Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 17, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rateei
One Year, in advance,
Bii Months,
Ttree Months, ...
dingle Copies,
Notice I hereby given that on July 1,
10O2, the subscription rate of the Consul
will beriedto fl-SO per year. Anywuo
py their sutncriptinn now get the ben
elitof tiie cheaper rale.
Advertising Races
Fornished on application it the office, or
by mail.
Pbopb. & Mnob
Entered at the post office at 0 rants Ps-s,
Oregon, aa second-class mail matter.
County Clstk Uoy Bartlett needs no
other recommendation (or re-election
than his record as an officer. lie Is tin
moit thoroughly and universally satialact
ory county clerk that ever filled thatofllce
In this county and if other counties ever
secure more perfect officials, they are
fortunate indeed. In addilioa to the
accuracy with which hs attends to every
detail of his work, he is courteous and
obliging tosveryons snd at all tines
and is never worked or rushed into a
condition of crankiness. He is an un
tiring and faithful worker in the affairs
of his ffice. Nominated by the republic
ans, he is elected by votes from all
parties. Third terms ars rare and out
ol the usual order, but so also ars county
clerks like Roy Ilartlett and the two
should go togstber.
May 2 ) is the dais set for the evacuation
of Cuba by United States troops and the
machinery of government will be turned
over to the Cubans. In spite ol opinions
and assertions to the contrary, this
govsrnment is proceeding stsadly and
with as much dispatch as Is prudent,
towsrd the fulfilment of its pledges in
regard to Cuban independence. It Is
doubtful I if there is another of the so
called great nations In all the earth
that would, of its own trie will relinquish
a piece of territory once In it clutches.
It shows that tbs government of the
United States has a conscience and a
ssnse of right in more than the ordiosry
measure among nations. Id this re
gard, as in many others, it Is the best in
the werld, and the people should appre
ciate the (act and encourage the spirit.
Senator Mark llanna has, it Is said,
dreams of the republican presidential
nomination in 1804. The dream will in
all probability nsver become a reality.
The senator Is one of those who are far
stronger in conventions than in else
tions. In his case it would be an easier
matter to be nominated thin elected.
Roosevelt, on the other hand, might
eiperlsncs difficulty in conveatlon, but
in the election would sweep everything
before him. Mark llanna is In many
respects a very remarkable man, lie is
a man of great strength and ability.
Aa a public man, bs has been maligned
past alt reason and until the public,
tired ol the' continual abuse which was
heaped upon him, Investigated the man
and found that he was not nearly so
black at hs was painted. Then, in a
sort of reactionary feeling, It took him
Into somewhat higher favor. In these
later days, when demsgnguns Indulge In
the wild abuse of llanna which at one
time would have evoked cheers, the
public turns away with a feeling il
weariness. It has been an Involuntary
admiration for llanna for standing
unmoved and unbleuched sgainat the
fierce storm of abuse that was heaped
upon hiin until, to a great extent, he
overcame it. Yet the Idea of llanna aa
president Is entertained very glngorly in
the peyular opinion, llanna, while he
possesses manv of the qualities which a
piesident should have, yet slaads as the
siponent of institutions which the
American people would regret to see
become absolutely douunent. lie is
identified with the unleellng spirit of
cold commercialism and ol political
machinery and methods which to say
the leaat, are subject to criticism, lie
does not diacetu, as Roosevelt so plaiuly
does, tbsl the obligations between man
and man reach far beyond the limits of
the question uf dollars and rents.
Oregon Tleh Ltws.
For the benefit of the fishermen and
others who have friends who are fisher
men, we republish extracts lor the fish
laws which will be well for you to read:
It shall be unlawful lor any person to
take, catch, kill or have in possession
any trout except salaaun trout, during
the months ol November, December,
January, February and March ol each
year and It shall be unlawful for any
person to take, catch or kill or have in
possession at any time trout, char or
salmon leas than five inches in length;
and It shall be unlawful lor anv Derson
to take, catch or kill at any lime In the
waters of this state any trout by any
means whatever except with hook and
Hue; any person fishing with book
and line who, upon lifting the sains,
shall flud any trout, char or salmon of
less than five inches in length caught
or entangled thereon shall immediately,
with care and the least possibls injury to
the fish, disentangle and let louee the
same, and transmit the fiili to the water
without any violeuce.
It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for
ealo, or have in possession for sals or
exchsnge, any species of trout at any
It shall be unlawful for any person at
any time to lake, kill or capture, or at
tempt to take, kill or rapture, any trout
between one hour alter sunset and one
hour before sunrise.
