Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 01, 1902, Image 2

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Publlhed Evry Thursday.
Subscription Rates i
One Year, in rdrsncs,
Six Montbi, -Ttree
Months. ...
tingle Copies,
Notice Is hereby given that on July I,
1(102, the subwripllon rale of the Coiaiaa
will be rained to l.ftO per year. Any who
pay their eul'ioriptiun now get the ben
elit of the cheaper rate.
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application st tbs office, or
by mail.
Entered at the pout oflics at GranU Pat,
Oregon, aa aecond-cuvia mail matter.
THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1002.
It ! reported that Governor T.T. User
has decided to become a candidate (or
United Statea Senator, and to that end
will have his name placed on the ticked.
A recent law provide that voters may
express their choice (or United Bute
Senator's in this) manner, sud aeplrante
lor this office may place tneir names be
fore the people (or tbeir approval. Tbs
elective power still remains wholly in
the hands ol lbs momb'ri of the legisla
ture, bnt ths voice of the people strongly
expressed, would sid them vary materi
ally in making their selection. There is
ne doubt that Governor Geer will prove
a strong candidate with the people, and
the rival ac pi rams will find Ibis (actor in
the case s serious vexation to them.
Southern Oregon will undoubtedly roll
Dp a large majority for Hod. A. M. Craw
ford of Roseburir, the Republican nomi
nee (or Attorney-General ol Oregon. He
is a man who has a high standing In ths
legal profession ; a man of great ability
and uoimpeached integrity. He hae
bean oneol Southern Oregon's leading
lawyers (or about SO years, practicing
lormsrly iu Coos county, and later at
Uouburg. lis is thoroughly qualified
iu every way lor ths Important utiles lor
which he is a candidate, and If sleeted
v ill b a must excellent ulMcar. Tbs fact
that be is a southern Oregon man gives
him additional popularity and stieugtb
iu Ibis portion of the stale.
Excellence should be appreciated and
ths people ol this county will, in ths
coming election, have sn opportunity of
manifesting their appreciation ol the
excellent manner in which R. L. Mart
let! has msnagud ths affairs ol the eouii
ty clerk's offlce for tlie past (our years
His nomination (or a third term was vir
tually Inevitable in visw ol ths lact that
it was a public demand, and lha placing
ol any other man on ths ticket lor that
office by the Republican party would
have been a serious affront to popular
sentiment. Ths office ol county clerk
is one which is removed (rom political
partisanship. Ths county clerk baa di
reel dealings in the course of a term with
nearly every man In ths county and it Is
no small part of Mr. Varlletl's ofllcial ex
celleiice that he meets all with unfailing
courtesy and with obliging spirit and
willingness to glvs Intsrest and alien'
tion to all who may coins, lis manages
ths clerical duties ol theotllcs with fault
less accuracy, and has welt nlgb made
himself indispensable to Josephine conn
ty. It is doubtful il this county ever had
another officer so thoroughly satisfacto
ry aa ita nreeent and future clerk.
A government must fit its people. To
be In ita beat possible atsts ol perfection,
it must rest in the hands ol that portion
ol its people who are capable ol conduct'
Ing it. Thus we find that ignorant or
barbarous peoples are governed almost
entirely by the few, while in civilized
and enlightened nations, nearly all of
ths people participate more or leas in
tbs conduct otitis government, and, II
they are not allowed this privilege, there
is dissatisfaction, strife and turmuil until
they are permitted to share In the gov
srnmentof their country. In long'eelab-
llilied monarchies like England and
Germany, which wisely grant these prist'
legea to their people when the time is
ripe, the form of government may re
main nominally the same ; the ruler may
continue to be called kiag or emperor
and retain s rueamire ol authority, though
s limit is placsd on his powers The
French government placed Itself in the
path ol this irreaiatibls law and perished
in one of the bloodiest revolutions ol hii
lory. Kvery veitige ol government waa
swept away and had to be built up en
tirely anew, As a people progresses, so
must its government. Measures and
ideas that once were good become out el
date. New ones are always In demand
Aa government has constantly developed
and ebilled in form aince it was first in
itltuted, il la folly to suppose thst it has
ceased lo do so st lbs present time ; that
il has become stationary and will not
change, A stationary condition is
thing unknown in nature. There muat
be progress or retrogression; growth or
decay. Changes in governmental form
or conduct are beat made gradually, per-
haps imperceptibly, like a natural growth
Sudden changea are violent and demoral
ling. The nation is fortunate whose
aiateimen ran deled ths signs of the
limes and keep the machinery of gov
eminent op to the time's demand. Iu
this country, the tendency of the present
time la toward a more democratic man'
tier ol government than we hare yet had
a government more directly under the
people's control. Our peoplo are better
educated ihau they have been in veare
pat and with this educatiou conies
a Warned capability and enlightenment,
cauainc a demand for a laigor measure
( direct participation in the manage'
Hunt of their a Hairs.
