Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 12, 1902, Image 3

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    It's Hard Work
Cramer Bros.
Does It
Hiiir-Itiddlc Hardware Co.
Don't Ruin Your
With Poor Glasses
Cheap Glasses and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre
mature loss of sight. . Let me test your eyes without charge and
fit you with a pair of glasses that will Keep Your Eyei Young.
A full stock of Watches, solid gold and filled cases, Jewelry,
etc., kept in stock.
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty.
Front St., Next to Palace liotel. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN.
Exquisite Summer Hats
.m n: r. . va
, a ww
Mrs. J. A. RehKopf 's.
New Idea l()c Paper l,'"i"
Try a
Fountain Pen
Next time mid it can't luipH'U.
We have a grout variety in styles and
prices. These uesful essentials for
your writing desk have become a ne
cessity to all who correspond. We al
so have uutoniatic ink stands which
can't upset. All the latest novelties
and ideas can always be had at Krcni
er's stores. The latest, finest and
best line of stationery in the city at
most moderate prices.
.G. P. Pharmacy and
W. F. KREMER. Propr.
Closing Out
at a
Miss Weston's
Front St , second Millinery East
o( 6.h St.,
A Modern 5 room cottage with bath,
patry, re'lar, tad til conveniences, in
fint-c!M condition ; 3 block, from post
ot&n, lor'.e(or (1350; terms to ait.
Inquire at thii offit
to keep a lawn in good condi
tion unless the mower cuts close
and smooth. We have new lawn
mowers that will do this, or if
you have an old one, we can put
it in good shape for you at small
cost. We have just what you
want in Grass Catchers.
Does it pay to paint? That de-
pends. It you apply the proper
material, of course it does. $1.00
worth of the right sort of paint
preserves $joo worth of house.
It pays to buy good paint. The
Sherwin-Williams Paints are all
we claim for them. Try it at
Arc here ill iih much profusion as blos
soms in Juno. Our beautiful creations
in trimmed millinery are such tliut
every face will find a handsome set
ting which will make it prut tier liy
getting your summer hats nt
National Drag Store.
The kind that delight you. Noth
ing weak or insipid about them. Our
Are ricb and full itrength. Ia bottlti
25 cent., or in quantities as desired.
31. Clemens
Orange Front, Oppe. Opera (tout.
Tk Maa Wka Wn
Oiled Suits
WwrMM4 II ilwiml
If aV to taM lwr4 wort an4
rtut. WUt. MIwln4
. If ffMlT drir
bar ttarM.aratl f m rataixssfM.
ft. f . a Pirttq u.t
Mrs. J. W. Howard and Miss Eula
are at Kerby for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Knips of Medford,
spent Sunday iu town visiting Otto
Dr. Flanagan is iu Portland this
week attending the A. O. U.W. con
L. I Jewell attended the A. F. &
A. M. Grand Lodge session at Port
land this week.
O. W. Ameut, president of the
Golden Drift Company arrived here
tins week from Chicago.
The Misses Telford went to Portland
Saturday on a visit to Miss Belle
Robinson and other friends.
1 IL C. Bobzien left Tuesday for
Portland to attend a session of the
Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M.
Professor and Mrs. Cameron arrived
in Grants Pass last week and will
spend the summer here. They are
residing in J. S. Moore's house.
Edward Van Dyke went to Eugene
Wedensday, to attend .the commence
ment exercises, etc., of the Universitv
of Oregon, from which institute he
Mrs. V .H. Carter and family were
in Grants Pass Saturday on their way
to their future home near Kerby. Mr.
Carter has a ranch there and is going
mto the stock raising business exten
Mrs. C. J. Kurth has gone to Oak-
Jand, Calif, for her health. She has a
brother at that place, whom she will
visit. Another brother joined her
and accompanied lier across the Sis-
Mrs. D. L. Green this week receiv
ed a visit from her aunt, Mrs. Dr.
Davis, formerly of Jacksonville, but
now of Stanford. Mrs. Davis left on
Wednesday for Pendleton where she
will spend some time visiting.
Alex. Gibson returned on Tuesdav
from Bridal Veil where he has been
working for the jmst few months.
