y - j: A MURDEROUS BAND. Australian Secret Society Pieced to Kill and Destroy. Oaarate Vaar Kla ! W4 la' Law Matko ( O - Mas Hi Poa4airw of It j cow something Ilka 40 jesra !no th British government was much disturbed by th depredations of what appeared to be an organized band of murderen operating throughout New South Wale. The organisation nil a secret one and at first seemed Hardly worth while noticing. But be fore five Tears had Passed it was so powerful .that the government found itself forced to arm even ths constab ulary with revolvers and to Instruct them not to be too slow about shoot ing in order to give them some means of protection against the criminals who had been enrolled under the so ciety's rules. Since then, despite con stant warfare made on it by the po les, It has grown so vastly that now many cities are terrorised periodical ly by Its members and It threatens Aus tralia much as the Molly Magulree threatened the United States, sayean eastern exchange. This Australian secret murder so ciety Is known as Larrikin. The Lar rikin Is divided into branch societies known as pushes. Each push has a king, whose word Is law. Ths member of a push must do what tver the king directs, bs it robbery, aiaon or murder. In turn the entire push stands by him and will atop at nothing, however desperate, to rescue him if he Is tsken. fin well hare mnny of the ptiihis proeed their ability to do this that In the districts where they ars most powerful It Is common for them to commit all sorts of criminal acts In full daylight and practically publicly. There la little really secret about the organization of these pushes. Nearly everything concerning them Is known, so far as their methods of selecting pew members, punishing traitors and so on are concerned. Hut all the ef forts of the police hare been unavail ing to find out who the kings are. Any male youth more than IT year old who lives permanently In a push district Is eligible for membership. Should hs wish to join he ends the .king a written application and s fee of ten shillings, which Is one of the king's perquisites of office. On reoelv lug the application the king calls to gether his Bvs counoilnrs, whom hs In structs to make Inquiries and report. A meeting of the push then Is con vened and the applicant Is accepted or rejected on a show of hand. If so oeptsd he serves ae a provisional initi ate for a period of sis months. Then, after subscribing his name to the "push hook," which le a book wherein are recorded the crimes committed by the push, be becomes a full-fledged member and le made acquainted with the push' code of laws. No oath le administered and there la no ceremony or form of Introduction whatsoever. The first and most stringent disci pline of push law enforces obedience to eoustltiittd authority. "What the king says goes" Is their own phrase, and the contravention of the maxim Is punishable in the first Instance with ths "sock," in the second with death. Ths sock is popular with all Larri kins, who dearly love an opportunity of witnessing Its infliction. The of . fender is stripped, gagged and strapped faoe downward along ao ordinary wooden bench, whereupon the execu tiouers beat him in turn with a stock ing filled with wet sand until his flesh is completely raw. Ilia wounds are then salted and he is kept In a prison until recovery. On such occasions pro. ceedings are conducted with the gravest decorum; no one is permitted to speak and unnecessary violence le aternly prohibited. No sympathy is manifested for the victim, and such a circumstance as a protest against the barbarity of the punishment Is abso lutely unknown. Ths death penalty is rarely exacted In the cass of aiembera of the frater nity, but outsiders who have incurred the push vengeance are killed regular ly. Ths king chooses for executioners a score of his subjects, of whom at least seven are the latest recruits of the order. The vielltn Is surrounded, stuuned and thrown to ths ground. No dssdly weapon is employed. Kaeh of the push silently kick ths body of the prostrate victim until life is sa tinet. Thus all the IW are equally guilty of murder, and prubably no member of any push bss been enrolled for a longer period than two years without being thus stamped with the hall-mark at pushdixn. If a member desires to sever hie conueitlou with his push or to depart from the push district In order to live, elsewhere he Is allowed U do so only after hsvlng signed a confession of having committed, single-handed, ths last capital crime of which the push Is