What do ths Oildrsn Orlnkt
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tiled the new loud drink railed
drain 0? It is delicious and nourishing
aud takes the place of coffee. The mors
Urain O you give the children the more
halih you distribute through their
systems. Urain u la made of pure
gtaina, and when properly peparad
tastes like the choice grades ol coffee.
but coats about '4 aa much. All grocers
sell il. 15c and 25c.
.-.on 1a nereny givan that I will not
responsible lor any debts contracted
v wue, Mrs. Uertle F.lsbne.
IWtt. ' II. K. 1CL.HKXS
We are giving away tojour customers somei'liandsoiiiely dec
orated, hand painted China with cash purchases.
Buylyour goods of us and get a
Fine Set of Dishes?
one or more at a time FRF.K
f We earnestly ask you to call andinspect it. You will surely
& want it.
lied Star Store.
l?tsrt clrnnf r t-wv fVtaif
kliUllt OltWVlf vrj'jrw J'V'Ot,
Provolt Items.
" Mr JUcxford and. family were al (.-rants
I'aas this wesk.
Mr. Guuchsr of Williams, msda Mr.
8ouson call Friday.'
Mrs. Annis Hyde was the guest of Mrs.
Win. Honaon Monday.
Leeter Layfon, the St. John miner,
spent Snnday at home.
Henry liobb pained on his a ay to Mee's
mill on Thompson creek.
Ed. Hanson of Humbug was at the
Sonson hop yard Saturday,
Mr. Andy Fields and son left for Eu
gene where Ihey will lwud the summer.
Elanor Throes mortin and Iloavtick ol
Ruch, were down visiting friunda Hun-
Willie Karris was down to the Wil
liams Bros, saw mill ou business Moil-
Dr. Ueorgi Dellar ol Jacksonville,
passed through here on his way to Wil
liams. Ullson ol Ruch, passed through on bis
way te his sister's Mrs, Anton Ross, of
Mr. John Coffee ol Rogue River waa
spending a (ew days with S, l'rovolt at
For bair catting, call on Orlsy Fields,
ths Provolt barber, charges are 25 cents,
shaving extra.
Mr. Us I is Ilailey ol Missouri Flat,
waa at Trovolt taking pictures Monday.
He had quite good iuccshs.
lllrain Hparlin ol Williams passed
through here Monday on Ins way to
Grants faaa with a load of hay.
Miuty Griffith of Grants l'ass was
spending a few days last week with
(rienda and relatives al Applegate.
There is Sunday school at the l'rovolt
school hsuse svvry Sunday al 3 o'clock,
and preaching the first and third Sunday
of each month, Rev. Hudgepath, pastor.
Thomas Lawman is one of the pronii
out men of the big Applcgittu Ditch
Company. It keeps one man busy tend'
ing lo It and keeping the breaks fixed
np. Hows Rkaiiinu
See those (amily
refrigerator at J.
During the pnHt week wo lmvo ojionod up
New Shirt Waists in Wliito ami Colors.
Now Silks for Waists ainl Trim tilings.
Now White Goods, Knilutiirorit's ami l.acts.
Now Neckwear in ChilTon ami Not Hull's.
Ties, Fancy Collars lite.
New Summer Corsets of Batiste, in l'ink, Hlue ami
New Kill (Moves in the latest shinies.
New Umbrellas ami Parasols in Plaek, White ami
New Walking Skirts,
We are showing n very pretty, up-to-tlate line of Wash
Shoes and Furnishing (iimrIs
Items From Greenback
Mr.aad Mre. Andsiaon returned home
lait week.
t'harlie Mfrick and wife returned trout
their viait to the I'aas.
Mr. aud Mm. Kills have been ipihc
sick with l.a Orippe.
Mra. Cervill relumed from the l'asa
here she had been lo ace the dctili.l.
Sam Neaaand Karl Neasaml wile have
gone lo the I'aaa lor a visit with (
l.en Drowning, of Placer, iscontlned to
the tied wilh l.a (irippeaud rheumatism.
Mr. Kyle returned Irom a trip into
California. He only remained a lew
W. Cocktrlll w as here a short time be
fore going to his hume at Redding, Cali
fornia. Mrs. F.d. F.verett bss been iuite id '
for nu re than a week but ia able lo be
about i.iiii,
Charlie Carville was quite sick lor a
week, threatened with pneumonia, but ia
ell again and attend ing school.
Iu ths items from Greenback lam
week, it should have bee a "tl e eiii'per j
was given at I.n llruwning'a
"lw Browning's."
illlt-ud ol 1
The school will have a vacation of two
weeks, b ginning May 5lh, Jll-s Hacketl,
the tn elicr. going to Medlord lor a vi.vt
J R. Hyde ia I Billing wilh l.a liiippe
We ho this diet-an has about lord ite
grp here as nearly every lavly has been
vi-ited by il.
