Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 10, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL. XVII.
No. 20.
Commissioners .
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Sheriff. .
Hchool riupt
Curoner .
Koadmaster .
Abe Aitell
j.lohn Wella
iNick TIiors
R. L. Barllett
T. P. Judson
EU I. inter
Erneat Lister
J. T. Taylor
Lincoln rjavane
Cba. Crow
H . C. Perkins
T. A. Hood
Geo. W. 1-ewia
Mavor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge ..." H. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. Johnson
City Attorney C. K. Maybee
Marshal John Lockbanit
btreet hupt John Patrick
Councilnien Oeo. H. Binne
A. C. Hough. J. H. Williams, C.
E. Harmon J. A. Kehkoof, Harry
Lewis, Herbert bmiili, llenry bchmidt
Grants Pas Lodge A. V. & A. M., No. M.
regular communication first and third
rialurdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited H. C. Bobizks, W. M.
A J. Pike. Sec y.
Hoyal Arch Masons -Keumes Chapter No.
i8 nreis second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic ball. L. L. J swell,
J. E. Phtikko. Secy. H. 1.
Eastern btar Josephine Chapter, No. 20
meets brst and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
lull. Mrs. H, Zollkr.
Mas. Anna M. Holhar, W. M.
I. O. O. F , Uolden Rule Lodne No. 78,
meets every Saturday nibt at I. O. 0.
F. hall. In M.Davis,
T. Y. Dear-. Becy. N. U.
Paran Enranipment I. O 0. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
I. O. (. F. hall, Fred Schmidt,
T. Y. Dbar, Kec'y. C. P.
Rebekahs Etna Uebekah, No. 40. meets
second and fourth Monday, t. 0. . F.
hall. Essie Hartmar. N.G.
Mas. J. II. Derisor, Becy.
United Artisans Grants Pass As.-enibly
No. 4' , meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. U. W. halt F. E. Wxrtz,
Faxu Mkrscii, Master A rtisau,
Woodmen of the World KoRue River
( amp No. V, meets second and fourth
Wednesdays at Woodman Hall.
Jai. Slovev.
C. E. Mavbke, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
lWi, meets first and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
W. E. Dear. Clerk.
Modern Wocdmenof America Grants Pass
( amp No. WX)7 meets '2nd and 4th Friday
Evenings at A. O.U. W. hail at 7::W W.M.
( has. II. Marshall. V. C.
N. Rej nolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. iW, meets each Wednesday except
the first, al A. O. U. W. ball.
J. P. Hale, C. R.
G. K. Bolt, F. S.
Josephine Lodge. No. 112. A. O. U. W.
mtpts in A. 0. I;. W.ball, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
J. II. MlAUX.M. W.
B A. Starard, Recorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, 1). of H.. A. O.
II. W. nieeW every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O U. W. hall, Dixon
huildiiK, Mu. A. MoCahtht.
Mm. Lvuia Dear, C. of II.
Knights of Pvtbias Thermopylae No. 50,
meets each Tuesday night 7:30 I. O.
O. F. hall. J. T. Chuusse,
Ton Williars, -0. C,
K. of fl and S.
Grand Army of the Republic Uen. Logan
Post No. meets brst Weilnesday at
A. O. II. W. hall. J. E. Petkksor.
Abe AxrtLt, Adjt. Com.
American Order of Steam engineers, Ore
gon Council No. 1, meets brst and
third baturdays, at A. O. U. W. hall.
Wat. IT. Kinney,
1!krj. F. Mvriik, Chief Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Office, corner rooms Tuffs' building,
rhone No. ftll. Residence. Kuykendall
house, A st, near 2d, Phone No. 17.
Hours to 12 a. m. ; 1:30 to 5:30 p. m.
Night calls at residence.
Piacticesin all State and Federal Court
Office over First National Bank,
is rants Pais, Oregon
Eeia'e of J since U. Mdiea, Deceased
Nonce is hereby given by the under
signed, administrator of the estate ol
James O. McUee, deceased, to the
credi'ori of, and all persons having
claims against the said deceased.
to exhibit them with the necessary
voocbers, wilbin six monibe after the
first publication of this notice, to the
aid administrator at hie residence at
Williams, in this, Josephine 'County,
Uresen.orai the otMce of Abe Axtell
the irobe e Judge, at Urania Pass, in
aid County. C. S. Melius
Adinmilra-.or of the esla;e ol James
O. Meiiee, deceased.
Dated at Urania I'ati, Or., Feb. 13
190 1.
