Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 22, 1902, Image 4

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It ti often very hard to And
A man who ha good icnit,
A man poMeMed of breadth of fiinA-'
Moat peopl art wo dcna.
I know a man who la thamoat '
Hard-haded I hava met.
To talk to him you'll hav to poat
Yourself en thine, you bat.
Hla information of all aorta
la at Ma fingers' end a:
Utlatlca, ShAjteaorara and rapofta
Ail la hi taik ha MtnAm.
His buatoeaa Ju?tmnt'i aupaffllaa
Tha tlpa hVa given ma
how that hla rlawa ara Juat Ilka prtna
1 Ilka .mgacltjr.
la polltica ba'a hard to beat,
Hla logic's clear and aound;
To hear him argue la a treat, ,
He aovara ali tha ground.
The book ha rcda are what X aall
Tha proper tntntal food,
t think Yt pfopt pead at all
They ought to read wbat'a food.
Religion--well, that's where ha'a atronff.
I hold a certain ere 4,
And thla man heck It right aloof
Aa what all people Ded.
On any auhject you can name) '
Opinion a h haa got
That anyone who holda the aama
Knows bit tha pruper apot.
lo abort, aa I before have aald, ,
You'll very aeldum apy j
A man with uch a level head- I
He think the aama aa I.
Chlotitfo I willy Nfrwa
Out from the
autkoi or "naio or thi ut - itc.
WwimiMI Dj tell Murj rak. Uu-1
TMX'AI KK be wit attached to the
ri Smithsonian institution and had
TTirnitd part of several of In scien
tific expeditions, Mr. Francis Unix
lied 30 and I.achelor, wot inoliiied to
believe that he knew Rood rlia.1 about
many things. He did not know, how
ever, tint unrefealed iron deposits will
sometimes affect the imanJe ..I a com
pan, or thnt, even upon moat barren
land, rocka and trBKK""tf ((raises and
auch tlilnirs are aa aure guides to
plainsman as a chart, Therefore, when
hla party had been five (lava In Death's
valley, Mr. Fronds Hoie left camp
In the morning? with a mule and
water bottle and in the afternoon
found hliueelf lint. Around him on
ever j hand roae roek-rtbbed ledges.
dark red in hue. Under hie fret wae
earn), moiatureleii and sometimes
shining with saline particles. Htrnpped
1o hla bark waa a leathern bott.e, pret
tjr naarlj emptied, A few pacra away
waa a mule, with Itt long ran down lie
twern Ita Irascllslt temper which helpa
- a football player, but Is fatal to pro
, found maths luatloi. He walked to the
spraddling mule" and kicked it lu the
belry. The anluinl toppled over on ita
aide and died. He looked around. for
' the Are hundredth time, to lm met with
the aante view of red rock, .cloudy aky.
sand and ni.itorj "Hpanuh dagger
growing here and there, sharp-apiued
dry, murderoua,. fit' emblem of ,the
otintry. He aald "Damn" and threw
his compass way, Thla helped him a
Utile, beaatiae he than depended solely
upon himself. Then he shook up, the
water bottle, heard the fain I gurgle In
. aide of It, aet Ms teeth, filed hid ty art
distant point sird walked, lie did not
know where nor In what direction he
wae going, but, at least, he waa, 4(0
tiiaT In straight line. That waa aunie
omnforl. And he walked until aneif t
dark fH. Then the exhaustion which
oinei from prolonged eavrtlon hi an
Imoaphere of 111 degrees of heat
eauie upon hliu and he rolled and tiaed
in rejtless aleep. lie waked before day
light and wreslluij hard wilh hlmmlf
to keep from draining the last drop
of water, and he won. At ten o'clock
neit morning be estimated that he wai
to Dilea from the dead mule. .Nnttirr
aeould not be denied longer, lie railed
the bottle to hla llpa. A quarter pint
of wnnulah Kathery water went down
bla throat. He more and threw the
bottle from Mm, act Ml eye upon a dis
tant point and went on doggedly.
- At four o'clock that afternoon the
Mpaof Mr. Hope were black and cracked
and land had not Into the rrncki. Hla
tnnirue, awolleo and blnekUh alao, pro
truded a half Inch between hla teeth.
111a face wna a irrayiah yellow nnd the
kin waa in folda. He atooped like an
aiUI man and often tumbled. HettltiK
hla eye upon a flaed point, he dlicov-
red a Mroiifr tendency to walk In a
half circle. Sand waa under Mi finger
nalki, for he had fnllen often, and hla
feet wore 011 fire. He mumbled to hliu
talf: "Inrw!n waa right Inau'a aame aa
Jellyflah-jeUyflah got no beokbone
I've got no liecklMine -all hell hold no
torment Hko thia - give me to drink to
night one aingle drop of litbe't fabled
aup mint hare been exd, cool, cool
and aparkllnK, that stream of l.ethe.
tlae why ihouM the Ctri ekn prate about
it to a dying man-a dying man that
ichthyoiaurl and pi'lloanurt lived In
wter-n water- the inammoth ciiine
down to drink to drink -curae all
mammoth through brenat and bone
2 drove the atone and alew him tipon
the brink -upon the brink to drink
It waa hit blood I drunk- guahlug blood
and l( ai'i-mi'd cool, too"
The truiiod tebnllflc mind of Mr.
llope waa w :i b I J y - He aat down upon
pile of rd pibb'.n and played with
them abtenl'y. He had dim dlaordrred
tnemorira of hla rhildhood. uilxed up
with babb'lnir brooki. He thought of
'Jai'kiloni'" nnd tried to cntch ae
eral of the pebhlea on the lark of hia
ore withered hand. Then In the glar
ing ami he fell utrnlgbl burkward iu..l
hurt hia hea l ll ireiued to him that
be roae imuie lialely, but really he
aiiplnit for h:ilf nn huir. lie aat up
flually, and a he came bark toa aitting
poature. ti!' miitlering ini'eaaantl a
wild rr rung acroaa the di-M-rt. It Mas
luartb'u'.iiie, but there wai deapalr In
$4(KH) In Prl for KmUk rictiir..
tiol a Kodak and win a PrUc.
