vol. xvn. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. No. 29. DIRECTORY JOSEPHINE COUNTY OFFICERS. ' Judge Ah Axteil ComniUsion.r. Sk Th Clerk : R. L. Bartlett Deputy Clerk T. P. Judaon Sheriff. Ed Lister Deputy Sheriff Ernest Lister Treasurer J. T. Taylor tjchool SupL Lincoln Savage Assessor Cbas. Crow Surveyor H C. Perkins Coroner T. A. Hood . Roadnuuter Geo. W. Lewis CITY TOFHCEKS. Mayor W. F. Kramer Auditor and Polite Judge R. L. Davit Treasurer Col. W. Johnson City Attorney C. E. Mavbee Marshal John Lockuardt Street Sapt. John Patrick Councilnien lieo. II. Binna A. C. HoUKh, J. H. William., C. E. Harmon J. A. Kehkonf, Harry - Lewia, Herbert bin ill), Henry Schmidt FRATERNAL SOCITIES. Grants Pass Ixulee A. F. & A. M., No. 84, regular communication first and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially invited. II. C. ltomzEK, W. M. A. J. Piki, See'y. Royal Arch Masons Keatues Chapter No. 28 meets second ai d fourth Wednesday Masonic hull. L. L. Jkwkll, J. E. tkko!C, Secy. 11. P. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 20 meets tirst and Ihinl Wednesday evenings of each mouth in Masonic hall, Mas. H, Zoi.l hk. - Mas. Asm M. Holhah, W..M. Secy. I. 0.0. F,-(Jo!den Rule l-edge No. 78. meets every Saturday night at 1. O. 0. i F. ball. Ut M.Davis, ' T. Y. Dn, Secy. N. U. Psran Eiuampiuent I. O. O. F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at I. O. (. K. hull, Fkkd Scuhiut. T. Y. Pkam. Sec'y. C. P. Rebekahs Etna liehekah. No. 4!t, meets second and fourth Monday, I. O. O. F. ball. Emsik IUbtham, N. 0. Mas. J. II. Dkmsom, Secy. United Artisans-Uraiils Pass Assembly No. 4ti. meets alternate Tuesdays in A.O. IT. W. null. F. E. Wbhtz, Kami Mkn.-ch, Master Artisan, Secy. Woodmen of the World Rogue liner f Camp No. ,V, meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Woodman Hull. Jss. SlOVER, C. E. Mayris, Consul Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. 182, meets tirst and third Mondays at Woodmen hall. EsTSLLA IiKBttT, N. 0. W. E. Deak. Clerk. Modern Woodmen of AmericaGrants Pass Camp No. 8WJ7 meets 2nd and till Wednes day Evenings at Woodmen hull at 7 ,:W. Chas, II. Marshall, V. C. N. Rejnolds, Clerk. Foresters of America Court Josephine No. 2H, meets each Wednesday except the lirst, at A. O. V. W. hall. J. P. Halk, C. R. U. N. Holt, F. S. Josephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. V. W. nieets in A. O. V. W.hall, Dixon build ing evtry Monday evening. J. II. Miadi, M. W. B A. e'TASARD, Recorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, I), of H.. A. O. U. W. meets every alternate Tuesday evening in A. U. W. ball. Dixon buildinr. Mas- A. McCarthy, Mrs. I.vma Ias, C. of H. Recorder. Knights of Pvthius Thermopylae No. Stl, meets each Tuesday night 7:30 I. O. (). F. hall. J. T. Chuusse, Ton Wii.ua s, C. C. K. of It and S. Grand Army of the Republic Hen. Logan Post No. meets lirst Wednesday at A.O. C. W. hall. J . E. Pktkrson. Abe Axtkli, Adjt. Cum American Order of Steam Kngineers, Ore gon Council No. 1, lueels tir?t and third Saturdays, at A. O. IT. W. hall. Wat. II Kisnkv, Bkj. F. My rick, Cbiel Engineer Corresponding Engineer. C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT LAW, Piactices in all State snd Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. Grasts Pass, Oregon. JJ C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, Grants Pass, Okiooic. GO EAST -OVER THE RIO GRANDE WESTERN Oenver dtRio Grande Railroad Only l' tcontinenta! line pasaiu, ' .rectly through SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER. Tbree splendidly equipped trains daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and Dining Cart and Free Reclining Chair Cars The most magnificent acenery in America by daylight. Stop over allowed on all ( lasses ol ticked. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature, address J. I) Mansfteld, General Agent, 124 Third St , Portland. Orevnn. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furnilere and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber ihop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER ana "JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil rerwear and Jewelry. A Good Assortment of bracelets and Heart Bangles, Clement' Drug Store. J.M.CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE Fine Butter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MKATS. 'Puoni 21 Actual Tests Prove the Racycle U'r, LLr.T 1) 11 For Sale at Paddocks' Bicycle Den, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The fisherman, the sailor, the yachtsman and everybody, is liable to sudden attacks of disease. (PERKY DAVIS') Acts like magic for cholera, cramps, sudden colds, or chills from ex posure; Take no substitute. Price 35c. a 50c. I Buy Anything THAT you have to sell AND THAT SOMEONE ELSE MAY WANT You may have some articles among your possessions that you have no use for and never will have use for why not convert them into cash. I pay you cash for tliein. If you are going to move away let me buy your household goods-I will give you good prices. Hewing Machines for rent and for sale. Ike M. Davis, Goods Sold on the Installment Plo.n. Front St. Second-Hand Store Grants Pass Banking Trust Co. I'AIO IP CAPITAL STOCK 929,000.00. Transacts a General Hanking business. Receive deposits subject to check or 011 demand certificates. Our ciistoineis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration run sistent with sound hanking principles. Safety deposit Isjxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, I'res. It. A. BOOTH, Vice -Pres. L. L, JKVVKLL, Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, so.ooo 00. Photographs. I wish to inform the public thai I shall continue to make Photos in Grants Pass. I shall make Photos on either the dull or glaze finish paper as de sired. Orders taken for Photos from Geo. Pheby's old negatives. Mrs. C. J. Smythe. Keceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Bells sight drafts on New York Ban Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the I'uited States. Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. It. A. I100TH. Pres. J. 0. CAMl'llKLL, Vice Pres. II. L. U1LKEY, Cashier. 01 MSi o'-vi ir 1 : wi SD03 1 . The accumulated wisdom ol ten generations can't keep a boy from eating Green Apple. You can talk to him till you aie tired, but it will do no good. He simple can't learn from anything but bird pit-of-the-ttouiacb experience. He mutt have hit own belly ache before he will believe what you tell him. Now, men are just bojs grown up. It isn't green apples any longer, but it's the tame old comedy with new properties. It's the question, perhaps, of a Mower. It's the old chimera of getting value without cost. It's the Mower which "it just as good si the Osborne." And the lesson is only learned after the lota of many dollars you might have earned. Why not ute the green-apple com mon tens that yon learned at a boy T ALL KINDS OF Hnrilwnrp, Oil, JPuliitas, GIunm, Farm Imt-lmMitM. 1 II. SCimiDT. Corner 6lh and I streets. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. PADDOCK, Paora. I am prepared tolurnltb anything In the line of Cemetery work in any kind f MARBLE or OHA-NITE. Nearly thirty years ol tiperienct) la tbe Marble business warrants my taring '.bat I can fill your orders la the very beet manner. Can turn Lab work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind cf Maible. J. U. PADDOCK, front street, Next. to Greene's Gaaabop. Official Vote OF Josepliine County June 2, 1902. FOR- GOVERNOR. George E. Chamberlain, Multnomah county, Dom. William J. Furnish, Umatilla county, Hemiblluan. . A. J. Hunsakcr, Yamhill county, Prohibition H. K. Kyan, Murion county, Socialist FOR SUPREME JUDGE. Robert S. Hean, Lane county, Republican U. F. llouhum, Marion county, Duuiocratiu , C J. Height, Sherman county, Prohibition FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. C. W. Barzeo, Wasco county, SoclaUat N. A. Duvis, Umatilla county, Prohibition , Frank 1. Duubar. Clatsop county, Republican D. W. Sours, Folic eouuty, Democratic FOR STATE TREASURER. Henry Black man, Morrow county, Democratic. ... T. S. McDanicI, Multnomah county, Prohibition.. Charles S. Moore, Klamath county, Republican. . . W. V. Myers, Clnkamas county, Socialist FOR SUPT. OF TUBLIC INSTRUCTION. J. II. Ackerniun, Multuomuh county. Republican. R. W. Kelsey, Yamhill county, Prohibition W. A. Wann, Lune county, Democratic FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. A M. Crawford, Douglas county, Republican .... T. H. Goyne, Tillamook county, Prohibition James 11. Ruley, Umatilla county, Democratic..... FOR STATE PRINTER. V. W. Brooks, Multnomah county, Prohibition.. Juines K. Godfrey, Marion county, Democratic. . . . J. E Husmer, Marion county, Soclullst J. R. Whitney, Liun county, Republican FOR CONGRESS Ut District Hiram Gould, Yamhill county, Prohibition H. F. Ramp, Douglas county, Socialist Thomas 11. Tongue, Washington county, Rep.... J. K. Weatherford, Linn county, Democratic FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR. T. T. GiH-r, Marion county, Republican C. E. S. Wood, Multnomah county, Democratic. . . FOR REPRESENTATIVE. If. M. Ebei-le, Josephine county, Prohibition W. C. Hale, Josephine county, Republican Mureus V. Robbins, Josephine county, Socialist.. R. G. Smith, Josephine county, Democratic FOR COUNTY JUDGE. J. O. Booth, Josephine county, Democratic Stephen Jewell, Josephine county, Independent . . John B. Paddock, Josephine county, Socialist John II. Williams, Josephine county. Republican. George W. Wlmer, Josephine county, Prohibition.. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Garett Crockett, Josephine county. Republican. . . John Hackett, Josephine county, Prohibition ..... V. F. Lovelace, Josephine county, Democratic. . . . Charles Woelllle, Josephine county, Socialist FOR SHERIFF. T. Y. Dean, Josephine 'county,. Democratic V, M. Hair, .lohephiuu county, Prohibition George W. Lewis, Josephine county, Republican.. H. H. Triplet!, Josephine county, Socialist FOR COUNTY CLERK. R. L. Bartlett, Josejihlno county, Republican .. . G. 11. Feiin, Joseplnuu county, Socialist 163 108 27 5 20 18 166,135 88 W ('. K. Root, Josephine county, Prohibition J. A. Shiver' Josephine county, Democratic FOR COUNTY TREASURER. J. P. Giilocnor, Joscphino county, Socialist J. M. Ishaui, Josephine county, Prohibition C. C Presley, Josephine county, Republican J. T. Taylor, Josephine county, Democratic FOR ASSESSOR. W. H. Fitllin, Josephino county. Republican. ... Kd I'. Hathaway, Jowphiiie county, Democratic. N. Reynolds, Josephine county, Socialist C. I'. Taylor, Josephine county, Prohibition FOR SURVEYOR. W. ('. Long, Josephine county, Prohibition II. O. McCulloch, Josephine county, Republican H. C. Perkins, Josephine county, Democratic... FOR CORONER. YV. F. Kleiner, Josephine county, Democratic ... FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Win. W. Fiiller, Josephine county, Democratic. C E. Muylicc, Josi phiiio county, Republican.... FOR CONSTARLK. I. I.. I.oiilsgnout, Josephine county, Is'tiioeratlc J. C. Randle, Josephine county, Republican FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR A. Morris, Josephine county, Republican J. H7 no 35 10 73 71 S3! 