Notice to Contribute.
To J. K. Rrevee :
folic is hereby given by the under'
iiined. your co owner in the placer min
ing claims situated in the Silver creek
mining district, Josephine county, and
tnoan claims No. t and No S, located
sr A J.Coiwl Iboe. Crotu and J. R.
Keaveaoulh 2lKb day of April, 1SU7,
the notice ol wbica it recorded st page
403 and 464, Vol. 10, ol lb mining
record! ol Joeephine county, Oregon
that onlees you contribute and pay to
ttia eaid ondrrsigoed co-owner within
nine'v date from the data ol the first
pobiuaiioa ol I tin notice, tbe turn of
Two Hundred and Billy-Six Dollar!
(I06 0O) the same being yeur portion
of 10 coal of annual labor done on laid
cla'" in order to protect tbe title there
to during the years lsy9. ltfOO sod
1901. our one-third intereet in lb two
cia u will be lorleiied to your co-owner.
January Z3, 14VK-
Furnttare and Piano
Tkt popular birber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Batb room in connection
Full assortment of Watchee, Clocks. Sil
ver wear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelet and
Heart Bangles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
'Phone- 21
Well Matched
If vou have a good team, why
not have a good harness to match?
Get the best you can find for the
If you investigate before you
buy, we are pretty sure to sell you
a set of harness.
All other horse goods up to the
same standard.
John Hackett
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general Hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Oui rustmiiers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent Willi sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boioa for rent.
The First National Bank
lleceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Hells sight drafts on New York Kan Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United Hlates.
Special Attention given to Collection and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. BOOTH. Pres.
J. C. CAMPHEI.I,, Vice Pres.
H. L. Oll.KEY, Cashier.
Beaaty ol t-inith. Quality of Material, Cltanc of Dc.ljn, the finest workmanship
the eimplrst, most complete and beat let ( attachment!, lull instruction! bjr ex
pert teachera, easy payment!, old machine! taken in exchange, the fulleat poeaibl.
guarantee, one million, Ire hundred thousand happy, la I is fled oeeri, thirty years
ol inr-ceii, eoutleoni treatment What Mere Can Yon AikT
We have ether makes of machine!,
Same food lecond bind machine cheap.
oii, attachment! and repair!. New machine for rent.
Don't think ol buying a Sewing Machine ontil you hay eeen tti New Ball
Bearing "hlU"
We lay "Tbe 'White' i King" of 8ewing Machine and Blcyclei. Call, tele
phone er write and let ui prove it.
Main Office, 300 Poat St., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
J. Wolke,
J. B. PADDOCK, Psora.
I am prepsred to furnish anything la
Kearly thirty year of experience la
tbat I can fill yoar order in tb very beet
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede
Front Street, Next lo Greene's Qessbo.
. Squirrel
Every Grain Kills. At
M. Clemens
Oppe. Optra Home
Council! initituted in any part ol the
State desired. WriteVor circular!, objects
of Older and information fo
Benj. F. Myrick,
Deputy Supreme Chief Engineer,
fnle el-natara la on every box ol the tenulne
Laxative Brorno-yuinine Tabi.u
the remedy that caurea ewld la erne oar
R. A. 1I00TH, Vice-l'res.
It. L, JEWELL, Cashier.
$30,000 OO.
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle
Makes the "White" the
Easiest Running Sewing
Machine Made.
without ball beariaji, new, very cheap
All kind ( tewing machine 'eedles
Grants Pass, Ore.
the fine of Cemetery work tn any kind
tbe Marble boeinees warrant my ear log
or American Granite or any kind of
Washington Letter.
Washington, Mar. Slet, 1902.