No. 2 Bullseye
For Sale by
A. E. Voorhics.
if. :
A certain yovnglady in del
icate health was advised by her
doctor to take a half-teaspoon
ful of Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oil after dinneronce a
day and found herself almost
suddenly growing robust.
So small a dose is by no
means the rule; the rule is
whatever the stomach will bear
not more. Another rule is
take it on every least occasion,
but not too much ; don't over
do it
Wa'U md m HliU la Iry, If jo Ilka.
8COTT UOWNK, 4 WI onrt. Nr. Vote.
It. It founded atartllngly cloie and it
had the -,..7Ulr effect to aober Mr,
iHnp.i lore. The ahock of It made
biin n,'. He ataggered to hia feet
euid loil. i-d nbout blm klinking'.y.
Not 50 jurda away atood 11 woman
or a girl child, he could not lei! vthirh.
The figure atrelr hi d llf harda toward
him and he went to it duiibiingly. It
waa In alightly brtlvr rr than be.
for It oould ti!l lii!k. I: inld:
"For Ood'a anke, wl r!"
Hope mumbled something, intended
for "There la not water In thin conn
try." He etared at the figure; the fig
ure a tared at hi in from under looae
hair. In theae circumstance ex
ca. He put hla arm about the fig
ure a wai at and supported it. He win a
brave man, was Hope, and he told him
self in that Instant that here n a life
mlsrrably dependent upon hiaownand
that he would work harder to aave it
than he had yet worked. The thonvht
ermed to give him strength, and he
atood erect for the first lime in ninny
hours, Ilia implacable scieui'e told him
that there waa no drinkable water in
)eth valley, but he remembered that
avhen he waa an Idle and purpoaeleai
boy he used to rend Ileadle's dime nov
els, and in one of theae novrls wus a
heroic Indian slayer who had got wad P
in the val'ey by digging for It with hi
tomahawk. He almoat smiled at the
recollection and he wished thnt he
might have the snug, well-fed. 11 n
thlrety author of thnt romance for 4H
hours in the valley Itself. Instead of
In hla New York room, wilh hot and
oold water pipes within ten feet of
him. Nevertheless ho kept his arm
about the figure and gently urged It
They came to a cleft, or lengthy de
pression, In the Infernal soil. I'oshllily
10,0110,000 of year ago It had been a
creek. Ita bed was still deflned and
it was of sand. Hope cast about
him until he found a lllver of red rock,
harp-pointed, a foot wide and three
feet long Just a scale of the stone, In
fact and with this he set to digging
lowly. The sand waa loose, anil by
heroic effort at the end of an hour or
(wo he had gone down four feet In n
narrow hole. The woman hat near hitn.
Bhe had not uttered a word since her
first pitiful plea and she did not watch
him while he dug. Hli Ini-hes further
and the sand heoaine miilat. Another
foot and water could be aiiire.ed from
it ; another foot and a small pool of It,
alx Inchea across and a half inch deep,
was visible. It waa hot but sweetish,
evidently a aeep from some one of the
sa'.lne or alkaline lakes, and the min
eral had been filtered from It In its
passage. Set it down to the ever'nst
Ing credit of Crenels Hope that he
climbed from the hole, went lo the
woman, brought her to its edge, took
a half pint In his hat and poured It
dirwn Iwr thrvnt, while his imn lips
were bleeding. I say thai ciir lliilip
Sidney, riding from bnttle with n
broken thigh and giviur his Inst drop
to a wounded sokller, did not do a finer
deed, five small swallows of the water
restored the scientific mind to Its nor
mal precision, and he saw that neither
bis companion nor himself got too
inch of It. They rested by the Mttle
100I until the sun set, then look a final
draught and set out. Kenson had come
back lo her eyes, and she placed her
hand In hla as she stepped out bravely,
his eye 011 a flsed point dimly seen in
the dusk. At ten that night they came
to a trail, broad nnd beaten, mid lay
down Inside It to sleep, the woman
resting her head upon his shoulder like
n tired ehlkl. At midnight a 1(1 mule
team rnme by. It dragged a huge
wagon loaded with crude borin. and
the driver alternately swore nnd Ming.
He gave them food and drink, asked
few questions, and, auppoaing them to
le man and wife, offered them a bed
lu his huge enormous vehicle. Set had
reasserted itself. Hope laughed and
the woman blushed. So the curled her
self In the rear end of It and Hope went
to the forward end, SO feet away, and
lietween them was a moiiuliilnoiis bar
rier of borax.
Neat dny she told him her story. Her
father and brothers Californinns
and prospectors camped upon the edge
t'f the desert. She had ipiil school and
accompanied them for the novelty of
it and had wnuderd from the tent In
pursuit of beetles Bhe had been
saving lth her water bottle and had
been out It hours longer than Hope.
