Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 22, 1902, Image 3

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Lramer Bros.
Does It
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
We have many pretty styles, and you can buy your hats at a
greater saving than at any time in the past, at
Mrs. J. A. RehRopf's.
ymmm New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.
Don't Ruin Your
With Poor Glasses
Cheap Glasses and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre
mature loss ol sight. Let me test your eyes without charge and
fit you with a pair of glasses that will Keep Your Eyu Young.
A full stock of Watches, solid gold and filled cases, Jewelry,
etc., kept in stock.
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty.
Front St., Next to I'alace hotel. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN.
I Buy Anything
You may hare some article among your possessions that you hare no tias
(or and never will have use for why not convert tliem into caeti. I pay you
rash tor tliero. If you are going to move away let me buy your household
goods I will give you good pricee.
Sewing Machinex fur rent and for aale.
Ike M. Davis,
, , , . , . .. Front St. SeconJ Hand Btors
Good Sold on tha installment Plo.n.
or rosc
G. P. Pharmacy and
W. F. KREMER. Propr.
Brown borm 15-3 hands high, weight
1160 pounds, ail jf rt old ; aired by Al
taroont 3tiX, irof Chha!iB 2 to'i Del
KortaiJOO, T 2.0X'4', Dock Sperrj
108, Patbuiont 2 O'. Alameda 2.09'.
Alto 2 M, and 39 othera. Dam, Sleepy
Kale (dam of Hells Air 2 14'4' and AHena
1.3b)i) by Mike 340J. brand dam Rib
boo by Vermont 3i2.
Dooocnore ia on. of tb. finest finithed
horse i the state and witb little train
log ia 1 Terr promiaing trotter. May be
fciud at UaWia & Smith's barn, Graalj
,T Oregon. Terme, $10.00 by tl). sea
Mui, ioe at 6 rat terries.
' Tb. old rsllabls Ts Weakly Onceolaa.
It's Hard Work
to keep a lawn in eood condi
tion unless the mower cuts close
and smooth. We have new lawn
mowers that will do this, or if
you have an old one, we can put
it in good shape for you at small
cost. We have just what you
want in Grass Catchers.
Does it pay to paint? That de
pends. It you apply the proper
material, of course it does. $1.00
worth of the right sort of paint
preserves $.oo worth of house,
It pays to buy good paint. The
Sherwin-Williams Paints are all
we claim for them. Try it at
Fine Line
Spring and Summer
In various styles, Beautiful and be
coming, and more sensible than
anything that has been shown in
years, you will find in our
Special Sale This Week
Between the Perfumes
We're offering at 25 cents and
those at I5.00 there's a wide
choice in swtet bouquet to selec
from. The scents are fresh, deli
cate, lasting and true to nature.
Large and elegant assortment of
toilet articles and specialties for
the boudoir and the bath at cut
prices. Fine face powders,
sponges, chamois skins, fancy
soaps below cost.
National Drug Store.
Who gets the
Monarch Talking
At Smith's Shooting Gallery,
East of
Paddock's Bicycle Den.
IVow Dmpcrlcsi, lortlorow, Upholstery Ooodn, XrliitfOM und IttmpH. .Tuwt
Mra. L. A. Local came op from Med-
ord, Saturday.
John Galvin returned Friday even
ing from San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wiseman have
returned to Grants Pass.
l. . Bates bas obtained a position
as operator at Siakiyoo on tbs 8. P. road
Mrs. Rae Carlon of Portland is visiting
ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Cook, of
tins city.
A S. Bliton, publisher of the Med-
ford Mail, made a brief tisit to Grants
Pass on Friday.
Tom Fry and Calli. Hackett returned
from a week's outing and prospecting
tnp across Lotber's Gsp.
The parents of Mrs. W. R. Nipper
recently arrived here from Texas on
a visit to tbsir daughter.
James Borden, prominent minim and
ditcb man of Gold Hill, apent one day
last weak in town on buslneea.
J. R. Roaser of Birmingham, Ala.,
brother of Rev. H. N. Roeeer, arrived in
Grants Pasa Monday morning. He ei
pects to make this place his home.