No important legislation wai tccom-
pliahed last week in the eenute. Tbe
firnt (our tlaya were devoted to tbe die
cuesion of the anti-oleomargirine bill
and on Thunday adienrnment was
taken until this morning. Tula doe
not mean, however, that tbe aenaton
were Idle, for a large amount of im
portant committee work baa been dis
posed of. Senator Lodge ha practically
completed the Philippine civil bill and
it will be reported to the senate at an
early date. The minority have out-
liuetl their view in what may be pre
sented as a minority report or may be
uaed merely is a baaii on which to con-
teat the passage of the meaaure on the
floor of tbe senate. Senator Proctor 'i
committee baa considered the advisa
bility of presenting a distinct bill pro
viding a tax on renovated or "process"
butter, and of amending the oleomar
garine hill to tb lame effect. Senator
Harris, of Kansas, ii the instigator of
this movement. Senator Allison has
been doing a large amount of work on
the appropriation committee, there
now being four appropriation bills
which bave been tossed by tb senate.
On Thursday, Senator Patterson, of
Colorado brought up the subject of
General Funstou'a capture of Aguinaldo
and read in support of the contention
tbat the capture was not in accordance
with xe principles of civilized warfare,
the major portion of a magazine article
written by the general himself.
The bouse of representative! passed
the army appropriation bill with but one
important amendment. That provides
that the secretary of war may call into
active service those officer! who bave
been retired for disability and have
later recovered from such disability.
The amendment ii aimed at certain
officers who have been retired and have
later 10 far recovered as to be able to
earn competencies outside of the ser
vice. On Friday the house devoted it
self to the pension bills of which there
were a great number on the calendar.
Saturday was devoted to the considera
tion of a bill making various charges in
the revenue cutler service and today the
coniideratlon of the lundry civil hill
will begin. ibis bill provides for a
number of military and other parks, a
large number of pdblic building!, etc.
On Thursday, Representative Richard
son, the democratic leader, I'artled the
house by the introduction of resolutions
calling for the investigation of certain
charges of bribery in connection with
tbe ratification of the'tr.aty effecting the
sale of the Danish West Indiei. These
charges were made in an alleged report of
one Captain Christmas, a quasi agent of
the Danish government. Speaker Hen
derson appointed a committee consist
ing of four republicans and three
democrats to make the investigation.
On Friday tbe full text of tbe alleged
report appeared in tbe Congreasional
Record and a careful reading conveya
the idea that Captain Christmas, with
a view to securing his reinstatement in
the Danish army, from which he had
been discharged, came to thil country to
promote the transfer of the Islands. He
came with the conviction that political
methods in this country were parlicu
larly corrupt ami accordingly aought
corrupt methods of effecting his ends
He appears to have come in contact with
certain members of "the third house
as the lobbyists are called, and they,
leading him to believe that they could
exert great influence with members of
congress, induced him to entertain them
lavishly. His methods becoming known
to me government, which had never
officially authorized him to negotiate
with the United States, he was promptly
discredited and is now seeking to recover
the funds so foolishly expended. The
only serious aspect of the situation seems
to be that Secretary Hay received this
man and at his suggestion pen i tied
representative of this government to ac
company him to t0enliagen, where our
lepresentalive immediately opened
negotiations with the proper officials.
The fact tint Christmas introduced
representative of this government to the
Danish minister of Foreign affair! seems
to be the only valid grounds on which
he can base any claim of Laving partici
pated ia the negotiations. If Secretary
Hay was aware of the existence of
Captain Christmas' report he may he
open to some ciiticism for not having
culled the attention of the senate to
the matter Ix-lore the ratifica
tion of the treaty. The members o( both
bouse of congrers seem to be glad that
tbe matter has been officially called to
their attention as they believe that tbe
investigation will serve to remove any
shadow which the ondenied report
might bave cast on congressional action.
Ueneral Dick, of Ohio, baa made hie
report on the new militia law in tbe
bouse. Speaking on tb ubjct the
general told me recently that his bill
bad the approval of the president and
is little red in the blood.
The red in the blood is
the oxygen-carrier. Better to
breath with half of one lung
than not have enough red in
the blood.