guilty. This document Is handed to the king, who files it In the push book, which is naturally kept in a place of security. This book is the one strong and yet w, sk p,.t in the push system. If it were conv. jed to ths hands of the authorities the whole push would here to stand self arraigned and lelf condelnned us murderers and accesso ries. Hut so long aa each member's nsnie is in the b.x.k with his record of crimes, so long Is he the helpless slsve of the king. '1 In refore the pushes real ise that tin ir mfety depends upon the careful preservation of these m, mo risls. At Important gatherings the book must be produced, that members msy hste sn opportunity of rrssstir lug tlirmie',i perusing confes sions which tmnifer aud fasten their Joiul bunlei.s on the shoulders of ab sent inilltidiinls. Are You Going East? Terhapt I can be of service, to you. I can ticket you over auy railroad running traint out of PortlanJ; tell you when to leave home j where to change can; when you will reach your destination, and what there is to be seen on the way. Call or write I '11 take pleaaure in anawer ng your questions. Omaha. Chlcaio, Kansas Cily, S, Louis-and EVERYWHERE beyond. 1 I ! . -. sr, I . . 1 , ,1 e- I II . l ' I i hiiii i I ""? I '! ''li' !' " 1 " lf'"'" -' 11 There Is one word of caution that never grows old or stale, because there . . Is a fresh lot of In flow to Get Rich . socents coming along every year. The traditional birth-rate of the "sucker" one every minute has in creased to a thousand. In grtuter droves than ever before tlir tai'.bs hae gone baa-ing and batini; into Wnll street during the past 12 months. Oil fields have claimed their thousands, gold fields their tens of thousands, and the "get-rich-quick" men the undivided remainder. Nothing, declares the Philadelphia Saturday Etening I'ost. has been too transparent, too Hi in.-, to catch ita crowd of Innocenta. Every old skin-gams and a hundred new ones have been worked on and have worked the public. As a ruler the larger the profit you are offered the surer you arc to lose yourcapltal. The geater the percentage promised the better your chances of losing every thing you have got. The kittens of a i wild-cat are wild-cats, and It Is ue to expect angoras. When a company advertises stock at 35 eents a share and announcea an arbitrary advance to 60 within 30 days or a dividend paid in stock, you get the certificates, no doubt, but nine times out of ten they are Just paper. Small Investors have no place In companies of this sort un less they have personally Investigated them, nor In larger ooncerns, even though they are trusts, capitalized for many millions, where they will be ut the mercy of half a dozen cutthroats who can manipulate values to suit theinselvss. Invest in nothing which you have not investigated. First, know the character of the men who make up the company.vind direct its affairs, and second, the character of the properties from which your profits must come. There is only one way to I get rich quick, and that Is to git rich slow; to miss big profits and to mii big losses. I There la a singular heartlcf-anes about life In a great city. The ntrun- ' HeartleasBese f "r 80)l1 ''IIH'B ithat he la n lion CltrUfe. e,ltty; that he oc cupies little, if any, space in the thoughts of ths thousands about him. Boute time ago two people cautu to New York, says the Commercial Ad vertiser. All summer long the man lay 1U in an uptown apartment. The . only one to wait upon him was his wife. Not one acquaintance waa mnilu by them. The doctor cume and went In a perfunctory way. A woman who occupied an adjoining apartment learned of the llltivsa, and through a window occasionally handed a hook or a newspaper across the wuy to the woman who waa keeping watch. Now and then a question was asked about the slok man's condition nnd tho an swer was as brief as the inquiry. Then all at once communication cettsu.l. The woman who had Iwen keeping a silent vigil by her sick waa Been no more. The woman who had passed in a book now and then noticed that the apart ment where the slok man aud his wife had lived waa vacant. She Inquired of the Janitor. He said that the man had died a week before; that the body had been sent to a receiving vault and that the wife ami the undertaker and hie two assistant wore the only ones who had aoeomiMinlvd It. Then tho people in the building began tu talk and woisdered what becainu of the woman. Pind your place and fill it, million tehee Success, It is a sail parody on life to see a man earning his living by a vocation