Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 08, 1902, Image 2

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    1 . V
Published Evry Thursday. .
Subscription Rates I
One Year, in advance, $128
Kii Montba,
Three Montba, ... ,M
binicle Copies, M
Notice la herehv iriven that on July I.
I!r2, Uie subscription rate ol the Couaiaa
will be rained to fl.AO per year. Anywlio
pay their auliscripuon now get wit ben'
elit of Uie cheaper rale.
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the ofilos, or
by man.
A. E. VOORHIES, Pkopr. A Mngr
Entered at the post ollice at Grant
Oregon, a second-class mail matter.
THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1902.
It is gratifying to note that
political campaigns in this day srs not
dually carried on in that spirit of in
tense bitterness that once characterized
them People are more enlightened
than they once were, and hats broader
minds and therefore more forbearance
with opposing view. Political speakers
whote stock in traJe is abuts and
vituperation are now seldom beard.
They are not well received by the
people, theielore the pat tit a do nut send
out that kind of men. The occupation
of tie denmgogiia Is slinoit gone and In
that I J a reeson for a great rejoicing.
One section of Oregon which badly
need i a railroad is the Dea Chutes
cmntry. In that valley are thousands
and thousands of acres ol land now arid
which coald with ease bs irrigated from
the Dei Chutes river, and would be
come a drain growing region second to
none in the slate. The fact assumes a
peculiar interest to people of Southern
Oregon In view of the proposed Oregon
A Pacific railway from Grants Psss to
Crescent City. Old timers are familiar
with the fact that there was ones a
"military" road running (row Southern
Oregon by the headwaters of Kogur
river crowing ths summit of the Cas
cades near Diamond lake and penetrat
ing the Del Chntos and John Day
rogiona It is said that this route lias
one of the beat and easiest mountain
pistes in the world. The rise to the
summit Is by a long plateau, with very
gontle grade so that the summit la
reached almost without climbing.
The reclaiming of the Dei Chutes
country and the building of Us railroad
will probably occur inside of a lew years
and it is very probable that the railroad
may be extended to connect with the
Oregon A Pacific and the Western
California cosat. The Intermediate
country is rich In mineral and timber
resources. Upper Rogue river has one
of, the Quest bodies of timber oa the
osst, Tbe route is easy and the in
ducements are great. Grants Pats is
right in line for the lion's ahsre of the
benefits which will corns by ths develop
ment of Southern Oregon.
The killing of a young man by a Rose
burg policeman last week lias aroused
considerable speculation as to the eiact
limit of the right of an ofllcer to shoot a
man whom he Is trying to arrest. It is
very certain that an ofllcer limit be given
a wide latitude in this regard or he would
be able to make no arrests, Dut In this
case, if the shooting was Intentional, a
great majority will agree that the limit
was far overstepped. The olllcer him
self dues not attempt to justify the act,
but claims that it wss by accident that
the man was struck by tbe bullet. In
this cats the olllcer was uncertain of the
Identity of his man aud ths sequel proved
that he was pursuing tbe wrong person.
Then, also, the men who was killed could
not be certain that he was pursued by
an ofllcer. Few men in his case would
have given heed to the pursuer's asaer
tiou that he m the marshal. The se
riousness of (he cane Is smphaaited by
the fact that the victim was a well kuown
young man of the county. While it is
necessary to give officers a good deal of
privilege In ths discharge of their duties,
thev themselves should handle their
privileges with judgment and care that
they do not go beyond the rsaaunable
limits. It might be appropriately re
marked also that if the unfoitunate
young man had paid bis fare and rlddsn
In the coach, the tragedy would not have
occurred, and in bit fate there should bs
a lesson and a warning to many who, to
so save a few dollars, are In the habit of
patronising the blind baggngn. It it no
place for a sell-respecting man, and
when one Is lound riding there, ills little
wonder that he is mistaken (or a hobo
or a criminal.
School Notes.
The tenth grade stood a teat In
algebra and the eleventh grade, In
geometry, Out week.
Miss Wayfs llockett, a member of the
tenth grade, quit school laat week and
Islt Thursday morning with bar aunt,
Mrs Koyes, for Kotail, Oreg. She will
be gone about a year.
Waller K. Keyee, who was giadiiateJ
in lUtH) from the Grautt Pass High
School, was one of the Willamette
University's team of debatsrt In their
recent contest with Pacillc Vnivarsily.
C'arpentiirt have been at work thia
week remodelling ths entrances to the
brick school house. The porches will
be taken down and the slept aud doort
will l wholly within the building. The
slept will be ol cement and during the
lime one entrance is being reconstructed
all the pupils pans thioiiith ths otlisr.