The blood is full of digested
food ; but it can't build muscle
and nerve and bone without
Scott's emulbion of cod-liver
oil puts red in the blood : the
oxygen-carrier. It is like build
ing a railroad into a famine
stricken country.
trvil ti r UU u far. u y UU.
storr bun at, u i-ari m, kw vt
the secretary of war. The bill provides,
said the gtneral, that practically all able
bodied citizen! between the age of 18
and 45 shall be liable for military duty.
The militia is organized into threeclassea,
the organized militia, the national
volunteer reserve and the reset ve militia,.
The present national guard will be
organized and equipped like the regular
army and will he subject to the call
of the president for a period not to ex
ceed nine month. Wheo so called they
will receive the same pay and allow
ance a the regular troops and will be
subject to the earn discipline. The
equipment of this branch shall be at the
expense of the national government.
Tbe payment of fund to the different
tales and territories, which ha hereto
fore been availall only for equipment,
will hereafter be available for any legiti
mate expenses, but the militia muat
bave fulfilled certain conditions in re
gard to drill, marches, encampments,
An Important feature of the bill pro
vides tbat officers of the militia, who
ball have been nominated by the
governor and appointed by the
president, ahall be entitled to a course
at a military school or college, ahall
receive the same travel allowance!
and quarter a an officer ot the
regular army and aubslstenco at the
rale of II per day. Militiamen in the
service of the national government will
come under the same provisions in re
gard to pension a the regular troops.
Another provision of tbe bill author
ize the aecretary of war to enroll not
to exceed 100,000 men, who shall have
served in the national guard, who ahall
constitute a volunteer reserve, each en
rollment to cover a period of five year!
Thi reserve (hall be next called Into
service after tbe national guard.
Shake Into Your Shots
Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures
painful, tmartiug nervoua feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
iting out of corns and bunions. It' the
greatest comfort discovery of the age
Allen's Foot-Kase makes tight or now
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for
sweating, callous and hot, tired aching
feet. Try it to day. Sold by all drug
gists and bIios Btores. Hy mail for 21k.
in stamps. Trial package Free. Ad
dress, Allen S. 01 mated, Le Koy, N. Y
From the State Press.
Last Saturday some thirty people
arrived at The Dalle from Spokant and
left by wagon for Crook county to locate
timber land, Their drstination was
upper Deschutes. It is said that nearly
200 timber location have already boon
made in that ecl ion.
Another large vessel, the Polaris,
built for foreign trade, was successfully
launched from the Marshtield ship-yard
Saturday afternoon. The Polaris will he
ringed as a four-masted schooner, and
baa a carrying capacity of evsr 1,000,001)
feet of lumber. May I'ruuss christened
the new vessel In the customary
The rush for timber land is now on in
the vicinity of I'ort Orford, and about all
the available timber land on Ilk river
is bring located. It is not being taken
by non-resident speculators, hut by per
manent citizens of the county, who
begin to realize that all timber lauds ol
the toast are rapidly increasing in value.
The treat obstacle in the way of most f
these location, however, I that the
lauds are either unaurveytd or the
survey bave not been approved.
Maris Mcl'kerson a 0 yar old girl,
wa run over by an electric car in
Albina, on nf Portland' suburba, Satur
day. She and sume other children were
driving a cow, but the little girl became
frightened and ran away from the cow
and directly into an approaching electric
car, the rear trucks of which ran ovor
ber body. She died from the injuries
in a very short time.
Konrteen names for Membership were
proposed at the meeting ol Company A,
O. N. U., at Oregon City, held Monday
night. Th Company eiprct to have a
full list, and will make a creditable
bowing at the annual encampment tti
be held in July. It is not yet deter
mined whether the encampment will be
held again at Salem, or at the coast.
Farmers ilirouxliout tho county in the
vicinity of The Palles believe that there
i an organized gang of rattle rustlers
operating in th county, as quite a limn
ber of cattle have been niienrd that
apparently dieappearad as effectually as
if they had been swallow up by the
earth. Mr. Bandy, of Kilteati Mile, is
out twelve head, Mr. Mciee, ol Dulnr,
three, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Mason, of
Uoyd, two each.
