.-We are Headquarters for- Fireworks for the 4th personal jj local fcappenino ! 1"""""' "" ,"H""1"",lri Medford on I Hill We will scud up a 25-foot Fire-Work Eulloon t 8:o() i. m. July 4, 11(02. We will put an Order for .5 in it aud the jhtsou who presents the Order at onr Store will be entitled to in Cash. We have a fall line of . Summer (foods for the Fourth aud your pat. ronage is what we want. And we will get it by giving you Good Goods for less than you can get the same elsewhere. You Can Get Anything You Need at Kessler's Chicago Racket Store. Have You vSeen The liar-rains in Crockery, Glassware and Lamps which arc displayed in our corner window ? Many have profited by our exceptional offers and we have plenty of good tilings left. Look at these prices: 7 piece Glass Berry Set 35c 4 piece Water Set 45C 4-piece Engraved Glass Set 75c Large Glass Fruit Dish . 210 6 Glass Goblets 39c Fancy Globe Shape Rochester Lamp. . . $2 00 Glass Lamps from 20c upwards. Cramer Bros. STOVES ODD FELLOWS BLOCK BICYCLES. Oil CooKing vStove 13 or IImlo. JJ fe Try mm Is the nutonialir blue (lame oil looker. It is a boon to the housewife iu hot weather and will boil, bake or roast like a charm. It bums a gallon of oil in sixteen to twenty hours, and is the safest, simplest, cleanest and most economical stove ever made. Jlair-Iliddlo Hardwire Co. AT JEWELL S OLD STAND. Don't Ruin Your Eyes With Poor Glasses Cheap Glasses and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre mature loss ot sight. Let me test your eyes without charge and fit you with a pair of glasses that will Keep Vour Eyej Young. A full slock of Watches, solid gold and filled cases, Jewelry, etc., kept in stock. Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. . v r .1 " 1 1 1 : 1 jni 3tc 111:1, Front Sl, Next to Palace hotel. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. GETTING READY FOR THIS Fourth of July is w hat you should do now by selecting one of our bunds n.e summer hats, eitln r for dress or outing. Our hats are beauties in style, trimming dud exquisite combination of the lat est fashions iu trimmings. We have many styles for mu.iy fares and all at a GREAT REDUCTR N. Call and of rapors and skirts. GREAT Rl'Dl'C- see our line These also TIOX. at Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf 's. New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.- A Popular Health Resort in the Siskiyous. Health Restoring Waters, Invigorating Mountain Air. Colestin Mineral Springs Hotel Kates $2.00 per Iy; $9 and $!0 per Week Camping Privileges for Rent. II. C. TELFORD, Propr. C. C. Taylor Ti sited Friday. C; L. Cleveuger returned ou Tues day from the Eureka mine. Wess Smith and diet Moore were iu from Briggs creek the first of the week. Ed Hubbard, of Love's Station, lias been spending several days iu town this week. W. J. Golires of Kerby has been spending sereral days in Grants Pass this week. Mr. Olias. Tabor and Miss Mary Brady went to Ashland Friday for a visit with friends. , O. S. Gooduow was iu town this week from his mining property on up per Jnmp-Off-Joe. MiRs Hattie Cook left Friday morn ing for Portland, to spend the sum mer with her sister, Mrs. Rue Carlou. R. E. Guthcridgo of Wedderburn, visited Grants Pass last week a dele gate of the Woodmen convention and attending other business. E. L. Musick arrived hero Tuesday evening from Crescent City, on his way to Coeur-d'Aleue, Idaho, where he expects to engage iu teaching. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Scott of Ceu tral Point, who havo been visiting hero at the home of their daughter, Mrs.ll. C. H. Day, returned home ou Monday. H. C. Kinney and C. E. Harmon members of the board of regents of the Southern Oregon State Normal Schorl, atteuded the annual meeting of the board at Ashluud, Friday. Noel E. Graves, C.E.of Yreka, Cal., is spending some time iu Grants Puss and Josephine county. He will ojien a branch office iu this citf and will probably decide to locate permanently. Mrs. Johnson of Waldo, and daughter, Miss Ida, were iu Grants Pass this week. Miss