It shall be unlawful for any person te
taice, kill or capture mure than one
hundred and tweuty five trout in one
The penalty of violating any of the
above provisions la a flue not leas than
JO nor more than $100 together with
the coat of the prosecution, or he 1m.
prison merit In the county jail not lets
than ten days nor more than fifty days,
t be punished by both such fine aod
To Care a Cold ! . n..
VeLeialive liromn
nSXiU refund k- . ..
V ro .
w ui vurv il it laiia
n. urovii tts.i.. a.
rW w w vv w
J We art. giving away to our customers some handsomely dec-
We art. giving away to our customers some handsomely dec
orated, band painted China with cash purchases.
Buy your goods of us and gc-t a
Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FREE.
We earnestly ask you to call and inspect it. "You will surely
want it.
Red Star Store.
Front street, oppo Depot,
Hydraulicklnf Continues.
Although spring baa arrived with her
warm days and cloudless skies, the
placer miners of the many Josephine
districts still keep on their rubber boots
snd continue to dig up the little yellow
grains. The heavy, rains of last week,
snd those previously, so thoroughly
soaked the ground, and supplied the
creek a and streams that the hydraulic
mines hsve yet a good long run ahead.
Many ol the larger mines ol tialice,
Illinois and Grave creek, will operate
steadily till June, and some will be able
to run with ressrvolr head until July.
In spite ol the tardiness ol the season,
the placer mining season for Southern
Orsgon this year has been exceptionally
good. It is estimated by thine who
know, that the output of placer gold
(roaa Josephine county this season will
be GO per cent greater than that of any
season in the past. This means ampin
prosperity for Grants Pass, the (iueen
City of the Rogue.
The Granite Hill Strike.
Prof. W. H. Hampton, of the Colum
bia, returned a lew days ago from bouse
creek where he bad made an exami
natioa of the Granite Hill mine and
strike. He confirms the flattering re
ports that have been made concerning
the recent discovsry at this mine. The
ledge has been uncovered to s depth of
130 lest and has widened to five feet.
Much of the rock lairly glitters with Irre
gold particles aside from carrying high
values in sulphurets. Tbe bulk of the
rock will run Into the hundreds per ton.
During tho past week wo liavo opened up
Now Shirt Waists in Whito ami l.'olors.
Now Silks for Waists anil Ti-iminins.
Now Whito Goods Kmliioirnrii'K and Liecs.
New Neckwear in OliilToii ami Net Hud's.
Tins, Fancy Collars
New Summer C'orsits of Ihiliste, in Pink, I'.luo and
New Kid (Ih)Vts in the latent shades
New Umbrellas and Parasols in W hile and
Now Walking Skirts,
Wo aro showing a very pretty, up-to-date line of Wash
Shoes and Furnishing (loods
F.ureksx Being Equipped.
Two 5-stainp Hammond mills and
a quantity ol other machinery has ar
rivsd at the Grants l'ass depot and is
being conveyed to the Kureka mine, ol
the Soldier creek district. The Eureka
mine is another ol the Southern Oregon
quarts propertiea, which by systematic
and thorough development, has proved
itself to be a mine nf vast promise and
magnitude. A few years ago the I'tueke
was bought by Kareka, Cal people fur
$J7 ,000 cash down. These people more
rsvsntly bonded it for a much greater
sum to the Victory Oold Mining Co ,
of Chicago, The latter-named com
pany iscoaiised f a number nl wealthy
ou enterprising men, ami an. .Ik tium
the Eureka they also own the Victory
hydrenlic mine, ol Cow creek canyon, j
and other miuimr nrooerii.. in s.,.. ,.,. i
The Victory Hold Mining Co. have
well developed the Eureka. They have
sunk their main shall to a depth ol tin
Ml and drifted extensively from varum.
levels, uncovering a body of high
ore The ledge exposed has a w.d.h ,.f !
eight leel and carries average values oil
15 iir n
., ,n' . . '
lbel .ve that the tui.k. will be l
com. the richest quart, mine in
Southern Ore eon. M a tiromlmmi i:rm i
l'ass man remarked on the street It,
week. "1 know of no other mine in
this section that shows a greater hdv ol
oreeanying high values from wall to
The Eureka men made a failure at
working the mine, merely from the (act
that they equippe-l it with the wrong '
kind of mill. They installed a roller i
mm and il was soon battered up and put
out of Business by the hard, tough
Nil 13 !
quartz. Roller mills are good only in
porphyry or decomposed quart.. The
present managers are men of enterprise
and ineamt. They will tqulp the Euiek
in such a way as to work It to its limit
and make Hie proberty one of the li ad
ing bullion producers of tho state.