Her inline was lteatrire lloldni, and
while she rode she blossomed out w,n
ibrfiilly, finally ending as a frank,
somewhat plump and very prctu (,-irl
i,f !0. with a constant trustfulness in
and dependence upon her rescuer.
They went to the Needles together and
from there to l.os Angelea, where she
bad friends The end of It was that he
naked her to marry him. and she did.
He took her to Uaahiugton with him
and has got out of his uperi, nee a
charming wife, a magnetic article or
two, an imressi,iniaiic description of
the pangs of thirst, nn 1 luci.latcj and
prlutid theory to lb, effect that wom
en are capable of more endurance than
men and n profound p.itnphlet on the
possibility and dcMrahility of Irrigat
ing lVath valley.
Thledlr" Msi HUalaa.
lr. Uonlon, who wna the first min
ister of the church lu Jamaica Plain,
aUiut the year 1771. was a Sontrhnun,
very steni and arbitrary in his man
ners and precise nnd orderly in In
own habits. The following anecdote
of him Is recorded In the
Journal of one of hia old parishion
ers: One Sunday while preaching he had
tieglin to develop hia tlellie with the
uauai "firstly. " and got throu-h tUt
and "secondly ." Then turning the
lentes of his iniinUHcrlplh he ;!
"Thlrd'i," 11 second tun,. "Thinly,"
I and again III great cuibarram. ,,1
Thirdly. "
Just then a little girl In one of the
front hs stood up and aald:
"I'lease, sir, thirdly Hew out of the
.window some time ago." Youth's
QuKk dallvsry Tha Wseklj OreajoaMasv.
No engineer would be mad enough to
run by the flag which signaled danger.
What the danjjerwas he might not under
stand, but lie would take no chance.
It is different with the average man or
woman. 1 ney at
tempt constantly
to run by the dan
ger aiifiiaU of
Nature nnd that
attempt costs
thousands of lives
every year. When the
appetite become irrcgu.
lar or entirely give out,
when aleep ia troubled
and broken, when tliere
ta a loaa of flesh, when
there is a constant feel
ing of dullness and lan
guor. Nature is hoisting
the danger signal. The
stomach and its allied
organs are failing in their
work anil the liody is los
ing the nutrition on which
ita strength ileiiemla.
Such a corulition calls
for the uromtit use of Ir.
I'iercc'a Golden Medical 7
Discovery. It cures 111s
tasts of the stomach and
other organs of digestion
and' nutrition, purifies
and enriches the blood and builds up the
body with sound, solid flesh.
"Your klnrti, to me I ran never fr,rKt.'
wrltrs Stia t.i- K Clark, of KiUrrprlse. slirlhy
Co . Mi " lea tipma half my feellns:"
rao-(iiln-a lo yoli. I had deaiired of ever
arttiiof well f hud hern in hail hesllh for
twelve vara Hud ncti- all through nie numb
hn,la, eld feel, and rvrrvthliiK I ate .li!rm!
rue - howrls cousltpalej. was verv nerrnua. le
oreaseH a-id lriii'leiit In fart. I can 1 espreas
h;,ll my had feellnxs to ym. hep I firal wrote
to von I Ihoiivlil I cold never tie cure.l I have
tnken aia bolllea of ir Pierce's Golden Medical
piscovrry. and tnv health Is now (food. You
hitve mv ho'iest recommendation lo all aiiiTrr
era. I lliirk lliere ia no nmlicilie In the world
s gn-A n Ir l"ierce'a "
If constipated use Dr. Pierce' Plcaa
nnt Pellets. They cure constipation,
biliousness and sirk headache. They do
nut pf ohicr the "pill habit."
0. R. & N.
Shortest, Quickest,
and most
Com fortable
Uoiilo to all Kastirn point" via. Portland.
All Through Tickets reading over this route
sre good via :
f4itlt I.iiKo and Deliver.
,ow Kates Everywhere.
Tli kctaoii Sale nt Southern Pacific llepot
ficu'l. PaKHaiiger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
A Good Heaiied
or in other words, m'-p with
gooil sound hearts, arc not very
nutnerous. The imr'asin
number of sudden dcatli.i ,,oni
heart disease
daily chron
icled by the
press, is proof
of the alarms
inu preva
lence of this
and as no one
can foretell
just when a
fatal collapse J- Kreamer.
will occur, the danger of ncg
lectinu treatment is certainly a
very risky matter. If you are
short of breath, have pain in
left side, smothering spells, pal
pitation, unable to lie on side,
especially the left, you should
beyin taking
MUeV Heart Cure.
J. A. K reamer of Arkansas Citv, Kans,
savs: "Mv hrnit wus so had it was im
poitMhte lor me to he down, snd 1 could
neither sleep nor rest. My decline wss
rapid, and 1 realiicd I must get help
soon. I was advised to try Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure, which 1 did, and candidly
believe it saved my life."
Dr. Mlloa' rVemodloa are sold
tr ail drunlata en luarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
The rench have coined tha word
nluuiUiothcruiy for the process of
gettjng very great bent quickly and
inexpensively by the oxidation, of eJu-
A Frrneh explorer, Kinile ltonne
rhnux. thinks that, with pmer pro
tection, llraill and Peru alone would
be aide to -mtifv the world's iiKreua
llig demand for rublnT.