1B0.125 3J '31 I4(l'l21 3t! 4 87 ISl'lSo 351 1 861 Ul 38 77 35 133116 1411122 68 3 2tl 7" 16SI20 80112! 80 54,1ft 2S 05 3I16;27 72 15 48 35I7 7 45 50'l3 :: 74 54 12 43 s2i!!s' six' nil- 7T T2'll 40 44'fill 47 3d 2(l! M:i;i; 77il4,60 3."i 57 (iti 42!51 110,0"! 112 35 li 8;i55;i4'27 58 61 504' 12 7857 14 324 3,20 I2til 132' 424 88 6515'26 7 52 14 60 3410 7U1 7 S4 82l114 2 24 1 221 3, 15:20 4U 8 83150! 14l2i 108,121 114 107, 20 0 121100 37 16 101 22 1111,118, RIO 128 23 70 101 7K54 14 85I&3 08 10 43 II :i 6,118 127 4!l 01 45 35 : l! ! 8;:tf' 1 WiOi 235 725 71 10 17 32 44 07 41 52 10 50, 104' 1K)I !K)1 u,3tl 4e'00,42,34.24 081 67:10:30 43,57,42 30,21 8j 3! 0 2 3 0 05 15 ' 4530 57,00,42'4.l 0 33i 53 I2I10I 12 60 I5'4fl;33 5304 0, 2 6l;i6l.W,40i01 138:32,23 6517 3 1 4 II 5 2; Oi 632; v.1 1562 ll U 30 50! 10 65 2 8 45 31 52,08' 10,48 0: 31 2 4 0 60il5 3l48t'K)37l,24 00,104: n 2 2 31 5i 8 37 42 0137'33;2 l li 4: 1 4 1 o32; 1452, 1 1 734; 1 031 2IS 025 01 880' 177 :ot 870j no 700 802 04 070 179 210 3 212 ii! :10 10 15,40, 100, 01 0! 1511 3i21 323 2! II 7 2, 2 4 51 00 43 14 6o;iO 47:32 68 1)35 15,50,38 2!i : Olill!4O 30 15,00 40 48 00,17,37 50,55,10,28 1320 3 323 31 6111 3 ;l!l,20 1 1 15T.1 027 lti:2 0,3: 0n!45'l034 ,12,10: o 2: 2' "iO:72:40 5" 1 1 21 V 4 1 820 04 101 8S5 5'JI 870 071 7S 841 120 15'27 3510 61:44 (W 7M 14 M 121 3, 84 341 3 108 11 42 40 02 40:14 20 11. "21 a: 2 11 7 6 fl1 0! 217 201 82j 8,61:51101 30'34 25 10 42: 7! 8: 1 Oil 138' 7J0 6r: 45 101 13.44 24;f0 50 35 35 10 36 2; 3, 3 13 28 3 70 14 17 24 51 42 18 40 15 28 4 1 3 2! 5. 3 4 51 31 1 172140 03 04 50 33' 0 67 1 81)38; 6 20 10 0 70 70.12 15 10 10,101 2 1, 0, 1! 7 102,117; Abraham . Johnston . For swine running at largo yes For swine running at large no For County High School yes For County High School -no Initiative und Referendum Amendment yes. Initiative and Referendum Amend men t uo. . 80 48,10,20 10: 4! 2 81:01 1 7,30 2 23' 81 5 3 07 37 , 12 23 U2 00, 6 20 04 51 25 37 88 20: 118 15 25 2 23 6 I0! 02 I4 43 IO O7 48 22 H4 8 35: 1 101 5 3' 2 I 0 I 1 60;i3 43,3O 5O03 50 4J 13 52 111): 5 1 2j 1 8, 11 3 75 18,2:1,23 48 60 42 48 15 4 I "I 4 4 12 2 4 1 I 2i 3 2: 2 I 0 02; 9 57,54 03 10 33 20 73i) 07 834I I35I 705, 1118 8251 02 1 11 1 5 40; 71 00 30 30 00 15 33:28 48 51 33 41 11 73 11 5l'50 01 6141 20 10 4 1 83 14 25 17 52 01 32 48 15 4H! 44 II M 27 60 41 30 21 0 44 3 12 ' 7 32,20, 3 4 UH 43 1323 50 12 31 31 40.10 41 411 12421 110 134 103 01 4 20: 77 18 50,50 04 40 .13 2m 10 42; 115: 02 730 830 800: 5ii5' 3,',0 01 102 710 802, 100 205 170175113,83 1333 101 23 50 60 74 80 53 38 15 03 1168 88:1001 71; 18o!ll5IOI 80: 74 04 184 132 101 200 02! Of i 107! 85 07 70, f.0 Kr 35 28 013' 010: 250 402 113 218 417 1O0 170 123,105, 27i 30, 20 225 141 157 73 10 11 17 17, 61 7, 71 14 70 43H3 08 60 8 I8 20IJ0 17 Mill 82 23 51 10 27 51 24 0 10 55' 10 33 I 1 I 70 31 58 00 50 55 8 1,10, 0 15. 