Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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No. at.
: i
' 't
Judge Abe Axteil
Commissioners Jj,m
, , INick Thoss
Clerk K. L. Bartlett
Deputy Clerk T. 1. Judson
bhsnrl Ed Later
Deputy Sheriff Ernest Lister
Treasurer J.T. Taylor
tjcnool riupt Lincoln Karaite
Assessor chas. Crow
Hurveyor H C. Perkins
Coroner T. A. Hood
Roariniaster tJeo. W. Lewis
Mayor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. Johnson
City Attorney C. E. Mavbee
Marshal John LoP tiardt
Street riupt John atrick
Count ilmen Geo. H. Br ns
A. U. Hough. J. II. William, C.
E. Harmon J. A. Kelikopf, Harrv
Lewis, Herbert (smith, llenry Schmidt
Grants Pass Lodge A. F. & A. M., No.W.
regular communication first and third
Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited. 11. C. Hobizim, W. ii.
A. J. Pixx, Sec'y.
Royal Arch Masons Keames Chapter No.
28 meets second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hall. L.L.J swell,
J. E. Pstxhsoji, Secy. H. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 20
meets tirst and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mas. H, Zolhr.
Mas. Axn M. Holhah, W. M.
I. O. O. K, Golden Rule 1-odge No. 78,
meets every Saturday night at I. O. O.
F. ball. Ua M.Davis.
T. Y. Dixit, Secy. N. 0.
1'aran Encampment I. O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
1. O. (i. F. hall, Fukd Schmidt,
T. Y. DitAW. Sec'y. C. P.
Kebekaha Etna Rebekah, No. 4!, meets
second and fourth Monday, I. O. O. F.
hall. Kssia Haktuai, N.O.
Mrs. J. H. Dxbibok, Secy.
Cnited Artisans-Grants Pass Assembly
No. V.I, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. U. W. hall. F. K. Wxst.,
Fasn Minsch, Master Artisan,
Woodmen of the World-Rogue River
( amp No. So, meets second and fourth
Wednesdays at Woodman Hall.
Jai. Siovkr,
C. E. Maviike, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
lx'2, meets first and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall,
Estklla lir.nnv, N. 0.
W. E. Dkah, Clerk,
' Modern Woodmen of America Grants Pass
Camp No. U)7 meets 2nd and 4th Friday
Evenings at A. O.U.W. hall at 7::W W.M.
Chas. 11. Marshall. V. C.
N. Rcjrnolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. is, meets each Wednesday except
the tirst, at A. O. U. W. ball.
J. P. Hai.1, C. R.
G. N. Dolt, V. H.
Josephine Lmlge, No. 112 A. O. II. W.
nieets in A. (). f. W.hall, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
J. It., M. W.
B A. iTARABn, Recorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, I), of H.. A. O.
I!. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O U. W. ball. Dixon
buildinr. Mas. A. McCabthv.
Mrs. Lydia Diak, C. of H.
Knights nf Pvtbias Thermopylae No. 60,
meets each Tuesday night 7:30 I. O.
(. F. hall. J. T. Chuusse,
Ton Williavs, 0. C,
K. of It and S.
Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Logan
Pol No. :(, meets brst Wednesday at
A.O. C. W. hall. J. E. 1'ktbkson.
Alie AxTKLt. Adjt. Cum
American Order of Steam Ifngineers, Ore
gon Council No. 1, meets lirst and
third Saturdays, at A. O. IT. W. hall.
Wat. H Kinney,
Hwj. F. Mykick, Chiel Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Office, corner rooms Tuffs' building,
Phone No. ttesiilenc. Kuykemiall
house, A st. near 2d, fiione No. 1.
Hours 0 to 12 a. m.: 1:30 to 5:110 p. m
Bigtit calls at resilience.
Piacticeain all State and Federal Conrti
Uffice over Firit National Bank.