The High School Iknible yuartelta,
consist in uf Kthel heudee, llertha
Patrick, I.iliian Houike, Guvaie Parker,
Albert Cue, Kirkman Hohlnsuu, liny
llaikell and Prof. Young ia hard at
wurk on their parts of the program of
the Athenian Literary Society's next
meeting, the teachers' institute and
the school's "book social".
The next meeting of the Athenian
Literary Society will be held Friday,
Way 9. The following is the piograiu to
be given :
f'lsic Hm-lely
Reading, Class
, . Kate Newell, Kale McCarthy
Kecilaliou Kugene Coburn
Inalruiuental Duet
.. Fthel (iore, F.ra Wiiuer
r.asay, Class
, Opal White, Claudius Kobiuaon
Impromptu, Class
...... ilo a ard M itchell, K irk man
Kobiuson, Kva Wimer, Kih.l Gora
yueatlonfordebale: Rusulvedi That
Mie UUIIS.1 Mlalea .t 1.1 ..I .11
claimton ths Philippine Islands.
Will Mot Chang
For years wo have licen selling a Re
liable, Good Wearing Class of Mer
chandise. We believe it is the right
way, and will continue to do so. j
W. E.
W wT A. - A i V
Affirmative debaters: Roy Ilackett,
Zells Hair; negative debalertt: Carl
Marvin, Ethel Uendee.
Mmic Double Quartette
Monday wst tin beginning of the last
month of the school year and Pruf
Young spoke to the High School of the
work to be accomplished before the
cloae. Tbe cloaest application to work
and an Increaae of study are required
for the completion of the courses
assigned. The students resliss thia ard
sre acting accordingly.
Sowell Copper Mines.
A smelter and complite plant fur treat
ing copper ore has arrived in drums
Pats for the Sowell copper mines, of
Waldo. These mines were purchased
ssvsral months so bv the Moun'ain
Copper Company, who have gone to
work and extensively developed them.
They have been thoroughly opened up
to a good depth and present a vast body
of high grade sopper ore. The recent
purchaaers, beconilug fully convinced of
the worth and permauence of their
property, decided to put In a complete
and extensive plant and work thsm on
the big scale that they Justify. Tbe
arrival of the smelter here, for the
mines, is the result. When equipped
and started np, these mines will become
an Important part of the famous Waldo
copper fields, a district that in time will
Inevitably be known as the great cop
per center of the west.
Waldo Boom,
With the prsparalions for the building
of the Oregon A Pacific railroad out ol
Waldo, that district it aiauming an
activity that bids fair to become a boom,
All available slslins are being taken up
and old ones more thoroughly worked.
All who have properties in Waldo realize
that when (he newrailrosd is completed,
they will bs valuable. There yet re
mains considerable mineral land un
taken In Waldo but It will not last leng.
The "early bird will get the worm."
Tbe tame will be true of the vent tim
ber tracts of that portion and all ol
Western Josephine.
Rev. Hiram Gould, of Newberj. Pro
hibition nominee for conirrese. 1st. dis
trict speaks tonight st the court house.
t rroni street, oppo uepui,
During the jmst week wo have opened up
New Shirt WniHts in White and Colors.
New Silks for Waists and Trimmings.
New White! Hood, Kmluoirerifs and I.aivs.
New Neckwear in ChilVon and Net Hulls.
Ties, Fancy Collars l'.te.
New Summer Corsets of liatiste, in Pink, Blue and
New Kid tiloves in (lie latest shades.
New Umbrellas and Parasols in Pda. k, White and
New Walking Skirts,
We are showing n very pretty, up-to-date lino of Wash
Shoes and Furnishing (loods
Teachers Choaen.
A meeting of the directoie Hie
tiranla Past school was held on Monday
evening, to select the teachers for the
next school year. Al! of the present foice
of teachers who presented their applica
tions were ra-eniplnyed. There are but
two changes in the torps ol teachers,
Mist Kdna Parker lor the second grado,
and Mist Mary K. lir.lliih for the llltli,
succeeding Miss IMra Colvig and Miss
Kdua Harvey.
The following scale of wages was
adopted: All teachers except primary
leathers and assistant principal will
receive .V pes- month lor the tiral year.
The assistant principal (10 per month
lor lbs Ural year. After one year Un
salaried are increased ." per month and
there it a iimiUr Increase alter the Itlih
and tenth years ol continuous service.
Following it the list of teachers lor
ths coming year: P,of. K. K. Young,
principal; M let M A tioodm, aas, slant
principal ; Missel Florence Akin, Calls
llesliu, Lillian llorfan, Mary K. Day,
Kthel llackelt, Minnie I. Tuffs, Nora
Sydow, Allte Pool, May V. Suiton, Mary
K. GrilHth, Kdna Parker.
Democratic Rtvlly.