His father is not iu good health at
present and Alex came kick to take up
the farm work.
fJake Yokura of this place and
S. Smith, Davo Miller and Mr.
Lewis of Cauyonvillc are on a trip to
Harney county, where they will prob
ably sjicnd the summer. They are
making the trip by wagon.
Min Fannie Marshall returned Satur
day frcm Oak Flat, bete the has just fin
ished a three months school. Miss Mar
shall baa bad many xperiences which
she doea not care to have repeated,
among them riding 20 miles on horse
back over a mountain trail.
Mrs. Mary A. Owen arrived Fridav
morning from Palisades, Colo., and
will make Oregon her home. Her
daughter, Mrs. D. H. Brown, came
iu from Placer to meet her. Mrs.
Owen says there are a great many
peoplo who are anxiously awaiting
information regarding Southern Ore
gon and its resources, and niaray will
prolwbly come to Oregon in seurch of
homes during the year.
J. A. Tato is traveling in the in-
trest of the Century Mercantile Com
pany of San Francisco. This company
has been doing business since 1S8-I and
has won a reputation for fair deal
ing. Mr. Tato is offering a good map
showing California, Nevada and
Southern Oregon, and also a Cy-
cloiedia of Universal knowledge,
winch, is a vuluahlo production, ag
premiums to those, who take out cer
tificates witli the comjinny. The hold
ers of these certificates are wild goods
of every description at almost whole
sale rates.
There are fmids in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested up to July
tlth, lHHo.
Interest ceases at this date.
J. T. Taylor,
Co. Treas.
May llth, l!KC.
The Woodmen of the world will
hold a memorial service at the New
man M. E. Church ou Sunday June
nn, at 1 1 a. m. Graves of deceased
neighbors will be uWrntud on the
i.iiii ny a committee at U a. m.
What is considered to be the richest
copper strike in the history of the Pa
cific Coast has been made in the npicr
Chetco district, in Southern Josephine
County, extending across the line in
to Del Norte County, California. A
largo quantity of ore from Hie strike
was brought into this city last week.
It is nearly all half ropia-r, and is un
doubtedly the richest coir quartz
ever uncovered in Oregon. Much of
the rock carries values of 30 to TO per
The ore was taken from the claims of
Colonel J. 8. Crawford, recently of
Denver, and associates. They have
uncovered a large ledgii that lias an
average width of 100 feet, and extends
for a long distance into both Oregon
and California. The big vein lies iu
contact of lime. It is in a heavilv
timbered mountain range, lying be
tween the south fork of the Chetco in
Oregon and the north branch of the
Smith River in California It is all
practically in Oregon, as it can only
lie reached from Josephine or Currv
County from the Grant's Pass-Crescent
City stage line. The big ledge out
crops at a score or more of different
points. These outcroja occur in large
crags and are themselves half copper
in many instances. Colonel Crawford
has a large crew of men at work run
ning tunnela and ainkiug prospect
shafts. From the men at work it has
been learned for a certainty that the
ledge is permanent. Colonel Crawford,
who is an old Colorado and Montana
miner, aaya that he baa never seen any
thing tliat would compare with it.
He ia firm in his opinion tliat it is
the making of tlie greatest copper
mine in America. He and his associ
ates are men of means and enterprise.
They are thoroughly developing their
claims and will rat them in sliape fur
work on an extensive scale.
A good milrh cow. Jersey, for sale.
Inquire of W. R. Nipper.
Grants Pass is to Celebrate the 4th of July.
The Chicago Racket Store
Has a Full and Complete line of Lawns, Dimities,
Organdies, Etc., for your Summer Dresses. Ribbons
aud Alpaca Laces, Valenciennes Laces and Embroide
ries for trimmings.
A . Big Line of Fire-works we offer from June u,
190a, till July 3d, 1902, one cap pistol and a box of
caps to each boy under io years old who calls at our
Stoie. Flags, Bunting Etc., to decorate your homes.
We also have a big line of Fire-works for the 4th.
Haloes Orthopedic and' Foot Form from (2 50 to $3 50
for men. A big Hue of Ladies' Children and Baby
Shoes. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Summer Hats.
This week we are offering goods 20 per cent cheaper than former
prices, and 30 per cent, cheaper than if
purchased elsewhere.
Sun Bonnets, 2oc.
Straw Hats, 5c to 50c.
Linen Hats, 2."c, to 70c.