GaiXTS Pari,
Estate of James O. McUre, Deceaied
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, administrator of the estate of
James O. McOee, deceased, to the
crediiort of, and all persons having
claims against the said deceased,
t exhibit them with th necesrary
voactien, within six month! after the
drat publication of tbii notice, to the
aaid administrator at bis residence at
William!, in tbie, Josephine County,
Oregen.oral the office of Abe Axteil,
the i'roba e Judge, at Grants Pass, in
laid County. C. W. Mutiaa,
A'liuinnlia'-or of the estate ol James
0. Mctiee, deceased.
Dated at Grants Pan, Or., Feb. 13
190i. x
Notice) to Contribute.
To 1. R. Reevei :
So lice is hereby given by the under
limed, your co osruer in the placr min
ing claims situated in the Silver creek
nnniBt district, Josephine county, and
knosm ai claims No. t and No. S, located
bvA. J.Cubel Thoe. Crotle and J. R.
Keeveaontbe anh day of April, 1S97,
the aottre of which ii recorded at page
463 and 404, Vol. 10, o! the mining
record! of Joeepbine county, Oregon;
that an less yoo contribute and pay to
the aaid undersigned co-owoer within
ninety day! from the date ot the Brat
publication of this notice, the eum of
Te Hundred and Sixty-Six Dollars
(t;06 00) the aaooe being yeur portion
of the cewt of annual labor done oo aaid
clain.e in order to protect the title tbere
te during Ibe years lS'JH, Hyy, 1'jOO aod
IWOI, your ooe-third inureet in the two
cia.ius will be forfeited to yoor co-owoar.
Taue. Cbotts.
January 23, 1902.
Furmtar and Piano
Tim popular barber hp
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Bil
verwear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart Bangles,
Clement' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
Well Matched
Ifvou have a good team, why
not have a good harness to match?
Get the best you can find for the
If you investigate before you
buy, we are pretty sure to sell you
a set of harness.
All other horse goods up to the
same standard.
John Hackett
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Tranructs a general Hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check nr on
Our customer are assured of courteous
sistent with sound hanking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States.
Special Attention given to Collection! and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. BOOTH. Pres.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres.
H. L. (J11.KEY, Cashier.
Bsioty of Finish, Quality ef Material,
the simplest, most complete and best
pert teacher!, easy payments, old machine! taken in exchange, the fullest possible
guarantee, one million, five hundred thousand happy, satisfied users, thirty years
of arc sss, eouiteooi treatment what More
We have ether makes of machines,
Setae good second band machine cheap.
eii, attachments and repaira. New machine! for rent.
Den'l think of buying a Sewing Machine antil yoo have teen the New Ball
Bearing "Whits"
We lay "The 'White' U King" of Sewing Machine! and Bicycles. Call, tele.
phoDe er write and let na prove it.
Main Office, 300 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
J. Wolke,
Iam prepared to turnlih anything
Nearly thirty years ot ex perianee la
that I can fill your orders in tbe very
Can furnish work in Scotch. Swede
Front Street, Kelt to Greene' Omaabow.
Every Grain Kills. At
M. Clemens
Oppe. Optra Nous.
Council! initituteil In any part of the
State desired. Write'for circulars, objects
of Order and information to
Benj. F. Myrick,
Deputy Supreme Chiel Eagincer,
This denature Is oo every boa of the genuine
Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tablets
care a cold la ear
demand certificates.
treatment and everv consideration con
R. A. 1100TH, Vice-I'res.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
950,000 OO.
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle.
Makes the "White" the
Easiest Running Sewing
Machine Made.
Cltganct e( Design, the 6neit workmanship
tet ef attachment!, full instruction! by ex
Can Tew Aixr
without ball bearings, new, very cheap
All kinda ef sewing machine Needles
Grants Pass, Ore.
In the line ofCemsUry work in any kind
the Marble bostness warrant any sayiog
best manner.
er American Granite or any kind of
County Court Doinge.