Hon. (ien, E. Chamberlain of Port
land, democratic candidate for governor
accompanied by Henry Itlackman ol
llitppner, candidate for Hale treasurer,
and Piof. W, A. Wan 11 of Eupuue, can
didate for stale superintendent of pub
lic instruction, whs in (Jranl-i Pass lasl
Wednesday evening aud spoke at the
Opera house to a large audience. II. I).
Norton, as chairman uf the democratic
committee . presided aud Introduced the
speakers. Prof. Wann made a short
address, explaining the needs of the
public achool system from his point ol
view .Mr Chamberlain wal then intro
duced, Ilo Is a pleasing speaker and his
speech was telling and forcible. He
took the standpoint that the ollic ol
governor has liit'e to do with partisan
politics. He diil not propose to discuss
the national political Issues, claiming
that llicy had nothing whatever to do
wilh t lie case, but gave hit time to
lubjects diieclly pertaining to the
governor's olfiee, endeavoring to give an
idea of the course he would pursue if he
were elected governor. He pointed out
a number uf abuses in the administra
tion of utale ollicers anil promised their
correction if he should be elecled, He
said ho would lie govornor, not of the
democratic parly, but of the eople of
the slate of Oregon. Of hit election,
Mr. Chamberlain spoke in the most eon
lldent terms, He made no disjaruging
remarks concerning hit opponent, Mr.
Furnish, merely raising the qiiiiation ss
to what Furnish had ever done to show
that he wat qualilled to act as governor.
Mr, Chambsrlain't speech was listened
to with close attention and he was vigor
ously applauded.
At the cloao of Mr. Chamberlain's
address, a to brief rem um were made
by Henry Itlackinan, candidate for ttate
Eureka,. Mine.
The boiler ami other machinery for
the Eureka mlno oil Soldier creek wat
unloaded at the depot laat week. The
work of transporting the machinery to
(hit mine at the present time ia at
tended with tome dilhcully, owing to
the ex t roue soft nrHs uf the ground. In
many places, the I iwer edge ol the t.sil
cuts away oh the attempt to haul the
Heavy loads over It.
Thro' Train Southeast.
Northern I'mlfli--Itui
linitton Kouto.
The v. Lou Special. Hi- ihr mi.Ii ex
rs of the Northern I'.lcoi, and llur
lingioii rtilroada fiom the N.nlhteit to
llie S mtheast, chang si Line ou M ,y J.
1 he lian-t'o.itiucii,l sen ice is materi
ally U 'iietlicd, as iMiincctiona lor the
Kan mid South nie now made with
ni.iniiini tiaius out of St. Louis and
The si. Loon Sovial n w leaves
Portland, at S a. in.; Tacoiua, :'. 40
p. in ; Seal lie, J M p in.; Spokane,
(1 a. in. ; lie oii., 10 l' p in ; llil
liiU", 7 .00 a; in
the in i ard is n.on convenient lo
moat cities in the Northwest. The
Hum now inr:,-. Man laid i nr,
tourist eeper, dining car. chair car,
coach, and lajt'We car, Portland to
Kansas Citv without change, also tree
reel ning chair car, Portland to St
Louis ll ien, , n, ihe kri-al TIM V.
SWrl!, :i , s Hi,. ,n l llir,nl-ll
train U-ls,,,.;, ih N.inhwrM and Ihe
Lel&nd Siftinfs.
Tbe freight teami are vary busy haul
ing freight fur Grsentack and vicinity.
We nnderstsnd that Merlin ia to have
a secoDd-Dana s-ore. uit -
fi. :. ;n r.ll
long fell want.
The cold weather has been favorable
lor the placer miners ss it sssores them
water for some time yet.
Mrs. Cox was taken lick quite sud
denly with cramps, but at present we
are glad to know that the it better.
Uncle P.illy Cox has sent to Lake
county for a big team of horses. He has
a largo amount of railroad wood to haul.
New ledges are being opened up on
vrave creek and some uf lutui ate being
worked with an atraeire with good suc
We see quite a number of new faces
on our streets. People are coming in to
look up sainet, and tlill others are look
ing up homes.
G. W.Chapin wat in town last week
selling potatoes and prunes. G. W.
says it It better to go to town witb toine
thinz to sell than lo have to buy.
Timet are liv.Jy here; plmty ol oil,
for all who apply, liusiness is lively in
the stores, especially on Saturdays when
one has to get in litis and a ait his tun
to be wailed un.
The outlook tor grain and grass never
m better and we will have a log crop
of both. So far the fruit bloouis ui.
all right and we expect a big peach ciop.
We are always sure of a good crop of
other fruit. Apple tieet neter were to
full of bloom as at present.
The miners are doing good work and
several mines are being opened. The
Ajax is developing into a good mine
The company has struck it rich at a good
depth, and they tay it will compare with
the famous Goldbug mine in lize of ledge
and richness of ore. The company was
struggling alone with varied successes
until they struck it with their new
We have in our vicinity different kinds
of mechanics who have been i nt iced
here by our salubrious climate, and as
a rule Ihey are skilled workman. We
also have an astronomer who ia quite
westher prophet snd be should he
highly commended as he fortellt the
changes of the weather quite often. We
aro Ihlnking that he should have
place in the wtather bureau.