which has never ru celved hi approval. It la pi liable to eve a youth, with Cm image of power and uVatiny staineil upon hiiu, trying to siqiort himself In a mean, coiiteniptlbU occupation, w hich dwarfe hie nature, and makes hiiu despise himself; nn occupation which is constantly condemning him, os tracising hiiu from all that la best and truest in life. IXg trenches, shovel coal, carry a hod; do any thing rather than sacrifice your self resM'ct, bluut your sense of right and wrong, and shut yourself olT forever from the true Jny of living, which eotnee only frmn the con sciousness of doing one's best. Two farmers lu Dade county, Mo., traded wives a few weeks ago, one of them paying ") other ll.ooo f,,r the bargain. The man who made the ex tra payment now says he would give JS.tHK) to trade back, but the other fal low Is not willing. It Is the old. old story of the child that cries for the toy aud then, as soon as it obtains pos session, finds that It reully did not want it. A deaf mute is suing a street rail road Comvany in New York for the loss of two of his fingers, a Ioks which he alleges impairs his conversation;! powers. The defendant replies that under the modern sjstem of talking tor mutes one hand Is enough. rHiiuVnte at the Wisconsin state uni versity hsv prut.sted against being fed on hash. They should let well enough alone, s:is the I hleago live ord Herald. The hash may tic succeed vd by prunes. Msrconl will soon be ready to marry an American heiress to an impecuiiiou British peer b) his wireless stem. efeesswssxjssjBjavyr A- C Shsldom, General Agraf, Cor. Third and Stark Sts.. I'Mttoad, Oie. . KwsgssMa 1 Soft U Ars ; . r e - i KyyVMi Ml Wm f V gSsC4 earning. To him in 0& V 7 J$W Wm&M'm AT THE TWJUOHT HOUR. Q the most literal M? 'Cf fr ' tt?M "At ev.nlng time,, .hall be llgbf-Zech. FjTl t ser.50, timO U money." MWfW ' '4 X I f CimCtfA W 'wt-t. the wester,:.., - Every hon r of time he loses figures fflfMgg, Physicians are calling attention to the fact that influenza or grip Inia nunc to stav. In the larger citi-s there liar, been a marked increase in ctiv-aws aifecting the organs of respiration, which increase is uttrilMitcd to the prevalence of iullii eiiza. Persons who are recovering from erip or iiillucii7a are in i weak condition ami peculiarly liable to pulmonary dis ease. Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Ili ovcry cures coughs, bronchitis, lung " trouble " and other diseases of the orpins of rea- fiiration. It is the Ixst tonic medicine ur those whose strength and vitality have been exli.iu.-ted bya:i attack of gup. It purities the blood, cleansing it of the jK,fsonons accumulations which breed ami teed iliwt.se. It gives im rc.e.ed ac tivity to the blood-making glamlii, and so increases the supply of pure blood, rich with the red corpuscles of health. A wrt-'t for vour 'i;,ld'-n Mr'ticut Hi- 'f try.'n writ's Mis. A. Ilrni!- r. oj K-- u?. 0,hrt"'i Co , lilo'v -W hav.- Iwi-m tlvun It ss s l.oni!y mMi ine fi.r mnr.- tli.in f'.nr yo.ot. A. a rr.uti r.-itu lv Ji'i't lW"l p:iiifi-r then: Is nolh 1,'IIh, sn ! olu-r liVvittK tin- (trt III. J'lerct s r.'iH. ii Mi -in si lliwjvtry is ji.st tile right me'tlcint lor a i.'jllij'lctc l,r;KitlK ll " Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovrry." There is nothing "just as good " f ir diseases of the stoineh, biood, and Inm;:-. The slugijis'i liver U mule active by the use of Jir 1 ierce's Pleasant Pellets. Headache kills, not neccssaiily smlJctily. but SURELY. It preys upon the intellectual potvets nmrc titan we realize. It coastlines tht: vitality faster than nature cm replenish it, and wc tannnt tell just what tnomrnt a temporary or complete aberration of the mind will result. Headache and pain should be promptly re moved but properly. Many pain cures are more harmful than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take iA?.. Pain Pills. A a result uf neuralgia I Wt llie fciillil uf my lihteyr, unl tlic pain i Jiavc suiTe-ml n inc(niprfhrn!iLlc, he iiitl (iMijjci, I't tnke oiii.tu s almost con tinually. A fiir-nd t'vt nit one of I'r, Mile' lain Tills and it promoily te lievetl tne. I then puiJi.i.H l ah. x riiul now niy troul ie is u m: 'I Ih.v have aUo cured my tluiiliu r vt netvous hcHtlatlie, nnd I li-aitilv rrcomme nd thnn to ..IM W W. J. CuKLt.v. Urc nioiid,'lci. St.ll by Druiiir'st 25 IOsei, 25c. Dr. Mllea Madleal Co., Elkhart, Ind. O. N. OREGON SHORT LINK AMI - UNION PACIFIC. iris t UK Shortest, Quickest. AN1 MUST C01 nfo rU. 11 o Itmite to till Kasli rn points via 1'ortlaiul. All