Machinery (or Bonanza.
A 411-horne power compressing engine,
three boilers, and a quantity of oilier
miii'ng machinery has arrived in (irants
I'ass for the Oregon llinanza mine of
the William's distiict, anil manuger HI,
John is having the new equipment trans
ported to his properly in the Williams
valley. The compressor is the largest
ever brought to this section. It was
built by the Sullivan Co., of Chicago.
Mr. St. John is making a big mine ol
the UrrgoN Bonanza. il has uncovered
a K.rat body of ore ami fuels confident
that there is plenty more in sight. He
says that if t horn is to bs hut ono mine
In Oregou it will be tlm Ilouauz4.
$3000 More From Roevrlng
Mr. Mendenhall, Hie recent purchaser
of the lioaring Gimlet mine, of the
Kanes crock district, has made another
cleanup at his new property, taking out
i.iiuj. Mr. Mendenhall recently pur
chased the Roaring (limler of Koese A
Sutton for $10,01)0 and since that has
taken out nearly (nice that amount.
The Roaring (iiinlet lias possibly pro
duced mors genuine sensations and rich
pocket ledges, during its career, than
any other mine in Southern Oregon.
Acorn Stoves at Cost at Wolke's.
Comtny Fivi-nfa
April II-:'. - Fiipatrick dramatic com
pany at Opi-r hoti-iv
Mav l-Uian I hall by A ilea Circle at
t'peia home.
Mav :l-"0:,l Kentucky 11 imo" at the
opera limine.
Mav l.'t Teachers' annual co'intv Insti
tute. Mav III Wiedeman's
opera h'ue.
Sli-w, at
HI? 1)
A 1MN - In tins cilv.
II, Mrs. Ariiienu
Mn lay April
A'sin, s si
The Innetat of M.a. A'ln cured at
the M. E chnii li, I' te m ftfruo"ii.
I Kev. M.-IVi, ;,!!, f il,. M I! elmrch.
land Captain l.i.l l.e, ,.' t'.e salvat- n
A'"' oui,-iatig I'
laid to i..t at the Gt.u
--lottos wee
te II I, ce'i.eterv.
Mrs A'kin lis-hen a rcsut o! of this
lection lor l'J Vi'srs. II r son II. W.
Aikiu w ot the only retat ve of tie
decef.l in s.-ntheiu Oregon.
your Kvo Nod ,,,, ?
r. , ,.,.,, , kll
,H..,. ,,.,, ,., s l wi.o., .ho
- i,- . i .
visited I mum lass in my limes before
' here now slopping at the Western
,, ,,. , ,,, ,r , rk or
. Tho-e ho were previouVv tli.,,1
letwe niade il a chang- is neceM rr free.
Call on hmi, or leave word nt the hotel
for him to cU at our nvdeiice Ex
amination fne.
Hojd I'ainck lui l I Ins interest i
H e lent 1'li. to Imi.i.,. to Kd liano, an I
li i $ oie to 1', n'nn d l. oik in th S. 1".
fen -e g. g. ti-.. -..,. snd John MH-k
have a:-o gone to I' rtland (or tlm same
The Ho.yme.kera.
A fairly numerous and very appre
ciative audience gree ted the first pre
sentation of the cantata, 1 The Hay
mskers" br the Cho'al Union on Tues
day i-vi-ning. Tlit can'ata is a ucr
sio i ol haymaking sencs, covering a
perin.l of I " days on ihe farm, di p ci
iiiin!ih vari i n on--ati ms of ihe i d
laahi med mi-! ho Is of iiiakii.g h y. T!i
ruu-ic Mi i-a.-li sc-ioe in iircripiive ;
of tho tliemi i: t i- o' n hr;g'il a d j
livrflc eh r.
Thee" t un " e'.iitV, and in n.
o( ihi-m! e-ji'-'i'tiy 'h -son liv Hi wre ver p.--"y All were t-.o-
proi.ilate in. I I r it - o in- 'pint ol the
plav. 'I'lie n ois'S. I'Hii in ii iinh-r.