Grave creek needs a creamery. W
have the cowl but we need a man ol
capital, enterprise snd experience to
run it. ,!o"
Provolt Items.
Amos Cook wst on this side of the
river last Sunday.
Mist Karl and Klsa Hathaway of New
hope were visiting friendt and relatives
here last Sunday.
Arthur Gilniore, the Murphy miner,
was down from Williams one day last
week on business.
G. W. Meek the general manager of
the Missouri Flat bicycle workt was in
thia section last Monday on business.
Miss Maggie Chiles pasted through
here one day last week, en route to the
Baltimore district, where the it teaching
We all regret to learn of out school
teacher, Stephen Jewell, losing hit ton
Oscar, who disii from pneumonia last
Richard Lewman who recently obtain
ed a position with the Southern Pacillc
company was with us the first of the
week looking ufier his fanning inlereets
Lou Hansen and 8indway passed
through here a lew days since on tl.eir
wsy to Carl Rodger's mine, where Ihey
ate employed in mining services,
rhe young men of Provolt organized
lime hall team here last Sunday. We
expect, in a short lime, to have one of
the leading teams ol southern Oregon
For all kinds of nice candies, cigars
fancy and slap's goods, call at I.. W
Smith's big store. He gives gospel meas
tire and hit business ia gradually increas
Those who attended the May day hall
at Kiine s last rriday night all report
having had a line time. Nolionr wis
allowed on the ground and everything
went oir nicely.
We, all good democrats from this
place, expert to attend the grand IX-in
ncraiic uance at me piiDlic hall on
Williams creek on May tllh . We expect
to once more have a regular democratic
love (east. Humk Riaiusii
Wlldervllle Items.
hpworth League at 7:110, Sunday
Go to J. C. K. McCaou's for dry good
and groceiies.
Mrs. llooth viaitsd the first of this
week with Mrs George Creed.
Mre. J. C. K. McCann made a busi
ness trip lo Grants Pass last week.
Grandma Cart waa out to church Sun
day for ths tint time iu several weeks.
IUv. K. Smith went to the Pass to
help in the insetiiiK at that place.
There it touts work being done on the
road between Wilderville and ths school
Cap Verdin su I wifs have moved to
the Chancy creek valley to make their
home for awhile, at least.
Carter McClung sold his raiuh.and
he and Ins family started for Ashland
lat Monday, where Ihev intend to make
their home in Ihe future. We wish
them good luck.
Mr. J C. K. McCann ia huildii g a
new tence around his garden and
onhsrd. Mr. IVulhit is helping him.
At Bed Time
1 take a pleasant herb .'.tin, U.e nex
morning I feel hriuht and my complex
inn is tielter. Jly doctor says it acta
gently on the alomach. liver and kid
neia, and is a pleasant Isistive. It ia
nude from herbs, ami ia prepared as
easily aa tea. It ia called Lane's Medi
cine. All dni.-uists jell it at 25c. and
VV 1 ane'e rainily Metlicine moves
the h,iol each day. ll yon cannot (et
it, wihI lor a tree sample. Address
Oiaior K. WousUanl, I e Koy, X. Y
Items From
The weather is beautiful.
The Hurleigh. dulls am running sgiin.
J. K Hvde resilmesj work on Satur
day. 1 earl lliunun made a tjyiu
trip lo
1 be I'aaa.
UiasSsekett left on Friday for Med
I wd to be absent two week).
Grandma Wallace is quite s
Ellis it convalescing snd Mrs,
to be OJt.
Mr. Long. Presbyterian minister-, held
services in ihe echool houe Saturday
There ia to b) a dance at Placer en.
May loth. It is nice weatlu r now ano
they look for a big crowd.
George Clark and family departed lo
Kansas oo the 1st. Mr. Phillips moving
into the houte vacated by them.
Earnest Uriggs hurt his hand "quite
badly by hilling it wilb a bauitoer.
laid up with i' ior several days.
Hurt Cheshire and wile went to thi
Pans Ian week. .Mr. C. returnee, oi
Friday, Mrs. C remaining to visit amom
friends for a tho. t lime.
Mr S. 0. Neaa and wife, and Earl B
Neaa and wife le'umed Irotn their visit
to the lass. iiar,nerne lkvoiboo,
sister of Mrs. S. C. Seas, came out will,
them for a visit.
Mrs. Kyle, wife of Frank Kyle, arrived
from Cripple creek, Colo, to spend Ihe
summer here; Mist Jordan, a friend
snd Johnny South, son uf Frank Soulb.
secompain ing her.
Merlin Notes.
