Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 24, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates!
One Year, In advance,
Hli Months,
Tbree Month).
Single Oopies, -
Nolle Is hereby (riven that on July 1.
1902. the subscription rate ol the Unini
will be rained to 1..10 per year. Anywho
pay their siihscription now get the hen
eblol the cheaper rale.
Advertlalna B1M
Furnlnhed on application at the office, or
by mail.
i'kopb. & mnob
Entered at the pot office at O rants Ies,
Oregon, at second-class mail matter.
THURSDAY, Al'RIL 21, 1902.
The Kurd) bar been Indulging to
their pet pastime of slaughtering Ar
ineniani, The Turkish government ii
too indoltnt to make any effort to put a
top to these oatragua, and indeed prob
ably gau ton tlieiu with comp'.aceucy,
making whatever I null shuw ol dis
approval it necessary in order that oilier
uaiioui hall not interfere. There ii
little bope that the Armenian atrocities
will ever he atopped until tome other
government oilier than that of the Turki
interests ilaelf actively in the matter.
It ii very necessary that tbia should be
l'.eprcsot.tatlve Tongue baa secured
the paaseue in the liooia of the bill
making Crater lake and vicinity a
national park. He succeeded in eecur
Inn President Hoosevelt't interest in be
half of the measure and It was at the
latter'! request that the bieaker allowed
the matter to come bsfore the bouse.
The bill is ei pected to pass the senate
without dillirulty. This is a matter in
which southern Oregon people have a
keen interest. Crater lake is one of the
scenic wonders of the world and as It
beloiiKS to southern Oregon, we aie
an i ions to see it recognised and
The Chinese exclusion bill has passed
the senate, though with the l'latt
amendment, allowing Chinese sailors on
board American ships. While It was
not generally considered at all likely
that an exclusion bill could fail to be
passed by congiess in ths present
session, the many obstructions thrown
In the way of such a measure gave soma
of the I'aciflo coast people a sort of
creepy feeling. The objection to an ex
elusion bill Is baaed on commercial in
terests as it claimed that such
measuit seriously hampers our trade
with China. This position is probably
true, though not to the extent which
the anti-exclusion advocates wonld
havens believe. Hut we could better
afford to have our Chinese trade abso
lutely stopped than to bav our favor'
d I'aciflo coast overrun with Mon-
golians. No trade and no Chinamen
would be better lor the Pacific coast,
than much trade and isany Chinamen
Many scandalous tales are now ex
tant concerning the cruelty of Aiaer
lean troops to Filipinos, particularly in
the administration ol the so called
"water curs" a barbarous trick learned
from the native scouts. It seems to
havs been used to compel captured In
surgents to reveal the hiding places of
arms and amuiuulliun. The Macabebe
couts were ao successful in bringing In
rides that bad been concealed that some
of the American troops sdopted their
methods ol "securing information." A
rigid iuvsttigation of the scandals will
doubtless be prosecuted. War Is
tearful thing, though seemingly almost
impossible alwaye to avoid, and can
not fail to luster whatever brutal in
stincts are possessed by thine who en'
ge in it. Those In authority inut be
always alert to keep this spirit as much
as possible under restraint. In armies
like ours, barbarities are committed
generally by the lew and ar not char
acteristic ol the army as a class.
Ol the msii who have place on the
several tickets as candidates for county
Offices in ths present campaign, none
are better or more favorably known
than J. O. Booth, the democratic notul
nee lor county J'luge. For many years
a resident of (J rants I'm, hs lias si
ways been numbered among the veiy
foremost of her active aud progressive
business msn and citiisns and eipeci
ally in matters qf public importance L
tiaa always beeu a leading spirit and a
liberal contributor both In money and
personal interest, to any sutei prise iu
tended to promote the public wellare of
tow and county. To fill the important
aud responsible oftlce of county judge, it
would seem that no better selection
could be made. air. ltoolh's well known
interest and activity in public aflslri
peculiarly fit him for this otllce, and to a
progressive spirit, he uuites souud aud
level headed business sens and judg
nient. Thoroughly competent and cap
able in all ways to meet all the reuuir-
nienls of the attic, he is also widi
. known as a man of integrity and great
personal worth lu the bell sense, hs
is a citiisu of public spirit, broad mind
ed and tree from prejudice, aud in t tie
pending election he will be supiwrted
by voters ol every political iaiih.
