Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 01, 1902, Image 4

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Tricks of the
(Ogpjrtfbud by aaaSoet Sii.H a
TT E LOOKED up it her, creating hit
ri brow against dau and doubt
"li Isn't to much talent at"
"Experience?" ihe auppnted. Tht
un Is putlinif yuur eyet out. En if
you hive but innmint to ttay you
n IK ' t well take une of thaat
chairs and be comfortable."
"Thank you." lit left hit perch on
t tic slept and drew up a baiktt chair
M'ilh preocrtipu d carefulness.
".No, It Isn't xperlence,' h aald
leaning forward to lay hi tiat un the
lar.I'ler. "I hase never hud any expe-
rli'ti ( in liivt-niultinfr. Tfnn needn't be
gin to smile. Honestly, I haven't. It la
only understanding the tricks of the
"Vou mem to understand them,"ahe
roniniented. ' "Yuur love ttoriit art
about the belt I tee."
".Now you are laughing at me. Hut
I aiu in earnett. There iaa (rood deal of
art In writing a love itnry."
"Yen," she admitted, "I imagine you
have to a pit t a good many (tie halra
1 suppose there it where the trieki of
the trade come In or ia it the art?"
"Oh, it ia all the same thing."
"Wbat? Tricka of the trad tad
"Yea," be maintained. Tt U all ka
undemanding unt'a butJiieaB."
luu aeem to have made aa aa
haustlve atudy of love-making," aba aav
"I dartaay tl will aound a b turd to
you. Thoaa arrong, bright litUettaayt
of youn thow to much care and etudjr,
hut I have atudled this thing aa tar
neatly, mora earnettjy than I tear
studied anything."
"And where do the trickt of tht
trade come In?" iht atktd, in It retted
"In knowing just bow much to aajT"
"No," he hcaltaltd, "rather In taosr-
In K how tu uitkt waa t you leave uatmld
ay a great deal."
"Wei!, you can do that," the aald
warmly. "Thote lit tit thing of youra
i.rt-n remind m uf what liuakki mid
of Titian. You remember? That he
could put the Ittut oaf Uf and death
into tht batik of a man atklng the
".Vow pleat ttop latifrhlnsr at ma."
"I am not laughing. You may call
It trick of the trad, but I aall It gen
"Watn't It Carlyl who vtM that rea
lm was only an mitred tapaaltj fur
aara worar-
"No; I don't think It seat. 14 aouada
entirely too honttt."
A quirk tnii: leaped to hi 11 ut
"You will never believe anrUilna- rood
of that poor man hecau ha treated
bit wife to roughly."
"Why, when you eonalder that ah
gar up everything on earth for him
I Imagine that hla Idea of genlu waa
to malt life a burden for ery being
tiini n nia aumority over.
"Have you read hla "KrMLMtlnjr
"Of count, I know that h. w..
ahrewd and accurals) thinker. I admit
nia geniua, but"
"Jlit wife hat your ajrnpathi''
"To be ture."
There waa on of thote abort teay
allrnria that drop to naturally Into
th oonveraatlont of congenial people.
ne man wat tne nrtt to tpeak. "You
bate Iseen , K- th, ,f,rnnn th,
J wnna you rtetervt to pay th flu that
all good people have tu pay for their
good nature and be Imposed upon."
Hhe amlleil aa her ya turned latily
toward him. "Who la to Impute upon
iiv i x on r
"Yet. I am going to gain your aim
aent to a projeut that I bav long had at
"I auppoae It la ni worth while for
ni to tay anytlilng?"
"Oh, you ran tay yet, yon know."
"Wtlll And what It your project?"
"Let's get out a book together. You
will ooiitribute the ay and 'II fur
nish the love etorU. v, will call It
Wneat ami Tarta.' My alorie will ba
in tares.
I doubt that. Thr It trior of th
staff of lif in ymir lore-making lhaa
could get II published"
"llrown Itroi. hav agread to bring
It out. Kighl per rent, royalty. Thy
will want It befor tprliig."
She laughed al hlaiiarre.
"You teem to hav Invtitlyattd tha
ubject pretty thoroughly."
"It wit all aondltlunel tnaaaarou
She milled ami looked away toward
the dlasant tea view. If hit propoat
liou held ilaprotnlttofplaturltlo
held an aftermath of pain. Aad jual
at prttent common aentt wat Inelineil
to lay mora ttrtta upon th undeeira
bility nt pa In than upon Ike davauaabtl
Ity uf pUaaiir.
"Yoa will tHxiMttt, mil on?" ha
aaked, anxiously.
Ahe panted a moment to hid common
aenae a deliberate farewell. "Tea."
the Mild, "I suppose see could mantag
it by aprlng."
")..o.II I ought to writ Iarown
Unit. 1 thit mall, but I don't bUv
I can mnke It unlet you will lend m
Ih me of your typewriter for a few
"Certainly. You know tha wag to bit
"Ulght through thil window,
It? Thank you."
The girl't hands tlghtantd on the
arms of her chair. Waa It pUtanrt or
At flrtt they did not see very tmirh
of each other. CrNp littl, ,ut neat
suites furnished their medium ..f com
niuiiieallon, and at r ai ahe was eon
eernert ooinnum sense put forth all her
t.000 In rrlwa for Kodak Pictures.