Burn Tu Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Key
Holds a daughter.
Andrew Crow and Chris Tay 'or were
in Grants Ps Tuesday.
Mis. McGalliaid, uf Waldo, is visiting
nh her sister, Mrs. Linlcrman.
Mrs. K. K. Cochrane contemplates
visit to eastern Oiegon 111 the near
Rev. Mr. Rogers preached at toe
church ' Sunday morning and also in
the evening.
Mr. Allen mil lamily mailed for
California on Saturday evening's touth
hound train.
Miss Ida Jones has returned to her
home ut Galice. after spending the
Winer at Merlin.
M. 0 Bund is not able to he in his
ollice at preaen' , having hurt irs hand
quite badly one day last wiek.
Sunday school will be hs.d at 1U a in
instead of 2 'M p. in. for the summer
Mr. Tumor was elecled superintendent
Everybody la ri-i licing over the tine
rain we had Tuesday evening, as it will
tie a great benefit ti the crops. Tmx.
Schneider on Politics.
' Schneider." eait Katnna, des vas
der bulitical seasons; vy dond you run
mitollii?" I dinks me, I tait, I shall
nod run out olhs, ven I could vno-t a'
veil as ii'i valk der ofTn into, like Mop
uf der law fun Slioncs creek.
Mitder democratcy karty lint der re-
pooplican barty, unt der intebeiideut
bopliet, unt socialist, unt brohipition
iugs, vy nod?
"Katrina," I aait, ven I vas der demo
cratcy unt no ollis got, Ivill declarations
miiieeelf a repooplican like Villmu til
der law dit ; unt ven I vas der repoopl
can unt no oflis got, I void I raise der
tuyfel oup unt "dond you lorged id" unt
I vould nay youst like Bop ton Shones
creek dus: "1 am der democratcy" unl
valk lighdt into der dtucts.
Katrina inkvired uiit me, "Yawciip
do you dinks Hop fon Shones creek vas
horietty in des democratcy 7" Vaw
Yaw, by dunder wetior, yoost as honest
at der Kev. pray erdeeger f preacher) vat
nefer vas, unt you shall stic'i a pin di re
' run, Yawciip Schneider Jr., lint get del
harrow tool nut drive id mil der sledge
hummer," 1 salt ; unt I addiliuned : Bop
vas righdt veil be haf salt mit der
imoplic dus "ladies unt ehuntlemeu, ven
I vas dor repooplican unt doclarationed
dot my barty vas righdt unt cfery body
else vas wrong, I vas bievaricationed
mit extremeness; unt I vas as decept inn
ings nt der rooster on der straw piie
vich swesr dot he haf a verm vere d-re
vas no verm; tint der trute vas nod iu
me." Hut now veil I zay I am dir
democratcy, der l-ort knows 1 vhs der
trute toll nut you; unt He knows dose
yoost abond as quick as der Maiconi
viroltss scheulzHii." "Ven I haf sail I
vas a repooplican, yuu vas misdaken five
times n, it three; but now at des
auipiciousness tint suspiciousness occa
sions ven I haf sait I vas der true demo
cratcy, I vas der tiute toll three limes
mit live, Katrina jipped in dus:
' Schneider, I dond vill pelii'vement dot
Hop vas drue democratcy; fairst, I dond
vill pel leva dot veil he vas mod des
statement be vas as honest as der
pruyerdeeger nefer vas ; unt i dinks
mit myself out loud dot be vas foolit like
der rooster on the straw pile, dond id ?
" Veil, I sait mit Katrina, Hop dil
moct der epnocli in der course uf vich he
sail mit ebulliencies, some dings abond
der nople esgiitcheon vloating ofer tier
heads uf der biawu unt muscle ol dose
whose hearts vas throbbing mit unison
ill their loyally to des glorious rep mpli
can administrations, unt now he haf
tait do e vas mtsdaken live dimes tint
"You ahal! jutlue der holitician p, der
i t .
stftiona, nod py tier voo! ; pefuie der r
unt pelore lliere Vas w, mooch extrava-
pv li.; but no as tier -row (lie-
V -h...l. bi... J..r .1..,.- uf I,.,,,.:!;
1.1 .( .1.. ,
hart mil tier hint uf der bin on tup nf,
unt ?ay it vis d. r Kort of July, I vill itei
your (tweel life if he tdiump oup and
scretch, id vas t or chr stioas in hates.
Y ISfl P S, ii -. k 1 1 h k
Catarrh of th BladJtr.