'.. . i
Our county lias another case of hoiui
t ide on hand ; a man killed as the out
come ( a dispute over a mailsi ridicu
lously trivial. While it would uot be
right to take snap judgment on the young
man who did the shooting-, as it is the
prerogative ol court and Jmy to deter
mine, ll possible, the eitent of bigmi,
it would seem that the linked? could
have been avoided. The disputed
bouudary miiilit have been otll. dally tiled
and then, il either pari) became nlutiep
erous, he could have been legally re
el rained. The lax is lor protection
attaint! the infringe ueiit on the rights ol
one man hy another, nd it should be
invoked as such. There is Ion uiucli ol
a spirit abroad ol individual application
ol self Uw, a here one man at
U in pi to rediiss real or supposed arnnns
according to hit own ideas or to coui
another to ami course ol actiou. This
spirit is open by reckless and
ollan unmeaning talk until it breaks out
In .on,.. I. .HI.,.. .. , ,
., ,,,H m v ui ivuce inu ine laise
position la realised ouly loo late. When
men nave disputes, they should aettl
iueu as QUIi-k V mm I
We are giving away to our customers some handsomely dec
orated, band painted China with cash purchases.
Buy your goods of us and get a
Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FRHTv
We earnestly ask you to call and inspect it. You will surely
want it.
Front street, oppo Depot,
bly. If either or both are unreasonable,
or II a satisfactory agreement cannot tie
reached, there are still wajs provided
lor the sstlleineiil ol grievances without
violence. Quarrels grow and ill feeling
has a way of accumulating until it bursts
forth uncontrolled. As in the prerenl
cane, seemingly tiifling matleis muv be
crime startlingly serious by not being
settled in time. Here is one man flint
dead and another with an unknown pen
alty banning over his head, while the
cause ol dispute was a mere narrow atrip
of ground worth only a few dollars l
either party.
County School Matter.
The District Boundary Hoard,
in session April 6, 1U02, rendered decis
ions in the follow in-:
1st. In the matter of a petition to di
vide School district No. 4, at Waldo, to
form a new and separate district, the
board unanlinounly decided that for the
best interest of the district end for the
mslnlainsnce of a school therein, the
prayer oi said petitioners lost.
2nd. In th matter of retilion to
chang th boundary line of school dis-
tricts Nos. 24 and 36 by taking th W"i
offiec. 10 ol T. 35 si. U. 0 W. ol WiL
lamstt meridian from school district
No. 24 and lanneiini it to school dis
trict N. 35 lo belong to and form a
art of school district Mo. a:. Hoard
unanimously allowed aaia petition.
The appertinnment of th county
school fund for April is as follows :
o. NO.
1 108 05 2S f 00 72
2 H7 II 24 lot) 40
8 103 oD 2ft 63 (HI
4 lit) 75 20 M (10
6 107 111 27 120 HO
fl 02 87 2 121 4-ri
7 1737 00 29 Hi Ift
8 00 05 30 73 22
0 117 87 31 76 0.'i
10 61 80 32 VI 10
11 1112 W 33 32 16
12 41 10 34 Wl 10
13 60 (t0 35 30 Sli
14 55 37 0 2H 67
15 61 80 37 2S 67
10 110 75 3H 811 30
17 Ort 10 3!t 66 37
18 4 60 40 12 60
IV 71 85 41 28 67
20 . 83 05 42 44 Oi
21 82 15 43 4H 22
22 80 30 44 ltd 15
County Superintendent,
During ths past week wo liavo oponcil up
11 11 ,11 IN
New Shirt Waists in Wliito and Colorn.
Now Silks fur Waists ami Tiiiiimins.
Now White Gooiln, Knibioiror'u's and'cs.
Now Nockwoar in I'ltilVim and Not Hulls.
Tien, Fancy Collars lite.
New Summer Corsets of Matisto, in Pink, liluo and
Now Kid Gloves in the latest shades.
Now Umbrellas and
New Walking Skirts,
Wo are eliowing a very
Shoes and Furntsltinii Hoods
VSllJervtlU llema.
A uice shower of rain last week.
There is slill a good pro-p-cl ol liuil
so tar.
Mrs. 11. D. Joins virited in;
l'aa lat week.
I. ilia ('outer li.ii gus to he'p Mr,
ttolieria in her house work.
George Creed and w ile iiu le a l un-
nesa trip to (iiniila I'aia Inst Saturdae.
('has. M.l'aun ia huildiut a in h irn
on his place, whiili improveA ihe,oiiti
Jaaaes Mi'Canu is in -tir coiiluurn'i
aitain. He worked in the () is Flat mine
all winter.