In the matter of the road petiton ot
A H Carso j, et al, np Applegate river
from the Swinden place, the following
named persons were appointed viewer!,
Wm H Swinden, Wot Hayes and II L
Reed and II 0 Perkins, eurveyor.
The clerk's statement of scalp boun
ties issued from Jany. lit, to April lit,
1902, amounting to (172 00 wai ap
Opinions iu the collection el road
poll tax filed by Able Axteil, and A E
Realties, Diet. Attorney.
' In the matter of the road petition of
Q W Lewis, et al, for wagon road in
road dist. No. 12, down Applegate river
on the east side. It was ordered that
Wm Alfred, J U Colby and Geo Cronk
are appointed viewers and H C Perkins,
surveyor, said viewers and surveyor to
report their findings at Ibe next term
of the county court.
James Holman, Justice of the Peace,
resigned and C SI a j bee appointed jus
tice to serve until bis successor is duly
elected and qualified.
W A Klum appointed Justice of the
Peace for Mt Reuben precinct.
In the matter of road petition of Pav
idBouretal, for wagon road in road
dist. No. 13, Kerby precinct, the report
of the viewers and surveyor was accept
ed and road ordeied opened.
In tbo matter of road petition of L L
Jennings, et al, for wagon road down
Rogue river, the report of the viewers
and eurveyor was accepted, A Hollo
way was alloed $75 00 damages also
E F Hanniim (150 00 damages, and
road ordered opened.
Petitions filed for the establishment
of a county high school to be voted up
on at the next general election.
Resolutions filed in regard to improv
ing the wagon road between Grants
Pees and Waldo, said matter to come
up at the next meeting of the county
The following bills were audited and
ordered p.iid:
Witness Ives circuit couit $ 22S 80
Jurors fees circuit court Jany
term 3.ri8 20
P II llartb & Son, nirfpe psupers 20 60
Vt II Haoagup, medical attend.
pauper 63 60
F K llowersox, medivil attend.
pauper CO CO
W 11 Flanagan, medical attend.
pauper 8 00
W H l-'laiiagan, medical attend.
pnuper 9 60
W II Flanagan (3) insane exam.
pauper 10 00
Lister & Calvert, livery hire
paupers 9 50
Eit Lister, stamps 13 05
Kil Lister, board of prisoners. . 132 24
Thoe. liutts, nidse, pauper i 00
II C Hohzien, " " n 60
I II Miller, " " 18 00
W F K.remer, " " 47 95
J L Myers, tax remittance 5 00
11 (J 1'eikins, uiakinn plat bel-
ma precinct 6 00
Chas Decker, mdse pauper.... 11 9O
Geo H fnhnsoti, care pauper... 2 00
Isaac W Holmes, road work. . . 3 00
R bowel, draw, iurv list Kerby
precinct 3 00
C T Payne, ami. jury list Kerby 2 00
A N McVey, " " " 2 00
F X I.eClnir, road work 3 U0
Geo W Kearns. fees coroners
inquest 22 00
T A Hood, coroners fees inqueBt 28 50
Baker Ilros, Washing Co. charge
(prisoners) 1 4(1
I M Davis, mdse paupers 3 66
G A Savage, asst. teachers exam 12 00
J P McOonnell, " " " 12 00
Williams Bros & Kendall, lum
ber bridges '. 4 32
Pacific Blank liook Co., station
ery 14 55
John Steelquist, bridge wort.i 3 00
Claus Schmidt, mdse paupers.. IB 00
A U Rnnnard, mdse paupers. . . 38 00
K O McOronkcy, mdse paupers 2 40
Glass A I rudhouime, elatiouery
A blank books II So
J II Marshall mdse pauper .... 3 50
VV J Soverns, mclse pauper.... 2 So
Grants PaBS Now Water Liitht
& Power Co.. water and light 24 30
Geo E Good, (ward of jurors... 0 50
.lames Holman, Justice ol tne
Peace, state vs Clarkson 8 75
j U Handle, constable lees, state
vs Glarkson 3 40
Welsh, wit. fees, state vs
Clarkson 100
C K Williams, wit lues, state vs
Clarkson 1 00
I M Davis, wit. feee, S'ate vs
Clarkson. 1 00
John Patrick, wit. fees state va
Glarkson 1 00
James Holman, Justice lees,
slate vs Phillips 3 20
C Handle, constable lees.