Mrs. Wilda Belknap, entiid chief of
honor of the Degree of Honor, Oregon
jurisdiction, was entertained by Haw
thorne lodge on Tuesday evening.
Refreshments of strawberries, cake
and coffee were served and a pleasant
social evening enjoyed.
A parlvof Crania Pbki people left for
the eaat last Thursday, traveling together
aa far as Chicago. The paity v com
posed of Mra. J. 8. Moore, Miaa Vida,
and IHarvard, who will spend the
summer at Bar Harbor, Me. ; Mra. C. B
Truaz, who returna to her home near
Boiton, and Mite Fannie Hale, return
ing home to Independence, Iowa. The
party waa joined at Portland by Mrs. A.
E. Voorbles and hltle Earle, who will
spend the summer at Greenville, Mich.
G. L. Woodbury and aon A. J. and E.
A. Ahler of RpringAeM. Mam., arrived
in the city Mondav and will go to the
lower Illinois country to do development
work on the Ranchrree creek minea.
Mr. Woodbury and son were bore two
aummers ago and did tone work on the
mine, but it haa not aa yet been fully
prospected. They have great faith in
thia county as a gold-producer and will
cast their lot with us. G. L. Woodbury
ia a miner and prospector of experience
and haa apent a great many yeara in
mining and proapecting.
Ice-cream freezers at Cramer Broa.
Art Needlework.
Mrs. Hamrick of Chicago is at the
Josephine, Room 21, witb a fine line of
Art embroidery. Her newest work j The
Venitian darning, is very simple and ef
fective and ia made in Mra. Hamrick '1
exclusive deaigna. Ladies are invited to
call at once to see thia pretty work. Free
lessons given when material is pur
Tho Courier is now making a siie-
cinl rate of $1 to new subscribers for
a year's subscription. Subscribe now.
Bids to furniah 300 cords of t-foot pine
wood will be received by
Chants Pass New Watkr,
Lioiit A Powkb Co,
Republican Canvass.
Following are the datea the republi
cans will meet the citizens of the various
preclude in the present campaign:
Belma, May 22, atf :00 p. m.
Althouse, May 23, at 10:00 a. m.
Waldo, May 23. at 7:00 p. in.
K.rby, May 2-1, at 2 and 7:00 p. m.
Placer, May 20, at 7 :00 p. m.
Greenback, May 27, at 7:00 p. ro.
Wolf Creek, May 28, at 7 :00 p. m.
Loland, May 29, at 7.00 p. m.
Grants Psae, May 31, at 7 :30.
Coming Events.
May 30 Memorial Dar erri.p
opera bouse.
May 31 Grand
republican rally at
opera boose.
Summer Hexfs.
The warm days make you think of
ighter hats Miaa Wealon baa all kinds
for ladiea and children at prices that
can not be duplicated .
Stand Like a Stone Wall
Between your children snd the tor
tures of Itching and burning eczema,
scald head or other skin diseases. How T
by, by using Buckleu'a Arnica Salve.
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for Ulcere, Fever Bores, Halt Rbeum,
Cuta, Burns or Bruises. Ir.fallible for
Pilea, 25c at Kramer's.
what Shall wc Hive for Ouicrt?
This, question arises in ths family
every day. Let ua answer it to-day.
Try Jell O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling! no bakingl aimply add boiling
water and aet to cool. Flavora: Lemon,
Orange, Raaberry and Strawberry. Gel
a package at Jour grocers to day. 10c.
Acorn Stoves
and Ranges chesp at
How e Thia?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
or any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs.
F. J. Cukmxy & Co , Toledo, O.
Ws the ondertigned, hare known F.
Cheney for the last 15 years and be
tters him perfectly bonorabls in all
business transactions, and financially
abls te carry oat any obligation made by
their firm.
West Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldixo, Kixxax & Mabvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is Uken internally
acting directly opoe tbs blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. 75c. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi
monials, free.
Hall's family Pills are tha best.
Notice ia hereby given that I will not
be responsible for any debts contracted
by my wife, Mrs. Gertie Elshree.
March U, 1902 H. E. Kumars.
ration's sun-proof paint at Cramer
School Notee.
This week ia the last week devoted to
study this term. Next week will be
taken up with final examinations and
the closing work of school.