Dick l.iuaer and wife, an, I J, (l-rli h
and wife, made a business trip lo tl.e
Tata thetlrel ol this week.
Jesse l.inaev cut his foot on a draiMnc
knife which mad bim unable to walk to
school tor th laal law days.
Th Indies Aid Society met al Mrs.
Welder's last Friday lor a quilting.
Not many p eaent, but good woik wan
done. Mrs. WolrTer prepared dinuer
which was enjoyed by all present.
Ited Star Store.
. -A. .A. W
William Items.
C. M. Utiles went to Grants Pa's last
Mrs. Geo. Hi.ailiu is visiting1 fiiends
lu your my.
J. M. John nude a humnuai trip lo
(JrantH l'e Kalurduy.
liorn April Cih, 11)02, to Mr. aud Mr.
pjain Telhuruw, a sun.
Born April Olli, 1002, to Mr. and
Mrs. Chan Kiniiule, a son.
M sn MKt'o CbileH has begun her
fcchool iu district Nj. 31.
Mob Gertrude John visited for a lew
days in your city last week.
Geo. Kuriuau has returned to his work
alter a short visit in Grants !'-
IL A. Cougl lull Baturday for Cal
ifornia where he will spend the summer.
Mr. ami .Mrs. A. llrown, of Wilder
ville, couteuiplaie nioving to Williams
in the near luluiu.
Mr. ami Mrs. F. OfTunburger, of
Williams, are visiling relatives on Ap
plrgale. Bert Johnson went to Grants l'ass firat
of the week to welcome his brother's
MikS Mary Talbert, of Clackamas, baa
accepted the position as teacher of the
Baltimore school.
Wm. Cameron ami daughter, ol
Utiiontown, mailo a short visit lo Wil
liams not long since.
Little Beatrice St. John, after spend
ing the wintor with her grandparents
in Tacoma, returned lat week to her
home here.
Miss Liaaie Hparlin who. for the past
week has been visiting the family of
Mr. L. I'avidson, returned to her horns
here Tuesday.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Kane, a powder. It cures
painlnl, smarting nervous feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes ths
sting out of corns and bunions. It's) I lie
greatest cum or t ilitnivery of the age.
Allen's Foot Kio makes tiitht or new
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure lor
sweating, callous ami lint, tired aching
feet. Try it to day. Suld by all drug
gists and time morel. By mail for 25c.
iu rtamp. Trial package I'ren. Ad
drcHti, All. ii H., l.e Hoy, N. Y
Parasols iu lllaik, White
pretty, up-to-date line of Wash
Co nil no, f.vrnt
Mv 1 -'ran, I bill hv A, tlsa Circle at
Oj in ti, -ii e. I! -"t!, Kentii-lv H.mie" at the
op, ' u h- ne.
Miiv lo l'e.i, Ihth' annual county insti
tute. Mae I'.t W'le.leuiiinN lug Show, at
opi r liou-e.
Do Yiur lives Need Help?
-.11 I v in -i ii, ti e well-know u
c! .m 1 hi;, im'o, w ao j
I'-i--. :;t in : iiu.-i telore
vp. ; at 0:0 Weitein ,
ili r,'iini:i t r a week i-r J
l ho weie pit i lonely titled ,
p. en. :ert i in hai e ni iv '
Vl. le
d ti.anti
ho, i
w lleie
. Th-
hy t ti
leu-e- in i,le l( a i-'l il j. is lu-,'.
Cull on hun, ,-r 'cue vier.l at
lor hiru to eel rt ,or . i. U
ainiiiai.iii It. , .,
Card of I hanks.
We w:ah lo ex'.eiut our thank-i to our
fiii-o,! and N.'ih'ior.t w-ei knlli-M-ili'le,!
.ion , , ur l.oe iiei, .ivem, u. Ill
ti e ii-, ol oor nr ilnwh'er i-.i..t ''er.
K M MiMia ami r ahilv.
Aioiu Slooe al Comal Woke'e.
Circuit Court. e,t ... convened on Mon-
day by Judge H.nna, for the regular
April term. There are three criminal
canes no Ihedocke'. T. J. Utborj, who
figured in the ifiit liomicide near :
Meilm in to he Itixl for murder. Jack-
son, the lam negro, who. it beid !
breaking m'o h.le.' e'.ore, and Clark,
the nope n. ni, i t in in' m,;.i ;
from E (J. I' x i'. h-e ihir la-eaj
1 ill dud i ( ln
lieiil n. 1 nev.l '.
vs. s.u;. k
I fav .r ni .Shi (
!din t.t I' r .l.e t.