-tiined their pat in evrry case with
life, animation and vigor. J. 11. Istiani,
aa the tanner ' g his lines in a pleasant
voice, full of vim and spirit. The lead
ing soprano part, 1 1 at ol "Mry," tie
lirmer's daughter, aas taken by Miss
Cirrie White. She has a marked ability
power and compass snd in addition
her voice has a raiely beautiful quality
that makes her singing especially er-
j yable. Perhaps her beet number w ;i
Ihe song with chorus accompanheent,
All Nature Now Kej dcas," in which
she am enthusiastically encored. Miss "Amu," "Mary's " sis
ter was no lees a luvorite wi n me
audience. 1'urity and pleasant sweei-
ihss of voice gave her songs a moil
charming quality Miss Maggie Meade
ialaya a favorite. She assumed the
character of "Katy" the dairy maid, and
receivid a vigorous encore which mani
leted the appreciative reception by the
audience of her solo, tho "dairy maid's
song." "William" the tenor, was por
trayed with ability and spiii; by Oeorge
Cramer. Tne duet by "William" and
"Anna," "1.0, the Clouds aro Iireakin"
was one of the best numbers of the can
lata'. "John," the liars, was portrayed
by A. K. Voorhics. (Extreme modest)
forbids any comment.) The part ol
Knipkins, the city duilu was very abl)
taken by V. 1. Cramer, and much
amusement, as well as pleasure wai
afT iriled In his portrajal ol ihe greenest
possible specimen of the genus. About
40 voices carried tho choruses wiih ac
curacy and vigor, their commendable
work reflecting a great deal of credit on
the thorough truiniag received undei
the directornhip ol II . C. Kinney. The
success of the cantata was furthered in
an immeasurable degree by the perfect
work ol the accompanist, Miss lielle
A second rendition of "The Haymak
ers" is to be given on Wednesday even-
TraJncd Animtxla.
For the past 15 years the name ol
Norria A Howe has been a household
word from Ihe Atlantic to the l'acific
coasts. Each succeeding year thaee en
terprising amusement managers have
brougt out for the delight of the public
a greater and far better entertainment.
Each aucceuding year saw magnificent
improvements and enlargements, lly
the support of an appreciative audience
the management has been able to
establish their show upon such a firm
lia-ie, and build it up to its present size.
I ho season of 1!'0.' of the Noma &
Kowe shows will mark a new and dis
tinct departure in the trained animal
Among (ho leading sutures are lie
great triple baby elephant act in which
Kargo, Puke and Hero are actors. Snl
tun and Sultana, the two lions, are the
only animalsof their kind in tho world
which have trained to perform feats
upon horseback while riding at full
speed around the ring, Hen llur and Sadi
Ali, to Siberian camels are grotesque
creatures of Ihe desert which perform
with llos ludicin and I. a uas.
The new school of seals are moat on-
iiestionably tho most wonderful of the
kind ever seen.
These and many more pleasing ads
tend to make the Norria ti Kowe trained
animal shows the preiuior organisation
rf its kind in the world.
rhis wonderful exhibition will be seen
in tin city April 2o
Acorn S'oves and Kiuges cheap at
Wondvill Presbvterle.r Church
line war ago the -tut of th:a month a
coiniiilUec ol tile l'resbyterv ol South
ern Oregon, ol which Kev. C W. Hays
was chairman, visi'rd Woodville and
organ. a I'leshyterian church with
11 uienibi rs. The orgsnii iliou was the
result ol work done hr Kev. I. U
rinotts, the Sund.i- school missionary.
Soother denomination had established
ork m WiU'dville and the Presbyterians
were cordially weh-oined. Church
' rvices were held ill the school houe
at s.atrd intervals, Kev. S. II, Jones of
Jacksonville preaching.
Mr. Stevens kiud'.y presented a li t
TOxltS (cet, and others interested cir
culated a sulisciiptloii paHar and re
ceived pledges to the amount olt.U0.
The I'resbyterian church o( this p!ace
on Suu.Uy morning raised tUV toaard
a building Sunday alteriuMii Rev,
llol', siiidH-al missionarv, and Kev.
lUvs visited vToodville, held servu-es
and installed the olhYers, Mr. Stevens
and Mr. Swaggerty tieing install ruling
eiders. Mr. Swaggerty waa also
iw'leiMeil to represent the church at
1'iesbytery, which wns held at Medford
April l' and III. Six members were
received into the church on Sunday.
Woodville will now toon have a church
building in which to worship.
- a . -
'' -' '. .' ' .. -
Provolt llems. I
(Omitted from last iasue )
I,na Lnaeh cnt rubbing hops
for Ibis season.
(jsorge Fiddler and daughter, of Ash
land, spsut a few days with friends on
I.. C. Hyde, i. Moon and Z-b Hyde
spent a lew days 011 Nine Mile, prospect
inf. We with thdin ijood success.
Lush, fiasy anj brother beirnn work
on their i'iiirtz mine the first of this
m 111th. They have a rich body of ore to
bv1" on.