Paper Napkins, ruffled, per 100, 12o,
Shirt Waists, 4.1c to 1.50.
Hair Ribbon, per yard, 4c
15 Hooks, 5c.
15 Pens, 6c.
Envelopes, per package, 6c.
Fiddlo Strings, 10c,
Gnitar, strings 10c.
MandoliuStrings, 10c,
Fish Lines, S for 5c
6 Cups, 6 Saucers, B Plates, $1.00.
Gloves, 25c.
Our business is on the increase. We want your trade. We
give you good value of goods for
We Take Eggs in Trade.
We will treat you honest and square. A Dollar at our store
has more purchasing power than elsewhere. A child will be treated
as honest with us as a grown person at our store.
Front St. next 1 'a lace Hotel.
Notico is hereby given that I will
not bo responsi bin for any bills un
less an order from me accomimuica the
bill. F. G. Burns.
On Saturday June 14th, the Library
will be opened iu tho ( veiling and
hereafter during the summer months.
Wanted, good reliable girl for gen
eral housework. Enquire of Mrs.
A celebration will be held iu Grants
Pass. This is the decision render
ed by a nutiilicr of enthusiastic citi
zens who have taken the matter in
Several hundred dollars iu money
and prizes have la-en subscribed and
the celebraiou is now an assudred
Two days, both tho fourth and fifth
of July will be celebrated. Two
bands, liaseball games, races of all
kinds, an' illuminated street parade,
rock drilling contest, tug of war, and
oien air dance will be the leading
features of the celebration.
U10 district c
onventiou of the Wood-
men of the W
orld will be held in
June 20th. Delegates
from all of the caniM
At this convention
will lie elected to the
ssion which meets at
Colorado in August.
Grants Pass 011
will be present
of this disrict
Head Camp st
Cripple Creek,
A meeting of the officers of the Sol
diers and Sailors Reunion Association
was held at Gold Hill Saturday for the
purjsise of making arrangements for the
encampment. The following officers
were present: John Patrick, Colonel;
B. Bench, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Frank
Kasshafer, Major; B. B. Paull, Chap
lain; A. J. T. Smith, Q. M.
The time set for the encampment was
September 15th, linn!, and to continue
five days. At Gold Hill the following
program was decided a pon :
Monday Address of welcome and
Tuisibiy Entertainment by Gen.
Logan Post and coris of Grants Pass.
Wednesday linrnside Post and uorM
of Ashland. .
Thursday Chester A. Arthur Post
and corps of Medford -
Friday Harrison and Jas. Lnttrell
Posts mid corps of Gold Hill and Cen
tral Point.
UULI Near Wilderville, Sunday,
June Kth, l-.Ki'i, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Bull, a daughter.
STEW ART- R A T R I E At Medford,
Sunday, June l.l'.Ki'.', James Stewart
and Miss Sopheuia L Ratrie.
creek, Monday, June It l!Kr2,t the
residence of the groom's jnrcnts,
Olilve C. Mcintosh and Miss Ethel
Smith, Rev. W. N. Ruble ofrlciatiiig.
Ollie is an industrious and exempla
ry young nuui, highly esteemed in the
cnniiiiuintr ill which he has devoted
his youthful years. Miss Ethel Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith
of Placer is a young lady with a
winning and charming dissmition.
Tie-He families wiili their kindred ties
are widely known in Josephine county
and arc, classed among our best citi
zens. We w ish the young rs-ople a
prosperous and happy married life.
MeC A LUSTER At his home near
Applcgate, Saurday, June ?tl,
R-coguiziug the advantalgea of New
port, as a summer resort over seaside
resorts in the northwest, and to make
it possible fur all who desire to do so
to sis-nd their vacations by the ocean
waves, the Southern Pacific CouiMiiy,
in connection with the Eastern rail
road, will phv-e ou sale, effective.
Juno 15th round trip tickets from all
points in Oregon ou the Southern Pa-
cifln to Newport, good for return until
October 10th, at specially reduced
For full information please inquire
of yonr local agent.
Overalls, 50c,
Work Shirts, 25c, to 50c.
Dress Shirts, 50c to $1.50,
Collars, 13c.
Neckties, 10c to !5c.
Calico, 18 yards, 100.