Tl.rimuli Tirkcti. nailing over llii rotiln sn. iiuil via : Mult I.l.Ko ami Denver, Low Rates Mvcrvulicrc. Tiekels 011 Sale at Soiit lu-rii l'ai'ilie 1'i'po, Ollicv. A. I.. t'li.Mii, tii'tt'l 1 'axM'tii;''!' Aki'iit, lVltlati.l, sire. A I-'m uittltfit ( rittt, It wn jt.'I.h I' Lih.wu t,i nearly tvvry U 'ti.ati h.n tliu murtiir which ieiii'itt.i kttnieiR of thi-ir luiilJini wni 11 1 ut if just ui it is known 1,1 iMf ti)a.,rM.v of 'ro)t!,' that the priuoijul iui;i f .lifiit of Kn-!nh mortar tr.M i r .1 iinL-,t n don nwj'r. Hut, th ki.. ; df I'piiHf jfvnt rn',, no!o,!y wiMtr it ,!i.n, tin,! in tiit, a Koinan flnfwd 111 rtr Inii'i! t;c up.'ti r m: ! f ..1 . era. tliu r p -f Uci - 1 1 . . 1 r w , : Si. f.ir it 11 t I t i'ii :. .. r.J, lln-iiKti tlic -o.irl vf it m.miM lu- i:n tunifty vn'iiiiMf, f,.r t he i'f nunt out Ijata th Tuijr umci whiuh a Joiim Ktrori Istf that fya, Tht aT.-N-f a.'inin ciiiihut ju,!' how mtich i fool s nitlnii imitu1 u eh;-, but !if 1 .in in 11 : f a ,1 rj 1 r t cion1 ' . li , : : it 1 . i i -1 111 tt 11 t lie r 1 i 1 f 1 1 1 x 1 t ' . I m , , , t liv 1 Led . u 1 .1 h v .i , li,. ,K t : ti h Te' hi at! !:.. 1 lu of in . , r t,. t!u t'l.d of ,.f, or nn or.'! ri l'.our bar.t-;, . i w.m.:J nni.iiA. y -,, the burtt';. ti; .-m ; , l.t.m'sf, ti.a l.ii-.o r. .S-. . I , y U t t UM . .1 , ii .; :f it i r 1 . .t'd t.u ti ju.Vlllril vn sotiu't T'iwi ihm hat not bi-t'ii lUiiuhl ht'iiif lu it b) xptruiu''. Kiprnilir amt rn I In iVafa. Nw South .ui .ud c 7 l.t.i'i0 in iiir. for tlu- d. trut. tioi, of owr .0.HUH'O n,, x i,u xiiitnai k .in a roo, Wst.Ubirs, dtnov't aud olhcia. A I luf Ili-ntloN. Further md rnii.tini furuishi'J hj the fhir;u-o Tr-lMiu,' d,vUrr, art of four k n ; ini. blank t.ativa uud t;u trtuuuti uf w.tLeei in a uaal inquiry ..i.v skh..s ill Li si s Ail 1 , (Kisjh () ruv Tsu t-issnai. Vwt 4 2j tp i nnkm ft ptnw looktwc br- If be- llk BW. UuA Of ?M pur. bMT7 bodltwl oil, fWKlaUty piVfMirMj tO WllaV Bold wwywhtft Midi STANDARD Oil CO. The Weekly Oregoniun and the Cot uiBB both for one year for 2 in sd ea re. USELESS ACQUISITION French Chef Who Was Out of Place with Buffalo Bill. Th Ha of Manr Meals loot Cauaa to He Karrdd aa ma Kapoatalvo I.aiurr In Waatova Wild. fiome year ngo, whan Col. Cody started on a toor of the Kocky nioun tuina aa the hoat of a ouinbrr of for ein military ofTIovra, having ban feted by tlietn lu their cluba and hoincs, he waa anxiona to cat'-r to their vary taate and comfort while in camp life on thin fide of the n.-fit pond, rtfluUta tlie Detroit Free Vreas. Ilia onUra wtrn to apart no pfuau, aud amopfr the "luxjriia" taken along wa a Krench chtff with a raoiiid uud 11 prictj. He waa auourod from liia ltrown l'alaoo holul iu Dni ver, louU I'iurre Uuacirgua w;.a hia fiamv; but for the long trail, and the triMicroue price paid to him, "CO plunka a week, a cowboy aaid the chef vonaonted to be ciiilvd MGoa" for short. He hnd the aclection of the canned pooila to be carried along, nnd turtle aoup, of the very boat, M. Gaa or dered,. and It took an tKtru wagon to hold them. The. rhuf wiu radiant in a anow-white auit and tap, and pre eenteil the appearance the tirvt night in camp of a ghoat, and waa regarded with superstition auaplcion Ly tho cowboya and othera of that ilk. "(Jna" st)t In to ahow the wild w eat er ;i em a thing or two in the eulinnrj art by hia first camp dinner. He had a patent cooking ntovM, th wide world for a kitchen with heaven for a roof, while china, fine linen and wine were right at hand. Bli o'clock win the dinner hour that first nlint at the base of the Sun Francisco iimuutnina, and Oaa was lu rapturee over hia dinner. llufTulo Hill, tna host, looked serious, the guttata more ao. Such a dinner they eould get In any club in a city, but they did not Bay so, if they did keep up a devil of a thinking) It waa not what Col. Cody liked, but it waa what he thought he ought to have for hia die thiiruihhed gueata. The bitter stood It for two days and then went on a atrike. "I any, Cody," venturod Kir St. John Mildumy, major of the Grenadier Guards, "do you call this wild west urn camp fare and cooking? You see, we are all half dead wtth dyipepsia now, und thought we would get some good, wholesome food on thiti thou-sni,d-niil trip Lu the saddle with you." The othera Joined 1n the chorus to the annie tlTect, while monsieur, the chef, looked aa solemn aa a country piir-on's horse. Aj for Col. Cody, he beamed with delight, said thM I.ocky mountain trails and table d'boti din ners didn't mix well, and Gn wan at mine given leave to