Uct a Kodak and win a lYuo.
No. 2 Bullseye
For Sale by
A. E. Voorhics.
want Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oil, almost without ex
ception. So before they get
! to be mothers, eating for two
is no small tax, continued fot
lhc emulsion not only is
food itself; it gives strength
for digesting usual food.
If the milk is scanty or poor,
the emulsion increases supply
and enriches quality.
We'll seed r Unit lo try II jam like.
SCOTT a UOWNE, Paul atrM, Ntw York.
atriigi:i to keep them crisp and lit
tie. llirt iradually they grw longer,
Then the proof began to dime and
the strumous task of final polishing
deiidtd the medium of notes. He
dropped In daily to discuss the tricks
of the trada. There was UMinMy soma
member of the family retiring before
her study fire "it was urh a good
quiet place." Their pro-mo did not
interfere with the conMiUtr.loiis. IIct
desk Hood in a bay window at iht oth
ar end of the room. At !ong as th
weather continued cold he went
through th formality of Inoekingnt
htr eiottd door; but when It grew
warm enough to open the window on
the gallery he went in that way, and
either of them noticed any Irregu
larity In th proceeding. He would
top to ((change rlvlJtles with who
ever happened to he present and then
pat on to her desk, where he would
be aaen holding forth orsr a proof
ahet. 11 rarely remained over M
minute and never snt down. Neither
did she rite or go through any form
of greeting.
"He here," h tald, stopping beside
her all air on morning lulu In March.
"These fellows are trying to ruli na.
They want that las) hatch of proofs,
and you haven't had time to loi k at
It, have you?" He thrust one hiinil Into
his trousers pocket and glanced dow n
with a bothered look at her beiittered
She paused a moment to make sure
of her eyet, at the alwav did, and
then leaned back to meet hla glance
"Oh, yes; I finished the pn an
hour ago. It la thit bit of outsad work
that la about to drive me to the wall.
Ha to go off by the nest mall.'
"Thn I had better take the proof
and clear out." lie reaohed for the
roll at ht ipoke and ahe mechanically
rrtumtd her pen.
Hut about that" th rest of the
enUnc vanished from hi Intelli
gence. Ills hand allppvd from hla
troutera pockit and hit heavy ring
rang againat her rhair. II brut down
In Hidden forgetftilnent uf the third
perton ami when ht raited hit head he
wat vividly con t clout of that other
presene. Alto that ht would have tu
meet it fare to face before he could
leave the room.
Hut the girl had never overlooked
the third perton. Aa toon a It hap
pens d th plunged her pen Into the ink
and began lo write raidly. The man
stood watching her buey pen point.
Ilia hand rushed back tolls pocket and
he toyed nervously with the roll of
proofs. He had got himself into the
very deuce of a terap.
flhe realised It all and eroaa to th
Will you hav tlni to run over that
befor you go?" Bh shoved tome
sheets toward him and spoke briskly.
He caught them quick. r, and, rest
ing them on tha top of her desk, drew
out a blue pencil and beiran lo draw
flu parallel line with painstuklng
"What I cannot understand," he said,
In a worried lone, "I why 1 couldn't
hav don It on of Ui hundred time
we hav been alone together."
There wa no need for you to do It
at all," she replied, and her pelt ran on
lib increasing rapidity.
The lady by Ih open wlmlow closed
her book with a alight yawn, cast a
careless glance toward th two busy
IMNip'e at Ihe desk and wnt out.
Now is your ehaue." the girl said.
without looking up. "Ooon. I'll finish
He obeyed inatantly. The girl wrote
ateadtly for a moment kiaiger, then she
threw down her pn and ranched for
the sheets.
A Boost a h gained the open air
th man' aenaatlon underwent a sud
den change. The horror of his unpre
meditated art vanished. All thai re
mained with him wat the clinging de
liriousnest of that long, warm kiss, lie
still felt Ihe yielding pressure of her
lips beneath hit own. They had not
ahrunk from his- he stotmed in his
rapid walk and ttartd in bUek con
tempt at Ihe unoffending roll of proof.
limbering Mint! Talk about tin-
dtrttandlug tha tricka of the trad.
and then go around for til months
not knowing what It Ihe matter with
you. And the rnowt."
Thit time there wat no third perton.
He realised that mush at ht went
through the window. HI ring rang
agalntl her rhair befor aht wat aware
of hit presenr and ah shove aside
sheet Inimargiiitd with fin bio ilva
rather hurriedly.
I'm sorry 1 apollad your copy that
way. 1 wat to bothered -of rourac I
ought not lo have dun it- Hi at way.
without sa.Wng anylhiiwr. Can't you
e how It Is with me? I "
He wheeled her chhhr around and
rew her up to hlin.
"lan'l you see how It Is?"
Al any rate, the third person who
onked In Jtut then saw how It was.
Mie closed Ihe door nolselesslv m.J
lwl a rapid retreat. I
"I thought that waa what he did."
she murmured, to a lone of satisflcd
Tke laataa aa4 tha peetarla.
