IL tl. S. I'.oi.T, F. S. losephine l.otice. No. 112, A. D. I'. W. meets in A. O. V. W. ball, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. .1. II. MKAtlK, M. W. It A. Stanarii, Kecoider. Hawthorne Lodce, No. 21, D. of IL. A. O, I . W. -meets every alternate Tuesday evcniiiK in A. t) I'. W. hall, Dixun Iniililiiic. Mas. A. McCarthy. Mrs. I.yuia Dean, C. of If. Kecorder. Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 50, meets each Tuesday nii-'ht 7:110 I. O. ( I. F. hall. J. T. Chuusse, Toa Wii.iiavs, C. C, lv. of Ii and S. Grand Army of the Republic lien. I.oraii Post No" :i!i, meets tirst We 1 nesii ay ut A. (I. C. W. hull. J. K. Pkti iisos. Abe Aitki.i, Atljt. Cum Anierieuu Order of Steam Hnirincers, Ore- con Council No. 1, meets first and third Saturdays, al A. O. I'. W. hall. Wm. II. Kenney, Pk.vj. V. My hick, Chiel Kngineer i. orresptiniiing lni;ineer. Order of Pernio While l'ock Coumil No in;, meets in A.O C. W. Hull tir.it ami third Friday niidits, C. F, Maviik, Secretary. Fum aHklc i.r, Counselor. l uileil Itrotherliood of Curiiellters utitl Joiners ot America I'nioil No. Ills meets second anil fourth Thursdays ol cueh month at A. O. I'. W. Hall. .1. K. Wiki'an, Pres I). A. FlTzoERAl.n, Sec'y, 25,000 New Words aro ailded in tlio Inst edition of Webster's Internatioiiitl Diction itiy. Tlie Intcrnntioual ia kept Lilwnya nbreust of the times. It takes constant work, expensive work and worry, but it ia the only way to keep tbo tlieliouary the Standard' Authority, of tbo English-speaking world. Other dictionaries follow. Web ster leads. It is tho favorite with Judgea, Scholars, Educators, Printers.etc, in this and foreign countriea. A postal card will bring yon interesting specimen pages, etc. G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY SruisoiTELn, Mass. ri'ni.isnEita or WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. rtis s;ci:atare U on everv tso 0f ttl8 gCnn,,0 Laxative liromo-Quinine Tstien as tsiscsiy that cure a coltl lu ulie tla7 The fisherman, the sailor, the y.ichtsman and everybody, is lublc to sudden attacks of disease. tPIKRV IIATlst') Acts like nuxic 'or cholera cramps, sudden colds, or chills from ex posurc ; Take bo substitute. Trice jtc. 50c. j" ; ''' aiiii. mm, "lswJsspBjsrrsssMajre ty eeiiulnforitiatlon, tit AaUi The Uuilin.?lon ticket office in Tortland is a veritable Bureau of InU-rnntion for travelers a place where they ran learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in America or I'.uri ; ;; how lung the tiip will take, and what there is to sec on the way. If you ore fi:;tnii g on an eastern trip, drop in and get fuil la'on.ialijR. if 'oa prefpr' "''10 mc a."Out it Omaha, Chicago, KaDsas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. 1 13 Thro' Train Southeast.1 Northern Pacific BurliniJton Route. The St. Louis Special, the through ex press o( the Northern Paoili and 'Bur lintflon railroads from the Xsutliwcat lo tb Southeast, cbung-d time oil Miy 4. Toe trun'-contiiienUl serviee ia materi ally benefited, aa connections for the Kent and South aie now made with morning trains out of Si. Louis and Chicago. The St. Louis Special now leaves Portland, at 8:2") n. in. ; Tuc.utiia, ":40 p. in ; Seattle, 3:!)0 p m. ; Spokane, ():5" a. m. ; Helen. HI. In p in i mi- linn", 7:00 a; ui. The in w card is iitdre convenient, to uiort cities in the Northwest. The train now carries standard tlecrer, tourist sleeper, dirintf car, chair cur, coach, and baae car. l'onlanl to Kaii'a? City without change, also (ice reclining chair car, Portland to St.. Louis. 