Senator Clark, of W) inning, has
lieeu Infoiiued of the discovery of a
vein of pure platinum in n copper
mine in Inn state. It is said to be the
only find of the sort In the country.
Hungary hopes to Ik- able to raise
cotton, although the warm sea. on is
only tle mouths long iyid the plant
reunite seven mouths to ripen. The
dilbculty is to be ovcreoine by spcviul
preparation of the seed ni.d by add
ing certain ingredients to the soil.
tine of the latest nrtpiiaittous of
the llotamcnl Hardens at Kew is a
specimen of the original flower from
which all cnltnatcd chit -iiuiheinuius
have been dceload This tlowcr is
known as the Chrysanthemum Indl
rum, and the only surviving plants of
It exist in remote parts of I hlna.
The abdication of Arirona for ad
mission lo the rights of statehood is
based less usou II. growth in popula
tion than in wealth and manufac
tures. Ity the census of WO the in
vestment in uintmfnc turrs iu Vruoua
was only f ISo.iW. lu lsM) it ;:o.
ooo. ill is'.si tolJ.iKHJ, and l.tst year 110,
bai.iKKi. The lunuufacture of red wovvd piin
l an industry that has been devel
oped us an in.l.rect result of the oil
industry. This manufacture is
iini,iie to southern California. The
pipes are from three inches to nix
feet, inside diameter. The piive is
wrapped with wire that has teen run
through i-jelte.l nsphaltimi. Much of
this pipe i used for irrigating pur
poms. VYinapnz- sub ur KoUt-lHVXl
in piixes ellend. See Voviflilet. I
7" I
soft oi s. n
Taw eaa make ym
ssws as sort as a iov
a4 as IHfl aa wlra bf
W X rttKlS A iiar
sasa oil. Too can
ylrr- os nfc msSaSI
twlca as loo a at
jrousafU wookL
Harness Oil
lJrlaa Kat.
It Uiull Ot
V.w rwlVfi Oil. -
. . . . in vaftf rs.
tirn-1 UM i
Sold IWWb'
In f3iw all fir
Th Weekly Orejonian anil the
Coi'BiK both (or one year for in ad-
PweallarKlea ot the People
ruelh br (be lew I'roaldeBl
uf Ibe Islmoal.
We have an islnnd materially rich,
with a fertile soil and salubrious cli
mate. The people are Induatrioua,
especially those in the country dia
tricU, all that they nak ia to have
plenty of work nt reaHonnble com
pensation. They lire fond of homu,
nnd by nature are low-abiding. They
love liberty and are brave, but relent
less when stirred by oppresBiou,
auya ThmniiH Kittrada l'alnm, in Suc
cess. The Cubans are anxious for
their children to be educated. One
of the reaaons assigned in the Dec
laration of the Ten Years' War waa
that Spain treated ua ho murderous
ly in order to pay the HtaiHlinir army
that oppressed us, nnd would not
furnish schools sufficient to educate
our children. The t'ubnii people are
Blngiilarly hospitable. A stranger,
vinltiiig a home, is not only t rented
with kindness, but is offered a cup
of coffee as an evidence of good will.
They have what Is called the south
ern type of hospitniity. Though our
people are hard workera, they tire
not, as a rule, as provident ns peo
ple of industrial habits ought to be
They have a free and euay way,
spending their money on the prea-
ent rather thBn saving for a rainy
day. They are Just and honest in
their dealings and have faith in Uoa
Twa Oassata UfieM tVoaalnaT tav Op-
BHMlfS) Dtrtlois fa Iba
WtffUss Method.
The marvels of wireless telegraphy
are great enough to render a recent
uae of the systejii not sufficiently won
derful to be extraordinary, perhaps,
yet the incident reported by Cham
bers' Journal is one which appeals to
the Imagination.
Two ( unard liners, the Lurania nnd
the Campania, were crossing the At
lantic in opposite directions. Knch
knowing the date of the other's sail
ing, could make a calculation na to
the hour when they would moat likely
meet. When the hourennte the vessels
were too far apart to sight eneb other
Presently, however, the warning bell
of the wireless telegrnphie apparatus
in the Campania tinkled, nnd the mes
sage was spelled out: "Are you there?
I.iicanla. And then the two vessels,
still invisible to each other, and, ns it
wns found, 3ft miles apart, talked for
some hours, exchanging experiences
ns to the wenther. and finally parting
with the word "good-by" when they
were 140 miles asunder.
Much a conversation carried on be
tween vessels in the open ocean, sep
arated by? such n vnst stretch of wa
ter nnd out of sight of each other, is
an impressive illustration of whnt
wirelesa telegraphy menus.
Fr IJrti im Thla CouMfrr Are
of KitttrralutlsUat.
Pur denlera are much interested In
the nw from Chili that the chin
chilla has uhnotit been exterminated
by fur hunter nnd thnt stringent
li.efts.uren will have to be applied to
prevent the extinction of the animal
there. In pile of Ihwh for its pro
tection In Holivia, the chinchilla haK
aim out entirely dUappenred from
that republic, and furriers fear that
It may diKnppenr in Chili aa well, re
port! Um New York Sun.
According to diatom reports the
number of the animuli killed in Chili
haa increased greatly iu recent years.
The number of chinchilla pelta ex
ported In 1UO0 waa flyS.ami, more than
double the exports of l.m.
A acientlfle society in Chili has al
ready drafted a law forbidding the
hunting of the rhinchilln for four or
five years lu certain region, and al
lowing hunting elsewhere for only
half the year. It also forbids the use
of fl rearms, dos. fire nml, hi fact,
verythlnf exceyit traps.