0 III 32 10: 3H 20 071 401 SOI 360 210 413 IMS 100 : 3 110 ,7 o:,7 Holds Up t Congrtiimin. "At the end of tl e campaign," writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con gressman, "Irom overwork, nervous tension, loss of sleep and constant ipeakinK I had utterly collapsed. It teemed that all the organi in my body were out of order, but three bott let of Electric liitteit made me all right. It't the belt all-around medicine ever sold over a drugnist'i counter. " Over worked, run-down men and weak, sickly women gain splendid health and vitality Irom Electric Itittert. Try them. Only 50c. Gtiaranleed by Dr. Kremer. EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATION. The following outline shows the examination number, and grade per centage in the different studies for nineteen applicants who took the ex animation May 21-23 : i-aieit D 15 Thomas THE HOUSE FURNISHER SCREEN DOORS Window Screens A Fino Lino as well as tho Cheapest. iMore New Iron Beds. New Go-Carts. New Dining Tables. New Carriages. New Tents and Tent Sheets. 0 Handled Cups and Saucers ) 18 Large Pieces G 9-inch Quecnswaro Tlatea ) for 95 cents. House-Lining Papers Full Line. Wall Paper An Immense Line. All Trices. IV13W lUIMVIT'lJXtll lliimiiioclcH, Croquet Nels." Wo guarantco to show you tho best, Refrigerator in tho world. This is a broad claim wo can verify it prices pleasing. Furniture I. are Curtains Mattresses Cots Linoleums Mattings Mirrors Picture Mouldings Uraniteware Tinware Glassware Lam pa -Cutlery Woodenware S t pi? u S i : ! I v , M(l,0 I" r'rijs for Kodak Tietures. iel a KixJuk aud win a I'rie. No. 2 Bullseye Kodaks K.5 S,;i,f KLl tii ASO ALL OTHER KINDS For Sale by A. E. Voorhics. I. WI 2 H4 HL' J 75 KM Hi) 91 i Ki . HI 7.V5W tlx S2 4:1 75 4 ... . All ,1 no mo i si) m ;2 or, 2 M 77 M5 70 44 7 4 7 5 51 . Ml) 7u , . . . Ml ill4H5W.r,UK4M()M!i4llMM .. 2 1 . . Wtq 71 6.1 . 70 71 ' K ... All 15 77 W2 7791 7H Mil HI iw! rVn ... 1 1W07 7fWM5li.'ieu7r)oM71:IKi .. 'I 2) 7 .l 73 W)H1 m Ml) 59 M3. () ... All 21 711 VI mo M M Ml) M, M5 on !(.". M7 i) las 7MW:i75!7(tliiM.',ll4M(l H.VI... 1 2 17 7()5M(i5:, M7 70 Mi', 4't!iJ ' ft 1 ! 1 1 75 '.) M4 MM,! 74 77 77 MS' H m'o l'ass 24 mm ll K4 74 Ho ..74H2m2 isil I 2'Hi.'lMfl7 70)70 M 7D 115 77 B4 . . . ( A 11 22 MO W MM 75I9M SK) !)5 MH h i OH tfl 3 l'ass MMMrjMM2tl7ti3y4M2li2 W III 6 i'uw 277,MMM4j716M4W!iO M'. I .... I 1 12 75 H3 94HT,M5 75 2J W D.t 85 3 J'hsh All thom falling Is low 70 In otic or two stnilles can lake the examina tion on those similes ut the next regu lar eighth grade, culmination. Tlmac railing Is-low 70 iu more tlutt two studies will have to write oil the whole examination. The blank sjawea are caused by failing to get the ajiplieuat's ws-r ou thiMu; studies. Tho next regular Kigbth graile ex aniirutlloii of Josephine county will lie held June 18, 1U, and 20. Lincoln Herage, County 8upt. The old reliable Hm Wtekly Orecenlaa. IU. C. Z. 11. Column n (Articles (or Ibis column are con tributed by Die, Women's Christian TeuiiH-iance Union.) The regular meeting of the W. '. T. I". will lie lii hl at tin' I le of Mm. K. A. Wade, .lime Jilib at 2:30 1'. M. A i')V KK.Ni ill's Vli:W (iK I'll t- niiiri ion. May 1 the prohibitory law of Kan sas Is-eaine of age, that is, 21 years ago that day the legislative i iiactmeut pulling In fore the prohibitory eon- titlltifllial lllle'llleUtS tOlili 1-tTeet ill KitiiKiis. Since then at various timeM laws have ls-eii iiuhsi d hy tin Kniixa legislature giving the authorilii-s the lieeeKiry legal uiaMins to cnfunc this eont itut iimal provisional. Tim Sunday prei- ding May Ut i olMervcd in Kansas as State Prohi bition Day,' and ministers throughout the state are supMM d to s ak on UiMis-ranc and juoliiliit i n. We understand that this year the day was ipiite gem rally observed. The preach ers ami philanthropists of Kaunas as a rule nr in favor of prohibition and prohibition enforced. The altitude ol the politicians Is iu some instances, at least, (piite the (ippusitc, In nee it Is Interesting to know the opinion, of Governor Stanley us xprcssed' a few days ago He is reirted as saying: "Au overwhelming majority of the la-oplo of Kansas lislay are in favor of the enforcement of the prohibitory I.