The Holloa Vlecordrr tells an amus
ing story of an Indian from the Pot
tawatomie reservation who visited an
oculist in llolton lo get a oair of
glassra. The oculist seated him mid
nut through the usual lent with
rinle.1 cards, eliciting from In. ,-ns-
onier but little comment m ,,. trj,,t
on the darrein lenses. At lam. wl eu
the oculist was almost Indesi-sii il,..
Indian pulled a couple of due from In.
p.ieket. stirew them ou the floor,
snapped his nngers ss he grunted:
I'oliie seielil" and then lo.nilrl kM
over Ms fat fn,.c whsli he found le
could the epou n-aillle.
And Ihe lesson seems to be that eien
the nniihllosoiihic red msn 1...
grssped tie immortal trut.'i that ti e
price of sin-teas la paiustnkiug to ihe
matter or equipment.- Kansus
gutvk 4allvry-Tb W-kly OrauDlaa
f tAfraiMM from Aim hum R !
Note Intended for C olored Ulk-
Wiilirm UichartiKon is a represent!.
tiv; fifin the of Alabama and
rtvc!ve J U Mail al the r:tAln. An-oilifi-
Wi.l'iiid lW ..mli'tir. ht a colored
nil r:. un lurv.- dimcne ru who ia
an Htttiulnnt in the luxurioii hath
roon.a Itn atPil in the ban- i,i r,: of the
holme end of the rnpitol for tire lene
fit of i'h hnyu the u. ii.nfton
Stnr. 'J he Utter William !; - hiit dnon
ia iiifitli'i.tnUy uh a chli t, or,
as he tcriiiN, a rtn. t! ctfjr.M
A few tny v.tfo a letter T.y ; I:-. c In
the box of Keprrient:iti e Uiii'um
ItichnrijKon fit tl.e houfe ' vV t i.ire.
which, on heirifr opened, Mr. l.irhanl
aon f':iind to he from a yminff womnn
clerk employed in the trenmry de
partment. The letter aiiiinly ordnred
Mr. KichnnUon to coll on the writer
"nt once." Mr. JtU hardvon ranfaekeci
hi ii.i-iimrv tu h( ertnin whether he
had :m ftquiiinffliice with the writer,
hut co.u'Itiflv'l tlntt he hnd not, and
ti e letirr vrnn enrefiilly depoited in
hia othcial wiiKte l aihct. About three
dava lnttr another mandatory mia
ul ve rume to him from the vomit; lady
Thin time the nji.eHt for a call wan
Mill more urgent, nnd k t i 1 1 unci'
plained. Itepre -citntive Itichurdion
dictated a brief rnir-hlve t r the youn
ladv. eiillinif; her Attention to the fact
that he did not know her and knew no
reason w! y l e tihoiild cell upon her.
My return mull he received a very
humble upohyet h note. The young
lady won linviny trouble with her
corns, and u Nlied to add another link
In the chitin of the eolored WlUiam
ItlchardNon'ti reputation aa a Huccevi
ful chiropodltit.
It is notable that In the despondency
caused by womanly diseaaea, there tee ma
to many a tuHcring woman no way of
earne from pain except at the price of
life itself. U would tte attd to record
atirl) a fttory of struKle "ii fieri ng ex
cept tor the fact
that in such dire
distress nmny a
woman has
found a w a v
Iwiik to li'.ittfi
and liHpjinc;t ijy
the uc ol Jr.
Pierce's l-'uvorite
1 msKrcHt rem
edy for womanly
tils has well l.een
called "A ui wi
nd to weak uiul
tick women." It
tstftblishen rtvii-
lanly, ones wcitkruiTt ilrunis, lieuls in
flammation and ulremtion and cures fe
male weakucHN. It tnukes weak women
strong and sick women well.
Ymir niitlifitir Klmot rni -(! me frotn the
deais," wril'-n Mm. I.tlwrin li. Itiiiiliitr, ol I'tfrpt.
I'lyiRtNillt Co. Muntv, Hoz 11. " My urine win
Ukr brick ilut, mi'l 1 had tnn all uvr me uuil
much n tl r m;h t m i; (rt Hnv it rt-nml I cuiild nut i
UIV hduite Mk I hMii In tit tlwwti tu wuh the
lUhett, evrn. In thr yrnr 1H.17 1 wn to ultk I
iiM inM mrr lt live n1 tirave! nifiiiv tinie that
Gotl w un It I tiske utf One tiny I fniunl a litlle
biank. I rM1 it mnii wrote lo Ir. 'irirr. ann ill
m few dava reer ivrl au a nwwer. 1 l cntrl to try
hla laitiHatir. atitl lo-tluy 1 am a w-ll wman I
have no iMH-kur hr, no heala-he, no pmn at all.
I uartj alvav to 1 ui re lirRilachea previouilv lo
Ihe monthlv tM-riut and mich imiiii Unit I would
roll on the floor lu uirony I look tiirrr Uiitlra
iff lr. Purve ryvtrilr Freitcriplioi and thrre
:if 'itiildeu Mrdittil IHovrry' nnd thrt-r via Ik
if Itr. rierre'a I'leHsaitl felktH, and whs com
pletrly cured.1
Accept no substitute for" Favorite Ire-
senptum." There is nothing just ax ikxI.