The fur dealers expect thnt the
law will be enacted and predict that
the price of chinchilla fur will soon
be ?ery much higher.
aritlUaa Vmtrir I .Mvrlliid It. ! ravet Tksl stsrpl llsaa
lavv44 FrsvA,
That F.gypt nnd France held inter
course as early as 4000 It. ( is proved
by tlie marked resemblance of inscrip
tions found in the two countries, says
the I'liibnlelpbia North Anu-rii an. I l.e
etcivnlioiia of I'rof. flinders, lVtrie
have brought to light evidence i f an
eitreiuelv ancient movement between
the hind of the rharaoits nnd the coun
tries bordering on the Mct.terr;ittcaii.
This communication, like nil other
great invasions of history, had its
origin in an effort at trade extension.
The great wars of the eighteenth
F.gyptian dynasty were provoked bv
surrounding nations Jealous of Fk'vpt's
growing wealth and power. In retali
ation Kgypt carried the campr :ign into
Asia and Kurope. and. judging from
the Inscriptions mentioned, must have
pushed ns far west ns France.
I'rof. l'etrie lias in Ms possession a
series of figures fonml in Malta nnd
neolithic remains from L:'n-sctrnoy
ill France which nre I cvii:' el : nee of
doubt the work of Kgv i ti.ins. Thev
establish inten-onrse 1. ng before the
perbil which Is generally recognied
ns the hes-inning of the history of the
countries of Kurope.
One feature of we. tern rivili.ation
has just nuute its first apeari nce in
Japan, where native woman haa
brought suit for a breach of promise,
kltherto an unknown procedure ia the,
Isatd of the chrvsanthemum.
Vital Pr" Affected br be Pol.onons
Properties of Tobacco Vt hea
Too Freetr leed.
While a g""d cigar, used temperate
ly two or three :i:i:es a dny. mny be
f,nol:.-i! I v t! c a-rugf aiinU n to
...a..iui iiii'it ,r.'nre
tforni ...'.:i..w.K-a -
verv I. armful. It is only
in iOiM.i.i i!
.tuiJ th i " 1 1
to re;ili'e tf.:
rt'i";:.! o:j.-'s firt vigtir
,t::i.; i .Tr- t it pr f. i-red
the i
I. in t f tf hni-oo
i.i triiliiiir witTi a
vs the U: 1: imore
t- of sni'.kinp are
r.i1. eiiipvi i-'iiJitie
n m t i'. e f 'li
.lily w-Ii I'.r-slroy
u 1 ich is the rank
I em i f t . e pipe,
i iiTi. f it fir p on
liavihf heen fa'.il.
i e t 1 i 1
oil. li
i-.i :
nn it..'
a! -
id M'-iui?! i v. in
;!: t"T i'"e ' f a t-"-t
Tie iiiv uinc and tl f . j'; act on
l.e r.'rvr.tfs pytcm. t hnv.jr' f'iHVrent-
!v. 'ht r'.',".,nv t -.' r: 1 v.'.in -z t' e 1 iTirt
h iih :icii. f! f:i I rrun. s iV the
il cr jiiiit.-v. ilyt'lf cliipflv to the spinal
corf I nii'l tLr motor nerve. It will
thus hf yfvn thnt no pnrt of the vic
tim s efjuiMii.ent escpes the fleauly ef
fect of tohuceo in excess.
firrnl rflfH(rlaH(t.
It would I'tipcar. from the fillow-
inff paragraph, from the London
Times of D.-eemher lfl. 1S01, thnt the
spiii rt. set in Lon l'n a cent nry nfo
were cre::t pen-- irians: "The ne-
fstrian r."e is trie tn;st eonveniriit
for a pai-'i'-Klar deseript ion -f jcn
lleman ti'.at has l.een hioti'.t fflr
uard f ii many years. A complete t iti'ner in the nrt. who diseov-
a i i .:. ir ir n l.ailitT, within a
:ev varus, may o-itstnn Iumi in the
twi:i!.liiifr 'f an eye; and should a
Jift ac';'i:.iiitaii''e prepare t- ap
pro:. t.h iiini with a bow, half a doz
en Hicnern ?tep:-i v,ij remove him be
yond the mortillcati'in if reeoLjniz-
iny an old friend, red need to pov
Women's Trnde I n inn.
One of the tront,"'st eenters of
trade nnioiiisin ftinomf women is In
DenmnrJ:. The number of women or-
jrani e-i in iraoe uni ns in tnnt coun
try is 7,2 i.i, of whom .r..2i! Ibe in Co
penhagen. '1 heir o: ;,'..niai ion em
bract 14 trades, and itit-1 ide about a
tpiarter of the women waife earners
of the country. They are best or
ganized in the bookbinding', textile
am) tobacco trades.
NOflCK '10 CUKItlTOl.S.
KtMate uf James i). Mc Jee, Deceafled
Notice in berel.v iiven bv the under-
int-d, administrator of tlie estate o!
James O. Mdiee, decenr-ed, to tin
crcdi'ora of, and all pt-rpoii9 having
clmniM Rijampi tbn t-ftid tlei-eiiseo,
to exhibit l hem with ihv iieee?Hrv
vonclierti, within f-ix monttiH uber the
fir ft publication of line notice, to the
aid adminifitrator at Iim resilience at
WilliHins, in thio, .lonepliinK Count v
Oregon, or at the oibce of Abe Axtell.
the rroba e Jinhie, at (iiantH in
aid County. V. W . Aic'ikK.