Johnson has been attending school in Jacksonville during the school year just passed. R. B. Whiteside L.f ttuhith, Minn., was in town last week and went out to the mine near Kerby, which is under lease to the Whiteside Bros. They arc also owners of a tract of big trees, one of the California sum mer resorts. N. D. Lee arrived here Saturday from Vancouver, B. C. and is visit ing with the family of his uncle, H. L. Disbrow. He arrived ut Vancou ver in April from his home iu Mont real, Canada. He intends to make Grants Puss his home. Miss Susie Banuard, w ho has been teaching in the Koseburg schools and Miss Margaret Bannard, who has been attending the state university, arriv ed here Saturday evening to rejoin their jmrents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. U. Banuard. Misses Madg Marshall, Zella Hare, Frances Johnson and Katie Newell spent several days at Schnn, return ing tho first of the week. The girls had a delightful time they say, and the Selma people think the girls could give pointers to the "pony express" riders. Z M. C. Munson, the Sunday school missionary, was in town Mondav night, having returned here after at tending'the C. E. convention at Ash land. On Tuesday, he uccoiiijiaiiied his father, S. H. Munson of Koseburg, Miss Lydia Munson aud Miss Heack to Uybeo Springs where the jmrty will remain for sometime, for the im provement of the health of the elder Mr. Munson. GIANTS IN THESE DAYS. E. Bcnupre, the Canadian giant who lassed through here a month or more ago going to San Francisco, was a ms scnger ou Monday evening's north- iwuiiu inun. ah no stood in the car door, stooping down that he might see through it, ho was an object of the most intense and lively cariosity on the part of the assembled crowd. Bcnupre is seven feet, 10 inches in height and fairly well proportioned but his bigness gives him a rut her gro tesque apiiearance. Though not hand some, lie is not ill lookinir and has rather a sensible expression of coun tenance. Bcnupre was a woodchoiii r and pursued that vocation in the Brit ish Columbia forests until discove red and brought out into the world to jk.so as a freak. G( )( )DX( ) W-MO W E RS WEDDING. John Orwell Gooduow- and Miss Cora May Mowers, both well known and esteemed young js-ople of tins city, were united in itiatrimnnv on Sunday evening ut the A. ). U. W. hall. The wedding took place under the auspices of the W. H. C of which organization the bride is a memlnr. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. J. W. McDnugall, 1,1111 prayer was offered bv Rev. Dnught.-rs. After the ceremony the guests partook of a sumptuous spread provided bv tin- ladies of the Relief Cor. Almut l.",0 friends and mcmlicrs of the order were present. . Mi-lean will speak. Robert McLean will occupy Baby's Needs are 1 st supplied at our store. We have a fall liue of all it may require iu health or illness. Everything here is fresh, pure and of most meritori ous kind. The stork includes all the hading prnfiric tary remedies, patent mediciu'-s, druggists' sundries, per fumery, toilet articles, etc., at prices always lower than the lowest chargi-d elsewhere. Special attention giveu to prescriptions. . G. P. Pharmacy and National Drug Store. W. f. KREMER. Propr, REV Rev. the pulpit ut the Presbyterian church next Sunday 'morning. As Mr. Mc Lean is intending to take his doKirture soon for Porto Kico, it is likelv that this will be the last opport unity of listening to one of his sermons that Grants Pass p.f,plu will have', for a long time at least. A special song service has U-en ar ranged for the evening. Sunday School meets ut 10 a. m. There are Bible clas.es, young o plc classes, intermediate classes and a primary class. Parent are cordially invited to attend aud bring the child ren. NOTICE. AH who wish to unite with the La bor I'nion can"do"sooii July -tth by calling at the Court houw between !l a. ra. aud 5 p. m. By ordi r of A. F. of L. POSTGFFICEiT EST VBLLS H E D. A new postoffice has been establish ed at Spencer Creek, Klamath County. It has been named Forest. Nathan L High, sou of G. High of Ashland, has been appointed jjostmaMer. A postomce has also just been estab lished at Nogget, Dougtas County. Dr. Flanagan, Resident Dentist. Cio to Coron for Plumbing. For rifles see Cramer Bros. M. Clemens, Prescription Druunit , 5 e Yoorhies about Kodaks and Supplies Crockery, glassware, lump at cost at Cramer Bros. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron's. Shoes made to order at L. A. Lucus 6 Son's Harness shop. If you need glassware call at Cra mer Bros, for some rare bargains. A complete line of the celebrated Mitchell lingoes, Hacks and Wagons. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. New prices ou Marlin Rifles at Cra mer Bros. Acorn Stoves at Cost at Wolke's. Shoes neatly and quickly repaired nt L. .A. Lucus & Sou's at Hackett's old stand. Have you soeu the enrios from Su matra iu Cramer Bros, corner win dow? Fine line new buggies just received at J. Wolke's. If you want a hat eheup call at Mrs. M. P. Anderson's as sho is selling her entire stock out absolutely at cost. Tho Courier is now making a spe cial rate of f 1 to new subscribers for a year's subscription. Subscribe now. Perfection oil stoves, finest in tho land, at J. Wolke's. See those sclf-soalinjj stono fruit jars nt J. Wolke's. Decorated crockery at cost at Cramer Bros. Curtis it Co. Watchmakers, and Jewelers carry a completo stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All kinds of repairing done. All work warranted. Odd Fellows' building. Yes, wo sell Porcelain ware. Not cheap gninito. Call and see tho differ ence. J. Wolke. Our closing out sain of crockery, glassware aud lumps iH having the de sired result and bargains are moving rapidly. Call before they are ull gone. Cramer Bros. Strohel the shoemaker is still ut Hackett's old stand doing shoe repair ing and new work. Cull and we him ; always ready to accomodate you. Thc members of Comiany "H" are steadily engaged in rifle practice, nt their range east of town and are mak--ing 11 Very fair showing for accuracy. I'nder the direction of E.B.Brown, tin y are drilling porscvcringly iu view of the encampment, which will be held during the week of July 17. sf Our stock of fancy decorated lamps is being closed out at cost. Cramer Bros. A meeting of the officers of the Sunt hem Oregon Soldiers and Sailors Reunion Association was held iu Gold Hill recently and September lath to iOth were the dates fixed for holding the annual reunion.' Gold Hill had previously been selected ns the place for holding the reunion. Ilerto McLean won first Greek prize tins year at the Portland Acudemy, from which, institution he was grad uatccl, at the commencement exercises, last 1 Tiduy evening. Ijist year he won first prize iu declamation and tlie preceding year the second prize iu the Kinie branch. Next year he will outer Hamilton college. Scott Gritlin, proprietor of the New Meat Market on Front Street, as sociated w ith John Barrow, an exjiert meat euuer, anil j. i, . Eastman, a first class sausage maker, is now in posit inn to furnish all mining camps, saw nulls, hotels, railroad men, and 111 fact, evi rybody iu Josephine Coun ty, Willi the ImsI of beef.mutloii.mirlt. IKiultry, lard, anil bacon at the lowest possible prices. Scott Gritlin has the only exclusive hay, feed aud seed store in Grants Pass, on Sixth street. Scott Gritlin pays cash for hogs, cat tle, hay and grain. - Credit extended to r. gular pay day 011 good reference. White Mountain Freezers from two quarts to twelve quarts at Cramer linw. (lussxate ut cost ut Cramer llroi. J. W. Bailey, slate dairy and food commissioner for Oregon, was in Mod ford Thursday of this week on duties iwrlaining to his office. Mr. Bailey, while crediting Kogue River valley Willi being the burner apple district of the coast, thinks it can lie made one .f the leading dairy sections of Oregon. The even climate, pure wa ter and gnat abundance officii, this U ing the only successful corn district and the Is st alfalfa land in the state, malvisthis valliy an ideal place for handling cows profitably. Mail. Winchester, Marlin mid Stevens riMi s at ( 'rainor Bros. ONE SIDED GAME. The baseball game played here Sun day between the Grants Pass and Mod ford teams was not a game ; it was a slaughnr. The Medford team was clearly outi la.