A traveling photographer took the pic
tures of the several grade, at the large
school bouae Monday afternoon, and has
already sold quite a number of ths pho
tographs to the studentB.
Manager Claud Williama of tha school
base ball team baa secured a game with
the clerka on Decoration Day. The
school boy a are bard at work practicing
and expect to be able to put up a good
The eighth grade is taking the regular
state eighth grade examinations this
week. Mr. T. P. Cramer is conducting
the examination on behalf of the board
of directors.
The teachers and students are very
much pleased with the success of the
book social. There haa bean in all, over
(120.00 raised thia year fur the library
and piano. Next year we expect to do
better. The pupila of the high school
gave expreesion of their gratitude to the
committee of teachers who managed the
social by a vote of thanks.
Cleaning end Dye Works.
Ernest Rotermund, of Denver, Colo ,
haa atarted a steam cleaning and dye
worka at Grants Pass, one block eaat of
1st National bank. He comes highly
recorumetided. He learned his trsde
ip Hanover, Germany and haa worked
in the largest cities of this country.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's garmenle
cleansed, dyed and pressed without
shrinking or ripping and the finest of
fabric can be cleaned without affecting
the color. Old clothes made equal to
uew. The latest method? are employed.
The Book Social.
The social given by the school last
Saturday evening was a success in every
way. The Woodmen's Hall was well
filled and all present seemed to be in ths
liveliest good humor. Prof. F. E. Young
acted aa master of ceremonies. The lol
lowing program was given:
Music High School Double Quartette
Recitation Ernest Umphlette
Drill Star Spangled Banner ...
Nine ecbool Uirls
Music Mandolin Club
Recitation Pearl Cunningham
Instrumental Solo Eula Howard
Music Girla Quartette
Grand March
The Students who represented hooka
took part in the grand anarch. Many
fantastic, amusing and characteristic
costumes were worn. Dr. Moore, Mrs.
Moss and Mrs. Gault had been chosen
as judges to decide as to the Lest repre
sentation. They awarded the prize to
Miaa Wilna Gilkey, represeating "The
Old Fashioned Girl." Dr. Moore made
neat little s peach in presenting the
prize, Whittier's Poems, to Miss Gilkey.
The crowd then adjourned to the ban
quet room where relreihments of cake
and lemonade were served. Alter the
aupper the young people enjoyed them
selves in a sociable time, and all stayed
till late and reported a most enjoyable
The school cleared 112 35 which will
be used to purchase books fcr the school
Lawn-mowers sharpened at Cramer
President H&rrlman'a Train.
A special train of six vealibuled cars,
comprising the rolling palaces of Presi
dent llarriman, passed through Grants
Pasa Saturday night on its wsy north
ward. The train was an elegant one of six
beautifully furnished coaches, and on
board heaidea Preaident llarriman were
Mrs. E. H. llarriman, Miaeer Mary,
Coral and Ophelia llarriman, Masters
Averell and Roland llarriman, Miasea
Clark, tieais, Wilcox and Livingston ; J.
Stanley Brown, the president's private
secretary ; President Schwerin of the
Pacific Mail Steamship Cora pany ; Vice
President and (iencral Manager J. Krutt
schitt, Manager R. Koehler, Suprinttml-
eut L. R. Fields, W. 8. Palmer and Red
man Cross.
Bicycles cleaned at Cramer Bros.
Rush for Timber Claims.
Tim nihil for timber claims is now
nt its height ill Josephine, county,
mid nearly every isuwiikit traiu
brings jwrtii-s to Grunts Pass who are
in search of qnitrtcr sections of Uncle
Sum's domain. There yet remains con
siderable timber hind in Josephine
county to lie located, hut the end of
he year will see it all taken np.
Under the timber and stone acts,
he citizen is cut it led to M0 acres for
which he luiys at the rate of sVJ.50
kt acre, within !K days of the dute
of cutry. Under tho homestead act, a
five years' residence is necessnry, but
no cash ont lay beyond the receiver's
fees for filing and proving up.
YVcldeme.nn's Big Show.
Weidi'iiuiiiu's Big Show is at the
ojN-ni house this week urid bus been
playing to lurgo audiences. The
'ominmy has an entertaining talent
fur superior to most of those who have
visited Grants Pass. Their entertain
ments are very lively and pleasing.
