Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 10, 1902, Image 3

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We Have Good
Remember, we have lots of good
things to eat; for instance, that
Clover Leaf Butter, or some of that
Finest Coffee only found at our
Grass Seeds.
Field and Garden Seeds.
Our train is in with the choicest lot of Fancy
Utah Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy. Orchard
Gtass. White Clover and Blue Grass.
Remember, the best Seed is none too good.
Six Varieties of Sweet Pea Seed in bulk.
White House Grocery.
AgentsChase & Sanborn Coffees and Lipton's Celebrated Ceylon Teas
Don't Throw Your Money Away
On cheap Granite Ware that flakes off the first
time it is used, and is soon unfit for use. Buy
Stransky Steel Ware which is guaranteed
to last five years, and have the satisfaction of
always having clean and whole utensils. With
every order for'Stransky wo give a package
of Cleeneezy Free.
Cramer Bros.
Spring' House Cleaning'
S. W. Floor Paint. Floor Wax.
Durable Floor Varnish.
Hiiii-Riddlo Hardware Co.
and Foliage f:om which to select trimmings for any shape you may
choose. There are many styles from which to select, but ALk graceful,
new and handsome.
Also just received a full line of
sm-.iiii ycw
Don't Ruin Your
Cheap Glares and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre
mature loss oi sight. Let me
fit you with a pair of glasses that
A full stock of Watches, solid
etc., kept iu stock.
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty.
Front 8t., Next to Palace hotel.
Old Reliable Implement House
Of Southern Oreeon......
Is offering his stock of
Plows, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies
At i'i Discount for the Neat 60 Days
In order to make room for his new stock of
NlieH and Heavy Ilmilwiire.
One Acme Harrow at cost Call
you will doubtless find it advisable
to touch up or repaint your wood
work. By using
Sherwin & Williams'
you can do it yourself just as well
as a regular painter, and the only
expense will be the small cost of
the paints.
In Imported and
Domestic Hats
Mrs. Rehkopf's
We are making in all tbe new and
stylish effects, Hats that please all
who see. We have a wilderness of
Flowers, Chiffons, Laces, Ribbons
jjca jqc papCr Patterns.
With Poor Glasses
test your eyes without charge and
will Keep Your Eyes Young.
gold and filled cases, Jewelry,
and see the goods.
Mr. K. P. Tynan and children we
visiting in Grant Pas.
Miss Mae Franiea went to Aahland
Monday to visit (riende.
Mn. S. J. Wylie arrived from Aah
land Saturday to reiide.
Mis Lulu Fiekert returned on Satur
day from a visit in Ashland.
Tho. Solomon bai told hii farm and
left on Tuesday for hii Lome in Idaho.
Judge II, L. Benson was a passenger
I on Monday's train en route to Klamath
Miss Lacy 8waggerty and brother
IHarland were up from Woodville to
spend Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Arthnr Moore and little son,
I of Portland, are visiting the family of
J. 8. Moore.
Rev. II. N. Roster announces that
there will be no services at the M. .
ehnrch, south, next Sunday,
Miss E. Milla Miller, daughter of Geo.
8. Miller, of the Grants Pass Pharmacy,
arrived here Sunday to mike her
borne in this city.
Mrs. E. W. Kuykendall and two
children came down from Wolf Creek
Wednesday morning to spend a few
days in Giants Pass.
C. F. Bates, brother of Kate Bates,
arrived with his family on Sunday eve
ning from Saginaw, Mich., and will
make his home here.
Miss Mary B. Mclnlyre of. San Fran
cisco has been spendiug some time in
Grants Pass lately, visiting with Henry
Walter and his parents.
Alex Gibson left for Quincey on Thurs
day night, where he goes to work cut
ting telegraph poles. Quincey is a small
station on the Columbia river between
Portland and Astoria.
J. A. Talbert, of Clackamas is visit
ing in Grants Pass this week. Mr. Tal
bert is a brother-in-law of I. M. Davis.
For the past two seasons he baa been
operating a fish hatchery on the Uinp
Miss Luta Dunbar, who has lately
been attending school at Portland, is
spending a few weeks in this county,
visiting with friends in Grants Psss and
with the family of her brother, E, X.
Dunbar, at Wolf Creek.
Mrs. Don 8. Ray left on Monday eve
ning for Cbilcothe, Mo , where she will
spend tbe summer with her parents.