go along, .is he couldn't be sent bank,' ns an orna ment, a uselt'M utMptisition, and two seouts were installed aa cooka. Aud with tliu chef, the canned goods, eh I n n. P. he linen nod the store were sealed up in the wagon, and tin plates and cups were brought forth. And Mich cooking as these acoiita diil could not be improved tiprn, while Col. Cm!y fthowed that he was a flrst cliihs cook himself. He could throw a tlapjaek from a frying pan into the n;r n feet, turn it over nnd have it come down on tht other side, never once making a iuus aud falling into the fire The gueMe tried ,t learn this trick, but it w.u found too 1 x peiiMivu, as they ncer 111 Ls Jed the tire, but always the frying pan. M. Lou. ft I'terre GiiHcirue could not be pre vailed upon to taste any of the fron tier cooking, but stuck to his soups und plum pudding, while he looked a though he had buried his beM fritnd. He sought excitement in rtd" liig a broncho, and us thrown daily. He touk to a wogon and wa uphct, after which he walked, dropped be hind, and win scared nearly to death by the Indians. One day he stood looking up diaconsolnlely nt the aim and tud iu a funereal tone: "Uat sun do shiue for all pcrt.un, but it do not Just seem to shine for me. When the long trail ended at Salt Take City the French chef ws the only one of the party who had indi gestion, and he drowned hia sorrows by getting glorious!) drunk, hence waa happy for the time being. Hut Col. Cody braced him up and returneM him to Ittoivrr, having paid si'tl fur a "luxury," not to be taken ou a Uoi-ky mountain trail. Invention llnr litlrnders. Nervous travelers ho dread sleep in if In unknown houtea will welcome the so called "vigilant draeoii, which i not unlike a iurtll brsjV eheltrd tortoise. It U. In fact, a dome-gong table belt, with spikNd U-s und with a spiked dragon's head. When a bedroom door is cioud the spike are placed In the floor and against the door, and then the dragon's tail just touches tho door. This tail is connected with the belt clapper, so that if anyone endtavors to open the door ftotn the ouu.de an obstacle is met with, and the marm is given. When the anxirus watches of the night are over the "v.fftlant dragon" becomes a reposeful VII for the writing table. London Kxpresa. tMaat-Fwrnaee (tlo , lu western Kurope, am! p.ittieular ly in Germany, the eu-p'. yment of motors ut.listng gasea tv-n Mat fur naces ia it creasing. It s saol that the use of these gaes. r'.... h is not ao common In Fnfluud or t' Cntted States, effects a C'n:,N r; V'e MtWng In the cost of fmindtu. The motors thuti driven are employed principally for actuating air compressors aud electric generators- Sc.eav. Quick dUYrir The Weekly Oi4joDlaJw 1 When to ths ,!.., I !H of I"4 My tremliilns I'vl dinw niijn, And Hiirtt.klri,.' f "'e :iie p I- lay my sr.; ! v. a an wait in. .,- t Ji:--fiu,r.f night 'i li.i.-i u'i r r. . i. a 1" tower; Tlo r. grjat. t.' llthl. Thy light ti.in tne i,,.. I i.our. Sj nrtht aruie ill.- morning's dawn, tu ltr a:".ir J tt.e way, 'li.iu or H"ii9i !iut a r.uw rlr.g lawn l't-riat,t V I II O 'J .I'll.H K V- 'uj l j.'I I in-1 "t'ti youth an3 pride Aim !,.-.t. ,-nl' ;r:t OLiVir, N r f'iu.-4 li' t u iikiio:! rr.iKht abide I'l.iii Ui tv.!.lih'. l.oar. n l,j i.'li i. .ir;!it -rd (.arctilnir heat, 1 tt n-iitst tierce, v. t iii . 'i at niy feel 'I i.r s;.i .y. ii.t'il.i:!! e 'i i i.u-ree An, I'-"-1 ' : -' in Jt'd ntght A i.'t . ' '' .i i- '! -'iri r, I I.r .).'.. 1 ' ir i .ji i mi.iI light. Thy light, I ,, .i t:. . "'-ir. A:.J co - I v I li taKt-r gnie, 1 t 1: ;:.;, Uiim ti r::'ii.f c . . thn -iKh the hase li .:.:u i- . .. n: y : ! h- .-tvi-cily day, , :i 1 o;.n' ulili oowr, (;, . :. i.Lt r' . 1 for ayti .. 1 :. i.t it- ur . N. v .ii, b. S. V. Observer. 1 It k . 0 -. hu-u .: Aj d v. itci Who:-. .' I Ui :.j I'i'j 1 Oif Utiaa C THE BULLET STOPPED THERE. Plllipant Hi-mark uf a Soldier and lluw II llruiiKliI tilth Kurce lu Ills llrarl Oud's Messaare. Stnrii'S I'.H'kit Hiliks that lian' h.iit;,- nil- nu iiti.tlty; liui ni.ti. liors nut rlit':i,i l. an- IMir.unil if their nu.ial smi-il lifs 1 li.it- i'l:i III.",... if li iK IMjt UM 1 11 a ri 1 1-1,1 l.i.Mirtli li'ai tni i tini: r lulil Lis i'j' 1 i'-t" ' .1 1 'I YMnnu'iit. li vw.. 1 I, :l,cats ul.ilt tit. I ' Ma;, .i:!i Lis ri'i;iiiii'iii. :. :. al" at ll.i- i.-.-l Ma ts.' I.ih (JV.II I'.'.I'I. SKKJll, a r.'luriuil Willi lis .' Iiituilcil tu )' witv til lit,' II.-"li;.. l.i'.i lillll, liMtt 1' iijh "ft".li:i "All rir'iit. (I(il'ir (if tl: I:,' i-r.ii!. l:niHliiu;,'ly. t I he L'.uk. -I'll i-arr.v it. It'll li.1 ruo.1 I 1 it'i a l.ulli't." Sull.C Bill..