Hick Vest hail quite a wrestle with
the l.a limine. As soon as he waa well
enough to go to work, Mrs. Vest was
quite pick for a week,
The Hampton ti lwis mine will he
able lo run for six weeks longer, as the
water supply is good, and from 1 be way
it ia raining no will last a good while
Mr. Cart ilia lias been confined lo the
home for severul days nursing some ol
Job's comforters, lie could have been
claimed with the people of ancient limes,
"llie still' necked people,"
Roy Judd aud Hanks Newconib
enme over from Williams crock for
a visit wilh old friends. They bad a
social dance on Friday night in their
honor. A very pleasant time was en
joyed by all.
The Durleigli drills are not running on
account of the piaton rod to the air com
preaser breaking Mr. C. W. Thompson
took the rod to I'ertlnnd to have it mend
ed and it will be several days before
work can be resumed.
Mr, and Mrs. Howe and daughter, Mr.
South and two daughters went to the
I'aas for a few days. The parents wont
to taku the children to the show. Trial,
haa become a very common excuse,
especially wheie the parents "kinder''
want lo seethe show too. There were
others here who wanted to take some
body to t he show,
Wlldorvlllo Items.
Nice rpiiiiK weather.
Kd. Heai-rees is helping R. M. Robin
son on his (.inn.
Key. Smith preached at Missouri
Flat the 20lh of April.
Mrs. May Iloolh wan veiling in our
community last week.
The hands on the irrigating ditch
have completed their work.
Lome I.owdeu and family were In our
community laxt Fridity evening.
i . K Itiirroocji made a business
to lafksonvitlo a liti'e while back.
Ki'vtt.ith 1 "ngue was (barged fr.-m
ltd p in. until f :M p. 111. early candle
Mr J. W. Mi IV! 11111. I W.Me-viile,
wile iitli'iiding couit tins uu k a-.d pirl
ol ek
I'nk l.ii d-i
tins s n-i'i'.
i- I,,
: for Mr Harvey
111k s'arivd S cd-
ni's.Ui , April ;.".
K-v. K xlgera pi
ser.uoll to a i mis ,
datr al 1 1 .70 a. m.
iti h-d an
til 1 1 ol 11.-
ll-IS Sim.
tirii'idin I'm
Jinki-otiville li
r , mi li rt lei h n visiied in
r (he hint iu months
relumed will II
Mr. lluvev
r Si'ii J II. llm rough,
hm (limine need his
: Piiiiiiner'i Hoik in the mw
mill on
a hlatle
Jeiome frame and the mill
Citll be he II d I T i Hie a v,ty ba k in
the uunui'aii i.
W,ifd came that lirtle t'liar'
em. Iciding a li'i-iie lo w.i:er
hort. MhirU-tl and kickeil lin
hue br, "k i g hi. n i-e an I c o
in Ihe
ti; ha
tt. 11 I
! 'li'ee ,r tiuir tin I cu e ou
ln U
f and ttti!t' to kit ti(i.
Attracts Attention of Circuit
Court This Week Jury
Could not Agree
The ni'-st important that ha
atlracteil llie atteiit on of lha Joiephine
circuit court a lint of the Sate ol
Oreimii V. Tio. J.tfrson ciibaon,
.inkling ol B. H hoi hicheler, lukell lli
by tin-curl M n la) In n.P g. At is
usual III ruch Hf, alalidmg ro-rui ai
al a premium in li c-uil ro m 1I11 1 g
(he proiednre of the ui.t, man' having
eoiiie to the ci'v fro 11 al pai.s ol Hid
county 10 hear the c i-e ined. rj-virl
witnehos were summoned Horn a din-
t i . ( ,1 VI..
lance, among mem oeing j. 11 jh
Clung, and Ur. W F. Cueehirc, ol
Eugene, and Mike and Robt. Crow, ol
llouglaa county.
Hut a short time was occupied Mon
lay morning in selecting a jury, Ihe
following named persona being selected:
II. 8. Woodcock, Ueo. P. rurman,
lieo. Walton, U. K. Mcrvimene. n.
Mefsinger, A. D. Curtis, J. W. Yoil,
L I. Jennings, C. F. Fielding, tt . A.
ard. W. J. WalUce, Jas Kennedy.
Diairict Attorney Reames tik the
prosecution of the caae in hand while
the defence waa uuheld by R ibt. ti.
Siniih and II. A. Reed,
Hie first witness cailed wa Thof.
Hood, coroner. He teatiHcd lo haviug
actid in the capacity ol his otiice as
coioner in attending to Ihe remains Ol
richonbachlei and gelling a July's ver
dict ill llie case. He presented in his
testimony, the single barrelled muzae
loadiug shot gun that waa lounil lying
across the body of Hcbonbacheler and
also the load ol powder and shot that
waa extracted (rom the gun. Il was a
lighl charge o( powder with a small
quantity of No. 8 bird ahot. Mr. Nan
Dor 11 oue of the two eye witnesses lo the
shooting gave bis testimony, describing
the manner iu which the ellYay ap
peared lo him as be stood across the
river at the corner of his house. He
had just started into the house wilh an
arm load of wood when he heard the
shot and looking across saw Uib-1011
ith his smoking rifle and also the
prostrate form of Schonbacheler.