Mr. Ray txpects to leave for Alaska
about the 20tb inst. He has engaged
his services to the Yellow Jacket Min
ing Company In the White Horse dis
trict, as mister mechanic.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry McDaniels viMted
here a few days last week. Mr. Mc
Daniels, whose home Is in Lakeview,
took a trio to tbe east last fall and was
married at Salisbury, Mo., to Miss Lea
Nickersnn. Ha returned with Mrs.
McDaniels to Los Angeles, where they
spent tbe winter. He started Friday for
Dr. Maude Allen, a medical mission
ary from India, gave two most interest
ing addresses at the Presbyteriau churi'h
on Sunday. There was a union service
in the evening and the church was well
BlleU by the congregation. Dr. Allen
spoke in a very pleasant and unassum
ing manner and talked most interesting
ly of tbe conditions and life of tbe people
of India.
. - Bevth Cabinets
Price S3 50. To close out less than
Opposite Hotel Josephine.
Laundry Business Expanding.
Tbe Grants Pans stean laundrf,
operated by Baker Bros, is reaching
out for business into the valley towns.
Baker Bros, are progressive and
hustling business men and turn out a
quality of work that is deserving of wide
spread patronage. Tbey have a better,
more complete and np-to data laundry
than can bis found in any town between
Portland and Sacramento. Tbe Med
ford Mali says;
"J. W. Baker, senior proprietor of tbe
Grantf Pass steam laundry is in Med
ford for the establishment of a laundry
business in Medlord. Tbe plan be
baa mapped out will be that of putting
on a laundry wagon, thereby introducing
a free collecting and delivery of laundry
articles. Tbe laundry work for the
present will be done in (J rants Pass.
Tbe fact that the Medlord city water is
not considered suitable for laundry
work precludes any possibility of es
tablishing a plant here for the present.
Mr. Baksr will commence making a
from house to boos canvass asxt
week and be is , hopeful that suffi
cient work will be given biin to warrant
tbe establishment of a branch bare.
The Baket laundry doe good work and
in all probability lb proprietors will
meet with lucres. A new rig ba been
ordered and within a fw weeks will
appear on ear street i decided
metropolitan stjrle.
Of late the dispatches have been
I replete with account of boys and girls
that bave goo wrong. TImi would
indicate that parent Lav neglected
their duty in brincing op tbe yontk of
tbe land. A boy or girl who ba been
Itanght to respect the authority of the
parent is Dot liksly to disrespect the
1 authority of the state. Horn train ing
is more effectual than prohibitive law.
Spring is with us
Chicago Racket Store
Is now getting in a Full and Complete Lino of
We have several Bargain Tables, and they aro
Money savers for you. A fino lino of
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc.
A big lino of Fishing Tackle. Our plan is,
one price to all.
Front St. next Palace llotsl.
Precinct Officer.
The following candidates for precinct
offices have been nominated by the
democrats of the several precincts :
South Grants Pass road supervisor,
J. E. Verdin.
West Granls Pass road supervisor,
J. M. Johnson.
Lucky Queen justice, Jacob Meir;
road supervisor, R. Rice.
Kerby justice, J. W. Howard; con
stable, Wui. Gilmore; road supervisor,
E. Daly.
Leland constable, T. J. Clark; road
supervisor, S Alderson.
Wolf Creek road supervisor, Uriah
Ualice road supervisor, II. L. Lewis.
Merlin justice, Chas. Ladd; con
stable, J. A. Neelev; road supervisor,
Milt Reynolds,
Murpby justice, Chas. Swindon ; road
supervisor, Lee Sill.
Williams justice, Perry MuQee; con
stable, Chas. Kinraid ; road supervisor,
Jas, Kennedy.
Althouse justice, G. W. Young; con
stable, D. A. Smith; road supervisor,
P. P. Payne.
Selma justice, Ed. F. Hathaway;
constable, G. W. Walton, road super
visor, J, Daily.
The following committeemen have
been appointed for the several precincts,
H. D. Norton, chairman:
Waldo C. A. Ilervey.
Althouse Dode Smith.
Kerby Peter Hansen.
Selma E. F. Hathaway.
Slate Creek 8. D. Moore.
Murphy Wm. Bailey.
South Grants Pats J. A. Jennings.
North Grants Pans H. D. Noiton.
West Grants Pass W. J. Wings.
Wolf Creek D. F. Mathews.
Mt. Reuben J. W. Virtue.