C.inton Cook Ins heon iloinn eorne
ranching 111 Farris gulch.
The roail workers are b'ny fixing the
waijon road between I'rovolt and Fields
E. N. I'rovolt paired throuuh here
with a nice drove nf young cattle, bound
for the range.
Wo are having rome rain now; it is
just wiiat we want to help our crops
along ; big crops, good times.
Any one wanting blacksmithing done,
ami done cheap, call on iw Smith, he
will be glad to hays you come; he will
do the fair thing by you.
Henry Kehkopf started a crew of men
to work in his hop yard this week.
Tims. Lew man is busy at work on his
father's ranch this spring. They are
putting in considerable alfalfa this sea
son. In I'rovolt valley, a few milss south of
Grants l'ass, are many quartz mines.
The pretty little valley is itself a garden
ol Eden with its green fields, its fruitful
orchaids, and ever blooming flowers;
but up on the side of the surrounding
hills one may see the mouths of nmny
tunnel) opening iuto the mountain
depths, to expose the treasures of yel
low metal that have for ages been hid
ing thors. The Bonanza, Rising Star.
Exchequer, Iono, Iiaby mine, Rone of
Contenlion, Mountain I. ion and a num
ber of other mines of the I'rovolt district,
are opening up daily.
Bcwart of Ointments for Catarrh
Contain Mercury
As mercury will surely destroy the
Snnse of smo'l and completely derance
the whole system when ont"ring it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be ned except on
prescriptions (mm rep ilable pljviciain
as the ils.iuge they will do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manii
factored by F. J. Chksky A Co , Toledo.
O., contains 110 mercury, and is taken
internally and acts directly 00 the bloo.t
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Ca'anh Cure he sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internalli
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J .
CilKNiiV A Co. Testimonials, free
K old by ail Pruggists, "";.
lUll's family Til's ais the bra.
Lel&rvd Silling.
The fiirnii'is nro iihntlntr irardi-n an
till! WiMlller is U 1 1 1 'II J Mill to.
Our wiMihci' pi'iiiihot him l'iiiio in
to the iMiMrii biisini'-, ho If pi-nplo
Wish fteeh Vi'iretllhl.-K th.;V I'll 11 lie
supplied from bia pardon.
Frank Mo"raeken, Virtue it Muok
in's hind clerk, look n lay oil but is
now buck at his old place. Ho in a
vory courteous clerk, especially to
the ladies.
r.iisiness is (,'ood with us, aa the
miners iinvo hail a l'ikk! run. Some
kIiii have short water rights nre
eloniiins.' up, hut those who have
water out of lirtivo eroek will have
Unite a run yet. It, is surprising' what
n l.ii'i;o uniouut of ground l'wis has
wa-hi'd up at the old (iott initio
There is led foot of bank but with
tho iKi foot pressure ho has worked
oil a Urge amount nf irround.
A voice from the north end of the
county sH'iiiies In the Coi kikr rejrard
ing good roads in the Sucker creek
oniinti y, say ing that they have mines
end tiiultT el-o. Now, wo know they
have us good roads there as we have
in till.- end of the county. This prob
ably is wine null company's scheme
to get a county appropriation to
build roads to their timber so they
could haul their product to market.
Hoed roads are e-sonii il in all pans
of the county but to build roads for
tome mill company we think is going
too far We think each precinct
should ho taxed to build their own
roads and then they themselves, will
have the Ivnetlt of tiie roads
As we sil in our cilice we mi 'ook
down lirave creel; v.iliev in d see Ihe tail
gra-s, and the many cattle he. line, ill
niases us think that we should a I
creamery at this place All u laikv it I
enterprise. We have the c nvs, the feed I
and llii! money to build a er.Mini rv. 1
The (jrel Duroil Jamp
O! Virginia is a breeding ground of
Ma. aria geroi. So is ,t or
inaishy ground everywhere These
germs cau-e weKknees. chide and fever,
aches in the hones and muscles, and
may induce dangerous nisladies. But
Ivectric lliitera never fail to destroy
them and cure wialana' troubles The
will surely prevent Uphold. "We tried
many reimdice for Malaria and Stomach
and Liver troubles," writes John
Charleston, o! Byesville, O , ' but never
found snvthing as g.vvl as Khclric
Bitters." Try them. Only toe. IV.
Krenier guarantees ralisftcliun.
Columbia, Hartford
J Bicycles al Cramer Bros.
Wilderville Items.
There Beemi to be considerable tick
nejs at present.