Klislia Krankhum, the ferryman, who
lives on the Rogue Ave miles below the
Schonbacheler larm and who was well
acquainted with both parties, leslilied
lo having heard t lis dafendant tiibson
make serious threats against the life ol
Schonbacheler. These threats Frana
hum swore he heard from the mouth of
Gibson at the laraotis "corner" in this
Doctors Van Drke and Moore, were
each called in turn and their testimony
was similar In moat all respects. Thuy
pei formed tbs autopiy. They found
two bullet wounds in llie body of Schon
bacheler. The first of these was in the
head; the bi. I let having entered the
center of the forehead, and passed
directly through the brain. The entire
lop of the ekull was torn off and llie
skull cavity nearly entirely emptied of
its contents. The second bullet entered
the lleehy part of the left arm and
panning through entered the side and
takings downward course just miesed
the back wall of the lung and the heart
panning along the spine. The bullet
was extracted Irom the back where il
had lodged. 1 be last wound might not
have necessarily been fatal, but the
Hint could not do utheiwise than cautte
inrtant death.
Mrs. Schouhai'licler was called, and
the tent 1 11 limy ol the ae.l lady was ill st
toilful aa she told Ihe storv of llie
crime. She and her husband had lived
on the farm by the Simpkius runch for
four years pant. Her husband and
(iibson had iiiai ruled several times
piior to the shooting. Three or four
weeks before, (iibnon cama over cue
early in lining lailorn she had arisen
(rom bed and had a quarrel with Schon
ll .( icier ju.t outride the house. The
iti,rrel was about a call o( (iibsnn'a that
had been running in Schonhacbler'e
fl ild and he had set his dogs on il.
Uilnon to' I him that he did not want
him lo dog his cattle any more. Then
agun jiial a week belore the shooting
Uiheoii anil Schonbacheler bad quar
rs'elin the fnimrr'a orchard over tne
matter uf the division fence. Gibson
tliieitened to put Schonbacheler otil ol
the orchard, but his wile, who was
preacnt, advised him not to do so. On
the morning of the shooting Mrs Schon
bacheler saw Gibaoii go acro his field
with a gnu ou bia thouldcr, whistling
about live o'clock thai evening. Schon
bacheler came into the house and told
his wile that he believed he would take
hia gun and go out and shoo, a squirrel,
lie went out with the weapon and a
little later she saw (iibsou meet him
and cry out, "i'ut down that gun." He
raired hia rifle and tired and Schon
bacheler lell. She ran across the field
to where her bunbaud lay and found
him dead. There waa no one within a
hall mile and she did not knjw what lo
do. She first started toward Ihe home
uf Mr. Crow but ahe bad gone but a
short diatance when she saw Van lorn
acrosa the river. She turned and went
pist the Ixvly of her hilbiul the
second time toward the river Just as
hhe paised him, Gibson rm-e.r his nlU
and Hied ihe aecond shot, .isiatance
aimed 01, the scene and Mis. Schon
bacheler was taken to the huue.
l-'ollowmg lliu tcititivny of Mra.
Schouhaclieler a number of wiluepue
arte called hy ttie defense for th pur-Pie-e
ol asiwiaining lit, rcptita'-iou Gib
s 01 and Sch.iubacheler Kire for peace
1, ml quiet. All of them teilled th it i
the lei'Utaluin ol Gihxon in thit resect
waigood, w hile that ol S houbache'.er
was bad. The taller wai verv lakatiie
an ! made frrqtieiil threata, Ihcugti none
ui tlii in had ever known of In in com
mitting any crime, or ol ever being
II. C. IVrkiaa, the surveyor, was
tailed and pieaeuted a chart, draan
si-milling lo hia direction ami (rum
surveys made, showing ihe relative posi
tion ol ihe Si houbacheler and Gibson
iarius and the punts of importance
cuiiuected with the shooting.
Mm I'row, t hits Taylor, Kd Fridav
I Hi' 11 J Niiiiialus and llorauo Sinipkins,
j neuiilviia ol SolionWheler and liibsoa, j itently on Ihe noiiui h, liver and aii--e-e
I ei all called and teatilied that lha for- ; '". and is a iVcusaiit lantive. ll l
the iuer bvire a bail reputation m lha cvoimu-! made from brbs, and I'lejaied as
hi v wl.tle thai of thtMntlnr a law abi 1
toc aiul i'rtf ful ciliiftt, wry ( mI.
Mike anj R bl. Cfow, ol !'frn
1 uia- as county, .sr. called and teslifle.1
to haviuK kuou tchoiitacheler lurmei -
raid bis
reputation there waa bad.
W L. Gibson, brotb-r ol III" delend
ant was called and s ated the. he had
warned his Jiirolhcr .on -Ihe morning of
Ihe day that Ihe el. noting occurred to
Iwonhi" guard, ' S boi.l.acn. I. r had
.1..,.. i...,.l hi. lie Certain Metlm
penplo n id told hiui that audi lliiea sj
had b-eo made.