-ix, and as a result, these js-oplu be lieve in the enforcement of this law the same as any other criminal statute, by the regular means and through the regular cluuiuels. "I lutvo had a better means of know ing as to the extent of tho enforce ment of this law during tho last three years, anil during that time In most of tho communities of tho statu tho prohibitory lnw is reasonably well enforced I think as much so as other laws. This enforcement Is not accomplish lug thu result of prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liipior absolutely, any mole than the enforcement of other criminal statutes is preventing lar ceny,' forgery, and other crimes. There have been a great many prose cutions fur violation of the law dur ing my administration, and hundreds of convictions, ami with very few ex ceptions lliesu iiersoim have served their terms. "Prohibition in Kansas has been marked by very beneflciiil results, anil this is apparent to anyone who will travel through Kansas anil through any of the license states that may be selected, and note tho dif ference Itr the tyis'M of young men in the two states. There are thousands of young men in Kansas who never saw a saloon, and will avoid it, if for no other reason, because it is under the ban of I he law. There are thousands of young men who would probably nitrotii.o the saloon if sanctioned by tho law and conducted with statu approval, who avoid it and will avoid it as long as the law brands it lis an Ishiuiielite among the legitimate enterprises of the community. A young man with bleared eyes and bloated face, In Kan sas, is very rare. I think, on the whole, (but prohibition has Is-en at tended with gisid results. They ure far from Kit isfaetory. Tho law Is iin i'fectly enforced ill many com munities iitnl not at all enforced in some, lint the discussion causer! by the attempt to enforce the prohibitory statutes has kept the tciniicrtiuco ques tion alive anil we have a better tein- raiice sentiment In the state and u larger proNii-tioii of tcmjicrmico lucii than ill any slate where license pro vai Is. "The future of prohibition in this state is largely a matter of individual opinion, but I Is lieve Hie state will continue its prohibition isilii y. If the question should Is' submitted to the tieoplc, they would refuse to do away w ith the cnUNtitutioiiiil pro. vision on this question, for the reason I have suggest d, that it has Is-eii pro ductive of good. Kveu admitting that the law is not now and never has been fully enforced ; if intoxicating liquor are sold in a beverage, they should he sold in spite of the law, rather ihau with the law's sanction and ap proval." Try (jriin-0! Try Crtia 0! Ask your (iris er to-day to show you a package ol 'irain . the new focd drink that lakes the - place ol colic. The children may drink it without injury at well as the adult. All who try It, like it. ( irain-' I has that rich teal brown ol Thro' Train Southeast. Northern Pacific Burlington Route. The St. Louis Special, the through ex. press of the Northern Paciilc and Bur lington railroadt from tbe Northwest to the Southeast, changed time on May 4. The trans-continental service is materi ally benefited, at connections lor the Kant and South are now made with morning trains out of St. Louis and Chicago. The St. Louis Special now leaves Portland, at 8:25 a. m.; Tacoms, S:40 p. in.; Seattle, 3:50 p. m. ; Spokane, 0:55 a. m.; Helens, 