.1 j.uv H"l " 1H .
in 11 e c'j "I ho J
i i rii I reii.'.er d in :
, (u r":'oing i t'l' j
Circuit Court Dockol
K:aie vs. Jaekaoii. Larcny. j
Ktsle vs Clark. Irreny.
Statu vs. T. . Gdnon. Muider.
action aT taw
Caroline Briton vs. Jo'ephine Coiinlv
Action for money. Disniisaed.
C. U. Kexton v. Josephine County
Action for money Dismissed.
K. L. Coe et el. v. V. MiCsrlli; Ac
tion for money. UitmifS'd.
M. K. Bhaw v. George and John bla
lock Appeal from Jusiic Court.
Charles Nickell vs. L. II Randall.
It. M. Gorhsm vs It. F. Miller :.nd J.
w Insert.
8. I'. I) & L. Co., v. It. I. and John
.VI . Law son.
M. W. Kepy vs. Virginia Epy li
voic H G. h et al. vs. I' . C. Suuian.
Martha Norria v. Flank Sorris Di
W. II. Emerson vs C. t Ku?s et al.
Ilyilraulic Mining Co. vs. J. Bharka.
Chas. L. Tint vs. JaneChadwick etal.
.lames Lyttle vs. F. II. Osgood.
Maud E. Scharingsoii vs. A. N. Schai-
mgson Uivorce.
H. W. Smith vs. Nellie Smith Divorce.
I. A J. Gravel Mining Co. vs. Harry
J. A. Lindeev vs A. II. arid L. W. Car
C C. Case vs. Nellie Cine Divorce.
Henry Booth vs May Booth et al.
Celestine 8. Ilobhs vs. II. .1. Ilobbi
Geo. B. Eppsrly vs. Engliah-Oanadian
Anna W. Fetech vs. Frank Fstfch
Divorce. "
Item From Creanb ck.
C. W. Thompson has been in-I'ortland
the past week.
F. M. South is having a lenco built
around his place.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Myrick have
returned from their visit to the I'ass.
Mr. and Mrs. Itert Fawcet returned
from their sad mission al Myrtle creek.
Mrs. B.C. Neas is visiting friends in
the 1'iiss. Mr. Neasis a forbrn looking
Mr Bert Cheshire aud family expect
to leave here aixiu for Eugene, their
home, lo revide.
We have a free school library. It will
bo highly appreciated by all lovers of
(ood literature.
Mr. and Mrs. (ins Cli.ue are quite
happy over the arrival of a little son at
their home on A pril 10.
M r. anil Mrs. J. 1'. Anderson went to
the Tans, and will vinil on Williams
crock hi lore returning.
Mr. William Flam and wit have
taken up their abode with the rest ol
Uiu good fo ke on the hill.
Kiirl Neat-, iiaa bought the home and
furniture ol Sain Smith, ami Mr. aud
Mrs. Neat are al home to all their
On April 12 Miss Backe'.t gave a birth
le. party in honor of tiie Miatea Edna
Kenton, and Murgarite South. Mrs.
Iluck as chaperone. The table was very
hetiulilu! Willi flowers and good thing
to oat, nn,l just belor they sat dow n at
the table, a flash llk"t photograph was
tal en of the interior of the room. It
will bo a very nice souvenir for the little
The i, h'ioii to the hall at I'lacer was
completed laat week, and i h.ill was
given on Friday night, it was well
attriu'e l and all had a line tint. The
hall now is one ol th bat in this part i f
the country, having a g 10 1 new tl ior,
ante room, and ladies' dressing room,
ami the hall is well ventilated. An
elegant supper was given at Lew Brown
ings. We ars afraid Mrs. Browning will
think some of the boys at the lireeuhack
tiever have any thing to eat, the way
they put things out of sight that night.
Hrovolt Item.
ilichard Lew man was up from (.iratits
I'aas on a visit and returned on Sunday.
Thsodore Fane has been working or
L. C. Basy in the mine the paat week.
Mrs. Mary Kehkopl has been very ill
with a bad cold but now is netting sitne
Col. Kogers paed through hereon
his way home to the mine ; he has been
lo Ban Francisco on mining business.
F.lzi Brovolt, the Williams rattle
man, is having a bard time to keep his
cattle on the range this season.
