Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 03, 1902, Image 3

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    i 1-
Fire Works
of All Kinds
for the Fourth
Don't forget to see our
go up with an order for
$5.00, Good at Our Store.
All Kinds of
Flags, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Ribbons, Summer Goods,
You Can Get Anything You Need at
Kessler's Chicago Racket Store.
The $ Saver.
Our Store will be CLOSED
.....JULY 4th
Before that time wo want to Close Out our stock of
A few Bargains loft In Glassware and Decorated
Cramer Bros.
rriit; Jewt
Oil Cooking' Stove
In the antnniutic bluo fliimu oil cooker.
It is a boon to tliu housewife in hot
weather and will boil, buko or roast
liku a charm. It burns a gallon of oil
in sixteen to twenty hours, and is the
safest, simplest, cleanest and most
economical stovo ever made.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Don't Ruin Your Eyes With Poor Glasses
Cheap Glasses and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre
mature loss of sight. Let me test your eyes without charge and
fit you with a pair of glasses that will Keep Your Ey Young.
A full stock of Watches, solid gold and filled cases, Jewelry,
etc., kept in stock.
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty.
A-Tifi 1 1 si Liyrci 1 1 3 1 1 ,
Front St., Next to Palace hotel. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN.
of July is what you should do !:cv.- by
selecting one of our hands Die summer
hats, either for dress or out ing. Our
hats are beauties in style, trimming
and exquisite combination of the lat
est fashions in trimmings. We have
many styles for many faces and all at
gee our line of wrapper and skirts.
These also at a (iKEAT REDUCTION.
Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf 's.
New Idea 10c Paper 1Wf"-" ,.
The New Store
We are uowndy to supply yon
and furnishing for ladies and gent.
We will appreciate a portion of
your trade and will sell yon good
good at right price.
If yoa are in town the 4th come
in aud see us.
New Bank Building.
White & Armstrong.
Lincoln Savage attended tlio teach
ers' association at Eugene last week.
-Geo. W. and W. J. Wimer, of Wal
do, are visiting Grants Pat this
Herman Lnethye and J. A. Stalker,
well known miners of Althonse, are
in town this week.
Mrs. Fred Drake aud daughter Mil
dred of Ashland are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. A. 0. Hough.
Mrs .J. KPigney wen( to Dnusmcir
CaL, Tuesday and will probably be
absent several weeks.
Kev. Robert McLean returned to
Portland on Monday after a brief visit
with friends in Grants Pass.
Jack Mullen, one of the well known
barbers, has returned from Ashland
aud is now working for Abe Mock.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. D. Cook returned
to Jacksonville Wednesday, after a few
days visit here with Mr aud Mrs.
How laud.
Carmel Martin, our gilt-edged base
ball pitcher, arrived here Tuesday
evening to assist the Alerts during
the season.
Misses Hat tie and Emma Telford re
turned on Monday evening from Port-
laud where they spent several weeks
visiting with friends.
J. A. Conner, who operates a hydrau
lic mine on Red Dog, visited Grants
Pass Tuesday. He is now located at
Selma for the summer.
Lou Axtell returned on Tuesday
from Portland, where he has been
working; the strike having put a stop
to work for the present.
Daniel Brants of Springfield, S.D?
arrived in Grants Pass Sunday. Mr.
Brants is a cousin of Cramer Bros,
aud is receutly from Holland.
Miss Mabel Smith returned Friday
morning from Eugene where she has
been attending tho stato university.
A. H. Long aud wife of Gobleville,
Mich., spent Sunday in this city the
guests of Rev. J. W. McDougnll. Mr.
aud Mrs. Long are making a tour of
the west.
Mr. aud Mrs. Fred T. Jones of San
Luis Obispo, CaL, are in Grants Pass
having been called here on receipt of
the news of tho fatal accident to Mrs.
Jones' father, J. C. Harmon.
M. C. Anient has purchased the
Couklin residence property on Eighth
street and moved in this week. A. U.
Bannard, the former occujiaiit, has
removed to the Jackson residence on
Seventh street
Arthur Frier returned on Sunday
evening from a tour to Portland and
tho Sound country. Ho visited Seat
tle, Everett and other cities of the
Sound, but failed to find a better
country than Southern Oregon.
John Thornton arrived hero Sunday
evening to visit for a few weeks with
his parents, Mr. nud Mrs. H. Thoru
ton. He is a railroad engineer and
haB been running between Reno and
Wadsworth, Nev., for several years
Miss P. Saarloos of Holland arrived
on Monday to visit her friend M.
Braat. She has been traveling in the
U. S. Biuce hist year aud has just com
pleted tho Yellowstone Park and
Alaska tours. She will remain here
a month.
KEELEY At Merlin, June 2(1, 1U02,
to Mr. ana Airs. James rieolcy, a
INO RAM DURHAM At Irviiigton,
Calif., Monday, June SO, 11KB. Prof.