Leland II. L. Wilxon.
Merlin Mill Reynolds.
Lucky C. D. Crane.
Galice II. L. Lewis.
Rev. Long Hurt.
Rev. W. C. Long of Winona was very
severely injured on Tuesday ovening by
being kicked by a young and vicious
horse. He will recover but will be in
capacitated from work for a long time.
For the New Mining Building.....
5 Per Cent of All vSales made
the 14th to the 19lh of April, out of my large stock of Furniture, Carpets, House Furnishing Goods, will be
to abov: object. Sales to be for Cash Only.
You will buy at lowest prices and help the cause.
Paul Dean Wllllnme.
On the 21st dsv ol March, at tli age
of 31, all that was mortal ol Paul Dean
Williama died, whilst the immortal
spirit, finding its earthly tabernacle no
longer tenable, winged its way to Its
eternal borne. Ite was the loving and
be'oved husband ol Nellie Jones Wil
liams, the daughter of if. II. Jones of
this city, and tlis son of Mr, and Mrs.
8. A. Williams of (iranls Pass, Oregon.
He waa born at Stewart, Iowa, April 8,
1871, and united in wedlock, January
30th, 1U00. In 1M9'.', be was converted,
and taken into full membership in the
Grace M. K. church, DesMoi'ies, Iowa.
Paul Williams throughout bis life, as
boy and man, son and husband, so
dsmeaned bimsell as to win and bold
tbe utmost love of those nearest to'biui,
the warm friendship of his associate,
not bound by kindred ties, and the
repect of all with whom ba came in
contact. His lile was pure, affectionate
and upright, lie was kind and gener
ous, biave and manly. II was a strong
and enduring nature, and while he
suffered onto death, no complaining
passed bis lips. Ills thoughts, hi
aniieties and hi coustant solicitude
were lor bis beloved wife, and the dear
relatives and friends who so tenderly
wstched over and cared for him in the
last hour of bit earthly life, lie was
one of Uod'a noblemen, who conscein
liously and religiously sought to fill the
place in lit which bad been allotted
him. If did hi duty a bs saw it. II
lovtd hi wife, and wrought with a l hi
might to make her happy and comfort
able, lie lovJ an J honored bis parent
and was ever an ofeediaut sen. If
esteemed aoankiod and in return won
oonQdeno and respect. W Join with
the nearest and dearest to him la mourn
ing th death ol a noble, georous,
manly nan. Tb CUJwell Tribuo.
Chicago Racket Store.
local tbappeninfis I
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Lime and cement at J. Wolke's.
M. Clemens, Prescription Prumiii
Sae Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
Oliver Plows and extras at Cramer
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
Hair-Riddle Haul ware Co. will have
a car of Wagons, Hacks and Buggies
from the East about April fimt and in'
vite you to call.
Acorn Stoves at Cost at Wolke's.
Tom Colwell, who arrived here from
Nebraska a few weeks ago, has purchatied
the Solomon farm four miles west of
The annual convention of the Ep
worth League of the Eugene district was
held at Eugene, April 6th and Oth with
a good attendance.
Curtis A Co. Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
Kodaks at Tbe Courier office.
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Morris will hold
services at St. Luke's Episcopal church
on Thursday evening, April 10 and
Sunday evening, April 13. A cordial
welcome Is extended to all.
New Line and A 1 Cane Polrs at J.
Scott Griffin bandies Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, newfrop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
The Guiding Star, a paper published
in the interest ol the Order of Pendo iu
leaking ol W. E. Mallory, of this place,
as "Mallory the Hustler," and "the best
man in the field." Mr. Mallory is a
deputy organizer and is at present work
ing around Centralis, Wash.
New Incorporationa.
Among tb recent Incorporations Died
in the office of the secretary of slate are
tb 8t. Helen and Galice Mining Co.,
of Portland; capital, $I,000,(XX); Incor
porators A. B. Cousin, J. B. Atkinson,
August Giger; Tbe Oregen and Cali
fornia, Gold Fields. Ltd., of Grants
I'asa; capital $1, 000,000; incorporators
W. da Varila. F. D. Itussel. A. C.
There will be a social held bv and
under th auspices of the Order ol
Pendo, at the A. O. U. W. Hall, at
Grant Pas, Oregon, on the evening of
Friday, the lHlb day ol April, 1U02. Ic
Cream aud Call will lie aerved at lOcts.