Percale, 36 in. wide, 10 yards $1.00,
Granite Pie Plate, 10c,
Granite Tea pots, 35c,
Nine Bars Soap, 25c
Hand Soap, 6c
Mirrors, To to $100.
Wrappers, $1.20.
Skirts, $1.80 to $1.50.
Ax-handles, 25c.
less mouey than elsewhere.
Chicago Racket Store
Archie Grieves, a bmkcmnn, was
the victim of a peculiar and nearly
fatal accident ou Friday at the gran
ite pit north of town. In order to
make a coupling, he gave the back-up
signal and failed to get out from be
tween the cars, Tho granite cars are
flat cars with projecting ends which
meet, so that the dirt may be scraped
off a whole train at once with a huge
scraper and cable, operated by the lo
comotive. Mr. G rieves seems to have
forgotten for the moment that be was
not coupling ordinary fiat cars and so
was canght between them. He was
released as soon as possible, but at
that time little hope was entertained
for his recovery. Ho was brought
to town and given medical attendance.
Several ribs were found to be broken
and iuterual injuries were of course
exix-eted. Mr. Grieves, however, sur
prised every one by making a rapid
improvement. On Sunday lie was re
moved to his home at Ashland and at
last accounts was doing well. It is
said that tho self-coupling npjiarntns
of the cars was so clogged with dirt
that it would not work, and so did not
allow the cars to come immediately
together. About a four-inch space
was left the young man, which is a
closer "squoezo" than tho most of
us con Id stand.
A gold watch chain with a silver
tip lost last Tuesday. Finder please
return to F. G. Bums.
Acorn Stoves and Ranges cheap at
J. Wolke's.
At present
I will
$10.00 Suits at - - - $ 8.00 to $ 8.50.
12.00 " " . - 9.50 to 10.00.
15.00 " " - - - 12.00 to 12.50.
20.00 " " - - 15.50 to 16.00.
22.00 " " - - - 17.00 to 18.00.
Get Your Clothes Now and
COLLA11S, i2 lor cmmiIm.
local bappcninQ3
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Fishing tackle at Cramer ltris.
Ice-cream freezers at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druigii ,
Soe Voorhies about Kodaka and Supplies
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
A complete line of the celebrated
Mitchell Ituggiea, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Hartlord bicycles at Cramer I'-ros.
Acorn Stoves at Cust at Wolke's.
Nov i" the time to buy yotn Fourth of
July bats while MifS Weston is selling
at great reduction.
Fine line now buggies just received, at
J. Wolke's.
The Courier is now nmkiiig a sie-
cial rate of $1 to new subscribers for
a year's subscription. SiibsrrNic now.
Perfection oil stoves, finest In the land ,
at J. Wylkc's.
J. A. Turner, who was overcome
by heat at the factory fire, is now-
able to be around. I
See thoso self-scaling stone fruit jars
at J. Y nine's.
Qurtis A Co. Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, Clocks and Jewelrv. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
Yes, wo si-ll Porcelain ware. Not
cheap granite. Call mid seo tho dilTer
enco. J. Wolko.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa Beed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, hi at for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop liarley,
Corn, Vt beat, Oats..
Fishing Tacklu and Sporting goods at
J. Wolke's.
Percy McDonald, the man arrested
in Salem for obtaining $100 from Wells,
KargOitiCo., express olllce In Ashland
under fabe pretenses, was given a pre
liminary hearing by Judge Berry and
held in the iim of $100i) to appear fur
September term of the Circut Court.
The ladies of tliell'reahytprian church
will give a Birthday Social in the church
parlors Tuesday eve, June 17th, All
friends out-side of church and congrega
tion will be gladly ndmittej by I ho pay
ment of a dime. A good program will
be prepared, and refreshments served, -
Advice wss received here by the agent
of the local division of the U. B. R. E.
last week that Geo. Estes, presiednt of
that organization, left t'hicngo on the
5th cf this month for Oregon. He is
coming via the Canadian f'aeillc route,
and is billed to stop Winncpeg,
Manitoba and Vancouver, II. C, before
reaching Portland. Pres. Estes will visit
the Oiegmi division of the U. II. R. E.
before returing to 'Frisco. It has been
over a year since lie has been in Hone
burg and when he arives hero the
members of the luiul division will ex
tend s royal welcome. Review.