1 1 reinCits the rc.it TIME SA VKI', as well fts the only tiiroui;h train lelviin the Notthwesl ami the Soul heist . "THE MILWAUKIE." A familiur name (or the Chicago, Mil wankceASt. I'uul Uailivuv, known all over the Union at the (Ireat Railway running the "I'lonetr Limited" Irainf every day and nilit between St. I'aul and Chicago, and Ucialia und Chicago, ' The only perleict traina in the world. Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assur ing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam iieat,ofa verity ei)tiallcd ly no othui line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going lo any point in the United States or Canada. AlUick et agents sell them. Kor rates, pamphlets or oilier intoi uialion, aildiess, J. V. CaoKV, C. J. f'unv, Trav. Tass. Agt. (Jeneral Agent, r-KATTl-K, Wash. Foitri.ASD, Or. MiriCK FUll PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act, June 11, 1S78 United btnles Laud Oll'ne, Liifeb'irg, Oienon, .Inne LI, llifl.' Notice is lureliy given Ihst in compli ance with the provisions of the set ol Congress ol June 3, 1S7S, entitled "At, act lor the sale oi umber lands in the Stales ol Cslifornia, Oregon, Ne vada and Washington I'erriiory," as ex tended lo ail the l'uhlic Laud flutes hi ad of August 4, 1N1I2, .Mis. Ann K. Iloo'li. ol (irants l'ass, county of loepliine, Stato ol Oregon has this dnv liled in this ollice her eworii statement No. L'TlM, tor the pinchnsc ol the S V '4' ol S. ctiori No N 111 r,iwnliip No. ;i7 S, Range Nn. H west, and w dl oiler prool lo iliow tlist the l.i lid soughi is more valuable (cr t linilwr or stone than (or agricultural puipo-es, Ktitl to establish her claim to aid laud before Arthur C.mklin, U.S. Coiniiiissiiiner ol this ollit e st tirauts Pass, Oregon, 011 Monday, the 'i day ot A ugu t, 111,'-. She names hk m itin'sit-'es : .1 M. lion', Ii oM irsuia I'h, I 're., L is in I. Ilultba'd of Wildeiville, Ore., C. I. Sutre ol i 1 ant si l'ass, ()r , M ; Lull ait ol i.ianls I sss Oit-L' 11 Any ami ail persmis claiiuiiig atlversclv the above tlescii'icd lands ate requested to lile their elimns in this cflice on 0: belore said L'5 day ol August, 1SHI2. .1. r. i',iiini,i.s, Kegister, Nol'lCK Ft Ut PU1U.1CATI0N. Timber I. anil Ait. Jnneo, 1S78. United S a cs Land Oilier, Itoscbtirg. Oregon, June 1:;, 'jj-. Noticr is lierebv given that in compli ance Willi the provisions u( the act ol Cotigrissol Jons. 3. Ih7fi, enti htl "An set (or the sale ol t, timer lauds in the S alt o( Caliloinit, Oienon, N.-vada ami Washington Teintnry," as extend d lo all the Public Land States bv set ol August 4, 1RU2, (iiurn K 0 li.snts l'a-, county ol Jostilun,,, S ale d On goo, hss tb; tlav Hb-tl in this olliie her sworn stj!Hiii..t,t 'j; '01 tbo .U'chA.-e of i lie s K 'joi s, c'i,.n f i'i lownsii,. N... ;,; , ;,. wisi, aiitl will 1 if. r .to,u to slma il a llie l ai d rouglit is more vahiabl,. I,, ,t timber o-stone iliaut.tr eg 1c11l111r.il pur poses. an,i ;o cs ,it,'i.i ., i-i,,.,,, 10 said laud 1'i-iiire A,.,nr Conkhn, I' s n)m. i:iisi,i, r i,f hi- t ill -i at (iran.s Pt, Dl. gnu, on Mi 11. lav, the '.'