- - fiiriMir.l came the flL'l.tin" r.t S..ntij''!i. ami im tin-day or the fuiiiui's ihaiur uf the lulijh l'i.li the iiimij ml.lii r was hit. rt ml left lyinr auidiiL' the tt.iiriileil. He ri't-aiiii-i! eul,- seiousiiesh while uinler the Mirt'or.' haiuU iiim! l eanl him m.v: "'I'Lat war n elr.se call." A Mauser luillet in his lireasl l.ml lieen extraete.l. It hail bare ly reaeheil his heart ami stnile.l. "What is it. h et' I'V" he hit.erecl hut the l,u:y Tnrp-Ml hail hiHl'ii ! 1 tn his liel ialielit. (it'll. Whi'ilii'i itauu'liter ns H ere, ii'lipst. rir.Lr t.i '.I'. lileediliL' nu ll, ami he lieek.me.l tu hi r nnil usk.il her In tell him aliuut hn wtjlltul. She lirullj'ht his pneket Testll inent, whieh he had carriei! in hie bluuse, null sl.nweil 1, i in n hule thr.iii.'h it. nin.le hv the (l. iiilly leail, and tul.l him how nai-rim- his eseape had been Piercing the bunk in an dblique dire. linn, the missile hud fuurul exactly i.'- sistnnee enough to arrest it lit the dan er line. Kur tin; first time the reckless soldier took an Interest in the gift lie had ne eeiited with n jest, lie remembered with a strange throb the flippant re mark he had made on the train, lie kept the Testament near him, and in the tedious hours of his convalescence he often turned the leaves end noti the texts which had been crossed by tne bullet. There was one verse thnt lie could not pet beyond. The shot hail cut through the middle of it, nnd left its sear there like nn index. "Cod ho loved the world Hint He (fn- His only begotten Son, that vhosoe.tr believetli in Him miL'lit not perish, but have everlasting life. Many tin.es a day lie rend the verse over nnd thought nbout it. His life must have been worth mtvinsr. he said to himself, else he would hnve been under ground with his buried comrades. Hut everlasting life! SomethiiiLr forever beyond nnd above fatal wounds! That meiiiit more than the "accident" that saved cue man. (lod has declared ever Instine life to men, bv Jesus Christ. His Mon. The soldier became the pupil o his book. To believe is to accept. To accent Is to be obedient. To obey is t. make Christ the example nnd II tcachiiiL's the rule of life. It was no delusion when his heart told him that he was wiliiiii; to neeept this formula and lu "live bv it. The storv is not n reninrknble one lu miitcial or initial incident. Any other book than the New Testnnient would lune diverted the shaft of death ns easily; but its blow tnirht not hut point'-. I him to n word that bronchi a rhaiiL'.'.l motive In life with it. Out i this distinction blossoms the lesson and a natural circumstance takes nn eternal character. Whether the menu were en mi a! or di ine, the etTcet must b left to testify. The man who went I the war a scoffer eatue back change in moral purpose, lie had become Christian, Premise he had become n fol lower of Christ. Youth's Compnnion Klrlti.nl .rnra. Spiritual grates are the jrift of (lod but they need cultivation. Iu this re spcet thev are like the oilier K'ifts o "the Father uf lights." Hctwren tl seed n ud the l anest there must I plow in' and suwiiiir. (lod c;iws faith but there must be the "trt it ir of our faith" before it beeoti.rs "the substanc of tiiii rs h.'t'id for. Muscle, memory and grace are developed by exercise One reason for the weakness of our ernees is because thev are so little usee I'nited I'resbj tt rian. Kindness is n precious oil that makes I tne criisiuiig w nee, s i.i cure mtm ofr". ' er. Eugene Field. SBVev-s.a, J-t.'s---s-Ow--0 teTJSStfH CF aSffTSSY tnmcTT.,inmsusci,tiiv '.fWWlrl.M'J.i IIV?VI OK. JC?DAj1-0.S!A3!S 0 WIN eatii tkc'-H sfvii-e iMihlkje tkMit lb-H-t -ISatsMBaeJ Trvmi S) , t 4r 'it sSaWa atal C-aata is, aatteaf. a Iv, iitl ssd mrvny T- ww m hr -a,f. K V tih-itM. f hi v pun noesT f akstBIISS. 1L SSaVS. li MsMkw W I tC sN D. Ke0AK ft CO- 101 aHASt ftL, 1 P. Tha Latest Yarn. A 1'itUburn itturuinvr tl!a this ysrn I alsrayt. tarry a bollle of Krim ' Balsam in my urip. I tk cold rssdf j anil a fv .li-vs ol the lWtm s aays . make ni a well inn. KTcrytylieir I I f t I speak a g.sxl or,l fer Krmp. 1 1 take hold of my customers I IsSr ol.l men ami Tor.nu 1.1",. an'i t I ll.rin ,ttifirnl. It ln! I ,! lun I take a eold. At ilrv.,';i?ts. 'Jfc. anJ JkV. of his home H TV,.,. fi,M,r..fl r,n .. mtv-cnvt that n-pre:?'-lit, ;v -vu S'J h::m-st . 