Is a very cotunioti tiisf.iso in both s-.v,- ,
cui.' fnHu.'tit in-in.i'.ioii by which
j in time you I01.0 control and ahil-.y to
(retain, eausos irrittiiion al the in-ck
! of tho bladder: causos iiiiii'hik.., in .!,..
urine; tiui-os sedimonl in the urine ro
's.mhlin - brl.-k du-t and thi.-k wbitMi
deposits. All of which can Ih rvmovosl
t'V takiuc s. ll. Catarrh Cup., u.vord
nT 1(1 dins-lions. Tor by all driip
i;ils. Hook 011 fatai-i-h fr,'. Addros
Sinitli Urns. Kiv-no, 0:il. For salo bv
Slov.-r Drnj (."0.
' "
Stukt Into our Sh.xi
Alien's Foot-Fas, a pod,r.
1 f....,...,iK ticiiuns irei anu in
ktroainu nails, and takes lbs
alien out of corns ai d bunions. It's Ihe
itreatest comfort discovery ol tne a-e.
Allen's Fool Kiw makes lilit or new
aluea feel eav. ft is a certain cure l.,r
sw.atuii, callous and ho-, tired aching
Try it to-day. S id by ail dru,-
.1..-S .nl .ho. .i.. I! ...........
' ll"
... a.. ...p.. .iui paoaa. tree. Al-
I u.r"., .x .101. c
OWed, Ll Koy, X.
Candidate Cards.
or Sheriff
T. Y. DEA.
Democratic Nominee.
For County Judge
For County Surveyor
Democratic Nominee.
For County Treasurer
Republican Nominee,
For Attorney General
Republican Nominee.
For County Judge
Regular Prohibition Nominee
For County Treasurer
Regular Democratic Nominee
Prohibition Ticket.
A. J. Ilt'NI-A kkh ol Yumh'll Co.
Secretary of State
X. A. Davis of Umatilla Co.
Stale Treasurer
T. S. McDamki of Multnomah Co.
Supt. ol Public Instruction
ll. W. Kki.sf.y ol Yainb.ll Co.
Stale I'rinter
V. W. BitooKH of .Multnomah Co.
Supreme Jutli!
C J. Hbioiit oi Shonnaii Co.
Attorney General
T. 11. (iovsi ol Tillamook Co.
Congress 1st District
Hikam (ioi'i.n of Yamhill Co.
County Officers
Representative U M. Kiii:ri.e.
County Judjie Gii i. W. Wimi:k, St.
Clerk C K. Ho .t.
SherilT W. M. IImh
Asttesor C. C. TA i.ok
Coinmist-ioner John II.m kktt.
Tieaaurer I. M Isiiam.
Surveyor W. C. I.imi.
Hetvlth is Wealth
Every variety water treitment, m
ase, eleelricity, X Uiy, nnniial move
inentri, rest cure, etc. Skilled nnrsiF
and uianipula'ors of both n x-t; elet im
treatment rooms, bea-itiful licalion;
((uiet; every room and department Helm
heated Garden City Sanitarium, ',.
San Joae, Cal. Wri.e for ilewriptive
Holds Up a Congressman.
"Al the end of the caininiiin," i rite
Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant c ji
ureasinan, 'from overwork, nervi u
teneion, loss ol sleep and cnnstanl
aieakiint I had ntieilv colUiifi-d. It
teemed that oil Ihe orpins in mv body
were out ol order. Im three bittiet nf
Kleclric ltilteis mail,' me till right. It'n
the beat U-ar-m-it! in j lit ine ever sold
over a tlrueiet's cMiuier " Over
worketl, riin-ilon men and weak, sickly
women 'iin sp'eti.litl li- alth and vitality
from Klei-tri,' IVtt-rs. Tri- Ihi in Only
50t Gnarauiced by I'r. K-emtr.
I Try 0rain-0! Try Grain 01
I Ask your Grocer lo-day lo show you a
package of Grain-O. the new fo .1 tlrink
! that takes the place of colTee. The
..l.ll.l...n :. ...
" . - '",, tnjury a,
we I as the adult. A who trv it like
L ,.:,. ., , - it, like
I ' ,ri"""0 '"V !"'' b 1,1
I trftl"St and the iiio-t delteate slon, ,ch
I '"V'V " 'lh0t. - U
"" l" KV'"r- - " -''XH.
j ' ckniJ6
Sold by all grot-era.
Ladies Can V,ir Shoes
; O e size sma'Ier a'ler usinu Ailen's
l'o.l Kase, a powder to lie shaken into
tne shoes, it mskes tihl or new shoes !
U e.isv; i vt-s iustant reliel to corns
I ii.l bullions. ItV the iireatesi comftnt
dsc.veryof Hie at... (.. and pre
vents s oil, i, fet, Imm.-is, calums an 1
sore spots. Allen's Koct-K.i-e is a cir-
lam our, lor tw,a!mi;, l,t. H, bin
: feet.
A ail clrrgjmta and sine stores.
Trial pick a;e Kree by mai!. Adli
Alien S OlmstH.I, . v j,- y
To ure a ft.ltt In n )it).