Rev. Hmith preached at the Murphy
school house Sunday at 2: 150 p. tn. and
Rev. Rogers at 7 :30 p. in
(ieorire McCollum is eick with sore
thro-t at present.
Ray Stevens wa1 b-dly hurt hile
helpit-.g to roll a log He lost his foot
ing and fell into the irrigating ditch nui
th log slid on him It was with some
ditri.-ulty that his father raied the log to
get him out. He is gi-tting along nicely.
The irrigating company 'ntend coin-meni-e
cleaning out Ihe ditch the first ( I
next week.
Mr. Orcffird of Giants l'nss wae in
our community Monday; he came to
get Miss Reese and Misi Askew mid
lake tnem to (irauts 1'iss.
Mrs. Heeling was sick at the first
of the week but is better at this
The Wilderville school is progressing
nicely with about 21 pupils daily at
tendance, oO enrolled.
Miss Cieih Askew
and Bertha Reese of
(riends ill Wilderville
of Giants l'ass
K'Ueburg vieKed
Sunday and in-
tended to etay until Thursday but Mis?
Reese was sent for on account of a Hid
den accident to her little bio(lier in
Roseburg ; we did n )t learn the cue ol
ccident or how badly hurt the little
boy was; moet our community are ac
quainted with them.
County Clerk's Seml-Annue.1 Re
port Showing the amount of claims allowed
by the County Court of Josephine Coun
ty, State of Oregon, for what allowed,
the amount at warrants drawn, and
amount of warrants outstanding and un
paid from the 1st day of October, 1001,
to Ihe 31st, day of March, 1902, both
dates inclusive:
Warrants outstanding Oct. lut, -
l'JUl $74,154 Oil
Warrants issued from Oct. 1st,
l'JOl to Apr. 1st, ltlO.':
County Court and Commission-
era s.ilnry
Circuit Court, Juror and wit
ness lees. . .
.luetic Court, leee of Justice,
Const a' le and Jurors
SbenlNuttice, tSa ary "I Mieriu"
ami Depin y
Clerks I Min e, .aUm of 1 1"ik
und liiputv
I'rensuierH Ollice, Salary of
Coroners Ollice, fees
"School Otlp'l Sliy
Ixi-essurs .-mlsrv
! il-.
HI (j
lll'.l '.It.
:"J0 oil
14 ti.'
IS 41
'.'lio 'JO
107 2S
10H0 tl7
0'.) 0
7-SS !i'i
::..t 0.1
!'IS -is
s.i 'io
7'n:0 HO
Aa-CH-nielli, t'oilection
A'hi rtieing taxes
Tax Rebate
Current expenses, books
tionerv, etc
Ci'iut House ex pen-en.
, 8-a-.lani
tor, lights, wtter and fuel. .
Jail expenses, hoard of prison
era Care ol i'aupers
Indigent Soldiers
HriiUes, labor and nmteritl..
Kit: -tion c xpvu s, resist, a; i,,n
Scslfi b iiiniy
Roads and II igo . s
M icei I anions ex ''.-.oes
Es' itiieiet a-ertied
oulsiandiig aaiian'S
Ml.'.'Sd -1
Warninls caiurll, ,! (ro.n Oct.
let, HKil 10 Aptil 1st. p.1,1.) 4:117 04
Cash in hands of (' no'y
Trea-urer applies! le t pay
luenl I'ouiitv Vi-'iiirn ... ;;J7 ol
t'urrent taxes imp n l turiar
I'.'ol 3T.tS.jfJ t o
Amount dun I'oiin v mi t:;x
sales . . f.
h:ki !7
tlli,7;!'.l i-i)
$i'2,vx: bi
Ne' Liabilities
County of Josephine. )
I, R. 1.. Bartlett, County C'e'k of
fose'phitie t'oniity. Sta'e of Oregon, do
hereby certify ihtt the foregoing ij a
true and correct statement of t'e num
ber and amount nf damn allowed by the
County Court ol said Cotinlv for the six
months ending on the .'.let day of .March,
A. IV, llKG, on what account Ihe ssine
are allowed and amount of wtrranis
diawn and am uini of warrants oiitnisiiil
ing and unpaid, as Ihe same appears
upon the lecoids of my oll'ico and 111 my
olli' ial cu-tii l .
Witness my hand
Conn y Court this 1st
and seal t l
day ol April,
County Cuk.
Josephine County Maps.
We ii" have about one dci-n maps of
lost phitie Conniy, p'vkct s u, which we
'' "'il ai 115(1 es.,-11. There lew are
the !..'. "I tbe Joseph, ne County Maps'.
an.l l en these are goi.o ton nillet nu
mote. If you want a 111 p gH il now.