state vs Phillips 3 10
Ins. Holman, justice fees, state
vs Heller 0 mi
J C Handle constable fees state
vs Heller 17 90
G 11 huiitli. wit. lies, state va
Heller I W
Oliver Milei, wit. fees, state va
Heller OK
J L Cox, wit, lees, state vi Hel
ler 0 10
L Flood, wit. fees, state vs Hel
ler 6 Oft
James Holman, justice fees,
s'ate vs bumner 2 95
James Holman. justice feel.
state vs Jackson V 7
J C Kindle, constable fees,
state va Jackson 5 70
Jsi. 11 Chiles, wit. feel, state vs
Jackson 1 00
Robt. Babur. wit. fees, elate vi
Jackson 1 00
John Lock hard. wit. feel, state
va Jackson I UU
The quickest relief for a
cold is by Scott's emulsion of
cod-liver oil.
You will find the edge taken
off in a night; and, in three or
four days, youll be wondcrin
whether that cold amounted to
anything anyhow.
That's relief. If you tackle
it quick, the relief is quick ; if
you wait, the relief won'
come you know how cold
hang on.
WTt iml s lkils la try. U yo lis.
JCOTI 4k bow ME, t fsarl sum. Km Ysrk,
E W Chiles, wit. fees, state vs
Jackson 1 00
Chas. Crow, assessors salary to
Apr. ist, 1902 arlN uo
J H Booth, abat. ot final proofs 1 00
Lincoln'Savage. stamps 6 00
Goo. Cronk. digging graves,
pauper 8 00
Henry Gaoss, road work, road
diet. No. 4 C3 50
P W Van Dyke,(2ineaneexam 1000
F W 'an Dyke, rued, atten.
pauper... 75 00
Wilson merchantile Co., mdse '
pauper 60 60
Glendalo Pharmacy, mdse pau-.
pen 0 00
Geo. W Lewis, sal, as road mas- -
ter to Apr. 1st 82 60
Oregon Observer, printing 16 50
Arthur uooklin, tax remittance 1 64
Ase Womack, bridge work 2 00
Abe Axteil, stationery, postage,
eto 10 00
Rogue River Courier, printing 46 05
M. Clemens, stationery i8 60
M Clemens, mdse pauper 21 20
Slover Drug Co., mdse pauper 10 tiO
W E Dean & Co., mdse pauper 10 05
Chaa. Hart, road work 20 00
Milt lieynolds, care paupers... 24 00
Glass A Prudhorame, registra
tion blanks, blank books, etc. 71 08
Irwin-Hodson, blank books.... 13 70
I M Olnlea, mdse paupera Is 00
W W Wither!, sheriff fees,
state vs McCann 3 00
Cynthia Rimer, wit. fees justice
cour; 1 40
C A Gil more, mdse pauper 32 so
Sugar Pine Door A Lumber Co.,
mine pauper 1 60
vv A Klum, road .supervisor
dist. No. s 20 00
Wm Alfred, work on rosd 2 00
J II Colbv, " " ' 2 00
B O McCuIlocb, surveying road 6 00
Cramer Bros. Mdse roads 22 42
Clive Major, Med attend pauper 15 00
Jerome B Benson, care county
upers tao 26
Colby, woik wagon road
down Rogue river 2 00
Wm Alfred, work wagon road .