Ih. tierce s lotiinion euse Medical
Adviser sent free on receipt of slams
to cover expense of iitriilin only. Send
ai one-cent staiim for the hook in twper
coders; or 31 tit a nips fur the cloth Umud
viilume. Address Dr. K. V. riercr,
Buffalo, N. Y.
0. R. & N.
Shortest, Quickest.
Ituiilc to all Kaklirn points eia. l'ortlanil,
All Tlmiii(li Tirkela nailing over lliis mult
ar (ooil via:
flult XiiUoanil Di'iiTi'r.
Low Kates Everywhere.
Tickets on Sale ill Soutlii'rn I'tuilir lViwl
A. I,. CUAIli,
(ien'l I'aNMiigvr Airent,
l'ortlanil, Ore.
No Time lo Lose
You cannot aliorj to ilrcanl
the warning of weak anj
ilisrasci! he-art niul juit cIT tak
ing the prrsiription of the
worlJ't greatest authority on
heart aiul nervous i!ioro!er
mSm' Heart Cure.
If your heart palpitates, flutters,
nr you are short of breath, have
smothering spells, pain in left
fcule, shouKlcr or arm, you have
heart trouble and are liable to
drop dead any moment.
UitVr J. W W,w1,'oi'k. one of thj
tt Vuitwn oil iiMTniora In thotMuit
Irv tlr.'iipr. id. ai) frein heart tltiH'aHi
r-eHily, i hu homt In rirtlunl. Imi.,
tillu aioiii: hi law, ifw iVu.
Mr. M. A. lhrd.all, Walkint, N p.Mtra't heads thu .tvertie-riu-nt,
itirn: "1 mile iht Ihn'uph jrat.
Wv.At hr I rnetii 1 reteivcvl (torn
M lci' Itf ut l ure. 1 h.d palpitation
i( Ui hr.irtt Krre jni under the
It tt tlumU.rr, nnd mv trnrral hfAlth
iniM'Tnl i. A hw UMiln o( Ir,
Mdct lleai l tire i'urr.1 tnc entirely.
Sold by all Druiiltti,
Dr. Mtlaa Mtd cal Co., Elkhart, Ind.
iK. r.tiXMv vista
I :
aa I 1 un ajrup. Tata Cm
J In ln H..M h ilrtititfiaiti. In
ti-r vj. lyKEKA
mm Oil. It r .
r fl saiti vH
a !,. $
CJ n t
So ror!tf-
laV1 M th'
nd cat.
cry w hers
tUI lOaW.
MmU by
SUivdard Oil
The Weekly Oreouian and the
CuuaiBB both for one ear (or 2 in ad
A Uaeatloa Tbml Wsui Raevatlr
Bronuhl Hef or BaperU of the
Co -led Ht(e Flak Connlaaloa.
Do fteh rleep? Thia quettion hat
be puzliiif the experts at th Unit
ed States nsh coiiiinisalon for Borne
time, putt, Htul aome uf them ar not
yet Absolutely certain whether flsh In-
(1 11 life in fhimlier or are sufferers from
iiisoiuiiiii, say a writer lo the New
York Aim.
Heveral amateur anglers had a dis
cussion in the lobby of an uptown ho
tel th other day on this phase of the
life of the finny tribe, anil belntf un
able to deride th matter to their sat
isfaction they mails an uppenl to the
flsh coimninilon to aid them in their
A metsenjrrr waa aent with a not
to (.eorire M. llowers. l ulled Htntes
flsh eiiininlsaloncr. aalclnir hit opinion
on the iulij-t. Ur. Iluwera was uh
aent from the deak and tl e messenger
waa referred to the various scientists
who hare mode flsh eulture a study
with th Htatament thnt thay were
the proppr nfnulitla to whom to apply
for this Information.
Mr. Ilowera, It waa explained, he!ti
the exweiitlv officer of the conimia
sion and not a uloee ttudent of the
habits and eiittotna of flsh, was natu
rally limited In his knowl!?e uf the
ways of these dnicena of ti e water,
lie had hauled in many blnek bass
from the I'otomnr Hver near his home
.In West Virginia, tint waa not nn ex
pert on the life of th many vnrieiiea
of flsh over which he hna supevl'lon.
When the question wr.s placed be
fore the scientist of the commit-clon
there wat a lontr. pHinful pnuse. nnd
hurriud fiiestionlnir frlances were ex
clumped between them. After a rent
deal of hesitation a li-ciirioii una
started, at the end of which tliese wUc
men were no nearer nn nii-wer to the
qiip-tioii tlnn thu propotiin'crs of It.
Whetl'er flsh Indulge In penceful
sltitnber, the sum aa human beings
niul terrestiiil aiiimnls, khs a problem
thnt hud not received careful routld
enitii n from the experts. Several
opinions were exneaeed and ninny
theories advanced, but argumenta
failed to prove them.
One of the lenrned men, upon the
impulse of the moment, declared that
Huh did not aleep bei-niise thev did not
close their eyes. A rnllfiiiruu called
the attention of hia brother scientist
to the fact that flali hnd no eyelids,
consequently It wns Impossible for
tlieui to coicial their 'iiir'in of siirM.