Adminir-tra'or of the esta'.e of .faim f
0. Vlctiee, deceaeed.
Iated at Lirante ruM, Or , Feb I.i
1. K)2.
Notice to Contribute.
To J. R. Ki'evfs:
Notice is li-rehy given liy the uiiik'i
aiitneil, your no owner in the pUi-nr tnin
inn claims eitiuteil in t lie Silver creek
in l li l n sc district, Josepliitie county, ami
known as claims No. I anil No 11, locntcd
by A. J.Cobel TIiom. Crotls anil J. K.
Keevea on tlie 2Dth day of April, lS'.IT,
the nolne ol v.liii-11 is recorded at paxes
4i3 ami 4(14, Vol. 10, of tlie mining
record! ol Josephine comity, Oregon;
that unless you contribute ami pay In
the said undersigned co-owner within
auiety days finin I lot date ol the liit-l
publication o this notice, the sum ol
Two Hundred anil Sixty-Six liollurs
(fl'titiOO) the same being your porit-n
of the cost of autitlal labor dono on said
claitos iu order to protect the title
to during the )e:trn IN'.IS, IS'.III, 1 (00 and
1901, your one-third interest in the two
claims will be forlcitcd to vour i o-owm-r.
Titos, (.'hotih.
January 23,
Timber Land Act, June II. 1S7S.
L'nitiU States Land (Mlicc,
Uoseburg, Oregon, .March :il. l'.KU.
Notice is hereby given Ihal in conipli
ancs with the provisions of tbn act ol
Congress of June 3, 1H7.H, entiileil "An
act lor the sale of tinnier lands in tlie
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," is extended to
all the I'liblii' Land Slates by act ul
AngiiBt 4, IS',12, Marion f. Anient, nl
lirsnls l'ass, county of Josephine, S ale
ol Oregon, has Ibis day filed in tbic
ollice Ins sworn statement No 'Jlliii.
lor the imrcha.'e nl I tin S W '4 NK1..
S K '4' X W '4, N K. S W i4 ol Section
No. i, l!l tnwnnhip No. 3iJ S, Hinge .o.
5 west, ami will oiler proof to show thai
the land sought ia more valuable for us
timber or stone than for agricultural pur-K-e,
ami to establish his claim to said
land lielore the Register ami Receiver ol
this ollice nt Uo.u-liurg, Oregon, onTliuis
day, t lie oth day ol June, l'dOl'. He
names us w itnesses :
11. A. t'oiln-s, Mel Andrews, Albeit
l.ongenbaker, A II. Anient, all ol
titan's Tas. On gon.
Any an.! all persons claiming adverslv
the ahove ilescribcd lands are noiiestcl
lo nle their claims in this ollice on or 1 1
fore h aii I 5'.h day ol June, l'.'OJ.
I. T. IIhiikiks,
(kuseum of imom
llil I1UKT ST., Ill rt.KIW.UL. I
Tkt I-AjsfMt AMtOfB'rtl MtttTUi t lh i
Wtf tl ui'ir m arty r itiftt.1
JiW4S psslll j rajroJ ,-f Tf, aivtsMI
Js.ia..M osi IS.SJ .hs fc,,t
Vrjlll 11 trlsmtch'T ftrIlrat4 i
TtT truiiftsnit,4lit v'. vit r.ry 1
Trsi.ttt1 y in Htirt Ha4l.
Ml mmw fat Wtmytnr. A ,ii.-h 1 1
r li,l mi nt.v sflauta ,
n.tBlsw, tf Dt jorvlui'i tis.iAl ,
Uu Bicvxttv ' -r- r
CrsMlnHsM frM tn4 aHrtT pHvlt Ttstrwiii psM.
O'aaV 'T 'J',I tSffvl l SJ.e.t .
"Mt'tilM Wt U H.k PHrl.As)MIHV r
MISSIACK. ttlLsVU PftSS. iA Jiatit bocl i
blasft ) t-L tMltt) 1
0 I0R0AH&C0..10SI MsriittSL.I P. i
Kodske at The Courier ollice.
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number o
deaths show that the large majority di
wilh consumption. This disease ma
commence with an apparently barmles
cough which can be cured ins'iti 'iv bv
Kemp's La'i-ain lor the Throat am'
Lungs which is guaranteed lo cure and
relieve ail cisrs. Frice ami
For sale by all dnugis's
To Cure a Told In a ny
Take Laxative Lromo Tablets.
All druggists rr'iind the money if it fail
to cure. K. W. tlrvive's si ture is oi.
eaib, ln.
CUsl Hst.l i.i l,v IA.1S.
A Const Syrup. Tsmvs IAssL Vm I
Sickress i3 tlio greatest
th La I W. nt. Ln
. :'i'..
a UOIIIO VI inoviuo i'ii u
1 1,,..oiv stofilq
S?. .