A uew play is presented each night
and sjK-cinltics are introduced between
the arts, nmkiug almost a continuous
performance. Tho electric and fire
dunces are very beautiful.
Granite Hill Mines.
J. II. Booth of Roseburg, ene of tha
stockholders in the Granite Hill mines of
Louse creek district, has just sold bis in
Wrests for 111,700. Mr. Booth sold to
the Cslilornia stockholders of the com
pany. The owners of the property were
recently offered 1100,000 cash for their
minea, but refused the offer, the Califor
nia stockholders not desiring to sell for
thia price.
It ia also reported that J.O. Booth has
also sold his interests in the Grsnite Hill
mines, but Mr. Booth bas made no state
ment to thia effect.
C. L. Mangum, superintendent of the
mines, stated to a representative of The
Comma Tuesday tbat their new ma
chinery bad arrived in Grants Pass and
is being transported to the mines. In
about sixty dsys a hoist and five addi
tional a tain pa will be installed. At tha
present time the force of tbe mines are
busily employed retimbering tbe mines
sod putting the rosd to tbe property io s
passable condition.
local Dappcntnga
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun tor Plumbing.
Lime and cement at J. Wolke's.
Fishing tackle at Cramer Bras.
Acorn stoves at cost at J. Wolke's.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggii ,
Sse Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
Fine line of cane poles at J. Wolke's
We are closing out oar crockery at
cost J. Wolke,
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's. .
A complete line of the celebrated
Mitchell Buggies, Hacks and Wagons.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Hartford bicycles at Cramer Bros.
, Acorn Stoves at Cost at Wolke's.
Curtis & Co. 1 Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
New Line and A 1 Cane Pules at J
Callie Hackett was kicked in the face
by a horse he waa trying to catch on
Tuesday morning in Tuffs' lane. He
became unconscioua and fell in the road,
where be waa found abortly after by Ed
Allen, who helped him home and then
went for the doctor. No bones were
broken, but bis cheek was badly cut.
Slransky steel ware at Cramer Bros.
Scott Griffin bandies Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, whiat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats.,
3) inch second ban 1 wagon for sale
cheap at J. Wolke's.
Garland stoves at Cramer Bros.
A girl with experience to cook tor ten
or twelve men. For particulars, addreaa
P.O. 34, Ager, Cal.
Try Crain-01 Try Grain 01
Ask your Grocer to-day to show vou a
package of Grain-O, the new food drink
tbat takes the place of coffee. The
children msy drink it without injury as
well as the adult. All who try it, like
it. Grain-0 has that rich seal brown of
Mocha or Java, but it is made from mire
grains, and the moat delicate stomach
receives it without distress. the
price of coffee. 15c. and 25cta. per
package. Sold by all grocers. '
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my complex
ion ia better. My doctor aays it acta
gently on the elomacb, liver and kid
neys, and la a pleaaant laxative. It la
made from herbs, and is prepared aa
easily aa tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at 25c. and
50c. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels each day. If you cannot get
it, send for a free sample. Address
Orator F. Woodward, Le Roy, N. Y
A. O, U. W. Excursion to Portland.
Tbe Supreme Lodge A. O. V. W. will
bold their annual euasiou in Portland,
commencing June 10th. Extensive ar
rangements have been made for a gand
reception. Arrangements have been ef
fected for special fare rates on this oc
casion, notice of which will bo given in
our next issue.
Grants Ptxsa Weather.
Following is a summary weather ob
servation at Grants Psss during ths
month of April 1U02, as reported by
J. B. l'iddock, local voluntary observer
for the Oregou Stale Weather Service.
Max. Min. Mean f'reclp
JTeni JTem Teui. inches
52 311 44" .08
00 2tl 43
5tl 40 40 .58
65 35 4b .Q
t2 40 54 .20
68 50 64 .f.