down Rogue river 2 00
Wyckhoff. Heamana & Benedict, '
mdse court house 75
Geo K l'heby, viewing wagon
road 3 00
Win Alfred, viewing wagon road 3 00
J H Colby, viewing wagon road 3 00
H O Perkins, surveying and
plat Ill 00
A Rusk, clininman road 2 00
J S Solomon, " 2 0
G W Turner, " " 4 00
John Johnson, axmsn mail 4 00
L L Jenniuge, liagman road 4 00
Robert Crockett, juror coroners
inquest 1 00
J H Pickett, juror coroners in
quest 1 00
Nelson Cole, juror corouers in
quest 1 00
Wm Rnisell, juror coroners in
quest 1 CO
A M Johnson, juror coroners in
quest 1 00
Erank Sexton, juror coroners in
quest 1 00
A A Phillipps, watching body 1 00
Tad Husted, " " 10
W A Hood, asBt coroner 5 00
T A Hood, coroner feci and ex
penses II 25
T A Hood, coroners fees and ex
jiensea 6 00
A S ltoxenbaiiiii, drawing jury
list 1901 and 1002 0 00
Henry Gross asst drawing jury
1901 2 00
Jacob Steiner, asst drawing jury
list 1901 2 00
Dave lhman, a-st drawing jury
list 1W01 and l'J02 4 00
Nick Thoss. com 111 rs salarv 14 40
John Wells, commrs salary 10 flu
Oregon Mining Journal printing 4 60
Uis Allen's Foot Em,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot,
and git tired easily. If you have smart
ing tent or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools the feet, and makes
walking easy. Cures swollen, sweating
!eet, ingrowing nails, blistors and callous
poll. Relieves corns and bunions of
all pain and gives rest and comfort.
Try it to-day. Hold by all druggists and
shoe stores (or 25c. Trial package Free.
Address, Allen B Olmsted, Le Roy, N.Y.
Democratic Pltvtform.
Following is e synopsis of tbe demo
cratic stale platform :
After declaring - adlieranc to the
principles of the founder of th parly
Thomas Jefferson, and deploring the
fact that the government is passing into
the hands of the few, the following
planka, in brief were adopted :
Candidates pledged to give a clean,
capable and economical administration
ol affairs
Opisition to the granting of valuable
franchises without payment by the
Placing of state ofheera on flat salaries
The regulation of railway trade in the
A relief from the burden of class
legislation and the creation by congress
of a department of labor.
A denunciation of the disgraceful
manner in which th republicans have
gerrymandered the legislative districts
of the slat for partisan purpose!
Opposition to trusts and a tariir (or
revenue only.
Free trad (or the insular possessions
of the country and the ultimate in
dependence of th Philippines.
The improvement ol the Columbia
river, the construction of the Celilo
canal, tbe speedy construction of
tbe Nicarguan canal and the ejection of
United htates senators by the direct
vote of tbe people.
Opposition to the ship fubiiily I ill.
Ke-snactment ol the Chinese exclu
sion bill and the passage of a like re
strictive measure regarding th Japan
ese. Opposition to government by injunc
Irrigation ol arid lands by th gen
eral government.
Pensions for all Indian war veterans.
Opposition to railroad combinations.
Nolle is hereby given that I will not
be responsible for any debts contracted
by my wil, Mrs. Gertie F.lsUee.
March 24, IV02. II. . Klsiihh.
Wields A Sharp Ax.
Millions marvel at tba multitude of
mil idle cut off by lr. King's New
Life Pill th most distressing too.
Ktomach, Liver and liowel trouble,
Ilyspepua, Loss ot Appetite, Jaundice,
Bilioume, Fever, Malaria, all fall he
for tbeaa wonder workers. 20c. at Dr.
Kremer drug stor.
Republican Platform.