TMs eclTied to explode the tl eory
of the HrM learned man. Kiniilly the
scientists ncknoK Icdred their inabil
ity to mi ner the question off hand,
but averted that a correct solution
would remit.
It. a practical teat was nisde an
atnt ineniber of the eoinn.ltsion'a
Half retiiriied from a hiiMiien trip
and rsseuei! Ihe experts from tht ilitll.
cu'.tv. lie declared that S-h slept, and
forthwith presented his argument.
He sni.l that the fli t thinif to con
ssdrr waa ihe mianinir of the word
"tleep." That had to be definitely de
termined. Hit notion was that In all
Hi Injr creatures there was-more or leia
activity, mental and bodily, which ne
cessitated rest, and to secure proper
rest sleep ant ludieneahle.
Klsh wer aerlee and for a f reat part
of their II vet were mueliie; about, w hich
required a certain amount of rest from
physical exertion. At regarda mental
repot this expert wat not lu a po
sition tu txprest a decided oHnion.
If there wat any mental exhaustion
among tht finny trili ht mid it misrht
be confined to their t Hurts to resist th
temptation of swallowing the bait of
fered them by the angler. He scouted
the idea that nh did not aleep because
they did not close their eyet.
In support of this position he argued
that human Inliifrs hav been known
to a'.etp without dropping th r)iids.
And among animal It was not an un
common occurrence for them tosle. p
witli eyet wide open.
Continuing, Ih eert said that he
had observed flsh in an aquarium which
gave eeery tvidciM- that they were In
dulging in lep. They would remain
for a long tim at th bottom of a
tank, resting in an upright position
upon their tails, which, while not a
comfortable attitude, was not unlike
that of certain human beluir at ttim a.
In other forms of rcp,u.e flih lay on
their sides and alao rested their hmlii s
pon mi tt and shrubbery in the muk.
The habits of cattish, bullhead and
aunflsh were mentioned as ai
lustration of aleeping tih. Iliirti.g hr
winter ium Ih.-i sniclo i.,i).,
I bottom f the water and hVur.Vr
! about until they ha come iic:i.d in
I mud. and thrr reiniiln durirg th,. ci :,!
' p. riod. Thij certain 'c,piii.
j si 11 .it a .1 in by tha 111. audit w .-. i, n i uini that ot h.-r speciint . ,,f fi-h
: wri t i...tnpe'.!ed to obtain rest in the
I mi ture of all ep.
I This waa ihe general conclusion
- reached. aid- the acientlM, by tchthy
(ologiat who had fiven this'phat i.f
, fl'h life a ci. refill study.
Illls rtioaetle fnateestnaillnic.
"The gravity which is supposed to
! attend all court pr.vectinga was se
' riously iliaturbe.l in a New York court
room .-ne dai last week," s.n.t ti olirg
lawyer who has jut ratui ued from a
buaineks trip to that city. "
present at the triul of a uM. before
one of the luutii.ipal ,..e
tu whi. h 1 was intereMr i i ccau-e it
had to do with tntoiit. !.Y- (.t1v.
the w i ; necs was a Cei u,. n nu.l r
his testimony thra'iigli an 'fieri.: rter.
in the curs-e of the rx..:-i'i.s :.-n 1.
tald he had driven an ant. ii., I,ur t0
Wh.fs that?" asked tie judge.
" 'To t edarhuraC repeated th Uv
terpt . ler.
"II i honor looked pusiled.
"'What did he want to aee th
hearse forr h asked."- Washlngtoa
i aa v i a
fi MaronsOU. f'&jjM l I
fa af All, Mart to Kes. t
Ik Isipplr. Iks festreltr faerttue
ffvoaa Tear to Tear.
The annual report of a dearth lo
lobster fuherfrs hat made Its ap
pearance lu January, reenforced by
the L'nited States flsh commissioner
who rejir-rts that each year it become
more dilllcuit U obtain lobster eggs
along the New Er.pland coast. This de
crease Is n os t not 'Ce able south of ( ape
Cod. Measures for the prolaction or
ostensibly d.pigned for the ptotiction
of ti.heiln are an established
feature of ui.r.'.iul- !igi?latiou on the
North la;, .if e a hoard, says the New
Y'irli S in. In 1-.IJ Ihe Maine legisla
ture rt-duc.'l the jnnalty for the :ak
inp of ".'h.'.r: h.l .- er-" from five dol
lars to one (.'. Hal a 11 New Yoik dimin
ished the penulty in the same year. In
1'jOu Mai-achusetts adopttd a law- pro
hibiting lobsters from being caught
in the waters within or adjacent to
that state by anyone not having been
a residrnt of It for one year, and th
same It g'u!Qture made It unlawful to
sell, or 10 have on hand, a lobster of
less than 10 Inches long. Virginia
adopted a law- authorizing the hiard
of fisheries, on petition of 50 citizens
to lay off shoals or rocks for crabbing
ground", and South Carolina adoptad
a statute for regulating th'e catch, stile,
export and canning of clan.!., i yalers
and lobsters. The two stctis which
hare adopted the most comprehensive
and strinyrnt methods for tht- r. rula
tion of di-ep-w ater fisheries are Miry-
land and New Jersey. MiKnihu.ett
and Virginia have followed, wliila New
York and Connecticut have fewer,
thouirh Ne.e York Is the great li.hs.ter-
consunting constituency of the l'nited
States and probably of the world.