John Riggt a-i I J11. D v ny. ! M.-r- .
lin, and John H.u'l- M, ol l.rania ia.,
imllli-d lo M'e g'K d i haracler ol lilliso'l
J. II. Mel lung a mer.ihint, ol Kugene,
w called an. I te.i.d d to hiving known
Gi-ii-jn iu:;in i'e-y lor a uu.ub-r of yeari,
in Lain c-irty il -s repu-atioi there
wa very (."e d.
Dr. W. I.. Cheshire, of EujeiiK, was
cal e l and said he had known Giosin ha
long a-, he hull I. now u any one as they were
boys together. Gibson, he said always
bore a good reputation in I.ano county.
Cbas. Udd, Cha. Cro and D. W.
Mitchell, all of whom were acquainted
with both panics swore that Ihe reputa
tion ol Schonbacheler waa bad but that
Gibson was a lawabiding and peaceful
citiz-n. None ol llieiu had ever known
Schonbacheler to do any serious crime,
or of ever having been arrested.
The leading (nature of the Irial Tnea
day mom ng waa teetiuiony of Thoe.
leUaraoii Gibson, the delvndeni. Gib
son aum-aiel perfectly ea.m, and col-
lecte.l as he lour the wilnen eland
and began answering the quexiion oi
his attorney, tiibeon is a xmall man,
daik compecteil ami with noihii'g about
hia feature tiiat would indicaie a cii:ui
ual. 'Ho staled that be waa born near ne and li ie llieie nearly all ilia life,
ilej ctme 10 the Suiipkin's (arm last fall,
ll.i soon found thai Schonbacheler and
he could not be peaceable neighbors.
They had Ireqiient quarrelr. Schon
bacheler would est his dogs on Gibson's
aiot'k, not only driving them oil- the
farm, but ofienlimea completely out of
ihe neighborhood. Gibson went to
Schonbacheler an 1 enked him to stop
and hi i-aid he would, but instead ol
doing Ibis lie kepi on. The enmity
gru lil.l-r between them and as Scliou
hacheiei could not gel iu ur out without
crossiu; thn Siiiipkin's farm, things
assumed sic li a condition aa to keep a
cmjta. t u Mitel bieaiug, Gibson saois
thut In had uetu warned by bis. brother
on ihe iii'.riiing of the shouting to be ou
his guard, as bchoubacheler had
t ireatened his life, lie had been out
twice that morning with hia rifle, alter
coyotes. Ho went to the liver to get
bis boat, but it was tied on Schoo
bacheler's laud and he could not get it
lis called across the river to Van Dorn
11 bring his boat to him, but no one
could he aroused. He went back to his
hou-e and seeing Ihe Binoke arise from
the Van lorn home he started nvain for
the river. Ajhedid so he saw bchon
bacbeler come out of his bouse with (
gun in Ins hand. rrom the way in
which they were walking they would
meet at right angles. Gibson believed
thai he would have to kill 8chonbautie
ler or be killed. A biuall bill obscured
Hthonbacheler Irom his view (or a time.
Gibhon said he could have luiued and
fled at this time, but be waa utraid that
lie would be puisued and shot down.
When they came iu view of one another
ihey were about 1-5 yards apart. Gibson
commanded Schonbacheler lo drop hia
gun, but the latter, instead ol obeying,
t irew his gun to his shoulder und took
aim, Before be could shoot, Gibson
raised Ins rifle and tired. Schonbache
ler lell and Giuton walked on about 10
or 20 paces, and hearing groans and set
ing ihe body inuvc fired another elio'.
lie said he fired the second shot be
cause he thought the first one did i.ot
kill li i id . Mm. Siilionbachxler d d not
coiueout unill afier the second snot ws
lired. Gibson went over lo Ihe Crow
ranch and gave hum-elf up. 1 Iu wue
brought into town and appeared btfore
ihe disliict atlorney making a full con
ienninl .
At tho alternoon session, Tuesday, a
number ol wituta-es were called by the
prosecution to tcnliny to the reputation
of Schonbacheler ; these were, W. 8,
Wood, Chas. Nickel, John Iaickhardt,
. II Applegate, II. T. Kessler, A. it.
Weill .rd, I'. II. II trlli and Jos. Grillith.
These witnesses had eithor known
Schonbaciicler iu years paM, or bec.ui.e
actiiainled with liim more recently
All tern if'hd 10 the irood rei'titation uf
the man. The tiist arguments in the I
ca-"e weie la'i;uii ah nit 2 o'cloi k f
Tilei-day allerr.ooii, Ieputy district
Attorney ltianiea inakitig the opening
ph a lot the ptortectitioii.
l-'olioaimr thia came the cpening ar
guments I'ur the defense bv Col. Heed.
Ihe rptaker staled that llieiu was bi.t
oue i n-el 1011 in the case of importance
for the jury to ilecids and that was
whethtror t.ol tiilison hot in self de
fciiM'. The aimicnis of Col. Used in
reviewing the trt-tiiuony were along
this line.