, The republican party ol Oregon, iu
state convention assembled, proud of its
record and past history, its devotion to
the principles of human liberty and hu
man rights, its great and imperishable
names which lend principles for which
it has contended iu the past in state,
and national affairs and as an assur
ance of its continued fidelity to the great
principles for which it has contended in
tho past in statu and national affairs,
docs hereby make and allirm tho follow
ing declaration of its principles:
The events of the Into war in which
Spain carried us into the Philippine Is
lands. We bold it to bo consistent with
the principles of liberty and of our na
tional lifo that the sovereignty of the
United States should be maintained in
tho islands, under such local self-government
as the people may bo, or may
becomo, fitted to participate in. We
therefore declare aguimt all proposals
looking to the retirement of tho United
States from the Philippine Islands.
That in the war which President
Roosevelt has inaugratcd nguinst tho
gigantic combinations of incorporated
capital he has the united and enthusias
tic support of the republican party of
Oregon. ,
Wo demand and insist upon the pas
SHgaof the bill now eniling in congress
for tho exclusion of Chinese, known as
tha Mitcbell-Kithn exclusion bill,
Wo reaffirm our allegiance to the
principles of protection in necessary
cases of industries still in their infancy
or tumble to complete with foreign pro
ductions. We recognise the right of labor to or
ganise and combine (or mutual protec
tion under the law, and we recommend
that the legiHliituro enact all iiecessary
legislation to protect labor in all lis
rights and privileges, in tho interest of
American labor aud tho upbuilding of
tho workingman as tho corner itono of
the prosperity of our country, wo re
commend that congress creato a depart
ment of labor in charge, ol a secretary,
with a seat in the cabinet.
Wo demand that a lnw bo passed by
the next Icgixlaturo placing all public
ollicers o( this stato upon reasonable
salaries, which shall not be incroased
during the Incumbent's term of otllcn,
and beyond such Hilary they shall ro
ccivo no compensation as fees or other
In order to promote tho development
of the mineral resources of tho stato, wo
aro in lavor of the creation and niiiin
tainanco of a mining bureau by the
We doclaro our approval and support
of tho suggestions of President RoosO'
volt (or tho irrigation of the arid lands
11I the country. This work should be
undertaken by tho United States ns
soon as possible, and carried forward 011
a consistent plan, under direction of thn
general government.
Wo urgo our representatives iu con
gross and sonutors to use every effort to
secure tho speedy opening of theColiim
bia river between The liiillus and Celio,
and (or cleitrini' the river o( all obstruc
tions to navngatinn from its mouth to
the head of huvngation. We urge also
renewed and continued effort for I111
provement ( our coast harbors and
streams within the state, and tho
speedy construction of an Isthmian
That tliu public l i nils are Hie heritago
of tho common people and should be
helil in trust (or the use and benefit of
all the people tinder the homestead
laws. We are therefore unalterably 011
posed to nil plans, si-hemes or proposi
tions (or leasing public domains, either
to individuals or to corporations.
Wo favor a policy by the state and
the United States which shall further
(ostor anil support our (liberies, and we
reiiiest the legislature to enact such
further measures ns may be found by
experience necessary to obtain this re
sult. We demand and insist upon the im
mediate passage by congress of the
United States of the oleomargarine liiil,
known as the new Grout bill, now pend
ing in the somite.
That we (nvor the proposed amend
ment to the state constitution providing
(or the initiative am! referendum and
recommend its adoption by the people
of the stale.
W declare our approval ol tho prin
ciples i( the primary law enuctcil by
the legislature ut tho He'sion of 1001,
and wo ask Hie legislature to extend
this law ho that in its main features It
may apply to primary elections in all
election precincts throughout the state,
and we further recommend the election
ol United States senators by popular
Slop The Couttlt unci Work
off the Cold.
I.aiatlva llinmo Quinine Tulilels curf
col'l in nun day. No Cure, No I'uy.
rnce so cents.