Cmirier OtGce,
At Bod Tlmo
I take a pleasant heib d.riiA, the nei
morning 1 (eel bright and my complex
ion is better. My doctor says it sets
gentlv on the stomach, liver an.l kid
neys, and is a pleasant laistive. It is
made (nun herbs, and i prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane'e Metii
cine. All dr iggists sell it at 25c. an.l
; ROo. line's Family Medicine moves
I the Kwelj each day. If you cannot gel
j '. wad for a free sample. Address,
Orator F. Woodward, Le Uoy, N. Y.
Actual Tests Prove the
No guess work or theory
Our Crank Hanger Does it. Does wtiat ? Makes it Run Easy.
The Only Wheel which saves the Rider's Strength.
Larger Sprocket and Smille-Ch lint
Tlie U-mit ol I'-xpf rinieut and Brains.
In the ful'.owi Usts, one end of chain was tied to the front sprock
et the otl ir ;iiintI to 1 ;i:r. down over the rear sprocket. On the
ncd-il end of th- cratik (firming a lever) was suspended a 150-pound
weiuht The virtous amounts attached to the rear end of the chains
show the t-x.tct nuuiU-r f pounds required to balance, clearly demon
strating the amount of s'nvu on each chain.
r-W All
set ' Ay
&e r-ioonf-r
Tho Racyclo noadstcr
With 30 Tooth Front Sprock
et and a 9 Tooth Rear, Mak
ind a 23 GEAR.
Tho Eost All Arcuud Iloaiter
Ever Buili.
l Less Prw.sure on T-car-ings
than on any Bicycle. lias
from 25 to 75 less strain 011 its
chain than any other Bicycle
of the satue K'-':ir except tiie
tiai'vck' I'acemaiitT.
nun srocisiuX
With I -s" nirutn on ti c ch on il erc iniHtl e a correuiinnding less compression
on III" r';-.,r f.,rk, hob and ' rank h.-aiings. A 'u'-inch chain has been used on the
U.iiM-'i tin tuos v ns anh si aicely a break, while molt maiiufjcturera have ex-poiienci-d
to iihle with 'le-ir clumsier 3-lli arid 'u'-inch chains WHY? Because
small. 1 fr.v.t and le ir S;irccki'is. im reai-es the slrnin on the chain so much thai it
mm! e: li. r lueak or:-. 1st -Hi (rnuie. l.AYINii ASII1'. the chain ond sprocket
argil inert, " still b.iv a clai'ii lor the. Itacn-I- that none have ever dared to refute
ltln'ii:'!i (or tbr. e veaii we have ollercd l,00U 1 1 any one who coma. lir.Kr, Il
ls! Tu. ro is ocr (think of it) less pressure on the fiearinge of the Racycle
Urau'.; 11 oi'.Mr ii. in toero is on anv oth-r chain Bicycle made (birring inlringe-iiii-iiisi.
Willi 1 les ire-u," on its Crank Beatings and many pounds les strain
on its cli-iiii the Kacycle is boil id 10 run ea-ier and go up inclines tint could not
possibly bo 1 limbed )iy any oilier style of Bicycle.
An Oj ice of Demonstration is All Racycles arc Magazine Self-Oiling.
Wj.-tii Pounds of Argument and Run without attention.
; riacjclts Rida Turlher and Faster with Less work.
Paddock's Bicycle Den.
Buy Anything
You may have eoiim artiilo among your pos-essi'ins 'hat you have no use
(or and never will have me fur why not convert them inlo cash. I pay you
cash for them. If yon aro going to move awny let mo buy your household
BO'i'U I will givoymi good prices.
Sewing 'Machine!- for rent and Inr sale.
Goods Sold on tho Installment
ca 1 i.z 1 j
Tiie uiTUftuiiafed wi.-d'iiii o; ten
genera'ions can't keep ahoy from
eating (.l or-ii Apples. You can
talk to him till y 11 am tin d, but
it will do ho good. He simply
can't learn fro n any 'litn; but hard
' icli I si-i'imp, Ho
till t h.le his own
iii(-ii aie j ist I "- s ;
t.-anie o'il c 'int'dv u i
I'll to v 1
l of gelti
It's the o'.l 1 nil
jin.t :is go. d n
IV l,,. (1.1,'ll.n
oj many do l;nR you ::i'i.hi
lip n sen"e tVa' von ! 'i--nt
I 2 ti vi'. ; !, Oil, 1
MilI"K I 'lu ITiil.'.l' V 1'IOS.