J. Lewuiau, one of the old timers of
southern (Ten, in, is doing quite s lot of
improving on his ranch this ai a-ru
O. M. Knox has a good trade while
the road are good lie las a few
pai-ae libera on the elajo tverv trip
For dry gooda, groceries, hUi keuulh
iiitf. pontiil money orders and phone
lalkini. call on I.. Smith, llie 1'iovolt
The Bridge I'ouil Ditch Co. begin
ileairiig their ditch Mon. lay omniing,
tiie weather being warm makes it
niceasary for water, to irr;gt early,
K. i'rovolt has lux n doin eon t neat
at build nc and fein'ing the past wet k.
Wo are glad lo see that be is improving
lua ranch as it makes the Imli valley
,Hik much bt tier.
The dance giwu by Lswiuan and
, Mi'slnngtor at the Souson h -p bouse
j la.-l r r .l.iv infill wa a i;,a! one, every
ihioi! ia run in orler. The supper
a a- wrli erv,J and i eiy body enjoyed
;.i,.ii.i Ives. H,'i: Klaihmi.
Josephine County Mapa.
1 W e now have about one doien iuas f
I losepbino County, pca-ki'l sue, which we
joillaellat fl 50 eaih. Thcttt lew ar
! the latit of the Jiphtue Conntr Maps,
ui.l when these are gou you will get uo
' in, lie. If ou waul amp gel it now.
A iK Yooauiita,
Courier Oificv,
Lcland Siftlrtl.
We bear of Lint rumor of ma-i :.-
in the near futme.
r, Cnlp took in limits I' !'
WMk. t! raid h '.it g!-d to f t back j
i0 ts m re' a v isl " i ni'n u. .
v.'e hs i.o sick mm lo reisirt Tl e I
( t.ou!,. ,v, ali iecov-rel ( n tho g'ip i
gni e tlt a hippy, i -ji imti -i. pea-el."
coruii.iini'y. i
r M k ., j, ,.i.rVii.g in the;
ju, tin-Vir. !.. : , - from In
.on. Ollf wul. I th i' I- J- I
tl,.- iu- n-ii t'l - iM-imiH all his It'e.
llori.-To Mr. find Mr. G. W.,
o:,e oi il.e limiiiinc onVr The n.o'her
j it .i,:i it t'. ii W - about witii
happv 6ini!e on hie counletiance.
Son-oof o-;r L-liiilfis took in Urante
Paw lt week. They report more
nionev in sigbt In I'and than in n.e
I'ass. Most of ourctiii-ios are mineis
and deal in gold dust and not in carrots
and parsnips as the iarmer does.
Hrrmrlngion has bis le le bindej to
capilsliats for a big price. As Ike lcdtf,e
is large and rich, the partu s were eager
to buy. Il is situated on the famous
Greenback mountain. Other ledges
there ato about to be bonded. Many
are coming nere looainu i-ji
ledges thai show free gold and are par
tiaily developed.
We are haying nice weather for grow
ing lops. La-t week we had a nice
shower. It was very tnvoigorating 10
ail i,i,i,l nf mini. The outlook for
fruit is : no ilaniagiiig frosts as yet
The farineis are a litlle tacawaru in
putting in gardens. Thla week will be a
busy time as most of !he gaidens will be
Some of our people who moved awny
Ui fall have relumed to this place.
Ilaviiionce lliied their lunys with our
balmy anil exhilarating air and drunk
o our cold spring water, uiey iv,;
havs a lunin to get hack to thi
country if thev liave the means to do so.
This is also a HrBt rale country for br ing
ing up children. We have good school
and regular preaching at the Leland
The Copper Stain has developed into
a good in nj. Mr. lUna was up from
the mine lat week aud reports the
ledge, wheie it is tapped with the long
tunnel, about 300 (et down, to be
larger and richer than ever. They will
build six or seven miles ol wagen road
this spiing to get the necessary ma
chinery to the mine. The Kramer A
Carpenter ledge is showing up free gold
in all parte of the rock. They have six
feet ol defined ledge. This mine is also
situated on Mt. Heuben. The mines in
this vicinity have plenty of water.
J. C. Lewis' upper mine, called the
old (loir mine, ia being worked night
and day with a full turceofmen, This
is one ol ths best mines on the creek as
to working facilities. There is a 240
foot pressure and a 100 foot bank at the
bottom of which is a rich, heavy, blue
Kravel lead. The bank carries coarse
gold from the surface to the bedrock.