Although 0 tiofl 000 lobstertggs were
planted in New Kngland water, the
lobater drnrth still continues In con
sequence of it constantly enlaryiiiir de
mand. High prices are the rule and re
course has been had to the waters of
the Pitcil'ic coast ne a source of addl
tionnl supply and the propagation of
.obsters there la said to have lseen at
tended thti fur w ith great success.
Tke I'lnNsla-al Caonllial.
"Hut why."askid the siiU-hicf of the
Cannibal I !ra, "do you insiM upon hav
ing the in t-ii w ho fi II while leading the
charge against lis served at the linn
q ue t thi-eaeiiing. lie seems to lie hard
as nails."
"Huh!" answered the chief of Ihe
('muni,!.: isles. "I read in a book of po
etry left by our last meal, that the
'bravest are the tenderest.' " Ilaltl
more American.
A Two-Fold SorprlM.
"Miss Alice." said the very nervy
youn? man. "I think I will nsarry yon."
"Indeed? Two very remarkable
statements, sir!"
"Two! How two?"
"One that you will marry mej the
other that you think."- Ha'.tlinore
llttale of Jame O. McGee, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given tiy the under-
ligned, administrator of the estate ol
James O. Mctiee, deceased, to the
creditor! of, and all persons having
elaiuit againai Hie said deveaaeo.
lo exhibit tliem with thv neeeH.Hry
roucbers, within six months alier lli
fittt publication ol thit notice, to the
id administrator at In residence at
Williamt, in tint, Josephine County.
Oregon, or at, the otlice of Abe Axtell,
the rroba e Judge, al luants I'ass, in
said County. V. W. Mct.kK,
Ailiiiiuistia'.or of (lie estate ol James
O. Mctiee, deceased.
Haled at liranta 1'aes, Or, Feb ID
Notice to Contribute.
To J. K Ueeves:
Sotice is hereby given by the uiulm-
tatneit, your co oauer lu the placer uuil
ing claims ituatrd :n the Silver cie. k
mining district, Josepliine counly, anil
k iiosn as cluiniH No. 2 ami No li, i. nsted
be A. J.Culsel Thus. CroHs and J. It.
Keysa on the 2utli dm of April, 1SH7,
the notice of w Inch is recorded at pages and 4(i-t, Vol. It), ol Ihe mining
records ol Joaepliine county, Oiegon ;
that unless you contribute and par to
the said undersigned co owner wtlliin
ninety day fiom the date ol the first
publication of this notice, the 'sum ol
Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Dollar
(IIM6U01 the. tame being your porii.n
of tliecuatuf annual labor dune on said
claim in order to protect the title thar
to during the year IHILS, l.Slhl, !KX) and
1901, your one-third interest in the two
claim will be forfeited to your co-owiier.
Titoa. Ckotim.
January 21), 1M2.
Timlstr Land Act, June 3, 187S.
United States Land Ollii-e,
Koseburg, ttregon, March HI, HH12.
Notice it hereby given that in conipli
auc with Hie provision of the act of
emigres o( June 11,1878, entitled "An
act for Ih tale of timber land in the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada ami
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the 1'ublic Land Slate bv act of
August 4, 1,H.2, Marion C. Anient, ol
limit 1'ats, county ol Josephine, Slate
of tbew'oli. has this ilav tile. I in il, i
olli.e h:s tworn statement No 1 1 it i
lor the purrhase of the st W N K t.
s K '4 N W 4, N s W 4 ol Section
No L'.iii township No. 3(1 S, Rane No.
ft west, and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought it more valuable for its
timber or stone than (or agricultural pur
poses, and to cUitn to
land helore the Kegister and Receiver ol
this otliceal Robbing, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 5th dav ol June, l'.S2. He
names a. witness, s :
II. A Corliss, Mel Andrews. Albert, A. II. Anient, all of
ijiiiis I'ass, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming a.lrersly
the above desenhed lands are r.qiteste.l
to tile their claims in this otli eon or be
fore said 5:h day of June, 1:02.
I. I' Hkiiki' s.
h '
"s. -Sav-a. - -aa.
v.rr DW. JORDAN'S a..
(tfosEus of lumm
imi nun it .1.1 rmciKt.cii. f
. '-I'" .ol M.w,. la tha
., tt aaa fwactat
aV brHiH
ft .aMflUll,
t JOanaa CO., toil BhuM . t.
A M.nlator's Mistake.
A eitv nniiisi. r a -n M l.n !r ,
uoIii-m t i U ren.l i.M Iiisi.iiIi.ii, 1,
ronipan.iiin ii s a (t h, ,
nesi.a1er tvearmK u.,n tl,, n.atter
The cleraji nu aa.'e.l to r. a.ltl,eea
tra. t ami f,.ni,, thKl ii h,k-n : "rake
remp a n .i.a n I v .,.,i v ., (-..., .. :
Tlrs sr,i:y ,,.,i I, l,.,l
i. I. alter a in. mi nt I,,.iti in. I1(-'
lUtlted it user, t: I f -111.1 on ll.eo'lier
side Hie nutter iiitei.,l-, fr tl,erea lin '
Hill W- 0R0AII01S!AStS0r MEM
fSI r"" ' "'f aaaa,
If Ha ! Sm B.,..r.. a wa aad I
'I tt' 2'-' ...1
1 4 i(a,lto,ulM
Cnawaalaaaa asa as aaraesa sfaasa T -.1 M
l-SS SSSS. ,A aa4Ma SaaS j
Carelessness of Nervousoess
a 1 :.. .1...