-, , ,.,. Ai L'ust, 1H02 fshe Haines as wi'tie'ss J M lttimli, C. J s;:,,,, mm j PcoUi, Miss Ida V. Lal.aui ml ' i'sii's I.isti. t Iregon. Anv and all p-rsons ilaiinin adversely tlie slsive desctiiird lands are reiptrsleti 10 lile their 1 lamia in tluP ( Micron or be 'ore said L'o'.h day o( August, !I02. L T. r.HHKitS, kgtstrr. BRIGHT'S DISEASE Ihebrgestmn ever paid (nr a pre scni.tion, chsngd hands in San I-ran-Cfco. Aug. ;0, PM1. The transl-r in yolved in coin ami si.s k $i I2..)(.0.) a d " l' I'T a party of I usiness oi-n l-n a s-ecitlc lor Knglifs Disease and Ijis Iw.es, hilhirto inciiralile diseases. They commenced the sei ;on iiiy.sti gstion ol the Scitic N.-v. lj J.sjO riity inter iewrl scores of the'rured and tried It out on its merits hv ptmin over three dnien caw on the treatment and watching them. They also got phv .ici.ins tn name chronic, incurable 1 a-es and administered it with the idivnciatis mr judge.. Up to Aug. 25, hTpVr.ent 'I tne lest rases were either well 01 pr.-gn ssirg favorably. There bring but thirteen per rent ol (amirr. the parties were satisfied and clrs, r , uanu-iinn. The proc-THing. ol tl e investigating MuiinilttH, ,,J tht 1 ii'.jl rr;sirts o( the tut caes we-r pur. Ii.he.1 nd ill Is. mailed l,w nn ai..liMiion. AJdres Ju-( J f,,Tl,s (. cai-ASv, 420 Montgomery M. San Fren 1 tco, (. al. ' " 1 A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Fortland, Ore. GO EAST -oyek th i.- RIO GRANDE WESTERN Denver&Rio Granclo Railroad Only trstisiontinenlal line passing directly llirougli SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER. 'Hires spUindnlly epiipim, triiniUi, TO ALL I'OINl? KAtsl'. Thrnugli Slneping nnd li ning Cn m ii 1 Ir.'e Itfclining Chair Cars The uioHt tnngtiifit'eiit scenery in Aineiica hy ihiylisrhL. Stop overs allowed on ell da-ten ol tickets. for cheancst rate, and ilescriitT Itteraliire, address J. I) M luslie'd, (ieneral Agent, ll'l Child St., 1'ortlatid, Oregon. 'rr 1 c iv jz rr s TJND K.OU A LL Points East VIA Short Line to ST PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, AND POINTS LAST Throuteli Palace and Tourist Hleeu ers. li lit life and Itufl'et Silloklnf l.ilirary Cars. DAILY TRAINS; KAi-T TIME. For Kates, Kolder and full infurnitlii regnnling Tickets, Koutes, Ac, call on ot tldress J. W. I'll AI.0N, T. r. i. II. DICKSON, c.T A I'J'J 1 hlr 1 Street, Portland. A. P.. C. DKNN1STON, . W. V. A 012 Pirst Avenue Ssatlle, 0. E. & N. OKl'GON SHOUT LINE AND- UXIOX PACIFIC. -IT IS TIIK Shortest, Quickest. AND MOST. Comfortable Itoule to all Ka.tern points via I't.rtland. All Throngli Tickets resiling over tlii rouM re good via : Nil It IaUoaid Ioiivr. Low Hates Lv.'ryhere. Tickets on Side at Southern Pacilic Pe"l Ollice. A. L. CHAIti, (ien'l Passenger Agent, rortland, 0r. Tl (sk-iia tntslci, sstcU or pt.iito ol lDTenUt u tor J tree report on ltentaHMly. For free bona t ' 'ecureTnanr- UIOVv r t'Atsnu an-l 1 I IIMUL-ITIHIirw " Opposlts U. S. Patent Otftce WASHINGTON D. U VVRl BO YEAPS' 43r EXPEBIENCe -- a-r-,,.".iJtl r(,fVVX C0TmCHT6fr Air-w rV)dtm; ukUrb and ntoi..T o'vt'-ln c-pr (iuiva U w"1' m Z. lr.oti-.itn 11 fnvfcnMy ' eUbh. Cow tl..i inniT--riilaAmi;I. U rortbclt w I J?r ftit fr.. oit.?t Net-Re ar mkhiipk r11 Pt. it tnkx thrfe;h Hor.n It Ow. r.-" Sckitnfic jfttsericaa.' TlUlion o( 4W1T riflf'B'T uv-'jJ 'f-f" ' '".r; f nrr.iM.iht.lL f,.iJhT?l -'i'-"'. Kb'f.N&Co.3!B-'N2'.v,Hrr uiuea ojsos. arn. ti Smiths.' llantlr ah Tonisde Stop? itching cal- apon one PP:i''' Hon, three to six removes ad danJrnf and will :op falling hair. Price Wc- at all druggists. For aald by slo iVnd Co. 9. V v -v -s-.-v-x.-v-vx.'..-w-s. vssvif Bf.M IIV 4