10:15 p. m.; Bil ling, 7 .00 a; ui. The new card is more convenient to most cities in the Northweat. The train now carries standard sleeper, tourist tleeper, . dining car, chair car, coach, and baggage car, Portland to Kausaa City without change, also free reclining chair car, Portland to St. Louit. It remains the great TIME SAN ER, as well as the only through train between the Northweat anil the Southeast. Ktvcali t ureal Scent. It is oil en asked how such startling cures, that puxxle Ihu beat physicians, areeMected by Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption, Here's the secret. Itcutt out the phlegm aud germ-Infected mucous, aud tett the life-giving oxygen eurlch and vitalise the blood. It heals the iiillamed, cough-worn throat and lunge. Hard colds anil stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most infallible remedy for all Throat and Lung diseaaes, Guaranteed bottles 50c snd $1. Trial bottles (ree at Dr. Krcmer's. Reduced Re. lee to the East. Those loiitompliitiiig an eastern trip will bo interested to know that there will shortly bo on sale greatly reduced rato tickets in connection with Hie llio Grande system, tho fam ous "Ccnio Line of Tho World." This line otfers its ixissongcrs a most delightful and comfortable jour ney to all eastern jsmits. It is the only transcontinental linn jsissing directly through picturesque Salt I-iiks City "Tho City of Tho Suiuts," beautiful Uli uwooil Spring, Loudvlllc, l'ueblo, ' Colorado Springs (where a side trip may bu made to tho Garden of the liisU and the summit of Pikes' Peak over the cog-wheel railroad), und Dcuvcr, thu queeu city of tho iiiter-iiiountiiiii regiou. Stop overs iru allowed on all classes of tickets Three daUy express trains make close connect ions with all trains east and west and alToril a choice of five distinct routes of travel. The equip ment of these trains is the best, in cluding free reclining chair cars, standard and tourist slocjairs, a per fect dining car service, and also per sonally couducteil eicursiou cars, ouch iU charire Of U COIIIIStelir. irnltln ttlinai n....i I : i.. i 1 , holiness Is to look ifraiiiH, and the most delicate stomach ft i :M , , receives It wiliioul distress. ;A tne price ol rolh-e. 15c. ami 25rta. per packaKe. Sold by all grocers. KLKCTKI) HY TWO VoTKS. M. A. Miller, of LtOuiuon, who has been declared elected Senator from Linn County by two votes over Sen ator Percy It Kelly, is one of this best know n I moeruts in Oregon. He has been delegate to several National con ventions He was nn ardent Itryau man und a strong snpisirter of free sil ver This is tho second time ho bus Is-eii eleeti d a member of the Oregon legislature. Mr Miller is the pro prietor of u drug store there. Notice. ' Notice it hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debit contracted by my wife, Mrs. Gertie Kltbree. March 24, 1U02. II. K. Klshhki. after the comfort us guests. No more pleasant and Inexpensive means of crossing tho continent can be found tliau is pro vided by these excursions. Kor additional details, address, J. D. Mansriold, Oen'l Agt, Rio Grande Liues, 124 Third St., Portland, Oregon. Then It s Class of Peoplt Who are injured by the ute of coffee. Recently there has been placed iu all the grocery stores a new preparation called Grain-O, made of pure grains, that lakes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, snd but few can tell it from cotfee. It dues not cost over t at much. Children may drink it with great bene fit. IB ctt. and 25 ots. per packsge. Try it. Ask forGrs n-O. Win a prise with your Kodak $400 In prises offered. See Voorbiei. I