Notice to Contmctors,
Separate bids will ha received by the
Msonic Imilding ( ommitlcH for the
labor in the construction of a Masonic
Temple at Grants I'ass, Oregon, as
follows: Ilrick work, lath and plaster
ing, carpenter work, roofing, pliimhitu
and painting, up to noon, April lilth,
W)2, at which time Iho bids will be
opened. Si. of building ImiIOO feet,
three story, liuilding commi'.tee will
furnish all material. Plain and speci
fications to be seen at tho office of J. A
Also bids lor excavating (or the above
building will be received to noon April
lit., V) I, at which time they will be
opened. J. O. IIch.tii,
J. t Camcbkix.
ltuilding Committee
Tun ol opening bids on above con
tract is extended until the Will.
New Goods. New Goods, New Goods.
Tneo Curtains, 60 cents per pair to $G.00.
Xortieres, Beautiful New Goods in choice colorings.
Carpets, Our Assortment Complete, 25c to $2.00 per yard.
MattiDgS, Latest Weaves, toe to 45c per yard.
Window Slilldos, We carry only the Best and Full Size.
Wall Papers, The Special Sale still goes merrily on
3 to 609 Double Roll. Another BIO SHIPMENT
on the way. Exquisite patterns; entirely new ef
fects and combinations. It costs you nothing to
take a look and see for yourself what we have for
you. ' ' . i
Good Wash Boiler,
kinds Tin Ware just
Anothor pretty pattern in Semi-Porcelain; very
protty Brown Decoration, just enough to sot it off
and yet not appear heavy. Dinner Set $8.00.
tovcM ruul Rtuigos
Tho Cdobratod Acorn Line. You aro invited to
call and seo tho now goods.
Lace Curtains
Washington Letter.
Wahiiinutom, April 10th, 1002.:
"I consider that we are making very
satisfactory progress and I ha no
hesitation la reiterating mj prediction
tliat congress will adjourn between tba
lOili and 16th o( June," said Senator
Hale last Saturday when I asked him II
be tliouglit that it would b possibl to
accomplish th uecossarjr legislation bj
that time. "Of courso, we could con
tinue In session all summer," continued
tho senator, "but that is not our in
tention. W will dispose ol all -cnlial
legislation. Th balance w
will allow to go over to the short session
or will avoid entirely. Ho, I cannot tell
you anything more oi th program but
I regard it as a perfectly sal prediction
that adjournment will b taken at th
time mentioned." The senator' state
ment was received with the greateat
latisfaction by other members of con
gress to whom I mentioned it, especially
by the representatives, as practically all
are ansious to get home and many
have considerable campaign work ahead
of them.
No sooner had the lenale passed th
oleomargarine bill on Thunday, which
was done by a majority ol eight vote,
than the Chinese eiclusion bill was
taken in). In order, howiver, that no
time be waited, th Indian approprla
tion bill waa called up and made th
orilur of business (or "the morning
hour." This means that the approprl
tion bil! will be discussed ai soon as tbe
daily routine btiiiuess ii disposed ol,
each morning, and will occupy the
floor until 2 p. in., when th exclusion
bill will be th regular oratsr. Literally
peaking, the morning hour la
uiiinomer as the isuat doei not usually
cotiven until noon, but th term ap
plies to the interval between the hour ol
convening and 2 p. m. It ii anticipated
that other appropriation bills will fol
low the Indian bill and will b con'
idered in the same manner.
As there is no party division on th
question ol Chinese exclusion it i hoped
that the bill may b passed without
prolonged debate aud it will give place
to th l'liillpplne civil bill, Tha latter
ineaaui will bo in charge o( Benator
UiJkb anil, while the dob its will doubt'
less cover ta any sesiions bscause of the
unanimous opposition on the democratic
idenf the chamber, it will be conducted
with the buiineii like expedition (or
which the Junior senator from Massa
chusells is noted. It ii eipected that
Senator lloear will take aides with the
lemocrata on this measure and If lis
Iocs he will help to make the debits
The huusa of repioiotitatives is di
poiiug of tho measure reported from Iti
committee! with the esse and precision
uf a well oiled machine arid, as a result
it has accomplished an immense amount
it work. The Chinese eiclusion bill
are now being (Jisciisiea and will prou
. V. I ., I.. ,1.. ., (,, I ... I a h-
. f. u
unanimous consent. Tomorrow Mr.