Every body is hereby invited to attend.
By order of th Committee.
Ca.rd of Thank.
We wish to extend oui thank to the
many friends who so kindly assisted
during our late bereavement, the loss of
our darling, little Cecil Herbert.
F. II. and Klla C. Fawcki-t.
Ctvrri Stanley Company.
Tho Carrie Stanley dramatic company
wer her on Monday and Tuesday
evening playing at the opera house to
rather slim audience. Th company is
a fairly good one with some new and
pleasing feature.
Choral Union.
Hpocial rate bav been made by tbe
Choral Union for children and students
of the schools. For them the price
will be 25 aod 35 cent.
Member of the Choral Union r
requested to attend th rehearsal at tbe
opera boos promptly at i o'clock Fri
day evening for a stage rehearsal,
Tb program for tbe cental, will be
th lamt on tb two tytoinga.
Railroad to Crescent City.
The railroad from Granta Pass to Cres
cent City, so often suggested, has now
good prospects for becoming a reality.
The stimulation of the enterprise is found
in the development of the large copper
fields of the Walde district. The Oregon
A Pacific Rv. Co. is tbe name by which
the nroDosed road is to be known. The
company orgauiied for its construction
is composed to a very large extent of the
owners of the Waldo Copper mines.
Tbey are solid men', backed by plenty of
capital and are fully able to carry out the
project without asking assistance from
anyone. The primary object of the road
from Waldo to Crescent City is to pro
vide an outlet from the mines to the sea
coast, and to secure the advantages of
water transportation. The extension of
the road from Waldo to Grants Pans to
connect with the Southern Pacific is a
matter of comparative ease. The survey
will be made and if" the road is built It
will in all likelihood come to Grants Pass.
On Monday, a meeting was held at the
City Hall, attended by the city ouncil,
the board of trade and citizens, to con
sider the project anil to offer whatever
encouragement might be possible. Alter
a brief discussion, the following resolu
tion was offered by Councilman Harmon
and unanimously adopted i
"Resolved that tbe common council
will use every effort to further and pro
mote in every reasonable and honorable
way the project'for the Oregon & Pacific
Railway company's building a railway
from Grants Pass, Oregon, to Crescent
City.Cal., and that this council will use
their entire strength for grunting a right
of way and terminal facilities in and
through the city of Grants Pass and that
tbey will use their good offices for pro
curing a right of way from Grants Pass
to Waldo."
The board of trade adopted a resold
tion endorsing the action of the council
This road is to be standard gauge.
Its importance in developing the
many resources of Josephine county
and particularly of tho Illinois valley
is readily realised. Then there it an
important coniidoralion which shapes
itself as this matter presents itself. The
need of a direct line from the Northern
California or Oregon coast is often full
and the Eureka A Eastern railway
being proposed to meet this need. If
the Oregon & Pacific Is built, this should
by all means he the routo taken by the
eastem road. There would be many ad
vantages iu this route. The rough and
difficult Coast Range will have been si
ready surmounted. Iu the Cascades
there It one of the finest mountain pisses
in the world, near tbe bead of Rogue
river, waiting for a railroad. A road by
this route would tap rich country nearly
its whole distance.
Emms NevevdeL e.t A-hland.
Emma Nevada, the world famous
singor, assisted by tho eminent pianist
and composer, Leon Moreau, was I
Ashland Tuesday evening, in a musical
ntortaiument which was largely attend
d by the people of all the Rogue river
valley. The singing by Mine. Nevada
was of the highest order, as were also
the instrumental numbers by Mr
Moreau, aud tho entertainment was en
joyed with intense appreciation.
Among those who attended . from
Grunts Pens were Mr. and Mrs. II. C
Kinney and Miss Miujorie, Mr. and Mrs
F.W. Van Dvke, Mr. and Mrs. D. II
Htovall, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Voorhies,
Mrs. W. C. Hale and Miss Jessie, Mrs
J. W. Howard aud Miss Eula, Miss Mag
gie Meade, Miss Mae, Miss
ilattie Silsliy, Wiliard Deiiisou an
C. W, Thompson of Placer.
Old bicycles can ho traded in 011 new
ones at Cramer Ilios.
A. U. Bannard
II. L Goe &
All Wool
New Swell Suits for Men in ISLACK, FROCKS and SACK, and all the
New Mixtures, at v
$12.50 to $20.00.