Ingram of Oakland, Cat., aud Miss
Mary Durham, of Ashland.
Miss Durham has been the teaehei
of instrumental music at the Ashland
Normal during the past year and has
many friends iu iu this place.
Juno 21, llHtt, Clyde Robbins and
Mrs. Anna Cummous of Grants Pass.
They will make their residence iu
ville, June 21, HHI2, Edwin McKin
ney and Ellen Dudley, by Judge 11.
K. Hanua.
CALLAN H ELM In Jacksonville,
June 24, l!t()2, E. J. Callan'and
Miss Lucio Helm, both of the Ash
land Normal faculty, by Rev. S. H.
Sunday eveuing, June 22, George
V. Gillette, the well-known train
man of Ashland, and Miss DoraCol
vig, of Grants Pass, daughter of
Volney Colvig of Josephine county.
Tliu wedding was a pretty, home
affair aud occurred at tho home of the
bride's brother, Harry Colvig, at
Portland, Rev. Dr. Talbot of the Tay
lor street M. E. church, of that city,
officiating. Only the immediate rel
atives of the brido and groom and a
few intimate friends were present.
Tho bride was charmingly dressed
in tau colored grenadine over pink.
She carried a bouquet of white carna
tions. The Jiarlors of the Colvig home
were prettily decorated for the occa
sion with marguerites aud ferns. Af
ter the ceremony a wedding lunch was
Mr. and Mrs. Gillette will make
their future homo at Gold Hill. Mr.
Gillette has the sneriutcudcucy of
the loading of the trains at the Gold
Hill gravel pit, and his duties will
keep him there some time yet. The
bride is a well-known Grants Pass
young lady, having taught in the
Grants Pass public school for some
time past. The newly-marred couple
have many friends in this city who
wish them bon voyage on the matri
monial sea.
McNAMARA At Crescent Citv,
Calif., Wednesday, June 23, V.ri.
Tho. F. McNamara, aged 42 years.
Deceased was a native of Crescent
City aud one of tho best known resi
dents of Del Norte county.
local toappeninos
All who are interested in preventing
oar Mineral Lands from falling into
the hands of the timber sharks, are re
quested to meet at the Court House at
8 p. m. Monday July 7th.
By order of the Committee.
Paint Patton's Sunproof, guaranteed
fir 5 year. Cramer Broa. Agents.
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron lor Plumbing.
Bird-Cages at Cramer Bros.,
For rifles see Cramer Bros.
Get your hair cut at Abo Mocks.
Bicycle Repairing at Cramer Bros.,
M. Clemens, Prescription Drumtii
Se Yoorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 's.
Shoes made to order at L. A. Lucus
& Sou's Harness shop.
A complete line of the celebrated
Mitchell Ruggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Acorn Stores at Cost at Wolke's.
Shoes neatly and quickly repaired
at L. A. Lucus & Sou's at Hackett's
old stand.
Fine line new buggies just received at
J. Wolke's.
Merrill and Tracy have had several
closo shaves but for a good clean
shave go to Abe Mocks."" Front St.,
opjiosite round house,
3Stransky Enameled ware at Cramer
Soe those self-sealing stono fruit jars
at J. Wolke's.
Curtis ic Co. Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
Garland Stoves & Ranges at Cramer
Bros. ,
The Medford Enquirer is now a
semi-weekly with Tuesdays and Satur
days as its publication days. The En
quirer under the management of Hor
ace Maim has grown to be a paper of
Yes, we sell Porcelain ware. Not
cheap granito. Call and see tho differ
ence. J. Wolke.
The ladies of the Relief Corps will
serve ice-cream and cake July 4th and
nth iu tho McArthur building near the
bicycle grounds.
Strobcl tho shoemaker is still at
Hackett's old stand doing shoe repair
ing and new work. Call aud see him ;
always ready to accomodate you.
P. H. Harth was pleasantly surpris
ed Saturday evening by the members
of his Sunday school class, who sjieut
the evening with him, the event being
Mr. Harth'B 0th birthday.
Rifles of all kinds at Cramer Bros.,
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jewell enertalu
ed a number of friends at dinner at
their home Saturday evening to visit
with Rev. Roht. McLean and also to
help Mr. and Mrs. Jewell celebrate
their ilth wedding unniversary.
Anti-RustingTiuwareat Cramer Bros
O. S. Bristow and five others of
the Iiristow family ha ve located 120
acres of placer ground in Jackson
county on Brush creek near Steamboat.
This section of the country has not
received much attention from the
placer miners, but these gentlemen
have found ground which prospects
from 50 to 75 cents per cubic yard,
aud they have abundant water with
only a three quarter milo ditch and
about 200 feet of pipe.
E. E. Red lie Id, now of Glcndalc,
was iu town Monday on a business
visit. Ho is engaged iu the railroad
wood business in tho vicinity of Glcn
dalc aud has been otsTat ing his saw
ing machine lately with good success
untUatree fell on it aud broke it.