AUoniey U. G. Smith followed with
the completing arciimenls lor the de
tente, r.efuie laiginuing his plea he
luviied ll.ut llie cmitt in.lruct the jury
a to w hat is meant and defined hy law
an a dangerous weapon and also
w hat rights a man ia a lowed iu acting
in Bell deleuse. The plea of Attorney
Smith for his client was mott iKupient
and the entile lesiiin inv and cumin
nances in the case were reviewed at
I'uliicl A.ii'riieV II .I'm s Ria !e the
1 losing arguments for Ihe pro.ecnt ion
witn a loin addrta-i iK'Inre tin. jniois,
Wllic'l WIS iraUen: 111 ei 111(11,., I hy
obja. tions fr'iin the council l -r defense.
At the cloa i f Attiiro,, tt-nuiei' ai
gumeiits i: ccurt ilj nit ned till 7:30.
at which time it was convene I and over
an hour consumed Iti the iu -1. 11 -.Ion ol
ttie j.irt bv th jiid j. I
Al S o'clock ihe w.ary jurv re
tired lo deliberate Many of the
spoclatois waited an hour or mure for
their ;relnrn. l'tien t:ic disiwrsril ;
and only a lew catlern guies temained. I
Still tho jury .!: ! ..... return. T:.e n!lal '
pasMsl by and Mill no wnliet. At noon
Wrdnefd.iv Ih-y still mllil nut si;-e
A new trial soeun a ne.taity.
At UeU Time j
I lake a pua.atil In ib ilriu'i, tl.e n -l
morning i leel i.rigM au.l m, comniei
1 lu" ' oet'er. .My UjcIo' says it acts
eaaily as tea. ll ia called Uu,', M,.,,
AH ilr itf uiftf m M it ni
I.ane'i tiiuilv Mliiint
and I
;,...,. . ',. '
It,. . ... 1
It you cannot fet
1 Orator V. Wnuilaanl, Le lioy", N. Y.
ampin. Address
I in that section. They
Candidate Cards.
For Sheriff
IKruocratic Xomiiice.
puf (Jounty Ju jge
Democratic Nominee
For County Cleik
Republican Nominee.
For County Surveyor
Democratic Nominee
For County Treasurer
Republican Nominee.
For Attorney General
Republican) Nominee.
Lelexnd Sidings.
Pack horses are now in gr.od ilcnianil
as a great many men are into lin-
bills prospeciing.
Melvin Culp is the guc?t of Mr. and
Mre. G. W. Chapiu Ho reporls quiet
times at Merlin.
Tom Clark, our village blacksmith
gets all the woik iia can do. . loin
under-itsiid j hia business.
John Mack iu id busy fliimini: w ood
from llrlmstonM to Lslaud. He fiuda il
much cheaper than hauling by wanon.
The majority of minors have pie ity of
water at present, but. if this dry weather
continues the water supply will soon be
cut ofT.
Lewis and Kobe (ones are working on
their ledije in the Mt. Keuben district.
It has developed into a large, well de
fined vein.
What hai become of "Dick", poor boy,
we are afraid that widow he met al
I. -land got away with hiiu. l'iea-ii; re
port Dick.
We have a man in our midst w ho has
an appetite like a . He u ies a dell ro
tor so he only eats once in three d 11 a,
be says that is the way to economize.
Fred Milton is raising poultry and
has quite a good selection of low Is. lid
can liirnish lat roosters on short notice.
Fred has an incubator and keeps it
A gcod many Icelanders took in the
circus at Grants Pais last week. We
are wondering why Ihe show did noi
stop at belaud, bul w.i think our city
dads charged too much t rr the use of the
city park.
Times are lively at Kinne; ville.
Wood hauling is being rushed, judging
from the looks of the piliui: ruiii.ii
The railroad company do.s 11 it take it
away as fast as it is being hauled.
Wu are having good weather for
gardening and people are busy plauluii.
Fruit trees are loaded with bloom and
l ie prospects for a big peach crop a e
goo I. We have had no frost sine Ihe
trees Legan blooming. Allaiia is mak
ing a good growth and the first crop will
be ready lo cut as soon as the farmers
are prepared to handle it.
We are looking lor some of the immi
grants from the Ka-t lo com- to our
town to loote. Si far but a tea' have
C'Uiie. llie ii e i 01 imrtoan
should tak. ui'ire i:ieie-i in this man. r
and s-ictire our -hirei.i tin iniinm-ion.
We have plenty of 11ml ra.l road Ian I,
also roiiiii very d.--i Vole true s of laud
for sale which could be , onvi ried mio
good (arms th the u:d ,.1 1 1 e ax mid
match. We have a ia io- lu-re "a I. ere
s'eck can as. a ru'i eel ii.eir own !, iin:.
('ami 1 li of 1 ti.