ST Wb ti, wifo is Ui -a tataMe to manage tho hmise
Ul, or when tlio siok and munt tlwvr on l. .avmga
to pay .loctors' fees, the hard cavrtcl wat-o v.-hi-h coy nomy has
hid aside U .lowly exhausted until uoti.u.g n left for a rainy
Tliere are thousands of people who if they could have one
tvi.ili gratifies would ask only for health: Health to lahorj
, ..i.i. . l..n f.-r wff,. and children ; health -to pro-
IK.. llll l'- HiiiiaU a ii"'"" " , ..till
vide for the days of old litre. These pe.-p e aro the backbone
ami smew of America. They djtti.ify labor They don t wish
for dead men' shoes or luck, all they want w health and 8 rencrth
to cam a day's wag,' and support those they love ow the wish
for health can bo gratified as a general thing If we know the
common cause of much ill-health, we know where to begin to re
store the health to its proper standard.
There is iio such thins; as a cure-all. Medicines advertised to
euro all complaints may be set aside as valueless.
Some people mi-htbc misled by tho cures claimed for Dr.
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it a cure-all.
f ,',r,.4,.oti,in will show that this ia a mistaken
it ICW IIIIIIHH,- v..v.v
notion. It is quite true mat mere aio 11, .s.D......
bv .'rat ef ul men and women to the cures effected by Golden
Medb al Discovery," and that these cures cover diseases of tho
stomach, blood, kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, etc. But after all
the primary purpose of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is
to euro diseases of tho stomach and other organs cf digestion and
nutrition. And when it cures diseases of other organs it is be
cause these diseases havo their origin in a diseased condition of
the stomach and tho digestive, and nutritive tract. Supposo a
city has its water supply contaminated. Typhoid and other dis
eases appear. One way of protection would bo for every faucet
to havo a filterim? attachment. But ono purifying filler con
nected with tho original soureo of supply would entirely remedy
the evil, and there, would bo no need to filter in thousands of
Now tho btoiaaeh i .t the original source of supply of tho nutri
tion for tho body. The physical strength 13 sustained by food
1 nbvm. V.'hen tho stomach is diseased that disease affects
the wholo body. It a'.Tects tho blood, becauso blood is only digested food, and tho
disease which affects the food in tho utomach must affect tho blood mado from this
food. It affects the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, ctp., becauso Uiey depend on tho
blood f'jr nutrition, and impuro blood cannot nourish a healthy life. Thus, when
Dr. Pierce's (i.ilden Medical Discovery cures diseases of tho stomach nnd other
or:ins of digestion and nutrition, it cures diseases of tho blood and of organs de
pending on tho blood for nutrition heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc., becauso it has
cured the original soureo of disease.
" Mr. Thomas A. Swartu, of Sub. Station C, Columbus:, Ohio, Box 103, writes: "In June, 1891,
I was t tken very sick ami doctors told me it would kill me if I did not do something for my-Ei-lf.
I was taken with severe headache, then cramps ill the stomach, nnd my food would not
dijjost Hk'U kidney and liver trouble, and my back got weak so I could scarcely get around.
At la;t I h id all the complaints at once, and I just pave money to the doctors whenever I
t'n i.iijlit tlicy would do me any pood, but the more I doctored the worse I got until six years
ti iss "l. I had become bo poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of a chair, and I got
so thin I had f i:rn uf lo ah; thinking I could not be cured. Then I saw one of niy neighbor's
boys, and he said, 'Take my advice and take Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and make
a new man out of yourself.' The first bottle helped me so I thought I would get another, and
after I had taken eijjht bottk-3 in about six weeks I was weighed and found I bad gained twenty,
seven pounds. I have done more hard work iu the past eleven months than I did in two years
before, and I am as stout and healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was. I do not feel anything
like dyintr to-day. I cannot give Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery too much praise."
AVhen tho stomach is diseased 0110 of tho common signs is loss of flesh, becauso of
loss of nutrition. In such cases tho cure effected by Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovers is marked by a gain in flesh and corresponding increase in weight, which
proves the weak stomach being mado strong and its diseases cured. Medicino can't
mako strength. Strength is mado from food nnd food alono after it has been
properly digested and assimilated. "Golden Medical Discovery" enables tho
perfect digestion and assimilation of food, through which tho body is strengthened
nnd built up.
"I received your letter of advice nnd instruction," writes Mrs. W. C. Gill, of Weldon, Shelby
Co., Ala. "I was suffering very much with my head and stomach ; head was so diziy when I
would rai.e up iu bed would fall right back. Could eat but very little, iu fact, scarcely any
thing. There seemed to be a heavy weight in my stomach so I could not rest ; I had to belch
verv often nnd would vomit up nearly everything I ate. I was in a bad condition. I took four
bottles of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and five of his 'Favorite Prescription,' and
cm now well uud hearty. I feel like a new woman, and give Dr. Tierce's medcines credit for it
all. I bad taken medicine from rhvsicians without anv benefit
Medical ' 'vv a, ;
P.- ;: B
T.) '.Nil 1'KilM AI..
Points East
Wv,'; - "-
Short Lino to
Tliloliub I'ala. c and To. n isi Sleep
era, llinlnu mid ItultVi sim,k n.'
l.ihiur) t'arn.
1,-r 1". ,1,!,t- n.iil full in:',,ru:.iti ,r
ret -inline Ti, ', -. 1: ,1,1. ., r
I. 'A' I'M 'S. T. V. A
II I U a-iiN. i . 1. v
Vl-i Thml Slid I, I',, rllanil
a. r. c. I'::nniimn, w r a
!'2 First Avenue S a il.-, '.V;,-i,
You Know What Vou Are
When you ta!.e drove s Tai. ii--.- t'hill
T.Miu-, 1,1',-au-, tin- M-tiinr.i' 1 .I.i; :i 1 - iTint
e.1 on every Is.ttle ,-ln,.v ,n,- th i; it is sim
ply Iron ami ti.rn ne in a !:i-u '., ,ss furtu
N Cure No. 1'av. ,'s .