An electric bicycle car crashed into
the Southern Pacific mail car at Port
land Saturday morning, doing slight
damage but injuring no on. Wet rail
and a atsep grade together with the act
that the uiotoiman did not apply the
brake soon enough, were responsible for
the accident. A gas tank In the mail
car was exploded by the shock and
caused a little excitement. A chemical
engine was called and averted a
Bawart ol Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
As mercury will auraly destroy tbe
ens of auiell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surface. Huch
article should never be need except on
prescriptions from reputable physician,
as tbe damage Uiey will do is ten fold to
th good you can possibly dorive from
tbm. Hall' Catarrh Cur, manu
factured by F. J. Cjisxxt A Co., Toledo,
O., contain no mercury, and ia taken
internally and act directly on th blood
and mocou surfaces of the system. In
bnyinf Hall' Catarib Cure be aure you
get tb genuin. It 1 taken Internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Ciixxir & Co. TtitimoniaU, free.
Hold by all Droggiata, 75c,
Hall's family Pill ai lb beat.
Be it hereby resolved, Tbat whereas
tbe Illinois and Sucker creek valleys, in
Josephine county, Oregon, are rich farm
and fruit land, and iu and adjacent
thereto are some very rich uiinea, both
placer and quartz, and also in and ad
jacent thereto is a large amount of good
live and growing timber ol pine and fir.
And whereas it baa been rumored that
private individuals, or private corpora
tion would be willing to put up money,
$2,000 and upwards, if the county would
put tip a much, the same to be ex
pended in improving and building good
road to and from mid valleys and
Urants Tasi. And it is the voice ot the
county court, at this April term, 1902,
tbat at our adjourned term that if any
ucn proposition! can be made we
courteously: invite that they be sub
mitted to thi court at said adjourned
tar o, which will be the IMth day of
June, A. P., 1U02, and gladly entertained,
and if satisfactory will be accepted.
Auk Axtkll, County Judge,
N ick Tiiomi, Commissioner,
John Wkllh, Commissioner.
Notice to Contractor,
Separate biila will be received by tbe
Mmuic Building Committee for tbe
labor In the construction of a Masonic
Temple at Grant! Pasi, Oregon, ai
follows: Brick work, lath and plaster
ing, carpenter work, roofing, plumbing
and painting, up to noon, April 10th,
1902, at which time tho bids will be
opened. Size of building 55x100 feet,
three itory. Building committee will
furnish all material. Han and speci
fications to be eeen at the office of J. A.
Alao bids (or excavating for the above
building will be received to noon April
1st., 1002, at which time they will be
opened. J. 0. Pootii,
J. C. Camimikix,
Building Committee.
Tune of opening bids on above con
tract i extended until the lOlli.
Jackson County Democrats.
The Jackson County Democratic Con
vention at tbe courUiouso April 4, wa
harmonious throughout. Iiusiness was
speedily transacted. Horace Mann,
chairman of the County Central Com
mil tee, called the convention to order at
2 p. tn. M. F. Kggleston, of Ashland,
was elected chairman, and W, J. Ma
honey, secretary.
The following are delegated to the
state and congressional conventions
J. J.llouck, 1). 11. Provost, J. V. Olwoll,
W. E. Phipps, A. Pankey, Charles
Nickoll, E. A. Hberwin, J. K. ColToe, II
Mann, W. 8. Crowoll, M. Taylor.
It. P. Neil of Ashland was nominated
for state senator, and J. I). Olwallcf
Centrul Point, and Miles Cautrell of
Applegale, fur representative!,
The county nominations are a fol
Clerk John 8. Orth, of Jacksonville.
Bherilf Joie.ili Kader, of Ilia Untie.
Hecorder O. C. Crawford, of Oold
Treaturer 1. II. Miller, of Mudlord.
Anpcisor W. Jones, ol Medlord.
Commissioner llenry Taylor, ol
Kagle Point.
Kurvtiyor L. F. Trefren, ol Ashland.
Coronei l)r. E. 1). Picket, of Med
The delegates for the state and con
gressional conventions all favor Cliane
berlain for governor.
Oregon es
Wool Stcte.
In the Government report uf the wool
clip of l'JOl wo find Oregon in the second
ass of stales producing tho heaviest
averegu ol tlueces. lu tlio nrst class
there are only four states .New Hamp
shire, ermont, i alilonna ana uin.