Cauaes a al it I pun ui
liroiu ; causej ynu t j i
eyes ; rati-ea freiii'ii'
scanty supply, S1.1I ;in,
c iloifd, scauly. turbid
I'.ritlit's dissat-e. 1
li nj 11" j a
' 11- l ack , 1 jm ur
id ii mid'- ll. e
l"-i'e 'O tlllli.-t ,
1 r r i a' 1 01 , d.ii k
urin '. I, cade to
11 d i mi in cd
evidence that you have calarrh ol ti.e
kidnej s, till a clean jla- botilewi'h
urine aud let it aland iwenty-lmir lmurs.
if thrre is aediuient or setllim; it is
eTuleiico that you hava cai.irrli i I 11,1
kidneyaor h, adder, and should not dalai
takiii 8. H. Catarrh t'ure, Ihe elieclive
ol h hich is soon rea'u.d. Alter tailing
S. H. Catarrh Cure for one week according-
to directions, till a bottle niili ur'iie,
iet s and tweniy l air hours an ! you ii
Ire ur;ir.acd at ihe 1 hani;e, hll due lo
Ihe riled id t. It. Catanh ( urn. I or
sale I y all ilnw.sis. II. ck on Calarrh
liee. A l.lre-s S.utih ll-o., i-te -no, Cal
r'or aale bv Shiver ltnt ' o.
Health is Vyecllh
Every variety aater tiealuient, inas
am, elec.ricity, X Kiy, manual move
ments, rest cure, etc. Mii'lcd rinrses
and n.anipu! jiora of bo'li sexes; eletani
treatment mom., bcvuiful 1. caii.m;
i net , 1 e v riH.ul and .lepai" mi Rt ' earn
heal-d liar.'eu Cm .-a 1 i'ariiim, K
an Jo-e, CM. Wll.e lor ,r ser I pi : l f
Heidi I'p a Coagrcssmaa.
"At the en I of ihi esmti,ii.i." n .itrs
ChampC!ar. V svonri'a t.rillimi' c n
trfMnun, "(rim overaorif , n.-rviq
tarsion, Ion n.t, and e-,nstant
speaking I had nl'srli e-'l!pm,l. It
sei-me-l that al' ihe nrk-ani hi ntv
out ol order, h i ihreebrtt
Mectric Hillers mad- m all rl t. I".
the best all-aroun I medicine aver oM
over a dnnrist's counter."
: w irkesi, run"lon men and weak, sick'y
women (tain sp'endid health and vitalilv '
Irjm Klec-Lric Biltera. Trr lliem. Only j
5)c. tiuaranie! by Or. ICremer. j
Actual Tests oveie F
No guess work or theory, t
Our Crank Hanger Does it. Does what ? Makes it Run Easy.
The Only Wheel which saves the Rider's Strength.
Lan.'-'r Snrocke'S anil Smaller Chains
Tlielt -ultoi Kxpi rimetil and Hiaine.
In the follovviiiK tes's, one cud of chain was tied to the front sprock
et the other allowed to l.anc; down over the rear sprocket. On the
rt'dV, end of the crank r f .ruling a lever) was suspended a 150-pound
vvei 'ht Tlw vanous amuniU attached to the rear end of the chains
chow the exact miniher of pounds rtipiired to balance, clearly demon,
strating lite aaiof.nt of slraiu on ea.'h chain.
Strain on L-
ftTOOlH . jr If
The Racycle Roadsler
With 30 Toit!i Front Sprock
et and a 9 Tooth R . ir,
ind a 03 GEAfl.
The Ess! Ki A; ilo-.' ,ter
I ver Dt il'.
,'4 Less Pier's tiro on IVar
ittjjs than on any Iliryee.
from j.s io 75 less iilr.iin on i t
chain any othei l!iccie
of. the same ";ear except tiie
Ilacvcie Pacettiaktr.
..1 Ihe
0.1 th'- l.-i i.i
U U'l C li '1 1 is - . 1 -1
perielic.'.rii"ii'.' 11
sina! !el in-lit ul d I , .
must ei hi r In ; i
at izuinel I . vve m . I r li
1 1 1 r I e !: 1 1 f-r li '" T.
In! Th 1 i.- "vr .
ini'iiif). i'H , '
on iis. eh.,: 1 t I !
poe-il ly 1. . 1 . . 1
An C'Jticc oT D
Wcriii Pour.dn
i- l:
i: i'l'c.tion is
ilj.jclc lii Jo Ittrther and Faster with Less work.
Paddock's Bicycle Den.
I Buy Anything
V011 11111 v !i:'.ve sum? tutu !oJ amoin.' your p-ifii-ssi'ins 'hat you have no use
for and never will liuc i-.m- for why tut conveit thiun in'o cash. I pay you
cash for then", li vm ure toii'g to move nway let me buy ynur lir.usehold
eooiis 1 wiil y've you y 11. d prices.
Sewing Machines fur tent mid for tui'10.
Goods Sold on tho Installment Plan.