65 3U 47 .75
50 84 42 .36
6l 34 45 .02
07 29 48
114 28 41
00 28 47
72 28 50
75 27 61
77 ' 27 62
71 47 6(1
78 40 69 ,12
01 4ft 63 .13
01 So 48
69 37 48 .08
01 41 61 .14
07 39 53
67 4t 64
60 40 63
05 41 63
69 41 60
61 29 45
55 29 42 .15
68 80 47 .02
64 30 45 .11
Scmmaby : Mean tenisrature, i',
maximum temperature, 71; date 30;
minimum lemjieraiiire, zz; dale, z7.
Tola! precip. Inches 2.3). Total snow
fall inches 0. No. of days clear, 4;
r.atlA. '! I, II
8. W.
Reception to Rev. Uexughlera.
By sn uninlentionsl oversight we
failed to make mention last week of
the reception given Rev. Daughters and
bride at tbe Woodmen's hall the Thurs
day previous. The reception waa given
by the Epiacopal cburcb people, together
witb a number of Invited friends. A
musical and literary program waa ren
dered, this being interspersed witb games
and social amusements. A bounteous
luncheon was served iu the banquet
room. Rev. and Mrs. Daughtera recently ar
rived here from Colfax, Wash , where
they were married May 2d. Rev. Daugh
ters has accepted the pastorate of the
Episcopal church and will remain here
There b s Class of People
Who ars Injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there bas been placed iu all
ths grocery storss a new prrpsration
called Graia-O, made of pure grains,
that takes tbe place of coffe. Tbe moat
delicate stomach receives it without
distress, snd but few can tell it from
cotfee. It dues out cost over asm ici.
Children msy drink It witb great bene
fit. 16 cts. and 25 eta. per package.
Try It. Aak forGra o-O.
Chore.1 Union Soci&l.
On Friday evening a social was
given at tho L O. O. F. hall by the
Grants Pass Choral Union, to closo tho
season of 1901-3.
Despite a cold and stormy evening.
there was a hrgo nt tciiilnuco and the
occasiou was a very plcasnut 0110 to alL
Tho program consisted mainly of se
lections from tho cantatas given by the
Choral Union: "David" aud "The
Haymakers". Every number was ex
cellently rendered and encores were
frequent. From "Tho Haymakers
tho following selections were given :
Solos, "Arouso Yo" and "Blithely
Go We Forth," by J. M. Islmm ; duet,
"Swet Mom," by Misses Carrie White
and Bertha Barrio; qnintette, "How
Good is Ho, the Giver," Misses Whito
aud Barrio, Messrs. Voorhies, Islmm
aud Geo, Cramer; duet, "Lo, the
Clouds aro Breaking," Miss Bertha
Barrio and Mr. Geo, Cramer; solo,
"Dairy Maid's Song," Miss Maggie
Meade. From "David": Scene 3,
"Abigail and Shepherds" Misses
Edna Parker, Maggie Meade, Nora
Sydow and Messrs. Ireland, Van Dyke,
Mensch andSumaii; solos, "Fair Shep
herd" aud "O, Shepherd Fair," by
Miss Laura Parker; duet, "David and
Johnathun, " by Cramer Bros. The
closing number was a solo by E. O.
After tho program, refreshments of
ice cream and cako were served in the
banquet hull
Miaa Booth was Murdered
It has developed that Miss Winifred
Booth was murdered by Dr. Lodbrook,
at Orotino, Idaho, recently. Lodbrook
possessed au hypnotical influence over
Miss Booth and made use of it iu luring
her away from her home. Miss Booth
did not loro tho niiin, iu fact, she
hated him.
To one young girl she stilted that
Ledbrook had hypnotised her on sev
eral ocusioiis, nnd to her mother she
several times complained that ho was
continually taunting her witli all that
hu had done for herself and other
members of tho family. She also said
to Mrs. Booth tftht he had an influence
over her that she could not resist.
Rev. Booth, tho father of the girl,
this evening siioko without reserve of
the sad occurrence, nnd slated that he
hud from his first acquaintance with
Ledbrook regarded, him ns 0110 of his
most helpful nnd sincere friends. He
had always been most attentive; to his
daughter's welfare, often working over
her during her critical illness for
hours at a time. Mr. Booth said:
'He always seemed devoted to Win
nie's welfare and frequently spoke of
his desire to adopt herns his daughter,
several times slating that he had al
ways desired children of his own, but
that be conld not regard his own flesh
and blood Willi any greater nlVei tiou
than ho felt for her.