I'ayne will call up the ways and means
committee bill authorising the president
to grant reciprocal tariff concessions to
Cuba and a brief but extremely Interest
ing dnbato is promised. Th democrat
are divided over the measure. Horn lik
Hepreientallv McClellan, of New York,
will leek to amend it by Increasing th
tariff reduction and, that (ailing will
vote for it. Others, like Representa
tives Newiandi, cooper and other will
vote against it. Th leaders claim to be
confident, however, that sufficient
Makes the food more
house furnisher
85c. ' 3 Milk Pans 10c. All
Plctura Mouldings
.Woodenwara .
republican votes can be (soured to pas
it in th house.
The house last Wedueiday passed tha
Sunday Civil bill and on Thursday
passed th lenate bill to increase th
efficiency of th revenue cutter service.
By tbe provisions of th bill th presi
dent i authorized to retir revenue
cutter officers on linse similar to thcie
of the regular army and navy services.
The investigation of tha Captain
Christmas charge by a select committee "
ol tha bouse is still in progress and tha
opinion Is held by ail that the captain
waa a very gullible person who was led
to part with his money by a few un
principled persons having no connection
with the government or with congress.
This applies to all but Secretary Hay,
who did gtv tha captain an audience
at bil suggesslion sent a representative
of the government, Mr. White, to con
fer with the Danish minister of Foreign
affairs; but that was th extent of Mr.
Hay' recognition of th promoter.
The house committee on territories
has favorably reported an omnibus bill
prov idlng (or the adm ission of Oklahoma ,
New Mexico aod Arlxona to statehood
and friends ot the measure claim that
they have sufficient vote pledged to
cure its passage in tha house. They
predict that not more than two days will
be required for debate in th house and
as soon as the bill is disposed of la the
lower chamber they will be able to turn
their attention to the senate where tha
prospects, they admit, are not flattering.
Soma of tha more conservative well-
wishers of th bill are urging their en
thusiastic brethren to coulent thsin-
selves with its pi ssag in th house at
this session aod then begin their cam
paign In the lenate at tha short session.
Tli president has had a conference
with the friends of th Irrigation bill
and has outlinsd to them tha change
which they must make to prevent hi
vetoing th measure. Mr. Itoosevnlt is
unwilling that th fsderal government
should expend larg sums to construct
water reservoirs and that the water
hould b under state supervision. Tbe
friends ot the bill say that tbry are
willing to make tbe changes Indicated
but that, in some instances, existing
tat laws would make it luipoiiible to
apply the proviiloni of th proposed bill
to lenitory within their borders. The
chances for the bill are not as bright a
thiy were a short time ago, but as the
speaker hai promised to permit its con
sideration, its champions have not lost
One of th most enjoyable musical
events of the sesiou occured at tba
Whit House one evening lost week
when the rreiideut and Mrs. Hooie
velt entertained Mr and Mrs. I'aderswski
at dinner and later iu th (veiling the
great pianist treated some two hundred
Invited gucita to a piano recital. On
Friday Mr. Wilford Itusiel entertained
a fashionable audience at th British
Kmbassy with a molt enjoyable musical
program, consisting largely of English
I ,. , . . .
ballads sung to th piano accompani
ment of Mrs. Ruise!, Th whol atmos
phere of Washington society since
Enter has been decidedly musical.
New Photo Mounts at tb Couriar office.
J. M. Ilrigga, who was nominated by
the recent republican county convention
for road supervisor for south Grant
Pass precinct wishes to announce that
he cannot accept the nomination a he
could not give the road work proper
delicious and wholesome
rmv eo. , wrw vfww. '