Company of Players
Tho Gx:t Drnnui of Humanity
U $ !; H !?
w - a)i
A Storv of tho Sunny South; Minirlcd with Laugli
tor, Tears, Siiitiniciit, Pat lies iind Son',', will be
jUTspnti'il at tlio
Grants l'.iss Opera House Saturday, May 3d.
I'npiilin- Prlpi'H,
Is css-ionl'iilly :i liunuui play. 'Throbbing with romance
and scntiuiont.
?V ssv-;i- v-i,s j
1 ST. .-)
s W? 7-r. -.f;.?
for 'oa! ; C
House Furnisher
DONOMO.'i: 'J'.KiU.
llrnail hi,-.. 1 .v.; 1
ll.'i'l poinds. , y ,. ,T
a-iioni .;; ) i, - : v'
N ot,- ' ni, ll la 1 '
!'. "vht
sind bv .VI- I
s M'lMj
li .-k --ii-rv 1
J 1 s, I 'a: I, in. .ni J 0 11 , . ,,,
Abu - 1 !., 'a.'.! ;:. in, e's.
Ka'e dam 01 I'..' ;' A J ; f4 i
i,yi's) bv Mike Jio:. t,-., 1.1
hon hv Vermon I u-.'
III, ;-l,-e py
1 d 'I 0.1
Jam ll b-
I)oi,oiiiu'e is
hoi si s oi 1 ii - s
iuf is a v -t v
f'liitid at ' 1 a'v 0, 1 1 1 .nu.
on, 1 m- a' li'--;
f il-,. Hi
M iv !
1' o ( 11 1
Tae l,a lit..'
Ail d-.l.'.- -'- r,
tri rare. K.
each Ihix. J.'.-.
I- is ,.. 1 ..
eilt.-s, tria t '-.-are.
ll.-. ir ! U. 1
Kif l.."u-,i;l ,
a t .id In u u,iy
I -.1 t. i .i i- l'i
It en's o ,1 no-niu"--u-,
a-d 1
f , elii.e j slid VII
1. It I:
lltr u
, i the intl itiie-l, c m.
-r ,.
i . ) ll
i'. !!a-d col !s n;,. ',;1. , .ri ,,.
ii j iei.1 in 1',-. K . '. I) ,, j,
1 'lie ui J-l .' i ;,1 1,-reui. Ij .ii-a i i'-.
ai. 1 I.'in O'sea e. i ,u .:au:. i d b '
'iO,' and )l. T'tal lo ina Ir e a
The World's Best Bicycle
P - rr rr
in a fcpuere 01 113 own.
A Standard High-Grade
With 24 Tooth Front Sprock
et and at) 8 Tooth Rear, Mak
ing a 34 GEAR.
Note the enormous increase
in the Htrain 011 Ihe chain with
tniader aprncketa and a 9 inch low
er tear than Ihoreol Ihe Uacyclea.
1'ulei.s il lies a Iincycle Hanger, a
suit of iloibes, and a walcb ought
lo to with i-ui h a wheel.
r 1 0- esnond;n less compression
,; ' ,1011 chain has bien used on the
wo e iiiiki iiiatiu'actu'e'e have ex
V, '-ii-li roa ns WHY? llecauas
,1 ' n on 1 lie cha'u ro much that it
i'', ih chain and sprocket
'int Dili.1 have ever dared lo refills
1 Htiv one who couhl. IIKliEir
011 1 e liearintts of Ihe Kicycle
1 II cvcla made f birring infringe
1 'ni-s and ni inv pounds les strain
- a vi up iiicl iiea lint could not
1 11 ml
All Racyoles are Magazine Self-Oiling
and Run without attention.
M. Davis,
Front Sf. SeconJ-Hand.Store
Tooth Brush
; Topics ...ta
I Sinit.tri'.y coii'-iilcred logically
I kad to the coficliision that
I sloyi:r dkug co.
keeps the host stnk of Tooth
Finishes in the comity.
Our stoel: is selected with
t'10 utmost care with an eys
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Ihii.--hi.-s from ioc up. Yott buy
the 10c kind on your own re
sponsihility. From 25c up, we
will guarantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brush
will not come out. A good
brush will outlast half a dozen
poor ones.
SloYer Drug Co.
. Prescriptions.
Oi.uMfe Depot.
: I wish to inform the public that
j I -hall continue to make Photon in
Grants l'as.
I shall make Photos on either
1 the dull or glaze finish paper as de
ired. Orders tiken for Thotos from
, Geo. Pheby's old negatives.
! Mrs. C. J. Smythe.
i- . -
: Notice lo Contractors.
i Hids for ihe construe' ion of a 0 inch
sea, r tlirninh Clocks 2A, 24 and 25, in
: ' rant e !', will h received al the l
I Hall (ahere prr,6le and epecilicalions
I may ix- seen), until May 1st, l!X-. l
j S o'c'ck V. M., and then opened bv lb
j Council which reserve! the rih lo re
j et any or all bids. The work lobe
ompleied within 30 days.
H. I.. DAYI,
Auditor and 1'olice JuJe.
Taii. C-T-4.. ati .
Kontooky Home