In tliene states the averauu weight ol
fleeces wan eiht oiiuilsor over. In (he
lecond clans aro ten states, viz: Massa
chusetts, Iowa, Kaiirns, Montana,
Wyoming, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho,
Washington and Oregon, thu average
liulng. seven pounds. The statistic
given sliuw that the Kant no longer
liolih the great sheep stales, New York
(ailing Into the third c'uhs In the aliovt
rating, and Ohio and PeiiHylvuuia into
the fourth. Ol tlio dozen leading states
according to averages, the Kaet holds
but three. Kx.
Notice is herehy given that I will not
bo resiMjiimble lor any debts contracted
by luy wife, Mrs. (iertio l.lshree.
March LU, Wi. H. K. Kii'UKii.
Wields A Sharp Ax.
.Millions marvel at the luultltudii of
maladies cut olf liv lr. King's N
l.ifd I'llle the most distressing too.
Mlninacb, Liver and lioel trouble,
IyHpepi, l.'i'i ol Appetite, .latuidlce,
lliliniisiios, l-'over, Malaria, all lull he
fore these wonder workers, -oc. at lr.
kremer a drug store.
In 1171 there were ("Wj Americana in
the Hawaiian Islands and .Vi.trno Hn
wnllana. In IIMI there were Amer
icana and 30,000 HriMaiiana. The na
Uvea are a djlng race. In VjiX) the
denth rat ainoi,g llawiiilnna wns ii.Hl
pr l.tHrf); among Americana and Kuro
peaua, 15.75.
In the thirty odd tkoiiMind dead Ut
ters forwarded to Waliinglou from
New York recently were im.iXiO "argu
merite to votera" Bent out by the eitiu
pnigti iimiiaKera of the late election,
but improperly addreseed or delhered
U, uiu who hnd died.
A man r ni lutv a St. 1 uiereetau
ran and shouted: "VMieu's the heart
wa' erT" That dignllnry came tor
ward. "Say," bawled the man, "do j a
serve lob-tere here?" "Via," replied
the waiter, urbanely. "What will you
It may be said of the ticket agent
In Bandoval, 111., who committed aul
tide, that he literally stamped out his
New Goods, New Goods, New Goods.
Lnco Curtiiiii-, 50 cents per pair to $6.00.
I?ortieres, Beautiful New Goods la choice colorings.
Cllfpels, Our Assortment Complete, 25c to $2.00 per yard.
Mattings, latest Weaves, 10c to 45c per yard.
Window Nhndcs, We carry only the Best and Full Size.
Wall Papers, The Special Sale still goes merrily on
3 to 60c Double Roll. Another BIG SHIPMENT
on the way. Exquisite patterns; entirely new ef
fects and combinations. ' It costs you nothing; to
take a look and see for yourself what we have for
you. '
Tin Ware,
Good Wash Boiler,
kinds Tin Waro just
Another pretty pattern in Semi-Porcelain; very
pretty Brown Decoration, just enough to set it off
and yet not appear hoavy. Dinner Sot $8.00.
fStovoH fiml Htmg'oiei
Tho Celebrated Acorn Lino. You are invited to
call and see the new goods.
Lac Curtain
A Nearly Fatal Runaway
Htarted a horrible nicer on the teg of
B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III., which
defied doctors and all remedies for
four years. Then Crick len' ' Arnica
Halve cured him. Just a good for Bolls,
Burn, Bruises, Cuts, Corn, Scalds,
8kin Eruption and Pile. 26c. at Dr.
Kremer' drag itore. ' ' .
Stops Tho Couuh a.nd Work
off lh Cold.
Laiativ Dromo Quinine Tablet cur
cold in one ility. Mo Cure, No Pay.
Price V6 cents. ,
' Noticing a young woman who or
dinarily was neatly dressed coming
out lu some very flue gqwBt lot
street wear, I asked an acquaintance,
soys a Cincinnati Commercial Trib
une, writer, why the change to such
flue raiment, had she come Into ta
Inheritance? No, not at all. She woe
to be married, but the treacherous
man slipped out Just In time to save
the dear girl much future miaery.
And now she Is wearing the robe
which were to have decked the bride.