Tiinb; r Land Act. .Inn- 1 S7S.
I'll'.t.d Smtis I, mid (Itli.e,
Uiweoiiig, O.Tgi'i, March 111. 1W0J.
Notne is herein i.lV''!t in compli
ance with The piovi-i.rns i f ihe aei of
Collet' s of ,1'ito' ;i, 1S7.S, entitled "An
act fi.r the si eof r Isuds in the s ol Caliio: 11 i :. U i in, Nevada and
Wa-liln-0''i:i l. -ri or ,"' -i- extell'led to
all the I ' 11 1 I : i- I .".el Sines t,y act ol
Ai'.g-st 4, ,.:ij. Mciinn C. Anient, 1,1
(i'-nti's l'rt--, i .".rity of Jnyephiiie, S ate
ot, goo, bus ti 's 'lliv ti 1 1 ill this
ollice h'S sworn t-t if-n.-ot .No L'ltiil.
for the ptlteli.i.;' of I tie S W N K 1 ,'.
S E '4' N W '4', N S V ij ol ttectiun
No. 2, in toniish'!. .S i. a-i S, Range ..').
5 weft, and will 1 li'.-r proof to how t'oal
the land sought is 11010 vaiitiblo for its
lini! tfr or -tiaie 1 lun :g ictiitural pur-po-es,
ami to i'la'n'ish Ins c'a;ni in slid
la'td before t'e K'-Mter and l:-eiver o!
tli.s 1 tli.-.-rtt l". '"i. g, i )-"gon. no Th'irs.
lay, Ihe f li tl .e oi June, 111 '. Me
11. 1 nies as ni(, i. -i;
II. A ('..tils', M"I Aii'lre, Al'ueri
l.ongenb iker, A. H. Aineiit, ull of
t .'en's ra?.
Anv an I a'l per-rns 1 l.iimiug sdvrrsli
1 til
nl.oe .1. -c ib.'.i lnii'U :i-.. r.ii'iisto
to tle ! ri.ici - in thi - di e 011 or he
fore pa d 5 h d iy 1 f June, 1;'0J.
I. 1' l'.il..l;..
For Sa'j Gy
House Furnisher.
IV t i &ry
. A kit (ki I
340 (Hi
VA Id f
iiiio on
!:!' eehe b '
! I'm
The World's Best Bicycle.
a Sphere of its own.
A Standard High-Grade
With 24 Tooth Front f prock
et and an 8 Tooth Rear, Mak
ing a 84 GEAR.
Note the enormous increase
in the strain on the chain with
smaller sprockets snd a II-inch low
er gear than those of the Racycles.
Unless it has a Kacycle Hanger, a
suit of clothes, and a watch eught
to go with stu b a whsel.
Aft T T a-. A IsVI Al.1 V
M. Davis,
Front St. Second-Hand-Store
i z w 1 sSi c 3 1.
he will believe what you tell hiin. Now,
A . TV
It im't green Hp;i!cH uny longer, but it's the
"pi rties. It's the 'pieslion, perhaps, of a Mowi r.
g value without cost. It's the Mower which "is
" And the lesson is only lenrned after the loss
: h.ive Why not use :l,c grecu-apple com
1 lis K boy ?
Al l. KIN'liS CF
'.( ! I ( ; I; ism, Cut-in Iiiit-loiuiMitM.
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to the conclusion that
keeps the best stok of Tooth
Brushes in the county.
Our stock is selected with
the utmost care with an eys
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Brushes from 10c up. You buy
the 10c kind on your own re
sptmsibility. Front 25c up, we
will guarantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brush
will not come out. A good
brush will outlast half a dozen
poor ones.
Slover Drug Co.
Opposite Pepot.
l'ian.'t Jr. garden tools at Cramer
llrown horse 15-3 hands high, weight
lr.i) pounds, six years old; sired by Al
tamont ofiX), sire of Chshalis 2 OVi M
Norte 2 1.0, Klla T S.CK'j", Dock Sperry
2. 8, l atlimont 2 Oti'4, Alameda 2.09.l4y,
Alto 2 li.'4, and 3i) others. Pam, Hleepy
Ka'e !dm o( Belle Air 2 14 and Altena
2.2() by Mike 30.1. Urand dam Kib
bon by Vermont 322.
Ponomore is ons of Ihe finest finished
hnrees in the state and with little train
ing is s very promising tiotter. May be
found at (ialvin A Smith's barn, Grants
l'ass, Oregon. Terms, (f 10.00 by the sea
son, one at first service.