"The statement hinted at in his let
ter to Mr. Gillette that Mrs. Booth was
cognizant of any affection that he might
possess for Winnie other than that of a
father for n child, is unqualifiedly
Mrs. Booth, on reading the letter
this evening, was entirely prostrated.
and is now under the ilin-lor's care.
"Iu siicaking of Winnie, Dr. Led
brook never wild uiiylliing to my wife
other than what he said to me, and
at no time were his remarks of a char
acter that would lead lo suspicion that
ho was iu love with her. "Telegram.
The New Ko.llroo.d.
The surveying liurty of the ( Iregou
and Pacific Railroad have liecu at
work in and alsint Grants Pass dur
ing!, bo llHt week, Is-ginnlng the sur
vey of the road from hi re to Waldo.
Work will bo continued steadily un
til the survey is completed through
to tho coast.
Col. Drniier and his attorney, A. ('.
Hough were given a royal reception
at Crescent City by the Board of
Trade ami citizens of that place a few
days ago. The iieoplo of Crescent
Cily are ready and willing to offer all
the possible inducements for the
building of tho new line,
full well the ls nelils to lie derived by
the road.
KENDALL To Mr. and Mrs. .lames
Kendall, of this city, Monday, May
19, I'.HW, u 13 -pound lioy.
SAMS At Wildcrville, Saturday, May
17, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kama, a
a aon,
BOBBINS-In this citv, Thursday
morning, May 15, P.H12, Mrs. Manns
I j. Bobbins, agi'd 5!l years.
Mrs. Bobbins' death came snildi nly
and uiiex'-tedly, Is ing due lo heart
failure. She had been a resident of
(ranis Pass fur Hie past year, and was
the wife of Marcus L. Bobbins, tin-
well known attorney of this city.
The funeral services occurred Friday
afternoon from the family resilience,
Rev. Chas. F. Hays, officiating.
MANAS' At lion, burg, Sunday, May
II, l'.iu.', .1. 11. iian.iii, nireil -il yearn,
one mouth !.', flays. The cause of
death was tuls-reulosis.
Mr. Kalian lias long been a resident
of Douglas county, but s-nr tbe iasl
several years in Graiils I'nss, where lie
was engaged in the livery business,
recently returning to Itoschurg. lb
was a ini'inls-r of I Ink Camp No. 13"i,
Woodmen of the .World, at Itoschurg,
ill whii li orgnniat ion be eiii rbd an
insurance of f .(. He Imd many
friends over all iai ts of Southern Ore
gon who arc sad to know of his death
and who syinitlii.e with the strii kin
relatives in their bereavement.
The funeral services were held at
Wilbur, the interment ls-ing in the
family cemetery.
Deceased's mother, Mrs. E. .1. llaii-
ail, of Cuiiyouville, his wife and two
children, Luiber and Mals-I, anil tin-
follow ing brothers and sisters survive
him: E. R. llanaii of Itoschurg ; J. ('.
Hunan of Paisley, Lake county; ).
Ibiniin of Grants Pass; W, J. Ilanan
unil Mrs. Eli Marks, of Canyouvilli',
and Mrs. J. I.. Fciitnu, of Ashland.
Democratic Canvas.
Murphy, Thurstlay, May 22.
Williams, Friday, May 23., dance.
Hlato Crock Wcru' mill, Saturday,
May 21, dance.
Merlin, Monday, May 20, dance.
Lebind, Tuesday, May 27, dance.
Kerby, Wednesday, May 2S, dance.
Grunts Puss, Thursday, May 20.
Urcejiback, Friibiy, May 30, dance.
i-e''ivMl A. TT.
The Right Kind
ULW i. . ...
Men's Shirts
T ! I'll
Wt are having a big run on our Dress
Shirts, for never before was such a
good shirt sold for the money. The
assortment of patterns are larger to se
lect from, and the fit and general make
up is right. They are made to fit,
and do fit correctly. Let us show you
a few new features in Up-to-date Shirts
for Spring and Summer.
By-the-way, don't forget to see our
Fancy Hosiery. They are bound to
please you.