It all banned in a moment, ilcr im.r rang uv ... auo
belt and a v iftly wound about tlto iliafting. Her cries
" hoed bvlio scream, of her frightened m. 1-mates
Then the machinery was stopped and the ternfied and
injured woman wa released. "It was carelessness satd
the foreman to a reporter, "pure carclesst.ess. Lut the
doctor said it was not carelessness but nervousness. It
was a caso of a woman working when sho was not ht to
work, her nerves quivering to ihe shock and jar of the
machinery, her train dazed by the struggle with gtiffenng.
Jl.-n so seldom suffer with nervousness that they Have
small sympathy for a nervous woman. They look upon
nervous marks as just o woman's notion, nnd often as only
an excuse for ill-humor. .
The very fact that nervousness afflicts women, chiefly,
points to its cauro as being related to the female organism.
And the f:icts prove that disease of the delicate womanly
organism id the most fruitful cause of the nervousness
from which so many women EttlTer. Uterine and ovarian
diseases, unhealthy drains, inflammation, ulceration and
female weakness ; such womanly diseases in one form or
another are in general responsible for the nervousness of
The only way to cure this nervousness is to euro the
diseases that cause it. There are powders and potions,
so-called "nervines," which are offered as a remedy for
nervousness. They may relieve, but they cannct cure.
Even the relief they give is dangerouo, because it i ; pro
duced by stimulants or nerve-numbing narcotics. Sonio
men tire said to "drown their troubles in liquor." Tlio
liquor does not lighten their load of trottblo by ona iota.
It simply stupefies them until the dull brain is rendered
for a time insensible to cares and worries. The uso of
stimulants or narcotics by nervous women has the samo
result as the uso of alcohol by men. It only dulls and
deadens tho nerves for a time.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures nervousness by
curing tho womanly diseases which cause it. It is a truo
tonic and nervine, because it nourishes the nerves and
strengthens the body. There is no alcohol in "I'avorito
Prescription," and it is frco from opium, cocaine
and all other narcotics. Weak, nervous, overworked, run
down women will find lu v health and strength from tho uso
of Dr. Pierce's I'avorito Prescription.
" It affords etc (-reat pleasure to be able to say a few v.ord3 in regard
to the merits of Dr. Tierce's favorite Prescription aud his 'Golden Discovery,"' writc3 Jlrs. flora Ant, of Dallas, Jackson Co.,
Mo. " I was tempted to try thes-j medicines after seeing the effect upon
my mother. At ai early Cj;c of married life I was greatly bothered,
with kiinfi;l periods, also a trouMesonM drain which rendered me very
weak and uiu.t for work of cue hind. I became so tliitl there was noth
ing left of t:i..- but skia ond bone. 3Iy husband became tilarmed and
lKidk- of ' Tavcrite Inscription.' After he saw the wonderful e(7eci nf
ha (jot me two more, aad alter 1 he 1 used those up there was no more pain, and I began
to k on in fcsli very rapidly. Whin I was out driving with mv mother the horse took
frL'lit aud rati away. Mv mother iot badlv hurt. Ttcm.. 1 t:t.,,ic o.l el.
died. After her death wr.s so venous I someiimrs thourht I could not live from one day until tht
next, would get so faint I thought I would die. I had awful pains in my back and head; was diaty
all the time; could not sleep ut nyht, and the least noise would almost scare me to death. Our
doctor tried to cure me but failed. So one day I sat down nnd wrote to Dr. Tierce, stating my case
as clearly aa I could. I received a prompt reply from him, and I bought three bottles of 'favorite
Prescription, three of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Fleasant Pellets.
You may be sure after I took that I began to feel like a new person. I began to eat once more, and
now, I cannot tay positively but I believe, I weigh twice as much as I did then, and can do all of my
work. I think I owe all praise to Dr. Tierce and his wouderlul curative medicines."
What Dr. Tierce's Favorite Proscription did for Mrs. Am, it has dono for thousands
of other women. From weak women, reduced in flesh until they wcro only "skin and
bone it has changed them to strong women, whoso gain in healthy flesh speaks for the
soundness of their euro and their restoration to perfect health. Sometimes a cynical per
son will say a woman s ailments aro just imaginary. There's nothing imaginary about
the loss of flesh which so often accompanies nervousness and womanly diseases. Nor is
there anything imaginary about tho cures effected by "Favorite Prescription," cures that
can bo figured up m ounces and pounds.
ne'J" iriuS M chTsiVra "'"headache, heart trouble and female weak
ncss, wrtus Miss Blanche M. Bracey, of Sala, Oswego County, N. Y. "Last summer I wrote vou
and you advised me to try your favorite Prescription and 'Go h en Medic: "l Discovery ' I did n
lriteraTV .CntinUeJ tb0 We?lWS7of 'favorUe
inscription and Golden Medical Discovery,' for the space of four or five months and in less
than a year had regained my former health. You have my heartfelt for hat vour remediea
have done for me I am iu excellent health now. but am sUU using your ' IaLut PeueU.'