' Take Laxative Urom,, yu;.,,-,, fa!!eK
-V I lru.-it. r-fun I the moil.- if u
to cure. K. W. drove', ,i t,",rt,
ea. ti box. :v.
. ' "
! Rt-vfjlj a Orrit S.crit
' I, ..(,.. o... .1 1 .
"""" --"' ...-w iu-ii ar'.Iiinf
cure,, that p.:,z e tin- h -t ph uitis
areetr.ctel he Hr k. v. ... 1.
, J ..... r ..... ,1 -ttJl' IY
for Consunpti.r.. .ll,-r,- ,, ,e.iet.
It cits out the phi, ii-n un i ...i,,.:,,-,
mucous, atitl lets ill- ln-.-n-j. rx-. .,
enrich and vnal i, i!,e bh.sal. ; h
the intlamed, worn tl.r. at .
luntrs. Il.r.1 -.. u ....1 -,..1 v.. .
,.n .,-.1 ... i. l ... . . .. "
i,,.,,,;.,. J":',.
....., tor a. 1 1 11 rout
and l.un itie-i
lius-ailled b ..-.ll,.
tsvtles free ( , .
01V snd l
Democratic Nominee. strain on
For County Clerk otoo f If
Republican Nominee. y e-s.ctAf.
Actual Tests Prove the
No guess work or theory.
Our Crank Hanger Does it. Does what ? Makes it Run Easy.
The Only Wheel which saves the Rider's Strength
l.arper Sprockets: and Soulier ('baini, '
The K-mlt of Kxperiuient rind llrains.
In the followitij; tests, one end of chain was tied to the front pprock
et the other allowed t lm"R down over the rear sprocket. Ou the
pt'dalend nf the crank (firmmff a lever) was suspended a 150-pound
weight. The various amounts attached to the rear end of the chains
show the exact nuinher of pounds required to balance, clearly demon
stratiwr the amount of strain on each chain.
The Racyclo Roadster
With 3
y Tooth I'Votit Spr.Kk
j it ii Tooth Ud-.r, M -it -
et a i
itid a 03 GEA
Th: E-sl
All A-cuii J iic
Ever S-.:i':t.
'.j Less Pa-sure on IVar-
ine;-. than on any liicycie. ll-'.s
from 15 to 75 less strain on ils
chain than any other Bicycle
of the sitine .-str e:;cent the
i.icvele Pacemaker.
With li f i-! n. in on th" chnin
.in the lour fio-kn, hub nnd i-fiink
ll.u-icie lor I'ao -e 4-n-i i m h fviti't
,,, Til-nceil iiouiile -a. lb th-ir c' niiti:-
ihh!Ii-i f'on! and tciir Si'rorl:. t.i. in
crt - ii - e
... .,.1 l.r lit.-ul: r.r t A 1
tlirt frune.
irmini. ol. v i'iil h ie chum lor the. Kievcie Hint nonf nuvn ever inire.t In refute
ilihoin.'h for 'hie.' vp- hive nib-red 1 1. 0(10 to miy one who could. UKttE U
IS! 'tU-r i-nvi r 'j '-.liioK ni ii! let-H pn-psnre un the lienrinire uf I lis Htearl
li:m.-ii Hi.ui teri-iH.-.i it ii v iviv-r 'tlimii liicycix inline murine nomine
V.'r.b i, i,v :.r.xr on it-l'niiik Cearimes and iimnv poiindu les Hrsin
on ll- cii.e.o 1 'm- l.;o' i ic
USiblv he I ifn.hi- I hV V ''
hi nl lo tun
1 er si le of
All Ounce of Deiiior.slrnticn is All r.ucycles are Magazine Self-Oiling
Worth i'oundi of Argument. and Run without attention.
Rjfyclcs Hide rurlhr-r and Faster with Less work.
Pack! cell's Bicycle Den.
I Buy Anything
v t ,iue ail,'. Its jis'ui) your posseeijions 'lint yon have no use
:i have u-f d i why not convert Ih.eni into cash. I pay you
!i v" u'oi'-' to move a'vny let mo buy your household
for at
c.itli f
oi in ;y h
1 newr u
ir 11. m.
-1 HI
St i
I itn-e ou
k Vitellines
d price:).
f.-r r-nl r.i:tl f..r sale.
Gootii SolJ on ttio Inst.v'.lincrtt
!H!"i.' 1 !
Company of 25 People
0;ittiin bill
lit j 4
i.'l C.)tiK"ly
Bovu in Hgypt '
11 i n
i i. ere I
nt o .i- '
' l o. in' i:ern
s iJJ
Co Jltiilur
Will Show i:i Giants P.i.-,
' Week, Citiiit'.vjiK'inj
Superb Band and Orchestra
to tbe Kabt.