The mine has unlimited dump. The
water privilege is good as be gets water
from Grave creek. His other mine is
situated a mile down tha creek. The
working facilities hero are not so good,
but as be blasts all the banks, he rroves
an enormous amount of ground fiom
the two mines. He will have a large
yield of gold this season, but the public
will never know how large the yield will
be. lion
Ointments for Catarrh
Contain Mercury
As mercury will surely dostroy the
sense of smoll and completely derange
the whole system alien .cnl'iritiK it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never l e lived except on
prescriptions from reputable physician
as the damage they 11 ill do is ten fold to
the good vou can tiossibly derive In-ui
them, Hull's Catarrh Cure, tnanti
fa. tuied by K. J. Ciiknkv A Co , Toledo
O., contains no mercury, mid is taken
iuternailv and acts directlv on the blood
mud mucous surfaces of the tvstein. In
rr. .
buying Hall s L atari u Cure tie sure you
get the itenuine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, bv K. J
Ciiknky A Co. Testimonials, free
80I1I by ail lrtiK,ists, 7oc,
Hall's family l'llii aie llm best.
Vaccinating Their Cttle.
Ttie stock men of llin Siskiyou foothills
snith ol Ashluti I w ill make a united ef
fort to stump out the blackleg, which
prevailed to a certain extent List season
and to end are preparing to vac
cinate their calves, yearlings and two
ear-olds. '"lie ordinary vaccine virus
l beini; used and is said to be quite
etlectivc us a preventive. One grower
lost as inanv as twelve tine fat calves
last year from this ihnease, which U due
to reappear a few weeks hence wheu I tie
cattle gi t sleek and (at on the range.
Creive Creek News.
I're.uliitu at the I.i land schiol house
on Sunday, t lie -7 ot April.
The l.-lsnd schiHil stinted on Monday
last with an eiiiollment of o'i scholars,
Hiss litadetie .M:igfe as teactur.
Several of tho yoiin people, of iirave,
enjoyed a very pleasant evening on
batiudar last at the residence of Mr., r' at the citndy pull and play
party jjiven bv Thus. Una ley and
Albert Meissner. Soti.e of the boys
fr on Hum were there, lin e lis another
party boys Pearl l'iinnitii;!i .111, of tirr.ntp
I'ass, I: is he.-n v.sitiii; fi ten o u. K nn-y
i tile t! past week of the people of our place a'
tended the Hugo Sunday school on
Sunday lat.
Wall Williams and family, of I'lacer,
have removed to tii.tuts l'ass. I'lscer's
loss is v:ran!s I'tss' pa n.
Andieiv Itoyd, of hsu rra ci-co, is
i!Mij his hrinher, tMiver l.oyd, of
i .lave.
I wish to iuioitu tltt iu''l!c that
I sha'.l cotitiuue to make Photos in
Grants l'ass.
I shall make Photos oa either'
, the dull or gbze finish paper as de
i sired.
' Orders taken for Photos from '
ueo. 1 lieby s old negatives.
Mrs. C. J. Smythe.
1 ' PhntnnMnh7! fSP JPiSfi
i 'floiograpiis. : )gmm mB0mi
I I shall make rho'.os oa either j v .-
Candidate Cards.
For Sheriff
Pmocratic Nominee.
For County juage
Democratic Nominee.
For County Treasurer
Re( ublicati Nominee.
Timber Land Ai l, June 3, 1878.
United Slaies'lJiiid OIlLce,
ltosebarit, Oregon, March :il l'.IOJ.
Notice is hereby itiven that in compli
ance with the provi-ions of llin ad of
Cointreau of June 3, 1878. entitled "An
act for the bale of tiin'ii-r lands ill the
States ol California, Oregon, N-VHila ami
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the I'tihlin Land Slates hv act ol
August 4, 18!i2, Minion C. Ain.-nt, ol
(irante I'ass, county of Jof.phine, S'a'e
of Oregon, has t I'if iluv filed ill this
office his sworn statement No 21'iti
for the purchase ol the S W J4 b -4.
S E N W l4, N )i S W !4 of Section
No. 2. in township .No. M),
5 west, and will Ih-r proof to show thai
the land sought is more valuable tor lie
timber or Hone ihan for ag icultural pur
poses, and to establish hi claim to said
laud before the Ufxisler and Uoueiver 0!
this oinoeat Hoieburir. Oreuon, on Thurs
day, the 5ih day of June, 1W2. He,
numes as witnefcn :
11. A Corliss, Mel Andrews, Allien
Lonuenlmker, A. II. Anient, all of
tiianis I'aes, Oretfr tt.