Services next Sunday at the M. E
church as follows :
Sunday school, 10 n. 111. At II 11.111
the Sunday school will have charge
A good program has been prewired
Love feast 0 :t."i p. 111. Preaching b;
Rev. D. I. Siiininervilleat 7:15 follow
cdbycoiininiiiioii services!"""" ,
All are. invited. """.. "'
J. W. Me)ongnll,iastor.
stock Reducing sale
I Have Too Many Goods in Stock
an, havo decide! to reduce my Stuck, and to do thin within tho next
Sell everything
at 12 to 2r per cent. Discount.
SHOJ-S at 10 to ir per cent Discount.
The Right Kind
Men's Shirts
Wc are having a big run on our Dress
Shirts, for never before was such a
good shirt sold for the money. The
assortment of patterns are larger to se
lect from, and the fit and general make
up is right. They are made to fit,
and do fit correctly. Iet us show you
a few new features iu Up-to-date Shirts
for Spring audSummer.
By-the-way, don't forget to see our
Fancy Hosiery. They ate bound to
please you.
Ou last Friday evening the Grants
Pass band gave their first concert of the
season at the Railroad park. The con
certs will continue weekly throught the
summer months and are among the very
enjoyable features of the Bummer season
We have an excellent band this year,
made up to a large extent of the players
who years ago gave the Grants Pass
band a high reputation for excellence.
To the right party wo will give ex
clusive sale of our products ill Jose
phine county. Require limited ad
vance payment for goods. Address,
International Power Vehiclo Co.,
Drawer G, Stamford, Couti.
Ml members of Cotnaiiy H, O. N.
O. urn hereby ordered to re)Hrt nt
the armory Saturday, Juno 14, for
annual inspection by Col. James Jack
son of the U. S. Armv.
Sickness will Ihi the only excuse
incepted. 15. B. Brown,
Cnpt. Co.H.
Tho Kakht uniforms for Co. II will
1st hero 011 Thursday. All inemlsTs of
the Co. must Ik) 011 hitnil Thursday
veiling to receive siiiiio.
E. B. Brown, cupt.
Following is tho list of letters re
maining uncalled for In the Grants
Pass Hist olllce Saturday, June 7,
Mrs. E. D. Hicks,
Mrs. J. W. Hull.
J. II. Brown,
Mr. Jas. T. Kennedy,
' ('has. Siingler,
I Mr. ('has. .aim,
Mr. W. F. Nelson.
-nrH'i'rir re-'.K- Harmon, P. M.
at a Great Reduction
of Clothing
Don't want tobe too affection
ate this sort of weather. If
you find yours clings too close
ly to the neck, the next, time
you come near our store look
in and see what we can do for
you in new styles of Collars.
'Mmtii':f 'iihiiSiin
MsS Mm
ri Wit if
P. H. Harth & Son.
IJOOM8 for rent furniKhed and unfur--
ni.-lieit for bouse keeping. Mrs. Clara
MatliBon, 'jib and K atrtrais.
SIX HKAD OK HOftsKS fdrsale; weight
frclll l.ttlOtjl I .SOU mtltntlk aaoh v........
and sound; likl acres of good tiu'ilier on
1 luasuiii cfcck, iu nines irom wocsiuie.
The timber and liorjes will sell reasonable.
Address II. U. Kesterson, Gold Hill, Or,
'PHUKK Milch Cows and a good Pack
- l'oney fur sale at the Neely ranch at
Jump-olf-Joe bridge.
70 Ewes, 00 January, lambs, and One
free from Disease, for St.'sj for the Hand.
1 uur i-iimcc ui ou ewes, ;iu lamus anu me
Hllck for It.'!. HenU ilrilTln llrt,f Pp.
Oregon. 1
f 175 for HU acres with large barn, 3 room
house, 2 other buildings 10x12, grape
vinyard, living ' spring water, 10 acres
cleared, 2 creeks close by. Call at this
TTAKK your wheel to Cramer Bros, for
Cor. 1) and Sdsls., North ot Factory
A girl with experience to cook for ten
or twelve men. For particulars, address
P. O 84, Ager, Cal.
A good, sound draft horse weighing
about 1300 for sale. Call on O. R.
Penny, four miles east of town.
Lawn-mowers sharpened at Cramer