'tti rri a - .I., M.,..,nv I.i... thnt- ri-live:?' hi a "la-uu I IIOSM HL'UrUH UU liJU l" enforced hv fiekness have ....,.! Manv times u - suireriiijr, fur he cannot face an altogctn.cr empty j.ay-envelope, . . -I. 1.1 ,,.on n i in.lV hil'.ler lillll hllll'TV" Uttlo necausu mat sum'. ...v.... i -j -- . ones at home. Very often the figures that reprint the loss of time Jo not represent tho total loss of money which has been spent on medicines that did not cure, or been paid to doctors who did not seem to understand the case. Here Is a working man's story as he tells it himself, which will appeal to every other worker who knows what it is to "lay off unite often two and three days m a week " on account of sickness. -About ten years ago I lcan to hnve trouble with my stoma." writes Mr Wm. Connolly, of 5.15 Walnut St., Lorain, Ohio. ' It Rot so bad that I had U, lay off quite often tw and three days 111 a week; my stomach would bloat, ami 1 would belch up Rus, and war, in aw tut d.strcss at such times 1 have employed and been treated by the lst doctors iu t ns city but K .t no help whatever. Some said I hud cancer of the stomach, others catarrh, others dyspepsia I have boueht and tried everything I saw advertised furuyspepsia and stomach trouble, but continue.! to Ket worse til the time. About twelve months aeo I was in such a condition th.it my mends had some fear about niy recovering. I called n doctor and he found me in very bid shape. . am-s aud limbs were cold nnd dripping with n cold sweat. He told me that I bail a vcrv bad ca.-e of chronic indinretion.and ordered an injection of li.-t soap suns ...,. i,rc 1 f,.lU,t.,-d was under his treatment until this spring, but did not improve any Bv some way or other I happened to e:et hold of a vial of your ; l'ellets,' and I thoiiKlit they helped ine. It was then I wrote to you for advice You told me that bv my symptoms you thought 1 hnd liver complaint, and advised t.ic use ot your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'PUasant Pellets' m connection. These medicines I have taken ns directed, and am very happy to state that I commenced to Ket belter from the start, and have not lost a day tins summer on account of my stomach. I feel tip-top, and Letter tiiau I have for ten years." There are two or three statements in Jlr. Connolly's letter which are almost identical with ftateui.'iits made by thousands of others who have been cured by the usa of IT. I'i. rec's Golden Medical Dis covery. This shows that his experience- is a common one among working men, and his ctue and the means by which it was aecom i.r.shi'.rii'e. therefore, matt, rs of interest to every fellow-worker. "I have employed and city, but got no In !p whatever. "I have- bought and tried eveiything I saw advertised for dyspepsia and stomach trouble, but continued to got worse all the time." "Those medicines ('toil. lea Medical Discovery' and 'Pleasant Pellets') I have taken as directed, and am very happy to state that I commenced to get better from the start, and have not lost a day this slimmer on account of my stomach." These thteo facts ill Mi-. Connolly's experience are borne out by the experience of thousands of others. Doctors employed without bin. 'lit. Many medicines used and tho condition growing worse instead of better. Finally the trial of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, with improvement from the start and in a short timo a perfect and a permanent cure. Yoii have a working man's word for these facts, and the word of thousands of fellow-workers to back him up. "Have purchased some of your valuable medicines of T.. II. Spencer, of Blackstone, Va., nnd they helped my wife and nivselt' so much that we do not know how to praise them enough," writes Mr. Victor I,. Ilayden, of Illackstone, Nottoway to., Va. "'I cannot express my gratiiication in words. I had lieen suffering from iudiecstioii so b.ul!v t'lai I could not work halt the time, but now can work every day nnd cat nnuliiiic; 1 jvant. Why? because I took Dr. R. V. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It has put new life and energy in mc, restored my health am! made a man of me once more. I used to w, ih i;o but h:;d gotten down to r.j j, now I nm back to Ilio and will soon be back to my old weight. Vour medicine has done it all. I cannot thank you enough for your advice, and think if it had not been for your medicine neither my wife nor myself would have been here many years." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures Ji.