-s- d from the start and Is fore the game was half over they Weill to piece completely. The (rants Pass lxiys showed their opi nents no mercy, but 'piled up the runs ill a manlier that made the wore a si nodulous one. The Medford boys stayed bravely to the bitter end and accepted tin ir fate with commendable fortitude. The wore was Sift 1 iu favor of Grant Pa. , Dl! ELIZA LEONARD. All who are interested iu event in China, will have a treat, in listen ing to Dr. Eliza Leonard tell of her eijs-riences, as a medical missionary to China; opcoi.;y interesting will be her dewription of the famojs S11 go of Peking. This address will Is free; only a fn e w .11 offering will Is- taken. Every one cordially invited. Tu -day July 1st, at S p. m. in the Presby terian oliureli. LOST. On Rogue RivT road, leading from (rants Pas to I-e's School Hoase, one ru'-fengc containing three shirts and one pii-ce underwear. Finder will pli-a leave at office. n til ia?i sjr s.- 1 s D I One Hundred Cents Worth of fiflcrchandisc for 100 cents 1 Never since we havo been in business in tins city have we done so larC0 a G SWTS nSSS ..... v. uo mia suusun. jient wins o take sales but tho hiehest r rJ standard in values for the lowest price. You will need a new outfit for the 4th of July You want the correct thing wo have the largest assortment to bo found in Southern Oregon. The New Military Coat seems to be a favorite aud is indeed a very dressy garment. We are showing them in all the new colorings Tlio color apparently tho favorite is the New Bottle Green. Pantourist Hats For a stylish shape in hats tho Pantourist hold its own and sell more readily than other shapes. Walk-Over Shoes The Walk-Over leads 'cm all. Tending toward straight lasts and lighter soles and small dressy tip-no tans-thoy are a dead one. More patent ' -...v. liiiaiucu um iiiissseitsou man ever betoro. Shirts K Oolf! Golf! Apparently every ono wants a golf shirt and no wonder they are tho cmbodyment of comfort for a hot summer day SESJ COLLARS Tho folded collar leads . NLCKW EAR Tans and ercena lend tlio nnrnw tnr.in.unnA !.. ... --- . w avua'au uuuu auu IUQ icier sible in same small pinch knot. Needless to say fancy half hose &re tho proper thing. Yours truly ,4 P. 11. Harth & Son. - "r-.'-i'" )'. . . - r r- W.' 1 THE LATEST SHAPE IN HATS COUNTY TREASURERS NOTICE. There are funds in the treasury to pay all warrants protested up to July ilth, 1S'.I5. Interest ceases at this date. J. T. Taylor, Co. Treas. May 11th, I'.MU. Fishing Tackle und Sporting goods at J. Wolke's. CHAUTAUQUA. The Southern Oregon Chaiitanipia Assi'inhly July II IS ut Ashland, Ore gon. Everything first-class, lectures, schools, music, fun, pictures, good camping. Hon. llenry Watlersoii and Roht. Mclntire are aiuong the lectur ers. Be sure to come. For part ieu hirs address T. A. Hayes, sic, Ashland, ( ii'egou. COW FOR SALE. A good milch cow, Jersey, for sale. Iinpiire of W. R. Nipper. Foil SALE. A good, sound draft horse weighing alKiut i:i(H for sale. Cull tn U It, Penny, four miles east of town. Acorn Stoves and Ranges cheap at J. Wolke's. ISS LAURA PARKER. INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO MUSIC. Cor. I) and 3Jdtg., North of Factory Get your shoes rejiairod at L. A Lucus & Sou's Harness shop. Gre&t stock Reducing sale Have Too Many Goods in Stock At present n,l l.av. derided to ivduoo my Stock, and to do this within the next I will Sell everything at a Great Reduction f'l til I I VI' I'l'llVlL'IflfO. . .. . .. 1.- i.. ,i- . u i hi ..- per tc in. Discount. H SIIOl-S at 10 to 15 per cent Discount. EVERYTHING REDUCED $10.00 Suits at 12.00 " 15.00 " 20.00 44 22.00 44 8.00 to $ 8.50. 9.50 to 10.00. 12.00 to 12.50. 15.50 to 16.00. 17.00 to 18.00. Get Your Clothes Now and SAVE MONEY. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE. rr,i. --1