This Ad is Written
hollowed out over shoes? Nobby
P. H.
Coming Events.
April 15 10- Cantata, "The
makers, "at Opera bouse.
April 24-25 Fitapatrick dramatic com
pany at Opera house.
Mar 1 Grand ball by Anlsa Circle at
Opera bouse.
May 6 10 Lowe's Madison Square
Theatre company at Opera house.
May 15 Teachers' annual county Insti
May 10 Wiedeman'a Big Show, at
opera house.
Republican Stale Ticket.
Tbe following ticket was placed in the
Held last week by tbe republicans in
state and congressional conventions:
Congressman, First District Thot. II.
Tongue. Second District, J. N. William
Governor W. J. rurniBU.
Chief Justice R, S. Bean. y
Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar.
State Treasurer Chas. Moore.
Attorney-General A. M. Crawford.
Supt. of Tubllc Schools J. H. Acker
State Printer J. R. Whitney.
Now that the trout season Is open,
remember that there is a new stock of
fishing tackle at Cramer Bros.
Josephine County Maps.'
We now liava about one doien maps of
Josephine Cougty, pocket else, which we
will sell at $1.50 each. These few are
the last of the Josephine County Maps,
and when these are gone you will get no
moie. If you want a imp get it now.
A. E. YooBiiiiN,
Courier Office.
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the nex
morning I fevl bright and my complex
ion Is better. My doctor says it acts
gently on tbe stomach, liver and kid
neys, and is a pleasant laxative. It is
made rrom herbs, and la prepared as
easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at 25c. and
00c. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels each day. If you cannot get
it. send for a free sample. Address,
Orator F. Woodward, La Roy, N. Y.
Co.'s Clothing
k dK
igh Art
jz? For j&
Men and Boys
Just Received
for You ;
You are contempla
ting buy injc a new Suit
for Spring or Summer.
Yon would like to
know .that, you are
setting tbe right kind
of a Suit at the right
price. We make the
assertion and are pre
pared to prove to you
that for Style, Finish,
Workmanship, Dura
bility no one in this
city will sell you like
values at like prices as
we will sell you.
Have you seen those
new Sack Suits, Mili
tary Cut, heavily pad
ded shoulders, hand
made collars, and form
fitting back. Trous
ers wide at knee and
effects at $12.00 to $ 18.00. '
Harth & Son.
INTEt.LlOKNT young men, from 17 to
IU years of age, having common school
education, to learn mechanical trades.
For full intormation apply or write to
Union Iron Wurks, Market bt. Ban
VVORKEKS I want one good worker in
every community for about lour
weeks. There is good money in it if you
are willing to runtle. I want a good person
or each of the following places: Merlin,
l.elaml, Wolf Creek, Wiluerville, Dryden,
korliy, Waldo, Althouae, lirowntowu, Wi
nona, Placer, Ualice. If you want to work
write immediately, giving 11 rants Pass ref
erences. A. E. Vooauita.
ROOMS for rent furnixhed and unfur
nished for house keeping. Mrs. Ulara
Mattison, Oth and K streets.
COLUMBIA Qraphophone nearly new
reduction. Inquire at this omce.
AT "THK FIU8" Poland China Pigs
ItO.x.h Plv.uniitli ' Whit
Wyandotte 'eggs Jl.UU per setting of 13
eggS. 11. U. AITKRBOSJ.
A Rood side spring
back, two lots with
-a- house and ham.
1 or sale cneap.
Inquire at thla oltlce.
OUARTZ mine on Mt Reuben, one mile
from the Lawrence mine, 10 miles
from l.eland. There is an open cut of tU
feel in length by BO feet in depth, expos
ing a vein ot over luet wins assaying ju
per ton. Anarraalre it now being put up
on the property. This property can be
purcnaseu at a reasonauia price now. in
quire at una omce or etui or auuresa j. w .
bade, Leland, Ore'
A UK you
suffering from Kiieuniatlnni,
il. Weak back.
Aurvous trouble, or uen-
erally run-down system T Use Electrio
helts ana iiaueries. for dien anu
Women. Electrio Insoles keep the feet
warm, and prevent catching cold. For
booklet and circulars, address, Klectrio
Appliance (Jo-i Medford, Oregon.
TAKE your wheel to CrAker Bros, for
4t 'iWM I
! J rails
' i Htlr to 1M
HsMtora Dftf
tew tltMtWM htir fail!
All Wool.