Ann and all nersons (laiminif adrersly
the above-described lands are requeeted
to file their claims in tins olh.-e on or Lo
lore said 5:h day of June, 1002.
). T. llKlUOKS,
Brown horse 15-3 hands high, weight
1150 pounds, six years old; sired by Al
tatnont 3W, sire of Chehaiia 2.04'i Dil
Norte 2.01), Ella T 2.uS14 1-J'k P"ry
2 08, l'athiuont 2 09'4'. Alameda 2.onl4',
Alto 2 01)34', and 89 otheis. Dam, Sleepy
Kate (dam of Helle Air 2.U-4 and Altena
2.20'j) by MikeotOJ, Grand dam Rib
bon by Vermont 3i'-
Donoinnre is one of the finest finished
horses ill the slate ai d with little train
iug is a very promising ttotler. May hi
found at lialvin A Smith's ham, Giauls
l'uss, Oregon. Terms, I0.I 0 hy the eca
sun, 1. ne at firs', service.
A. L. l'ORCE.
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to the conclusion that
keeps the liest stoik of Tooth
Brushes in the county
Our stock is selected with
the utmost cate with au eye
single to the quality of the goods
we offer.
Brushes from
the toe kind
sponsihility .
will guaratiU-i
We have Tooth
ice up. You buy
on your own 1
From 25c up, '
the goods.
The bristles in a cjood brush
will nut com" out. A Rood
brush will oulixst half a dozen
poor otu-s.
Drug Co.
(ihiMi.-'ite iVj.o.
what Shall we t1av for Ucsxrt?
This quosliou ansrs in th family
every dav. I.el us answer it to day.
Try Jell O, a delicious uud hraiihful
dessert. 1'repared in two niinu'es. No
boiling! no baking! simply add boding
water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon,
Orange, Kasberry and SiralK'rry. Get
a package al jour j:ro.-ors today. 10c.
At Bed Time
I take a plearant herb ilrtn't, the i ex
morning I feel bright and my c-mpiex
ion is letter. My ,1 tor says it acts
itenllv on tin- oniiiiiili, liver and ktd
neis.mid is a pl,usitit lax-rive. It is
made from In rh;, and ie p'i'p.,,id us
e i.- .'y a tea. It is .all.d LsiieV Medi
cine. All dr-ik'ists tell it ul ift,-. and
5t. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the Imive's ea. h ility. It .iu csnnot get
send lor a free
For Sal j By
House Furnisher.
Democtatic Nominee. STfJJJNiS
ss T.T -T ,5 , , -a, f 2
For County Uer. ' 6TOoi F f
Republican Nominee. St,2ccAifr '
" S3rl ' A ' '
For County Surveyor , IL
I it, send lor a free Address, V-Tp
I Oiator V. W.i.Uard. I e K iv. N. Y fTj Cr NVV
sm,,s C'ii;-
N as" I ' : -.
Actual Tests Prove the
No guess work or thaory.
Our Crank Hanger Dees it. Does what ? Makes it Run Easy.
The Only Wheel which saves the Rider's Strength.
T.sntr Sprockets and Smaller Chain
The'li -n!t of Kxperimei.t and Brains.
In tho following tests, one end of chain was tied to the front sproek
. - ." , i .., i...,,.t rtoiani river the rear snrorltet fin ,i.-
et. the other auuweu u. ...... s -
wedal end of the crank (i"is "7 - vpouna
wc-io'n The vjiums amounts attached to the rear cue of the chains
show tiio exact uttmher of pounds required lo balance, clearly demon-
ki-,1 no t te antrum
ot .-.tia:n on cav.n
The Racycle Roadster
With y Tooth Ft on
, ill t ( Trot h
ind a S3 GEAR.
The Best All Aicu.-.d P.CJt'.iUr
Ever Built.
) Less Pressute on Hear
ings than on any Bicycle. Has
front 25 to 75, less strain 011 its
chain than any other liicycle
of the same gear except thii
Racycle Pacemaker.
With less rftruiu on the chain tl-ere
on the r.-n: tori.s, hoti ami ciiinK t-arini,'s.