1 1 I f IttlTt'Stt-ti
I t,r
I-' ""atursu pb every box ( th e,uiI1,
LaXatlVC Lromo-Qijllnc Tab:,u
, , v
f. thai runr, . ta .. d.r
Oil eaiowi
an enlirciv new r.-per-lite
ol' t'tur..iv
Tourist i-cni iian j
. .it- iraveiiio;- p-th if w
tu ' am id t!f ... ,;, , f 1
duett) I ,x. Ill-' -;i r e- r; ,. ,, ,1 tl.
Kio (irando S.-i,..,,, ,, ;. ,.,
as " ihe Sivtiir l.ine of The j
I'hey n:-e ti.- rt.:n..u i' nim lf, i,,,iri.i
'ordin r.t " ,n. , is .,t i.i, 1 nj;,
foittlik- I ,.,.h, UM.- ! ar.l iin-n . i il.
ami, hi,.', a - a s,-.,-c,.-fU lb '
eriuir","i '""'!" 'C:A tew 3
every or,,,! ... ..,. ,.,.,,:,,; lA'T tM
l-.ecnaarorua -.t.,..,,,!, lo Kaiisa. 'W-TvH : V
New ir'i an! i Ita--,,.. , p.. i i 1 1 1 " Z.-
Tins f,-at-e ,,' tr v -i !,... h, ,'-,, , S i""'
popular fi.i' i;.r. -i. ,.v ,.-:ii.i.. ,..,J
Spring Patterns
j ma le. if .ic .-. I s,!; .,,.,. i . ... 't, .. . i
i ver, or a. n . ., ! . j 111
I N'fxi'i ' -.-mi,-: ,..,!....,.!
l-r--i" !'' ' - '. i ! : ..'.h' '; ;
'' li '- Kn-i.., , , ,
,"'' :-. - .-. , .-,.,.,,;.:
act.-.:-...... 1 :s ' I
i ' - M I. '-I, -,,-.. l. A.', , j
1 - i-.'t r s.-i s'.
ti..-- ;..: ,,:, ,..,., jj'. . . i
The World's Pest FJicvcle
aSphara ofita own.
A Standard High-Grade
Willi 24 Tooth Front Sprock
et and an 8 Tooth Rear. Mak.
ing a 84 GEAR.
Note the enormous increase
in Mm s'rain 011 Ihe c-liain with
smaller sprockets and a!) inch low
ergeur than thofeof Ihe llacyclet
Unless it has a Hi. vcle Hanger a
unt of clothes, aud a watch ought
to go with no li a wheel.
miH be it corre-ponilini! lest compression
A ' men ciiiiin nas o-en used on the
bri'iik. whi n mosl innnillnctnrera hnveet.
noil !, inch chuins WHY? lteeanao
- t the strain on the chain o in neb that it
LAvIN'i AS1DI'. the chain anil sprocket
ea-ier Bud go lip Kidmen that could not
M. Davis,
Front St. Soconl-Hand'Stors
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to tlie conclusion that
keeps the best stok of Toi.tll
litnshes in the county.
Our stuck is selected with
ths inmost cate with an eye
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Iliushes from ioc up. You buy
the ioc kind on your own re
spDiisibility. From 25c tip, we
will j;u.uantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brush
will not come out. A good
biu-hwill outlast half a dozen
rorir ones,
Slover Drug Co.
j lrcscriptiori3.
Oopoile Dt-pol
lirown horse 15-3 handa hiuh. weiitlit
1 1 l".d pounds, pix years ohl ; sired by Al
I lumont :;ii).l, Kite of I'iiehalia 2.04 '4' l'--l
iXotte j.;,),, -j' o.()M4-i Dock Spcrry
9 ,2 is, raihinoiit 2 IVi'j', Alamiitla 2.0!i4',
Alio 2 tu'.,, and Il'.l olheia. Dam, Sleepy
Kate t.iatu of Ui-llw Air 2 14'4' and Aliens
2.2ti'tt) by MikelMO!. I. rand dam Kib-
. hon by Vermont :i'2.
Ii.iiiomorc is rue nf Ihe linest finished
j hoisi'9 in lite suit' and nitli little train
I inii is a very promieini! tiottur. May lis
louad at liulvin ,4 Smith's barn, (iranls
l a1-?, Oregon. Ternia, Jhl r,0 by the iei
son, 1 ue at (li;t service.
tne newest carpels that are
j;oud to look rtt and better to
buy, on account of their splen
did quality and moiiey-saviiJK
prices. We have a lare va
riety in tapestries, axuiinsters
velvets, etc , that are absolute
ly essential to the w ell furnished
A. U. Iiannan1.
Furniture and House Furnishings. ,
Noith Side.
Notice hereby given that I will not
i be renneibte for any
i by my, M,s. Gertie
debts contracted
. ' i . a ... i un ..istiirr,
! March 24, l'.02. U. E. KLeBREK.
jf 3o'tootH Xi