IJOKMSfor rent furnished and unfur-
nfohed for house keeping, ilra. Clara
Mutli.ion, utli and K streets.
t comH.-tcnt girl tor general house work
wanted at guld II ill w aires U. m.k.
Inquire at this uillce.
troodchoiiers wauled. Level ground,
' ' good tiailier, good terms, cash liay.
Anmv to ur ad,lrNM k. if. l?an..l.i
dale, Ore. '
IX IIKA1) OF 110USK8 for sale; weight
frCIU l.ilOO tO l..'l(l IVIIIIlds ,'li vmina
ami sound; l HO acres of sood timber on
rieasiint creek, IU miles from Woodrllle.
The timber und hurres will sell reasonable.
Address 11. U. Keatersou, Uold Hill, Or,
pit ItlilC Milch Cows and a good l'ack
-a. l'oney for sale at the Neely ranch at
liiiiip-ult-Jue brulKO.
T( Kwes, 00 January, lambs, and One
buck. L'utHWUold uml Muriiw. llvu.l
free from Disease, for il.'iO for the Hand!
i our cnoice ol ;n ewes, AO lambs and the
Ituck lor U.iU. bcotl UrilUn. Uranta 1'rss.
Ol.l .MlllA tlru.liiiplione nearly new
and In kihkI coii.iiliun fur sale at a
reductioii. Inquire at tins otllce.
AT "TIIK FlltS" Poland China I'lga
flU each, I'lymouth itock anil While
Wyandotte VKK" f'-U' 1'cr settiiiK of 13
eK"- II. H. AlvilHsoh.
Oil A It 17, mine on Mt Reuben, one mile
froi the Lawrence mine, 10 miles
from l.elund. There is an otam cut of B0
feet iu li-iiKlli by HU feet In duiih, eipos
my a vein of over 4 feel widu assaying MJ
per ton. Anarraslre ia now beiuitiiutui)
on Ihu properly. Tills properly can be
purcnuxeu ai a rciisouaniti price now In
quire ut lliia oillcu or cull or address J, W,
l-.udes, belaud, Ore'
f AKK yuur wheel to Cramer Ilros. fur
Cur. 1 andJM His , North of Factory
R. L. COE & CO.
Clothing Department
Soino Ocnuino
Lf - 'tlx
R. L. COE (Sl CO.
TtATVTVA1I. TVortli Nido.
of Clothing
Don't want to be too affection
ate this sort of weather. If
you find yours clings too close
ly to the neck, the next time
you come near our store look
in and see what we can do for
you in new styles of Collars.
VJ ton
-it' iux"
1 3 41 'i , . J I! '
P. H. Harth & Son.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Thoro are funds In tho treasury to
pay all warrants protested up to and
Including January 31, 1805. Interest
oousce at this data.
J. T. Taylor,
County Treasurer.
By H. L. Gilkey,
Dutod May 13, l.t02.
Josephine County Maps.
Ws now have about one doien maps of
Josephine County, pocket size, which we
will sell at $1.50 each. There few are
the last ol the Josephine County Maps,
and when these are goue you will get no
moie. If you want a map get It now.
A. E. Vookiiikb,
Courier Office.
Do your Children
01 course they do. It ia tlioir
way of learning und it is your duty
to answer. You may neod a dic
tionary to aid you. It won't an
swer evory quoation, but there are
thoiiBunds to which it will give you
true-, clear and definite, answers,
not about words only, hut about
things, tbe sun, machinery, men,
places, Btoriea and tho like. Then,
too, the children can find their
own answers. Soue of onr
greatest men bays ascribed their
power to study of tbe dictionary.
Of course you want tho best dio-
tionary. The most critical prefer
tho Now and Eulurged Edition of
j , webster's
If you havi any qtuiliont
wrsiim l
rT"0- & C. MERRIAM CO,
Bargains in
Doublo ami Singlo liruastod.
Hound und Sijuaro Cut.
Good Heavy Linings.
Well mado by First-class workmen.
Vou will bo Biirtirisied at tho Values
that wo aro showing in our
$7.95 Line of Men's Suits,
OX Suits, Men's Summer CAAQ
OtJ Worsted at $0.10.
Tho Dost Material.
Tho Host Workmanship.
The Best Lining.
Tho Best Value you ever saw for