WV I'ssriM v ol.i-.u (" S sn.l K
53 J
J- iui in.tcl,sa-U ti ur lit tini tiiVii.lM n loti
f 'rtiv(rt on nut.'".!.; itv K-t K'U. I,
Opposite U. lPatenttIsj
lank i.i the world. Vhcn
Ui.l axllo a , lilt o money to purchase
..,i,..,iir.n of cli dieti sickness COCKS,
"V"' J ..;, nt roarL
tlio kdow
.il.. . ,-w.,;n,.o f tlio workmtr man's pros-
VIV W-CUilllti..'-- - o - 4
ns I could see, so I shall recommend your medicine, I feel very
thankful to you for your advice in my case,"
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the
" Discovery."
The solo motive for substitution is to permit tho
dealer to make the little more profit paid by tho salo of
less meritorious medicines. He gains ; you lose.
Therefore, accept no substitute for "Golden Medical
How to do thi I. fully taught in Dr.'. Com'
mon Sana. Madical Advimmr. Thla gnat madiaal work,
containing mor. than a thoumand largo pagoa and
over 10D llluatration., I. ..nt FREE on roo.iot ot
atantna to pay expenn. ot mailing ONLY, t.nd 31
ono -cent atampa for tho cloth-bound roviiM, of only
21 atampa for tho book In papor covers.
Addroaai Or. R. V. PIEROE, Buffalo, ft. Y.
sar fxm
i i r
:i 'I ii
li.e i!urli:i;ton Konto ranks among
great, st of the woilJ'b railroads.
Ovir .S.udo i iil, s long; employing 35,000
tiKa; reaching i.tno towns and cities in the
. -J :J el
.even Stales tU'.el:'el
i i
t!iro'..L,li-c:;r it..r.'ini nts which extend more
than half way aernss the continent and earn
estly stiivin to give its patrons absolutely
uneipml.d p. -nice, it h the lino YOU should
' t, ti' Vt time vnu
j ......
'v '. "!ir-ie, Cite. Si- t mi'
' - it -i i:vi kv v
fi 'A
ii 1 ml
1 :
Ml-.Ki: LfVc-nd.
M 1
art, st tn 11 ,-vor p-.i,l lor a prr
n. -'if.-..l liamls in Sm l-ran-
i-.-io. Mu. :.0, l'.,al. 1. ,.,- , fHr jn.
vaivi 1 :n 1 .1 11 iin-l stoi-ic il-,'i'J-i 0;) and
vu- l.y a n.inv i,f I n-me.-s nu n fur
a spv, ' ti !,,r i.i.i.i's li,.a.r h, iia.
'-!-s, liiilirr;.. ii.eiir.i!,!e ilisPiis.
rt -y v-oiiiiii. r,-,-.i rl,- ser.ous -nvesii.
.MMsti ol tin- n.n-itio .N,,v. i:, IviKl
iliev int.-rvii-vve,! .,-,,tes u ttl ,-ureil
.111 I "if, I it i,,;t 1 11 its miTtis Kv .-jt 1 init
over thr... .1, , i-.-s ,, tri-Htnier.t
ir! "it. I, in.' tli, tn. Tl,,v i.tso u.t pliv-
''''" ' Kaine, in. ural,e rases,
sii.l s.iiii i.i.tT.-,l 1: 11I1 i- h , hvsK-ians
i',: An,-. -J.v, 87 per rent
I tl.e test .-.i-, s u.n. utiir well or
'r.'-r s-.ii u lV,-,,:lv.
I livre ! .-ir;- I.11 '.iaitin per rr nt of
taiairis, the parti, vv.t.. ,.(.;. , an j
.lose,l tlie tran,.Hta,:i. Tl.e p-s ..,t
of il e;.- iv.ii;., i-ten an.l 11, e
.!m..-al r,-..ris ol t,c l,.sl .,., ,pre
p,e isl.e-1 ami 4111 )w maile.1 free on
Pl-hta-inn. Al,lre-s J.min J I-uton
1 oi'i'Avr, 4.M Montgomery St. Sao Fran
c.fco, Cal.
Courier and Oregonian for $2.00
bv its lim :: liavini'
en i-.-iul.
3 MIGS Lmiii
the I
A. C. Siiki.ix.n. C",neral Agent,
Cur. a-d Stark Sts., Tortland, Ore.
A laniiliar name for the Cliifst0'
waukee & St. Taul Railway, kno"' .',
over the Vnion as the (treat Rti'1' 'J
running the "pioneer Limited" tnv"
every day and night between St.
and Chicago, and Ouaha andCbicff
' Theon'.v uerfeet trains in the
! I'nderetand: Connectiona re
I with All Transcontinental Lines, "1T
ing to passengers the best service knol
I I.uxiirtous coaches, electric I itttsta,
I ii'-at, of a verity equalled by no sl
I N that your ticket reads yi"
I Milsaukee" when gotug lo sny poiol
the Cniled Sutes or Canada. Alt tK
: et agents sell lliem.
! For rates, pamphlets or other in'
: niation, address,
! J. VV. Casey, C. J. Eddi, 1
it- ... . . 1 -
irav. t-as... Ant. tienerai Ae
I Skatti.k, Wash. PoktlaS".