Kii-M-'n- tor I .. 1 m .ns i'h Ji aicelv a hrealt. win e moi manniaennnirs nave ex-
i.erii tied ti,i-.U' illi th'ii i-i niisitr 3-l ami ,'4'-inch chains WHY? Because
"Doiilei f.oot and rear S.t.m-U.-'. increases the strain on the chain so in lien thai it
null' 1 -ither break the fnimc. LAYIN'ii ASIDE the chain and sprocket
argument we still h .vo a clai.-n for the K ic. le liiat none have ever dared lo refute
altiioniili for tlireo we hive otTered l,0tW t any onu who could. HERE It
IS! Tli'-re is over '4 (tliink of it) less pressure on the lieariiiirs of die Rw-ycle
Cr'tnk llatiL'i-r lli-in tni ro is mi nnv o' her elnin liicycl. mailo (b.iring iiifrinio
ineiiiB). Vith lp pre-snr - nn its C.ank lirinsj and manv pounds less strain
on its ('ham the U icm-Io is t on id to run ea-ier and go up inclines that could not
posHlidy he climbed by a"y otner style of ISicycle.
An Ounce or Darroi;9tr..tion is Ail Rucycles are Magazina Self-Oiling
Worth Founds of Argument. and Run without attention.
Racjolus I'.iJo luriher and Faster with Lets work.
Paddock's Bicycle Den.
I Buy Anything
Yt;u may li;-.vo Koine nriii IcJ ainonu your pons-eeNionn that you have no use
for and never will hnvu tuc for why not convert them into cash. I pay you
rash for them. If you nre Koir K to move away let me buy your household, I will .''VB you Rood prices.
Scaing Machines for r"iil and (or stile.
Goods Sold on tho Installment
i 1 1 is i :rv- vp
Tho (icciliiiuliili'J wisdom oi ten
p-iii-i ations't kei p a hoy from
i'.'iliii '..reen Apple". Yoa can
talk to him till yi.11 ;.te tirul, lint
It will do no jjood. lie bimpiy
chix.i-m-e. l!o
can't learn f 10:11 am i Inns: but loud
pit-ol-ttie- s:!oti
mu't have his own heliv p.-h .- Ii fme he will relieve what y n lt-11 bim. Now,
men ai e just hoi si nrn-n up. ll isn't ieen apples any hwgt-r, but it's the
satii" old comedv'wltli n, it ...periiis. It's the question, perhaps, of a Mower.
It'e the oid ctiit.i.-ra t -tliiia; value wiihont cost. It's the Mower which "is
ju't t'sj'ood an the D-borne." And the lesscm is only learned after Ihe loss
of niar.y dollais yon niinht have earned. Why not use the yicen-apple com
mon pense tliat you hurned as n boy?
1 1:i fihvitiT, Oil, l'.iiut-i iljiM-:, Fitrnt Iim-Iemt'iitM.
I Vrrur 0 h ami I stivel.
K. A
- m:usi
The Great Drama of Humanity
U If
A Story oi the Sunny South; Mingled with Laugh
tor, Tears, Sentiment, Pathos and Song, will be
presented at the
Grants Pass Opera House Saturday, May 3d.
I'opulnr I'l-iot-w.
Is essentially a human play. Throbbing with romance
and sentiment.
Noti.e it Leieliy n i I will not
be te'in'h:p for a.iy dehis contracted
by in y a:!,., M.s. U.rtie Klshr.-e.
March , lt-02. 11. K. Kihkk.
A urn
The World's Best Bicycle
a Sphere of its own.
- - -- i i uc
A Stan-lard High-Grado
With 24 Tooth Front sprock
et aud an 8 Tooth Rear, Mak
ing a 84 GEAR.
Note the enormous increase
in the strain 011 the chain with
entailer sprockets and aU inch low
er !ear than thofeol the Kar.yclrs.
l)nlei. it has a Hn-ycle Hanger,
suit of clothes, and a watch eught
to io with such a .wheel.
must he a corresponding less compression
i ;B inci. eii.i.i. .n-c. u ,. ,,11 iue
M. Davis,
Front St. Secon.l-Hand;Store
wi wi c3 r.
A fT.
?& , &
11. s;oii3iurr.
of Players
- :mtn:j -
Jest Receiving
A new stock of Go Carts for
the Babies. Expect Ibetn
this week. Have also just
roctived some ellegaut M
tmgs at reasonable prices
A. U. IJannard.
Nrih Side.
Viuldi A Sharp Ax.
Millions marvel at the ninltitud0'
maladies cut otr bv Dr. King'l
Life fills the most distressing t00
S'oniach. I.iver and Botrel tronble',
li'tpri, Ijiss of Appetite, Jann. M
Itiliousness, t'erer. Malaria, all fall
fore thee wonder worker. 2os. at
Kreratr's dm itore.
I U 30 TOOT 1 X. :
iUwtJ;-! aC
mtueky ime