Dr. aW 9 Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, Leah
e'er; nv :
Points East
Short Line fo
TLraiugli I'ala.o ami Tourist Hleetv.
era, Dhilnu aiK u rfa-t Smokiiiy
l.l til ii. ) i lr.
For R:iti-., F.iMors nn,l
reinrding Tiek. ts, Uuntes
'. W I'llAI.ON,
, t. r. a
. T.
ISI'J ThlKt stre. i, -,.rrlae)
A. B. C. I'KNNTtiN
' - Klrt A vtil'.t
. W. P. A
le. WVfc.
You Know When Vou Are
When you taLe Crove's Tasteless t hl!l
Ti.iiic. loause the fi.nnulais plainlv .nnl
! a,.,, C n..Ua ,at 11 IS Ml,,.
r .rooan.t m Mstelexs torus
l ure No. pay. .vy..
. .k. maiei. steat 11 Hi.aooi ineelilK D lor
iiv- -viL: " . i ri.r rwe ux..
t iHier.,,.i I KAUE-MflRKS
;wpposlta U. S. Patent Office
L.tcpi& III
.&r!)ii:! 3.
y We pn.n.K.a l,i,i - si mt rsraiirts
s -S. V-sa.
1 ' " um. ulceration, ana cures lemalo weakness.
It makes weak women strong and sick women well.
eak and siek women are invited to consult Dr. Tierce,
by letter, free. All correspondence is held an strictly
private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V.
Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Fon Or. Pioroe's Common Seneo ModSoal Ad
visor hut tho expanse of mailing. Thia groat
ntotlloal work, contains ovor ono thousand
largo pagos, Is mont FREE on rooolpt of stamps
to pay exponso of mailing ONLY. Sond 31
ono-cont otamps for tho oloth-bound volumo.
or only 21 stamps to tho book in paper
Address i Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
"J 1 ",1"TnTi fiirwiw ii
r-.i r ai.s. m a. ia it 1; p. aj-yi J
i ss ss e,uuu m
' 1
i A
i t r
The Umlitigton lioute ranks among the
gr.Mt. -st of tho woihl's railroads.
Ovli- nii!.s loni;; ptuployi-t.; ,oo
nieiij iiacliii.g i.3o tov.r.a and cities "in the
eleven stttcs traversed by its lines; havin
t iroiwh-car arr.tng-mcnts which extend moxl.
t.ian h.ilt way across the continent and earn
estly striving to giv.t its patrons al.solutelv
um -ptaled s. rvice, it is the line YOU should
fc L et, m .t tsnie ott go east.
Hie ,n... ever r H pre-
'Iptf.ri. .Iiai:l;,, i,a,! i Sjn b ' ..
'Cisee.. V il.-. ::() Mil. . ,r.,,.r ; '
mi :mi 1 st.K-k 11 !' m ..,.i
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l':seise . -i! ij.
ts-i.'-, li.lli.-i H ,-,ir:.l,!
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' ever thr. e ,v , :,
lie s, r.i.iM i, . ail j
tie N.iv. 15, :;ioo
' l? "I tie 1 11 reil
t men's t-y piitimu
"" Ires ment
-1 Kit ptiy.
-t'V t ases,
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an. I a.linii. .. , i ).
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I'aiMls'.el r. I
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1 at 1 : ' e ,,..! the
1 tin- tt a. , nere
il. li- mi l.. I free on
.'..UN J hll.T.lX
t mtalH-an-.n. A.i.l
UH-ry .i. San r ran-
i-ro, Cal.
ki bis ! 'Z '
.all .mort H$??TrFr&rrr&V7rTJTi -sajjnrtrC'
j Courier and Oregonian for $2.00
HOI il I'A1'1-RS for OKI- YEAR.
got me a
thnt nns
C SttcLi.i.N. Cem-riil Aent,
'I ar.J s.nrk Sts., I', Ora.
A fauiiliar numu fur the Cliii at'i. M'1"
waukeeAst. Paul Riilwar, knoan al
over tlie I'liion as Ihe Ureal Kai!J
rtitiniiig the "l'ionr-r Limited" tramr
every .lay and niKl,t between St. I'anl
and I'liieaso, and Or.iaha and C lness-o.
'Tl.e only trains in the woriJ.
1 iiilerstiiiul : Ounnectiona are madt
itli All Transeiiiitii.eiital Lilies, aatur
in,; to passengers the Heft lervica kn a.
Luxurious cenehe", electric liuhta.lteaa
'neat, nf a veritv eoLalled h no Othtf
See tlmt ymir
ticket r. ria "Tl.a
I "''" aani'ii ji.iin ia any jju.".
. Hie I'tuird States orCatia.ia. Allt'-
e! titen'a sa il Ihem.
For rates, pauiplilet or othtr inf"
tualli.ti, a.i.liees.
J. W.l ASLV,
('. J. Kddx.
Oeneral Afnt
i 'nt. l ass. Ati.
I SEufLat. W asil