This, sawing machine is a very in
genious invention of Mr. Redfleld's
own. The saw works by compressed
air and is attached to a long bone, bo
that it may bo ocratcd over a con
siderable area of ground without mov
ing the engine.
Scott Grillin, proprietor of the New
Meat Market on Front Street, as
sociated with John Bartow, an exjiert
meat ('utter, and J. L . Eastman, a
first class sausage maker, is now in
position to furnish all mining camps,
saw mills, hotels, railroad men, and
in fact, everybody in Josephine Coun
ty, with the best of IsmT, mutton, pork,
iioultry, lard, and bacon at the lowest
possible prices. Scott Griffin has the
only exclusive hay, feed and seed store
in Grants Pass, on Sixth street.
Scott Grillin iiys cash for hogs, cat
tle, hay and grain. Credit extended
to regular iay day on good reference.
We desiro to express our sincere and
earnest thanks to the friends who so
kindly gave their assistance and sym
thy iu our recent Is reavement.
Mrs. J. ('. Harmon and Family.
All who wish to unite with the La
bor Union can do so on July 4th by
calling at tho Court house Istwecn 9
a. m. and 6 p. m. By order of A. F.
of L.
On Kogue River road, leading from
Grants Pass to Leo's School House,
one Mckage containing three shirts
aud one piece underwear. Kinder
will please leave at office.
For rent Three furnished rooms ou
east Front street. Inquire of Mrs.
Geo. A liny.
In view of the apjiareut (Linger of
a great deal of valuable mineral hind
being taken by timber locators, the
ruiinTH arc prciuring to form an orga
nization for the protection of their in
terests and a mass meeting of all citi
zens interested iu the matter has been
called to meet at the Court house on
Monday evening, July 7. The matter
is one of inijortain e and vital in
terest to all iu this portion of the
A fairly good audience was present
at the Presbyterian church o n Tues
day evening to hear Dr. Eliza Ion
ard's lecture on the siege of Peking.
Dr. Leonard is one of those who were
shut up iu Pi king during the siege
and speak from personal eiiiericui-e.
She i a very interesting and excel
lent speaker and detailed the events
of the siege in a very graphic manner,
holding tho undivided interest of her
audience throughout her lecture.
of il
Hundred Cents Worth
Merchandise for 100 cents
Never since we have been in business in this city have we done so large a
volume of business as this season. Merit wins No fake sales but the highest
standard in values for the lowest prico.
You will need a new outfit for the 4th of July
You want the correct thing we have tho largest assortment to bo found in
Southern Oregon.
The-New Military Coat
seems to bo a favorite and is indeed a very dressy garment. Wo are showing,
them in all the new colorings Tho color apparently tho favorite is tho New
Bottle Green.
Pantourist Hats
For a stylish shape in hats the l'antourist hold its own and sell more readily
than other shapes.
Walk-Over Shoes
The Walk-Over leads 'em all. Tending toward straight lasts and
lighter soles and small dressy tip no tans they aro a dead ono. More patent
leather and Enamels sold this season than ever' before.
Shirts se & &
Golf! Golf! Apparently every one wants a golf shirt and no wonder they
aro tho embodyment of comfort for a hot summer day
COLLARS Tho folded collar leads
NECKWEAR Tans aud greens lead tho narrow four-in-hand also tho rever
sible in same small pinch knot.
Needless to say fancy half hose are tho proper thing.
Yours truly
P. H. Harth & Son. z$
There are funds in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested up to July
Ilth, 1H'J5.
Interest ceases at this date.
J. T. Taylor,
May 11th, l'.HW.
Fishing Tackle and Sporting goods at
J. Wolko's.
The Southern Oregon Chautauqua
Assembly July t 1H at Ashland, Ore
gon. Everything first -class. Lectures,
schools, music, fun, pictures, good
camping. Hon. Henry Wuttcrson anil
ltoht. Mela! ire are among tho lectur
ers, lie sure to come. For part liu
lars address T. A. Hayes, sic,
Ashland, Iregon.
A good milch cow, Jersey, for Mile.
Inquire of W. K. Nlpicr.
A good, sound draft horse weighing
libout l:ii)0 ,for sale,. Call ou O. 1.
Penny, four miles east of town.
Acorn Stoves ami Ranges cheap at
J. Wolko's.
Cor. V and 3Jats., North of Factory
Get your Mkm'S repaired at L A
Lucus A Sou's Harness shop.
Gre&t stock Reducing sale
I Have Too Many Goods in Stock
At present and havo decided to reduce my Stuck, and to do this within tho next
I will Sell everything at a Great Reduction
at 12 to 2n percent. Discount.
SIIOI'S at 10 to In per cent Discount.
$10.00 Suits at
$ 8.00 to $ 8.50.
9.50 to 10.00.
12.00 to 12.50.
15.50 to 16.00.
17.00 to 18.00.
Get Your Clothes Now and
COILAltS, U for mmUm.