She Is to be congratulated. She will
have but a brief period to mourn.
The other way It might, and probably
would, have at retched through year
and year, uuless a Judge had been
called lu.
There ere two Portland (Ms.) won
en, according V the Kennebec Journal,
who have recently lost faith iu each
other. They were attending th
meeting of the literary union the
other day, and on emerging from the
hall found a sharp shower In prog
ress. Each announced to the other
that she muat telephone for a car
riage, and they departed Into differ
ent stnree, ostensibly for tbat pur
pose. When, ten minutes later, the
women met iu a Spring street trol
ley cur no allusion was mudu to the
According to the lloston Tran
script there are now IS Independent
colored churolu-a In lloston, where 30
years ngo It was difficult to support
one. The colored people are not
crowded out ot the white churches,
although very few attend them now,
but they prefer to worship by them
selves. One reason for thi Is that
eduentloii has fitted more colored
pcoplu to be leader of their own
iK-oule. and pan tors of their own
A letter enme to Washington the
other day addressed to "The Illack
Kagle, M. C" There are two "Illack
Eaglea" lu congresa. One is le
Oralfenreid, of Texas, "tbe illack
Kuglr of the lMney woods;" the other
is Senator t'lupp. of Minneiota, "the
Itluck Kagle of Fergus Falls."- The
bouse postmaster gut the letter first
and cave it to IJo (iraffenreid. . It
belonged to him.
s ; i
, 7ts oval f a .a iys)
85c. 3 Milk' Pans 10c. A11
Picture Mouldings
Debt Is a woeful burden, except when
you hara estate to more than equal
it. A writer for th
Cincinnati Comma r-
Owe No Maus
AarthlBB. c)a, xribuue gives
the following pertinent instance: At
one time I was treasurer of ths church,
trosteea, and had the temporal affair
in my handa. During my Incumbency
I dsslt with a minister who never asked
tor money, who never for sight year
ever asked m a thing about th money
affair. - At on time I spoka to him
about It, and he told m an experience
something out of ths ordinary. "In
my early daya," he said, "I was sta
tioned st a small chureh near Zanes
vllle. 'The salary was meager, but, at
there were but two, It wa sufficient.
At the end of the year, however, my
wife sud myself found, after taking an
acoount of stock, that we were in debt
to aeveral of the Httle (tores In sums
that aggregated say 130. To both of
u at thu sani time there cam the
iiijunctlou: '0w no man anything.'
There, almost on bended kneea, we
resolved to pay that debt forthwith at
any aacrlfiee, and never again while
we lived to charge even a penny nor
to contract a debt of any form." The
aaluted maa went on; "We war re
ceiving about $31 a month. We had
plenty of nseal, a little smoked meat
and enough potatoes to last ua. On
thoas, witb milk from a neighbor cove
and a few donation, w lived through
January and Februury In perfect hap
piness. By the flrat of Mareb every
cent of the debt wa paid, and that
auded It. From that day to thi w
have never gone Into debt tor any
thing, and, in addition, we hav made
it a rule Jo save something evry year."
need not say that this twain never
needed to ask aid from tb auatentatloa
fund of the eliurehin their last yeara.
They bad enough and to epare, and
when th husband went to hia reat hi
end was serene. II had no anxieties
about the loving wife left behind. Per
haps It is worth while to say in this
oouuectina that, though shlldless,
these friend of mine in my early,
churehly day reared several children
whom they hud adopted. They turned
out well.
It has lately been discovered that
th famoua peroxide aohitlon will
whiten teeth. Th dlacovery la, Indeed,
one of great vain In dentiatry. The
nerve of teeth have frequently to be
killed and the teeth then often turn
black. If they are In tb front of the
mouth they make a coiialderabl dis
figurement, and in the past thi could
only be sorractad by capping tnem
witb porcelain or witb gold. But now,
according to the Philadelphia Record,
they may be bleached to th whiteness
of snow. Little holes are bored tn
them aud the bleaching solution i in
jected, a email quantity at a time. The
first application makea the black
tooth's adgea pal. Th eecond spreads
ths tiallor. and ths fourth or fifth com-
plctes the operation.
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Paddings
Flaky Cttists