-eases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures liver ' complaint," heart "trouble," kidney "trouble," and u weak " lungs, bccaii-.e the .lis. ased eini'liiion of these organs is fre quently only a conse.juenee of disease of the stomach and its allied organs of diges tion and nutrition. Those who Ktiffer from chronic diseases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, bv letter, frtt. All correspondence) strictly private. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, I'.ulTalo, X. Y. D'.n't be fooled into trading a substance for a f.Tn i ii 1 SIS 411. KCMJflir!: .Aim : RV :.' ! Allen's Lung Balsam The best Cough Medicine. ABSOLUTE SAFETY should bo riflorously insisted tipon when buying medicine, (or upon that depends one's life. ALLEN'S LUNG BAL SAM contains NO OPIUM in e.nV form esnd Is sivfo. sure, ivnd prompt Incases of CROUP. COLDS, deep-seated COUGHS. Try II now, nnd bo convinced. rr i (Mi E'rw T AN I) I'K.iM AM. Points East VIA Short Line to PAUL. DULUTH. M1NNEP0L'3 CHICAGO. AND HUNTS KAST 5T Thrnnti Pulnre ntul Tourist Kli i- ! LiOrstr; Cnr. ! P.ULY TRAIN ; VAST T1MK. For Ki.t.. Kol'lfp. an.l full rvw'.iUiug Tu4-e, Kuut.i., s.t. ssirtta ii'f.-rni et? , Olil 01. VI J. W I'M.U.ON, t. r. ji 11. HrkON, e. r. a. Tl.ir.t Ktrrl, I'urdand. IT. A. R. C. l'ENMTHN, ti. V. IV A. All first Avenue Satll,-, Wa You Know hai You Aro Taklnf Whcnyuu take liiovt i Ti-'.elrt t'hiil Tonic, hceaua t!ic f.'rmulaL- plainlv r""l- ed .u etery U.nle luin(; tha: U L .-i.n- nl. ... fl..;. !.. ,.. - . ... ; So t'ure So, i'sy. fiV. Whatever touches the working man's health tonches his earnings. To him in the most literal sense, "time U money." Every hour of time he loses figures it, ri., liars nn.l cents' in tho comfort ami in the w c'.l-l.eing of IU family. ,c y rr t vssiw.s-i , 1 - their own story of mlTciing hi - n the man Joes his directions and It seemed to relieve ine, been treated by the best doctors in shadow. Anv substitute offered as "Golden M dieal Discovery" medicine. In for the " Disco k. he worKS in e viZZT Common Ccnsa Madias Advtejr, heoause it 2s rjsvcxi awry and never o!d. This groat mcrl'oal wzrk, containing over 1000 largo pxros and moT'o tlmn 7C0 illustrations, Is sent F?;r cj receipt of stamps to pay ox penso of mailing OXIY. Sonsi 31 ono-cont stamps to.- ;o dsih-bound volumo, or only 21 slanni Ivr tUo book in papor covers. Address s Cr. li. V. PIZRCE, Buffalo, N. Y. i-' v.A r ! ti li . V CC:iGS nWARD GRAHAM. i-1 - 'K - i !':,.-'-. ' in- . Tti.' w 1 'ft' Pric I ..VI. ' ; t Hi..-. . i 1 ',, I ' BSIOHT'S DISEASE TIU' I. 11 t mum . v - t .1 ' '. 'O'd e. V i-,r ' i I rt.,r. in e-n U e s 1 M.s : ui' II I li P.. 1 r.t. 1 11., , i , .1 '..:in "t I'.IV- "V, r u, r. t , lot. . 4-, "4 l ..rt n r i. e l; r- 'i.'.z fTV 1 , 1 .-'. t: 1 1 it.f 1 ' l-f.- "M,t -r t-lur I er,t cf s'-:ir-f,i si, 1 ' i'V'J'i., 'l.V Mel li. f. i, 1 ' f ' 1 ' :'r ' '' '''..: ' ,,';.. '1.; r".-a' r, , v 'i.l.,-1 s, i-e.'ttl'ii. w 1 ., n r . i ' ttie l.i i ls nu; 1- J.-iin 'i Were f 1 free en J li ,r, v ' titco, C.. ornery m. Sla I Itllll i" , UT Jil.Mil -it iWl ." el. ' -'.IT mm J.iJil-.-itfs-WS.'i.-i. llllik this as "just as good'.' is a shadow of that 111 li e cures behind every claim made w hich no " jtiat-as-good " medicine PJlYiOP Doctor . Piorco's nr I EDWARD GRAHAM. ttttr. pi.) -, i:tli .1 Vt,-i w.ir i.orr.'Hptiinl.'iit, who 'i if th t'ntue !. V' ' H, . r.iii.t.,iu-n. I'lu-nut,,. with iiiot(.rfriiia I t I !; UK 1' ,IHK.' 4 ' - U-t A if...l s ''Silt II,.- s, , I he it i hi t hi-, .u tn. i mum n i iM'ivrmrntd ;ittrni its t In' n x-tirrtM'l." t v .T lifrr,'i-. ,.f f.,.-,e. FTf.lni.sit tl.. '. CFRU n 3vs: "r. i 'i- H. in ,. -'3? el laci., Icivr4 (lis "( v.'t Siiiiolon thai . r ;. I' I",)C1U. H: - I'.'cd a Li.urt nt I : 'I I. uf reiiulaiiojs, 11 '.-i.sllei. ' ' '' l "'' r t. 'l ,-vt rybtsiy m j " '' 'J ' "' ''"' A 'i't nei.'n IH.ipl"; .'!... ..-.j, n. i ins 1,.,,-u twikt g , . -'-'.' ti. l".'!C ,H S. -lillll irt . s'v.- ,, bin, ling desired. (3 ' S'j-i.V S "THE MILWAUKIE." v fimiliar nam,. fr the Chit-ago, Mil 'ik. A st l i l!lliw,5.i known ,1 ' ' . 1 u.e 1 mon 11. a Great Kailasr 'nuu-i the ' ' uy mil 1'if iie.r l.imitcj" trains "'tht betaeen St. Pl "'I Or-ialia an.l Chics?.., 'He olilv IXT.V. t !r.l. i.. .k. .l l iiiiM-tions are ma-ia I'll A!l Tr: rsiisviit'tiupntitl ! in.' anstir- ;'" !o l'''-r the best service kno.n. I. '"i.s fcji-lies, elvctric lifhts, stesro '"' verily e.)Ua',e,l by no oth-r 'e tint your li.-ket read via "Tl a "'liee" wn .,;. . .... ; M "'UJ or Canada. All tick- f- s' -nts M tlinni. nr1 in or other in'or 'It. S'.iif.. J- -V.l'.-. , ' -. J. i.uov. I !..-. A ' tivntral Asnl, I'oarLixo, 0: --irTi., Wis.,. .... . le" tl... ,11ns' f) ) u-i mum r 1 1 r S. 7 y 1 V